June 24, 2013

District Office – Community Room 837 East Eleventh Street New Richmond Wisconsin 54017


Richard A. Hinz (April, 2015) President Paula J. Kolbeck (April, 2014) Vice President Chris Skoglund (April, 2014) Clerk Rollyn M. Wold (April, 2016) Treasurer Marilyn D. Duerst (April, 2014) Member Dr. Neal A. Melby (April, 2016) Member Lawrence D. Moore (April, 2015) Member

Open Forum

We welcome you to the meeting of the New Richmond School Board. An open forum is held during each School Board meeting. At this time, citizens residing within the boundaries of the school district may present any policy topic they would like to comment on.

Privacy rules do not allow us to discuss any personnel matter or matters concerning individual employees and are not suitable topics for the open forum.

The guidelines for the open forum are:

1) The time set aside for the forum is 30 minutes unless extended by the Board. Individual speakers are limited to 5 minutes unless extended by the Board.

2) Please state your name and address and phone number.

3) Open Meeting laws allow us to have limited discussion on topics raised during the Open Forum, though no action can be taken unless the matter has been formally noticed on the agenda.

4) If the speaker requests information or asks a question that cannot be answered at this time, the Board Chair may appoint a member of administration or other board member to respond in writing to the speaker.

Open Meeting Laws are designed to provide all citizens the opportunity to hear all discussions and deliberations of the Board. It is because of this democratic belief that we have a District Resident Participation Policy. It is not the intent of the Board to limit any resident of the school district the right to be heard.


REGULAR MEETING School Board Agenda June 24, 2013 – 7:00 PM District Office Community Room Call to Order - Chair Hinz Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Open Forum

1. Financial Affairs – (Johnston) a. Monthly Bill Auditing Audit Assignment for May/June – Paula Kolbeck and Chris Skoglund b. Approval of Depositories c. Approval of the Joint Agreement with St. Mary’s for Meals for the 2013-2014 School Year d. Approval of Preliminary 2013-2014 Budget

2. Consent Agenda a. Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Compensation, Adjustments Resignation of MaryBeth Elliott – Gifted/Talented Teacher Resignation of Heather Harris – EIS Tutor at Hillside Elementary Resignation of Penny Heibel – Elementary School Counselor Resignation of Marcia Kulbitski - Gifted/Talented Teacher Resignation of Susan Macheledt – Special Education Teacher Resignation of Heather Pederson – Hillside Elementary School Counselor Resignation of Jaclyn Rehmke – Para at Starr Elementary Resignation from Extra-Curricular Positions – (Almendinger, Anderson, Gilbertson, Kleiner, Preece) Hire to Extra-Curricular Positions – (Anderson, Badger, Lee, Whittington) Hire of Markell Anderson – High School Spanish Teacher Hire of Keith Badger – High School Phy Ed Teacher Hire of Sarah Brackemyer – Fifth Grade Teacher at Starr Elementary Hire of Addison Filiatreaux – High School English Teacher Hire of Jesse France – High School Math Teacher Hire of Jenny Franklin – Second Grade Teacher at Starr Elementary Hire of Thomas Leque – High School Tech Ed Teacher Hire of Jodi Mealey – Music Teacher at Paperjack Elementary Hire of Claire Walthour – Seventh Grade Language Arts Teacher Hire of Mary Wittstock – School Nutrition at the High School Hire of Matthew Whitemarsh – Fourth Grade Teacher at Starr Elementary Approve Summer Stretch Contract for Jami Engelhart Approve Transfers/Reassignments – (Bauer, Boe, Huettl-Lamke) b. Approval of Monthly Bills c. Approval of Minutes May 20, 2013 Regular Board Meeting June 3, 2013 Board Work Session

3. Policy & Planning a. Establishment of the Board Negotiations Committee b. First Reading of the Middle School Student Handbook c. Employee Handbook Discussion

4. Facilities and Transportation a. Energy Star Award-Hillside Elementary School b. Community Commons Discussion

5. District Administrator’s Report – (Veilleux) a. Wisconsin School Health Awards b. Communications

6. Other Business a. Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Report – (Kolbeck) b. CESA #11 Board Report – (Duerst) c. Board Meeting Evaluation

7. Anticipated Executive Session Convene to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Consideration of an Employee Health Matter Personnel Matters

8. Reconvene to Open Session To consider any matters resulting from executive session that requires action.

9. Adjournment

*All agenda items are actionable

FUTURE MEETINGS / DATES July 15, 2013, 7:00 PM ...... Regular Board Meeting July 18, 2013, 6:00 PM ...... CESA #11 Board/Administrator Meeting

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 837 East Eleventh Street New Richmond, WI 54017 Telephone: (715)243-7411 Fax: (715)246-3638 Brian P. Johnston, Director of Fiscal & Building Operations

DATE: June 20, 2013 TO: Board of Education FROM: Brian P. Johnston SUBJECT: Depositories of Public Funds

The board is required to annually approve the institutions in which it deposits money. I request that the board approve the following depositories:

First National Community Bank Bremer Bank Royal Credit Union Westconsin Credit Union

An Equal Opportunity Employer Prototype Joint Agreement Used When a School Agency Purchases Meals From Another School Agency

PJ-6301 (04-13) SFA 6 digit Agency Code 557678

This Agreement is made between StMary's School, 257 S. Washington Avenue New Richmond, WI 54017 hereinafter referred to as Name and Address of School Agency Purchasing Meals "Purchaser" and New Richmond School Djstrjct. 701 East Eleventh Street New Richmond, WI 54017 hereinafter referred to as "Seller." Name and Address of School Agency Selling Meals

Parties to this agreement are School Food Authorities which means a school which is responsible for the administration of one or more schools; and has the legal authority to operate a Child Nutrition Program.

Prior to submitting claims to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), parties to this Joint Agreement shall have an agreement/ application approved by the DPI. Both Parties shall submit separate claims for reimbursement to the DPI for the meals served to students on "Schedule A (respective school agencies)" of their approved agreement/application. This Joint Agreement shall not include . the transfer of any responsibility that the Purchaser or Seller has under its approved DPI agreement/application.

Furthermore, this agreement sets forth the terms and conditions upon which the Purchaser will purchase meals from the Seller and the Seller will provide meals for the Purchaser's nonprofit food service program. The Purchaser and Seller agree to abide by the rules and regulations governing the Child Nutrition Programs, in accordance with federal regulations including policy and instructions issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The applicable regulations are 7 CFR 210 (National School Lunch Program), 7 CFR 215 (Special Milk Program), 7 CFR 220 (School Breakfast Program), 7 CFR 245 (Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk), 7 CFR 250 (Food Distribution Program), 7 CFR 225 (Summer Food Service Program for Children), and 7 CFR 3052 (audit requirements).

This agreement is entered into and shall become effective 9/3/2013 and it shall remain in effect until 6/612014. This agreement is effective for the 20 13 20 14 school year. Whereas, The Purchaser desires the Seller to provide meals; Whereas, The Purchaser is will need to serve meals on everyday full day of school; and Whereas, The Seller is willing to provide such services to the Purchaser on a fixed fee basis; Therefore, both parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Purchaser agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell meals meeting applicable USDA nutritional requirements. 2. The per-meal charge to the Purchaser shall reflect the Seller's meal production costs. The price per meal to be paid by the Purchaser shall be:

Breakfast Price Per Meal : D Include Milk Excluding the use of USDA Foods : D Will Not Include Milk Price per Meal : D Include Milk Including the use of USDA Foods : D Will Not Include Milk Lunch

Excluding the use of USDA Foods

Including the use of USDA Foods

After School Snack Program Price Per Meal : D Include Milk Excluding the use of USDA Foods : D Will Not Include Milk Price per Meal : D Include Milk Including the use of USDA Foods : D Will Not Include Milk Page 2 of 5 SFA Joint Agreement Between StMary's School & New Richmond School District

The purchase price shall also include (Ust the ancillary items that will be included in the purchase price. For example: delivery, paper plates. plastic flatware, straws, napkins, etc.): Consumable articles only. 3. The meals purchased will be served at: StMary's Lunch Site. 4. The Purchaser will inform the Seller via (Enter the method that SFA will use to infonn Seller. For example: email, phone, fax) phone or e-mail of the number and type of meals to be provided Daily . 5. Purchaser will pick up meals at the following address Enter Contact infonnation below:

Contact Person First & Last Name Phone Area Code/No. Email Address Karen Brummer/Sherry Peters (715) 243-1714 [email protected] Street Address City State Zip 701 East 11 Street New Richmond WI 54023

Day 6. Meals will be ready for pickup on/at Enter day(s) I Time of week, i.e., Monday Daily by the purchaser 10:15 am

The Purchaser will pay the Seller the price agreed to in this agreement for only those meals prepared by Seller and received by Purchaser. The per-meal price may be adjusted at any time as mutually agreed upon by the Purchaser and Seller so as to sufficiently cover the Seller's cost to provide meals. 7. Upon receipt of the meals by Purchaser, a designated representative will sign for the number of meals received and document information, such as food temperatures, as required by the Purchaser's "Food Safety Plan." One copy of the signed delivery receipt will be given to the Purchaser. A copy will be retained by the Seller. Accurate daily records of meals and portion sizes served will be maintained by the Purchaser. 8. Seller will provide the Purchaser an invoice on a monthly basis. Purchaser will pay invoices within J.Q_ days of receipt. 9. The Seller guarantees that the meals will be wholesome and suitable for human consumption. 10. The Seller will not be held liable for any injury, illness or other affliction resulting from the Purchaser's negligence. 11. Purchaser will provide Seller a schedule of days that Purchaser will need meals. 12. Purchaser will provide Seller seven (7) days notice of changes to this schedule. 13. Conflict in schedule: In the event of a conflict in schedule Purchaser and Seller will agree to make arrangements for the availability of meals for instances where Seller is closed and Purchaser is open. 14. The Seller shall comply with all other requirements of their DPI agreemenVapplication as it produces and makes available meals to the Purchaser, including providing the Purchaser with daily production/transport sheets indicating how menu items contribute to meal pattern requirements and supporting documentation for contribution. 15. The Purchaser will make monthly reimbursement claims for all allowable meals served. 16. Other obligations agreed to between the Seller and Purchaser under the contract is limited to the following: a. A meatless meal will be provided every Friday during the Lenten season. Seafood is allowed as a protein option b. Charge of$0.25 per extra carton of milk. Adult meal charge $3.00 per meal. c. Meal count must be received by 8:45a.m. each day. Purchaser must count and verify quantities received at time of pick up each day. d. A written milk order will be submitted two times per week. Ifno milk needed the written order will indicate zero for each milk variety.

USDA Foods If Purchaser desires to participate in the USDA Foods Program with and the Seller agrees to use USDA Foods in accordance with federal and state regulations, then both the Purchase and Seller will need to sign the "Amendment to the Prototype Joint Agreement For Participation in USDA Foods Program". Termination 1. Mutual Agreement Termination: With mutual agreement of both parties to this agreement, upon receipt and acceptance not less than sixty (60) days of written notice, this agreement may be terminated on an agreed upon date before the end of the agreement period without penalty to either party. 2. Non-Performance of Agreement and Termination: Except as may be otherwise provided by this agreement, this agreement may be terminated in whole or in part by either party in the event of failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under this agreement SFA Joint Agreement Between St Mary's School & New Richmond School District Page 3 of 5

through no fault of the terminating party; provided that no such termination may be implemented unless and until the other party is given at least sixty (60) days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate, and 3. Termination for Convenience: The SFA may terminate this agreement prior to the expiration of the term, without cause and without penalty, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Vendor. 4. Final Payments: Upon any termination of this agreement, the Purchaser will pay for all meals received by Purchaser; including meals received up to the effective date of termination. 5. Modifications to DPI Template Agreement. DPI requires the use of a template "Joint Agreement" when the SFA contracts with an organization to provide meals and related services. The SFA is allowed to make changes to the terms and conditions of the Joint Agreement with approval by DPI. In order to facilitate a process for tracking these changes, DPI requires the SFA to complete the Attachment A titled, "Modifications to DPI's template: JOINT AGREEMENT', if the SFA decides to modify the terms and conditions of the template Joint Agreement. DPI is not a party to any contractual relationship between School Food Authorities (SF As). DPI is not obligated, liable or responsible for any action or inaction taken by an SFA based on this prototype contract. DPI's review of the contract is limited to assuring compliance with Federal and State procurement requirements. The DPI does not review or judge the fairness, advisability, efficiency or fiscal implications of the contract. i\:~}fm'f~I~~~~\1:Il!flliill~~t~-%_i~~~filljfuS§JJ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURES ];'ti~tc::~~~~t)!ffii;~~~-IDJiJill Name of Authorized Representative I Purchaser Title Mari Patterson/Jo Germian Principal/Business Manager

Title Karen Brummer Supervisor of School Nutrition Signature of Authorized Representative I Seller Date Signed Mo./Day/Yr. Page 4 of 5 SFA Joint Agreement Between St Mary's School & New Richmond School District

Attachment A Modifications to DPI's template "JOINT AGREEMENT"

DPI requires the use of a template u Joint Agreement" when the SFA contracts with an organization to provide meals and related services. The SFA is allowed to make changes to the terms and conditions of the Joint Agreement with approval by DPI. In order to facilitate a process for tracking these changes, DPI requires the SFA to complete the attachment A titled, "Modifications to DPI's template: JOINT AGREEMENT', if the SFA decides to modify the terms and conditions of the template Vending Agreement.

Any modifications listed below as "Modification Item (#)"will modify the terms and conditions of the Vending Agreement titled, "JOINT AGREEMENT".

The SFA wishes to make to following changes; SFA will list here any modifications to the template agreement.

Modification Item 1 Section I Page No. I Modification

Modification Item 2 Section I Page No. I Modification

Modification Item 3 Section I Page No. I Modification

Modification Item 4 Section I Page No. I Modification SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 701 East Eleventh Street New Richmond, WI 54017 Telephone: (715)243-741 I Fax: (715)246-3638 Brian P. Joh11ston, Director of Fiscal & Building Operations

Date: June 20,2013 To: Board of Education From: Brian Johnston, Director of Fiscal and Building Operations Subject: 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget

Enclosed please find the Preliminary budget for 2013-2014. A final preliminary budget can be approved at the August meeting after we are certain of the final state budget. A final budget cannot be approved until after the annual meeting and public budget hearing in September. The attached is in the format that is required by DPI.

Items in the State Budget as of today are as follows: $75 increase in the revenue limit ($673,000) Low revenue ceiling remains unchanged $75 categorical aid (an increase of$25 total of$77,375) Community Education Levy cannot be increased without a referendum Equalization aid based on last estimated from Baird model (increase $2,026,000)

The following changes to staffing related items included in this draft: • 3.5 FTE Teaching Positions including special education • Spec. Ed paraprofessional time at Hillside • 2 partial FTE Interpreter positions • 2o/o Salary increases available for staff • Steps for eligible support staff • $500 per eligible teacher for supplemental, Each additional $500 costs $85,000 • WRS with an increase of 1.5% as of January I, 2014, it looks like this may end up being 0.6% instead which will free up some additional dollars • Health insurance rate decrease of 1.4 7o/o, dental rates no change

Items of note: The General fund currently has an unallocated balance of $209,510. There are a number of positions currently being hired that will affect the overall budget if they are hired at a higher rate than they are budgeted. Adjustements may yet be needed to reduce grants for sequestration. The July aid estimate that the state completes will give us a better idea of Equalization aids and their impact on the budget.

The debt service fund will lose some QSCB and BAB interest receipts due to sequestration. Any remaining funds from the construction fund can be transferred to the debt service fund when all amounts due are settled.

The construction fund budget only has one item; the transfer of any residual amounts to debt service.

The levy in Community Education is not allowed to be increased in the new state budget. It can only be increased by referendum. An Equal Opportunity Employer PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTION 2013-2014 GENERAL FUND {FUND 1 0) Audited Unaudited Budget 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Beginning Fund Balance (Account 930 000) 5,003,554 5,471,140 5,482,650 Ending Fund Balance, Nonspendable (Acct. 935 000) 0 0 0 Endil'!g Fund Balance, Restricted (Acct. 936 000) 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance, Committed (Acct. 937 000) 687,230 687,230 687,230 Ending Fund Balance, Assigned (Acct. 938 000) 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance, Unassigned (Acct. 939 000) 4, fts::S.~/~ 4,f~o,4ZU :>,UU4,~;:su

