1.7 JULIANO, WALL TO MEET IN ML.A Pie State eollefe1 'HOT' ELECTION SEES Gillis, Librarian Calfforhia Jtte Librry RECOR TUFNOLIT Sacranento 9, Culif. 2 Daily between Joe The battle for Student Body President will be FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF UNITED PRESS Juliano and Tom Wall in Friday's -offs. In yesterday's elections, Entered as second class matter in the San Jose Post Office. The Press of the Globe Printing Co., Son Jos*, Calif. at which 2225 students filed into Student Union to cast their ballots the largest turnout for any elec- Volume XXXVI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1948 Number 121 tion in the history of the school Juliano received 800 ballots and Wall 624. RUNNERS UP Runners up in the presidential SJS Welcomes Local Prep Tourists race were Bob Barmettler, 340; Lee Dickason, 207; Ray Bishop, 189; Athenour, 2; Rhinehart, 1; and Roberts, 1. Approximately 650 students 'SWEET AD:OH-LINE' Bob Cronemliler, with 794 bal- from four San Jose high schools lots, and Dale La Mar, with 778, are participating today in the an- are the two leading candidates for nual high school Visiting Day by ASB vice-president, also to be inspecting the departments of decided tomorrow. George Link, their choice here at Sparta. who received 560 votes, placed The potential college under- third. graduates assembled in Morris Dorothy Arnold, candidate for Dailey auditorium at 8:20 a.m., secretary, scored the only clear- at which time Dr. James C. De- cut victory in the elections, win- Voss, chairman of the visiting ning the executive council posi- committee, introduced them to tion with 1330 votes. Phil Piazza President T. W. MacQuarrie. placed second with 780. MacQUARRIE SPEAKS TREASURER POST President MacQuarrie gave a Pat Walsh, with 541 tallies, and brief welcome address. Dwight Bruce Craig, who received 539 Bentel, head of the Journalism de- votes, are the two remaining can- partment, followed with an illus- didates for ASB treasurer. Inez trated talk on the history of San Ariaz, with 360, Len Frizzi, with Jose State college. 355, and Bill Dunlavy, with 337, The high schoolers were routed placed second, third and fourth re- then to the different departments spectively. by Dr. Robert D. Rhodes. De- The last entry on the ballot partmental heads greeted the whether or not smoking will be seniors and gave them facts and allowed in Student Unionreceiv- figures and general information ed 1268 tallies in the affirmative, on requirements and department- while 717 voted against the pro- al programs. posal. DIFFERENT Thirty-five of the ballots cast were disqualified because they Today's Visiting Day is differ- were improperly marked, Chief that ent than previous ones, in Justice Bill Logan, reported. the seniors were siphoned to the Logan explained that a candi- different departments instead of date must receive at least fifty making a general tour of the per cent of the votes cast, fifty campus. "This is not our show; per cent plus one, for example, it's the way the high school offi- The "Worth Waiting Four Quartet" will add its talents to the in order to be elected. Otherwise, cials prefer it," said Dr. DeVoss, long list of professional entertainers that will appear tomorrow as happened in all executive coun- Wednesday. night in the "Senior 'Stravaganza." Singing in a practice session, cil positions except secretary, run- The sightseers are from San left to right, are: Al Weymer, Jack Tyson, Don True, and Joe offs must be held. San Jose Technical, Barbershop Quartet Jose, Lincoln, Della Maggiore. Friday's final elections will and Notre Dame High schools. again be held in Student Union. Joins 'Stravaganza The polls, as on Wednesday, will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Spartan Vocalist Deadline Set Booklet Space By ALICE JOY GOLDER Unusual entertainment awaits Goes On The Air For La Torre Closes Tomorrow the audience Friday at 8 p.m. Dr. Kerner Blasts when the "Senior 'Stravaganza" Meda Randall is the featured Friday, April 23, is the dead- "Tomorrow is the deadline for opens for its one-night stand. singing artist on tonight's Spar- line date for La Torre. groups and organizations to make Rumors Of War Among the professional ranks tans On Review radio program, appointments with Dean Spuler in Robert "All proofs, layouts, and every- will be the well-known "Worth Dr. J. Kerner, professor stated its producer, Jim Caputo. B95 for space and pictures in the i thing else will be completed by Waiting Four Quartet." UC and an authority on Rus- The college's weekly radio show then," declares Bob Rezroad, Spardi Gras souvenir booklet," sian affairs, blasted the rumors will be aired from 8 to 8:30 on publicity chairman. "We will reminds Miriam McClurg, business Members of this quartet belong of war with Russia before a large Radio KEEN. turn everything over to Califor- . "No appointments can to the local chapter of the So- student audience in the Morris Songs sung by Meda Randall nia Art Engraving of Berkeley be given after this date," she :iety for the Preservation and Dailey auditorium Tuesday. warns. Encouragement of Barbershop will be in the Latin vein. The two on that day." "it will take years of straining Quartet Singing in America, In- numbers are "La Palornita" and There will be only 2500 copies and struggling for the Russians corporated. They are making their "Lamento Gitano." of the book available this year. to rise from the near total de- Rev. Thomas Speaks first appearance on this In addition to this college tal- "This small amount is due to the campus.. struction of vliar which they suf- ent azA-feature flews, four of the increases in cost of printing and To Christian Group Don True, baritone, graduated fered. When that day comes, we top tunes of the week will be materials," Rercroad explained. San I must meet her on The Collegiate Christian Fel- from Jose State college last three planes: played. Orders for the yearbook, to be year. He was a member the ideas, economics and military. lowship opens the first of two lec- of distributed June 2, are selling Spartan Knights. Al Weymer,,,Jten- 'pow we can do this successful - tures by the Rev. Carl Thomas fast, according to the chairman. or, who has been in show busi- ly," stated Dr. Kerner. Warrent Signs Budget at 12:30 today in room 117. The ness for 35 years, formerly lectures will be on the subject, played SACRAMENTO, April 21 (UP) with the late veteran actor, W. C. "Christian Marriage Relation." Gov. Earl Warren announced to- Miss Duke Interviews Fields. Joe Della Maggiore, lead, Student Y Has Dinner The meeting is open and all in- day he had signed a $903,261,010 Miss Carolyn Dyke of the San is a butcher from Sunnyvale, and terested students are urged to at- The San Jose State college budgetthe biggest in the state's Mateo Girl Scouts will be avail- Jack Tyson, bass, comes from San tend. Student Y will hold its Member- historyfor the 1948-49 fiscal able for interviews with prospec- Jose. ship Dinner at 5:30 this evening year, after making a cut of $36,- tive camp counselors this after 'Pickets for the "Senior 'Strays- in the College Student Center, 557,500 -in the total budget and noon from 2:00 to 4:00, announces "NSA IN A NUTSHELL" ganza" continue on sale in the 120 E. San Antonio street, ac- special appropriation bills passed Dr. Irene Palmer of the Women's See Editorial, Page Two outer quad and in the Business cording to Program Committee by the legislature. Physical Education department. Manager's office for $1.00 per Member Marsh Pitman. Each person. member will pay 70 cents. Hundreds Of Spartans JamStf*nliftion To Cast Votes SJSC President Turns ELTI7nrilirOTA Student Union resembled a neighborhood precinct yesterday as hundreds of Sparta's faithful Bled pen into the building to cast ballots for their favorite candidates. It was a record-breaking turnout. By "DUTCH" THOMAS A continual stream of voters stepped to the supervisors' tables, had their ASB cards punched, re- The Spartan Daily Softball celled the remainder of the day's end of the Union. ceived their ballots, and then disappearled behind the nine booths set up in the west league officially got under way schedule. A well -decorated jeep, operated by Tom Wall for president supporters, circled the campus throughout yesterday .afternoon when SJS In the first game, the Music the day, offering free Ades to anyone who had not voted. They were, in the best precinct captain style, President Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie department's team batted their "getting out the vote." pitched the first ball over the way to an easy win over the New- phite to batter Paul M. Pitman, man club, 7-0. Dozens of publicity posters, scattered here and -there about campus, praised the qualifications of the dean of men. Behind the plate Bud "Satchel Page" Castle led many "people's choices," All claimed to have THE candidate of candidates. was Dwight 1Bentel, journalism his team, the Ridgerunners, to Student Court and Student Council members, who alternated throughout the day in handling the head. victory over the Pyle Inn Boys by flow of voters, were well pleased. The turnout had been exceptionally large, and the new voting sys- Four teams managed to finish pitching a one -hit game, winning tem was a, tremendous success. games before rain set in and can- 14-1. 2 SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, April 22, 1948 NSA IN A NUTSHELL The whole Concept of the National Student Association is based upon the participation of the student in the government of his col- lege or university. It is, in a larger sense, the national service organization for all students working through their local student governments. Its policies I .will be formed by students, elected at large or by their student governments. a Policies of NSA will be formed by students, elected at large or a by their student government, who gather annually at a national con- gress. Between annual congresses the staff committee works, on details Ii of the program outlined by the students. The staff will represent the students to national, international, and state agencies on matterr which directly affect students. ii It is the purpose of the committee to keep students informed on matters which directly affect their welfare. In all of their activities th NSA staffs are subject to the advice of autonomous student gov- ernments. NSA means closer cooperation between students all over the, nationcooperation sorely needed to preserve students rights.

