Hong Kong Catholic Diocese Diocesan Commission for Permanent Diaconate Annual Report 2019

The Committee On 1.2.1993, Cardinal John Wu initiated a task force on permanent deacon with the aim to promote the establishment of permanent deacon in the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese for a trial period of 3 years. Subsequently the Diocesan Commission for Permanent Diaconate (the Commission) was officially set up in 1996.

Mission 2. - responsible for the strategic planning, publicizing, promoting, selection, formation, designation and assignment - strengthen and enhance the publicity and awareness of formation of permanent deacon within the Catholic Diocese

Appointment of Members 3. On 26.2.2018, Bishop appointed/reappointed the following to be members of the Committee for a term of 2 years from 1.2.2018 to 31.1.2020 :

Chairman : VG Dominic Chan Members : Rev. Joseph Chan Wing Chiu, Rev. Giorgio Pasini, PIME, Rev. Francis Tam, Rev. Deacon Edwin Ng, Mr. Bernard Chan, Ms. Jennie Chan, Ms. Teresa Chu, Mr. Simon Li, Ms. Cecilia Ng, Ms. Louise Wong

3.1. VG Dominic Chan was also appointed as the Director of Formation.

Meetings 4. The Commission has convened 4 meetings during 2019, i.e. on 28.2.2019, 4.6.2019, 7.9.2019 and 10.12.2019. A brain storming as well as special session on review of progress and planning of future tasks were also held during the meeting on 7.9. 2019.


Focus of Work 5. The focus of work for the year is to emphasize the enhancement of spiritual formation/preparation and broadening of scope of learning for permanent deacons, candidates and aspirants, discussion and followup actions on the report on ‘Study of Development of Permanent Deacon in Hong Kong’ released by the Chinese University Hong Kong Centre for Catholic Studies in 2017 (see para 19-23 for details).

Report of Director of Formation 6. As the Director of Formation and Chairman, VG Dominic Chan is in charge of implementing the decisions of the Commission. He is also responsible for the strategic planning, publicizing, promoting, selection, formation, designation and task assignment of the existing 22 serving permanent deacons, 17 candidates currently undergoing theological, pastoral and charity training in order to better understand the operation of the church, and allocation of suitable tasks and appointment of membership in committees and agencies for permanent deacons and candidates (see Appendix 1 for details).

7. Ceremony for Ministry of Lector was held on 31.8.2019 in the Sham Shui Po St. Francis of Assisi Church for candidates, i.e. Paul Lui, Frederick Chan, Gamaliel Cheng, Paul Wat, Thomas Lam and Augustine Leung.

8. Ceremony for Ministry of Acolyte was held on 31.8.2019 in the Sham Shui Po St. Francis of Assisi Church for candidate Thomas Wong.

9. Acceptance Ceremony was held on 16.11.2019 in the Ma On Shan St. Francis Church for aspirants as candidates, i.e. James Sin, Stephen Yau, John Siu, Joseph Ng, Francis Mok and David Choi.

10. The Director of Formation held regular meetings with permanent deacons, candidates and aspirants. The purpose is to understand their work, experience and insights so as to better allocate suitable pastoral and charity services, as well as provide necessary training for guidance and encouragement.

10.1 The Commission has prepared Permanent Deacon Log Diary for permanent deacons, candidates and aspirants to enable them to keep comprehensive and systematic record of the whole journey


from formation, study and spiritual pursuit to review and examination. Such record would be useful for the Director of Formation to provide suitable guidance during their interviews. This practice also allows the Director to fully understand the progress of formation and religious life of individual permanent deacon, candidate and aspirant. The Commission would further consider upgrading the Diary to electronic format in line with the changing digital technology.

10.2 For candidates and aspirants, the Director will arrange psychological assessments by professional clinical psychologists.

10.3 The Director has held a gathering with the aspirants on 3.4.2019 to enable them to understand and share with each other, so as to enrich their perspectives mutually and better prepare themselves to respond to God’s calling.

10.4 We are very mindful about the personal spirituality and progress in their life of prayer of permanent deacons, as well as how to maintain harmonious relationship within their families.

10.5 The Director also arrange personal spiritual advisors and tutors for the permanent deacons, candidates and aspirants, trying to provide companion throughout the evolving process of their religious journey.

10.6 Experienced permanent deacons are also appointed as tutors for candidates and aspirants as their mentors, with the purpose of building a close-knit community and enhancing greater sense of belonging and experience sharing

11. The Commission has prepared the Parish Pastoral Ministry Memorandum to help the parish priests to give guidance and followup actions to deacons and candidates during their internship and services.

