Solar River Project

The Solar River Project Pty Ltd

Data Report - Appendices Cnr Dartmoor Road and Bower Boundary Road, Maude, South

8 March 2018

Solar River Project

Data Report - Appendices

Cnr Dartmoor Road and Bower Boundary Road, Maude,

Kleinfelder Document Number: NCA18R71494 Project No: 20183040 All Rights Reserved

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Only The Solar River Project Pty Ltd, its designated representatives or relevant statutory authorities may use this document and only for the specific project for which this report was prepared. It should not be otherwise referenced without permission.

Document Control:

Version Description Date Author Technical Reviewer Peer Reviewer

P. Fagan and P. 1.0 Draft Data Report 7 March 2018 P. Barron S. Schulz Barron

P. Fagan and P. 2.0 Final Data Report 8 March 2018 P. Barron S. Schulz Barron

Kleinfelder Australia Pty Ltd Newcastle Office 95 Mitchell Road Cardiff NSW 2285 Phone: (02) 4949 5200

ABN: 23 146 082 500

Ref: NCA18R71494 Page i 8 March 2018 Copyright 2018 Kleinfelder


Transmission No. Family Common Name Main Site Scientific Name Line Easement

1. Aizoaceae Tetragonia eremaea Desert Spinach Y 2. Anacardiaceae * Pepper-tree Y 3. Asteraceae *Onopordum acaulon Stemless Thistle Y Y 4. Asteraceae *Carthamus lanatus Saffron Thistle Y Y 5. Asteraceae *Xanthium spinosum Bathurst Burr Y 6. Asteraceae Brachyscome ciliaris Variable Daisy Y Cratystylis 7. Asteraceae Bluebush Daisy Y conocephala 8. Asteraceae Leiocarpa websteri Narrow Plover-daisy Y Y Crinkle- Daisy- 9. Asteraceae Y Olearia calcarea bush 10. Asteraceae Olearia pimeleoides Pimelea Daisy-bush Y 11. Asteraceae #Olearia magniflora Splendid Daisy Bush Y Pycnosorus 12. Asteraceae Soft Billy-buttons Y Y pleiocephalus Woolly New Holland 13. Asteraceae Y Y Vittadinia gracilis Daisy 14. Boraginaceae *Echium plantagineum Salvation Jane Y *Heliotropium 15. Boraginaceae Common Heliotrope Y Y europaeum 16. Brassicaceae *Carrichtera annua Ward's Weed Y Y 17. Brassicaceae Lepidium leptopetalum Shrubby Peppercress Y 18. Brassicaceae #*Sisymbrium sp. Mustard Weed Y 19. Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia stricta Tall Bluebell Y Y 20. pauper Black Y Y 21. Chenopodiaceae #Atriplex lindleyi - Y 22. Chenopodiaceae Atriplex semibaccata Berry Saltbush Y Y 23. Chenopodiaceae Atriplex stipitata Bitter Saltbush Y 24. Chenopodiaceae Bladder Saltbush Y 25. Chenopodiaceae Ball Bindyi Y Y paradoxus Einadia nutans ssp. 26. Chenopodiaceae Climbing Saltbush Y nutans tomentosa 27. Chenopodiaceae Ruby Saltbush Y Y var. tomentosa 28. Chenopodiaceae Maireana aphylla Cotton-bush Y Y 29. Chenopodiaceae #Maireana brevifolia Small- leaf Bluebush Y Y

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Transmission No. Family Common Name Main Site Scientific Name Line Easement

30. Chenopodiaceae Maireana erioclada Rosy Bluebush Y Y 31. Chenopodiaceae #Maireana pentatropis Erect Mallee Bluebush Y 32. Chenopodiaceae Black Bluebush Y Y 33. Chenopodiaceae Maireana radiata Radiate Bluebush Y Eriochiton 34. Chenopodiaceae Woolly-fruit Bluebush Y Y sclerolaenoides 35. Chenopodiaceae Maireana sedifolia Bluebush Y Y 36. Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia parabolica Mealy Saltbush Y 37. Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia spinescens Spiny Saltbush Y Y 38. Chenopodiaceae #Rhagodia ulicina Spiny Goosefoot Y 39. Chenopodiaceae #Salsola australis - Y 40. Chenopodiaceae Salsola kali Marsh Samphire Y Y #Sclerolaena 41. Chenopodiaceae Green Copperburr Y decurrens 42. Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena diacantha Grey Bindii Y Y 43. Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena divaricata Tangled Bindii Y Y #Sclerolaena 44. Chenopodiaceae Limestone Bindii Y obliquicuspis Convolvulus 45. Convolvulaceae angustissimus ssp. Narrow-leaf Bindweed Y Y angustissimus Convolvulus 46. Convolvulaceae recurvatus ssp. - Y Y nullarborensis 47. Convolvulaceae Convolvulus remotus Grassy Bindweed Y Y *Cucumis 48. Cucurbitaceae Prickly Paddymelon Y myriocarpus 49. Cucurbitaceae *Citrullus lanatus Camel Melon Y Y 50. Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia drummondii - Y Y - 51. Veined Wait-a-while Y Y colletioides Fabaceae - 52. Spine Bush Y Y Mimosoideae Acacia nyssophylla Fabaceae - 53. Umbrella Wattle Y Y Mimosoideae Acacia oswaldii Fabaceae - 54. Burr Medic Y Y Faboideae #*Medicago sp. Fabaceae - Senna artemisioides 55. Desert Senna Y Y Faboideae ssp. artemisioides Senna artemisioides 56. Fabaceae- Faboideae - Y ssp. coriacea