Hear From There by Louis Now "That's my boy," Androcles (Cliff Roche) gleefully announces, while Al Johnson (left) puts the final touches on the Lion's head for the Drama department's coming production of "Androcles and Miami Students Crave To Carve the Lion." The Lion (Don Smith), however, fails to see anything funny in a meal of raw Christians. '1 An editorial in the University of Miami Hurricane: Dean Spitler photo a "During the past two months, 19 new pencil sharpeners which 1 were just installed, have disappeared. Desks are constantly being descrewed and carved upon, and the walls in classrooms and lava- tories are beginning to resemble Swiss-cheese or mosaic tile. `Androcles' Selected For College Play "If University of Miami students feel they must expand their excess energy, why don't they help spread some of the top soil over Because Of Fine Comedy, Good Drama the campus; read Cromie's book, 'Keeping Physically Fit,' or even try studying the required two hours for the one classroom hour on By DICK COX their subjects?" "Faculty members occasionally appear in Little 'Theater productions to give the student actors some trained competition," Mr. John B.. Kerr, director of "Androcies and the Lion," explained in a recent College Gals Get A Goin' Over interview. An editorial writer in the Mesa College Criterion sketches a "For this reason, and because we had no one to fill the role of Caesar, Dr. James Clancy will play college girl: ,that part in our show," the director added. " 'Androcles and the Lion' was selected for presentation be- a "She is a little too fat and usually has some trouble with her cause it is a good play and fine comedy," Kerr remarked. He then II skin. She diets spasmodically for both faults and keeps them almost added that plays are chosen for their value in a college drama de- under control. Her hair looks nice most of the time, but she insists Dora and Hazel partment and for the play's appeal to students and local playgoers. it it's a mess and she doesn't know what she's going to do with it. "It is sometimes hard to reconcile the interests of the instructors ti By DEL SECCO She wears a sweater, a skirt, saddle shoes, and anklets because all and the likes of the San Jose audience," the drama instructor com- the other girls do, and she loves being one of the group. She looks CLASSROOM CHAT mented. well washed and brushed and attractive." Director Kerr does not feel that Shaw's views on religion are "How much longer, Dora?" True, isn't it?? "What?" overly important in the presentation of the play. "How much time ta go?" In explanation he said, "This is a story of people living together. It's Not So New "Five minutes." The characters include cowards, and heroes, the strong, and the weak. Also from the UC Daily Californian, headlines taken from the "To conclude the lecture, I will The story could be fitted to any age or to any group. The people in San Francisco Examiner of Dec. 8, 1895, showing that introducing a give you Monday's assignment." the play could be Nazis, or playwrights or streetsweepers." new look in the later 1800's took something more than a Dior or "Have ya got a class after this, When asked how the parts are cast, Kerr stated, "Tryouts are Dora?" Adrian: open to anyone with a student body card. We don't necessarily pick "Uh-uh." "State University Girls Are Amazed at Introduction of Bloom- the most experienced students or the ones which we feel might "Read chapter eight . . ." develop into the best professional actors. The students who make ers by Coed." "Let's go down the coop." "Mrs. C. L. Proctor, A Freshman, Causes Her Sister Students "Chapter nine . .." the best showing in the tryouts are cast in the roles." to Express Indignation." "O.K." The drama instructors confer in the spring quarter and chose "She Has Thrown Down the Gauntlet and She Will Be Investi- "And chapter ten." the plays which will be presented during the