• January N E 'W S L E.T·T E R. 2003 .•

New Eve Party December 31, 2002 HAPPvNew YEAR EVERYONel 9:00PM New Year's Eve Party ...... •...... •...•.....Dee 31 Dave and Milton 713-868-7991 iJanuary Breakfast- Tecate...... Jan 4 Jon and John 713.290.0220 iJanuary Pot-Luck Dinner ....•...... •...•...... Jan 11 Bill and Thomas 713-526-6963 Dave and Milton are hosting a New Moody Garden's,/Hollywood Hotel p'g 3 Jan 18 Year's Eve party at their house on Dee Jon and John 713-290-0220 General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout ..•...... •...... Jan 28 31, 2002. It will begin around 9 PM and Don and Ray's 713-522-7809 last until ??? 'We will provide soft drinks and champagne. We ask that everyone bring hors d'oeuvres of some kind.... .You know, finger food. You may also, Breakfast at Tecate bring a friend with you that might be Sat, Jan 4 9 am interested in coming to the party. .It is Our monthly HOG breakfast will beat TE- always good to invite prospective HOG .CATE Mexican Restaurant located just off members. Please RSVP by calling 713- loop 610 at 2615 Ella Blvd, (713-868- 868-7991 and for directions. 5232). (across the street from Lowes). The prices range from $1.25 for breakfast Tacos to $5.75 for their breakfast plates. They are group friendly, as they will make separate checks. They have plenty of room for everyone so please come join us. For more informationcall John/Jonat 713- 290-0220 mr ------~,.------. 11te Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) IS a social group jor Gay men, LesbIan women ana Gay jnendly persons who elljOY the outdoors. ActiVities are organized by HOG members. individually or by ad hoc groups. and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking. etc.) but can also include any social activity. whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline/diai (7I3)KAMP-OUT.for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG. PO Box 980893, Houston, 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO. http://www.railix.neti-erewhonligioo/rindex..html page 2

: . '.'- ... , '., .', " ':~', .... ,.':.: " : .",' , Clubs and Activities


Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037

BOWLING January 11th Sunday Bowling -713-522-9612 Pot-Luck Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 Social Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling 713-641-5424 Saturday January 11th, 6 p.m. at Bill & Tho- Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 mas's at the Towne Square Apartments 2210 W. Dallas Street. LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING Call for the apartment number and menu as- signment: 713-526-6963. We are going to try 713-523-9620 Dr 713-410-7215 www.noesoft.coml-lrsc something different this pot-luck. (To make sure e-mail: [email protected] we have a good variety of dishes, instead of the alphabet system, Bill will let you know what is needed.) We will meet, socialize and make The Houston Roughnecks plans for February and March. By then winter www.roughnecksrugby.org will be almost over and we should be able to do more camping, etc. Bring your best ideas and food. HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB

713-529-2703 Dr 713-692-2703 e-mail: [email protected]


713-661-6378 ::,/.:'.":..:-:r·: .:.~.:'"~:'.'::',-~',,::, ., ",'-« ": '/ :>:--'.:'.:; ': .. ":--. '..":":': '.'::~ "'""" "',:' .::

MONTROSESOFTBAl LEAGUE ' '.. ',,.:',;b~bf;E;CERS' ,C>, http://montrosesoftballleague.com/ :- ':: ~."~'.:.~':;~':' .: ...:-.:.: ....: ":::<".:,,: .>: ::\:\:.'.~.:.:,t.:.;./:.~; .: :'.·:.·'>',.>';i./:.: .: . .;:.; '. .' . ':". ';'.; / ..;"::'" ., -; :" ", :'-:.' . . . ., . .. . '. "' :," '. :.::~:.:: ". . 713-867 ..3913. HOUSTON WOMEN'S SOFTBALL rftt:!~&V~t~:~~f~~...,...,...•;;;:.,'..•....;·\.:.•".'....:·:"',,.."."13j~.~~~63'·'·' v : ..::' :. :: :.~'."," '~:.r.·;.\·:.;,::.,· ~.:. : :;:;.:.>. :·i:: :::}/::,~<.,.::./.:.> ..,,,"':.:,'.: i;··.:··~.'.···:·· ":"':'::'. LEAGUE - 409-257-1885 ~.Id.r.::.·.',:c.v.:~.·.:),..·.~"..~~,t~r,~,.~~,:'fn,~,~W;;~a,)t8;.··,:.~:'.;);:,:)\t.'i!:··.•, ...... •.~>.....,.;~.. (~~~:8~~7991•...... Rainbow Fishing Club Newsletter EditOr .'Jon,G ," .'.'·>'·:':'·:"'''~3.:i~o,;o22~;' PO Box 66450 .;, .:;;.' . . ":':;~\."Y-'::-: '. :.!_:;".,' ...• : .. ;. ;::.»~:"':.;-:-..,'. Houston, TX 77266 713.523.6381 DANCING Southern Country Houston 713-226-2228 , , .:'\"i~~~,;::.:c.: -It' : : -.: '.•'.'.: '.,.' ' • Rainbow Rangier Dance Club ,~~~ 713682-4165 :':':,::.:i·tit\~:~.i~';...~.;'...... ::~::::'..~'~::~".f''::>" ~»:\~:'..' . . . ·····i,' :.:'X;':Bp,~ri;> :..... :~:-.:.:. '.~.'.>'-'.::.'..;:J.':...'.';.\. ,\:>:....::::<.;:.\~ ::\·;··~:·;\~.:·A:\-::·:-:;l·:.:~'.;;\}.\~:.">:'.::":' :<)~~·;;:.\\;:.';:.\:::,;·r~·:;·~>:~:·-::·-·· .~!~:;:,;;\:~.~:i:·,'·: ,"\\", :,: ": :>';'; ': .'."~:' ','.: :.:....:., -.;': -.\' .: ..;-'.':' .... '. . '':.;-~':'' , -. ,I I

page 3 Moody Gardens t=utu.-e r=venb Jan 18, 11 :00 AM We're planning a trip to Moody Gardens on Saturday Jan. 18, 2003. The plan is to meet at the entrance at 11:00 A.M. Feb 15. NASA , TX. Then, 'you may buy tickets for the attrac- http://www.spacecenter.orgl tions which interest you most: There is a day . pass that will allow you to see everything for March i-San Jacinto Monument, wit h 29.95; or you can just pay for each attraction dinner at the Monument Inn. you wish to see. Visitors to Galveston can explore the depths of the world'soceans from inside the Aquarium March - Camping???? We need to-get out and at Moody Gardens, a 12-story pyramid with camp. Rainbow ranch maybe?????? several marine habitats. You can also visit the lush Rainforest Pyramid, explore life in space at the Discovery Pyramid and experience the April 25th-27th, 2003- -Camping trip to thrills and spills of the IMAX Theater. . Enchanted Rock Open daily, Moody Gardens is located at One Hope Blvd. in Galveston. For more infor- If you would like to sponsor an outing, please mation, call (800) 582-4673 or visit their website contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. at http://www.moodygardens.com. John and I will staying at Hollywood Hotel on Friday night. If you would like to join us there you can call 1-888-899-0899 for reservations. The cost is $99. per night and if we have enough people who want to stay there, they will give us a group rate. This is a only gay hotel on the island. If I remember correctly, they have a cocktail hour and a breakfast in the moming. Please let me know as soon as pos- sible if you plan to stay at the hotel. For questions call Jon or John at 713-290-0220. ©~ [JlJU C0 DOl]@· V@)CJ ~@CQ)~

For those that like to' camp, we need you to sponsor a: trip! The State and Federal! campgrounds fill up EXTREMELY fast. If you are planning on sponsoring a trip, please make e~ your reservation now in order to get a good spot. Pedernales Falls State Park is great place to start along with Martin Dies Jr. State Park. We have not been there in years. Year' If you need phone numbers, please email me or call me and Iwill get them for you. Jon . Page4

Houston Outdoor Group Monthly Meeting he HOG general meeting is held in conjunction with th .mailout on the last Tuesday of this month from 7:30 - 9 pm, a Don and Ray's. Member's and non-members are welcome. Call -713-522-7809 for directions.

Caps Now for Sale! The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is now for safe. They are going fast. The caps have: v The cap is stitched embroider v Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) v . Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure' v Two-tone kaki (tan) and green v All cotton construction You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL

I would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address AME2 ------instead a/by the U S. Mail 0 YES 0 NO PHONE # ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP I, the undersigned; agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG), its ------officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to o New member o Renewal myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. Ifurther agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. e Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP ••• '••• aa February NEVVSLETTER 2003

Let's go Campingl February Breakfast- The home of Dave & Milton .... Feb 8 Dave & Milton 713-868-7991 February Pot-Luck Dinner Feb 15 Peter F. 281-448-5533 ~an Janicnto Monument/Battleship Feb 22- Jon and John 713-290-0220 General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout Feb 25 "Texas Forever!! Don and Ray's 713-522-7809 The Battle of San Jacinto" March Breakfast Luby's 290 at W 34th Str Mar 8 Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 & March Pot-Luck Dinner Mar 22 Battleship "Texas" Don & Rays at Galveston Beach House Feb. 22 - 2:00 PM General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout Mar 25 Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 Ok, you Texas history buffs, when was the Battle of San Martin Dies Jr State Park Mar 28-30 Jacinto fought that lead to Texas Independence? Come join Jon & John 713-290-0220 us on Feb. 22, 2003 at 2:00 PM to find out the answer. We will be going to the San Jacinto Monument first and spending some time there and enjoying the battle grounds. After that, we'll go across the street to the Battleship "USS Breakfast at Texas". Does anyone know when the USS Texas was first Dave & Milton commissioned? It should take about an hour for the monument and about an Sat, Feb 8 9 am hour for the battleship, which includes walking around the battlegrounds. Our monthly HOG breakfast will be at the The most exciting thing about the whole trip to me is taking home of Dave and Milton. These two gentle- the Lynchburg ferry over to the Monument. This is a free ride man will be our hosts and chefs for the morn- and a real treat in itself. Total cost for both admissions is ing. On the menu will be eggs, sausage, about $8.00 bucks. After an exhilarating day, we are going to muffins, coffee and juice. Please RSVP by eat at the Monument Inn restaurant. Prices range from 6.95 to 16.95. For more information on San Jacinto/Battleship, Feb. 6 so they will know how much to pro- please visit the following website. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/ vide. Call Dave or Milton at 713-868-7991 for parklsanjaclindex.htm. Cant on page 2 directions or questions.