12. The Commission has also published the Prayer for Permanent Deacons as the common prayer for sharing during gatherings and publicity events (see Appendix 2).


13. The Commission has set up a Spirituality Formation Group (members include Rev. Francis Tam, Ms. Jennie Chan, Rev. Joseph Chan and Sister Lucia Mak, FMM to provide spiritual guidance for the aspirants, candidates and deacons. The Growth and Conversion Group has also designed a special curriculum integrating both the ‘St. Francis’ and ‘St. Ignatius’ model. The content is to combine the lectio divina (holy words), discernment, examination, mindfulness meditation and prayer as the basis for practice in life through following the personal log dairy in their spiritual exercise. This would be a compulsory subject in the formation preparation and also a requirement for annual training for all aspirants, candidates and deacons. During the 3-year formation cycle, attendants need to select a suitable time to complete the programme. We have already completed phase four of the training. The next round would be conducted at a suitable time of the programme. We have already identified 7 potential deacons and 6 deacon wives to join the Spiritual Tutor Group to be trained as future tutors with continuous succession for the diaconate community. The Group also helped to organize retreats and promote holistic spiritual formation for deacons (see para 38 for details).

14. The Commission has established the Curriculum Development Group (members including Rev. Francis Tam, Deacon Edwin Ng, Mr. Bernard Chan, Mr. Simon Li, Ms. Louise Wong) to formulate the framework of curriculum, comprising theological doctrine, diaconate leadership, charity ministry and scope of spiritual formation. It has also worked out the detailed courses to be completed before diaconate ordination. The list of subjects has been incorporated in the timetable of continuing learning schedule held on every Monday. Part of the courses are also open to aspirants and wives of deacons who are interested to attend (see para 39 for details).

15. The Social Concern Group was also formed to examine and consider social issues to sound out their views as the role of prophets and witnesses (members include Commission representatives Rev. Deacon Edwin Ng and Rev. Giorgio Pasini, PIME, Deacon Anthony Sin, Mr. Bernard Chan, candidates Francis Tang, Thomas Lam and Paul Wat). In the light of social unrest and anxiety arising from recent social events, as well as chaotic messages/fake news and conflicting public views, prayer and conversion are important elements to secure peace of mind and denounce resentment, so as to regain our once peaceful society. During the process of daily prayers, deacons should also pray for the compromise and resolution of different walks of our community. Also it is necessary to take part in the Friday fasting and decline


all negative online information and violence-inflicting messages. Instead, we must disseminate information pertaining love, forgiveness, understanding and tolerance. We should serve as the role models as spiritual leaders in the community.

16. The Commission has arranged monthly meetings for deacons to enhance better mutual understanding and support (please see para 35 for details).

17. The Formation Director has already set up a direct link in the website of the VG office(http://vgoffice.catholic.org.hk), which will enable direct digital linkage to facilitate easy sharing of information and compilation of data bank.

Appointment of Deputy Director of Formation 18. In the light of growing size of the diaconate group and increasing workload of the Commission, Deacon Edwin Ng was appointed as the Deputy Director of Formation. His role is to assist, share and support the duties of the Director of Formation as well as handle daily administrative routines of the office.

Focus of Work Report on HK Catholic Diocese Study of Development of Permanent Deacon in Hong Kong – 2017 19. The Chinese University Hong Kong Centre for Catholic Studies has completed the ‘Study of Development of Permanent Deacon in Hong Kong’. The report was released during a press conference on 23.4.2017 held in Yasumato International Academic Park of the Chinese University.

20. The Study report emphasized that the success or failure of the ministry of permanent deacon depends entirely on the aim and direction, whether the selection, discernment and formation programme is in line with the principles and requirements stipulated in the ‘Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons’ issued by the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, as well as the ‘Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons’ issued by the Congregation for the Clergy.

21. In summary, the direction is to provide comprehensive and holistic formation for permanent deacons. This implies that, in addition to serving the Church, deacons have to strengthen their awareness of social issues, to optimize and


make the best use of their role as insiders in the society to face the world, perform community work to help the laity to understand the importance and contribution of the Church in upholding the basic principles and value of social doctrines. As such, despite the tension and contradiction in the society, people would still be able to make ethical judgement for justice, so as to reflect the Vatican II decision to revive the diaconate sacrament and enable the diaconate ministry to enshrine the holy role in their service to the Church. Their charity services and spirit of justice would enable deacons to bear witnesses to the world as a new energy and momentum for evangelization and spreading the gospel.