following year. gated by the Associated Women Students." "I had more fun last night. I wanna tell ya about it . . ." "Also answer the questions at Advisors Hold Meet Editorial Page the end of each chapter." Meeting at Adolph's in Santa "The least expected thing hap- Clara last Tuesday night were pened to me! . Oh, come on, the 17 sorority advisors and Dean Spartan Daily Dora, class is out. Gee! No assign- of Women Helen Dirrunick. ment. We have the whole week Following an informal dinner EDITOR-1%11 Robertson end free!" those present held an open dis- BUSINESS MANAGER_ Fred Albright cussion of sorority affairs on the ASSOCIATE EDITORS Pad Core, Days Leeward FEATURE EDITOR Bob Soden Read the Daily Classified San Jose State college campus. SPORTS EDITOR /wen Barnett COPY EDITOR ___Jecere Wolff WIRE EDITOR Peel you Heflin' SOCIETY EDITOR Rath McCatitty DAY EDITORSBob Blackmon, Dick Co., Alice Joy Gottier. George Grater. Marie Nettle, Aseicaw Pat O'Brien.


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CALIFORNIA SPARTAN DAILY 3 Ball Team Spartan Daily SPARTAN Plays COP SPARTAN NET TEAM UPSET SPORTSCASTER Unless inclement weather at Stockton altered plans, Walt Wil- Cal Poly tennis By DAVE PARNAY Gene Smith's liams and his 14 -man baseball SPORTS team upset the San Jose State a000000000000000000000000 entourage took leave of San Jose Spartans 7-2 in San Luis Obispo Baseball is America's national at 9:30 this morning intending to Tuesday afternoon. In the feature sport. A basketball fan may say, Cross bats with conference leading match Poly's Bob Redden defeated You can't prove that, look at COP in a three -game series. Ed Terry 8-6, 10-8. The match SJS TRACKMEN IGNORE took two the edge my 'sport has in attend- First battle of the trio of games hours to complete. ance figures." But baseball has to be played is scheduled for sev- Smith, a former nationally rank- something else. It's the millions en innings and will take place LATEST RAIN CLOUDS ed star, has developed one of the all over the country who have this afternoon. After a quick top teams in Cal Poly's history. ,heir favorite, teams and players, sho%%er and a light dinner, the As soon as we write about the good weather benefitting our pour over statistics and record squads take to the diamond for local cindermen, it of course clouds up and rains. The Spartans books, and may never see a major contest number two, an affair us- rapidly becoming good league team, who have made the ing arc-light illumination. are mudders, and are no longer bothered game what it is. by California's famous liquid sunshine as they continue to work out Williams has nominated Bobby 'I'he center of baseball interest Santos to pitch the opener, and for their final home meet with the College of Pacific Saturday. is always in the major leagues. intends using Rapid Robert Pif- John Q. Fan may follow his local The turning point of the season ferini under the mazdas. Spartans but in the majority of cases means a number of N The third contest of receiving national it's more important to him to see the series shotild soon be will find speedballer ew Softball his major league favorite come Ralph Ro- recognition. mero facing Tiger through. Ile has trouble sleeping batsmen. This %Ye% begin with the dashes and is to be the initial per- nights if his team loses and his CCAA run through the list of men Coach Schedule Out formance for Romero hobby is second-guessing its man- during the Bud Winter believes should attain 1948 season, rain having The Spartan Daily softball lea- ager. played this recognition. havoc with the Spartan schedule. gue schedule, as published in a recent issue of the Daily, is incor- FELLER WORTH MILLION In TOP SPRINTERS selecting Santos to hurl rect, due to revisions made since Organized or professional base- Don Smalley appears to be the the opener, Williams is gambling the original date of publication. ball is big business