Planning and Highways Commitee 28 June 2018 Item 12. Boddingtons
Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 28 June 2018 Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 118831/FO/2018 19th Jan 2018 31st May 2018 Cheetham Ward Proposal Erection of two buildings (a part 17, part 12 storey building and a part 26, part 23 storey building) to form 556 residential units (Use Class C3a) together with the creation of 3490 sqm of commercial floor space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, B1 and D1) with associated landscaping, access and other associated works Location Former Boddingtons Brewery Site, Dutton Street, Manchester, M3 1LE Applicant Prosperity UX Manchester Developments Limited, C/o Agent, Agent Ms Melissa Wilson, Deloitte Real Estate, 2 Hardman Street, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3HF, Description The application site comprises the eastern section of the former Boddington Brewery site. This planning application forms part of the first phase of development of this site as part of realising the vision outlined within the Boddingtons Strategic Regeneration Framework which was first adopted by the City Council in 2007 and updated in 2015. The site measures approximately 1.376 hectares and is bounded by Dutton Street to the east, New Bridge Street to the south, Great Ducie Street beyond the surface car park to the west and a warehouse building between Charles Street and Dutton Street to the north. The former Boddington Brewery site closed in 2005 and the land which forms part of this planning application was cleared, together with the rest of the Boddington site, and the hardstanding that remained was turned into a 852 space surface car park.
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