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gayfriendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also inclJde any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline, dial (713)KAMP-OUT,for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO. http://www.radix.netl-erewhonligloo/rindex.html page 2

Clubs and Activities


Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037

BOWLING New Members Welcome to the HOG's Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 Jerry H, Patrick L., David S., Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 Dwayne K., Jeff W., and Susan $. Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling We look forward to seeing at the next 713-641-5424 Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 function.

LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING Cont from page 1 San Jacinto Monument! Battleship Texas 713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 www.noesoft.comHrsc To get to the Monument and the Battleship, you will e-mail: [email protected] take 1-10 East to Exit 787 (Crosby Lynchburg). About 20 miles East of Houston. You will see signs for the The Houston Roughnecks San Jacinto Monument & Battleship Texas. Take a right after exiting and follow the road till you reach the www.roughnecksrugby.org Ferry. After crossing the ship channel you'll see Monument Inn on the left and the Battleship and HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB Monument state park is only about a mile farther. You 713-529-2703 or 713-692-2703 can see the Monument from 1-10 East. I will have my e-mail: [email protected] cell phone with me (713-240-2528) if you need any help with directions. GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY For questions, please call Jon or John at 713-290- 713-661-6378 0220. Looking for forwardto seeing you,

Rainbow Fishing Club PO Box 66450 Houston, TX 77266 713.523.6381 DANCING Southern Country Houston 713-226-2228 Rainbow Rangier Dance Club 713682-4165 page S

Pot-Luck at Peters Home •• -~ Feb. 15 - 6:00 PM March - 1 NASA Space Center Houston, TX. Peter has invited everyone in http://www.spacecenter.org/ he HOG group for the February March - 22 Galveston Social at Don & Rays Social. He has moved into a Beach House. new home in NW Houston. Please come join us and bring a March 28 - 30 - Martin Dies Jr State Park friend. Call Peter for direction 281-448-5533 . April 5 - Bayou Bend Day trip 10:00 AM Howard A - F Bring a Veggie dish April - 19 BJrsLwatchinq on High Islan_d_ G - L Bring a Meat Dish M - R Bring a Dessert April 25th- 27th, Camping trip to Enchanted S - Z Bring a Salad jrg Rock Let'~go C-amping' May - Anyone one want to sponsor a May Martin Dies State Park camping trip, book now! March 28-29-30, 2003 If you would like to sponsor an outing, please contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. Located at the edge of the Big Thicket National Preserve, the park is in the heavily-forested area known as the "East Texas Pineywoods." The park has numerous creeks, known as sloughs, and cypress, willow, beech, magnolia and sweet bay are common. Five miles of hik- ing trails provide excellent opportunities to view wildlife, including woodland warblers, wood- peckers, bluebirds, herons, wood ducks, Moody Gardens cranes, and alligators, as the park is adjacent to Angelina-Neches-Dam B Wildlife Management Summary We had a perrrrrrfect day for Moody Gardens. Area. Seven HOGS had a marvelous time at the new I have reserved three (3) tent campsite, each aquarium, the amazons and the IMAX. site can hold up to 8 people. Each site is $9.00 per site with a $4.00 total entrance fee per per- son for the weekend. Pets are welcome but must be on a leash and you must have your shot papers with you at all times. The site is registered under Jon Gray. Check in time is 2:00 PM, but you can arrive earlier. Bring fire- wood. If you wish to call the park the number is 409-384-5231. If you wish to make RV reserva- tion, please call 512-389-8900. To review the Martin Dies Website, see http:// www.tpwd.state~tx.us/p ark / mart i n d if martindi.htm#body. ", Pre-camp meeting - March 23 (Sunday) 1:00 PM at Cafe Express on Kirby. Yout sponsors for this trip are Jon & John, so please call 713-290-0220 for more information. Page 4 High Island Bird Watching April 19th -10:00 AM On Saturday, April 19th we're going to High Island, Texas for some bird watching. High Island is one of the best bird watching spots in the world and every spring birdwatchers from around the world come to Boy Scout Woods and Smith Woods in High Island. April is the best month to see North America's most colorful songbirds including Scarlet Tanagers, Blue Grosbeaks, Baltimore Orioles, Prothonotory Warbler and many more as they migrate from South America across the Gulf of Mexico to the Texas coast. We will also visit a nearby rookery to see Roseate Spoonbills, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets etc. Caps Now for Sale! raising their hatchlings. There are picnic tables, so bring a lunch or there is a nearby convenience store The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is if you want to grab something. Bring binoculars, now for sale. They are going fast. mosquito spray and a birding book (if you have The caps have: one). Long pants and long-sleeve shirts are a good 'V The cap is stitched embroider idea. The cost is $5, which goes to the Houston 'V Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) Audubon Society. We will leave from the House of 'V Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure Pies on Kirby at 10 am and carpool to High Island, 'V Two-tone kaki (tan) and green about an hour and a half away. If you want, meet us there at 8:30 for breakfast beforehand. Call Jeff at 'V All cotton construction 713.729.5072 if you have questions. This will be You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out new for the HOGS and enjoyable. meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL

J would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address AME2 ------instead a/by the U S. AlailO 'YES 0 NO ddress PHONE # ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP L the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG), its ------officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to o New member o Renewal myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. [further agree that [shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that [ OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities, and that [will take such precautions. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. he Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR G ROU P •••••• a. •• March NEVVSLETTER 2003 •• Galveston Social I March 22, 4:00 PM Let's go Campingl Come have some fun on the island. We March Breakfast Luby's 290 at W 34th Str MarS will be looking for current and prospective Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 members to join us on Galveston Island for this beginning of Spring social . Start your Spring! March Chili Supper Mar 15 Summer off right, on the island. Don and Ray will Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 be hosting pot luck dinner. As usual we will bring March Pot-Luck Dinner Mar 22 dishes according to the first letter of your last Don & Rays at Galveston Beach House name. ~eneral Meeting and Newsletter Mailout Mar 25 Please join us at the Season on the Gulf at 4000 Bill and Thomas 713-526-6963 Seawall Blvd, Unit 17. You must call before Martin Dies Jr State Park Mar 2S-30 Saturday, otherwise Don and Ray will have left for Jon & John 713-290-0220 vacation. v A-F Bring a main dish Bayou Bend Day trip Apr 5 v G-L Bring a dessert Howard v M-R Bring a Salad or Chip/Dip Bird watching on High Island Apr 19 v S-Z Bring a vegetable dish. Jeff Break at Luby's If you're looking for something to do earlier in the day check out Galveston's website at http:// March 8 at 9:00 AM www.galveston.com/calendars/ for a calendar of events. Please call Don or Ray to get directions or Our Houston Outdoor Group monthly breakfast will be other questions at 713-522-7809 or 832-640-7809. held at a different restaurant this month. Lubys Restau- We'll see ya on the island. rant, at 290 and W. 34th Street, 11250 Northwest the reservation and there will be no refunds the week Frwy, 713-688.6277. It is buffet style, all you can eat prior to the campout. If you are bringing a pet, the park and plenty of room. Total price, $6.22. For more informa- requirement is for the pet to be on a 6' leash and vacci- tion call Bill or Thomas at 713- 526-6963 nation papers are required at the park gate. Several Enchanted Rock members last year made reservations to stay in Freder- April 25 - 27, 2003 icksburg for the weekend. For in-town lodging in Freder- The ever so popular Enchanted Rock Campout is here! icksburg you may find many bed and breakfast to choose This State Natural Area is about 70 miles west of Austin from on the web at http://www.fbglodging.coml and north of Fredericksburg. We will be tent camping in agridtown. The pre-camp meeting will be held on Mon- the same area we usually do, on April 25 - 27. Howard day, April 21th, 7 pm at Cafe Express on Kirby between has reserved 3 campsites, (maximum 24 people), with Alabama and Richmond. To make reservations contact tent camping only. The campout is limited to the first 24 Howard K. at 713-528-6174. people who make reservations and pay their reservation fee to Howard. There is a $10 deposit required to hold

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gay friendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline, dial (713)KAMP-OUT, for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO. http://www.radix.netl-erewhonligioolrindex.html page 2

Clubs and Activities Houston Outdoor Group

713-K-A-M-P-O-U-Tor713":S26-7688 COUNSELING w£Jbsite Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037

BOWLING Let' s 90 £:ampi n9! Martin Dies State Park Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 March 28-29-30, 2003 Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 Located at the edge of the Big Thicket National Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling Preserve, the park is in the heavily-forested 713-641-5424 Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 area known as the "East Texas Pineywoods." The park has numerous creeks, known as sloughs, and cypress, willow, beech, magnolia LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING and sweet bay are common. Five miles of hik- 713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 ing trails provide excellent opportunities to view www.noesoft.comHrsc wildlife, including woodland warblers, wood- e-mail: [email protected] peckers, bluebirds, herons, wood ducks, cranes, and alligators, as the park is adjacent to The Houston Roughnecks Angelina-Neches-Dam B Wildlife Management Area. www.roughnecksrugby.org I have reserved three (3) tent campsite, each site can hold up to 8 people. Each site is $9.00 HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB per site with a $4.00 total entrance fee per per- son for the weekend. Pets are welcome but 713-529-2703 or 713-692-2703 must be on a leash and you must have your e-mail: [email protected] shot papers with you at all times. The site is registered under Jon Gray. Check in time is GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY 2:00 PM, but you can arrive earlier. (next page)



President - Bill c-:-----,-----,---,--- 713-526-6963 [email protected]

Director of Publicity - Dave M -,-----,--- 713-868-7991 [email protected] Rainbow Fishing Club Newsletter Editor Jon.G -,.-.....,....---- PO Box 66450 [email protected] Houston, TX 77266 . ",' . '.". -,' ", 713.523.6381 Dlrec:tor of FimlllcelTreasurer - Art Gonzales -713-862-9766 [email protected] . DANCING Southern Country Houston 713-226-2228 Rainbow Rangier Dance Club 713682-4165 page 3 (Martin Dies Jr. St Park Continuedfrom page 2) Bring firewood. If you wish to call the park the r=utul"e number is 409-384-5231. If you wish to make ~vents RV reservation, please call 512-389-8900. March - 22 Galveston Social at Don & Rays To review the Martin Dies Website, see http:// www.tpwd.state.tx.us/p ark / mart in d if Beach House. martindi.htm#body. March 28 - 30 - Martin Dies Jr. State Park Pre-camp meeting - March 23 (Sunday) 1:00 PM at April 5 - Bayou Bend Day trip 10:00 AM Cafe Express on Kirby. Your sponsors for this trip are Jon & John, so please call 713-290-0220 for Howard more information. April - 19 Bird watching on High Island'