today. A ma- top Spartan sprinter, but must his third pitcher against the COP Following is the revised April jor league team and its farm sys- always fight off teammates Stese swiftie, unbeaten Stan McWil- schedule as released by Ted Mum - tem may have a value reaching O'Meara and Bob Bingham. liams. by, softball league director. or exceeding four million dollars. A clean sweep of the COP series Smalley and O'Meara both ran The payroll for active players April 22-- alone would mean a first place berth Just a shade over 9.7 in the 100- approaches half a million Garden City A.C. vs. Wildcats. dollars for the locals. yard dash at San Diego, and a 9.6 on more than one club. Spartan Chi vs. Spartan Daily The Cleve- by either will find them crowd- land April 26 Indians have insured their ing the best dash men in the U.S. famous pitcher, Bob Feller, for TRACKMEN AT Newman Club vs. Pyle Inn Boys one million dollars. 220 MEN Hit Paraders vs. Spartan Ma- nor Professional baseball starts, of STANFORD It's the same story in the 220, Music Dept. vs. Ridgerunners TON ITE course, with the kid on the sand- With this trio battling it out for Coach Bill Perry's frosh track- Wildcats vs. Spartan Daily And Every Thursday Night lot whose dream Is to someday top position. Smalley again has an men will seek their third consec- April 27 be another or Bob edge at this point, although O'- 25-LAP MAIN utive victory against the Stan- Gay Ninery vs. Buster Browns Feller. But for practical purposes Meara unofficially ran the fastest ford frosh at Angell Field in Palo The Cakers vs. ROTC 15-LAP SEMI its analysis should begin with the of the three Saturday when he Alto tomorrow afternoon. April 28 minor leagues. clipped off a 21.6. If any of them 6 HEATS Dore Purdy, the outstanding reach 21.0, they will again be Hit paraders vs. Spartan Chi Spartan Qualifying: 7:00 P.M. First in this classification is the first-year distance run- among the select few. Student Y vs. Garden City AC ' D league. The size of the town ner, was elected captain of the Trophy Dash: 8:15 P.M. Fred Manginl, who ran 49.5 Wildcats vs. Spartan Manor and the caliber of baseball team Wednesday afternoon, and ADMISSIONAll Seats $1.50 played against Stanford, is the top 440 Music Dept. vs. Buster Browns increases proportionally as with "Iron Man" George Mattos you go man so far, and if he lowers this April 29 Children Under 12, 40 Cents through the C, B, A, will lead the Spartans against the AA, and AAA mark to 48.0 or better, his name Newman Club. vs. ROTC Tax Included leagues, and Indians. Perry announced yester- finally reach the will undoubtedly make the wires Pyle Inn Boys vs. Gay Ninery. day that Mattes will Opposite Hillview Golf Course top, the major leagues. compete in hum. the pole vault, broad jump, and The organization of a major Space permitting. we will corn- CLASSIFIED AD 100-yard dash. Mattos has cleared N JOSE league team reaches down to the plete this summary in tomorrow's WANTED TO RENT: Furnish- over 13 feet in the pole vault and SPEEDWAY lowest minor league. All the ma- edition. ed apartment for summer months over 21 feet in the broad jump.. jor league teams own or have the only. Please call Col. 5671-J. STADIUM controlling interest in a number The rndian yearlings have sev- of minor leagues. They also have eral outstanding men, including of the New York agreements with some of these Bly, who has a 50.6 seconds quar- Giants is the only man to have teams which operate to the mu- ter mile to his credit, and Scott, hit three home runs in a game SPECIAL tual advantage of each. a 130-foot discus thrower. three times. New Remington DeLuxe Model 5 Portable CONTROL OF TALENT AT A The reason for the outright CLOSE-OUT PRICE FORMERLY ;84.27 ownership of these minor league McCartv's 65 Is New Record $69'` teams by the major league teams Including Excise Tax Varren McCarty's brilliant 65, Intercollegiate championship. and