TOTAL ,.1\1. nNloi FUND RAI ANCI= (ACCT. 930 000) 0,411,14U o,4ti2,oou o,~=:J~,1ou REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100 Transfers-in 0 0 0 Local Sources 210 Taxes 8,843,729 8,197,481 6,858,178 240 Payments for Services 0 0 0 260 Non-Capital Sales 65,845 92,600 60,050 270 School Activity Income 75,298 57,500 62,500 280 Interest on Investments 12,133 15,000 12,000 290 Other Revenue, Local Sources 63,008 54,UUU 54,500 Subtotal Local Sources 9,060,013 8,416,581 7,047,228 Other School Districts Within Wisconsin 310 Transit of Aids 0 0 0 340 Payments for Services 443,042 525,045 534,045 380 Medical Service Reimbursements 0 0 0 390 Other Inter-district, Within Wisconsin 2,369 0 0 Subtotal Other School Districts within Wisconsin 445,411 525,045 534,045 Other School Districts Outside Wisconsin 440 Payments for Services 0 0 0 490 Other Inter-district, Outside Wisconsin 0 0 0 Subtotal Other School Districts Outside Wisconsin 0 0 0 Intermediate Sources 510 Transit of Aids 4,695 5,300 2,000 530 Payments for Services from CCDEB 0 0 0 540 Payments for Services from CESA 0 0 0 580 Medical Services Reimbursement 0 0 0 590 Other Intermediate Sources 0 0 0 Subtotal Intermediate Sources 4,595 5,300 2,000 State Sources 610 State Aid-- Categorical 180,801 334,700 412,125 620 State Aid - General 18,501,044 19,851,986 21,8n,ooo 630 DPI Special Project Grants 22,733 0 0 640 Payments for Services 0 0 0 650 Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE Grant) 0 0 0 660 Other State Revenue Through Local Units 54,261 25,000 25,000 690 Other Revenue 15,019 16,975 8,861 Subtotal State Sources 18,773,858 20,228,551 22,322,985 Federal Sources 71 0 Transit of Aids 0 0 0 720 Impact Aid 0 0 0 730 DPI Special Project Grants 294,461 100,600 81,251 750 IASA Grants 2,329 286,824 238,227 760 JTPA 0 0 0 770 Other Federal Revenue Through Local Units 0 0 0 780 Other Federal Revenue Through State 476,928 0 0 790 Other Federal Revenue - Direct 0 0 0 Subtotal Federal Sources 773,718 31:17,424 319,478 Other Financing Sources 850 Reorganization Settlement 0 0 0 860 Compensation, Fixed Assets 123,783 1,500 1,500 870 Long-Term Obligations 0 0 0 Subtotal Other Financing Sources 123,783 1,500 1,500 Other Revenues 960 Adjustments 66,880 30,000 30,000 970 Refund of Disbursement 48,223 30,000 31,000 980 Medical Service Reimbursement 0 0 0 990 Miscellaneous 1,~26 5,000 2,000 Subtotal Other Revenues 117,029 65,000 63,000 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ~9;298,507 29,629,511 30,290,237 EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES Instruction 11 0 000 Undifferentiated Curriculum 6,098,138 6,043,928 6,389,604 120 000 Regular Curriculum 6,002,071 6,333,106 6,777,957 130 000 Vocational Curriculum 806,781 767,945 752,723 140 000 Physical Curriculum 653,980 643,964 673,067 160 000 Co-Curricular Activities 621,539 608,334 581,390 170 000 Other Special Needs 150,898 160,791 156,392 Subtotal Instruction ~333,407 14,55ts,06ts 15,331,133 Support Sources 21 0 000 Pupil Services 781,525 766,476 782,314 220 000 Instructional Staff Services 856,998 909,733 783,507 230 000 General Administration 508,417 690,390 672,103 240 000 School Building Administration 1,425,590 1,438,832 1,416,848 250 000 Business Administration 5,746,551 5,612,254 5,686,375 260 000 Central Services 156,644 220,797 109,840 270 000 Insurance & Judgments 283,435 308,241 302,500 280 000 Debt Services 18,531 30,000 25,000 290 000 Other Support Services -1,351,316 1,219,880 934,191 Subtotal Support Sources ff,129,007 11,196,603 10,712,678 Non-Program Transactions 410 000 Inter-fund Transfers 2,172,926 2,492,951 2,682,416 430 000 Instructional Service Payments 1,190,615 1,356,379 1,340,500 490 000 Other Non-Program Transactions 4,966 14,000 14,000 Subtotal Non-Program Transactions 3,368,507 3,ts63,330 4,036,916 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 28~830,921 29,618,001 30,080,727 Audited Unaudited SPECIAL PROJECT FUNDS (FUNDS 21, 23, 27, 29) Budget 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 900 000 Ending Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1 00 000 Instruction 200 000 Sup ort Services 400 000 Non-Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES



Audited Unaudited Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUNDS 41, 48, 49) 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 630,151 103,056 69,150 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 1UJ,U5t:i 69,'150 0 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 10,613 105;083 0 100 000 Instructional Services 0 138,989 0 200 000 Support Services 737,714 0 0 300 000 CommunitY Services 0 0 0 400 000 Non-Program Transactions -u 0 69,150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 737,714 -f~8~989 69,150

Budget FOOD SERVICE FUND (FUND 50) 2013-2014 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 900 000 ENDING FUND BALANCE TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 200 000 Su ort Services 400 000 Non-Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES Audited Unaudited Budget COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND (FUND 80) 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 900 000 ENDING FUND BALANCE TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES


ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Equalized Valuation $ 1,223,471,990 $ 1,173,009,510 $ 1'112,992,736 $ 1,090,732,881

Increase from Previous Year -7.40% -4.12% -5.12% -2.00%

(with referendum) • ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED TAX LEVY 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

General Fund $ 9,656,007 $ 8,814,761 $ 8,175,481 $ 6,838,178

Debt Service 4,490,000 5,123,560 5,708,537 6,403,313

Community Education 170.680 200.680 200.680 200.680 $ 14 316 687 $ 14 139 001 $ 14 084 698 $ 13 442 171

% Increase From Previous Year N/A -1.24% -0.38% -4.56%

(with referendum) ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED INCREASE MILL RATE 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 (DECREASE)

General Fund 7.892 7.515 7.345 6.269 -1.076

Debt Service 3.670 4.368 5.129 5.871 0.742

Community Education 0.140 0.171 0.180 0.184 0.004 ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~

Wisconsin K-12 District Average 9.18 9.8 9.88

TAX EXAMPLE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED INCREASE Assessed ProQe~ Value 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 (DECREASE}

$100,000 $1,170 $1,205 $1,265 $1,232 ($33)

$150,000 $1,755 $1,808 $1,898 $1,849 ($50)

$200,000 $2,340 $2,411 $2,531 $2,465 ($66)

9 (sept) &YEAR ~ Brian 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 05.06 06.07 07..(18 08..(19 09·10 10·11 11·12 12·13 AVG 13·14 AVG 13·14 BUDGET 4K 186 202 220 217 243 251 220

K 184 152 177 200 181 212 215 2.06 234 241 251 249 255 284 276 260 1.258065 1.193069 1.140909 1147465 1.049383 1.132707 1.098424 148 187 156 184 201 181 219 207 203 235 243 251 242 254 251 252 1.016304 1.026316 1.039548 1.005 1 1.033019 0.962791 0.985437 1.004274 1.008299 0.971888 0.996115 0.985944 2 169 152 186 157 193 206 182 224 208 200 229 234 241 235 233 234 1.027027 0.994652 1.00641 1.048913 1.024876 1.005525 1.022831 1.004831 0.985222 0.974468 0.962963 0.960159 0.970703 0.961561 3 183 174 152 200 158 194 207 182 229 217 196 236 231 243 243 243 1.029586 1 1.075269 1.006369 1.005181 1.004854 1 1.022321 1.043269 0.98 1.030568 0.987179 1.010254 1.008874 4 193 187 167 165 211 162 197 207 190 243 222 197 235 236 231 233 1.021858 0.95977 1.085526 1.055 1.025316 1.015464 1 1.043956 1.061135 1.023041 1.005102 0.995763 1.02126 1.000432 s 189 189 184 175 177 211 177 208 203 192 247 217 197 235 232 233 0.979275 0.983957 1.047904 1.072727 1 1.092593 1.055838 0.980676 1.010526 1.016461 0.977477 1 1.001116 0.988739 6 186 190 197 189 186 181 219 178 216 208 193 254 231 203 206 204 1.005291 1.042328 1.027174 1.062857 1.022599 1.037915 1.00565 1.038462 1.024631 1.005208 1.02834 1.064516 1,030674 1.046428 7 186 193 197 203 192 186 194 221 181 220 213 200 253 235 235 235 1.037634 1.036842 1.030457 1.015873 1 1.071823 1.009132 1.016854 1.018519 1.024038 1.036269 0.996063 1.018722 1.016166 8 185 189 205 209 211 204 187 200 222 182 226 218 201 257 257 257 1.016129 1.062176 1.060914 1.039409 1.0625 1.005376 1.030928 1.004525 1.005525 1.027273 1.023474 1.005 1.015318 1.014237 9 199 205 212 209 218 222 223 208 218 221 197 223 214 203 198 200 1.108108 1.121693 1.019512 1.043062 1.052133 1.093137 1.112299 1.09 0.995495 1.082418 0.986726 0.981651 1.011573 0.984169 10 196 201 205 209 215 229 227 221 208 215 222 192 229 214 214 214 1.01005 1 0.985849 1.028708 1.050459 1.022523 0.991031 1 0.986239 1.004525 0.974619 1.026906 0.998072 1.000763 11 200 196 196 199 209 210 230 223 218 207 213 221 199 230 233 231 1 0.975124 0.970732 0.976744 1.004367 0.982379 0.986425 0.995192 0.990698 0.995495 1.036458 1.004461 1.015977 12 205 188 193 187 193 213 215 228 226 219 209 206 226 199 198 198 0.94 0.984694 0.954082 0.969849 1.019139 1.02381 0.991304 1.013453 1.004587 1.009662 0.967136 1.022624 1.001002 0.99488

2423 2403 2427 2486 2545 2611 2692 2713 2756 2800 2861 2898 2954 3028 3007 2994 99.17% 101.00% 102.43% 102.37% 102.59% 103.10% 100.78% 101.58% 101.60% 102.18% 101.29% 101.93% 2.51% 1.78% 1.35% RunningAverage 99.2% 100.1% 100.9% 101.24% 101.51% 101.78% 101.64% 101.63% 101.93% 102.08% 101.94% 101.88%

2994 4K 132 OE 15 EC 10 3151 3£;rl:.)udl2 • P. .. . SCHOOL DISTRI(:T. OF NEW RICHMOND 1:43 PM 06/2_Q,/l3 ;P:.s.;ii.'o6 .oo :o2-1o ;2:.oi'6ns 2tri3~2-ai4 BUDGET •CR.,ev~D,ue~)':' (iJ~t:e: 6/2013! PAGE: 1

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj ~S~rc~------~FU~nc~------~FY~~A~c~t~i~v~i~t~y FY Activity Revised Budget F'YTD Activity Original Budget 10 R 800 211 500000 000 CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAX DISTRICT WIDE 9,656,007 8, 814,761 8,175,481 3,296,982 6,838,178 10 R 800 213 500000 000 MOBILE HOME TAX DISTRICT WIDE 22,930 28,968 22,000 22,860 20,000 10 R 21- *TAXES 9,678,937 8,843, 729 8,197,481 3,319,842 6,858,178

10 R 800 241 500000 000 REGULAR DAY SCHOOL DISTRICT WIDE 3,867 10 R 24- •PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES 3,867

10 R 100 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WIDE 3, 971 7,189 10 R 110 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WID£ 623 600 6,485 600 10 R 120 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WIDE 367 4,811 400 1,530 400 10 R 200 262 135000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R HOME ECONOMICS 380 10 R 200 262 162300 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 4,870 2,799 2,419 10 R 200 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WIDE 677 600 -27 600 10 R 400 262 126000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R SCIENCE 803 10 R 400 262 135100 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R FMLY & CNSMR EDCTN 494 1,220 1,000 1,151 1,000 10 R 400 262 136000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 160 793 10 R 400 262 136260 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R TCHNCL EDCATN 60 10 R 400 262 136430 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R WOODS 450 160 450 10 R 400 262 161338 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R YEARBOOK 10,331 13,788 10,000 8,543 12,000 10 R 400 262 162300 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 1,350 709 10 R 400 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WIDE 15,517 10 R 400 262 510000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R 413 16,284 1,667 10 R 800 262 500000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R DISTRICT WIDE 852 154 483 10 R BOO 262 510000 000 NON-CAPITAL OBJECTS/PUR R 45,335 16,475 55,000 11,589 45,000 10 R 400 263 136210 000 SALE OF TECH ED PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION 25,000 25,000 10 R 800 264 120000 000 N-C SURPLUS PROP SALES REGULAR CURRICULUM 2,863 760 10 R 26- •SALES NON-CAPITAL 62,822 65,845 92.600 84,831 60,050

10 R 400 271 161306 000 ADMISSIONS DRAMATICS CLUB 3,998 7,213 1,776 10 R 400 271 162105 000 ADMISSIONS GIRLS 5,295 3, 913 3,500 5,131 4,000 10 R 400 271 162121 000 ADMISSIONS GIRLS 2,693 3,231 3,000 2, 911 3,000 10 R 400 271 162205 000 ADMISSIONS BOYS BASKETBALL 12,449 10,872 10,000 11' 256 10,000 10 R 400 271 162210 000 ADMISSIONS BOYS FOOTBALL 13,594 17.311 15,000 11,496 13,000 10 R 400 271 162222 000 ADMISSIONS BOYS WRESTLING 2,771 5,003 4,000 6,324 4,000 10 R 400 271 162300 000 ADMISSIONS CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 10,311 2,065 1,000 812 l,OOO 10 R 400 271 162500 000 ADMISSIONS WIAA TOURNAMENT 21,662 21,909 10,000 14.210 20,000 10 R 400 271 253200 000 ADMISSIONS SITES RENTAL 3,108 605 4,000 3,252 3,000 10 R 200 279 162315 000 OTHER SCHOOL ACTIVITY INC SKI CLUB 2,070 90 3,000 2,465 2,000 10 R 400 279 162315 000 OTHER SCHOOL ACTIVITY INC SKI CLUB 585 365 1,000 1,025 500 10 R 400 279 162500 000 OTHER SCHOOL ACTIVITY INC WIAA TOURNAMENT 7,530 2, 721 3,000 3,036 2,000 3frbu_d~2 .'p, SCHOOL :QJ:S~J:CT OF. NEW ;·RJ:CHM9ND. 1::43, ·PM 06/20/13 os .13.~b.~Voo .. o2..;1o .2-olo14.!.i" :2.913-2014 BUOOET;)Re~~:Ue~) ·. :'(Datel:··£!/2'013) PAGE: 2

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj ~S~rc~------~Fu=n~c~------~F~Y~A~c~t~iv~l~·t~y~ FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Original Budget 10 R --- 27- *SCHOOL ACTIVITY INCOME 86, 066 75,298 57,500 63,694 62,500

10 R 800 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 25,389 12,133 15,000 10,948 12,000 10 R 28- *INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 25,389 12,133 15,000 10,948 12,000

10 R 100 291 500000 000 GIFTS DISTRICT WIDE 20 10 R 200 291 162222 000 GIFTS BOYS WRESTLING 404 10 R 400 291 136001 000 GIFTS PROJECT LEAD THE WAY 3,000 10 R 400 291 500000 000 GIFTS DISTRICT WIDE 80 10 R 800 291 122110 000 GIFTS READING 390 21 10 R 800 291 219000 000 GIFTS OTHER PUPIL SERVICES 761 10 R 800 291 500000 000 GIFTS DISTRICT WIDE 175 661 10 R 110 292 500000 000 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT \'liDE 54 10 R 120 292 500000 000 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT WIDE 21 455 10 R 200 292 125510 625 STUDENT FEES BAND 1,075 1,345 1,200 450 1,200 10 R 200 292 160000 000 STUDENT FEES CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVI 10,512 10,278 10,000 9,775 10,000 10 R 200 292 500000 000 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT WIDE 10,089 8,835 9,000 6,101 9,000 10 R 400 292 125510 000 STUDENT FEES BAND 2,127 -283 10 R 400 292 125510 625 STUDENT FEES BAND 2,473 2,314 10 R 400 292 160000 000 S'I1JDENT FEES CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVI 24,205 24,880 20,000 26,340 24,000 10 R 400 292 162000 000 STUDENT FEES GENERAL ATHLETICS 4,240 5,000 3,440 4,000 10 R 400 292 500000 000 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT WIDE 5,550 4,767 7,500 5,715 5,000 10 R 800 292 500000 000 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT WIDE 5 10 R 800 292 500000 625 STUDENT FEES DISTRICT WIDE 580 35 20 10 R 800 292 510000 000 STUDENT FEES 1,302 10 R 800 293 500000 000 FACILITY RENTAL DISTRICT WIDE 405 1,700 1,000 1,000 10 R 100 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 104 75 31 10 R 110 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 10 28 10 R 120 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 15 93 20 10 R 200 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 511 207 200 81 200 10 R 400 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 60 142 100 10 100 10 R 800 297 500000 000 STUDENT FINES DISTRICT WIDE 328 10 R 29- *OTHR REVENUE FROM LOCAL 57,863 63,008 54,000 55,161 54,500

10 R 200 343 162300 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT so 550 10 R 400 343 161339 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FORENSICS 1,020 1,208 10 R 400 343 162112 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES GIRLS GOLF 1,430 2,480 10 R 400 343 162121 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 75 1,200 2,700 1,000 10 R 400 343 162222 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES BOYS WRESTLING 875 1,050 905 10 R 400 343 162300 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 775 805 40 1 1: 3.~rbud12 .·p · ~ ••• ·,. • SCHOOI, I)~STRICT OF NEW R:J:CHl-tONP , . J. :43 PM ; 06/20/13 ~~Q:s. ~ i~ ~96 ~· oo . 62 -xo·~f~ oio14s· · "2'013-2014·1\IJ!ii1T':(:Revenues>· · {pcit±~~~\:}~~t-ionf' J?A~~: '3·

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Src Func FY Activity FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Original Budget 10 R 400 343 162308 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CO-ED CROSS COUNTRY 1,000 1,260 1,000 1,250 1,000 10 R 400 343 162319 000 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CO-ED TRACK AND FIEL 1,833 2,025 3,240 2,000 10 R 800 345 500000 000 OPEN ENROLLMENT RECEIPTS DISTRICT WIDE 343,336 426,744 522,045 522,045 10 R 800 348 500000 000 TRANSP FEES FROM OTHER WI DISTRICT WIDE 465 10 R 400 349 162123 000 OTHER PAYMENTS FOR SERVIC GIRLS 8,888 8,291 8,000 10 R 800 349 162123 000 OTHER PAYMENTS FOR SERVIC GIRLS ICE HOCKEY 2,000 10 R --- 34- *PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES 349,324 443,042 525,045 21,129 534,045

10 R 800 390 500000 000 OTHER INTER-DIST TRANSFER DISTRICT WIDE 1,599 2,369 1,486 10 R --- 39- *OTHER INTER-DIST TRANSFE 1,599 2,369 1,486

10 R 800 515 500000 000 DISTRICT WIDE 1,750 10 R 800 517 500000 000 TRANSIT OF FEDERAL AIDS DISTRICT WIDE 5,644 5,000 10 R 800 517 500000 404 TRANSIT OF FEDERAL AIDS DISTRICT WIDE 300 2,945 300 5,127 2,.000 10 R 51- *TRANSIT OF AIDS 5,944 4,695 5,300 5,127 2,000

10 R 800 612 500000 000 TRANSPORTATION AID DISTRICT WIDE 79,942 76,244 80,000 98,636 80,000 10 R 800 613 500000 000 LIBRARY AID DISTRICT WIDE 105,177 104,557 100,000 94,930 100,000 10 R 800 619 500000 000 OTHER STATE AID DISTRICT WIDE 154,700 232,125 10 R --- 61- *CATEGORICAL STATE AIDS 185,119 180,801 334,700 193,566 412,125

10 R 800 621 500000 000 EQUALIZATION AID DISTRICT WIDE 18,737,475 18,501,044 19,851,986 12,666,514 21,877,000 10 R 62- *STATE AIDS - GENERAL 18,737,475 18,501,044 19,851,986 12,666,514 21,877,000

10 R 800 630 500000 397 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 32,162 1,388 10 R 800 630 500000 560 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 3,750 21,345 10 R --- 63- *SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS 35,912 22,733