From President: Bill Coxey April 25th- 27th, Camping trip to Enchanted Rock Chili Supper May - Anyone one want to sponsor a May March 15th, 6:00 PM camping trip, book nowl Those of you who get the newsletter by email got a If you would like to sponsor an outing, please special notice about our shrinking bank balance last contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. month and some possible solutions to it. Since that time the response has been great! At Milton and Dave's breakfast we raised well over $150. In addi- tion, some past due memberships have been re- Bayou Bend Day Trip newed and some new members have joined. At the April 5th, 9:00 AM social in February at Peter's home, we raised an- other small amount by passing the hat and awarding We have reservations for 12 people on April 5th. a special gift. We will be doing more of these small We will meet for breakfast at Le Peep on Richmond/ fund-raising events over the next few Shepherd @ 9am, and then go to Bayou Bend for a months. Please continue to show your sup- tour at 10:30am. Half of the group will go at 10:30 port. With these fundraisers we can have money to and the other half at 10:45am. Terry and I have free do the extras, such as our float in the Houston Pride passes for the 12, but reservations will need to be Parade and a booth at Empower Houston. made to me at our home phone or email. Our next such event will be a Chili Supper on Satur- Howard Kanelakos day March 15th from 6-8 p.m. at Bill and Tho- 713-528-6174 mas's. I will be serving one of my mother's favorite [email protected] recipes. All you have to do is call to let us know you Bayou Bend is an historic home built by Ima Hogg, are coming and toss some money in the basket. daughter of the first native-born Texas governor. She left the home and approximately 15 acres of For directions and RSVP 713-526-6963. Don't toss famous gardens to the Museum of Fine Arts. Bayou it all since you will want to save some for the bingo Bend is in River Oaks with the main entrance on games to follow about 8 p.m.! I will do the main dish Lazy Lane, but the entrance for tours is on the north but if any of you want to bring something like side of Buffalo Bayou just south of Memorial Drive chips and dips or Tex-Mex hors d'oevres you are and Westcott. There is a parking lot just south of welcome. Just let me know. I will have soft drinks that intersection, and then one walks across a sus- but if you want a cold one with your chili then bring pense bridge across Buffalo Bayou to the entrance. that, too. Oh, yes! Bring someone along! They Bayou Bend has acres of azaleas and other beauti- don't have to be members. They do have to like ful flowers, trees, and plantings. Ms. Hogg was a chili and fixins. We need all well known collector of American antique furniture the help we can get. and the two-story home is furnished with beautiful pieces. This will be a guided tour of the home. After the guided tour, members are free to do a self-guided tour of the grounds and gardens. Page 4 High Island Bird Watching Saturday, April 19 On Saturday, April 19th we're going to High Island, Texas for some bird watching. High Island is one of the best bird watching spots in the world and every spring birdwatchers from around the world come to Boy Scout Woods and Smith Woods in High Island. April is the best month to see North America's most colorful songbirds including Scarlet Tanagers, Blue Grosbeaks, Baltimore Orioles, Prothonotory Warbler and many more as they migrate from South America across the Gulf of Mexico to the Texas coast. We will also visit a nearby rookery to see Roseate Spoonbills, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets etc. Caps Now for Sale! raising their hatchlings. There are picnic tables, so bring a lunch or there is a nearby convenience store The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is if you want to grab something. Bring binoculars, now for sale. They are going fast. mosquito spray and a birding book (if you have The caps have: one). Long pants and long-sleeve shirts are a good v The cap is stitched embroider idea. The cost is $5, which goes to the Houston v Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) Audubon Society. We will leave from the House of v Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure Pies on Kirby at 10 am and carpool to High Island, v Two-tone kaki (tan) and green about an hour and a half away. If you want, meet us there at 8:30 for breakfast beforehand. Call Jeff at v All cotton construction 713.729.5072 if you have questions. Hope to see ya You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out there. meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential. but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL

AME2 1 would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address ------instead of by the U. S. Mail 0 YES 0 NO ddress PHO?'\TE# ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP I. the undersigned. agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG). its ------officers. volunteers. members and guests free from any liability for injury to D New member D Renewal myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests. that I OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? have familiarized myself w ith all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities. and that I will take such precautions. SIGNA TURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed AIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. he Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR GRC>UP •••••• a. • May NEv.JSLETTER 2003 • HOG CALENDAR . I Let's go Camping! May Breakfast, Tecate May 3 Jon & John - 713-290-0220 Glassell School of Arts May 16 Bill & Larry 713-529-8101 Mercer Arboretum I Potato Patch Rest... May 17 John & Jon 713-290-0220 Guadalupe River Rafting General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout May 27 Fri. - Sun. June 13-15 Don & Rays 713-522-7809 River Rafting Jun 13-15 Cool off this summer with a wet, scenic, raft- Ed B 713-529-6661 ing trip down the Guadalupe River. We will be !General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout June 24 Don & Rays 713-522-7809 entering the river around 10 am, Saturday and the rafting trip last around 3 hours. Later in the evening, we will caravan into historic Gruene, Texas for dinner, shopping and enter- tainment. We will be camping at K & L Ranch Breakfast at Tecate Campgrounds, the same campgrounds, and Sat, May 3 9am sites, we have stayed at in the past. The K & L Ranch Camp is a three hour drive From H Our monthly breakfast will be at TECATE town, located at 5300 River Road in New MEXICAN RESTAURANT located at 2615 Braunfels. They have electric and RV hook- Ella Blvd, 77008 (713-868-5232). That's just ups, but you will have to make you own ar- off the 610 Loop at Ella across from Lowe's rangements if you need RV hookups. Camping Home Improvement and behind the Hospital. fee's run around $6 a night for overnight The prices range from $1.25 for breakfast Ta- camping. There is a camp store within walking cos to $5.75 for their breakfast plates. They distance for drinks, food, ice, firewood. Show- are group friendly, and will even give separate ers are $1 each. K & L's phone number is 830- checks! For more information call Jon or John at 625-3038. For further information contact Ed 713-290-0220. B. at 713-529-6661,

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gay friendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline, dial (7J 3)KAMP-OUT. for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO, http://www.radix.netl~erewhon/igloo/rindex.htmJ page 2

Clubs and Activities Houston Outdoor Group call 713-K-A-M-P-O-U- T or 713~526-7688 COUNSELING .. . website Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037 http://www.absentrnind.net/hog Welcome New Members BOWLING Bryan H, Kevin T, Russell W, Ed 0, Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 Dwane T, Gary N, Jim 0, Steven J. Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 Please come to our next Breakfast on Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling May 3rd at 9:00 AM! 713-641-5424 Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 GLASSELL SCHOOL OF ART


713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 May 16 - 18, 2003 www.noesoft.coml-lrsc Every year in May, the Glassell allows their stu- e-mail: [email protected] dents to sell their artwork:: Drawings, Paint- ings, Ceramics, Photographs, Jewelry, etc. The The Houston Roughnecks prices and quality vary a lot, but it is fun to see what the students are doing and you could find www.roughnecksrugby.org treasures. The Glassell School of Art is the square build- HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB ing made totally of glass blocks located on Mon- trose in front the Museum of Fine Arts. You 713-529-2703 or 713-692-2703 park on the parking lot across the street e-mail: [email protected] (Bissonnet) from the MFA and walk through the Sculpture Garden to the School. If you have any GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY questions, please contact Bill or Larry at 713-



Presldent- Bill C------713-526-6963 [email protected]

Director of Publicity - Dave M ----- 713-868-7991 [email protected] Rainbow Fishing Club Newsletter Editor Jon G ------713-290-0220 PO Box 66450 [email protected] Houston, TX 77266 713.523.6381 Director of Anance I Treasurer - Art Gonzales - 713-862-9766 [email protected] DANCING Southern Country Houston Director of Membership - Dave M ---- 713-868-7991 [email protected] . 713-226-2228 Rainbow Rangier Dance Club Membership Records - Byron Burke --:-- 713-862-9766 713682-4165 bburke2146@aol;com

Director of Activity Support-----,--~- Open page 3 The trip to High Island was a wonderful adventure. We r=utul"e ~ven1s had 14 people attend. We all started out at the House June - Guadeloupe River Rafting trip of Pies and then drove to July - Downtown Aquarium the bird sanctuary. Many August 8 to 10 - Oklahoma canoe trip (Bill of us found it hard to believe this beautiful place and Thomas) is so close! We saw many colorful birds includ- August HOG Elections. We need a pool! ing a rookery of beautiful Roseate Spoon Billed, If you would like to sponsor an outing, please La Blue Heron, Great Egret, Snowy Egret. While walking through the woods we saw, contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. Northern Baltimore Orioles, Indigo Dunting, Scarlet tanagers. After a wonderful day most of us went to eat at Stingers. Great Food!

Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens May 17, 2003 10:00AM

On May 17, we will meet you there at 10:00 AM. If you need a ride, John and I have room for 5 more people in our van. After we finish this exhilarating day trip, we plan to go to the Potato Patch for lunch, located at 2504 FM 1960 Westfield, 77073, 281-443-3530 "If you've never seen a botanical garden, it's time to change that. On one side of Aldine Westfield is 11.5 acres of formal gardens, de- To get there take 1-45 N to 1960, turn right scribed perfectly by garden personnel as a (East), go under Hardy toll road and then turn "living museum" of dogwoods, rusty blackhaws left on Aldine-Westfield then about 1 mile. The and hawthorns. Sure, you've noticed that there physical address is 22306 Aldine-Westfield, are a lot of flowers, shrubs, and trees in Hous- Houston, TX 77338.281-443-8731. The best ton, but you have no idea how diverse this thing about this place is that it is "FREE". For area's plant life is until you have walked through more information, please call Jon/John at 713- this magnificent natural gallery. It's well worth 290-0220. the trip. "Across the street is the 203-acre arboretum. This isn't just a bunch of trees; the collection creates an inspiring forest of honey locusts, water oaks and catalpas. Exotic species that were planted but grow freely today include Ca- "T l'\N"'I~n mellias, Camphor, Ginko, Philadelphus and Event Planners Bauhinia. Enjoy the greenhouse and formal gardens. Hike the five miles of nature and gar- den trails." Remember to bring your bug spray. Next column ..... Page 4

Houston Outdoor Group Monthly Meeting he HOG general meeting is held in conjunction with th mailout on the last Tuesday of this month from 7:30 - 9 pm, a Don and Ray's. Member's and non-members are welcome. Call 713-522-7809 for directions. 529-8101. Bill and Larry will be there on Fri- day 16. The Glassell Spring Sale dates & times: Friday May 16 - Opens at 5 pm until 8 pm Caps Now for Sale! Saturday May 17 - Opens at 10 am until 5 pm The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is Sunday May 18 - Opens at Noon until 5 pm now for sale. They are going fast. The caps have: The School is on Montrose, near the corner of v The cap is stitched embroider Montrose and Bissonnet. The phone at the v Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) School is 713-639-7500. The building is a two v Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure store building made entirely of glass blocks. v Two-tone kaki (tan) and green There is a parking lot on Montrose across of the v All cotton construction street (same side) from the Building or you can You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out park in parking lot of the Museum of Fine Arts meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call and walk through the sculpture garden. Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL

AME 2 I would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address ------instead of by the U S. MailO YES 0 NO ddress PHONE # ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP 1, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG), its ------officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to o New member o Renewal myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed AIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Dare HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. he Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOCLR 0 ROU P •••••• a. JUNE NE'WSLETTER 2003

HOG CALENDAR Let's go Campingf Monthly Breakfast - Le Peep June 7 Don & Ray 713-522-7809 Sandcastle Contest, East Beach Galveston June 7 Don & Ray 713-522-7809 Guadalupe River Rafting Jun 13-15 Ed B. 713-529-6661 c"uada\upe ~ver F-afti n9 Potluck I Pool Party June 22 Peter F. 281-448-5533 Fri. - Sun. June 13 -15 General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout June 24 Don & Ray 713-522-7809 Cool off this summer with a wet, scenic, raft- Gay Pride Parade June 28 ing trip down the Guadalupe River. We will be Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 entering the river around 10 am, Saturday and July 4th at Bill and Thomas' place July 4 the rafting trip last around 3 hours. Remember Bill and Thomas 713-526-6963 to bring your lunch for the trip down the river. Store it in something waterproof, just in case!. We usually stop somewhere in the middle of Breakfast at LePeep the trip and have lunch. Later in the evening, we will caravan into historic Gruene, Texas Sat, June 7 9 am for dinner, shopping and entertainment. We will be camping at K & L Ranch Campgrounds, Our monthly breakfast will be the same campground we stayed at in the at LePeep's Restaurant in the Shepherd past. The K & L Ranch Camp is about a three Plaza, 3810 Farnham just off S. Shepherd hour drive from Houston, located at 5300 and 59. "LePeep puts a wholesome new per- River Road in New Braunfels. For electric and spective on innovative restauranteuring. RV hookups, you will need to make you own Fresh. Simple. Elegant. With accents on people, reservations. Camping fee's run around $6 a both patrons and staff. And a focus on food. A plen- night for overnight camping. There is a camp tiful array that keeps folks coming back." store within walking distance for drinks, food, For more information call Don and Ray at 713-522- 7809 (*See p. 3 for Galveston trip after breakfast) (social Continued on page 3)

The Houston Outdoor Group (HDG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gay friendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HDG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline, dial (7J 3)KAMP-DUT, for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HDG, Po. Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HDG is affiliated with IGLO.O. http://www.radix.net/~erewhonligloo/rindex.html page 2

Clubs and Activities Houston Outdoor Group call 713-K-A-M-P-O-U- T COUNSELING or 713-526-7688 website Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037 http://www.absentrnind.netlhog Welcome New Members BOWLING Dwayne K Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 .Please come to our next Breakfast on Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437 -6218 June 7th at 9:00 AM! Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling 713-641-5424 Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 ,) / Po~luck / Pool

LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING PCW~~ t:" :·i~~S.~Sunday,! June 22 2pm to 6pm 713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 rJ?r' www.noesoft.coml-lrsc ~ ,oJ Enjoy the Texas summer at the \~' e-mail: [email protected] HOG's first summer pool I potluck ~------~ party at the home of Peter F.. Bring a towel and lo- The Houston Roughnecks tion and cool off in the pool. You will be among friends enjoying good conversation and great food. www.roughnecksrugby.org Please bring your favorite dish for everyone to en- joy, Also if you wish, you can being your favorite beverage, just no glass bottles. HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB A - F Bring a Veggie Dish G - L Bring a Main Dish 713-529-2703 or 713-692-2703 M - R Bring a Dessert e-mail: [email protected] S - Z Bring a Salad To RSVP and directions, please call Peter at 281- GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY 448-5533


MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE HOG OFFICERS http://montrosesoftbailleague,com/ 713-867 -3913 President- Bill C------713-526-6963 HOUSTON WOMEN'S SOFTBALL [email protected] LEAGUE - 409-257-1885 Director of Publicity - Dave M ----- 713-868-7991 [email protected] Rainbow Fishing Club Newsletter Editor Jon G ------713-290-0220 PO Box 66450 [email protected] Houston, TX 77266 713,523,6381 Director of Finance I Treasurer - Art Gonzales - 713-862-9766 [email protected] DANCING Southern Country Houston Director of Membership - Dave M ---- 713-868-7991 713-226-2228 [email protected] Rainbow RangIer Dance Club Membership Records - Byron Burke --- 713-862-9766 713682-4165 [email protected]

Director of Activity Support:------Open page 3 Pride Parade HOG .=uture ~"ent§ Participation June 13-15 - Guadeloupe River Rafting trip June 28, 2003 July - 5 - Downtown Aquarium This is a big night to get out and be among our friends in July - 12 Indoor mini Golf the community. Because of our very small bank account, instead of having a float or walking group, you should August 8 - 10 - Oklahoma canoe trip (Bill and walk with your favorite group that can afford to be in the Thomas) parade. August - HOG Elections. We have a pool! Wear you HOG cap. If you don't have one, contact any If you would like to sponsor an outing, please officer. They will be happy to sell you one. If you would like to go as a group and watch the parade contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. together, be at the social on June 22nd. We will make plans to meet at that time. We can still make our pres- ence known without a great expense and have fun being together.

Annual HOG Elections It will soon be August and time for the annual election of officers. It has been difficult to operate without a full slate of officers this year. Please consider taking on a position in the coming year. Offices to be filled are: President, Director of Publicity, Director of FinancelTreasurer, Director of Membership, Newsletter Editor and Director of Activity Support. Officers meet on the last Tuesday of each month to do the mail out and hold a business session. It won't take a lot of your time. Your presence is the most important con- tribution you can make to the group. Bill Coxey

Sandcastle Competition East Beach, (continued from page 1) ice, and firewood. Showers Galveston, TX June 7th are $1 each. K & L's phone number-is 830- Our very own Greg D will be partici- 625-3038. Remembering one year, we saw a pating with his company in the sandcastle contest. herd of goats in the camping area. It is not They will be at site 72. The American Institute of Ar-. uncommon to see wild goats, deer and- crea- - chitects is holding the 1ih annual sandcastle-building contest with more than 80 teams and 3,500 sand tures in the night. We sometimes go hiking in sculptors creating sand creatures, structures and char- the hills on Friday afternoon. For further infor- acters across a half-mile of beach. The teams can mation contact Ed B. at 713-529-6661. start building at 10:00 AM and judging will be at 3:00 PM. For more information, go to web site http://www.aiasandcastle.com/2003/eventinfo.htm. Our HOG breakfast will be this same day at Le Peeps at 9:00 AM. A group of HOGS will be leaving from there and heading for the Galveston Sandcastle Com- "r llNl'l~n petition. Or you could just meet us in Galveston. It is Event Planners a lot of fun just to watch the building of many incredible structures out of sand. If you are driving down there, here are the instructions. Drive South on 1-45 until it dead-ends at Seawall Blvd. in Galveston. (Continued on p. 4) Page 4 July 4th, 2003 Potluck at Bill & Thomas Place

Join us for a Potluck dinner and a great place to view the fire- works show. More details to come. We wiUgather at 7:30 PM. Call for directions and dish as- signment. Bill I Thomas Caps Now for Sale! 713-526-6963 ------The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is (Cont. from page 3) now for sale. They are going fast. The caps have: Turn left and follow Seawall Blvd. until it dead-ends at v The cap is stitched embroider the jetties. v Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) Turn right and follow the signs, sounds and fun to East v Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure Beach. I understand there will be a $5.00 parking fee. Some- v Two-tone kaki (tan) and green times you can park outside of the gates and walk in, v All cotton construction but this is entirely up to you. You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out If you need more information, please contact Don M at meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call 713-522 -7809 Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20 / year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL 1 would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address AME2 ------instead of by the U. S. MaUD YES 0 NO ddress PHONE # ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP I, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG), its ------officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to New member Renewal 0 myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed AIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. he Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR G RC>UP •••••• a. ~ULY NE\NSLETTER 2003

..July 4th HOG:-, -.'. ", ..- ,. .- -CALENDAR.. , -; . - ···. , -' ..Join us at Annual Elections August 23rd Bill & Thomas's •• Place Independence Day party at Bill and Thomas' July 4 >sr ~ - You are invited to join Bill and Bill & Thomas 713-526-6963 Thomas for An Old Fashioned Fourth of July. Their Mini Golf at Marq'E Entertainment Center July 12 place overlooks Buffalo Bayou so it is a prime location David S 713-476-9791 to watch the big fireworks show. Festivities will begin Monthly Breakfast - Luby's July 19 around 7:30 p.m. Jon & John 713-290-0220 Please call Bill to find out what you need to bring and to Swimming Pool Party July 27 get directions. If you have a traditional favorite you'd like Peter F 281-448-5533 to bring tell Bill. There will be hot dogs and hamburg- General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout... July 29 ers on the grill so anything that goes with those Don & Ray 713-522-7809 , favorites will be fine. See ya on The Fourth. Bill's General Meeting and Newsletter Mailout Aug 26 phone is 713-526-6963. Don & Ray 713-522-7809

Let's 90 s~immin9 a9ain at "Peter's J'u\11-1th, 1- pm to vpm

Breakfast at The June Pool Party at Peter's was such a big success we decided to do it all over again on Sunday, July 27th. If you missed the June party, join us in July for good Luby's friends, food, and fun! Sat, July 19 @9 am Bring your towel and lotion and go splash! You can bring your favorite cool drink for poolside as long as there are no glass bottles. Get out that cookbook and Our Houston Outdoor Group monthly breakfast bring something tasty for our meal. will be held this month at Luby's Restaurant, By the way, we heard some great stories and jokes after last month's party. located at 11250 Northwest Freeway at 290 Check your last name and then the menu below: and W. 34th Street, 713-688.6277. It is buffet style, all you can eat and plenty of room. Total A-F: Bring a Salad G-L: Bring a Dessert price, $6.22. For more information call Jon & M-R: Bring a Main Dish John at 713.290.0220 S-Z: Bring a Veggie Dish To RSVP and get directions, please call Peter at 281- 448-5533.