22. The Commission would follow the abovementioned requirements as yardsticks in reviewing and examining the current formation programme and procedures. During the planning process of formation, emphasis would be put on the understanding of ecclesiastical ministry and social teachings. The purpose is to enable diaconates to be more sensitive about social justice in their secular life, so as to voice out the grievance on behalf of those who are silent or underprivileged, and bring the gospel to the society. In return, deacons can also reflect and bring the current social issues back to the church to serve as witnesses of the church. Such related tasks are undertaken by the Social Concern Group highlighted in para 15, special topical studies in para 35 and continuing formation in para 39.

23. Based on the report recommendations, the Committee would enhance the laity’s understanding of the deacon ministry, its role as prophets and witnesses of social service. To this aim, we would publish a periodical, inviting deacons to write articles about their personal experience and services. In addition, to better prepare deacon’s position as prophets, the curriculum of Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching (DOCAT) would be strengthened to reinforce their appreciation of upholding righteousness and practicing compassion.

Spirituality Formation for Permanent Deacons 24. The Commission considers spirituality formation as an important and essential component of the entire process of formation for deacons. To achieve such aim, we have therefore formulated detailed programme throughout the entire process and different phases of diaconate.

Aspirant stage (period of consolidation) The Director of Formation, together with a member of the Spirituality


Formation Group, would interview the aspirant and assign a tutor as his companion to walk together with him throughout the whole journey as aspirant. The aspirant is required to receive the following formation: 1. attend regular meetings with the tutor as required, 2. daily prayer including morning prayer, afternoon prayer, reciting and evening prayer 3. daily reading of holy document (to be discussed with spiritual director) 4. follow ‘holy moments’ and ‘examination of consciousness’ 5. practise ‘spiritual exercise in daily life’ for 6-12 months (under spirituality guidance) 6. on completion of the ‘aspirant’ stage, undergo a 7-day retreat for discernment of response to calling, as preparation for moving forward to the ‘candidate’ stage

After receiving spirituality formation for not less than 1 year, the aspirant would be recommended, at a suitable time, to attend ‘religious study’ or ‘theology and philosophy study’.

During this period, the Commission would arrange the aspirant to attend induction course for ‘ecclesiastical ministries’ so as to enhance his understanding of the work in the church. In addition, part of the main-stream training course would also be open to interested aspirants to strengthen his personal awareness and help them to be better equipped to perceive key issues.

Candidate stage (period of strengthening) The candidate must attend the annual retreat once, followed by a 10-week long spirituality training together with his wife within the next 3-year cycle, as well as attend regular meetings with his spiritual tutor. Prior to receiving the Ministry of Acolyte, the candidate must take part in a retreat for not less than 7 days, for the purpose of discernment and reinforcing his response to calling, as well as make the best preparation for accepting the diaconate ministry.

Annual retreat All deacons, wives of deacons, candidates and wives of candidates are required to attend the annual retreat.

Formation for Wives of Deacons


25. The Commission recognizes that the participation of wives of deacons is of utmost importance during the whole process of deacon formation. Therefore it is necessary to ensure the following:  Strengthen the formation of wives of deacons, candidates and aspirants to clearly realize that the ministry of diaconate is a common calling for the couple,

 Enhance the spiritual life of wives of deacons, candidates and aspirants, help them know the catechism of (CCC) and ecclesiastical teaching, so that they can share and walk the journey together with their husbands,

 Reinforce the community contact and mutual support of wives of deacons, candidates and aspirants,

 If the topic for the Monday formation programme is suitable, wives of deacons, candidates and aspirants are welcome to join.

26. The Deacon Wives Group also receive guidance from the Diocesan Liturgy Commission, learning how to repair liturgical costumes and outfits, arrangement and setting of liturgical equipment on the altar, and cleaning of sculptures. In fact, we have 6 deacons’ wives who are in the tutor group and currently attending spirituality formation. They would join the Deacon Group to be trained as future tutors in the succession plan (see para 13 for details).

27. Ms. Louise Wong and Ms. Cecilia Ng, both being members of the Commission, have conducted special orientation programme for the wives of prospective candidates on 26 September. The intention is to enhance their understanding and commitment of the diaconate ministry, so as to better accompany and support their husbands in their enduing journey, to face all the challenges, difficulties and blessings

28. On 22 February, a number of deacons and their wives organized a leisure gathering. The purpose is to foster better relationship and sense of belonging. On 11 March, some deacons’ wives took part in a charity visit to elderlies in St. Mary’s Home for the Aged. In addition, they also arrange home visit to retired deacons and widows of departed deacons to express their respect and care for their seniors.