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Transmission No. Family Common Name Main Site Scientific Name Line Easement

Senna artemisioides Fine-leaf Desert 57. Fabaceae- Faboideae Y ssp. filifolia Senna Broombush 58. Fabaceae- Faboideae Y Templetonia egena Templetonia 59. Goodenia fascicularis Silky Goodenia Y Y 60. Goodeniaceae Scaevola spinescens Spiny Fanflower Y 61. Lamiaceae #*Marrubium vulgare White Horehound Y *Salvia verbenaca var. 62. Lamiaceae Wild Sage Y Y verbenaca 63. Lamiaceae #Teucrium racemosum Forest Germander Y 64. Lamiaceae Westringia rigida Stiff Westringia Y linophylla 65. Casuarina Y ssp. orientalis exocarpi ssp. 66. Loranthaceae Harlequin Mistletoe Y Y exocarpi 67. Sida corrugata Corrugated Sida Y Y 68. Gilja Y brachycalyx Eucalyptus 69. Myrtaceae River Red Gum Y camaldulensis 70. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus dumosa White Mallee Y 71. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus gracilis Yorrell Y ssp. 72. Myrtaceae Red Mallee Y oleosa 73. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus porosa Mallee Box Y Eucalyptus socialis 74. Myrtaceae Beaked Red Mallee Y ssp. socialis 75. Nyctaginaceae #Boerhavia sp. Tarvine Y 76. Oxalidaceae Oxalis perennans Native Sorrel Y Y Pittosporum 77. Native Apricot Y angustifolium 78. Poaceae *Triticum aestivum Wheat Y 79. Poaceae #*Bromus sp. A Brome Y 80. Poaceae *Critesion murinum Barley-grass Y 81. Poaceae *Cynodon dactylon Couch Y Y 82. Poaceae *Vulpia muralis Wall Fescue Y Austrostipa 83. Poaceae Feather Spear-grass Y elegantissima 84. Poaceae Austrostipa Rusty Spear-grass Y Y 85. Poaceae Austrostipa nitida Balcarra Spear-grass Y Y

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Transmission No. Family Common Name Main Site Scientific Name Line Easement

Austrostipa 86. Poaceae Flat-awn Spear-grass Y platychaeta 87. Poaceae Enneapogon nigricans Black-head Grass Y Y Rytidosperma Common Wallaby- 88. Poaceae Y Y caespitosum grass 89. Grevillea huegelii Comb Grevillea Y Hakea leucoptera ssp. 90. Proteaceae Silver Needlewood Y Y leucoptera 91. #Geijera linearifolia Sheep Bush Y 92. aphyllus Leafless Cherry Y 93. Santalaceae Santalum acuminatum Quandong Y #Santalum 94. Santalaceae Bitter Quandong Y murrayanum oleifolius 95. Bullock Bush Y Y ssp. canescens 96. Sapindaceae #Dodonaea baueri - Y 97. Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa Sticky Hop-bush Y 98. Scrophulariaceae Eremophila alternifolia Narrow-leaf Emubush Y 99. Scrophulariaceae Eremophila scoparia Broom Emubush Y 100. Scrophulariaceae Myoporum montanum Native Myrtle Y Myoporum 101. Scrophulariaceae platycarpum ssp. False Sandalwood Y Y platycarpum 102. #*Datura inoxia Downy Thorn- apple Y 103. Solanaceae *Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn Y Y 104. Solanaceae *Nicotiana glauca Tree Tobacco Y 105. Solanaceae *Solanum nigrum Black Nightshade Y 106. Solanaceae Lycium australe Australian Boxthorn Y 107. Solanaceae Nicotiana goodspeedii Small-flower Tobacco Y Y 108. Nitre-bush Y Zygophyllum 109. Zygophyllaceae aurantiacum ssp. Shrubby Twinleaf Y aurantiacum


* Introduced

Y Yes

# Additional species detected in February Surveys 2018

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Conservation Status Main Transmission Line No. Scientific Name Common Name Site Easement EPBC NPW Act Act Reptilia 1. Ctenophorus pictus Painted Dragon Y 2. Ctenotus sp. striped skink Y 3. Gehyra lazelli Lazell’s Dtella Y 4. Heternotia binoei Bynoe’s Prickly Gecko Y Dwarf Three-toed 5. Lerista timida Y Slider 6. Morethia adelaidensis Saltbush Morethia Y Y 7. Morethia boulengeri Boulenger’s Morethia Y Central Bearded 8. Pogona vitticeps Y Dragon 9. Tiliqua rugosa Shingle-back Y Y 10. Varanus gouldii Sand Monitor Y Aves Spiny-cheeked 11. Y Acanthagenys rufogularis Honeyeater Chestnut-rumped 12. Y Acanthiza uropygialis Thornbill 13. Anas gracilis Grey Teal Y 14. Anas superciliosa Pacific Black Duck Y 15. Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian Pipit Y Y 16. Aphelocephala leucopsis Southern Whiteface Y Y 17. Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle Y Black-faced 18. Artamus cinereus Y Y Woodswallow 19. Artamus cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow Y 20. Aythya australis Hardhead Y 21. Barnardius zonarius Australian Ringneck Y 22. Cheramoeca leucosterna White-backed Swallow Y 23. Cincloramphus cruralis Brown Songlark Y 24. Circus assimilis Spotted Harrier Y 25. Climacteris picumnus Brown Treecreeper Y

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Conservation Status Main Transmission Line No. Scientific Name Common Name Site Easement EPBC NPW Act Act Black-faced Cuckoo- 26. Y Coracina novaehollandiae shrike 27. Corcorax melanorhamphos White-winged Chough R Y 28. Coturnix pectoralis Stubble Quail Y 29. Cracticus torquatus Grey Butcherbird Y 30. Dromaius novaehollandiae Y^ Y 31. Egretta novaehollandiae White-faced Heron Y 32. Eolophus roseicapilla Galah Y Y 33. Epthianura albifrons White-fronted Chat Y 34. Eurystomus orientalis Dollarbird Y 35. Falco berigora Brown Falcon Y 36. Falco cenchroides Nankeen Kestrel Y 37. Falco longipennis Australian Hobby Y 38. Falco subniger Black Falcon Y 39. Gavicalis virescens Singing Honeyeater Y Y 40. Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark Y Y 41. Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Magpie Y Y 42. Hirundo neoxena Welcome Swallow Y 43. Lalage tricolor White-winged Triller Y White- winged Fairy- 44. Y Malurus leucopterus wren 45. Malurus splendens Splendid Fairy-wren Y 46. Manorina flavigula Yellow-throated Miner Y 47. Melanodryas cucullata Hooded Robin R Y 48. Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar Y 49. Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater M Y 50. Microeca fascinans assimilus Jacky Winter Y White-eared 51. Y Nesoptilotis leucotis Honeyeater 52. Northiella haematogaster Bluebonnet Y 53. Ocyphaps lophotes Crested Pigeon Y Y 54. Oreoica gutturalis Crested Bellbird Y 55. Pardalotus striatus Striated Pardalote Y 56. Petroica goodenovii Red-capped Robin Y Chestnut-crowned 57. Y Pomatostomus ruficeps Babbler 58. Pomatostomus superciliosus White-browed Babbler Y

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Conservation Status Main Transmission Line No. Scientific Name Common Name Site Easement EPBC NPW Act Act Yellow-plumed 59. Ptilotula ornata Y Honeyeater 60. Pyrrholaemus brunneus Redthroat Y 61. Rhipidura leucophrys Willie Wagtail Y Y 62. Smicrornis brevirostris Weebill Y 63. *Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling Y Y Tachybaptus 64. Australasian Grebe Y novaehollandiae 65. Taeniopygia guttata Zebra Finch Y Y

66. Threskiornis spinicollis Straw-necked Ibis Y 67. Turnix velox Little Button-quail Y 68. Vanellus tricolor Banded Lapwing Y Mammalia White-striped Free- 69. Austronomus australis Y# tailed Bat Dingo / Domesticated 70. *Canis familiaris Y Dog

# # 71. Chalinolobus gouldii Gould’s Wattled Bat Y Y 72. Chalinolobus morio Chocolate Wattled Bat Y# Y# Southern Hairy-nosed 73. Lasiorhinus latifrons Y Y^ Wombat 74. *Lepus europaeus Brown Hare Y Y Western Grey 75. Macropus fuliginosus Y Y Kangaroo 76. *Mus musculus House Mouse Y^ Lesser Long-eared 77. Nyctophilus geoffroyi Y# Y# Bat 78. *Oryctolagus cuniculus European Rabbit Y Y 79. Macropus rufus Red Kangaroo Y Y 80. Mormopterus petersi Inland Free-tailed Bat Y# Y# Southern Free-tailed 81. Mormopterus planiceps Y# Y# Bat Yellow-bellied Sheath- 82. Saccolaimus flaviventris R Y# tailed Bat Inland Broad-nosed 83. Scotorepens balstoni Y# Y# Bat 84. Vespadelus regulus Southern Forest Bat Y# Vespadelus sp. (baverstocki 85. Forest-bat Y# Y# or vulturnus) 86. *Vulpes vulpes Red Fox Y

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Notes: * Introduced Conservation Status

EPBC Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth)

NPW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (South Australia)


R Rare (National Parks and Wildlife Act (Schedule 7-9) 2017)

M Migratory and marine species (listed under EPBC Act 1999)


Y Yes

^ Evidence only (e.g. sloughed skin, burrows, bones)

# Identified from analysis of Anabat recordings

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1.1 Open Woodland with Open Arid- adapted Understorey on Limestone Plains

Open Woodland with Open Arid- adapted Shrub Understorey on Limestone Plains.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Open Woodland to 10 metres with a sparse midstorey and sparse ground cover.

General Description: This community is dominated by Casuarina pauper (Black Oak), with subsp. canescens (Rosewood) and (Sugarwood) occurring as sub-dominant or co- dominant species.

Where the understorey is present, it contains a sparse shrub layer of Senna artemisioides (Silver ). The ground and shrub layers are dominated by Maireana sedifolia (Pearl

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Bluebush), Maireana pyramidata (Black Bluebush), Rhagodia spinescens (Spiny Saltbush), Sclerolaena diacantha (Grey Copperburr), Atriplex stipitata (Bitter Saltbush), var. tomentosa (Ruby Saltbush), Austrostipa eremophila and A. nitida.

Condition and Distribution within the impact area: This community was identified across the study area in both Block A and Block B. In Block B it is free from weed species, however in Block A it is typically disturbed and with low structural complexity, with Occasional Carrichtera annua (Ward’s Weed), Medicago sp. and Lycium ferocissimum (African Boxthorn) present. L. ferocissimum is a listed Weed of National Significance (WONS).

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1.3 Grasslands of Arid Open Limestone Plains

Grasslands of Arid Open Limestone Plains within Block A.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Open grassland containing very little shrub or canopy layer.

General Description: This is a largely homogenous community dominated by Austrostipa nitida and A. eremophila, with Rytidosperma caespitosum (Ringed Wallaby Grass) also present. Other native groundcovers in this community include Convolvulus remotus, Convolvulus recurvata, Maireana pyramidata (Black Bluebush), Eriochiton sclerolaenoides (Woolly- fruit Bluebush), Euphorbia drummondii and Sclerolaena diacantha. Occasional emergent trees are present and consist of Alectryon oleifolius and Myoporum platycarpum.

Condition and Distribution within the impact area: This community occurs mainly within Block A and at the eastern end of Block B. It is degraded in both instances due to historical clearing and current grazing practices, with weed species present including Lycium ferocissimum (African Boxthorn), Onopordum acaulon (Stemless Thistle), Medicago sp., Carrichtera annua, Heliotropium europaeum and Carthamus lanatus (Saffron Thistle).

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2.2 Chenopod Open Shrublands

Chenopod Open Shrublands within Block B.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Open Shrubland to 1.5 metres high with a sparse ground cover layer.

General Description: This community is dominated by Maireana sedifolia, M. brevifolia (Small- leaf Bluebush) and M. pyramidata (Black Bluebush) above a lower shrub layer of Zygophyllum aurantiacum (Shrubby Twinleaf), Atriplex stipitata (Mallee Saltbush), Maireana aphylla (Leafless Bluebush), Sclerolaena diacantha, Enchylaena tomentosa, Zygophyllum aurantiacum ssp. aurantiacum (Shrubby Twinleaf), Dissocarpus paradoxus (Ball Bindii), Sclerolaena diacantha and Rhagodia spinescens (Spiny Saltbush). Scattered patches of grasses such as Austrostipa eremophila and Austrostipa nitida occur throughout. Alectryon oleifolius subsp. canescens also occurs as an occasional canopy species.

Condition and Distribution within the impact area: This community is present within Block B only. This community is weedy in places with the occurrence of Medicago sp., Carrichtera annua, Heliotropium europaeum and Carthamus lanatus.

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3.1 Mallee with Very Open Sclerophyll / Chenopod Shrub Understorey

Mallee with Very Open Sclerophyll / Chenopod Shrub Understorey within Block B.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Open Woodland to 10 metres high with sparse midstorey, shrub and ground cover layers.

General Description: This community is dominated in the canopy layer by Eucalyptus oleosa (Red Mallee) and Eucalyptus gracilis (Yorrell), with Eucalyptus socialis ssp. socialis (Beaked Red Mallee) also occurring. The midstorey and shrub layers are dominated by Exocarpos aphyllus (Leafless Cherry), Geijera linearifolia (Sheep Bush), Eremophila scoparia (Silver Emubush), Enchylaena tomentosa, Grevillea huegelii, Maireana sedifolia, M. pentatropis (Erect Mallee Bluebush), Atriplex stipitata and Zygophyllum aurantiacum. In the groundcover Austrostipa nitida and Sclerolaena diacantha are also common.

Condition and Distribution within the impact area: This community was identified in Block B only. It is largely free from weed species and contains a mostly intact structural complexity. It is subject to grazing and / or clearing pressures in places.

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10.5 Red Gum Forests / Woodlands with Open Shrub, Herb Grassy Understorey

Red Gum Forests / Woodlands with Open Shrub, Herb Grassy Understorey within Block B.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Open Woodland up to 20 metres high with a moderately dense midstorey, shrub and ground cover layers.

General Description: This community is dominated by (River Red Gum) and Eucalyptus porosa (Mallee Box) in the canopy. A sparse midstorey of Myoporum montanum (Native Myrtle) and Santalum murrayanum (Bitter Quandong) occurs below the canopy. The shrub layer is dominated by Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa, Maireana sedifolia, Maireana pyramidata, Maireana brevifolia, Rhagodia spinescens, Salsola australis (Buckbush), Zygophyllum aurantiacum and Atriplex versicaria (Bladder Saltbush). The groundcover is sparse and consists of Austrostipa nitida and Rytidosperma caespitosum.

Condition and Distribution within the impact area: A very small area of this community is located along Burra Creek in Block B. It occurs in both a low and moderate condition, with the low condition community containing a very dense infestation of Schinus molle (Pepper Tree), Lycium ferocissimum (African Boxthorn), Xanthium spinosum (Bathurst Burr) and Datura inoxia (Downy Thorn- apple).

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Exotic Grassland - Cropping

Exotic Grassland - Cropping on Block B.

Conservation Status in SA: Not Listed.

National Conservation Status: Not Listed.

Structure: Cropped paddocks

General Description: This community exists as an agricultural paddock into which the cereal crop Triticum aestivum (Common Wheat) has been sown.

Distribution within the impact area: This community exists at the western end of Block B and is not subject to the Bushland Assessment Methodology as it is not a native vegetation community.

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The following table summarises the likelihood of these threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and migratory species occurring in the study area by assessing the habitat requirements of each species against the types of habitat found in the study area. A brief definition of the likelihood of occurrence criteria is provided below:

 Confirmed present – species identified within the site during surveys;

 High – species known from area (Enviro Data SA records), suitable habitat (such as roosting and foraging habitat) present within the site;

 Moderate – species may be known from area, potential habitat is present within the site;

 Low – species not known from area and/or marginal habitat is present within the site; and

 Nil – habitat requirements not met for this species within the site.

Assessment of Likelihood of Occurrence of Threatened Species Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Flora Occurs in semi-arid environments with a mean annual rainfall of 400–500 mm. Many sites coincide with gentle slopes at the transition zone between Enviro heavy clay/gravel soils on the flats and sandy soils on the rises. The species Acacia glandulicarpa 1. E V 1 Data SA, is generally uncommon, where Buloke is the dominant overstorey tree, and is Low Hairy- pod Wattle PMST sparse to absent where Broombush dominates the understorey. Marginal habitat along Transmission Easement. Not detected during field surveys.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Menzel’s Wattle grows in calcareous, loamy substrate. It occurs as scattered ; either on roadsides, or in low, open, shrubby woodland on more rocky Acacia menzelii 2. V V - PMST sites which have only been partly cleared. Low Menzel’s Wattle Marginal habitat along Transmission Easement. Not detected during field surveys. Spiller's Wattle grows on rocky hills, commonly along watercourses and Enviro roadsides. At Burra Gorge occur along the creekline and on the rocky Acacia spilleriana 3. E - 19 Data SA, slopes of the gorge. Roadside populations generally occur in cleared areas Low Spiller’s Wattle PMST Marginal habitat along Transmission Easement. Not detected during field surveys. Recorded in a wide range of habitats, especially on red loamy and other heavy soils. It has been collected in claypans, on alluvial flats, sand plains, Austrostipa pilata Enviro dune swales and on rocky slopes. Associated vegetation include mulga, 4. V - 2 Moderate Prickly Spear- grass Data SA chenopod shrub land and woodland. Suitable habitat within the Main Site and within Derived Native Grassland along Transmission Easement. The Greencomb Spider-orchid grows on red-brown sandy loams on rises in open woodland dominated by Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon sens. lat.) and Rottnest Island ( preissii). Its habitat, between the Little Caladenia tensa Desert and Big Desert, was formerly expansive and extended into SA. This 5. E E - PMST Moderate Greencomb species has also been recorded from Black Box ()/Yellow Gum woodland and mallee/heathland Suitable habitat along the Transmission Easement within the Mallee dominated Woodlands. Usually found in heavily shaded areas of Cyprus pine trees, on mossy, south- Caladenia xantholeuca 6. E E - PMST facing rock slopes of red-brown loam soil. Nil White Rabbits Habitat within study area is unsuitable.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Slender Bell-fruit grows on the crests and slopes of low ridges, hills and along Codonocarpus pyrimidalis creeks in loamy sand or sandy clay loam. 7. E V - PMST Nil Slender Bell- fruit Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field surveys. Occurs primarily on low hills on loamy soils associated with rocky (limestone, slate, shale) outcrops. These low hills occur to the east of the range country, Dodonaea Enviro just before the vegetation changes to mallee flats. The species has also been 8. subglandulifera E E 8 Data SA, Nil recorded from plains country in sandy soils over limestone. Peep Hill Hop- bush PMST Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field surveys. Grows on well-drained clay-loams in woodland and mallee on slopes and foot Eucalyptus percostata Enviro of rocky hills. 9. R - 1 Low Ribbed White Mallee Data SA Marginal habitat along Transmission Easement. Not detected during field surveys. Grows in inland regions in mixed woodland communities. Geijera parviflora Enviro 10. R - 2 Suitable habitat along Transmission Easement in Mallee dominated Moderate Wilga Data SA community. Species not detected during field surveys. Grows mostly in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. bicolor woodland on heavy Goodenia heteromera Enviro soils. 11. R - 1 Moderate Spreading Goodenia Data SA Suitable habitat along Transmission Easement, mainly within alluvial area along Burra Creek. Grows on steep-sided sandstone gorges in open woodland community and in Logania saxatilis Enviro crevices of rocky outcrops in shallow sandy or clay-rich soils. 12. R -- 1 Nil Rock Logania Data SA Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field surveys Occurs in native grasslands of the arid regions in shallow, sandy soils. Maireana excavata Enviro Potential habitat within the Main Site and within Chenopod dominated 13. V - 1 Moderate Bottle Fissure- Data SA shrublands along Transmission Easement. Species not detected during field surveys.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Found on saline or sandy loam soils rich in gypsum, often fringing lakes, and Maireana rohrlachii Enviro in seasonally wet areas. 14. R - 5 Nil Rohrlach’s Bluebush Data SA Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field surveys. Grows in sandy-clay to clay-rich soils, frequently in grassy areas and in open woodland communities. Mentha satureioides Enviro 15. R - 1 Suitable habitat within study area on grasslands in Main Site and Moderate Native Pennyroyal Data SA grasslands and Mallee dominated communities along Transmission Easement. Grows in clay soils often in a saline situation in sparse vegetation. Myoporum parvifolium Enviro 16. R - 1 Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field Nil Creeping Boobialla Data SA surveys. Found in mallee and woodland habitat, often associated with Eucalyptus Olearia pannosa subsp. Enviro phenax, E. rugosa, E socialis, E odorata and E. fasciculosa. 17. pannosa V V 6 Data SA, Marginal habitat within the Transmission Easement. None of the Low Silver Daisy- bush PMST associated Eucalypt species were detected within study area. Species not detected during field surveys. Osteocarpum acropterum Often in saline or scald areas in very sparse, arid vegetation. Enviro 18. var. deminutum R - 1 Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field Nil Data SA Wingless Bonefruit surveys. Widespread in heath, sclerophyll forest and mallee. Occurs on sandy soils in Phebalium glandulosum heath, rocky crevices and scree, amongst granite outcrops, at no particular Enviro 19. ssp. macrocalyx E - 1 altitude. Low Data SA Glandular Phebalium Marginal habitat within the Transmission Easement. Not detected during field surveys. Occurs within Chenopod shrub land and open native grasslands. Sclerolaena muricata var. Enviro Habitat within the study area is suitable within the Derived Native 20. villosa R - 1 Moderate Data SA Grassland and Chenopod Shrublands. Not detected during field Five- spine Bindyi surveys.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Mostly confined to rocky creek banks and rocky gorge/valley slopes, though it has been recorded in the past in a creek bed, in drainage lines, on the edge Senecio megaglossus Enviro of an erosion gully, in "sandhills" and in "arid hills". One herbarium record 21. V E 1 Nil Large- flower Groundsel Data SA mentions an arid sand hill habitat. Habitat within study area is unsuitable. Not detected during field surveys. Grows in mallee scrub on sandy or loamy soil and is usually found to germinate only after fire and subsequent rain, although scraping of seed via Swainsona pyrophila 22. R V - PMST soil disturbances such as grading can also stimulate germination. Moderate Yellow Swainson- pea Suitable habitat within the Transmission Easement in Mallee dominated community. Not detected during field surveys. Ecological Communities Buloke Woodlands of the Riverina and Murray- 1. E^ E - PMST Not recorded within the study area. Nil Darling Depression Bioregions Iron- grass Natural 2. Temperate Grassland of E^ CE - PMST Not recorded within the study area. Nil South Australia Peppermint Box (Eucalyptus odorata) 3. E^ CE - PMST Not recorded within the study area. Nil Grassy Woodland of South Australia

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Reptiles Burrows freely in loose sand and soil, under rocks and litter. The species occurs in open woodland, native tussock grassland, riparian habitats and Aprasia pseudopulchella rocky isolates. It prefers stony soils, or clay soils with a stony surface, and 1. - V - PMST Low Flinders Ranges Worm- has been found sheltering beneath stones and rotting stump lizard Suitable habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the study area but outside of narrow range.

Habitat types are usually well vegetated, such as rainforest margins and Morelia spilota Enviro 2. R - 1 woodland, but they will also utilise heathland and rocky outcrops. Nil Carpet Python Data SA No suitable habitat in the study area.

Found in mallee scrublands with compacting or crusty sandy soils associated with hollow mallee lignotubers, low stump hollows, near surface limestone sheets, and large slab floaters. It is thought to burrow into moisture pockets in Tiliqua adelaidensis 3. E E - PMST limestone sheeting, under outcroppings and slabs, between mallee Low Pygmy Blue- tongue lignotubers and sheeting, and into insect hollowed lignotubers and trunks. Marginal habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the study area. Likely to fall outside of species current range.

Fish Known from the southern part of the Murray Darling Basin and found in still or slow moving water bodies such as wetlands and lowland streams. The species has been recorded forming shoals. They have been associated with a Galaxias rostratus 1. - CE - PMST range of habitats including rock and sandy bottoms and aquatic vegetation. Nil Flathead Galaxias Burra Creek is unsuitable for this species as it completely dries up at times (no water present during time of survey). This species requires water to be present. Species not known from the locality.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Generally prefer slow flowing, turbid water in streams and rivers, favouring deeper water around boulders, undercut banks, overhanging vegetation and Maccullochella peelii logs. 2. - V - PMST Nil Murray Cod Burra Creek is unsuitable for this species as it completely dries up at times (no water present during time of survey). This species requires water to be present. Species not known from the locality. Aves The eastern subspecies typically occurs in low shrubs and dense heath. It Acanthiza iredalei hedleyi Enviro occasionally occurs in acacia shrublands and mangroves adjacent to more 1. Slender- billed Thornbill R - 1 Low Data SA preferred habitat. (eastern subspecies) Habitat within the study area is unsuitable for this species. Anas rhynchotis Found in wetlands, dams, lakes, sewerage ponds and aquatic habitats. Enviro 2. rhynchotis R - 1 Two farm dams within the Main Site present potential habitat for this Moderate Data SA Australasian Shoveler species. Inhabits open forests and woodlands with a sparse grassy groundlayer and Burhinus grallarius Enviro fallen timber. 3. R - 1 Low Bush Stone-curlew Data SA Marginal habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the Transmission Easement. Inhabits mallee woodlands with a relatively dense understorey of shrubs and Calamanthus cautus heath plants. Also occurs at low densities in rocky hilltop vegetation with a Enviro 4. cautus R - 2 thick shrub layer such as Broombush or Tea-tree. Moderate Data SA Shy Heathwren Suitable habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the Transmission Easement. Occurs in a wide range of arid and semi-arid habitats; mainly in the low Cinclosoma castanotum shrubs and undergrowth of mallee scrub, but also in Acacia scrubs, dry Enviro 5. Chestnut- backed Quail- R - 19 sclerophyll woodland, heath, and native pine. Moderate Data SA thrush Suitable habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the Transmission Easement.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Found in a range of vegetation types from open forests, mallee and Corcorax Enviro woodlands. 6. melanorhamphos R - 85 Known Data SA Detected within within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in White-winged Chough Transmission Easement during field surveys. Inhabits a wide variety of vegetation types including open farmland, Falco peregrinus Enviro woodlands, forests and even within cities. 7. R - 1 Moderate Peregrine Falcon Data SA Suitable habitat for this species in all vegetation types across the study area. Inhabits Boree, Brigalow and Box-Gum Woodlands and Box-Ironbark Forests. Grantiella picta 8. R V - PMST The specialises on . Low Painted Honeyeater Marginal habitat within the study area. Usually occur in mallee eucalypt woodlands with a dense but discontinuous canopy and varied shrubby understorey, especially where the mallee trees Leipoa ocellata are multi-stemmed. They also very occasionally occur in other types of dry 9. V V - PMST Low Malleefowl eucalypt forests. Suitable habitat within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the Transmission Easement however outside species typical range. Prefers lightly wooded country, usually open eucalypt woodland, acacia scrub Melanodryas cucullata and mallee, often in or near clearings or open areas. Requires structurally cucullata Enviro diverse habitats featuring mature eucalypts, saplings, some small shrubs and 10. R - 45 Known Hooded Robin (south- Data SA a ground layer of moderately tall native grasses. east subspecies) Detected within the Mallee dominated vegetation community in the Transmission Easement during field surveys. Prefer open woodland with an open shrub layer and a lot of bare ground. Microeca fascinans They are often seen in farmland and parks. Enviro 11. fascinans R - 55 Outside range of this particular subspecies. Other subspecies Nil Data SA Jacky Winter (assimilus) detected within Mallee dominated vegetation in the Transmission Easement during field surveys.