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gay friendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline, dial (713)KAMP-OUT, for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO, http://www.radix.neti-erewhon/igioo/rindex.htmi page 2 Houstondij~~()o•.Gr()lIP Clubs and Activities call' 713-K-A~M-P-O-lJ-TCJ);1i3-~~~-7688 COUNSELING ::';:.:,.;",'-": i"wei}sltJ····.· Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037 http://~'#I~ .~~• .~.~·.~~ffiiH~.~~· ·tI~()~. Welcome New Members BOWLING Cindy S, Debbie R, David P, Justin 0, Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 Brandy 0, Eric K. Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 The Ultimate in Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling 713-641-5424 INDOOR MINI GOLF Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612 Experience! LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING

713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 www.noesoft.comHrsc Glow-in-the-dark Mini Golf e-mail: [email protected] Live Life! Don't just watch it go by! - June 21st, we will play 18 holes of putt-putt golf in three The Houston Roughnecks different Glow-in-the-Dark rooms. This one of a kind putt putt golf is retro to the 70's with a dif- www.roughnecksrugby.org ferent fantasy theme in each room. Plenty of props like trees in the fantasy forest are painted with black light paint that is lighted with a room HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB full of black lights. Don't worry about not being able to see your putter and balls, there are 713-529-2703 or 713-692-2703 e-mail: [email protected] plenty of black lights to see everyone's balls. We will meet at Cafe Adobe in the same Mall at 6:00 pm for appetizers and/or drinks, and walk GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY over to "Putting Edge" around 7 pm. If you would rather meet us at (go to page 3) 713-661-6378

MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE - HOG OFFICERS http://montrosesoftballleague.com/ 713-867-3913 HOUSTON WOMEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE - 409-257-1885

Rainbow Fishing Club PO Box 66450 Houston, TX 77266 713.523.6381 DANCING Southern Country Houston 713-226-2228 Rainbow Rangier Dance Club 713682-4165 ", ",.: ":> :':_'-":',<-'-:,': " :':--' ,-. Director of A~t1VitySup~ort._~. --'--~~~~- page 3 r=utu.-e A Note from the President: ~vents

My thanks to Peter for hosting a August 8 - 10 - Oklahoma canoe trip (Bill and wonderful afternoon at his pool in Thomas) June. As you will see elsewhere in August 23- HOG Elections. We have a pool! the newsletter, we had such a good time that he invited us back again in July. After an afternoon If you would like to sponsor an outing, please of swimming and storytelling we had a great contact Jon G at 713-290-0220 for assistance. meal. It is hard to believe that August and September Sept 1 - Labor Day party anyone? are fast approaching. There is not much on the schedule for September, yet, so if you are ready to host an event then let us know. Be at the up- coming socials or come to the mailout,

August is always an important month for the group. There will be a pool party at Dave and Milton's on August 23rd where we will select our slate of officers for the coming year. Dave has From page 2 handled two positions this past year and one was open. We need relief for him and someone "Putting Edge" be in their lobby by 7 pm. Adult to take on the Activity Support job. Being an tickets are $8.00 each. The name of the mall is officer is easy and fun. We need your voice. It "The Marq-E Entertainment Center" on 1-10 and won't take up a lot of your time. Please talk to Silber, in the same mall as Julian's and Ed- one of the current officers about joining us on wards Cinema. Putting Edge is located catty the board. Offices to be filled are: President, corner to Julian's off the small courtyard. You Director of Publicity, Director of Fi- may contact Putting Edge at 713-263-7051, or nancelTreasurer, Director of Membership, online at http://www.puttingedge.com. or for more information call member David S. at 713- Newsletter Editor and Director of Activity Sup- 476-9791. port. We have had a busy year and hope for more fun in the coming year. Your presence is the most important contribution you can make River Rafting: to the group. Bill Coxey The weather was great, during the day. Friday evening We had a-nice down- . pour, which made for an interesting eve- ning. Saturday was fantastic. No Rain! After the river trip most of us went to River Rafting update one of our favorite restaurants, the Grist Mill in Gruene. The night was In June, we had our river rafting trip pleasant and most people retired early. down the Guadalupe river. This is one Some time around 4am, the skies de- of the most exciting and fun trips you cided to let loose again with a lightening will ever take! We had about 12 Adven- display and lots of thunder. Although a turing friends from Austin join us on the little tense at times, the rain did not last river. Add our 14 HOGS and that made long. All and all, we had a great time. for a fantastic trip down the Guadalupe! Please consider coming next year. '.

Page 4

"r l'Nl'l~n Event Planners

Caps Now for Sale! The Official Houston Outdoor Group 2002 cap is now for sale. They are going fast. The caps have: Houston Outdoor Group The cap is stitched embroider v Reinforcement in front (to hold the shape) . Monthly Meeting v Comfortable adjustable Velcro back closure he HOG general meeting is held in conjunction with th mailout on the last Tuesday of this month from 7:30 - 9 pm, a v Two-tone kaki (tan) and green Don and Ray's. Member's and non-members are welcome. Call v All cotton construction 713-522-7809 for directions. You can pick up your cap for $18 at the mail out meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, or call Jon G to make arrangements to pick one up. drs HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

Please Print! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. AME1 ______E-MAIL

I would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address ------instead of by the U. S. Mail 0 YES 0 NO PHONE # ------INCLUDE ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ZIP 1, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG), its ----~~------officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to o New member o Renewal myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I OW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe ------participation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Make check payable to : ARTHUR GONZALES Signed AIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Date Signed P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893

he activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. he Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON.OUTDO.OA q..ROUP •••••• a• September NEWSLETTER 2003 • # • From the HOG President

Let's begin with a thank you to all those Breakfast - Katz's Sept 6 officers, especially, Byron, who have Jon & John 713.290.0220 served this past year. In Byron's case it September Social Sept 13 was for many, many years' as our Jon & John 713.290.0220 keeper of the membership records. EMPOWER Sept 20 & 21 My personal thanks to Jon for his work on the newslet- Bill C 713.526.6963 ter. The newsletter is the ONE thing that happens each Haak Winery in Santa Fe Sept 27 month; the thing we depend on to keep up with our ac- Dave & Milton 713-522-7809 tivities. Like David before him, Jon has done a great job. General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout Sept 30 Thank you. Don and Ray 713-522-7809 Breakfast - LePeep Rice Village Oct 4 Our annual election party was the best ever thanks to Mercer Arboretum Oct 11 Dave and Milton. (Those were the best margaritas!) I Dwayne 281-655-5447 appreciate Dave's organization and inspiration. I will SociallWeekend, Freeport, TX Oct 18 Randy & Greg 713-796-1169 appreciate him even more in the coming year as our Camping TBA Oct 31 to Nov2 Vice President. Russell 713-862-1488 General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout Oct 28 For the first time in over ten years there were some con- Don and Ray 713-522-7809 tested seats in the elections. We got a great line-up of officers and some new faces to go along with the old ones. We have had a terrific year and the schedule for the start of the next one is already a busy one.

The big word for September is Empower. We have met Meet Us at Breakfast some great people there and have added new members every year. There are time slots available to work our Saturday, Sept 6 9a.m. booth. Please contact me to schedule your time. All members should plan to attend this outstanding event. Our HOG monthly breakfast will be at Katz's Deli, located at 616 Westheimer Road, 713-521-3838. Pot-Luck Social Gear up for that busy Saturday by joining us at September 13 @ 5:00 PM Katz's Deli for breakfast and a friendly chat with Please come join us at our home in Oak Forest for a other members, friends and prospective members. social on Sept. 13 at 5:00 PM. A-F Salad, Vegetable or side dish This is a good time to get to know other members G-S Main Dish or some type of casserole and discuss upcoming campouts and activities. For T-Z Dessert, ect. Or what ever you want! Give Jon or John a call at 713-290-0220 for directions to more information call Jon and John at 713-290- their home and let them know what you plan to bring. 0220.

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for Gay men, Lesbian women and Gay friendly persons who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline at (713)KAMP-OUT for information, a free trial newsletter and a subscription form for the newsletter or write HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, Texas 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 per household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with IGLOO. http://www.radix.net/-erewhonligloolrindex.html l:\ubs and AGtivities


Montrose Counseling Center - 713-529-0037

BOWLING WELCOME!! New Members Sunday Bowling - 713-522-9612 Monday Nite Women's Bowling 281-437-6218 Montrose Monday Nite Men's Bowling John H., Billie Jo H., Steve B 713-641-5424 Wednesday Nite Mixers Bowling - 713-522-9612

LAMBDA ROLLER SKATING Lost Maples November 21,22 & 23 713-523-9620 or 713-410-7215 www.hoesoft.comHrsc Neither John nor I had any idea this trip would e-mail: [email protected] sell out so fast. We have 4 cabins, two of which will accommodate 6, and two will accommodate CLASSIC CHASSIS CAR CLUB 4. We are trying get more cabins off premise in order to find places for those on the waiting list. 713-683-1867 We'll keep you posted. Since we are booked, we have found other places for people on the waiting list. Contact John or Jon if you want to GARDEN AND YARD SOCIETY know more about these places. 713-290-0220 713-661-6378

MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE http://montrosesoftballleague.com/ 713-867 -3913 HOUSTON WOMEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE - 409-257-1885

