In Vivo and in Vitro Disappearance of Energy and Nutrients in Novel Carbohydrates and Cereal Grains by Pigs
IN VIVO AND IN VITRO DISAPPEARANCE OF ENERGY AND NUTRIENTS IN NOVEL CARBOHYDRATES AND CEREAL GRAINS BY PIGS BY SARAH FLORDELIZ CERVANTES PAHM DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Sciences in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011 Urbana, Illinois Doctoral Committee: Associate Professor Hans H. Stein, Chair Professor Emeritus George C. Fahey, Jr. Professor Emeritus Michael R. Murphy Associate Professor Kelly S. Swanson Professor Kelly A. Tappenden ABSTRACT: In vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted to determine digestibility of GE and nutrients, as well as DE and ME of carbohydrates fed to growing pigs. The objective of Exp. 1 was to determine the DE and ME of 4 novel carbohydrates fed to pigs. The 4 novel carbohydrates were 2 sources of resistant starch (RS 60 and RS 70), soluble corn fiber (SCF), and pullulan. These carbohydrates were produced to increase total dietary fiber (TDF) intake by humans. Maltodextrin (MD) was used as a highly digestible control carbohydrate. The DE and ME for RS 60 (1,779 and 1,903 kcal/kg, respectively), RS 75(1,784 and 1,677 kcal/kg, respectively), and SCF (1,936 and 1,712 kcal/kg, respectively) were less (P < 0.05) than for MD (3,465 and 3,344 kcal/kg, respectively) and pullulan (2,755 and 2,766 kcal/kg, respectively), and pullulan contained less (P < 0.05) DE and ME than MD. However, there was no difference in the DE and ME for RS 60, RS 75, and SCF.
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