Tc electronic ditto looper manual

Continue In the Effects and Guitar Pedals section Description TC ELECTRONIC DITTO LOOPER: Most recently, in early 2013, the well-known company TC Electronic introduced a brand new and unique product, the TC ELECTRONIC DITTO LOOPER effects pedal. The effect pedal is presented in the new series of effects pedals Ditto Looper. The effect pedal itself is extremely simple, it is packed in a perfectly compact, metal body and is equipped with one button and one controller. TC Electronic is really proud of this compact device, which was developed on the principle of guitarists for guitarists, which means that the pedal device combines the best and most important for practicing musicians. The pedal is incredibly easy to use, has a great sound quality and a basic set of features and properties that will be appreciated by professional musicians. Also, the DITTO LOOPER effects pedal combines in its design and remarkable, modern design. The effect pedal allows you to superimpose recordings of a musical instrument on each other, and almost unlimited number of times. The effect pedal is up to five minutes. The functional features of the DITTO LOOPER looper pedal design are based on a completely new, modern approach to the creation process that puts the Ditto Looper at a completely new level compared to similar effects pedal models. The functionality of this device is quite wide, so the engineers of the manufacturer's company created this compact looper specifically for a wide scope The pedal can be used by guitarists, vocalists, drummers and other musicians who use the Loop effect in their work. The presented model of looper has incredibly intuitive control, in addition to this, the pedal-looper takes up a minimum of space on the pedalboard guitarists and bass players. The pedal's featureset includes a clean bypass and a fully analog circuit (Analog Dry Through), allowing you to keep the beep in its original form. The electronics of the pedal has a zero in passing the signal, the time of recording of loops is up to 5 minutes. Processing the beep 24 (x)-bit, there are functions of cancellation and repetition of the last action, which is very convenient for building full-fledged musical compositions. It is amazing that in such a compact pedal you can record a beep almost unlimited number of times. This function of the effects pedal was developed as a result of a professional approach and reflection on exactly what should be the most ideal looper, and what functional features really are of high importance for practicing musicians during games and performances. The authentic, analog and modern Loop effect of the Looper effect has been used for quite some time and although this type of effect is less used than overload (overdrive), chorus or compressor, the looper effect is focused on active solo and concert performances by guitarists, bass players, keyboardists, DJs and many other musicians. Work and with the looper pedal it looks like this: by pressing the pedal button, the musicians play a piece of music or a riff, and then again pressing the device button, the music fragment begins to play in a circle. After that, you can over and over again superimpose musical fragments and musical phrases, playing them in the general mix. As a result of this functionality, musicians alone can perform several parts at once. The TC Electronic Ditto Looper supports many features, including recording and playback, as well as overlaying additional sound, undo, redo, and stop. The maximum duration of the written fragment or its components is as much as 5 minutes. The DITTO LOOPER Floor Pedal Ditto Looper is one of the most compact and easy to use in its class. So on the body of this compact pedal is only one metal footswitch button and one single volume control. The button has several functional meanings, and the Effect Level pen allows musicians to adjust the sound balance between the memory-playing loops (musical segments) and the sound signal currently playing from a guitar or other musical instrument. The looper interface is more than simple and intuitive. Developers of TC Electronic tried to hide from musicians all inconsequential and not playing special functionality controls, creating a pedal, with functionality even the most inexperienced musician can easily understand. Despite the fact that the Ditto Looper pedal is primarily positioned as an effects pedal for practicing guitarists, other musicians can use this pedal functionally and efficiently. It can be bass players, keyboardists, practicing DJs and musicians playing electronic music and many, many others. Due to its simplicity and functionality, the pedal is extremely easy to use and intuitive, in addition, the pedal is very attractive in price, has a modern look and incredibly compact design. The specifications of the effects pedal TC ELECTRONIC DITTO LOOPER Device type: effect pedal. Frequency of device sampling: 24-bit.Maximum recording time of the beep: up to 5 minutes of recording. The replay function (REDO) : there is.Indication : two-color, LED display. Loading and saving);- Entry for the power adapter.Power device: only through power adapter.Power adapter: 9V DC (not included Pedals : cold bypass (true bypass). Country-producer: THAILAND Review No.1 Dignity: Good sound, compact size, 5 