A10 | THE GAZETTE | Thursday, October 3, 2019 OPINION THE GAZETTE’S VIEWPOINT If Coffman leads Aurora, he’ll help all of Colorado Springs was fortunate when the ments in the Middle East’s western Euphra- former state’s attorney general, U.S. attor- tes Valley. It was a selfless decision made for ney, state prosecutor, and director of the the good of his country. Colorado Department of Corrections ran for As Coffman saw more Latinos moving into . It is hard to imagine someone with his hometown, he adapted by learning to such high qualifications running for a local speak Spanish. It was no surprise because leadership position. Coffman devotes his life to serving others. ’ leadership, early in a second He understands public service and the way term, has played a major role in Colorado government works inside and out, perhaps Springs becoming the most envied city in better than any of Colorado’s other political the — as determined for two leaders. successive years by a U.S. News & World Only Aurora residents can vote in this Report survey. The local housing market is election, but everyone in Colorado should among the best in the country. Unemploy- care about the outcome. Aurora matters to ment is low, wages are growing and young all of Colorado: people are moving to the community in • It is home to the massive Rocky Moun- droves. Investment has poured in to create tain Regional VA Medical Center. and enhance cultural amenities. • It is home to the flagship campus of Chil- Confidence in government pays off. dren’s Hospital Colorado. Aurora has a similar opportunity this fall • It is home to the when voters choose a new mayor Nov. 5. Anschutz Medical Campus. Running among a crowded field is former • It is home to UCHealth and the U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman, whose qualifi- UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital. cations far surpass those we typically see • It is home to Cherry Creek State Park; among candidates for local office. Few cities the Colorado Freedom Memorial; the Plains will have an opportunity to elect leadership Conservation Center; Aurora Reservoir and this well-qualified. other great public attractions. A 55-year-resident of Aurora — growing up • It is the gateway to Internation- there from childhood — Coffman is Colora- al Airport and serves as the jurisdiction do’s former state treasurer. He is Colorado’s housing most of the booming office, retail former secretary of state. He spent 10 years and commercial development surrounding in Congress. He served in the Colorado Sen- the airport. ate. He is a combat veteran of the Persian • It is home to Buckley Air Force Base, , earning the Combat Action Rib- an important component of our country’s bon. His military service includes 20 years national defense system. of combined service in the Army, the Army For the sake of the city’s residents and the Reserve, the Marine Corps and the Marine rest of Colorado, Aurora must remain an Reserve. increasingly welcoming, safe, affordable, After winning reelection as state treasur- diverse and business-friendly city. Under er, Coffman left the comfort and safety of Coffman’s proven leadership, Aurora’s pres- domestic public office to serve in the Iraq ent and future will shine bright. war and help establish interim local govern- THE GAZETTE EDITORIAL BOARD