Marquis Ito's Newspaper Deprecates War Tail--C
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The Lucky Six Will Have the Honor of Representing Their Native Land iiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiL Hawaii's Six Girls Can Remove a Thousand Wrong Impressions ' STEAMER TABLE lOne Vote Fori From San Franoisco: ' Koiea July 15 3 Alameda July 19 jjj For San Francisco: The EVENING BULLETIN China July 16 - PACIFIC STATES TOUR. Alameda . July 24 Evening ULLETTN THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1007, From Vancouver: 5 Moana July 27 S For Vancouver: This vote I flood until J S Manuka July 24 I 3:30 JuIY Is the Last Month In Which To Buy Votes I July 31, 1907. Bimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis O'CLOCK EDITION ;ui!iHJiiS!!i:!:ii:!:r!jisii!!:!ii;!i:::u Vol. I-- 5o. 3740 HONOLULU. rKRRITORI OF HAWAII. THURSDAY. JULY II. 1907 Marquis Ito's Newspaper Deprecates War Tail-- c RED IIHV ID dl OFRR 10 FURNISH lift AI ! TOY II Bolton Waiting For I HE S UCEI S g ill MM at Fires Lucky Six Three Members Of The Proposition Is Made By At Seattle Settlement's Well People San Diegans Want Ala- Board To Vote French Firm To Do Not Consider It meda and Seattle Attaches For It Atkinson A Sacrifice Men President The following' is clipped from the il 3 ebUSU! u Fred Kiley, it Is stated on good au- An offer from a firm in Syria to Seattle Morning Times of June 26, "I nm tired of all this talk about the Secretary Wood of the Promotion martyrdom and sacrifice of those who thority, will get a saloon license at the furnish the Territory with laborers and clearly shows to what extent the Committee has prepared the follow- IAnunlatt& rM Bt'MaX Cable! expiration of the three weeks that his to to Molokal to work for the peopla is the latest thing in immigration said L. E. Pinkham, President ing interesting report, which will be SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 11. application must be advertised. It is coming tour of the Lucky Six has there," T0KI0, Jaoan. July 11. Itj't. or- of circles. The offer comes from a of the Board of Health, this morning. submitted before the meeting of the Acting Mayor Boxton has removed the understood that three members the reached in the Northwest : gan the talk cf v.T.r be- License Commissioners are in French firm, which had been attract- "The Superintendent of the Settlement, Committee this afternoon: deireo'tes of Mayor's office for not Board of Hawaiian belles are about to pay United L'tatss o.r.i J:.r:.:i. attaches the favor of granting the license and will ed by the notoriety which the latest the doctors, nurses, Sisters and Broth- Honolulu, July 11, 1907. tween th? p social call on the, Pacific Coast. On reporting for duty. vote accordingly. These three are importations made of European labor ers who live and work there do not Chairman and Members of tho Ha- - 21, envoVs extraordinary, upon as and Campbell, Lucas and Long.- by the Immigration Board has caus- August as ok it martyrdom there waii Promotion Committee. atti- six young women selected from the is no reason why any one else should The reason for this change of ed, has written the following letter Gentlemen: Uy each mail we tude on the part of some of the Board best families of Honolulu's smart set, There has been enough talk of this to "The President of the Hawaiian ikind and it is time it were stopped. continue to receive marked papers Is said to be the fact that Kiley has chaperoned by Edith Tozier Weather-re- d, Islands," which has been taken to The magazines don't want to print any-fhln- g and clippings showing that the dif- about $7,000 invested in his place, editor of Western Tours Maga- be nearly a loss in mean in this case Acting Governor about the Settlement unless it If ferent articles we have sent out re- which will total Eerkeley, Cal., will step from case he is not allowed to open up again. Atkinson: zine of sensational. They waut the dark sida ferring to happenings in Hawaii arc of Pacific liner is The granting of the license is condi- Masshad & 'Nahas, Tripoli, Syria. the deck a Canadian of the picture, and the bright side being widely and generally publish- onto neglected." tional upon Kiley's getting the Japan- Cable address: Masshad. down the gangplank and Seattle ed. property of neighbor- President Pinkham made this state- ese holders the June 6, 1907. joil. In order to secure for tho Sutifn hood to sign his petition for a license. These attractive representatives of ment in reply to a question concerning mm so To His Excellency the President ot the story in a San Francisco paper Btat Fe