for the working agreements team which led the Spartan golf team IMMEDIATE DELIVERY that exist between some of them The Spartans with their newly to a victory over Stanford last is the development and control of elected captain, Ross Smith, will week, was the lowest competitive potential major league players. seek revenge against the Gaels TYPEWRITER CO. round ever fired by a Spartan SAN JOSE The Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. on the Es. 1900 golfer. No Spartan was over a 76 club has such an agreement with San Jose C'ountry Club course. against the Indians and McCarty 6. A. BLANCHARD 24 So. 2nd St. Be I. 349 the Baltimore club of the class The Spartan JN"s meet Modesto had six birdies in his record round. AAA International League. Cleve- JC in Modesto also on Friday. The Spartans are now definitely er' land buys two Baltimore players established as contenders for the each year for $10,000 whether NCAA crown. Only an upset at CLASSIFIED AD they are worth more or less. And the hands of St. Mary's mars their FOR SALE: Whizzer motor since the Indians could get a record which includes victories bike. Like new, lights,, generator, player worth $100,000 for $10,000 over California, COP and Stan- front wheel brake. See at 1212 agreement, they op- under this ford, and the Northern California McKee Rd. tion or "farm out" to Baltimore What kind ofa JOB players of potential major league caliber who need more experience. This in turn strengthens Baltimore and the player remains under Cleveland's control. SUMMER SPORT TOGS Baseball has had its ups and downs through the years, and at you like? one time was forced to hire a would famous judge, Kenesaw Mountain N-E-W Landis, to get it out of its diffi- culties and back into public fa- 00 TOO ENJOY dealing with people ... doing useful work vor. But today baseball is at its that will challenge your ability? peak. Attendance records are be- T-SHIRTS ing broken everywhere and Amer- THE TELEPHONE COMPANY offers a real opportunity for ica's favorite sport wears her neat-appearing young women with poise and tact for crown proudly. Gay Stripes 1.25 work in San Francisco. These young women deal with customers, mostly by telephone, on matters concerning CLASSIFIED AD Solids 2.50 their telephone service. Room, kitchen FOR RENT: OPPORTIINMES for advancement will appeal to you as room. $25 privileges, use of living a saw woman. Too, you'll like working with people titonth. 136-44ev--Willard. Col. per just Waimea assecietee, but friends. 505-M. IPLASS1OOM and an the job WM:notion are even at goed ALSO NEW ARRIVALITtrSFICYRTS . . . . YOU MAY ARRANGE to talk over this interesting SLACKS . . . FLARED COTTON. SKIRTS . . . work with our representatives when they Visit the campus on April 27 and 28 . . . or visit our San PEDAL PUSHERS . . . SWIM SUITS Francisco employment office, located at 140 New Montgomery St.

TIM PAWN TIU14111111 AIM TRIIIIAPI CINIASI franchot TONE Janet BLAIR --f731Atris I LOVE TROUBLE SPORT SHOP IBat Boys Dumped Barbecue Today Marks First Social Activity Announcements The frosh baseball nine defeated For Members And Guest Of The Class Of 1949 Santa Clara High school, 5-0, in a SOPHOMORE CLASS COUN- OCCUPATION A L THERAPY game played on the opponents dia- Members of the junior class will gather this afternoon at 6 p.m. C:J.: Meet Tnesday at 3:30 in CLUB: Meeting tonight in L210 mond Tuesday. for a barbecue, according to Bob Sampson, chairman. The affair will Student Union. at 7:30. Movies on cerebral pasleg. be held at the barbecue pit near the Women's gym and is open to JUNIOR CLASS PICNIC COM- ALPHA CHI EPSILON: Meet all students in the junior class. MITTEE: Bar-B-Q Pit, on campus in front of Student Union today PLACEMENT OFFICE This is the first social activity of the quarter for the class of '49. 5 p.m. at 3:30 and 4:30. today at Check with the Placement of- "Dinner tonight will be served promptly at 6 and a slight fee will JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL: ETA MU F.1: Meeting today at fice concerning these positions: be charged," Sampson said. gym, today 12:30 Bar-B-Q Pit, Women's in room 139. Primary and elementary teach- in at 6 p.m. All juniors interested KAPPA DELTA PI: Meeting ing positions are open with the A good word is as easily said I Beginner's pluck accounts for council attend. Pic- joining junior today at 4:30 in room 155. Michigan school for the deaf. as a bad one. I most beginner's luck. nice supper served. Charge 50 SING SPUNDE: Meeting today Salary $1900 to $4500, depending cents. at 3:30 in room 155. Everyone upon training and experience. SPARTAN CHI: Meet tonight interested in German singing in- Secretarial position available. at 7:30 in L211. vited. Proficiency in typing and short- FOR AN PRE-LEGAL CLUB: .Meeting hand FRESHMAN CLASS COUN- required. Salary, $25-$30 to today at 3:30 in room 17. begin. DELTA THETA OMEGA: CIL: Meeting today at 4:30 in Meeting tonight at 7:30 in room roorrr 24. OPEN AND SHUT 133. STUDENTS FOR STASSEN: CLASSIFIED ADS STUDENT Y MEMBERSHIP Meeting tonight at 7:30 in room CASE supper will be held tonight at S112. Lambert Skillman, Pres. FOR SALE: 1945 Package car- 5:30 in Student Center, 120 E. local club, will be speaker. All rier Cushman Motor S000ter. Mo- San Fernando. student's and faculty interested tor good condition. Needs paint. STATE CAMP COMMITTEE: invited. Contact , Apt. 48, Meeting today at 4:30 in Student MUSIC APPRECIATION Spartan City. Y. HOUR: Today at 1730 in Stu- FOR SALE: '36 Nash cp. "6". Y PUBL:CITY COMMITTEE: dent Y. $425. Exceptionally clean. A-1 Meeting today at 4:30 in Student SOPHOMORE COUNCIL mem-' mechanically. Good tires, radio, Y. bers who signed up to sell tick- Hyd. brakes. Can Finance. La- SKEPTICS HOUR: Tonight at ets meet in library arch today at Lanne, Box "L" in Coop. 8 in Student Y. 9:30 a.m. FOR SALE: '32 Graham coupe. Runs well, good rubber, good paint, clean. $250. Cash. Col. Ads 995-W. Classified ..e40:04 1 For the Senior LOST: Will the person who FOR SALE: 1938 Ford cpe finds the wallet belonging to New motor, , seal beam 'Stravaqama Florence Malerbi, please return light, good tires.. Price $650 or visit it to Information office. Valuable best offer. Inquire 222 So. 7th Henry Steiling cards are needed. St. after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: One-half h.p. Evin- FOR SALE: 1937 Ford sedan and the boys rude outboard motor, excellent convertible. Very good mechani- .1 th condition, good for trolling. 1230 cal condition, good tires, etc. Call NANCY FULLER NeWhall St. or call Santa Clara Col. 8261-W after 5:30 p.m. or Henry OF SHEER SHIRT COMFORT... 836-M after 6 p.m. view at Shell Station at 4th and Hotel Sainte Claire FOR SALE: 1935 Chev. Master San Fernando during day. doubler in fine Gordon oxford 6 good try an Arrow Gordon coupe. Good condition. FOR SALE: Studebaker sedan Barber Shop $375, cloth, $4.00. tires and radio. A steal at Champion 1940 for $750. See Hotel Sainte Claire Contact Larry Laurence, "L" Dr. Mouat, B5. seen box in Coop for free demonstra- ce..cow The doubler is the only shirt we have ever tion. - that successfully leads a life and looks well FOR SALE: Military jeep, DE MOLAYJOB’S DAUGHTERS with or without a necktie. 14,000 Miles. New battery; good present tires; new paint and top. Priced Ask your Arrow dealer for a Doubler, a perennial reasonably. Leave note in "J" of U. S. college men. box in Coop and I will bring it "SPRING REIGNS" shirt favorite around anytime. regular collar sizes and May I Dressy Sport PS. Doubler conies in sleeve lengths. 34e per gal. 9ff 9 to 1 $1.50, tax. incl. Empire Room BOB & TED'S Ste. Claire Hotel ARROW SHIRTS and TIES SEASIDE SERVICE 4th & William BENNY GLASSMAN'S ORCHESTRA UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRT;

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