10 R 800 660 500000 000 State Revenue thr Local G DISTRICT WIDE 25,003 54,261 25,000 42,361 25,000 10 R 66- *State Revenue thr Local 25,003 54,261 25,000 42,361 25,000

10 R 800 691 500000 000 STATE COMPUTER AID DISTRICT WIDE 13,809 15,019 16,975 8,861 10 R 800 699 500000 558 OTHER STATE REVENUE DISTRICT WIDE 1,805 10 R 69- *OTHR REVENUE FROM STATE 15,614 15,019 16,975 8,861

10 R 800 730 214002 000 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS LET'S GET PHYSICAL 1,065 10 R 800 730 500000 141 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 208,337 10 R 800 730 500000 328 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 140 10 R 800 730 500000 365 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 86,044 84,534 100,600 11,012 81,251 10 R 800 730 500000 721 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 840 3frbud:L2; p .'. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 1:43 PM 06/20/13 os •!.3 ,:a e •.. oo ;ii;l ...::~;o ~ ~ ;.o1a1;;i.;; 2q1:3c-2014 BUDGET <:<~eivejl,1.ies l (Dat~: 6/2ai;j:l P~GE: 4

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj src Func FY Activit;:t FY Activitz: Revised Budget FYTD Activit:( Original Budget 10 R BOO 730 500000 728 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 2,500 750 10 R 73- *SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS aA,6B4 294,461 100,600 12,077 81,251

10 R BOO 751 500000 141 ECIA - CHAPTER 1 DISTRICT WIDE 144,469 258,576 159,026 238,227 10 R soo 751 500000 142 ECIA - CHAPTER DISTRICT WIDE 17,015 2, 329 28,248 8,085 10 R 75- *EDUC CONSOL & IMPROV ACT 161,484 2,329 286,824 167,111 238,227

10 R 800 780 500000 595 Federal aid through state DISTRICT WIDE 121,885 476,928 10 R 78- *Federal aid through stat 121,885 476,929

10 R 800 860 500000 000 SALE OR LOSS OF FIXED ASS DISTRICT WIDE 54,004 123,783 1,500 10 R 800 861 500000 000 DISTRICT WIDE 1,500 10 R 800 862 500000 000 LAND &OTHER REAL PROPERTY DISTRICT WIDE 1 10 R 86- *SALE OR LOSS OF FIXED AS 54,005 123,783 1,500 1,500

10 R 800 961 500000 000 CASH DISTRICT WIDE 0 10 R 800 964 500000 000 INSURANCE DISTRICT WIDE 38,505 66,880 30,000 49,598 30,000 10 R 96- • ADJUSTMENTS 38,505 66,880 30,000 49,598 30,000

10 R BOO 971 500000 000 AIDABLE DISTRICT WIDE 31,223 44' 947 30,000 64,191 30,000 10 R 800 972 500000 000 NON-AIDABLE DISBURSEMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 3,276 2,083 1,000 10 R 97- •REFUND OF DISBURSEMENTS 31,223 48,223 30,000 66,274 31,000

10 R 110 990 500000 000 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICT WIDE 8,668 10 R 400 990 130000 000 MISCELLANEOUS VOCATIONAL CURRICULU 40 10 R 800 990 500000 000 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICT WIDE 2,211 1,926 5,000 1,397 2,000 10 R 99- •MISCELLANEOUS 10,879 1,926 5,000 1,437 2,000

Grand Revenue Totals 29,773,732 29,298,507 29,629,511 16,765,023 30,290,237

Number of Accounts: 106

************************ End of report ************************ 3fr):)~Q.l.2.p SCHOOL •DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 2:19 PM 06/20/13 ••. __ -;>••. ;,, ._-. --- - os;:~)i\OJhOO .o:!•l.O •. 2-01()145 :.';2o13..!2ou BUDGET (~xpendl:t:ilJ:-e~l (Date( ~/2oi3l· · ~A<:;E: :1

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func Fi' Activity Revised Budget Fi' Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 100 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 264,060 180' 692 191,098 196,841 90,894 E 100 111000 KINDERGARTEN 371,674 377,551 302,982 380,186 E 100 112000 GRADE ONE 330,268 385,821 314,410 389,381 E 100 113000 GRADE TWO 205,401 209,759 176,535 210,150 E 100 114000 GRADE THREE 315,089 322,485 264,396 323,719 E 100 115000 GRADE FOUR 272,265 275,162 229,687 277,138 E 100 116000 GR FIVE 303,553 228,107 184,651 230,644 E 100 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM 4,768 5,000 4,554 E 100 121000 ART 46,070 47,221 44' 786 53,737 E 100 122115 REMEDIAL READING 165 E 100 124400 COMPtiTERS 6,664 7,200 8,574 E 100 125100 MUSIC GENERAL 87,266 65, 131 53,246 66,998 E 100 125400 VOCAL MUSIC 1,465 3,100 842 E 100 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 68,244 72,870 61,250 72,850 E 100 .:213000 GUIDANCE 78,714 79,952 66,590 80,955 E 100 214000 HEALTH 19,753 20,253 19,976 20,605 E 100 2.:21100 DIR OF IMPROVEMENT 0 537 E 100 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 638 198 E 100 222200 SCHOOL L I BRARi' 68,960 50,501 44,563 42,499 E 100 222300 AUDIOVISUAL 191 700 426 E 100 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 2,363 3,000 150 E 100 241000 OFFICE OF THE PRINCI 210,321 212,445 200,721 3,417 202,336 E 100 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 266,680 282,942 246,939 121,645 160,559 E 100 254300 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 75 500 95 E 100 256770 FIELD TRIPS 259 5,000 8,152 E 100 263300 PUBLIC INFORMATION 7,081 6,200 5,945 E 100 STARR ELEMENTARY SCH 2,932,359 2,841,592 2.430,931 321,903 2,602,651

E 101 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 56,103 58,917 61,043 17,000 41,917 E 101 431000 TUITION-NON OPEN ENR 669,400 680,000 682,600 696.000 E 101 Charter School 725,503 738,917 743,643 713' 000 41,917

E 110 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 128,907 116,132 124,876 110,125 59,463 E 110 111000 KINDERGARTEN 149' 522 157,106 121,721 220,490 E 110 112000 GRADE ONE 248,153 169' 911 138,018 186,674 E 110 113000 GRADE TWO 119' 768 205,023 174,686 124,176 E 110 114000 GRADE THREE 143,759 146,853 116,986 148,772 E 110 115000 GRADE FOUR 169,758 177' 187 139,621 170,699 E 110 116000 GR FIVE 169,210 169,880 140,444 172,548 E 110 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM -34 BOO 463 3 frbud1·2 ~ ];t . _ . SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND . 2:19 PM . 06/20/13 os. i3 ; OS'. o'ii' ;'illiii1:ilo·,2~oJ.o14 s ·;·_BUI:JGET {Expend~~ure!')) · <·~a~e: 6/2013-l ., PAGE:- · 2 ' • ' • ' - ,, .• ' ·,: '! --:"~.' :!_:· ;:.1 j~L,' . : .1 ·: ·.- - '' .. ':·: :.: '·,'' -, '·;.:.•-,•, , .•· .:·,, k'.' , ' I . '

2011-12 201:2-13 2012-13 2011-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget: FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 110 121000 ART 56,292 36,112 25,247 29,940 E 110 124400 COMPUTERS 5,166 5,500 6,705 E 110 125100 MUSIC GENERAL 760 24,505 19,427 29,569 E 110 125520 ORCHERSTRA 450 E 110 125523 STRING ORCHESTRA 16,361 16,467 13.579 16,951 E 110 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 56,090 57,996 47,769 58,737 E 110 164311 STUDENT SENATE 50 E 110 213000 GUIDANCE 27,114 28. 171 23,268 28,553 E 110 2HOOO HEALTH 19,522 17.728 17.670 19,632 E 110 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 750 522 E 110 221400 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 200 E 110 222200 SCHOOL LIBRARY 24,351 49,674 42,227 44,051 E 110 222300 AUDIOVISUAL 2,437 400 133 E 110 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 2,151 2,100 2,097 E 110 241000 OFFICE OF THE PRINCI 188,469 195,0:25 187,554 2,569 173,095 E 110 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 172,380 190,079 159,104 72,269 llO, 051 E 110 254400 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 1,096 969 E 110 25H10 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPM BOO E 110 256170 FIELD TRIPS 2,695 2,000 2,754 E 110 263300 PUBLIC INFORMATION 5,903 5,800 4,483 E 110 264400 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ST 250 E 110 PAPERJACK ELEMENTARY 1,709,830 l, 776, 949 1,510,323 184,963 1,593,401

E 120 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 218,852 184,386 165,568 198,940 86,387 E 120 111000 KINDERGARTEN 365,727 378,743 310,268 371,912 E 120 112000 GRADE ONE 358,61:2 344,905 285,533 363,169 E 120 113000 GRADE TWO 336,309 321,393 260,546 400,704 E 120 114000 GRADE THREE 404' 541 329,173 272,765 298,305 E 120 115000 GRADE FOUR 260,183 340,885 285,710 323,137 E 120 116000 GR FIVE 286,517 286,938 239,327 344,457 E 120 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM 4,544 4,550 4,056 E 120 121000 ART 69' 207 71,242 58,981 70,411 E 120 124400 COMPUTERS 9,267 8,750 8,196 E 120 125000 MUSIC 184 195 E 120 125100 MUSIC GENERAL 49,369 60,066 50,491 62,135 E 120 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 105,004 112.947 93,400 116,406 E 120 164311 STUDENT SENATE 379 400 125 E 120 213000 GUIDANCE 63,874 64. 976 45,494 52,804 E 120 214000 HEALTH 16,376 19,411 19,317 20,601 E 120 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 250 250 3-frbU

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Lac Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 120 221400 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 200 E 120 222200 SCHOOL LIBRARY 52,385 57,954 49,975 49,069 E 120 222300 AUDIOVISUAL 4,123 2,820 3,574 E 120 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 3,050 3,050 1,676 E 120 241000 OFFICE OF THE PRINCI 195,843 206' 326 205,663 3, 334 207,352 E 120 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 262,935 294,091 262,426 122,581 170,406 E 120 254400 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 295 74 E 120 254410 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPM 500 E 120 256770 FIELD TRIPS 1, 739 4,800 7,136 E 120 263300 PUBLIC INFORMATION 5,903 6,000 4,483 E 120 264400 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ST 176 250 250 E 120 HILLSIDE ELEMENTARY 3,075,394 3,105,201 2,635,284 324,855 2,937,255

E 200 11(1000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 77,931 87,031 95,307 58,538 E 200 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM 55,791 72,719 79,364 202,163 42,055 E 200 120060 6TH GRADE TEAM 651,451 701,788 557,438 707,626 E 200 120061 GR 6 SECOND HSE 2,043 2,100 2,069 E 200 120070 7TH GRADE TEAM 570,970 581,513 474,939 595. 133 E 200 120071 GR7 SECOND HSE 1,575 2,100 1,009 E 200 120080 8TH GRADE TEAM 527,626 547,919 433,365 609,070 E 200 120081 GR . 8 SECOND HSE 1,806 2,100 1,267 E 200 121000 ART 67' 574 69,887 55,520 68,503 E 200 122110 READING 1,025 3,000 1,699 E 200 123000 FOREIGN LANGUAGES 56,029 65,082 54,608 66,121 E 200 124000 MATHEMATICS 44,480 44. 885 35,695 E 200 124400 COMPUTERS 8,424 11' 510 9,990 E 200 125100 MUSIC GENERAL 51,098 59,571 41,407 53,748 E 200 125400 VOCAL MUSIC 3,623 2,990 3,100 E 200 125510 BAND 2,648 4,450 3,750 E 200 125511 CONCERT 68,668 64,781 50,947 64,475 E 200 125512 MARCHING 7,627 7,988 4,584 2,167 6,048 E 200 125520 ORCHERSTRA 1,436 1,350 823 E 200 125523 STRING ORCHESTRA 26,996 27, lOB 22,405 27,902 E 200 135000 HOME ECONOMICS 47,435 47,872 39,349 49,235 E 200 135100 FMLY & CNSMR EDCTN 4,124 3,200 2,000 E 200 136000 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 81,671 82.294 67,820 84,680 E 200 136260 TCHNCL EDCATN 9,309 6,600 6,402 E 200 141000 HEALTH EDUCATION 58,971 61,941 49,549 63,440 E 200 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 148,401 135' 357 111,276 145,072 E 200 144400 Camp WAPO 16,060 14,61'7 14.819 14,824 3frbudl.2·.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMONJ) 2:19 PM 06/20/13 OS .13 :if6'.:0Cl. 02~ PAGE: 4

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Sa1ary/fb E 200 154000 GIFTED AND TALENTED 285 E 200 161306 DRAMATICS CLUB 3,253 3,659 3,983 2,177 E 200 161329 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD 2,135 2,148 4,322 4,077 E 200 161337 STUDENT NEWSPAPER 2,933 2,880 1,212 1,656 1,452 E 200 161338 YEARBOOK 991 1,100 912 1,054 E 200 161339 FORENSICS 5,046 6,169 2,630 4,355 E 200 162105 GIRLS BASKETBALL 9,124 9,215 8,891 1,142 7,982 E 200 162121 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 11 '793 12,448 11,998 11,246 E 200 162205 BOYS BASKETBALL 7, 774 7,756 8, 249 6,328 E 200 162210 BOYS FOOTBALL 24,231 23,580 21,272 19,592 E 200 162219 BOYS TRACK AND FIELD 15,216 15,279 15,151 15,421 E 200 162222 BOYS WRESTLING 6,943 6,765 6,807 5,946 E 200 162300 CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 6,288 2,450 8,104 E 200 162308 CO·ED CROSS COUNTRY 5,961 6,048 5,959 5,805 E 200 162319 CO-ED TRACK AND FIEL 734 830 622 E 200 163305 MARCHING BAND 15,159 18,425 10,225 13,120 2,721 E 200 164311 STUDENT SENATE 2,498 2,519 2,117 2,540 E 200 172000 GIFTED AND TALENTED 1,000 135 E 200 213000 GUIDANCE 131,090 137.973 111,027 138,998 E 200 214000 HEALTH 20,429 21,603 20,061 21,961 E 200 221100 DIR OF IMPROVEMENT 0 3,666 1,259 3,562 E 200 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1,708 2,850 944 E 200 221400 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 370 700 E 200 222200 SCHOOL LIBRARY 90,730 89,752 79,364 82,881 E 200 222300 AUDIOVISUAL 5,331 4,700 6,296 E 200 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 4,039 3,450 157 E 200 241000 OFFICE OF THE PRINCI 343' 640 345,978 330,461 3,145 342,756 E 200 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 414,300 454,284 409,031 204.311 242,144 E 200 253400 EQUIPMENT 170 E 200 254300 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,832 1,000 6,651 E 200 254400 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 2,246 1,281 E 200 254410 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPM 1,000 190 E 200 256740 ATH TRIPS 6,245 10,000 7,088 8,500 E 200 256770 FIELD TRIPS 10,414 3,000 10,421 E 200 256771 MUSIC TRIP 3.436 4,200 2,895 E 200 MID SCH 3,754,347 3,915,673 3. 322.974 494.742 3,517,368

E 400 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 251,482 281,421 265,705 113.964 166,076 E 400 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM 180,869 117,680 103,036 370,395 29,016 E 400 120001 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL 180 2,550 2,057 ·Mr®dl2.p , , .·. S~HOOL D~STRXCT OF NEW RXCHMOND 2: J.9 PM 06/20/13 '(l~~:1o3.;:o6. oo .o2-1o/;a':::0'.1~4\5· 2013-2.0i4 :BucGm· (!lJ:XPendituresl (Date: 6;2oial PAGE:· 5

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T LOC Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Sa1ary/fb E 400 121000 ART 104,589 109,048 92.065 108,588 E 400 122000 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 565,404 569,189 471,147 583,272 E 400 122110 READING 1,326 349 E 400 123000 FOREIGN LANGUAGES 197,580 205,502 164,039 209,803 E 400 124000 MATHEMATICS 484,215 486,744 403,597 550,378 E 400 124400 COMPUTERS 13.401 15,300 12,674 E 400 124500 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 1,503 2,428 763 E 400 125100 MUSIC GENERAL 72,241 75' 3112 62. 112 77,508 E 400 125400 VOCAL MUSIC 3,533 3,259 3,442 E 400 125510 BAND 4,196 4,284 3,751 E 400 125511 CONCERT 64,101 63,308 51,978 65. 118 E 400 125512 MARCHING 15,826 17,191 12,995 1,369 16,279 E 100 125520 ORCHERSTRA 1,032 1,428 1,946 E 400 125523 STRING ORCHESTRA 38,448 38,765 31,909 39,903 E 100 126000 SCIENCE 10,958 12,396 14' 927 E 400 126100 GENERAL SCIENCE 529,260 532,984 440,369 546,555 E 400 127000 SOCIAL SCIENCES 356,423 358,516 293,558 366,463 E 400 130000 VOCATIONAL CURRICULU 454 E 400 131000 AGRICULTURE 96,784 96.472 79,721 99,360 E 400 131100 AGRICULTURE CLUSTER 11,836 5,202 10,038 E 400 132000 BUSINESS OCCUPATIONS 96,973 97' 451 80,824 68,859 E 400 132300 FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSI 2, 529 2, 040 2,020 E 100 134100 HEALTH OCCUPATIONS C 12,679 12,651 11,732 14,317 E 400 135000 HOME ECONOMICS 108,249 134,059 105,401 24,528 143' 272

E 400 135100 FMLY & CNSMR EOCTN 8,542 5, 712 6,564 E 400 136000 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 253.369 252,859 199,041 226,479 E 400 136001 PROJECT LEAD THE WAY 6,425 E 400 136210 CONSTRUCTION 38,893 39,000 E 400 136260 TCHNCL EDCATN 10,228 4,590 7,879 E 400 136360 METALS 4,046 6,324 5,309 E 400 136380 POWER/AUTOMOTIVE MEC 5,165 5,202 4,622 E 400 136430 WOODS 3,619 2,448 2,042 E 400 141000 HEALTH EDUCATION 60,787 55,815 54' 763 69,900 E 400 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 134,994 129,452 104,710 128,845 E 400 161300 CO-EDUCATIONAL 102 4,362 1,815 E 400 161306 DRAMATICS CLUB 7. 894 5,264 8, 777 2,993 E 400 161310 FUTURE BUSINESS LEAD 1, 071 1,080 909 1,089 E 400 161311 FUTURE FARMERS OF AM 2,858 2,878 2,422 2,901 E 400 161322 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIE 1,073 1,947 1,772 1,089 E 400 161329 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD 2,158 2,038 3frbUdil.2. p · . . -SCHOOL DISTRICT O.F. NEW . RICHMOND 2:19 PM 06/20/13 .os:'i3 suoGE'l': (Date: 6noJ.·3l . J?AGj::.: .·~~:Q . _.,_.,...... : P .

