2019 Koestler Awards Results (at 28.08.19) . This is the final list of entries which have won awards. If an entry is not listed, it probably did not win an award. We are open all year round to entries from under 18s and will respond to these with feedback and certificates within 6 weeks. Your package must be marked “Under 18s Fast Feedback Programme”. In most artforms, the awards given are as follows: Platinum £100 + certificate Gold £60 + certificate Silver £40 + certificate Bronze £20 + certificate Special Award for Under 18s / Under 25s £25 + certificate First-time Entrant £25 + certificate Highly Commended Certificate Commended Certificate Some awards are generously sponsored and named by Koestler Trust supporters. Every entrant will receive a Participation Certificate, and most will receive written feedback. Certificates, feedback and prize cheques for entrants will be sent by the end of October 2019. “K No” is the Koestler reference number that we allocate to each artwork. Please have this number and your entry details to hand if you have an enquiry about a particular entry. More information from
[email protected] or 020 8740 0333. We cannot give out information to third parties. Entrants are not named, but this list shows where entrants have originally entered from – not where they are now. Around 180 examples of visual art, audio, film and writing, have been selected for our annual UK exhibition. This is open to the public from 19 Sept – 03 Nov daily at London’s Southbank Centre. The opening event is on Wednesday 18 Sept from 2pm; all are welcome.