

Their Public Record

1. “Islam is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.”

2. “Good Muslims lie to advance Islam. It's the law.”

3. “How dare they use the word ‘extremists’? … These are devout Muslims. These are no moderates. These are no extremists. Only Muslims.”

4. “Devout Muslims should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army?”

5. “Al-Qaeda is a manifestation of devout Islam ... It is Islam.”

6. “If the Jew dies, the Muslims will die as well; their survival depends on their constant jihad, because without it they will lose the meaning and purpose of their existence.”

7. “Hitler was inspired by Islam.”

8. “Islamic loyalty supersedes nationalism, and it is impossible to tell where any given Muslim’s loyalties actually lie.”

9. “I have written on numerous occasions that there is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists.”

10. “I have maintained from the beginning that there is no reliable way to distinguish a ‘moderate’ Muslim who rejects the jihad ideology and Islamic supremacism from a ‘radical’ Muslim who holds such ideas, even if he isn’t acting upon them at the moment.”

Their hateful views were also widely referenced by anti-Muslim terrorist Anders Breivik in his hate-filled manifesto that sought to justify his slaughter of innocent Norwegians in 2011.

Additional Resources on Geller & Spencer

Hate Report by the Anti-Defamation League

Hate Report by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Report by UK