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-H 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 400 161333 VOCATIONAL INDUST CL 1,431 1,440 -5 E 400 161337 STUDENT NEWSPAPER 2,209 2,457 1,339 1,089 E 400 161338 YEARBOOK 29.330 19,618 4,952 4,354 E 400 161339 FORENSICS 12,362 7,527 15,004 4,339 E 400 161340 COMPUTER CLUB 895 899 760 907 E 400 161392 SAFE YOUTH 1,092 1,080 1,910 1,089 E 400 161393 DESTINATION IMAGINAT 1,080 1,089 E 400 161394 ACADEMIC DECATHLON 1,074 1,440 1,080 1,452 E 400 161395 HIGH MILEAGE VEHICLE 2,147 2,159 2,152 2,177 E 400 162105 GIRLS BASKETBALL 18,236 18,283 18,864 13,333 E 400 162107 GIRLS CHEERLEADING 4,279 4,297 4,237 4,215 E 400 162112 GIRLS GOLF 6,519 6,854 11,367 5,261 E 400 162116 GIRLS SOCCER 14,245 14,687 13.395 10,858 E 400 162117 GIRLS SOITBALL 15,229 16,695 11,109 2,852 7,592 E 400 162118 GIRLS TENNIS 7,858 7,223 7,800 6,623 E 400 162119 GIRLS TRACK AND FIEL 13,088 13,120 l3 ,125 6,284 E 400 162120 GIRLS DANCE LINE 677 700 E 400 162121 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 20,299 17.240 20,853 14,197 E 400 162123 GIRLS ICE HOCKEY 11,309 11,430 11,311 7,592 E 400 162204 BOYS 20,967 22,622 24' 135 14,123 E 400 162205 BOYS BASKETBALL 20,376 20,581 21,548 1. 711 13,804 E 400 162210 BOYS FOOTBALL 46,504 44,154 37,745 40,062 E 400 162212 BOYS GOLF 7,930 7,575 6, 731 5,987 E 400 162216 BOYS SOCCER 12,212 12,582 14,073 11,012 E 400 162218 BOYS TENNIS 5,069 5,010 7,430 5, 942 E 400 162219 BOYS TRACK AND FIELD 14,013 15,635 12,232 18,414 E 400 162222 BOYS WRESTLING 20,927 22,648 22,484 2,567 14' 433 E 400 162223 BOYS ICE HOCKEY 15,288 20,560 16,974 9,953 E 400 162290 OTH BOYS SPORTS/INC 537 539 455 544 E 400 162300 CO-EDUCATIONAL SPORT 95,632 85,857 83,619 179,959 E 400 162308 CO-ED CROSS COUNTRY 8,463 8,630 a, 914 6,894 E 400 162319 CO-ED TRACK AND FIEL 7,749 4,483 7,759 E 400 162500 WIM TOURNAMENT 17,254 17,800 9,960 18,035 E 400 163305 MARCHING BAND 17,785 20,167 7, 928 11,409 5,896 E 400 163312 MUSICAL PRODUCTION 7,680 7,622 2,177 E 400 164 311 STUDENT SENATE 2,955 2,969 2,500 2,993 E 400 164391 SERVICE LEARNING DAY 1,431 1,440 1,215 1,452 E 400 165320 KEY CLUB 894 899 757 907 E 400 165390 OTHER SOCIAL ACTIVIT 1,066 1,080 1,075 1,089 E 400 172000 GIFTED AND TALENTED 3,473 1,189 1,708 3frbud12 .p ... ;SCHOOL p:ISTRICT OF NEW )tl:~0ND 2:19 PM 06/20/13 o~: 13·. 06 ;~o ;o2-10~-2'{di~:t4s 2oi3-20~~ sonG~ (Expenditur~ijJ ,(bat;e: 6/2013) 1;>}\GE: 7

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T LOC Obj FUnc Prj FUnc FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 400 213000 GUIDANCE 227,008 231' 762 176,104 10,039 238,603 E 400 214000 HEALTH 22.147 20,815 20,510 21,181 E 400 217000 ATTENDANCE 410 2,448 727 E 400 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1,122 1,035 E 400 221400 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 48 1, 020 258 E 400 222200 SCHOOL LIBRARY 112,625 114' 118 88.697 89,958 E 400 222300 AUDIOVISUAL 2' 005 2,000 1,083 E 400 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 3,117 4,450 3,298 E 400 241000 OFFICE OF THE PRINCI 487,318 479,058 488,212 3,519 475,325 E 400 253200 SITES RENTAL 10,452 14' 882 9,593 8,361 E 400 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 684,129 757,869 689,605 365,158 371,965 E 400 254200 SITES MAINTENANCE 40 E 400 254300 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 150 E 400 254400 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 1,428 973 E 400 254410 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPM 2,500 247 E 400 256740 ATH TRIPS 66' 540 73,000 60,738 70,000 E 400 256770 FIELD TRIPS 13' 007 16,000 16,007 E 400 256771 MUSIC TRIP 3,384 5,100 2,393 E 400 263300 PUBLIC INFORMATION 5,903 4,483 E 400 263310 COMMUNICATIONS 22,705 29,988 17' 940 E 400 264400 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ST 612 E 400 431000 TUITION-NON OPEN ENR 31' 330 35,879 12,553 E 400 HIGH SCH 5,948,001 5,989,363 5, 147' 929 1,214,505 4,973,627

E 500 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 11,835 12.760 8,549 12' 965 E 500 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL BU ll' 835 12,760 8,549 12,965

E BOO 110000 UNDIFFERENTIATED CUR 290,495 300,726 79,377 252,664 60,534 E 800 110003 NR EDUCATION FOUNDAT 2, 071 E 800 111000 KINDERGARTEN 7,741 2,524 E BOO 120000 REGULAR CURRICULUM 331,328 226,400 70,419 225,228 E 800 120864 APPRENTICESHIP GRANT 2,369 1.600 1,484 E BOO 121000 ART 2, 949 2,969 2,496 2,993 E 800 122000 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 3, 307 3,328 2,792 3,355 E 800 122100 LANGUAGE SKILLS 451 205,151 172,834 7,500 99,647 E BOO 122110 READING 1,223 7,000 7,000 HO, 303 E BOO 122115 REMEDIAL READING 258,482 318,296 281,833 312,415 E 800 123000 FOREIGN LANGUAGES 2,943 2,492 E 800 124000 MATHEMATICS 3,656 3,687 3' 113 3, 718 E 800 124400 COMPUTERS 214,768 298,898 254,995 199,400 28,020 3·frbudl.2 •P . SCHOOL DISTRIC'l' .OF· NEW RICHMOND 2:~9.··PM 06/20/13 o!(J:3l\bsjig~,;'ir~-%<~- 010145 ~o'i3-2o14 BUDGET !ExJ;)en(¢'t.~sr (oat:e;: 6/~~!13> :PAGE: a

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Lac Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E BOO 124401 TECHNOLOGY TRAINING 19,503 10,600 E BOO 125000 MUSIC 2,953 2, 969 2,500 2,993 E BOO 126100 GENERAL SCIENCE 3,1B2 2,969 2,509 2,993 E 800 127000 SOCIAL SCIENCES 2,951 2,969 2,508 2,993 E 800 136000 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 4,452 2,969 2,496 2,993 E BOO 141000 HEALTH EDUCATION 2,4B5 E BOO 143000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2,945 2,969 2,496 2,993 E 800 161393 DESTINATION IMAGINAT 1,073 1,074 E 800 172000 GIFTED AND TALENTED 146.566 152,919 126,014 14,BOO 135,887 E BOO 173000 NON-SPEC. EDUCATION B60 5,683 5,705 E 800 211000 DIRECTION OF PUPIL S 36,072 E 800 213000 GUIDANCE 3,309 3,328 2,768 3,355 E BOO 214000 HEALTH 74,74.7 73,094 64,150 9,200 66,504 E BOO 214002 LET'S GET PHYSICAL 1,071 E BOO 215000 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVIC 28,954 26,962 24,340 31,323 E BOO 219000 OTHER PUPIL SERVICES 12,008 18,000 1B,OOO E BOO 221100 DIR OF IMPROVEMENT 0 213,214 177.752 174,020 799 191,670 E BOO 221200 CURRICULUM DEV'ELOPME 52,910 49,559 50,B16 52,071 E BOO 221204 MENTORING 6,545 500 237 500 E BOO 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 71,057 110.245 71,014 71,299 E BOO 221307 EDUCATION JOBS STIMU 1,178 E BOO 221400 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 2,000 E BOO 221900 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 0 65,875 109,391 88,424 79,766 E 800 222200 SCHOOL LIBRARY 45,990 49,047 40,970 45,000 4,081 E 800 229000 OTHER INSTRUCT STAFF 30,125 30,269 31,776 29,873 E BOO 231100 BOARD MEMBERS 51,060 52,864 4.3,302 52,959 E BOO 231400 ELECTION 2,612 2,000 2,815 2,000 E BOO 231500 LEGAL 66,340 75,000 57,768 75,000 E 800 231700 AUDIT 11,850 20.000 15,990 18,500 E BOO 232000 DISTRICT ADMINISTRAT 72 288 E 800 232100 OFFICE OF SUPERINTEN 327,862 319,340 305,437 25,B52 326,379 E BOO 232200 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 32,632 24,000 22,269 26,000

E BOO 232300 STAFF RELATIONS & NE 1,270 1,300 441 1,300 E 800 232900 OTHER DISTRICT ADMIN 146.823 143,050 4,500 139,613 E 800 239000 OTHER GENERAL ADMINI 33' 013 12,899 E 800 251000 DIRECTION OF BUSINES 197.116 205,952 201,179 65,700 175,993 E sao 252000 FISCAL 194,368 200,490 192.496 22,547 185,138 E BOO 252100 DIRECTION OF FISCAL 285 E BOO 253100 DIRECTION OF OPERATI 6,583 8,100 7. 498 8,100 E 800 253200 SITES RENTAL 2,350 3f~budl.2·.p . :: SeHOOL.DXSTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 2:1.9 PM 06/20/13 ··os .13 .o6.0'o~0'.2"";~(i~~2l~cll.o14s :ao:1-:a~2o14 BuOOE~ (Expenditures>·· 'fDate: .6/2013) .PAGE: 9

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Lac Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E BOO 253300 BUILDING OPERATIONS 336,459 346.238 299' 334 )44,171 28.007 E 800 253302 115' 977 E BOO 253400 EQUIPMENT 202 213 E 800 253500 VEHICLE SERV/NOT PUP 35' 137 32,700 33,616 34,200 E 800 253700 SECURITY SERVICES 18,281 20,454 18' 272 20,535 E 800 254000 MAINTENANCE 760 E 800 254100 DIRECTION OF MAINTEN 99,294 95,183 93,395 97,083 E BOO 254200 SITES MAINTENANCE 67,991 157,000 175,046 124,000 E 800 254.300 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 487. 111 527,482 470,205 254,9B7 274' 189 E BOO 254301 Building Maintenance 506,507 458,448 418,755 438,000 E 800 254302 Portable Buildings 7,636 E BOO 254307 EDUCATION JOBS STIMU 182,936 E BOO 254400 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 2,819 275 E BOO 254410 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPM 409,307 319,455 246,068 62,693 262,517 E 800 256710 REG TRANS 1,073,690 1,033,345 878,444 1,196,500 E 800 256740 ATH TRIPS 64 1.650 E 800 258200 PURO!ASING 1,902 2,100 1,097 2,100 E BOO 258300 WAREHOUSING AND DIST 2,678 4,000 2,697 4,000 E BOO 258400 PUBLISHING/DUPLICATI 59,547 65,000 50,25B 45,000 E 800 260000 CENTRAL SERVICES 10,429 26,247 22,735 11,938 8,602 E 800 263300 PUBLIC INFORMATION 65,325 78,450 45,807 68,300 E BOO 264100 DIRECTION OF STAFF S 9,845 12.000 3,025 12,000 E BOO 264200 RECRUITMENT AND PLAC 10,000 10,000 E BOO 264400 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ST 36,000 34.778 E BOO 264500 HEALTH SERVICES 13' 375 9,000 28,B02 9,000 E BOO 270000 INSURANCE AND JUDGEM 277,675 294,141 257,434 288.400 E BOO 275000 COST SHARING ON LAND 5,761 14,100 8,69B 14,100 E 800 283000 LOANS - OPERATIONAL 18,533 30,000 -5,764 25,000 E 800 291000 EARLY RETIREMENT BEN 1,335,878 1,206,380 973,732 917,191 E BOO 292000 CESA GENERAL ADMINIS 15,442 16,630 17' 000 E 800 299000 MISC OTHER SUPPORT S 13,500 E 800 411000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2,172,926 2' 492,951 2,682,416 E BOO 435000 OPEN ENROLLMENT TUIT 489.885 640,500 22,841 644,500 E 800 492000 ADJUSTMENTS AND REFU 4,966 14' 000 1,350 14' 000 E 800 DIST WIDE 10,673,672 11,237,546 6,670,438 8,441,645 2,705.930

E Expense 28.830,941 29,618,001 22,470,071 11,708,578 18,372' 149 GENERAL FUND 28,830,941 29,618,001 22.470,071 11,708,578 18,372,149 3 frbtici12 ~;p SCHOOL DISTRICT· OF N.EW RICHMOND .. 1:44 PM 06/20/13 os :1~_.:o~fi;~on~o2-J(o ._2..,o1o14s 20.13-2014 BUDGE~. (Rev:~il~s) (Date: 6/.2Q1:3) PAGE: 1

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Src Func FY Activity FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Original Budget 27 R 800 110 411000 000 GENERAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2,301,138 2,172,926 2,492,951 2,670,416 27 R 11- *GENERAL 2,301,138 2,172,926 2,492,951 2,670,416


27 R 800 291 500000 000 GIFTS DISTRICT WIDE 5 27 R 29- *OTHR REVENUE FROM LOCAL 5

27 R 800 347 500000 000 OPEN ENROLLMENT SP ED WI DISTRICT WIDE 21,032 6,867 27 R 800 348 256751 000 TRANSP FEES FROM OTHER WI EEN TRANS 898 27 R 34- *PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES 21,032 6,867 898

27 R 800 516 500000 000 TRANSIT OF STATE AIDS DISTRICT WIDE 20,578 287 13' 955 12,000 27 R 800 517 500000 000 TRANSIT OF FEDERAL AIDS DISTRICT WIDE 107,033 105,755 100,000 58,822 100,000 27 R 51- *TRANSIT OF AIDS 1271611 106,042 100,000 72,777 112,000

27 R 800 611 500000 000 HANDICAPPED AID DISTRICT WIDE 911,445 857,793 796,268 820,075 796,000 27 R 61- *CATEGORICAL STATE AIDS 911,445 857,793 796,268 820,075 796,000

27 R 800 625 500000 000 HIGH COST SPECIAL ED AID DISTRICT WIDE 442 27 R 62- *STATE AIDS - GENERAL 442

27 R 800 730 500000 341 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 515,074 522,599 533,400 342,444 317,171 27 R 800 730 500000 347 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 18,042 17,370 17,751 12,055 20,603 27 R 800 730 500000 713 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 301,484 27 R 800 730 500000 719 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS DISTRICT WIDE 8,112 27 R 73- *SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS 942,712 539,969 551,151 354,499 337,774

27 R 800 780 500000 000 Federal aid through state DISTRICT WIDE 53,033 25,000 17,567 25,000 27 R 78- *Federal aid through stat 53,033 25,000 17,567 25,000

27 R 800 860 500000 000 SALE OR LOSS OF FIXED ASS DISTRICT WIDE 4,744 27 R 86- *SALE OR LOSS OF FIXED AS 4,744

27 R 800 990 500000 000 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICT WIDE 403 27 R 99- *MISCELLANEOUS 403

Grand Revenue Totals 4,2091085 3,737,107 3,965,370 11265,816 31 941, 19,0 3frbudl2 .·p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 2:08 PM 06/20/13 os; i~~~~~;oo. 02-io .:z.:;dlo14.!{ 29l3-2014 s~Ei ··(Expendittir!'!'s) (Dat~f 6/2013) PAGE: 1

2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Lee Obj Func Prj Func FY Activity Revised Budget FY Activity Original Budget Salary/fb E 100 213000 GUIDANCE 8,669 a. 772 7,320 8,995 E 100 STARR ELEMENTARY SOl 8,669 a, 772 7,320 8,995 E 101 156600 SPEECH/LANGUAGE 25,954 E 101 Charter School 25,954 E 110 213000 GUIDANCE 2,993 3,052 2,585 3,171 E 110 PAPERJACK ELEMENTARY 2, 993 3,052 2,585 3,171 E 120 213000 GUIDANCE 7,008 7,109 4,944 5,868 E 120 HILLSIDE ELEMENTARY 7,008 7' 109 4, 944 5,868 E 200 213000 GUIDANCE 14,424 15,030 11,945 15,444 E 200 MID SOl 14,424 15,030 ll' 945 15,444 E 400 213000 GUIDANCE 23,624 23,899 17,763 26,370 E 400 HIGH SOl 23,624 23,899 17,763 26,370 E 800 138000 VOCATIONAL SPECIAL N -16 E 800 138200 HANDICAPPED 6,000 E 800 152000 EARLY CHILDHOOD 60,495 61,058 48,517 62,872 E 800 156100 HEARING IMPAIRMENT 940 807 64,627 E 800 156200 HOMEBOUND 2,852 E 800 156600 SPEBCH/LANGUAGE 321,969 362,728 302,300 375,107 E 800 158000 COMBINED COST REPORT 1,516,837 1,564,700 1,256,957 1,597,727 E 800 15B001 11,29B E 800 158100 MULTICATEGORIAL (MC) 39.395 22,727 20,696 22,817 E BOO 159100 SPECIAL EDUCATION AI 490,149 660,163 604,356 7,987 646,455 E 800 159200 SPECIAL EDUCATION S/ 89,162 86,570 73,073 86,570 E BOO 159300 ADAPTIVE PHY ED 15,336 24.636 17,209 15,266 E 800 214000 HEALTH 26,703 26,413 22,055 27' 163 E BOO 215000 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVIC 198,696 221,784 176,670 1,255 209,765 E 800 218100 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 96' 345 95,886 85,965 84,855 E BOO 218200 PHYSICAL THERAPY 23,667 25,000 18,874 25,000 E BOO 219000 OTHER PUPIL SERVICES 3,607 1,600 1,598 E 800 221300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 48,050 23,500 20,835 E 800 223300 SUPERVISION/COOR OF 220,128 239,576 227,B81 500 214,707 E 800 256251 DIST RESIDENT SPEC T 19,756 22,727 18,885 22,817 E 800 256751 EEN TRANS 287,596 300,000 270,182 305,000 E BOO 256755 CONTRACTED RESIDENT 4,420 5,000 2,109 5,000 E BOO 266000 DATA PROCESSING 3, 720 4,500 3,785 E 800 436000 Spec. Ed. Non-Open E 154,077 152,000 145,512 103,000 E 800 437000 SPECIAL ED OPEN ENRO 34' 335 E 800 OIST WIDE 3. 654.443 3,907,508 3,329,548 582,798 3,298,544 E Expense 3, 737,115 3,965,370 3,374,105 582,798 3,358,392 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 3,737,115 3. 965.370 3,374,105 582,798 3,358,392 3frl;lu4il:2~;p: • · :$CHOQL DISTRICT OF NEW R'IC:HM.ONP . • .::.~>:2(3 PM 06/20/p os:::i3. o~.'6.o .