Rainbow Fishing Club P.O. Box 66450 Houston, TX 77266 713-523-6381

DANCING Southern Country Houston 713-226-2228 Rainbow Rangier Dance Club 713-682-4165 page 3 --~~------EMPOWER 2003 Future Events September 20 & 21 Oct. 4 - Breakfast LePeep / Rice Village Oct. 11 - Mercer Arboretum--Dwayne K Please reserve the dates Oct. 18 - SociallWeekend Freeport--Randy/ .of September 20th and 21st. The an- Greg nual . Empower Event sponsored by Oct 31- Nov. 2 - Camping trip-Russell the Houston GLBT Chamber of Com- Nov. 15 - Potluck social--Dwayne K merce will be held at the George R. Nov. 21-23 - Lost Maples Trip - Jon/John Brown Convention Center. This is an Dec. 6 - Christmas Party--Don and Ray , outstanding gathering of businesses and professionals that serve our com- munity along with many service and so- cial organizations like ours. Haak Winery in Santa Fe We will' need an hour or two of your time on either Saturday or Sunday to work at September 27 the HOG booth. It is a great time to ~eet new people and see many old friends. We have added new members Dave and Milton are planning a trip to every year at Empower. the Haak Winery in Santa Fe, Texas on September 27, 2003. We plan to meet We need your help now for the at the winery at 10:30 AM for a tour and booth. There are many talented people in the HOG and we need that talent. Bill wine tasting at 11:00 and then travel to the for lunch. Please C. designed the exhibit we have used RSVP if you are planning on going. If the last two years but we need a new look. At the mail out this month and next we have more than 15 people, they will need to schedule an extra person to we will be making plans for the give a tour to accommodate us. Please booth. Please come and volunteer your call 713 868 7991 (evening) or 713 831 services. You may contact Bill C at 713- 526.6963 for volunteering to help out. 3583 (day). Directions to the Winery: Take Interstate 45 S toward Galveston. Exit FM646 and go south to Hwy 6. The hours Empower will be open are Take right on Hwy 6 to Ave T. Take left Saturday, September 20 - 1:00 pm to on Ave T. The winery is 2 miles on the 6:00 pm. Sunday - September 21 - right. The address is 6310 Ave T. Tele- 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. phone number 409 925 1401. Their web site www:haakwine.com/ has more information. page 4

speakers, RedHat Linux 8.0, SoundCard,Network For Sale Adapter. One of our members is donating his Please note the RedHat Linux software. You will computer to the HOG. If you have have to buy your own Windows to install since this ever been to visit Thomas and Bill, computer works on the Linux operating system. you may have seen Thomas's com- You can contact Thomas for any other questions. puter. It is a Dell with a 21-inch monitor. That's a Thanks to Thomas for the donation to the HOG. tk big one! The monitor alone is worth $500.

Thomas will sell it to the highest bidder with the minimum bid beginning at $100. You can begin sending your bids to him at

[email protected] or by calling 713-526- 6963. He will keep the bidders notified as bids Houston Outdoor Group come in. Monthly Meeting

Bids will close on September 15, 2003 at 10 p.m. The HOG general meeting is held in conjunction with the The computer will be available within a week after mailout on the last Tuesday of every month from 7:30 - 9 pm, the purchase. at Don and Ray's. Member's and non-members are welcome. Call 713-522-7809 for directions. Here are the specs: 500 MHZ Intel Pentium III, 256 MB RAM Memory, 16 MB Video RAM, 20 GB 7200rpm Hard Drive, 32x CD-ROM Drive, 6x CD- RW Drive, 1.44 MB Floppy Drive, 21 inch Dell Monitor, HP 4P Laser Printer, Harmon I Kardon

HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20/ year

PLEASE PRINT! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. Name 1 _ E-MAIL, _

Name 2 _ I would like to receive the newsletter at the above e-mail address instead of by U.S. Mail: Yes r No r Address, _ PHONE # INCLUDE ------ME (US) ON THE PHONE LIST: YES NO ______ZIP I. the undersigned. agree to hold the Houston Outdoor group (HOG). its officers. volunteers. members and guests free from any liability for injury r New Member r Renewal to myself or others or damage to property as a result of my participation in HOG activities. Jfurther agree that J shall do nothing intentionally to HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests. that 1 have familiarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe participation in HOG activities. and thatl will take such precautions.


MAIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP Sign P.O. BOX 980893 Date HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893 Sign Date

e IVI res sponsore y e ous on u oor roup are coopera ive I na ure. n IVI u s participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. The Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers takes no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP •••••• a. •. OCTOBER NEWSLETTER 2003 •.

From the President's Desk ...

HOG CALENDAR My thanks to the very special people who made our booth at Empower 2003 the best ever. It all began with John and Jon, Jeanne and Judith Breakfast - LePeep Rice Village Oct. 4 on Friday nite for thesetup, It was tile smoothest ever. Additional thanks goes to Coy Tow from the Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens .....Oct 11 Chamber who expanded the size of our booth Dwayne: 281-655-5447 when he saw how great it was going to look. Brazos Bend State Park I Sea Center Oct 18 Thanks to Russell, who has also put together Bill & Thomas: 713-526-6963 this "new look" to our newsletter and published the Empower handouts that were so good we had Camping - Halloween Weekend to order reprints. One hundred and eighty HOG Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Oct 31 - Nov 2 brochures were distributed over the weekend, so Russell: 713-862-1488 hopefully that'll bring in a surge of new members. Thanks to all the rest who volunteered to work General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout ....Oct 28 at the booth. Empower is THE place for us to get Don & Ray: 713-522-7809 to meet the great people of our community. Our booth has been donated by members the last two years. I think the HOG should make this our major MEET Us AT BREAKFAST event each year. SATURDAY, OCT 4 9AM Let's start planning now to be back!

Our HOG monthly breakfast will be at LePeep - Rice Village. Join us for breakfast and friendly chat with other HOG members, friends and prospective members. This is a good time to get to know other members and discuss upcoming events and activities. See you there!

6128 Village Parkway· Houston, TX 77005 Major Cross Streets: Times and Kelvin, east of Kirby Village

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for gay men, lesbians and gay friendly persons who enjoy the out- doors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the monthly newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline at (713) KAMP-OUT for information, a free trial newsletter or write to HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, 1X 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 her household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with the IGLOO. www.radix.net/-erewhon/igloo/rindex.html Mercer Arboretum & Botanical Gardens CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES On Saturday, October 11, we will meet you there at 10:00 a.m. If you would like to meet as a BOWLING group and carpool, just speak up. Sunday Bowling: 713-522-9612 If you've never seen a botani- Monday Nite Women's Bowling: 281-437-6218 cal garden, it's time to change that. Montrose Monday Night Men's Bowling: On one side of Aldine Westfield is 713-641-5424 11.5 acres of formal gardens, Wednesday Night Mixers Bowling: described perfectly by garden 713-522-9612 personnel as "living museum" of dogwoods, rusty blackhaws and hawthorns. Sure, you've COUNSELING noticed that there are lots of flowers, shrubs, and trees in Montrose Counsel Center Houston, but you have no idea how diverse this area's plant 713-529-0037 life is until you have walked through this magnificent natural 111~II'1 Iwww.MontroseCounselingCenter.org gallery. To getto Merder take 1-45 N to 1960, turn right (East),go HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB under Hardy toll road and then turn left on Aldine-Westfield then about 1 mile. The address is 22306 Aldine-Westfield, Houston, TX 77338 (281-443-8731). The best thing about this place is that it is FREE. Don't forget your bug spray. After the morning adventure, we plan to go to the Potato www.HoustonTennisClub.org Patch for lunch, located at 2504 FM 1960 Westfield, 77073 713-522-1053 (281-443-3530). .ROLLER SKATING For more information, call Dwayne at 281-655-5447 . OutSkate Wednesdays - B-10pm ($5 admission) Brazos Bend State Park I Sea Center The Zenith Roller Rink rz: . Saturday, October 18 will be a full day of outdoor activ- 8075 Cook Road @ Beechnut ities south of the city at Brazos Bend State Park and at Sea For information: 281-933-5818 Center in lake Jackson. [email protected] We will meet at 10 a.m. in the big parking lot at the CLASSIC CHASSIS CAR CLUB Visitors Center. Brazos Bend State Park is a short drive from the city. It has been a longtime favorite spot for our group. Campsites are hard to get and almost impossible to reserve at this busy place so this day will be dedicated to a nice walk and picnic lunch. Bill and Thomas will lead us along their favorite trails. You will get to see alligators in their natural habitat and, hopefully, some early arrivals of birds from up www.ClassicChassisCarClub.org north. Pack a lunch so that we can either eat somewhere along the trail or once we are back. MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE After lunch and a rest we will caravan south to Lake Jackson to visit Sea Center, a state-of-the-art fish hatchery and aquarium. The Sea Center has a free visitors center that http://MontroseSoftbaIILeague.com focuses on the marine habitat of the Gulf Coast and its bays. 713-867-3913 The highlight is a 50,000 gallon aquarium with the many fish Houston Women's Softball League and creatures that live in the Gulf waters. Outside the Coast 409-257 -1885 Marsh Walkway lets you see 150 varieties of wildlife and plants. Look carefully in the marsh waters for big blue crabs RAINBOW FISHING CLUB scurrying along the bottom. Sea Center is the largest red PO Box 66450 drum fish hatchery in the world. We can take a tour of the Houston, TX 77266 entire facilty. 713-523-6381 This will make for a long day but it will be well worth it. Bill and Thomas issue one final invitation. If you are still up DANCING for it after all that, it is only a short drive on down to Surfside for a visit to one of their favorite eating spots: the Red Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club: Snapper Inn. This hideaway has been around for many years 713-682-4165 and is listed in many guidebooks as a must-visit spot. www.RainbowRanglers.org For more information contact Bill or Thomas at 713-526-6963 or Bill's email: [email protected] MAl.l.OW!VW HOGS Enjoy a Winery Tour The fall season of HOG activities got off to an excit- ing start with our first visit to the Haak eA""'WQ T~" Winery in Santa Fe. Twenty-two people . by Russell Ben Williams were treated to a personal tour con- . Greetings to all! First off, I want to thank the Houston ducted by the owner, James Haak. Outdoor Group for having the faith to thrust me into the What started as a hobby has turned position of Newsletter Editor and to Jon G for passing his into a passion for Mr. Haak and his torch and for helping me to step into this postion with the family. greatest of ease! I hope to make you proud as I deal with The Haak Winery is off the main the task of producing your newsletters for the next year. highways, tucked away in a part of But enough of the introductory chitchat ... let's talk Santa Fe that you are never going to about camping! find without a map. Once you are there I am 'organizing the next HOG camping trip during you will find a beautiful well-designed building and Halloween weekend (Fri, Oct 31-Sun, Nov 2) at Martin grounds. They currently produce eleven varieties of wine, Dies, Jr. State Park. I know that some of you are already but Mr. Haak wants to trim that to six or seven. The HOG familiar with this state park, but if you've never been there, got to taste a number of them. Everyone had their favorite I will be following up with maps, directions, etc. from their-Port Wine to-a very good Sauviqnon Blanc that If you think Jasper County isn't ready for a camp- you can purchase at Central Market. The shop at the win- ground full of HOGs, they haven't heard the half of it - ery was full of special items and almost everyone came fifteen members of the Houston Pride Band will also be away with a bottle of wine. camping with us! This joint venture between HOG and The Haaks welcome you to drop in anytime. You can HPB will prove to be a fun-filled weekend. bring a picnic basket and enjoy the covered patio at the I will be coordinating meal assignments in a manner back of the winery looking out on the grapevines. so that the HPB will provide meals for Friday dinner and Following the morning tour and tasting we went over to Sunday breakfast while the HOGs will provide meals for the Kemah Boardwalk for lunch. It was a great day. Saturday breakfast and dinner. More specific details will Special thanks to Milton and Dave for organizing the event. follow regarding meal assignments. For now, I need to make our reservations, and in order secure our campsites as a group, I need to know how many HOGs (and cars/RVs) are going to join us. I'm more concerned about the number of vehicles since they allow only two cars (or one RV) per campsite and this will deter- mine the number of campsites that I need to reserve. Please contact me before October 10th to confirm your participation at this camping trip. I will be asking all participants to contribute $5 towards the campsite and firewood expenses. Much more info will follow via email to confirmed participants. Contact me directly at 713-862-1488 or em ail me at HOG OFFICERS [email protected]. I'm looking forward to my first camping trip with HOG! Hope you can join us! President - Bill C 713-526-6963 • [email protected]