International Exchange and Network 29. The Commission was aware that the IDC (International Diaconate Centre) website is only available in foreign languages, such as German, English, Spanish, Italian and French. In order to enable Chinese-speaking congregations to obtain information from the website and gain access to IDC, we have offered to provide the Chinese version for the website. In so doing, permanent deacons in the HK Diocese can contribute to the cross-cultural and global communion of all our overseas brothers. Starting from 1.9.2016 onwards, the Commission has launched the Chinese version of IDC website. We would continue to undertake the translation work. For details please make reference to http://hk.diaconia-idc.org/. In parallel, we also plan to translate our local news/events from Chinese to English to facilitate better communication and dialogue with our brothers globally.

30. Deacon Edwin Ng has been nominated as the HK representative in the IDC committee. It is hoped this platform would encourage deacons in Hong Kong to broaden our scope, maintain close network and promote more interchange with other deacon counterparts. For more efficient contacts, most of the meetings are conducted through video conferencing. For the current year, IDC has arranged four video conferences to discuss various issues, including global diaconate development, IDC affairs, future directions, the 's intentions and relationship regarding deacon ministry (if any) and arrangements for major events.

31. The IDC’s International Symposium of the Diaconate would be organized on 18-21 March 2020 in Stuttgart, Germany. We would send Hong Kong representative to join the event.

32. In order to promote global sustainable development of Chinese permanent deacons and their networking, after the first International Conference for Chinese Permanent Deacons held in Hong Kong in 2013, we have the second Conference held in Toronto Canada in 2018. To carry on such good tradition, the Committee plans to arrange the third International Conference for Chinese Permanent Deacons which would be held in Hong Kong in 2023.

International Symposium for Civil Aviation Pastoral Members 33. Deacon John Lam and his wife, together with Fr. Mullackal Manoj (SVD), a full- time priest of Hong Kong Airport, went to Rome on 10-13 June, 2019 to attend


the International Symposium for Civil Aviation Pastoral Members organized by the Dicastery for International Human Development. The purpose is to exchange experience with pastoral personnel in various airports. The theme of this Symposium is "Catholic Pastoral Ministry in Aviation and Holistic Development of Mankind". About 90 participants attended the event. On 10 June, subsequently after the opening address by Cardinal Peter Turkson, Director of Dicastery for International Human Development, the Holy See held a reception for all participants. During the event, representatives from HK presented to the Pope a booklet with blessings and prayers written by over a hundred staff and passengers from the HK Airport.

34. Currently, we provide regular pastoral services at the Hong Kong Airport Passenger Terminal and Cathay City, including holy sacrament, catechism study, faith sharing and OLA activities.

Topical studies 35. The Commission has designated every 4th Sunday afternoon of the month as the gathering day for the Deacon Group (including deacons, candidates and their wives). For each gathering, the schedule would include topical study, bible reading, experience sharing, discussion of current affairs, announcement of diocese events, ways to strengthen multi-dimensional understanding of the diaconate ministry, team building, and ended by evening prayer. For this year, in order to promote better synergy with deacons’ wives, we have formed a special group to give the spouses a time to ‘Say Your Heart-felt Feelings’ during the sharing session.

Date Sharing by deacons/candidates Sharing of daily life by wives of deacons/candidates 27 January How to promote sharing of ‘lectio The moment your husband divina’ in parish responded he wants to apply Experience sharing of setting up for diaconate religious group 24 February How to be a competent deacon as well Should deacon’s wife take as a competent husband (1) part in parish services, and how(1) Things to observe in Easter liturgy (1)

24 March How to be a competent deacon as well Should deacon’s wife take as a competent husband (2) part in parish services, and how(2) Things to observe in Easter liturgy (2)


28 April Thorny issues in pre-marriage enquiry Health concerns of deacons

How to deal with pre-shields or conflicts between church members

26 May Issues of concern as spiritual tutors of What is the menu for dinner religious organizations tonight

How to respond to the social events (arising from the amendment of

extradition ordinance )

23 June How should I pray everyday What happen when my family members are sick How to respond to the social events arising from the amendment of the extradition ordinance (reconciliation, therapy)

28 July Regarding the amendment of Communication with family extradition ordinance members regarding the - proposals of deacon group amendment of extradition - position of the Diocese ordinance

August Vacation

22 September Did the impact of social issues arising - from amendment of extradition ordinance affect you (including family, parish, friends, etc.), if yes, how to face and manage (all)