Railway an map of (lie Arrested They have already done twice and it mid-ocea- n Isl- Uncle Sam's possessions mnbu is they will sign again: the Republic of Hawaiian ing that Col. French and his wife, ot business section and waterfrout of probable that will the under the aus- The License Board holds a meeting ands, Honolulu. make trip the Salvation Army, expected to ask Honolulu to be inserted in their new of Ho ECISE, Ilnao. July 11. Haywood at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but it is Sir: We have read In a newspaper pices of the Evening Bulletin permission of the Board of Health to official wall map, we have enlisted Bpe.cliil Cable) to go to a denfes tlic chr.r?e3 made by Harry (Associated Prtss imderstood that nothing will be done that, In order to encourage immigra- nolulu. The Promotion Bureau oi( be allowed Molokal and stait the assistance of the Department of LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 11. nd that an adjournment will probably Hawaii's capital has joined hands branch of the Army there. The San Orchard. tion to your country, you have grant- paper quoted feeling Public Works. Mr. South worth, it; Five Japanese have been arrested on be taken until the 19th. with the newspaper in the enterprise, Francisco dwelt ed some special favors and assistance ly upon the dangers to which the Col- now at work making au accurate re- suspicion of havins: been smuggled which, aside from its delightfully ro- De- for a certain period of time. onel and his wife would be exposed and duction of the large maps in the w m Mexico. ' mantic, aspect, on a deeper sig- pip r s n across the border from KUMERIG BACKERS As we find in this country, where tke their great self sacrflce in being partment and we expect to forward (Continued on' Page 5) nificance. While the Hawaiian girls on Page 5) the matter by next mall. We will interest the Pacific Coast with their ' MEET TO also see that this compilation is filed a mm charms, wherever they go they will with the leading map makers of the BEGUN carry with them friendly overtures CONGRESS PARTY publica- INSPECTION country i in order that their SAN F2AKCISC0, Cal., July 11. Consul DISCUSS FINANCES from' their islands a tentative invi- tions may be' brought down to date. tation to this coast to engage in jibe Glass trial is making' slow prrj-ir- THIS NOON GOES TO By the last mail we received a trade relations with the com- owing: to the aany technical jo-- i In the absence of Chas. F. closer communication from the Director of organizations of Hawaii. jcctioi; o mai'e by Attorney Dolmas, the attorney who is con- mercial the Intelligence Department of New OF KUMERIC PEOPLE LIBERALLY EDUCATED SEE PEARL HARBOR veo appears fcr the defendant. ducting the movement of the ARE South Wales, acknowledging receipt who will Japanese, his office was The young women make of our letter of recent date and offer- the trip have not yet been selected IIIKERS KILLED made the meeting-plac- e of the Jap- Anxiously and patiently a large The Congressional party is spending ing to ("jplay our photographs and as- by "Hawaii will send - hotel-keepe- rs number of local Portuguese the Bulletin. folders descriptive of Ha- anese this afternoon. the today o;i a v.J.l n. I'oarl Harbor, which dlstrlbr' EAZILT01T. Fa.. July 11. Seven in of the United States her choicest flowers," declares Edith I President U. Kobayashi of the hotel sembled front they will give a waii Sydney and elsewhere IAssociated freit Boeeial Ocble) immigration station this noon to see Tozier Weatherred, who is in this thoroat.i miners vcro l.iiied by fire daro in presided over the meeting and rush- throughout that portion of Australia. DOUGLAS, Ariz., 11. Mexi- union if their relatives and friends could pass In view of the recently reported a mine here today. July city arranging the details of the A letter received last mail from those who were not interested in the w( f can Consul Maza has been indicted through the examination at the hands party's trip. Not only will everyone ing of the fortifications at mat place Kumeric proposition were politely of the immigration, officials. Chief In- Mr. E. J. Coyle, assistant general pas- SUGAR for kidnaping a man wanted across be "easy to look at," but all will rep- the study of the ground will be a mat- requested to keep out of the meeting. spector Brown and his staff were ready especial to visitors senger agent of the Canadian Pacific the border line of a charge of mur- resent the finished products of Ho- ter of interest the As far as could be ascertained the to receive their guests, but unfortun- Bt this time.