Vice President & Director of Membership - Dave M 713-868-7991 • [email protected]

Directors of Activity Support - Jeanne & Judith RAINBOW FISHING CLUB 281-759-8707 • [email protected] Deep Sea Fishing - Galveston I Freeport Director of Publicity - Jon G , 713-290-0220 • [email protected] April to October Newsletter Editor - Russell Ben W Call HOG member 713-862-1488· [email protected] John for a sample Director of Finance I Treasurer - Arthur G newsletter at 713-862-9766 • [email protected] 713-523-6381 Memberhip Records -Dwayne K 281-655-5447 • [email protected] Lost Maples Trip November 21, 22 & 23

The Lost Maples trip is sold out. We have 4 cabins that we have rented from the Lodges at Lost Maples. This is one of the largest groups that have gone on this exciting fall adventure. The group from Austin will be also camping at Lost Maples. We are hoping we can meet up with them on Saturday for a hike. The pre-camp meeting will be Sunday, November 16 at 1:00 pm at Cafe Express on Kirby. We will have maps and try to answer any questions you may have. Remember, most have paid only the deposit and cash will be needed once you arrive at the lodges to pay the remainder of the trip. So you may either pay the remainder by check before we leave, or bring the cash with you to Lost Maples. Iwill have a complete run down of what each person's balance is. In general, couples will have, a balance of $64.48, and singles a balance of $32.24. If you have any questions about the trip before hand, please call John/Jon at 713-290-0220. Happy Trails!

HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20 / year ------PLEASE PRINT! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be NAME 1: _ on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list.

E-MAIL: ------NAME 2: _ I would like to receive the newsletter at the above email address instead of by u.S. Mail: 0 YES 0 NO ADDRESS: ------PHONE#: _ CITY/ZIP: _ Include me (us) on the phone list: 0 YES o NO

I, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor Group New member Renewal o 0 (HOG), its officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to myself or others or damage to property HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I have famil- iarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe par- Make your check payable to: ARTHURGONZALES ticipation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions.

MAIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP SIGNATURE(S) REQUIRED. P.O. BOX 980893 Signed: ------HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893 date Sig ned : _


The activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. The Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers take no responsibility and disclaim any all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP ••••• maa • NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER 2003 •

From the President's Desk

Let me be the first to wish you Happy Holidays. Okay, it is a little early but this is the November newsletter and Camping - Halloween Weekend our Christmas Party will be a Don & Ray's on December Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Oct 31 - Nov 2 6th. If I don't say something about it now, it will be too late. Russell: 713-862-1488 I mention it because this will give you plenty of time to find Breakfast - Souper Salad @ W. Gray Nov. 8 that "special" creative gift. It is White Elephant gift time. Bill or Thomas: 713-526-6963. You can bring something really neat and/or something real- Pot Luck Social.i. Nov. 15 ly neat that absolutely nobody wants. (Please don't bring Dwayne: 281-655-5447 us one of your ex's.) Lost Maples Trip Nov. 21-23 The walk through the Mercer Aboretum with our spe- John & Jon: 713-290-0220 (see page 4) cial guide was great. The visit to Brazos Bend State Park General Meeting & Newsletter Mailout ...Nov. 25 gave us a chance to see nature up close. At the Visitor's Don & Ray: 713-522-7809 Center we got to pet a tarantula and a baby alligator. We Annual Christmas Party Dec. 6 got to meet a very special baby owl that was rescued and found a home there. The owl had a special place in my Don & Ray: 713-522-7809 heart. This little owl was tossed out of its nest because it Breakfast - Annemarie's Bistro Dec. 13 was different. It will never be able to fly. Out on the trails we Bill & Thomas: 713-526-6963 got to see some real alligators in the wild. "Lights in the Heights" Dec. 13 Please note that breakfast will be at the Sou per Salad Open House at Byron & Arthur's on Woodland St. on West Gray at Dunlavy. It is across Dunlavy from the (details in next month's newsletter.) post office in that shopping center with the new Marshall's. Next month I want you to join us at a special place for breakfast. It is a German restaurant called Annemarie's Bistro at 651 0 Del Monte Dr. Del Monte is off Voss between Westheimer and San Felipe. Thomas and I have gone there for dinner. They have a great breakfast menu and invited us to come back. They have a website: www.annemariesbistro.com Check out the menu. We will do breakfast on Saturday, December 13th. I will need to know ahead of time if you will be there so we can make arrangements. My resident German likes the German food there. Breakfast is not just German. It is international. The January and February calendars will need some work. We don't ask much of members except that they sponsor an event during the year. The calendar for 2004 and the spring is wide open. At the social at Dwayne's we will be sitting down to begin planning out the schedule. Now is the time to get your event done.

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for gay men, lesbians and gay friendly persons who enjoy the out- doors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the monthly newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline at (713) KAMP-OUT for information, a free trial newsletter or write to HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston,1X 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 her household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with the IGLOO. www.radix.net/-erewhon/igloo/rindex.html HOG OFFICERS CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES President - Bill C. 713-526-6963 • [email protected] BOWLING Sunday Bowling: 713-522-9612 Vice President & Director of Membership - Dave M 713-868-7991 • [email protected] Monday Nite Women's Bowling: 281-437-6218 Montrose Monday Night Men's Bowling: Directors of Activity Support - Jeanne & Judith 713-641-5424 281-759-8707 • [email protected] Wednesday Night Mixers Bowling: Director of Publicity - Jon G 713-522-9612 713-290-0220 • [email protected] COUNSELING Newsletter Editor - Russell Ben W Montrose Counsel Center 713-862-1488 • [email protected] 713-529-0037 Director of Finance I Treasurer - Arthur G 1111-1·'1 www.MontroseCounselingCenter.org 713-862-9766 • AGonzales11 [email protected] HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB Memberhip Records -Dwayne K 281-655-5447 • [email protected]

www.HoustonTennisClub.org 713-522-1053 ,ROLLER SKATING OutSkate Wednesdays - B-10pm ($5 admission) The rz: Zenith Roller Rink 8075 Cook Road @ Beechnut For information: 281-933-5818 [email protected] CLASSIC CHASSIS CAR CLUB

www.ClassicChassisCarClub.org MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE

http://MontroseSoftbaIILeague.com 713-867-3913 Houston Women's Softball League 409-257 -1885 RAINBOW FISHING CLUB PO Box 66450 Houston, TX 77266 713-523-6381 DANCING

Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club: 713-682-4165 www.RainbowRanglers.org Houston Outdoor Group & Houston Pride Band At 0"," A, '". T, Martin Dies, Jr. State Pa.!!< • OctC?,ber31 - N0V:~?1ber 2, 2003 The Houston Outdoor Group and the Houston Pride Band arc joining forces for a big, scary Halloween camping trip!

WALNUT RIDGE UNIT - this is where we hope to camp.

Woodville Jasper 11 miles -+ * Park Entrance

Park~ Office

Hen House Ridge Unit

rib participate at the Halloween campout and/or the group meal option, contact Russell Ben Williams at:

. WORK: 713-523-2521 HOME: 713-862-1488 EMAIL: Russel1B\Nilliams@3aoLcol11

HOG Pot Luck Social November 15th • 5:00 p.m.

Please join us for a pot-luck social out in the NW Suburbs.

Call Dwayne at 281-655-5447 for directions and what you would like to bring.

After dinner and the general meeting, plan to stay and we will watch a movie. Lost Maples Trip November 21, 22 & 23

The Lost Maples trip is sold out. We have 4 cabins that we have rented from the Lodges at Lost Maples. This is one of the largest groups that have gone on this exciting fall adventure. The group from Austin will be also camping at Lost Maples. We are hoping we can meet up with them on Saturday for a hike. The pre-camp meeting will be Sunday, November 16 at 1:00 pm at Cafe Express on Kirby. We will have maps and try to answer any questions you may have. Remember, most have paid only the deposit and cash will be needed once you arrive at the lodges to pay the remainder of the trip. So you may either pay the remainder by check before we leave, or bring the cash with you to Lost Maples. I will have a complete run down of what each person's balance is. In general, couples will have a balance of $64.48, and singles a balance of $32.24. If you have any questions about the trip before hand, . please call John/Jon at 713-290-0220. Happy Trails!

HOG NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION / MEMBERSHIP Individual or couple at same address - $20 / year ------PLEASE PRINT! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be NAME 1 : -----'_ on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. E-MAIL: NAME 2: ------I would like to receive the newsletter at the above email address instead of by u.s. Mail: 0 YES 0 NO ADDRESS: _ PHONE#: _ ClTYjZIP: _ Include me (us) on the phone list: 0 YES 0 NO

I, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor Group o New member 0 Renewal (HOG), its officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for injury to myself or others or damage to property HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to jeopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I have famil- iarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe par- Make your check payable to: ARTHURGONZALES ticipation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions.

MAIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP SIGNATURE(S) REQUIRED. P.O. BOX 980893 Signed : -:- _ HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893 date Signed: _


The"activiti~s. 7R9P?ore,dby•the•. :HbqstQr,~qt~QN:,Gr({up {H98)clr~;RP9'p.et~fjyeljQ'nature;. th~i91~J.lcils.'pa~iciR9t~.?J .t~.§ir·9Wnri~~ftmct~ithth@·u.qc;1er~Jan.rtin~th•·•.~rI.~RJ.Wfld$rSi~r$:dQt,~Qb.el;·.~.~n$r~e,t~d,·:·t:lj(p.~rt$,rrt1.~~:9g§t()n,'QU!PP9t· Grodpandjt~jt\~iY;i.9ljal,vo·1 unte~rs.!C:lk~t1g.,r$p~,qbqipiIit~;a:Dd(ji,§¢J~lnj.~. m&\~JIi?·'1bimxf~J[RerpOfl'~l·.ih)u[ybr"p roperty·· damageassotTat.~d withirs'·activiiiesi .,. .. ' .. ' ' ": '. " , .. -: '. . '.' HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP •••••• a. •. DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2003 •.

Prom tlie President's Desk; ... HOG CALENDAR When I invited everyone to come to the November social and be ready to look ahead to 200A,_1 did not expect the entirecalendartobe Annual Christmas Party Dec. 6 filled. It isn't completely, but there aren't many Don & Ray: 713-522-7809 dates left. Breakfast - Luby's at 290 @ 34th St. Dec. 13 Thanks to Dwayne for hosting at his beautiful Bill & Thomas: 713-526-6963 home. "Lights in the Heights" Dec. 13 If you want to host a social or event you need Byron & Arthur: 713-862-9766 (see page 2) to make sure you clear the date through Judith or General Meeting & Newsletter MaiouL ...Dec. 30 Jeanne - [email protected] - they are the keep- Don & Ray: 713-522-7809 ers of the calendar. New Year's Eve Party Dec. 31 If you need help in planning event feel free to Dave & Milton: 713-868-7991 (see page 4) call on me or any officer. See you at the Christmas Party. (Bill C. Chrlstmas Party rSaturday, Dec. 6th • 5pm

Don & Ray are hosting the HOG's Annual Christmas Party. The festivities begin at 5pm with a potluck dinner and a white MEET Us FOR BREAKFAST elephant gift exchange. Please join us SATURDA~ DEC. 13 9AM for an evening of fun and holiday spirit! Contact Don or Ray at 713-522-7809 Our HOG monthly breakfast will be at Luby's at 290 @ 34th Street. (see map on page 4) to RSVP and to get directions and your Join us for breakfast and friendly chat with other food/beverage assignment for the HOG members, friends and prospective members. potluck. This is a good time to get to know other members and discuss upcoming events and activities. Hope to see you all there! See you there! (and don 'tforget your white elephant gift!)

The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for gay men, lesbians and gay friendly persons who enjoy the out- doors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by ad hoc groups, and are reported in the monthly newsletter. Events may be typical sports activities (camping, hiking, etc.) but can also include any social activity, whether indoors or out. Call the Hogline at (713) KAMP-OUT for information, a free trial newsletter or write to HOG, PO Box 980893, Houston, TX 77098. There are no formal membership requirements except for the annual fee of $20 her household to cover the cost of the newsletter. HOG is affiliated with the IGLOO. www.radix.net/-erewhon/igloo/rindex.html Lights in the Heights

BOWLING The annual Lights in the Heights celebration Sunday Bowling: 713-522-9612 will be held December 13th, 2003 in Monday Nite Women's Bowling: 281-437-6218 Woodland Heights from 6-9pm. Montrose Monday Night Men's Bowling: This event attracts over 10,000 people to 713-641-5424 the neighborhood to enjoy the kick-off of the Wednesday Night Mixers Bowling: Christmas season. This year, 8ayland and 713-522-9612 Woodland Streets will be lined with luminaries. COUNSELING Carolers, musicians and entertainment of Montrose Counseling Center all kind will grace many of the porches and 713-529-0037 -1--1 lawns of houses along the route. It is a fun www.MontroseCounselingCenter.org 1111 evening to walk around greeting friends and HOUSTON TENNIS CLUB neighbors and enjoying the entertainment. And it's a great way to get you into the Christmas spirit without a lot of commercial hype. Traffic will be blocked from the route so www.HoustonTennisClub.org everyone can enjoy a leisurely walk. 713-522-1053 Byron Burke & Arthur Gonzales live at ROLLER SKATING 626 Woodland which is along the route. You are invited to stop in for refreshments. For OutSkate more information, call them at 713-862-9766. Wednesdays - 8-10pm ($5 admission) The "Z" Zenith Roller Rink 8075 Cook Road @ Beechnut For information: 281-933-5818 [email protected]



MONTROSE SOFTBALL LEAGUE HOG OFFICERS President - Bill C. 713-526-6963 • [email protected] http://MontroseSoftbaIILeague.com Vice President & Director of Membership - Dave M. 713-867-3913 713-868-7991 • [email protected] Houston Women's Softball League Directors of Activity Support - Jeanne & Judith 409-257-1885 281-829-9532 • [email protected] RAINBOW FISHING CLUB Director of Publicity - Jon G. PO Box 66450 713-290-0220 • [email protected] Houston, TX 77266 Newsletter Editor - Russell Ben W. 713-523-6381 713-862-1488 • [email protected] DANCING Director of Finance I Treasurer - Arthur G 713-862-9766 • [email protected] Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club: Memberhip Records -Dwayne K. 713-682-4165 281-655-5447 • [email protected] www.RainbowRanglers.org Halloween Camping Review r------~ Looking ahead to 2004 - If you did not attend the Halloween camping trip Save these HOG dates: at Martin Diest State Park, you missed out on a fabulous event. This was the best camp out that January 10th - Monthly Breakfast I have experienced in years. Russell and all the Le Peep @ Shepherd • 9am pride band members were the best hosts any- For info, call Don & Ray @ 713-522-7809 one could ask for. January 24th - Potluck I had a feeling of acceptance, peace and love Hosted by Jeanne & Judith the whole weekend. The food and preparations 5 pm • 281-829-9532 to RSVP were superb and the entertainment was hilarious. I never laughed as much as I did during their February 14th - Potluck drag production of Chicago. Hosted by Peter My thanks again to Russell, the band and 281-448-5533 • More info to follow the HOG participants for a wonderful weekend! Mar~h (6th i>r 13tI}LP.9tlu~ck Can't wait for the next one. Hosted by Don & Ray at their Galveston beach EdO. house 713-522-7809· Exact date to follow

April 10th Potluck MEET Us FOR BREAKFAST Hosted by Santiago & Marvin SA-':URDAY, DEC. 13 9AM 713-869-5616 • More info to follow 290 @ 34th Street April ?? - Bird watching High Island • Date and more info to follow

April 16-18th - Camping Pedernales Falls State Park Hosted by Jon G. • [email protected] This is the weekend after Easter weekend. Each site will be for the weekend $ 39. We have three sites with two tents on each site. Total campers are 12. Please RSVP early so that we can secure more sites if necessary - available sites are limited.

May 21-23 - Camping Enchanted Rock Coordinated by Howard & Terri 713-528-6174 • [email protected] Three sites have been reserved for HOG, for maxi- mum of 24 people. Fee is $5 per person per day for entrance and $10 per campsite per day. Car parking is extra.

June 5 - Sand Castle Competition Galveston • More info to follow

June ?? - Camping I Gualupe River I I Hosted by Ed B.· 713-529-6661 I Date and more info to follow I I R:"...... ,...,.~;;;;;;:-""'"3:::::::~:;c I I ~------I New Year's Eve Party

Bring in the New Year with other HOG members and !()~ .tl:OS; .t::l0Ies \~ friends. Dave Mathis & Milton Ressmann are host- ~ J ing a New Year's Eve party on December 31st at i:\ MONTHLY MEETINGj 9pm to post midnight. ~; The HOG General Meeting is held in :1 They will provide soft drinks. Champagne will f~ conjunction with the mailout on the .~ also be provided for the annual New Year's toast. If f; last Tuesday of every month :z you're lucky you may even get a hug and a kiss so ~ from 7:30 - 9pm at Don & Ray's. '~ chose carefully who you"re standing next to when ~;: Call 713-522-7809 for directions. ,i ~:Members and non-members are welcome:;i the clock strikes twelve. Those corninq' are asked to bring some munchies to share with all through out the evening. I NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ;~ 1f. Please submit articles, photos and/or ads (1 ~', before the 15th of the month for ;~~ RSVP! f' publication in the following month's edition~ (713) 868-7991 ~; of the HOG Newsletter. ~ t; Contact Russell at 713-862-1488 ~ .If!! Ai or f% or send email to f [email protected] ~;' [email protected] ;~ I;mMjf//!.t/kIt/'i/rilll".W;~'tI;~,!rih,~f$'!;Ji.j;.~:!f;iih;'iJt,,~,~.:.t..6';.'1i:if;'i;"!JiJ.::U;'$,J»,'jifli!:if;i:/II,:'t.:l~~!/,~t/..~;L.'

PLEASE PRINT! The HOG mailing list is confidential, but you can sign up to be on our phone list. Only members who sign up receive the list. NAME 1:------E-MAIL: -,-- _ NAME 2: _ I would like to receive the newsletter at the above email address instead of by U.S. Mail: 0 YES 0 NO ADDRESS: _ PHONE#: _ CITY/ZIP: _ Include me (us) on the phone list: 0 YES 0 NO

I, the undersigned, agree to hold the Houston Outdoor Group New member 0 Renewal o (HOG), its officers, volunteers, members and guests free from any liability for iniury to myself or others or damage to property HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE HOG? as a result of my participation in HOG activities. I further agree that I shall do nothing intentionally to ieopardize the health or safety of myself, HOG members and guests, that I have famil- iarized myself with all of the necessary precautions for safe par- Make your check payable to: ARTHURGONZALES ticipation in HOG activities, and that I will take such precautions.

MAIL TO: HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP SIGNATURE(S) REQUIRED. P.O. BOX 980893 Signed: _ HOUSTON, TX 77098-0893 dale Signed: ------dale

The activities sponsored by the Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. The Houston Outdoor Group and its individual volunteers take no responsibility and disclaim any all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities.