H.A. McAlister, Curriculum Vitae, Version July 2013 HAROLD ALISTER McALISTER PRESENT ADDRESS: Department of Physics and Astronomy 2453 Vivian Circle Georgia State University or Decatur, GA Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 377-0327 V: (404) 413-5480 F: (404) 413-5481
[email protected] PERSONAL: Born 1 July 1949 at Chattanooga, TN; husband of Susan J. McAlister; father of Merritt Ellen McAlister PROFESSIONAL: EDUCATION: B.A. - Physics - Magna cum Laude - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - 1971 M.A. - Astronomy - University of Virginia - 1974 Ph.D. - Astronomy - University of Virginia - 1975 POSITIONS HELD: The Girls Preparatory School Instructor of Physics 1970-71 Chattanooga, Tennessee University of Virginia Research Assistant 1971-75 Charlottesville, Virginia Kitt Peak National Observatory Research Associate 1975-77 Tucson, Arizona Georgia State University Assistant Professor 1977-82 Atlanta, Georgia Associate Professor 1982-87 Professor 1987-1998 Regents’ Professor 1998-2011 Regents’ Professor Emeritus 2011-present Director (and founder) of the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy 1985-present Mount Wilson Institute Director, Mount Wilson Observatory and Pasadena, California Chief Executive Officer, MWI 2003-present PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Astronomical Society, International Astronomical Union, Astronomical Society of the Pacific MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Elected Vice-President of Commission 26 of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), November 1985. Elected President of IAU Commission 26 September 1987. Member of the NSF Astronomy Advisory Committee 1983-86. Member of the NSF Astronomy Oversight Committee 1984. Member of the NSF Presidential Young Investigators Awards Panel for Astronomical, Atmospheric, Earth and Ocean Sciences 1984-85. Member of the NSF panel charged with the distribution of excess Space Telescope charge coupled devices 1985.