2010·11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013·14 2013·14

Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj =S~r=c______~Fun~c~------~F~Y~A~c~t~i~v~i~tA-y FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb 38 R 800 211 500000 000 CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAX DISTRICT WIDE 175,193 160,298 163,525 163,525 166,231 38 R BOO 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 31 48 100 50 38 R BOO 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 175,224 160,346 163,625 163,525 166,281

38 R *Revenue 175,224 160,346 163,625 163,525 166,281 38 E 800 674 281000 000 STATE TRUST FUND LOANS DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 17,795 38 E 800 684 281000 000 STATE TRUST FUND LOANS DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 934 38 E 800 281000 *DEBT SERVICE RETIREMENT 18,729

38 E 800 675 289000 000 LONG TERM BOND PRINCIPAL Operational Debt 115,000 125,000 135,000 135,000 145,000 38 E 800 685 289000 000 LONG TERM BONDS INTEREST Operational Debt 44.373 38,554 32,042 32,042 25,008 38 E 800 289000 •operational Debt 159,373 163,554 167,042 167,042 170,008

38 E *Expense 178,102 163,554 167,042 167,042 170,008 38 - *DEBT SERVICE NR -2,878 ·3,208 -3,417 -3.517 ·3. 727 39 R 800 149 419000 000 TRANSFER FROM OTHR CAP PR RESIDUAL BALANCE TRA 69,150 39 R 800 419000 *RESIDUAL BALANCE TRANSFE 69,150

39 R 800 211 500000 000 CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAX DISTRICT WIDE 4,314,807 4,963,262 5,545,012 5,544,926 6,237,082 39 R BOO 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 6,280 3,421 5,000 3,143 4,600 39 R BOO 875 500000 000 BOND PROCEEDS DISTRICT WIDE 20,880,000 19,865,000 19,865,000 39 R 800 879 500000 000 PREMIUM/ACCR INT ON LONG DISTRICT WIDE 53.311 591,517 591,517 39 R 800 968 500000 000 DEBT PREM/ACC INT NON REF DISTRICT WIDE 1,005 1,005 39 R 800 971 500000 000 AIDABLE DISTRICT WIDE 286,577 775,689 776,000 775,689 698,120 39 R BOO 500000 *DISTRIC!' WIDE 25,540,975 5,742,372 26,783,534 26,781,280 6,939,802

39 R •Revenue 25,540,975 5,742,372 26,783,534 26,781,280 7,008,952 39 E 800 673 281000 000 NOTE PRINCIPLE PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 115,000 575,000 1,305,000 1,305,000 :2,025,000 39 E BOO 675 281000 000 LONG TERM BOND PRINCIPAL DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 780,000 sao. ooo 495,000 725,000 1,370,000 39 E 800 683 281000 000 NOTE INTEREST PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 530,813 389,788 369,663 369,663 323,988 39 E 800 685 281000 000 LONG TERM BONDS INTEREST DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 3,280,442 3,885,140 3,870,470 3,732,575 ),470,276 39 E 800 690 281000 000 OTHER DEBT RETIREMENT DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 593,488 593,488 39 E BOO 691 281000 000 PAYING AGENT FEE DEBT SERVICE RETIREM 4,213 4,213 4,213 2, 506 4,600 39 E 800 281000 *DEBT SERVICE RETIREMENT 4,710,468 5,434,141 6,637,834 6,728,232 7,193,864

39 E 800 673 282000 000 NOTE PRINCIPLE PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE REFINAN 20,000,000 39 E 800 675 282000 000 LONG TERM BOND PRINCIPAL DEBT SERVICE REFINAN 875,000 17,505,000 17,505,000 39 E 800 683 282000 000 NOTE INTEREST PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE REFINAN 46,958 39 E 800 685 282000 000 LONG TERM BONDS INTEREST DEBT SERVICE REFINAN 5,263 39 E 800 690 282000 000 OTHER DEBT RETIREMENT DEBT SERVICE REFINAN 2,946,846 2,946,846 .,:S¢HO¢!I;t,DISTR;'liCT. ~F .I%1W: ~l;OHM(;!Nl\l ·. 'J~P~~~~~~\-~~~~t:··',::~~~t:~::;;~;~~~~,~~ ..

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14

Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Src ~Fu~n~c______----~~~~~~FY Activity FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activit;t Revised Budget Salary/fb 39 E BOO --- 282000 *DEBT SERVICE REFINANCING 20,927,221 20,451,846 20,451,846

39 E *Expense 25,637,689 5,434,141 27,089,680 27,180,078 7,193,864 39 - •DEBT SERVICE -96,714 308' 231 -306, 1<16 -398,798 -184,912

Grand Revenue Totals 25,716,199 5,902,718 26,947,159 26,944,805 7,175,233 Grand ID<:pense Totals 25,815.791 5,597,695 27,256,722 27,347,120 7,363,872 Grand Totals 99,592 305,023 309,563 402,315 188,639 Loss Profit Loss Loss Loss

Numbar of Accounts: 24

************************ End of report ************************ 3~rbudl2.J) , · ·S,CHOOL.· O.ISl'RJ:CT ,.OF NEW RICHMOND 2:23 PM 06/20/13 · bs ,13. o6. oo .o:~ ...:io .'i~o:i,.'o14s . 2di3-2~f4 BuOOBT .. (Date': 6/2013) PAGE: 1

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14

Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj =S~r~c______~Fu=n~c~------~F¥~~A=c~t~i~v~i~t4-y FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb 45 R 800 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 4,437 45 R 800 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 4,437

45 R •Revenue 4,437 45 E 200 327 255100 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 5,502,060 45 E 200 255100 •FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 5,502,060


45 E *Expense 5,799,655 45 - *2010 QSCB -5,795,218 49 R 200 971 500000 000 AIDI\BLE DISTRICT WIDE 2,818 49 R 200 990 500000 000 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICT WIDE 36,734 6,000 49 R 200 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 38,734 8,818

49 R 400 990 500000 000 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICT WIDE 25,010 30,000 49 R 400 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 25,010 30,000

49 R 800 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 17,346 1,795 50 256 49 R 800 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 17,346 1,795 50 256

49 R •Revenue 81,090 10,613 so 30,256 49 E 100 327 255100 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 4,838 4,126 49 E 100 255100 *FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 4,838 4,126


49 E 200 327 255100 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 1,894,942 352' 891 8,000 27,929 49 E 200 551 255100 000 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE-ADDITI FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 20,908 49 E 200 255100 *FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 1,915,850 352,891 8,000 27,929


49 E 400 112 255100 000 TCH EXTRA TIME FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO BOO 49 E 400 211 255100 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 46 49 E 400 212 255100 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 36 49 E 400 220 255100 000 SOCIAL SECURITY FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 61 3J;'rbl:id:f2.p SCHOOL D:IS~ICT OF. NEW RICHMOND 2:23 PM 06/20/13 0·s;r.JJ~;.:o~ , oo. o2 ...,1o . 2toJ.o~4s, : 20l3+-2oi;4 ·s~:ET :(oate: 6/2013) PAGE: 2

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Src Func FY Activit:t: FY Activit:! Revised Budget FYTO Activit:t: Revised Budget Sala£.t/fb 49 E 400 327 255100 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 2,438,424 253,003 95,106 104,194 49 E 400 411 255100 000 GENERAL SUPPLIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 7,638 3,492 49 E 400 413 255100 000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 2,430 49 E 400 551 255100 000 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE-ADDITI FACILITY CONSTRUCTIO 2,021,197 104,037 6,866 49 E 400 255100 •FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 4,470,632 360,532 95,106 111' 060


49 E 800 839 419000 000 RESIDUAL BALANCE TRA 69,150 49 E BOO 419000 •RESIDUAL BALANCE TRANSFE 69,150

49 E *Expense 6,521,583 737,713 103,106 13B,9B9 69,150 49 - •CONSTRUCTION -6,440,493 -727,100 -103,056 -108,733 -69,150

Grand Revenue Totals 85,527 10,613 so 30,256 Grand Expense Totals 12,321,238 737,713 103,106 138,9B9 69,150 Grand Totals 12,235,711 727' 100 103,056 108,733 69,150 Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss

Number of Accounts: 23

************************ End of report ************************ 3frbudl2. p . SCHOOL D-l;S'l'RJ:CT OF NEW RICHMON1J . 2:24 PM 06/20/13 PAGEi 1

2010-ll 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14

Fd T Loc Obj FUnc Prj ~Sr~c~------~FU~n~c______---~FY~~A~c~t~i~v~i~t~y FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb 50 R 800 617 257210 543 FOOD SERVICE AID BREAKFAST 6,475 6,308 6,300 6. 711 6,600 50 R 800 717 257210 546 FOOD SERVICE AID BREAKFAST 69,762 80,504 80,000 64.101 82,000 SO R 800 257210 *BREAKFAST 76,237 86,812 86,300 70,812 88,600

50 R BOO 251 257220 000 FOOD SERVICE-PUPIL SALES LUNCH 593,184 615,748 625,000 650,869 650,000 50 R 800 617 257220 542 FOOD SERVICE AID LUNCH 15,123 15,986 15,900 16,649 16,000 so R aoo 717 257220 547 FOOD SERVICE AID LUNCH 410,484 433,387 430,000 385,031 440,646 50 R BOO 257220 *LUNCH 1,018,791 1,065,121 1,070,900 1,052,549 1,106,646

50 R 800 251 257221 000 FOOD SERVICE-PUPIL SALES BREAKFAST PGM. 25,722 27,688 26,000 22.365 25,000 50 R BOO 257221 *BREAKFAST PGM. 25,722 27,688 26,000 22,365 25,000

50 R BOO 617 257240 544 FOOD SERVICE AID MILK 4,697 4,606 4,600 4,566 4,650 SO R 800 257240 *MILK 4,697 4,606 4,600 4,568 4,650

50 R BOO 251 257250 000 FOOD SERVICE-PUPIL SALES A LA CARTE 148,834 174,360 154,000 133,074 150,000 50 R BOO 259 257250 000 OTHER FOOD SERVICE SALES A LA CARTE 34,074 34,465 34,000 31,035 33,000 50 R BOO 257250 *A LA CARTE 182,908 208,825 188,000 164,109 183,000

50 R 800 251 257251 000 FOOD SERVICE-PUPIL SALES VENDING MACHINES 335 328 400 165 400 50 R BOO 257251 *VENDING MACHINES 335 328 400 165 400

50 R 800 251 257252 000 FOOD SERVICE-PUPIL SALES ALA CARTE BREAKFAST 32,327 34,063 34,000 27,790 30,000 50 R 800 257252 *ALA CARTE BREAKFAST 32,327 34,063 34,000 27,790 30,000

50 R 800 280 500000 000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS DISTRICT WIDE 4,463 5,940 4,000 4,000 so R aoo 714 sooooo ooo DONATED COMMODITIES DISTRICT WIDE 83,286 98,683 94,000 94,000 50 R BOO 860 500000 000 SALE OR LOSS OF FIXED ASS DISTRICT WIDE 1,807 50 R 800 500000 *DISTRICT WIDE 89,556 104,623 98,000 98,000

50 R --- •Revenue 1,430,573 1,532,066 1,508,200 1,536,296 50 E 800 111 253300 000 REGULAR TIME BUILDING OPERATIONS 766 50 E 800 211 2S3300 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR BUILDING OPERATIONS 47 50 E BOO 212 253300 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR BUILDING OPERATIONS 36 50 E 800 220 253300 000 SOCIAL SECURITY BUILDING OPERATIONS S6 SO E 800 241 253300 000 MEDICAL INSURANCE BUILDING OPERATIONS 652 50 E 800 243 253300 000 DENTAL INSURANCE BUILDING OPERATIONS 48 50 E 800 246 253300 000 OPTICAL BUILDING OPERATIONS 7 SO E BOO 251 253300 000 INCOME PROTECTION INSURAN BUILDING OPERATIONS 3 50 E 800 292 253300 000 ANNUITY PAYMENTS BY DISTil BUILDING OPERATIONS 31 3frbud12-P. . .. . SCHOOL D:tSTR::tCT .OF .NEW RICHMOND 2:24 PM 06/20/13 0~.~·13·. o'6'~.qo .:o~-i.q'~·f ;,p.+;

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj ~S~rc~------~Fu=n~c~------~FY~~A~c~t=iv~it~y~ FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb 50 E 800 323 253300 000 OPERATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING OPERATIONS 9 1450 15,750 121000 111550 12,000 50 E 800 253300 *BUILDING OPERATIONS 11,096 15,750 12,000 11,550 12,000

50 E 800 324 254490 000 MAINTENANCE SERVICES OTHER EQUIPMENT REPA 12,176 15,000 5,832 10,000 50 E 800 460 254490 000 EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS OTHER EQUIPMENT REPA 21782 2,SOO 31548 2,500 50 E 800 254490 *OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 14,958 171500 9,380 12,500

50 E 800 111 2S7100 000 REGULAR TIME DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 62,289 61,117 65,000 61,117 62,339 SO E 800 211 2S7100 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 31950 31592 31835 50 E 800 212 257100 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 31078 3,559 3,700 3,835 4,457 50 E 800 220 2S7100 000 SOCIAL SECURITY DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 41691 4,559 4,67S 4,417 4,769 50 E 800 230 2S7100 000 LIFE INSURANCE DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 415 403 400 327 353 50 E 800 241 2S7100 000 MEDICAL INSURANCE DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 181617 1S,455 1SI200 141448 141366 SO E 800 243 2S7100 000 DENTAL INSURANCE DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 1,444 1,45S 1,500 1,574 11581 50 E 800 246 2S7100 000 OPTICAL DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 198 SO E 800 249 2S7100 000 HSA/HRA Expense CUrrent DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 11400 50 E 800 251 257100 000 INCOME PROTECTION INSURAN DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 174 173 171 176 50 E 800 294 257100 000 HSA Contribution DIRECTION OF FOOD SE 11400 SO E 800 257100 *DIRECTION OF FOOD SERVIC 94,856 91,713 90,47S 89,724 89,441

SO E 800 111 257220 000 REGULAR TIME LUNCH 287,386 261,839 280,700 272,978 285,000 SO E 800 111 2S7220 605 REGULAR TIME LUNCH 291005 22,860 31,000 251879 281662 SO E 800 113 257220 000 SUP OVER TIME LUNCH 826 870 2,075 2,000 50 E 800 131 257220 000 SUBS TEACH SUP LUNCH 11,727 19,808 12,000 131370 14,000 50 E 800 211 2S7220 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR LUNCH 16,352 142 50 E 800 211 2S7220 605 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR LUNCH 11S09 50 E 800 212 257220 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR LUNCH 12,7S6 14,691 15,900 151531 191000 50 E 800 212 257220 60S EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR LUNCH 1,177 1,338 2,000 1,636 2,049 50 E 800 220 257220 000 SOCIAL SECURITY LUNCH 231140 21,268 181900 21,698 22,000 SO E 800 220 2S7220 605 SOCIAL SECURITY LUNCH 2,219 11749 11800 1,980 2,193 50 E 800 230 2S7220 000 LIFE INSURANCE LUNCH 520 6SO 317 650 50 E 800 230 2S7220 605 LIFE INSURANCE LUNCH 48 42 34 37 SO E 800 241 257220 000 MEDICAL INSURANCE LUNCH 8, 592 11,496 12,500 SO E 800 243 257220 000 DENTAL INSURANCE LUNCH 852 847 50 E 800 246 257220 000 OPTICAL LUNCH 198 50 E 800 251 257220 000 INCOME PROTECTION INSURAN LUNCH 626 1,500 11928 2,000 50 E 800 251 257220 605 INCOME PROTECTION INSURAN LUNCH 61 60 63 74 50 E 800 294 257220 000 HSA Contribution LUNCH 3,500 1,400 50 E 800 296 257220 000 OTHER TAXABLE EMP BENEFIT LUNCH 2,665 2,648 2,700 2,240 2,500 50 E 800 297 257220 000 HSA CONTRIBUTION LUNCH 700 3frl:l\.tdl.2.p SCHOOL.DISTRII:!T OF NEW RICHMOND 2:24 PM 06/20/13 ~li~L i::L o6. oo. o2~1o. :z -ll~()~4s 2o13 -2014 Bui:!Q)ST (~ate': 6/2~13.) PAGE: 3

2010-ll 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj FUnc Prj src Func FY Activity FY Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb 50 E 800 310 257220 000 PERSONAL SERVICES LUNCH 414 678 500 500 50 E 800 324 257220 000 MAINTENANCE SERVICES LUNCH 2,233 1,5B1 2,300 2,300 50 E BOO 342 257220 000 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL LUNCH 1,085 2,733 2,500 1,514 2,500 50 E 800 387 257220 000 TRANSFER TO STATE LUNCH 2,743 1, 516 1,600 1,397 1,600 50 E 800 411 257220 000 GENERAL SUPPLIES LUNCH 55,842 64,629 70,000 52,251 70,000 50 E 800 415 257220 000 FOOD LUNCH 480,653 543,932 500,000 491,706 510,000 50 E BOO 440 257220 000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT LUNCH 9,944 10,000 2,000 50 E 800 551 257220 000 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE·ADDITI LUNCH 35,668 23,505 45,000 35,439 45,000 50 E 800 941 257220 000 DISTRICT DUES AND FEES LUNCH 1,517 1,086 1,500 1,517 1,700 50 E BOO 257220 *LUNCH 979,168 1,001,765 1,000,550 955,896 996,650 33,015

SO E BOO 111 257221 000 REGULAR TIME BREAKFAST PGM. 30, 143 28,376 29,000 24,847 29,000 50 E 800 211 257221 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR BREAKFAST PGM. 1,921 50 E BOO 212 257221 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR BREAKFAST PGM. 1,498 1,662 1,500 1, 572 1,500 50 E 800 220 257221 000 SOCIAL SECURITY BREAKFAST PGM. 2,304 2,122 2,400 1,850 2,400 50 E BOO 411 257221 000 GENERAL SUPPLIES BREAKFAST PGM. 2,64B 3,396 2,800 3,001 2,800 50 E BOO 415 257221 000 FOOD BREAKFAST PGM. 63,525 66,041 67,000 57,448 67,000 50 E 800 257221 *BREAKFAST PGM. 102,039 101,597 102,700 BB, 718 102,700

SO E BOO 41S 2S7240 000 FOOD MILK 113,808 123,06B 128,000 123,298 128,000 SO E BOO 257240 *MILK 113,808 123,068 128,000 123,298 128.000

50 E 800 111 257250 000 REGULAR TIME A LA CARTE 39' 146 36,999 47,190 43,196 47.000 50 E BOO 131 257250 000 SUBS TEACH SUP A LA CARTE 2,533 5,000 5,898 6,000 50 E BOO 211 257250 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE PAID RETIR A LA CARTE 2,505 50 E 800 212 2572SO 000 EMPLOYER SHARE PAID RETIR A LA CARTE 1,951 2,088 1,900 2,516 3,290 50 E 800 220 257250 000 SOCIAL SECURITY A LA CARTE 3,185 2,658 3,185 3,698 3,700 50 E 800 411 257250 000 GENERAL SUPPLIES A LA CARTE 3, 314 4,600 4,700 4, 641 5,000 SO E 800 415 257250 000 FOOD A LA CARTE 73,758 90,365 95,000 86,825 97,000 50 E 800 257250 *A LA CARTE 126,392 136,710 156,975 146,774 161,990


50 E •Expense 1,427,359 1, 486,119 1,508,200 1,425,340 1,413,840 122,456 50 - *FOOD SERVICE FUND 3, 214 45,947 -82,982 122,456 -122,456

Grand Revenue Totals 1,430,573 1. 532' 066 1,508,200 1,342,358 1,536,296 Grand Expense Totals 1,427,359 1,486,119 1,508,200 1,425.340 1,413,840 122,456 Grand Totals 3,214 45. 947 82' 982 122,456 122,456 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Lac Obj Func Prj Src FUnc FY Activity F'i Activity Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Salary/fb Profit Profit LOSS Profit Loss

Numl:ler of Accounts: B1

************************ End of report ************************ 3frbp.P:~2 iJ;I:[ ;; ' ... .SCHOOL DISTRICT.OF NEW RICHM()ND 2 r2s PM 06/20/13 ·as·.l3i.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Src Func FY Activit:t FY Activit:t Revised Budget FYTD Activity Revised Budget Sala~/fb 80 R 800 3100-- COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASS 18,994 36,200 30,262 31,200 80 R BOO 3900-- OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICES 50,563 130,949 128,700 113,891 111,700 80 R 800 3901-- TOURS/ADULT 14,034 2B. 596 30,615 28,519 30,150 80 R 800 3902-- TOURS/STUDENT -252 150 4,579 3,000 80 R BOO 3903-- STUDENT ACTIVITY NON-ATHL 64,603 69,842 73,500 64,487 57,500 80 R BOO 3904-- STUDENT ACTIVITY ATHLETIC 62,540 50,977 62,000 59,223 60,000 90 R 800 5000-- DISTRICT WIDE 178,500 204,535 219,190 6,B40 219,180 80 R Revenue 370,240 503,641 550,345 307.800 512,730

BO E BOO 2322-- COMMUNITY RELATIONS 145,996 168.093 153,772 14B, 872 10,100 152, 7l0 80 E 800 2533-- BUILDING OPERATIONS 45,315 95,475 105,070 95,046 87. 100 21,522 80 E 800 2543-- BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29,917 11,216 5,652 9,845 eo E 800 2633-- PUBLIC INFORMATION 41. 329 37,414 39,825 31,564 39,825 80 E 800 3100-- COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASS 53,163 54,821 55,754 48,806 55,050 80 E BOO 3900-- OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICES 62,125 82,516 92. 7l1 15.611 34,550 80 E 800 3901-- TOURS/ADULT 14. 131 27,116 24,B75 10,036 29,16B 80 E BOO 3902-- TOURS/ STUDENT 125 125 5,125 3,000 80 E 800 3903-- STUDENT ACTIVITY NON-ATHL 26,810 37,364 36,600 49,545 46,860 80 E BOO 3904-- STUDENT ACTIVITY ATHLETIC 24,392 22,224 20,850 21,929 23,000 80 E Expense 413,161 555,065 540,798 432,186 338,498 174,232

80 ------COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND -42,921 -51,424 9,547 -124,386 174,232 -174,232

Grand Revenue Totals 370,240 503,641 550,345 307,800 512.730 Grand Expense Totals 413,161 555,065 540,798 432,1B6 338,498 174,232 Grand Totals 42,921 51, 424 9, 547 124,386 174,232 174,232 Loss Loss Profit Loss Profit Loss

Number of Accounts: 225

************************ End of report ************************ 6/12/13 NewRichroond School District Mall- Fw:l: Thank You

Fwd: Thank You

Morrie Veilleux Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 1:44 PM To: Louann Derosier



I am not sure if we will receive an official resignation letter or not. If we don't have one from her by next Wed or Thursday use this email for the Board packet.


--Forwarded message --- From: Marybeth Elliott Date: Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:09 PM Subject: Thank You To: Frank Norton , Morrie Veilleux , Andrew Hoeppner , Douglas Hatch , Jeff Moberg , Mike Ballard

Thank you all for the years that I have spent in New Richmond. It has been home to me. I truly have appreciated all of your insight and guidance. It has been an educator's dream to have the flexibility and opportunities that you have offered.

The time has come for me to move on to other educational endeavors. It is with mixed emotion that I have accepted a GT position in Hudson. It saddens me to leave the students, family, staff, administration and community on New Richmond.

I will be working with Jodi and Jessica over the next month to get everything set up for my replacement.

Thank you for making my time in New Richmond so memorable.

Have a wonderful summerl

Thank you, MaryBeth Elliott 1/1 Heather Harris 1330 Meadowlark Lane New Richmond, WI 54017 715-246-5739

June 20,2013

School District ofNew Richmond 70 I East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017

Please accept this letter as my resignation from the position of EIS tutor at Hillside Elementary effective immediately. I will be fulfilling my student teaching requirements this fall with the hopes of substitute teaching as of January 2014.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

Heather Harris School District of New Richmond Penny Heibel, School Counselor 701 East 11UI Street New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017

June 12, 2013

To whom it may concern:

I offer this letter of resignation with gratitude to the School District of New Richmond for the privilege of serving students and their families in my role as School Counselor for the past 28 years.

Sincerely, ~~~ P~eibel l\J1\ I~(~ I1\ l{ l.~ I.; ll I'l., Sl{I • 1324 Wapogasset Court Amery, WI 54001

March 4, 2011

To : Morrie Vielleux, Superintendent Rick Hinz, Board President Jessica Ferguson Mike Ballard, Paperjack Principal

This letter is to inform you that I plan resign from the .20 position for the Gifted and Talented at Paperjack Elementary at the conclusion of this school year.

I would like to thank you for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to work in this position. I enjoyed it very much.

Respectfully Submitted,


Marcia Kulbitski Teacher of the Gifted and Talented Paperjack Elementary

RECEIVED JUN 10 20\3 February 13th, 2013

School District of New Richmond

701 East 11th St.

New Richmond, WI. 54017

Attention: ·

Rick Hinz, President, School Board of New Richmond

Morrie Veilleux, Superintendent, School District of New Richmond

Jeff Moberg, Director of Human Resources

Andy Hoeppner, Principal, Starr Elementary School

Kathy Feuerer, Director of Special Services, School District of New Richmond

This letter is to inform you of my resignation as of the end of the 2012/2013 school year per the employee hand book 5.02.

I currently have 1.5 sick days remaining. Under the employee handbook 9.09 employees with a minimum of 10 years and are 55 years old qualify for reimbursement at 25.00 a day. I meet both of those previsions and I am requesting that this payment be made to me.

Respectfully submitted, Sus~ledt ------··· Starr Elementary EBD Special Services Teacher

School District of New Richmond May 30,2013

Frank Norton Hillside Elementary, Principal 635 East Richmond Way New Richmond, WI 54017

Dear Mr. Norton:

This letter will confirm my resignation from the position of School Counselor at Hillside Elementary, effective at the expiration of my current contract.

Thank you so much for an excellent year at Hillside. I have worked alongside some exceptional colleagues, and have had so many opportunities to grow and develop as a school counselor.

I will never forget my time at Hillside Elementary. Please let me know if I can provide any assistance with the transition.

All the best,

Heather Pederson 6120/13 New Richmond School District Mail - 2013-2014 School Year

:-' ~·

2013-2014 School Year

Jaclyn Rehmke Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:17 AM To: Louann Derosier

Hello Lou Ann,

I am writing you this email informing you I will not be returning as a Para Educator for the New Richmond School District for the 2013-2014 school year. I am continuing my education and will be attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities for my Masters in Special Education. I apologize for the late email after the school year has ended. I returned my badge and had it sent to your office the last day of school. Please let me know if there are any further steps I need to complete in this process. Thank you for your continued help during my employment in the district.

Sincerely, Jaclyn Rehmke'\Aem=pt&search=inbox&th=13f5d39bfd0b75a3 1/1 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND AGENDA ITEM

SUBMITTED BY Lou Ann Derosier DATE June 24, 2013

AGENDA SECTION: ~ Consent Agenda D Curriculum & Instruction D Personnel D Financial Mfairs D Facilities & Transportation D Other Business SUBJECT OR TITLE OF ITEM: Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Adjustments for Extra Curricular positions


FORMAL ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the extra-curricular positions as presented. EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Anderson! Markell Start Date Augyst 27! 2013 Address 1447 Settlers Wa! Board Hire June 24! 2013 Houlton! WI 54082 Position SRanish Teacher Telephone 715-381-3738

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF r One Year Contract FTE .83 Salary $3L705 Base wage $30,750 calculated with 1 year of experience Supplemental $955

~ Replacement Victoria Veiner

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: C New Position n Increased enrollment r New Program

Reports to Tom Wissink Building High School Room Assignment __

EDUCATION/TRAINING College University ofWisconsin-Eau Claire; Unversity of Wisconsin-Madison License Number & Name as it appears on license: #739679 Markell Carroll Anderson RELATED \VORl( EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under Date Location- School/City Position Teaching Contract 8112-6/13 I Clayton & Turtle Lake School District Spanish Teacher Grades 6-12 Yes[81No0 · YesONoD YesONoD


Interviewed by: Tom Wissink Number of applicants: Q Number interviewed: Q

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6117/13 AUA Signed 6/17/13 Background 6/17/13 Phone 6/17/13 E-mai16/17113 Physical__ School Nurse 6/17/13 Skyward staff system/security 6117/13

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99, 12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Badger, Keith Start Date Augyst 27 2 2013

Address 9151 Jeffen Ave S Board Hire June 242 2013 Cottage Grove! MN 55016 Position Physical Ed Teacher Telephone 651-338-4693

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF rl One Year Contract FTE 1.0 Salary $41 .. 645 Base wage $37,048 calculated with .32 year's of experience Supplemental $4.l.S97 P' Replacement Andrew McGlenn R" Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: r New Position D Increased enrollment C New Program

Reports to Tom Wissink Building High School Room Assignment gym

EDUCATION/TRAINING College University of St. Thomas, Bemidji State University License Number & Name as it appears on license: ______RELATED \VORK EXPERIENCE (hire only) I Under Date Location - School/City Position Teaching I Contract 8/12-6/13 Eagle Point Elementary, Oakdale, MN Physical Education Teacher K-5 Yes181No0 YesONoD YesONoD


Interviewed by: Tom Wissink Number of applicants: 66 ' Number interviewed: 11

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/12/13 AUA Signed 6/17/13 Background 6/17/13 Phone 6/12/13 E-mai16/12/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/12/13 Skyward staff system/security 6/12/13

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11110/99,12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Brackemyer! Sarah Start Date Ausmst 27! 2013 Address 1801 Chestnut Drive Board Hire June 24! 2013 Hudson WI 54016 Position Grade 5 Telephone 763-639-9022


Salary $50~ 703 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 7 years' of experience Supplemental $13 .. 655 R' Replacement Shelby Thomson

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: r New Position n Increased enrollment r: New Program

Reports to Andy Hoeppner Building Starr Room Assignment 103

EDUCATION/TRAINING College University of Wisconsin- River Falls, Saint Marv's University License Number & Name as it appears on license: 689926Sarah E Brackemyer

RELATED \VORl( EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under Date Location - SchooVCity Position Teaching I Contract 8/06-6/13 St. Ambrose of Woodbury, Woodbury, MN Grade 4 Teacher Yes181No0 ___ ,. ______.. YesONoD Yes0No0------·-·----·--·---- ... ·----·-··- NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Andy Hoeppner Number of applicants: 252

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24113 Mentor Assigrunent 6/4/13 AUA Signed 6/11/13 Background 6/11/13 Phone 6/4/13 E-mai16/4/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/4/13 Skyward staff system/security 6/4113

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99,12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Filiatreaux (Miller}! Addison Start Date Au~mst 27 3 2013 Address 392 Old Cemeten Rd Board Hire June 24:~ 2013 River Falls WI 54022 Position English Teacher Telephone 715-220-8177


FTE 1.0 r One Year Contract

Salary $38.199 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 2 year of experience Supplemental Sl~151 P' Replacement Vanessa Crotteau r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: r New Position r Increased enrollment r New Program

Reports to Tom Wissink Building High School Room Assignment C229

EDUCATION/TRAINING College University ofWisconsin-Eau Claire License Number & Name as it appears on license: #723873 Addison Elizabeth Miller


Interviewed by: Tom Wissink Number of applicants: 23 Number interviewed: 1

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6117/13 AUA Signed 6117/13 Background 6/17/13 Phone 6/17/13 E-mail6/17/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/17113 Skyward staff system/security 6/17/13

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11110/99,12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name France, Jesse Start Date Augyst 27 2 2013

Address 480 Sweetflag Ave Board Hire June 24 2 2013

Fond do lac2 WI S493S Position Math Teacher Telephone 920-238-9362

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF One Year Contract FTE 1.0 r Salary $46.637 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 12 years' of experience Supplemental $9..1589

r Replacement

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: 17 New Position r Increased enrollment r New Program

Reports to Tom Wissink Building High School Room Assignment E206

EDUCATION/TRAINING College University of Wisconsin-La Crosse License Number & Name as it appears on license: 630003 Jesse L France RELATED '''ORK EXI1 ERIENCE (hire only) I Under I Date Location - SchooVCity Position Teaching I Contract I 2002-2013 Campbellsport High -~£hool, Campbellsport, WI Math Teacher -··--.. -·.. ·- _yes~N~D_j 2001-2002 Random Lake Hig~Ehool, Ramdom Lake, WI Math Teacher 1-· ------.. -· .. ~::~~~8~ NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Tom Wissink Number of applicants: 30 Number interviewed: ~

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature:~~ HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/12/13 AUA Signed 6/17/13 Background 6/17/13 Phone 6/12/13 E-mail6112/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/12113 Skyward staff system/security 6112113

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11110/99, 12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Franklin, Jenny Start Date Augyst 27 2 2013

Address 1343 Pheasant Run Board Hire June 242 2013 New Richmond WI 54017 Position Grade 2 Telephone 715-220-1720


Salary $53~ 725 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 9 years' of experience Supplemental $16.677 R" Replacement Alyssa Jerlow

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: C New Position n Inere as e d enrollment C New Program

Reports to Andy Hoeppner Building Starr Room Assignment 205

EDUCATION/TRAINING College Minnesota State University, Mankato, Saint Mary's University License Number & Name as it appears on license: 657808 Jennifer Lynn Franklin

RELATED \VORK EXPERIENCE (hir·c only) Under Date Location - School/City Position Teaching -- Contract 8/04-6/13 EP Rock/Hudson School Dist ----Grade 1 Teacher Yes[81No0 YesONoD - YesONoD NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Andy Hoeppner Number of applicants: 25

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/4/13 AUA Signed Background 6/13/13 Phone 6/4113 E-mail6/4/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/4/13 Skyward staff system/security 6/4/13

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Disl Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99, 1212006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Legue, Thomas Start Date Augyst 27! 2013 Address N12424 Countri Road G Board Hire June 24! 2013 Osseo! WI 54758 Position Tech Ed Teacher Telephone 715-222-5475

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF One Year Contract FTE 1.0 r Salary $38.199 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 2 years' of experience Supplemental $1..!..151 P' Replacement Ken Bessac

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: r New Position r Increased enrollment r New Program

Reports to Tom Wissink Building ffigh School Room Assignment E206

EDUCATION/TRAINING I College University of Wisconsin-Stout, Chippewa Valley Technical College License Number & Name as it appears on license: 736351 Thomas Dean Legue RELATED \VORK EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under I Date Location- School/City Position Teaching I Contract 8/11-6/13 Granton, WI Technology Education 7/12 ·- Yes181No0 YesONoD-=------· YesONoD--=-- NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Tom Wissink Number of applicants: J. ~ ~umber interviewed: J.

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: ~ "a..--·- HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/10/13 AUA Signed Background 6/19/13 Phone 6/10/13 E-mail 6110113 Physical__ School Nurse 6/10/13 Skyward staff system/security 6110/13

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99, 1212006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Mealey, Jodi Start Date Augyst 272 2013

Address 1397 Mallard Lane Board Hire June 242 2013 New Richmond WI 54017 Position Music Teacher Telephone 715-441-4273

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF One Year Contract FTE .67 r Salary $30 .. 750 Base wage $30,750 calculated with 2 year of experience Supplemental $0 P' Replacement Tyler Steghenson

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: r New Position r Increased enroUment r New Program

Reports to Mike Ballard Building Paperjack Elem Room Assignment 127

EDUCATION/TRAINING College Viterbo University License Number & Name as it appears on license: #662099 Jodi L Mealey RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under Date Location - SchooVCity Position Teaching Contract - ---·-----·-·------·-·-·----·--·--···-·--·------·--·----·-----·----·----- 2010-2013 CHERF Homeschool Co-op, River Falls, WI Music Teacher 4K-12 YesONo~- 2002-2003 Belleview Christian School, Westminister, CO Music Teacher 4K-12 Yes0No[81 2000-2001 St. Helen & St. John, Rochester, NY Music Teacher K-8 Yes0No[81 NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Mike Ballard Number of applicants: 19 [') Number interviewed: J. 1

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature:~~ "c:::::....,..,.._ .... A HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/17/13 AUA Signed 6/19/13 Background 6/19/13 Phone 6/17/13 E-mail6/17/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/17/13 Skyward staff system/security 6117/13

C: Payro11, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised ll/10/99, 12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Walthour! Claire Start Date Augyst 27! 2013 Address 5605 A!rshire Blvd Board Hire June 24! 2013 Edina! MN 55436 Position Langyage Arts ~ Grade Telephone 612-759-8043

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF r One Year Contract FTE 1.0 Salary $37.048 Base wage $37,048 calculated with Oyears' of experience Su_pplemental $0

r Replacement

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date: P' New Position r Increased enroUment r New Program

Reports to Doug Hatch Building Middle School Room Assignment 143

_,_ ,.}1e;,1.. EDUCATION/TRAINING College University ofWisconsin-Eau Claire License Number & Name as it appears on license: 750299 Claire Lisbeth Walthour

;f~']., RELATED \VORl( EXPERIENCE (hire only) I I Under Date Location - SchooVCity Position Teaching I Contract 4/13-6/13 I Valley View MS, Bloorning!on, MN Long-Term Sub Yes0No[81 1 Substitute Teacher Y _ 2113-6/1 ~-----·-~pkins School Distt:_~~-~-.!fopkins ~------...... _.. ______..... ------·-..·--·--- es0No{81_~ YesONoD . NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Doug Hatch Number of applicants: 53 Number interviewed: 1

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/5/13 AUA Signed Background 6112/13 Phone 6/5/13 E-mail 6/5113 Physical__ School Nurse 6/5113 Skyward staff system/security 6/5113

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99, 12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Wittstock2 Mary Start Date Augyst 21! 2013 Address 1589 89th St Board Hire June 24! 2013 New Richmond WI 54017 Position Server/Dishwasher Telephone 715-246-4217

NON-TEACHING STAFF New Position P" Replacement 0 ana J ohn son r 4. 75 hours per day $12.93 per hour Start Time 8:00 End Time: 12:45

Reports to Karen Brummer Building High School Room Assignment Kitchen

EDUCATION/TRAINING College __ License Number & Name as it appears on license: list license area and grades RELATED \\10RK EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under I Location - School/City Position Teaching Date I I Contract I 4/12-10/12 Subwa~, Roberts -·------Manager YesONoD 2004-2008 Donaldson Company Buyer Yes0No0- 2000-2004 Subway, New Richmond Line team Yes0No0 1 NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Karen Brummer Number of applicants: 2 Number interviewed:

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HROnly Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment .nl!_ AUA Signed 1/25/13 Background 1/25/13 Phone E-mail Physical completed 1/2013 School Nurse completed 1/2013 Skyward staff system/security

C: Payroll, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 11/10/99, 12/2006,9/2012 DATA SHEET EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SHEET School District of New Richmond

Name Whitemarsh! Matthew Start Date Au2USt 27 2 2013

Address 424 Park Lane Board Hire June 242 2013 Hudson WI 54016 Position Grade 4 Telephone 651-895-0245

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED STAFF P: One Year Contract FTE 1.0 Salary $38-199 Base wage $37,048 calculated with 2 years' of experience Supplemental $1..:~.151 r Replacement

r Contracted Long-Term Sub (working one semester or more) Reason Start Date: End Date:

~New Position r Increased enrollment r New Program

Reports to Andy Hoeppner Building Starr Room Assignment 109

EllUCATION/TRAINING College University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire License Number & Name as it appears on license: 735687 Matthew Ryan Gordon Whitemarsh RELATEil WORK EXPERIENCE (hire only) Under Date Location- SchooVCity Position Teaching Contract ~{!1:_~~----~Q~~p_

.______L ____ ··-··--····-·······------·-·-···-·-----·--·--·---·---·------·-···-1---·-···--·-·--·---·-·----·----·--·----·-----·--y_~sONoD NOTES/EXPLANATION:

Interviewed by: Andy Hoeppner Number of applicants: 25 Number interviewed: 13

Human Resources Acknowledgement/Signature: HR Only Board Hire Date 6/24/13 Mentor Assignment 6/4/13 AUA Signed 6/12/13 Background 6/12/13 Phone 6/4/13 E-mail 6/4/13 Physical__ School Nurse 6/4/13 Skyward staff system/security 6/4113

C: Payro11, Sub Coordinator, Dist. Administrator, Supervisor Revised 1t/10/99, 12/2006, 9/2012 DATA SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND AGENDA ITEM

SUBMITTED BY Lou Ann Derosier DATE June 24, 2013


IX] Consent Agenda D Curriculum & Instruction D Personnel D Financial Affairs D Facilities & Transportation D Other Business D Executive Session D (A) Deliberating a case which was the subject of a hearing D (B) Considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline D (C) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance D (E) Competitive or bargaining reasons D (F) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories D (G) Conferring with legal counsel


Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations. Adjustments


Jami Engelhart will be replacing Amy Groth for Summer Stretch due to illness.


Motion to approve Summer Stretch contract for J ami Engelhart SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND AGENDA ITEM

SUBMITTED BY Lou Ann Derosier DATE June 24, 2013

AGENDA SECTION: ~ Consent Agenda D Curriculum & Instruction D Personnel D Financial Affairs D Facilities & Transportation D Other Business SUBJECT OR TITLE OF ITEM: Transfer and/or Reassignments for current employees EXPLANATION OR BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ITEM:

NAME CURRENT POSITION NEW POSITION EFFECTIVE DATE Bauer, Anna Third Grade Teacher at Hillside Title I Teacher at Starr Elementary (1.0 8/26/2013 Elem. (1.0 FTE) FTE) Boe, Heather FCE Teacher at the High School FCE Teacher at the High School (1.0 FTE) 8/26/2013 (.67 FTE) Huettl-Lamke, Server/Dishwasher 3.75 hrs/day Cook 7 hrs/day at the Middle School 8/21/2013 Jolene at the Middle School ($13.04) ($14.38)

FORMAL ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the transfer and/or reassignments for the above position(s) as presented. Cash Flow for June 2013

General Fund Construction State Pool Money Market Checking PMA State Pool and PMA Construction Const cking at FCNB at FCNB Investments Investments Money Mkt FNCB at FNCB

5/1/2013 $ 2,992,564.91 $594,106.31 $301.07 $1,297,730.70 $703.97 $5,672.80 $20,799.12

Receipts 942.96 300,209.39 42.44 0.05 1.27 4.71

Disbursements (1,625,194.41) (14,854.00)

Transfers In 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 . Transfers Out (1,902,760.56) (1,000,000.00) (1,000,000.00)

5/31/2013 $2,090,747.31 $269,121.29 $301.07 $297,773.14 $704.02 $5,674.07 $5,949.83

Voucher checks to be approved June 24, 2013 $1,004,002.14

Construction checks to be approved: none



CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 05/16/2013 131595 BARR, STANLEY W. 10 E 200 310 162319 000 80.00 MS TRACK OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131596 BEEN, NIC 10 E 400 310 162204 000 60.00 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131597 CAMPBELL, ZACH 10 E 400 310 162204 000 77.40 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131598 DUFFE, RON 10 E 200 310 162319 000 80.00 MS TRACK OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131599 GAUSTAD, PETE 10 E 400 310 162117 000 100.00 V OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131600 GRAVELLE, MARY ANN 10 R 200 292 160000 000 25.00 REFUND - MS ATHLETIC FEE - TRACK - CASSY 05/16/2013 131601 HARMON, ERIC 10 E 400 310 162204 000 60.00 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131602 HUDSON, ROBERT 50 R 800 251 257220 000 11.65 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2015345 - ROBERT 05/16/2013 131603 INGLI, TROY 10 E 400 310 162204 000 100.00 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131604 KITTEL, CRAIG 10 E 400 310 162204 000 45.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131605 MCCUTCHEON, STEPHANIE 50 R 800 251 257220 000 41.95 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2025304 - CONNOR TOKHEIM-WOOD 05/16/2013 131606 MCNAUGHTON, NATHAN 10 E 400 310 162204 000 45.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131606 MCNAUGHTON, NATHAN 10 E 400 310 162204 000 45.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131607 NUSBAUM, PETE 10 E 400 310 162117 000 95.00 V SOFTBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131608 PAUL, RYAN 10 E 400 310 162204 000 65.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131609 SMITH, MICHAEL 10 E 400 310 162204 000 65.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/16/2013 131610 WILLETT, RONALD 10 E 400 310 162204 000 45.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131611 BIEL, MARTIN 10 E 400 310 162116 000 178.00 JV & V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131612 BROWN, JEFF 10 E 400 310 162116 000 75.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131613 FLEMING, JACK 10 E 400 310 162116 000 158.00 JV & V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131614 O'BRIEN, JOSEPH 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131615 POCERNICH, DALE 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131616 RUSSELL, DARREN 10 E 400 310 162204 000 75.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131617 SCHMIDT, TED 10 E 400 310 162204 000 91.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/20/2013 131618 TAPP, LUKE 10 E 400 310 162116 000 130.00 JV & V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/21/2013 131619 AIM ELECTRONICS, INC 10 E 400 411 162300 000 975.00 DAKTRONICS HARD SIDE CARRYING CASES - HS/ECKARDT 05/21/2013 131620 BALLARD, MIKE 10 E 110 342 110000 000 58.76 MILEAGE - DEPOSITION HEARING - MPS 05/21/2013 131620 BALLARD, MIKE 10 E 110 342 110000 000 11.00 PARKING - DEPOSITION HEARING - MPS 05/21/2013 131621 BP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10 E 800 418 253500 000 708.19 GAS 05/21/2013 131622 CROIX VALLEY COACHES 10 E 400 341 256740 000 725.00 BASEBALL - SUPERIOR 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 100 355 263300 000 697.38 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 110 355 263300 000 697.38 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 2

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 200 355 110000 000 697.38 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 400 355 263300 000 697.38 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 800 355 263300 000 697.39 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131623 FRONTIER 10 E 120 355 263300 000 697.38 MONTHLY BILLING ACCT 715-243-7411-061489-7 05/21/2013 131624 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 10 E 800 355 263300 000 526.64 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 2020454360 05/21/2013 131625 MOORE IMPRINTS 10 E 400 411 110000 000 520.00 TIGER TUESDAY SHIRTS - HS/WISSINK 05/21/2013 131626 NORTON, FRANK 10 E 120 342 110000 000 58.76 MILEAGE - 5/8/13 CESA ELEM PRINCIPALS MTG 05/21/2013 131626 NORTON, FRANK 10 E 120 342 110000 000 14.69 REIMBURSEMENT - LUNCH - CESA ELEM PRINCIPALS MTG 05/21/2013 131627 RITTER, ANGELA 50 R 800 251 257220 000 13.20 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2022321 JORDAN JOHNSON 05/21/2013 131628 SNA LOCKBOX - CERTIFICATION 50 E 800 941 257220 000 42.25 NAT'L & STATE MEMBERSHIP - J HUETTL-LAMKE 05/21/2013 131629 UF GSD PROGRAM 10 E 400 450 120000 000 64.00 DONATION - RED CROSS CLUB FUNDRAISER - ALBARADO 05/23/2013 131630 BAKKE, AMY 80 E 800 411 390302 000 2,087.50 REIMBURSEMENT - ANGP BOXERS, PRIZES, GIFT CARDS2 05/23/2013 131631 BARNHART, NORM 80 E 800 310 390302 000 1,000.00 DEPOSIT - ANGP HYPNOTIST 05/23/2013 131632 THE BERNICK COMPANIES 80 E 800 450 390001 000 39.96 CC VENDING - ACCT 94095 05/23/2013 131632 THE BERNICK COMPANIES 80 E 800 450 390001 000 60.60 CC VENDING - ACCT 94095 05/23/2013 131633 BRUCHU, ANNETTE 80 E 800 310 310000 000 921.20 INTUITION CLASSES 05/23/2013 131634 COMPMARK I CORPORATION 80 E 800 310 390302 000 805.00 BALANCE DUE - ANGP PORTRAIT SERVICE 05/23/2013 131635 COUNTRY COMFORT LLC 80 E 800 411 390301 000 99.19 RSG - LP GAS 06/10/2013 131635 COUNTRY COMFORT LLC 80 E 800 411 390301 000 -99.19 RSG - LP GAS 05/23/2013 131636 DEGEAR, KATHLEEN 80 E 800 411 390302 000 57.98 REIMBURSEMENT - ANGP - SERVING KIT FOR NR RELAYS 05/23/2013 131637 FRONTIER 80 E 800 355 390301 000 123.62 MONTHLY BILLING- RSG 05/23/2013 131638 GAFNER, AMIE 80 R 800 272 390400 000 42.00 REFUND - TENNIS 05/23/2013 131639 GAME WORLD 80 E 800 411 390302 000 1,525.00 BALANCE DUE - ANGP RENTALS 05/23/2013 131640 HANSON, BREAUANNA 80 E 800 310 390302 000 200.00 ANGP MASSAGES 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 3

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 05/23/2013 131641 HAPPY FACES.BIZ 80 E 800 310 390302 000 500.00 BALANCE DUE - ANGP FORTUNE TELLERS & HENNA ARTISTS 05/23/2013 131642 JUST JUMP INC 80 E 800 411 390302 000 198.00 ANGP RENTALS - COTTON CANDY/SPIN ART 05/23/2013 131643 MCANALLY, PATTI 80 R 800 272 310000 000 52.00 REFUND - ACRYLIC PAINTING 05/23/2013 131644 MINUTEMAN PRESS 80 E 800 354 263300 000 52.24 SIGNS - COMM ED 05/23/2013 131644 MINUTEMAN PRESS 80 E 800 411 390001 000 104.47 SIGNS - COMM ED 05/23/2013 131644 MINUTEMAN PRESS 80 E 800 411 390111 000 113.14 SIGNS - COMM ED 05/23/2013 131645 MOORE IMPRINTS 80 E 800 411 310000 000 216.00 FIRST STEPS TSHIRTS - COMM ED 05/23/2013 131646 MUNSON, ANDREW 80 E 800 411 390001 000 45.60 REIMBURSEMENT - COMM COMM SUPPLIES 05/23/2013 131647 NORTH COUNTRY BULL RIDES 80 E 800 411 390302 000 600.00 ANGP - MECHANICAL BULL RENTAL 05/23/2013 131648 NEW RICHMOND FOOD SERVICE 80 E 800 411 390302 000 24.70 ANGP CONCESSION STAND SUPPLIES - NR RELAYS 05/23/2013 131649 ORR, LYLE 80 E 800 310 390302 000 600.00 ANGP DJ 05/23/2013 131650 PETE'S PIZZA 80 E 800 411 310001 000 196.39 ADDRP 05/23/2013 131651 PLYMOUTH PLAYHOUSE 80 E 800 343 390203 000 100.00 DEPOSIT - THE LAST POTLUCK SUPPER 05/23/2013 131652 R & D CATERING 80 E 800 411 390302 000 150.00 ANGP - WINGS 05/23/2013 131653 RESCHKE, ROBIN 80 E 800 310 390302 000 200.00 ANGP - MASSAGES 05/23/2013 131654 SECURITY METRICS 80 E 800 411 232200 000 169.98 PANSCANNER - COMM ED 05/23/2013 131655 ST CROIX COUNTY PARKS DEPT 10 E 800 411 232300 000 100.00 ANNUAL PARK STICKERS - CC WELLNESS 05/23/2013 131656 SUMMIT AMUSEMENT CO. 80 E 800 310 390302 000 1,325.00 BALANCE DUE - ANGP AMUSEMENT MACHINES 05/23/2013 131657 THE TRAINING ROOM 80 E 800 411 310000 000 330.00 PEA SOUP RUN - FIRST STEPS 05/23/2013 131658 AV AVENUE, LLC 10 E 800 324 124400 000 2,400.00 81930 MS AUDITORIUM PROJECTION & CONTROL WALL VAULT SYSTEM 05/23/2013 131659 FIEBER, PHIL 10 E 400 310 162204 000 60.00 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131660 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 10 E 400 345 162300 000 159.98 LODGING - BOYS GOLF SECTIONAL - STEVENS POINT 05/23/2013 131661 MCNAUGHTON, NATHAN 10 E 400 310 162204 000 45.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131662 MERKEL, BRAD 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131663 MONROE, VIRGIL 10 E 400 310 162116 000 75.00 V GIRLS SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131664 MURPHY, MATTHEW 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 V GIRLS SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 100 336 253300 000 6,989.72 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 100 337 253300 000 211.45 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 100 338 253300 000 522.63 MONTHLY BILLING 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 4

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 100 339 253300 000 61.90 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 110 336 253300 000 3,458.06 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 110 337 253300 000 118.95 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 110 338 253300 000 237.03 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 110 339 253300 000 28.90 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 200 336 253300 000 10,228.87 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 200 337 253300 000 146.45 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 200 338 253300 000 284.63 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 200 339 253300 000 94.90 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 400 336 253300 000 506.38 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 400 337 253300 000 272.95 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 400 338 253300 000 760.63 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 400 339 253300 000 28.90 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 500 336 253300 000 619.14 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 500 337 253300 000 9.08 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 500 338 253300 000 12.77 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 500 339 253300 000 7.22 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 800 336 253300 000 994.88 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 800 337 253300 000 15.06 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 800 338 253300 000 20.42 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 800 339 253300 000 9.29 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 120 336 253300 000 6,488.02 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 120 337 253300 000 124.20 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 120 338 253300 000 254.88 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 10 E 120 339 253300 000 106.90 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 80 E 800 336 253300 000 3,927.74 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 80 E 800 337 253300 000 141.97 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 80 E 800 338 253300 000 242.51 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131665 NEW RICHMOND UTILITIES 80 E 800 339 253300 000 36.12 MONTHLY BILLING 05/23/2013 131666 RUPNOW, CHUCK 10 E 400 310 162204 000 100.00 V BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131667 SCHMIDT, TED 10 E 400 310 162204 000 65.00 JV BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131668 STEVENS POINT COUNTRY CLUB 10 E 400 941 162212 000 75.00 WIAA DIVISION 1 SECTIONAL - PRACTICE ROUND 05/23/2013 131668 STEVENS POINT COUNTRY CLUB 10 E 400 941 162212 000 25.00 WIAA BOYS GOLF DIVISION 1 SECTIONAL - COMPETITION ROUND 05/23/2013 131669 TAPP, LUKE 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 JV GIRLS SOCCER OFFICIAL 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 100 331 253300 000 1,886.90 MONTHLY BILLING - STARR 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 110 331 253300 000 1,478.54 MONTHLY BILLING - PJ 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 120 331 253300 000 3,143.14 MONTHLY BILLING - HILLSIDE 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 5

