Persons: Popov Vladimir Leonidovich RUS ENG JOURNALS PEOPLE ORGANISATIONS CONFERENCES SEMINARS VIDEO LIBRARY PERSONAL OFFICE Popov Vladimir Leonidovich Total publications: 158 (128) in MathSciNet: 93 (78) Corresponding member of RAS in zbMATH: 72 (60) Professor in Web of Science: 39 (36) in Scopus: 35 (35) Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Cited articles: 73 (1984) Citations in Math-Net.Ru: 332 Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and Citations in MathSciNet (by Sep 2017): 1119 number theory) Citations in Web of Science: 298 Citations in Scopus: 169 Birth date: 3.09.1946 Presentations: 87 Phone: +7 (495) 941 01 79 Fax: +7 (495) 984 81 39 Number of views: This page: 15812 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract pages: 13305 Website: Full texts: 3875 /Vladimir_Popov12 References: 849 Keywords: Algebraic group, Lie group, Lie algebra, algebraic variety, action, representation, algebra, invariant, covariant, orbit, homogeneous space, automorphism group of algebraic variety, Cremona group, discrete reflection group, lattice. UDC: 512.7, 512.745, 512.745.4, 512.743, 512.747, 512.76, 512.77, 512.71, 512.812, 512.813, 512, 519.4 MSC: 14l30, 14l24, 14l35, 15a72, 14l40, 14l10, 14l15, 14l17, 14m17, 14m20, 20G05, 15A72 Subject: Algebraic transformation groups; invariant theory; algebraic groups, Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations; algebraic geometry; automorphism groups of algebraic varieties; discrete reflection groups Biography Graduated from Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Moscow State University Lomonosov (MSU) (Department of High Algebra) in 1969. PhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics) (1972).