27 October Thorny issues when conducting Daily family grudges funeral and burial ceremony encountered by deacons’ How to conduct wedding/makeup wives wedding

24 November Review of Holy Cross Church Incident (all)

December Vacation


Continuing formation 36. As stipulated in chapter 4 of the ‘Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons ’, a system for continuing formation would be set up to encourage deacons to attend professional training events for a total cumulative period of 25 hours covering the following areas:

(i) to upgrade leadership capacity: encourage permanent deacons to attend practical pastoral programme, courses on theology and philosophy, personal growth and development subjects. These would be useful to upgrade their ability in parish administration and resource management, enhance personal spirituality formation, and encourage commitment to the church.

(ii) improve effectiveness of pastoral work: encourage permanent deacons to attend spirituality formation to reinforce personal pursuit, communicate and liaise with overseas deacon communities and related religious organizations to broaden their scope, improve their ability to cultivate and nurture the laity, so as to better serve the church and society.

37. Deacons must keep proper record of tasks performed in the Log Diary mentioned in para 10.1. The information would be submitted to the Director of Formation for confirmation and record keeping as required under para 10.1.

Retreat 38. During the year, the Spirituality Formation Group has convened the following formation events and retreats:

31 May – 2 June Mt Davis Canossian Annual retreat for deacons and Honeyville Retreat House candidates 29 June St. Rose Of Lima Retreat for deacons, candidates Kindergarten and wives of aspirants 21 July Kowloon Rosary Church Thanksgiving for Reconfirmation of Kowloon Cricket Club Wedding Vow Romantic Day for deacon couples 2 September -11 Our Lady of China Church Spiritual training for aspirants November 5-7 October Good Hope School Retest Discernment Retreat for aspirants Houses


38.1 Continue to assist the Group for guidance in spiritual formation

Further training 39. The Commission has assigned every Monday as the learning day with short courses for deacons, candidates and aspirants. These courses are meant to enhance understanding of ecclesiastical social teachings, ministries of church and parish pastoralization to help deacons to deliver their duties. For this year, the subjects are specially designed to cover the practical matters and pragmatic issues in the diaconate ministry. Part of the courses are open to their wives. Subject Speakers Date

Magisterium of the Church Series Apostolic Exhortation of the Pope – Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love) I Introduction of Apostolic Exhortation ’Joy of Love’ Rev. Dominic Lui 7 January

II Witness of Love Committee Member Ms. 14, 21 January Marriage as God’s plan – Theology of Body Louise Wong

III The Sanctuary of Life – Life Ethics Rev. Dominic Lui /Sr. Sania 28 January Depression and suicide Ho, FMM, Dr. Joyce NaProTECHNOLOGY – natural reproduction Ching, Mr. Jacob Yu 18 February (Committee Member Mr. IV Cradle of love Simon Li/Mr. Berhard 25 February Nurturing of children Chan as respondents) Committee Member Rev. 4 March Youth pastoralization Joseph Chan

V Company of love (1) Rev. Francis Tse 11 March Guidelines for pastoralization

VI Relationship of love Rev. Thomas Leung, SJ / 18, 25 March Challenge of marriage – maintaining good Sr. Dominica Cheung, SPB communication of couples VII Company of love (2) Mr. Jay Tse 1 April The Art of Listening Church duties (for candidates/refresher course for deacons) Rev. Stephen Chan, OFM 8,15 April Foundation of Gospel, history of diaconate 6,20 May ministry/rise and fall, diaconate sacrament liturgy 1 July

Dogma Cardinal 27 May Conclusion Committee Member Ms. 3,10 June Louise Wong 17,24 June


8, 15 July Spiritual course (for aspirants) Spiritual Group 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 September 14, 21, 28 October 4, 11 November Charity Service (II) To examine the spirit of charity service and social service from the perspectives of pastoral documents of Vatican II The mercy and justice of our Lord Rev. Peter Choy 25 November Blessed are those who practise mercy 2 December A Church founded built on the basis and 16 December criteria of mercy

40. The Committee is mindful that in conducting liturgical and sacramental proceedings, we should adopt and follow the rules and procedures prescribed by the church for training and compliance. In addition, the Committee also enhanced the training for pastoral service of deacons, with more emphasis on strengthening their awareness, incorporation of psychological wellbeing and in-depth examination of specific topics.

