Monitoring of allis shad and smelt in Tamar Estuaries – EC18234 – MBA and EA MONITORING OF ALLIS SHAD AND SMELT IN TAMAR ESTUARIES EC18234 A report from: The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom and the Environment Agency. To: Trudy Russell Address: Natural England, Polwhele, Truro, Cornwall TR4 9AD Email:
[email protected] Phone: 0300 060 0354 Authors: Stephen P. Cotterell (MBA) and Robert J. Hillman (EA) 1 Monitoring of allis shad and smelt in Tamar Estuaries – EC18234 – MBA and EA Recommended citation: Cotterell S.P. & Hillman R.J. (2016). Monitoring of allis shad and smelt in the Tamar Estuary – EC18234. Natural England Evidence Project Report RP02463, York. MONITORING OF ALLIS SHAD AND SMELT IN TAMAR ESTUARIES – EC18234 Executive summary In April 2015, the Marine Biology Association (MBA) and Environment Agency (EA) were commissioned by Natural England (NE) to investigate the distribution of allis shad (Alosa alosa) and smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), protected as features in the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Special Area for Conservation (SAC) and Tamar Estuary Sites Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) respectively. Allis shad are rare in the UK and populations are declining in Europe. The only confirmed spawning sites for allis shad are in the Tamar Estuary. This site is also an important area for spawning populations of smelt. The UK smelt population is depleted and protecting estuaries used by the species is important because they can become locally extinct from isolated estuaries and will not return. The main threats to Allis shad and smelt include pollution, over-exploitation, habitat destruction/degradation and barriers to migration.