minutes of recording, infinite number of takesUndest: Complete with looper does not go power supply. It's good to be a guitarist... They are very resilient and constantly developing class of instrumentalist musicians. The modern level of sounding samples in the studios has led to the fact that symphonic and brass bands are almost not invited to record, and the final track, recorded with the help of samples, almost nothing different from the recording of live musicians. Whether it's the guitarists, they are actively new styles, new sound and perfectly fit into the modern music format. Currently, progress in the market of musical equipment is moving at such a speed that it is constantly necessary to monitor the new products and master new equipment. And again, the music company TC Electronic pleases musicians with its wonderful instruments and gadgets and again before us a unique guitar gadget, which will leave no one indifferent. In 2013, the company presented its unique development - guitar pedal looper Ditto Looper. Previously, TC Electronic did not produce such effects, but this gadget has won the attention of guitarists all over the world and for a reason. This review is dedicated to the first version of Ditto Looper, but the second extended version is released in parallel and you can see it in the review of TC Electronic Ditto looper X2. For those who are not in the subject will try how the lopper effect works. The effect itself is far from new and is very actively used in solo entry of guitarists, bass guitarists, DJs and vocalists around the world. The principle of work is something like this: click on the recording button and record a piece of music. The recorded audio track is then played in a circle while retaining the rhythm of the composition and on top of the first recording you can record an infinite number of sounds. This is very convenient if you perform solo and there is no accompanying composition. Many songs, especially in the format of pop music, are built on a repetitive sequence of chords and, having recorded it in the first take, you can play on top of solo inserts and significantly expand the palette of sounds and break out of the monotonous sound of one instrument. Such guitar looper have existed for a long time and are very popular with musicians. Immediately comes to mind the devices of the series Loop Station from boss, Digitech JamMan, and this effect is present in every professional guitar processor. It would seem that this niche in the market of musical equipment has long been occupied and the creation of new gadgets is commercially unjustified, but once again engineers TC Electronic break stereotypes in the thinking of musicians and amaze the capabilities of their products. I never really felt interested in looper gadgets and didn't understand their full potential until my friends lent me A TC Electronic Ditto Looper to read it to me. The first thing that struck me immediately was the size of the gadget. Compared to most guitar effects from TC Electronic, it is almost half as much, but as it turned out, its capabilities are almost Second, the minimum settings are only the button of the on/stop recording and the volume handle of the recorded music segment. Previously, such devices had the size of a standard guitar snout and required a place in the pedalboard, but the size of the ditto loop allows you to freely find it a place in any pedalboard ... In fact, it is hard to believe that such features are available in such a compact size. Thirdly, it is the amazing sound quality of the recorded audio track - no compression and loss of quality, what was recorded, exactly the same sounds. And finally, it's a record time of five minutes!!! Practically the accompaniment of an entire musical composition can be recorded without loss of quality and the number of overlays of sounds is limitless. It really amazes and opens up great opportunities for performance and variety of sound. After the power outage, the TC Electronic Ditto Looper recorded audio track is not erased, but stored in the memory of the app. In the future, coming to a new concert venue you can play under the previously recorded successful loop. Above the TC Electronic Ditto Looper power socket is USB, which serves to update the firmware with your computer. The modes of operation are displayed in different colors of the LED and you will always know about the state of recording the audio track. All Ditto Looper is controlled with the turn-on button and even if you have never encountered such devices, you will be able to quickly understand the principle of work. It took me no more than three minutes to see it. I love TC Electronic products for very convenient and intuitive control, In the settings well just unreal. The entire Ditto Looper instruction fits on a tiny liner (see photo above) and is remembered instantly. I'm very interested in what is inside the TC Electronic Ditto Looper and how the developers were able to fit all these features in such a compact case, but, alas, the body is securely closed by non-standard bolts hexagonal. I never found out about the inner world of TC Electronic Ditto Looper, but very interesting) Also very pleased with the food of the gadget - 9V and consumes only 100mA. I expected the power to be like a delay, but Ditto Looper required quite a bit and