Understanding and visiting diocesan organizations 41. The Commission would arrange visits to diocese related organizations and agencies for deacons and candidates to facilitate better understanding and future operational needs. As the schedule of formation programme for this year is already very tight and busy, it was not possible to arrange such visits. But whenever the need arises, visits would be organized to integrate and for incorporation into the curriculum.

Publicity and promotion activities 42. Individual deacons and candidates would get in touch, on personal basis, with the laity and their friends interested in knowing more about the diaconate ministry. We have also contacted the Holy Seminary to conduct regular publicity events for students attending theology classes. Opportunity is also taken to keep local parishes informed whenever events such as deacon ordination, ceremonies for acceptance, ministry for lector and acolyte are held, in order to promote the public awareness and interests in such calling. In addition, as stated in para 23, a journal containing articles contributed by deacons would be published to promote the work of



Office for Permanent Deacons and the Commission 43. In order to ensure closer contact amongst deacons, a premises converted from 2 classrooms located in St. Jude’s Primary School, was granted by the Diocese a decade ago as the physical venue for holding meetings and training sessions. The premises was named the ‘Deacons’ Pavilion’. The deacon gathering was held monthly on every 4th Sunday afternoon at the ’Pavilion’. The intention is to foster team spirit and a sense of belonging, through bible study, reading of lectio divina, sharing of experience of pastoral work, homily practice, etc. (see para 35 for details). Subsequently, a new venue, located at Room 697 in the Diocese Centre, was allocated and designated as the new ‘Deacons’ Pavilion’, while the previous one was handed back on June 2012 to help address the shortage of space for pastoral ministry in St Jude’s Church. The new premises is more spacious and equipped with comprehensive facilities for office and meeting purposes, as well a training and resource centre. It is also open up for activities, formation, meeting and conferences for deacon related organizations. On 28.7.2013, our Director of Formation VG Dominic Chan officially baptized this premises as the ‘’Office for Permanent Deacons’.

44. Schools are undoubtedly important areas for evangelization and preaching of the good news. As all deacons are trained in theology, Catechism of Catholic Church and ecclesiastical Social Teachings, they are well qualified and equipped to promote such work, so as to support the evangelization of parishes and pastoral work of schools. The following range of activities have been initiated:

 To set up district catechist group for staff members. There would be 9 people baptizing this Easter and 1 receiving confirmation (2017-2019 class). The new class (2019-2021 class) has commenced in November with 29 staff participants.

 To conduct religious ceremonies and spirituality programmes for schools.

45. Permanent deacons are engaged in pre-marriage formation programmes for the Hong Kong Caritas in the capacity of clergyman. They also serve as tutors for religious related domains.


46. All permanent deacons have a rich life of religious faith, thus able to assist married couples in their spiritual pursuit. The key areas in response to pastoral work include love and care in marriage, family and life, as well as how best to learn and live a life to realize the perfection enshrined in the Pope’s ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (Joy of Love).

47. Our permanent deacons participate actively in clerical events. They conduct eucharist blessing for the monthly clergy review meetings, join the religious ceremonies for parish bereavement groups during Ching Ming and Chung Yeung festivals in memory of our ancestors.

48. Our deacons have been invited to sharing sessions during the monthly retreat gathering of clergymen about their encounter with God and personal spiritual experience.

2019 24 April Deacon Louis Wong 23 October Deacon Andrew Au 18 December Deacon William Li

49. The deacons, together with the Catholic Center, has arranged a series of midday spiritual gathering in the conference room of the Catholic Centre, during Lent (March 7 to April 17) every Monday to Thursday. The purpose is to provide people working in Central district a quiet time, during Lent, to pray, reflect and listen to the holy words amidst their busy schedule

50. Ever since the 1st International Conference for Chinese Permanent Deacons held in Hong Kong in 2013, our deacons have maintained close contacts with overseas Chinese brother deacons through emails and Facebook for experience sharing. Also details related to our Commission, activities and information are all uploaded onto our website (http://deacon.catholic.org.hk) while information about International Chinese Permanent Deacons are available through the Facebook internal group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/world.pd.exchange.2013/ )and the new Facebook open group( https://www.facebook.com/pdhkc/ ) . Whenever we have Chinese deacons visiting or stopover in HK, we would invite them to join our gathering so as to foster a greater sense of communion.


Work Programme in 2020 51. For 2020, the major tasks of the Commission would be focused on the following:

 Continue with the followup actions on the recommendations of the ‘Study of Development of Permanent Deacon in Hong Kong’ published by the Chinese University Catholic Centre for Catholic Studies (see para 24 for details)  Enhance and strengthen the formation programme to incorporate ecclesiastical social teachings in the curriculum (see para 23 for details)  Enhance promotion for better understanding of deacon ministry (see para 23 for details)  Strengthen formation in liturgy for pastoral work and improve awareness in the scope of service (see para 40 for details)

Congratulations 52. Congratulations to our Committee member Rev. Francis Tam for his silver Jubilee ordination. Rev. Tam has served as the spiritual advisor for a number of our deacons, candidates and aspirants, giving invaluable spiritual guidance and enlightenment to all. We pray to our Father to keep him vibrant and reward him with abundance of blessing

53. Congratulations to our Director of Formation, VG Dominic Chan, for his Ruby Jubilee ordination. The deacon group has hosted a celebration on May 29 to share the joy and grace of our Lord.

54. Congratulations to our Director of Formation, VG Dominic Chan, for being given the Radio Television Hong Kong 2019 Humanitarian Award. This is in recognition of his dedication to promoting respect for life and caring for mothers who lose their babies during pregnancy. At present, a defunct fetus less than 24 weeks old is considered as medical waste, even though it has already developed a human form since the conception. After years of liaising and lobbying with many parties, VG Dominic Chan managed to change the government policy to allow these aborted fetus to be buried with dignity. Today these unborn babies, once regarded as medical waste, are now transformed into holy angels, while their mothers can let go of such painful memories and put their hearts at ease.


Vote of Thanks 55. The Commission would like to thank the Diocese, and all clerical members, spiritual advisors and tutors, members, religious organizations for their contribution in the formation, planning, guidance and participation in various aspects which enable our work relating to permanent deacon to be smoothly carried out and our witness for evangelization be fulfilled. We are also very grateful to all our deacons, candidates, aspirants and their families, who work together with dedication to preach the gospel and serve with benevolence, to deliver the tasks of the Commission with dedication and commitment. May our Lord bless you all and reward you with plentiful.

Hong Kong Catholic Diocese Diocesan Commission for the Permanent Diaconate 31 January 2020

Appendix 1: Parish Services and Charity Ministry Undertaken by Permanent Deacons and Candidates 2019 Appendix 2: Prayer for Permanent Deacons Appendix 3: Photo Gallery


Appendix 1

Parish Services and Charity Ministry Undertaken by Permanent Deacons and Candidates 2019 Permanent Parish Social Services Diocesan Organizations Deacons Peter Lo retired Paul Yeow retired Joseph Yung retired Francis Cheung retired Bernard Tang retired Joseph Chow St John the Baptist Labour ministry HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs Church Edwin Ng Visitation Chapel Prison ministry Diocesan Commission for the Permanent Diaconate Peter Leung Mary Help of Hospital ministry Catholic Boys Scout Association (spiritual Christians Church tutor) Francis Fung Rosary Church Liaison of religions Diocesan Commission for Inter-religious Dialogue Diocesan Fund-Raising Commission for Church Building and Development William Li St Anne’s Church Prison ministry Bosco Wong St Stephen’s Church Teaching philosophy in Holy Seminary Stephen Kwok Mother of Christ Hospital and Diocesan Commission for Hospital Church community pastoral Pastoral Care ministry Nestor Kwan St Margaret Mary’s Ministry for port and Diocesan Commission for Pastoral Care to Church seamen the Disabled Paul Siu St Andrew’s Church Bereavement ministry Faustus Lam Star of The Sea Church Services for Caritas Diocesan Building and Development and school ministry Commission Diocesan Liturgy Commission Diocesan Working Committee for "Following Thy Way" Andrew Au Resurrection Church School ministry Diocesan Committee for Celebration of Lent (Chairman) Diocesan Sacred Music Commission Assistant of Caritas Education Department Catholic Education Development Committee Committee on the Professional Development of Religious Education


Teachers in HK Catholic Schools Julian Ip Holy Redeemer Church Hospital and prison Diocesan Building and Development ministry Commission Diocesan Commission for Inter-religious Dialogue Diocesan Board of Catholic Cemeteries Louis Wong St Jude’s Church Marriage ministry Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and Family (Chairman) Diocesan Pastoral Council Charles Chu St Teresa’s Church Hospital and prison ministry Peter Wong SS Cosmas and Damian School and prison Catholic Education Development Church ministry Committee Alexander St Jerome’s Church Prison and labour HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs Kwok ministry Anthony Sin Our Lady of Mount Communication and HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs Carmel Church prison ministry HK Catholic Board of Communications Diocesan Liturgy Commission Justice and Peace Commission of the HK Catholic Diocese Simon Tam Cathedral of the Marriage and elderly HK Catholic Board of Communications Immaculate ministry Diocesan Vocation Commission Conception Commission for Ongoing Formation of the Clergy Diocesan Commission for the Health Care of the Clergy and Religious Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and Family

