Beswick Robert, Esq. Nixon William H., beer retailer ' Ford Mr William, surveyor Oakes John, grocer, &c. Turner George Wardle, Esq., the Lodge Oakes Solomon, draper GENERAL TRADES. Riley Samuel, cratemaker Ashworth J oseph, shopkeeper Smith Henry, wheelwright Bankart H. & F., coal and ironmasters Smith Willia.m, greengrocer Bates Andrew, boot and shoemaker Steele J oseph, baker Birch George, boot and shoemaker Tipping Elizabeth, grocer Birch J./wheelwright and beer retailer Vickers Henry, Bridge inn Brereton John, grocer Whithurst James, butcher Evans George, boot and shoemaker Whittaker F. A./grocer, &c. Fox Benjamin, butcher and victualler, FARMERS. • Hope and Anchor Emberton Isaac Gibson John, blacksmith and victualler, Heath William Brindley Arms Holdcroft Edwin Hancock Enoch, beer retailer Holdcroft Ralph Hancock Henry, beer retailer Hulme Thomas Heath Thomas, grocer J ames Charles J ohnson Thomas, boot and shoemaker Sargeant John Lear John, shopkeeper Shuffiebotham Charles Lewis Edwin, beer retailer Teates William CHESLYN HAY is an extra-parochial distant 2 miles from , and !·a mile from Great Wryley railway station, in the west division of the , hundred of Cnttlestone, union of Penkridge, county court district of , diocese of , and archdeaconry of . There are chapels for the :Methodist New Connection and Primitive Methodists. There is a British school for boys and girls;­ George Dusgate master, Mrs Dusgate mistress. The parish contains 789 acres of land, of which the chief owners are the Duke of Sutherland, Mrs Horden, and several others. The population is about 1180. PosTAL REGULATIONS William W otton sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 9 a.m., are dispatched at 5 p.m. The nearest money-order office is at Cannock. Post-town, W alsall. Carrier to West Hampton, "\V alsall, and Lichfield, B. Hawkins. ' GENERAL TRADES, &c. Hawkins Joseph, coalmaster Archer Isaac, New inn Holmes Robert, grocer and draper Baker Henry, beer retailer Lockett Moses, beer retailer Bird J ames, butcher Pearson John, market-gardener Bowen William, beer retailer Perks William, beer retailer Clewley Charles, butcher Poyner Henry, farmer Clifft William, farmer Sayer Edward, coalmaster Crutchley Thomas, Lord Nelson Sayer John, Lion inn Crutchley William, grocer and draper Shorter James, boot and shoemaker Evans Michael, bricklayer Stanley H. P., grocer and draper Fuller Joseph, market-gardener Thacker J oseph, carpenter • Gilbert Robert, farmer Tu:fft Simeon, bricklayer Gripton James, wheelwright Wood William, grocer and draper Hall John, butcher W oodinga Thomas, boot and shoemaker Hawkins Benjamin, grocer and draper W ootton William, grocer and draper Hawkins Henry, grocer and draper CHESTERTON is a village distant 3 miles from N ewcastle-under-Lyme, in the north division of the county, hundred of Pirehill, union of and W olstanton, county court district of Newcastle, diocese of Lichfield, archdeaconry of Stafford, and rural deanery of Newcastle. The church is dedicated to Holy Trinity~ The living is a vicarage, annual value .£340,