I plugged it into a standard stabilized power supply and had no problems with the tip. The kit does not go either power supply or USB cable, but all connectors are standard and it is easy to pick up the necessary wires. It takes a little time to master the capabilities of TC Electronic Ditto Looper, the ability to play rhythmically and turn the re-recording exactly to the beat. At first I had a little limp rhythm and I could not catch the moment of turning on the recording, but just a couple of days later I was already recording interesting and rhythmically even musical fragments. It is very interesting then to listen to the previously recorded fragment and hear all the flaws in the performance - yes, Ditto Looper honestly reproduces the recorded and stimulates to a more accurate game). TC Electronic Ditto Looper has become a real discovery for me and one of the most interesting and favorite gadgets that I bought. It is very convenient for training, live performances and stimulates to increase the level of play on the instrument. Despite the fact that it is primarily positioned as a guitar It can easily be used with bass guitar, keyboards and other musical instruments. I advise everyone to familiarize themselves with this wet! Time to use: 1 year Cost: $8,290 Year of release/purchase: 2013 Review No.2 Long wanted to stop at the theme of choosing the perfect looper for a guitar. I have not much experience, but about some of the pedals that I liked the most I will tell you more. The first in line will be the first TC Electronic Ditto Looper. If you go to a section of the loopers in a store, for example here, you will see that for the most part it is loopers built into the dileis or it is separate devices, sometimes with external controllers. Against this background, TC Electronic managed to surprise everyone by releasing the first Ditto Looper in 2013. Unlike its competitors, the TC has made a pedal that does not take up much space in the pedalboard and is not demanding to power like the Electro-Harmonix devices and others. The pedal has only one button and one volume handle, a USB port, but you can't copy your tracks through it on or out of it, you need it to update the firmware, the snickers-size case without the power of the battery (like the Polytune Mini), but the price of BU starts at 4500 if you look. The basic idea behind TC Electronic Ditto Looper is simplicity. Therefore, TC engineers worked on the interaction only through one button. Ditto LooperOne click and start recording, up to 5 minutes of audio. Re-pressing - and the recorded loop begins to play. In order not to get lost during the game, during the recording the indicator on the pedals burns red, while playing the loop - green. As soon as the loop starts to play from the beginning - blinks in green. If you want to finish on top of the loop - click again on the button and the recording will start, to stop the recording click again. Ditto Looper has the ability undo/Redo, for this you need to press a button and hold a little and the last action will be canceled. To clear the loop, you just need to stop the playback (double-pressing) and press and hold the button. The problem of one button in this case is manifested in full growth - first the loop will start to play and in a moment it will be removed. The text above seems much more complicated than the real work with Ditto. As soon as I took it out of the box and connected the food, to start full use I had a couple of minutes and one peeping on the site TC to see the picture and understand definitively. Most of all, the small TC Electronic Ditto Looper bribes the possibility of an infinite number of overlays within a 5-minute loop. You will not be comfortable to play with it full songs, but for classes this pedal is simply . Often I had only a small Ditto Looper between the guitar and the como, and that's where the battery compartment is recognized and the need to power the pedal from the adapter. Ditto Looper does not have quantification, metronome or ability to play rhythm tracks, TC ideology did not imply the use of this pedal in live work in a group, only for individual use. For homework, you may not need these functions, but the ability to play your record in the opposite direction will be missed, as with this function even the usual loops suddenly become quite themselves accompaniment for improvisation. No need to think that TC Electronic Ditto Looper can compete with more complex loopers such as Digitech JamMan Delay or Boss RC-300 Loop Station, it has only the ability to record one loop in mono mode and nothing more, but that's why it became so popular literally from the moment of release. I had Ditto Looper for exactly a year, before buying its updated version of Ditto Looper X2, which I will tell you about later. Pros: Simple and laconic design and management, the smallest among his fellows, and not the most expensive (if you do not take into account Chinese Joyo and other Asian cats in the bag). True Bypass is off. Cons: No quantification and rhythm track, only one control button, which can become a problem during live work. Ditto Looper is ideal if you're looking for a simple and inexpensive looper, but otherwise you'll miss functionality. Although Guthrie Govan does not hold back. 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