John Lam Annunciation Church Airport ministry Diocesan Ecumenical Commission

Simon Chan Holy Cross Church Marriage and Diocesan Pastoral Commission for hospital ministry Marriage and Family

Jospeh Lau Our Lady of China Hospital and prison Church ministry Victor Lee Cathedral of the Hospital ministry Diocesan Commission for Hospital Immaculate Pastoral Care Conception


Candidates Parish Social services Diocesan Organizations Francis Tang Mother of Good Counsel Labour ministry Justice and Peace Commission of Church the HK Catholic Diocese Matthias St Thomas the Apostle Church Prison ministry Diocesan Committee for Yeung Celebration of Lent Johnny Wong Our Lady of the Rosary Church Thomas Visitation Chapel Wong Gordon Lau Christ the Worker Mass Centre Diocesan Pastoral Council Paul Lui St Mary’s Church Frederick St Francis of Assisi Church Diocesan Committee for Allocation Chan of Donation during Lent Gamaliel Cathedral of the Immaculate Cheng Conception Paul Wat Mother of Good Counsel Church Thomas Lam St Thomas the Apostle Church Diocesan Pastoral Council Augustine Our Lady of Mount Carmel Leung Church James Sin St Thomas the Apostle Church Stephen Yau St Teresa’s Church John Siu St Francis of Assis Church Diocesan Pastoral Council Joseph Ng Holy Cross Church Francis Mok St Lawrence’s Church Diocesan Commission for the Health Care of the Clergy and Religious Vincent Choi St John The Baptist Church

Departed deacons Date of ordination Departure date Francis Wong 13.1.2001 29.9.2008 Joseph Sung 13.12.2003 26.8.2014 Karl Tsang 5.7.1997 21.4.2016


Appendix 2

Prayer for permanent deacons

Almighty and Eternal God, You have chosen our Permanent Deacons to assist the Bishops and their community of priests to evangelize, to participate in Christ’s sacrifice and to foster love and care through their ministries.

May You send the Holy Spirit upon them so that they can fulfill their mission loyally particularly in preaching what they believe, to teach what they believe, and to live in the way they teach.

O Lord, may they possess all the virtues as in the Gospels, to love without fear, to care for the deprived, to live with honour, to preserve with simplicity and to cooperate with obedience.

May they be totally loyal to the Church, to witness their faith with a pure heart, to be a fervent follower of the Son of God in this temporal life, and to live and reign with you in the day to come.



Appendix 3 Photo Gallery

Sharing session with aspirants by the Director of Formation, Deacon Edwin Ng and Deacon Louis Wong

Ceremony for Ministry of Lector for candidates Paul Lui, Frederick Chan, Gamaliel Cheng, Paul Wat, Thomas Lam and Augustine Leung

Ceremony for Ministry of Acolyte for candidate Thomas Wong

Acceptance Ceremony for aspirants to become candidates, including James Sin, Stephen Yau, John Siu, Joseph Ng, Francis Mok and Vincent Choi and their wives


Congratulations to our member Rev. Francis Tam for his Silver Jubilee ordination

Celebration of Ruby Jubilee ordination for our Director of Formation VG Dominic Chan.

Retreat for deacons

Retreat for deacons


Retreat for deacons, candidates and their wives

Gathering of Committee member Ms. Louise Wong with wives of candidates after training lecture

Monday learning session


Cardinal Joseph Zen teaching on the subject of Dogma

Relationship of love

Challenge of marriage – maintaining good communication of couples

Sister Dominica Cheng, SPB

Gathering of tutors and students of spiritual formation course


Poster of lunch time Spiritual gathering

Lunch time talk on spiritual wellbeing

Airport ministry

Symposium on "Catholic Pastoral Ministry in Aviation and Holistic Development of Mankind"

Deacon John Lam and his wife, together with Fr. Mullackal Manoj (SVD), priest of Hong Kong Airport, took a photo with Msgr. Bruno Marie Duffé, secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human



Symposium on "Catholic Pastoral Ministry in Aviation and Holistic Development of Mankind"

Report by the Symposium

Symposium on "Catholic Pastoral Ministry in Aviation and Holistic Development of Mankind"

Fr. Mullackal Manoj (SVD), priest of Hong Kong Airport, presenting a souvenir to the Pope