SCOTT-MACON HEALTHCARE REVIEW: THIRD QUARTER 2014 Third Quarter 2014 Healthcare Review 2 Healthcare Overview, Mean Revenue Multiples 5 Healthcare Overview, Mean EBITDA Multiples 6 Analysis of Selected Healthcare 7 Merger and Acquisition Transactions July 1—September 30, 2014 Analysis of Selected 30 Publicly-Traded Healthcare Companies CONTENTS SCOTT-MACON Healthcare Investment Banking 2 THIRD QUARTER 2014 HEALTHCARE REVIEW Dear Clients and Friends, Scott-Macon is pleased to present our quarterly mens’ healthcare IT business for $1.3 billion; and Bob Healthcare Review covering the third quarter of 2014. If Patricelli’s Evolution1 has been sold to payments con- you haven’t done so already, please email me at ncor- glomerate WEX for 6.0x revenues. Other interesting tech-
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