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Found in tall forests, preferring wetter habitats such as heavily forested Myiagra cyanoleuca Enviro 12. R M 14 gullies, but not rainforests. Nil Satin Flycatcher Data SA No suitable habitat for this species in study area. Inhabits a range of habitats from coastal, sub-coastal and inland areas, right through to semi-arid zones. Throughout their range they favour grasslands and grassy woodlands. They are often found near wetlands both near the Neophema chrysostoma Enviro 13. V - 2 coast and in semi-arid zones. Low Blue- winged Parrot Data SA Marginal habitat for this species within the Mallee dominated community within the study area. May fall outside species’ typical range. Can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including grasslands, shrublands, mallee, woodlands and thickets, bluebush plains, heathlands, saltmarsh and Neophema elegans Enviro 14. R - 1 farmland. Moderate Elegant Parrot Data SA Suitable habitat within study area within the Mallee dominated vegetation community. Live in arid and semi-arid areas, on plains with low shrub layers such as saltbush or bluebush and sometimes scattered trees or open woodland Northiella haematogaster consisting of trees like Myall, Mulga and native pine. They are also found on narethae Enviro 15. R - 26 lightly timbered grasslands and sand-dune areas. Low Bluebonnet (Western Data SA Bluebonnets detected within the Native Grassland within the study area, subspecies) however these are not the Western subspecies. Study area falls outside of the range of the Western subspecies. Usually inhabit semi-arid mallee or box–ironbark eucalypt, acacia, cypress- pine or Belah shrublands and woodlands (or mixed assemblages of these), usually with a dense, continuous or patchy understorey of shrubs such as Pachycephala inornata Enviro 16. R - 3 , Eremophila, Dodonaea or Cassia. Low Gilbert’s Whistler Data SA Marginal habitat along the Mallee vegetation within the Transmission Easement. Vegetation assemblages are not typical habitat for this species.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Live in semi-arid, lowland native grasslands that typically occur on hard red- brown soils. These grasslands support a high diversity of plant species, including a number of state and nationally threatened species. Preferred habitat of the Plains-wanderer typically comprises 50% bare ground, 10% Pedionomus torquatus 17. E CE - PMST fallen litter, and 40% herbs, forbs and grasses. Low Plains-wanderer The grassland habitat within the Main Site is considered suitable for this species, however the study area falls outside of this species’ typical range and the highly disturbed nature of the site is not considered to favour this species. Usually inhabit arid or semi-arid grasslands that are dominated by spinifex, though they have also been recorded in shrublands dominated by samphire, bluebush and saltbush. Pezoporus occidentalis 18. E E PMST Data regarding habitat and range for this species is variable as it has Low Night Parrot recently been rediscovered in a variety of localities. However, this species has a preference for sheltering in Triodia grasses, which are not on site. Found in forests and woodlands, often along rivers, as well as mangroves Plectoryncha lanceolata Enviro and in urban gardens. 19. R - 1 Moderate Data SA Suitable habitat for this species exists within the Mallee dominated community along the Transmission Easement. Found in River Red Gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, floodplain, woodland Polytelis anthopeplus Enviro and mallee. 20. - V 1 Moderate Regent Parrot Data SA Suitable habitat for this species exists within the Red Gum community along the Transmission Easement. Prefers fringes of swamps, dams and nearby marshy areas where there is a Rostratula australis 21. E, M - PMST cover of grasses, lignum, low scrub or open timber. Nil Australian Painted Snipe No suitable habitat within the study area.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Found in open grassy woodland, heath and farmland or grassland with Stagonopleura guttata Enviro scattered trees. 22. V - 3 Low Diamond Firetail Data SA Marginal habitat exists for this species in the woodland, forest and grassland across study area. Prefers permanent fresh water swamps and creeks with heavy growth of cumbungi (bullrushes), lignum or tea-tree. During drier times, the Freckled Duck moves from ephemeral (not permanent) breeding swamps to more Stictonetta naevosa Enviro 23. V - 1 permanent waters such as lakes, reservoirs, farm dams and sewerage ponds. Low Data SA Freckled Duck They generally rest in dense cover. Marginal habitat within dams situated on the Main Site. Habitat is considered marginal due to a lack of any vegetative cover within dams. Inhabits a wide range of habitats from the coast to the semi-desert, including forests, woodlands, mallee, coastal and other heaths. Also found in remnant Strepera versicolor Enviro 24. R - 27 vegetation on roadsides and farms, in orchards, and in suburban areas. Moderate Data SA Suitable habitat within study area, particularly within Mallee dominated community along the Transmission Easement. Temperate and eastern tropical forests and woodlands form the habitats of Turnix varius Enviro this species. They appear to prefer closed canopies with some understory 25. R - 1 Nil Painted Button-quail Data SA and dense leaf litter on the ground. No suitable habitat within study area for this species. Mammals Inhabits a variety of vegetation types, including mallee, buloke Allocasuarina leuhmanni and box eucalypt dominated communities, but it is distinctly more Nyctophilus corbeni common in box/ironbark/cypress-pine vegetation. Roosts in tree hollows, 1. - V - PMST Low Corben’s Long- eared Bat crevices, and under loose bark. Marginal habitat within the study area for this species. Vegetation communities found within study area are not typical for this species.

