Journal Articles Which Use DMSP Data (1990 - Dec 2010) Seq Title Author(S) Journal Citation Year
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Journal Articles Which Use DMSP Data (1990 - Dec 2010) Seq Title Author(s) Journal Citation Year 1 Spatial scaling of stable night lights Small, C.; Elvidge, C. D.; Remote Sensing of 2010 Balk, D.; Montgomery, M. Environment, in press 2 Estimating Dst indices and exospheric Burke, W. J., G. R. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 temperatures from equatorial magnetic fields Wilson, C. S. Lin, F. J. doi:10.1029/ measured by DMSP satellites Rich, J. O. Wise, and M. 2010JA015310, in press P. Hagan 3 GPS tomography in the polar cap: Pokhotelov, D.; GPS Solutions, in Press 2010 comparison with ionosondes and in situ Jayachandran, P.T.; spacecraft data Mitchell, C. N.; MacDougall, J. W.; Denton, M. H. Study of the ionosphere during a Blagoveshchensky, D.V.; Adv. in Space Res., in 2010 magnetospheric storm using data on the MacDougall, J.W.; Rogov, Press ground and in space D.D. 4 Fusion of DMSP OLS nighttime visible image Kai Liu; Zheng Kou; Limin ICCET 2010 - 2010 2010 and OLS thermal infrared image Luo International Conf. on Computer Eng. and Tech., Proceedings, 5, V5420-V5423 5 Polar Low study using satellite passive and Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta; 11th Specialist Meeting 2010 active microwave remote sensing Bobylev, Leonid; Mitnik, on Microwave Radiometry Leonid; Mitnik, Maia and Remote Sensing of the Environment, MicroRad 2010 - Proceedings,g,p p 167-170 6 Intercalibration of near-real-time snow and Meier, W.; Brodzik, M.J.; 2010 11th Specialist 2010 sea ice products from passive microwave Khalsa, S.J.S. Meeting on Microwave data Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad 2010), p 104-9 7 A rapid radiative transfer model for SSMIS Yong Han 2010 11th Specialist 2010 UAS channels that takes the earth-rotation Meeting on Microwave doppler shift and Zeeman effects into Radiometry and Remote account Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad 2010), p 37-42 8 Microwave emission properties of a Kutuza, B.G Seventh International 2010 precipitating atmosphere with respect to Kharkov Symposium on remote sensing of precipitation from space Physics and Engineering by means of microwave radiometry of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW 2010), p 3 pp Page 1 9 Quantifying urban land cover and impact on Alimujiang, K.; Tateishi, R. 2010 Second IITA 2010 land cover in China using GLCNMO urban International Conference and DCW on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA- GRS 2010), p 455-8 10 Global coverage of total precipitable water Boukabara, S.-A.; Garrett, IEEE Transactions on 2010 using a microwave variational algorithm K.; Wanchun Chen Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48, 10, 3608-21 11 Monitoring dry, wet, and no-snow conditions Royer, A.; Goïta, K.; Kohn, IEEE Geoscience and 2010 from microwave satellite observations J.; De Sève, D. Remote Sensing Letters, 7, 4, 670-674 12 Improved global rainfall retrieval using the Vila, D.; Ferraro, R.; J. of Applied Meteorology 2010 special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) Semunegus, H. and Climatology, 49, 5, 1032-1043 13 An extended and improved special sensor Semunegus, H.; Berg, W.; J. of Applied Meteorology 2010 microwave imager (SSM/I) period of record Bates, J. J.; Knapp, K. R.; and Climatology, 49, 3, Kummerow, C. 424-436 14 The effects of urbanization on net primary Lu, D.; Xu, X.; Tian, H.; Environmental 2010 productivity in southeastern China Moran, E.; Zhao, M.; Management, 46, 3, 404- Running, S. 410 15 The use of night-time lights satellite imagery Townsend, A. C.; Bruce, International J. of Remote 2010 as a measure of Australia's regional D. A. Sensing, 31, 16, 4459- electricity consumption and population 4480 distribution 16 Effects in the ionosphere and HF radio-wave Blagoveshchensky, D.V.; Radiophysics and 2010 propagation during an intense substorm Borisova, T.D.; Rogov, Quantum Electronics, 53, D.D. 3,, 147-160 17 A numerical study of geometry dependent Davidson, R.L.; Earle, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 8 2010 errors in velocity, temperature, and density G.D.; Klenzing, J.H.; measurements from single grid planar Heelis, R.A. retarding potential analyzers 18 Characteristics of the equatorial ionization Paul, A.; DasGupta, A. Radio Science, 45, 2010 anomaly in relation to the day-to-day RS6001, doi:10.1029/ variability of ionospheric irregularities around 2009RS004329 the postsunset period 19 Specification of the occurrence of equatorial Basu, S.; Basu, Su.; Radio Science, 45, 2010 ionospheric scintillations during the main MacKenzie, E.; RS5009, doi:10.1029/ phase of large magnetic storms within solar Bridgwood, C.; Valladares, 2009RS004343 cycle 23 C.E.; Groves, K.M.; Carrano, C. 20 Longitudinal structure in the CHAMP electron McNamara, L.F.; Retterer, Radio Science, 45, 2010 densities and their implications for global J. M.; Baker, C. R.; RS2001, doi:10.1029/ Ionospheric modeling Bishop, G. J.; Cooke, 2009RS004251 D.L.; Roth, C.J.; Welsh, J.A. Page 2 21 Ion outflows and artificial ducts in the topside Milikh, G. M.; Mishin, E.; Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, 2010 ionosphere at HAARP Galkin, I.; Vartanyan, A.; L18102, doi:10.1029/ Roth, C.; and Reinisch, B. 2010GL044636 W. 22 Stratification of east‐west plasma flow Rinne, Y.; Moen, J.; Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, 2010 channels observed in the ionospheric cusp in Carlson, H. C.; and L13102, doi:10.1029/ response to IMF BY polarity changes Hairston; M. R. 2010GL043307 23 Dayside field‐aligned current source regions Wing, S., S. Ohtani, P. T. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 Newell, T. Higuchi, G. A12215, doi:10.1029/ Ueno, and J. M. Weygand 2010JA015837 24 Multisatellite low‐altitude observations of a Newell, P. T.; Lee, A.R.; J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 magnetopause merging burst Liou, K.; Ohtani, S.; Wing, A11204, doi:10.1029/ S.;and Hairston, M. 2010JA015438 25 Locations of night‐side precipitation Ohtani, S., S. Wing, P. T. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 boundaries relative to R2 and R1 currents Newell, and T. Higuchi A10233, doi:10.1029/ 2010JA015444 26 Substorm cycle dependence of various types P. T. Newell, A. R. Lee, K. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 of aurora Liou, S.‐I. Ohtani, T. A09226, doi:10.1029/ Sotirelis, and S. Wing 2010JA015331 27 Storm time electric fields in the equatorial Huang, C.‐S.; F. J. Rich, J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 ionosphere observed near the dusk meridian F. J.; and Burke, W.J. A08313, doi:10.1029/ 2009JA015150 28 Spherical cap harmonic analysis of Super R. A. D. Fiori, D. H. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Boteler, A. V. Koustov, G. A07307, doi:10.1029/ observations for generating maps of V. Haines, and J. M. 2009JA015055 ionospheric convection Ruohoniemi 29 Zonal drift of plasmapp particles inside Huang,g, C.-S., , O. de La J. Res., , 115, , 2010 equatorial plasma bubbles and its relation to Beaujardiere, R. F. Pfaff, A07316, doi:10.1029/ the zonal drift of the bubble structure J. M. Retterer, P. A. 2010JA015324 Roddy, D. E. Hunton, Y.‐J. Su, S.‐Y. Su, and F. J. Rich 30 Statistical behavior of the topside electron Garner, T. W., B. T. J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 density as determined from DMSP Taylor, T. L. Gaussiran II, A07306, doi:10.1029/ observations: A probabilistic climatology W. R. Coley, M. R. 2009JA014695 Hairston, and F. J. Rich 31 Detection of large scale TIDs associated with Karpachev, A.T.; Beloff, J. of Atmos. and Solar- 2010 the dayside cusp using SuperDARN data N.; Carozzi, T.D.; Terrestrial Phys., 72, 9- Denisenko, P.F.; 10, 653-61, Karhunen, T.J.T.; Lester, M 32 On the diurnal variation of the E-region Carter, B.A.; Makarevich, J. of Atmos. and Solar- 2010 coherent HF echo occurrence R.A. Terrestrial Phys., 72, 7-8, 570-82 33 The temporal evolution of the large Kil, H. ; Paxton, L. J. J. Atmos. and Solar- 2010 equatorial plasma depletions observed Terres. Phys., 72, 4, 327- during the 29-30 October 2003 storm 333 Page 3 34 DEMETER and DMSP satellite observations Bankov, L.G.; Parrot, M.; Adv. in Space Res., 46, 2010 of the disturbed H +/O+ ratio caused by Heelis, R.A.; Berthelier, J.- 4, 419-430 Earth's seismic activity in the Sumatra area J.; Marinov, P.G.; during December 2004 Vassileva, A.K. 35 Response of the ionospheric F-region in the de Abreu, A.J.; Sahai, Y.; Adv. in Space Res., 45, 2010 Brazilian sector during the super Fagundes, P.R.; Becker- 11, 1322-1329 geomagnetic storm in April 2000 observed Guedes, F.; de Jesus, R.; by GPS Guarnieri, F.L.; Pillat, V.G. 36 Assessment of stable light derived from Letu, Husi; Tana, Gegen; Internat. J. of 2010 DMSP/OLS night-time imagery Bagan, Hasi; Hara, M.; Environmental Studies, Nishio, F 67, 5, 773-779 37 Analysis of the factors exciting the ocean- Grankov, A.G.; Milshin, Internat. J. of Remote 2010 atmosphere heat interaction in the North A.A. Sensing, 31, 4, 913-930 Atlantic using satellite and vessel data 38 Locality Sensitive Hashing for Satellite Buaba, R.; Gebril, M.; 2010 IEEE Aerospace 2010 Images using Texture Feature Vectors Homaifar, A.; Kihn, E.; Conference, p 10 pp., Zhizhin, M. 39 Relatively low-latitude wave aurora and Lee, A. R.; Newell, P. T.; Geophys Res Lett, 37 2010 substorms Gjerloev, J.; Liou, K. L06101, doi:10.1029/ 2009GL041680 40 The zonal drift of plasma particles inside Huang, C.-S.; de La J. Geophys. Res., 115, 2010 equatorial plasma bubbles and its relation to Beaujardiere, O.; Pfaff, R. A07316, doi:10.1029/ the zonal drift of the bubble structure F.; Retterer, J. M.; Roddy, 2010JA015324 P. A.; Hunton, D. E.; Su, Y.-J.; Su, S.-Y. and Rich, F. J. 41 Polar cap convection/precipitation states Sandholt, P.E.; Andalsvik, Annales Geophysicae, 2010 duringgpg Earth passage of two ICMEs at solar Y.;;g, Farrugia, C.J.