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Legal Status* Scientific Name No. of Likelihood of No. NPW EPBC Source# Habitat Preferences Common Name Records Occurrence Act Act Forages in most habitats across its very wide range, with and without trees; appears to defend an aerial territory. Roosts singly or in groups of up to six, in Saccolaimus flaviventris tree hollows and buildings; in treeless areas they are known to utilise Enviro 2. Yellow- bellied Sheathtail- R - 1 mammal burrows. Known Data SA bat Detected within Casuarina pauper / Alectryon oleifolius low open woodland within the Main Site. Suitable habitat also exists along Transmission Easement. Migratory Species Apus pacificus Forages in low to very high airspace over varied habitat types. 1. - M - PMST Moderate Fork- tailed Swift May aerially forage over the study area. Most often found in open forests, woodlands and shrublands, and cleared areas, usually near water. It will be found on farmland with remnant Merops ornatus vegetation and in orchards and vineyards. It will use disturbed sites such as 2. - M - PMST Known Rainbow Bee- eater quarries, cuttings and mines to build its nesting tunnels. Detected within the Mallee dominated community along the Transmission Easement Occur in a range of habitat types from disused quarries, sewage farms, creek Motacilla cinerea 3. - M - PMST beds, saltmarsh and rainforest. Nil Grey Wagtail Habitat within the study area is unsuitable. The yellow wagtail occurs in a variety of damp or wet habitats with low Motacilla flava vegetation, from rushy pastures, meadows, hay fields and marshes to damp 4. - M - PMST Nil Yellow Wagtail grassland. Habitat within the study area is unsuitable. Found in tall forests, preferring wetter habitats such as heavily forested Myiagra cyanoleuca 5. - M - PMST gullies. Nil Satin Flycatcher Habitat within the study area is unsuitable. ^ = Provisional listing * Legal Status: R = Rare, V = Vulnerable, E = Endangered under NPW Act and EPBC Act; CE = Critically Endangered, M = Migratory under EPBC Act. # Source: Enviro Data SA = NatureMaps (Govt. SA), PMST = Protected Matter Search Tool (Australian Government).

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A1 SAMBDB 1.1 (small site assessment)

A2a SAMDB 1.3.

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A5 SAMDB 1.1

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B3 SAMDB 10.5 (small site assessment)

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B5 SAMDB 3.1 (small site assessment)

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B6 SAMDB 2.2 (small site assessment)

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The following staff were involved in the compilation of this report.

Name Qualification Title/Experience Contribution

B.App.Sc (Wildlife&Park Mgt); Field Surveys and SEB Phil Barron (Barron Ecologist Calculations and Data Review Environmental) Accredited Native (Botanist/Ornithologist) Vegetation Consultant (Stage 2) (NVC, SA)

Field Surveys and Report Philippa Fagan BEnvSc / MEnv&BMgmt Ecologist (Botanist) Writing (stage 1 and 2)

Senior Ecologist Field Surveys and Report Samara Schulz BEnvSc&Mgt (Hons) (Botanist) Review (Stage 2)

Kristy Peters BParkMgt (Hons Ecology) Senior Ecologist Report Review

Cecilia Phu BSc (Hons) Senior Ecologist Report Review

Data Management, Figure Gayle Joyce BSc. (Forestry) (Hons) GIS Specialist Preparation

John Harris (Wildlife Field Surveys and Report Principal Zoologist Experiences) BASc, GDipEd Review (stage 1)

Bradley Jenner (Wildlife Botanist Field Surveys (stage 1) Experiences) Dip CLM

Adrian Lamande (Wildlife Botanist Field Surveys (stage 1) Experiences) MEnvMgmt

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Kleinfelder employees and sub-contractors involved in the current study are licensed or approved under Section 49(1) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 as it relates to regulation(s) 29(1) 31 of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016.

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