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 200 331 253300 000 5,698.93 MONTHLY BILLING - MS 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 400 331 253300 000 9,250.70 MONTHLY BILLING - HS 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 500 331 253300 000 230.06 MONTHLY BILLING - SHOP 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 10 E 800 331 253300 000 174.93 MONTHLY BILLING - DO 05/23/2013 131670 XCEL ENERGY 80 E 800 331 253300 000 3,381.73 MONTHLY BILLING - CC 05/28/2013 131671 COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER 98 L 000 000 811680 000 174.05 Payroll Jeffery Scherz #280016 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 7.64 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 378.35 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 7,725.58 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 111.80 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 1,653.45 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 428.36 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 535.45 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 17,646.02 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 2,082.27 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 192,267.01 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 9,284.05 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 23,643.46 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 345.02 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 7,693.62 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811632 000 3,737.90 June dental 13 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 98 L 000 000 811631 000 51,368.18 June health 13 05/28/2013 131673 HEALTHPARTNERS 10 E 800 310 251000 000 286.50 June FSA 13 05/28/2013 131674 MONTELLO, MIKE 10 E 400 345 162300 000 100.00 MEAL MONEY FOR STATE TENNIS 05/28/2013 131675 MONTELLO, MIKE 10 E 400 345 162300 000 50.00 MEAL MONEY FOR STATE TENNIS 05/28/2013 131676 OVERTON, PATRICK 80 E 800 310 390001 000 2,500.00 SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY COMMONS PROJECT - 2ND INSTALLMENT 05/28/2013 131677 RADISSON HOTEL 10 E 400 345 162300 000 198.00 LODGING - STATE TENNIS 05/28/2013 131678 RADISSON HOTEL 10 E 400 345 162300 000 228.00 LODGING - STATE TENNIS 05/28/2013 131679 RADISSON HOTEL 10 E 400 345 162300 000 248.00 LODGING - STATE TENNIS 05/31/2013 131679 RADISSON HOTEL 10 E 400 345 162300 000 -248.00 LODGING - STATE TENNIS 05/28/2013 131680 REUVERS, ROGER 10 E 400 345 162300 000 375.00 MEAL MONEY FOR STATE TRACK 05/28/2013 131681 UNITED WAY ST. CROIX VALLEY 98 L 000 000 811640 000 128.00 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131682 U OF WIS. LACROSSE 10 E 400 345 162300 000 270.00 LODGING - STATE TRACK 05/28/2013 131683 U OF WIS. LACROSSE 10 E 400 411 162300 000 20.00 PARKING - STATE TRACK 05/28/2013 131684 WEAC LOCKBOX 98 L 000 000 811650 000 776.88 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131685 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811670 000 9,880.00 Payroll accrual 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 6

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 05/28/2013 131685 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811670 000 96.10 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131685 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811696 000 3,214.00 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131685 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811696 000 113.99 Payroll accrual 05/28/2013 131686 WISCONSIN SUPPORT COLLECTIONS 98 L 000 000 811680 000 2,072.91 Payroll accrual 05/29/2013 131687 AP EXAMS 10 E 400 450 120000 000 14,194.00 AP EXAMS - ACCOUNT 501655 05/29/2013 131688 GRADY, DEBRA 10 E 200 341 256770 000 111.81 MILEAGE - CAMP WAPO STUDENT TRANSPORT 05/29/2013 131689 HSA BANK 10 E 800 310 251000 000 553.50 MONTHLY ACCOUNT FEES - APRIL 05/29/2013 131690 KIMBERLY, JAMES 10 E 400 310 162204 000 91.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 05/29/2013 131691 NEW RICHMOND ACTIVITY ACCT. 21 R 110 291 500000 000 2,400.00 TRANSFER NASH FINCH ADVERTISING FEES FROM PJ GIFT FUND TO N CLUB (DEPOSIT ERROR) 05/29/2013 131692 PRICE, MISTY 10 E 400 310 161339 000 75.00 FORENSICS JUDGE 05/29/2013 131693 R & D CATERING 10 E 800 411 232100 000 2,132.85 DISTRICT YEAR END / RETIREMENT PARTY 05/29/2013 131694 SCHMIDT, TED 10 E 400 310 162204 000 91.00 C BASEBALL OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 100 411 222300 000 70.68 77265 SUPPLIES - KILIBARDA/SE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 100 411 222300 000 40.50 77265 SUPPLIES - KILIBARDA/SE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 100 411 222300 000 120.07 77265 SUPPLIES - KILIBARDA/SE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 100 440 222200 000 226.05 77266 CAM CORDER & BATTERY - KILIBARDA/SE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 127000 000 615.94 79333 STRENGTH FINDERS - ERICKSON/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 222300 000 76.67 80026 LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ALWES 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 222300 000 10.41 80026 LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ALWES 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 222200 000 10.49 80027 LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ALWES 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 222200 000 48.32 80027 LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ALWES 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 222300 000 55.19 80028 SUPPLIES- ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 10.37 80034 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 439 222200 000 1.56 80034 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 221400 000 12.07 80034 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 432 222200 000 38.54 80492 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS -RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 432 222200 000 139.26 80492 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 7

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION FUNDS -RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 432 222200 000 212.77 80492 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS -RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 432 222200 000 29.00 80492 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS -RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 432 222200 000 17.24 80492 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS -RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 120 435 124400 000 42.99 80496 NERO 12 SOFTWARE - M RICHTER/HE 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 431 222200 000 28.55 80639 DVD'S - GR 8 LIT - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 200 411 124400 000 15.95 80695 CABLE - VAN NEVEL 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 21 E 800 411 110003 000 40.00 80880 KINDLES & ACCESS - $500 STAR GRANT - STRANDEMO 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 21 E 800 411 110003 000 455.92 80880 KINDLES & ACCESS - $500 STAR GRANT - STRANDEMO 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 124400 000 5.71 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 11.05 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 124400 000 2.04 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 3.95 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 124400 000 6.81 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 13.18 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 124400 000 -0.23 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 -0.45 81283 SUPPLIES & BOOKS = ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 27.12 81296 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 14.17 81296 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 -0.18 81426 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 15.97 81426 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 17.49 81426 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 432 222200 000 16.26 81426 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 8

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 200 411 120070 000 22.20 81603 SUPPLIES - WILSON/MS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 200 411 120070 000 389.37 81603 SUPPLIES - WILSON/MS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 324 254200 000 71.86 81715 SUPPLIES - SHOP 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 324 254200 000 31.00 81715 SUPPLIES - SHOP 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 324 254200 000 143.94 81715 SUPPLIES - SHOP 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 324 254200 000 13.24 81715 SUPPLIES - SHOP 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 200 411 241000 000 35.66 81740 SUPPLIES - ALTMANN/MS 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 0.90 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.38 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.25 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 4.27 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 0.89 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.38 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.24 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 4.23 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.13 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.48 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.31 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 5.35 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.16 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.49 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.32 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 5.50 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 9

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.23 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.52 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.34 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 5.85 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.96 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.83 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.54 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 9.26 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.39 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.59 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.38 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 6.60 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 1.39 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.59 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.38 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 6.60 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 0.93 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.39 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.25 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 4.41 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 10

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 0.77 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 0.33 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.21 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 3.66 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 121000 000 2.79 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 122000 000 1.18 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 400 411 213000 000 0.76 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131701 AMAZON/GE MONEY BANK 10 E 800 450 110000 000 13.19 81865 BOOK STUDY BOOKS - GRETZLOCK 06/04/2013 131702 BIEL, MARTIN 10 E 400 310 162116 000 75.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131703 CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRE 80 E 800 343 390181 000 100.00 DEPOSIT - FIDDLER ON THE ROOF 06/04/2013 131704 ECKARDT, CASEY 10 E 400 342 162300 000 45.20 MILEAGE - MBC MTG & BASEBALL ALL CONF MTG 06/04/2013 131705 FIEGE, AMY 10 E 800 342 221300 000 27.83 REIMBURSEMENT - MEALS - WSRA CONVENTION 06/04/2013 131706 FLEMING, JACK 10 E 400 310 162116 000 65.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131707 HATCH, DOUGLAS 10 E 200 342 241000 000 49.72 MILEAGE - CAMP WAPO 06/04/2013 131708 HEIBEL, PENNY 10 E 100 342 213000 000 89.99 REIMBURSEMENT - CMI CONF REGISTRATION 06/04/2013 131708 HEIBEL, PENNY 10 E 100 342 213000 000 279.93 REIMBURSEMENT - LODGING - MACMA CONF 06/04/2013 131709 JOHNSON, RANDY 10 E 400 310 162500 000 105.40 WIAA BASEBALL REGIONAL OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131710 KOZUCH, JOE 10 E 400 310 162116 000 85.00 V SOCCER OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131711 NEW RICHMOND ACTIVITY ACCT. 10 R 400 343 162319 000 60.00 SCC CHECK HAD GEN & ACTIVITY FUND ITEMS ON IT. TRANS FROM GEN FUND TO ACT FUND - MS HONORS BAND 06/04/2013 131712 RITCHART, BEN 50 R 800 251 257220 000 180.70 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2025214 CAMDEN 06/04/2013 131712 RITCHART, BEN 50 R 800 251 257220 000 121.25 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2023260 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 11

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION BRAYDEN 06/04/2013 131713 RODE, JON 10 E 400 310 162500 000 55.00 WIAA BASEBALL REGIONAL OFFICIAL 06/04/2013 131714 TEPPEN, MARY 27 E 800 342 158000 341 42.94 MILEAGE - HILLSIDE TO STARR - 2/12/13- 4/22/13 06/06/2013 131715 CECCARELLI, AIMEE 50 R 800 251 257220 000 5.65 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2024179 - MASON 06/06/2013 131716 CLARION SUITES 10 E 400 450 120000 000 16.88 LODGING - STATE FFA - SAUVOLA 06/06/2013 131716 CLARION SUITES 10 E 400 342 131100 404 1,127.62 LODGING - STATE FFA - SAUVOLA 06/06/2013 131717 DAIRY QUEEN 10 E 400 411 213000 000 68.00 MENTOR TREATS - L'ALLIER 06/06/2013 131718 DAIRY QUEEN 10 E 110 411 110000 000 297.00 PJ TREATS 06/06/2013 131719 DENUCCI, KRIS 50 E 800 342 257220 000 108.48 MILEAGE - MAY 06/06/2013 131720 FLEET ONE LLC 10 E 800 418 253500 000 1,374.68 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 447471 06/06/2013 131720 FLEET ONE LLC 27 E 800 341 256751 011 489.08 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 447471 06/06/2013 131721 HIGH POINT FRAMING & TROPHIES 10 E 400 411 162319 000 1,958.18 RE-ISSUE CK 131437 = NR RELAYS AWARDS 06/06/2013 131722 JOHNSTON, BRIAN 10 E 800 291 251000 000 220.00 TUITION REIMBUSEMENT 06/06/2013 131722 JOHNSTON, BRIAN 10 E 800 342 251000 000 51.92 REIMBURSEMENT - RETIREMENT MEAL - MORRIE & GUEST 06/06/2013 131723 JOHNSON, CAROL 50 R 800 251 257220 000 84.21 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013098 - GABRIEL HARVIEUX 06/06/2013 131724 MEIER-SMITH, JACQUE 50 R 800 251 257220 000 6.61 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013154 - ROSE SMITH 06/06/2013 131725 NASER, WENDY 50 R 800 251 257220 000 31.79 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013005 - CODY HAMBLE 06/06/2013 131726 NELSON, THERESA 50 R 800 251 257220 000 14.34 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013172 - HUANA 06/06/2013 131727 NEW RICHMOND THEATRE 10 E 400 411 213000 000 300.00 SPARK & MENTOR MOVIE TICKETS 06/06/2013 131728 ROZALES-STOVALL, LAURA 50 R 800 251 257220 000 5.00 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013238 - KLARISSA ROZALES 06/06/2013 131729 ST CROIX ELECTRIC COOP 10 E 400 336 253300 000 14,602.08 ELEC SERV - LOADING 06/06/2013 131729 ST CROIX ELECTRIC COOP 10 E 400 336 253300 000 406.83 ELEC SERV - WELL 06/06/2013 131729 ST CROIX ELECTRIC COOP 10 E 400 336 253300 000 4,450.80 ELEC SERV - TECH ED 06/06/2013 131729 ST CROIX ELECTRIC COOP 10 E 400 336 253300 000 123.18 ELEC SERV CONCESSIONS 06/06/2013 131730 TEPPEN, MARY 27 E 800 342 158000 341 23.73 MILEAGE - HILLSIDE TO STARR - 4/29/13-5/31/13 06/06/2013 131731 WALMART STORE 10 E 400 411 213000 000 448.07 MENTOR TRAINING SUPPLIES - L'ALLIER 06/06/2013 131732 WESTPHAL, SUSAN 50 R 800 251 257220 000 17.00 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013355 - 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 12

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RICHARD 06/10/2013 131733 COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER 98 L 000 000 811680 000 174.05 Payroll Jeffery Scherz #280016 06/10/2013 131734 GREEN MILL - PLYMOUTH 80 E 800 343 390203 000 100.00 DEPOSIT - 11/14/13 LUNCH 06/10/2013 131735 MINNESOTA MUTUAL 98 L 000 000 811634 000 940.99 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131735 MINNESOTA MUTUAL 98 L 000 000 811634 000 2,270.60 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131735 MINNESOTA MUTUAL 98 L 000 000 811634 000 718.46 July 13 ltd 06/10/2013 131736 UNITED WAY ST. CROIX VALLEY 98 L 000 000 811640 000 128.00 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131737 WEA INSURANCE TRUST 98 L 000 000 811635 000 291.55 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131737 WEA INSURANCE TRUST 98 L 000 000 811636 000 3,086.98 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131737 WEA INSURANCE TRUST 98 L 000 000 811636 000 43.44 July 13 LTD 06/10/2013 131738 WEAC LOCKBOX 98 L 000 000 811650 000 776.88 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131739 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811670 000 9,905.00 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131739 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811670 000 296.76 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131739 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811696 000 3,614.00 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131739 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811696 000 113.99 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131739 WETSAT 98 L 000 000 811990 000 2,399.79 Payroll accrual 06/10/2013 131740 WISCONSIN SUPPORT COLLECTIONS 98 L 000 000 811680 000 2,010.61 Payroll accrual 06/13/2013 131741 AUFDERHAR, KIRSTEN 80 R 800 272 390400 000 10.00 REFUND - DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TENNIS CLASSES 06/13/2013 131742 BAKKE, AMY 80 E 800 411 390302 000 2,538.63 REIMBURSEMENT - ANGP SUPPLIES, FOOD, PRIZES 06/13/2013 131743 BOOKEY, DAWN 80 R 800 272 390300 000 40.00 REFUND - ACTING 06/13/2013 131744 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 80 E 800 411 232200 000 37.60 CE SR PICNIC SUPPLIES 06/13/2013 131744 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 80 E 800 411 232200 000 22.88 CE 06/13/2013 131745 FRONTIER 80 E 800 355 390301 000 122.69 MONTHLY BILLING- RSG 06/13/2013 131746 GRAINGER, INC. 80 E 800 411 390001 000 168.90 LIGHTBULBS - CC 06/13/2013 131747 HUDALLA, KRIS 80 R 800 272 390400 000 65.00 REFUND - TENNIS CAMP 06/13/2013 131748 JUST JUMP INC 80 E 800 411 390302 000 55.00 ANGP FRISBEE SPIN ART 06/13/2013 131749 KILIAN, MAUREEN 80 E 800 411 390301 000 662.70 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES FOR RSG 06/13/2013 131749 KILIAN, MAUREEN 80 E 800 342 390301 000 96.99 MILEAGE - SEPT 2012 THRU MAY 2013 06/13/2013 131750 KRAMES STAYWELL, LLC 80 E 800 411 390300 000 295.31 BABYSITTER'S TRAINING BOOKS 06/13/2013 131751 MORTENSEN, SAMANTHA 80 R 800 272 390400 000 69.00 REFUND - TENNIS LESSONS 06/13/2013 131752 MUNSON, ANDREW 80 E 800 355 390001 000 25.00 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 06/13/2013 131752 MUNSON, ANDREW 80 E 800 411 390001 000 64.45 REIMBURSEMENT - CC SUPPLIES 06/13/2013 131753 NEW WAY HYPNOSIS CLINIC INC 80 E 800 310 310000 000 176.00 HYPNOSIS CLASSES 06/13/2013 131754 NEW RICHMOND FOOD SERVICE 80 E 800 411 390302 000 124.15 ANGP FUNDRAISER SUPPLIES 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 13

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/13/2013 131755 PLANTE, CASSANDRA 80 E 800 411 390101 000 66.84 REIMBURSEMENT - SPECIAL OLYMPICS SUPPLIES 06/13/2013 131756 POLFUS, JODY 80 R 800 272 390400 000 60.00 REFUND - TIGER BASKETBALL CAMP 06/13/2013 131757 SIERACKI, LISA 80 E 800 342 390301 000 62.52 MILEAGE 9/20/12-5/20/13 06/13/2013 131757 SIERACKI, LISA 80 E 800 411 390301 000 157.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR RSG SUPPLIES 06/13/2013 131758 STEPHENS SANITATION 80 E 800 323 253300 000 976.00 COMMUNITY COMMONS - REGULAR SERVICE - JULY 2012 THRU FEB 2013 06/13/2013 131759 WCEA 80 E 800 941 232200 000 50.00 MEMBERSHIP - C EMERSON 06/13/2013 131760 WISCONSIN DNR 10 E 800 411 232300 000 100.00 STATE PARK STICKERS - CE WELLNESS 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 390301 000 684.00 RSG 24211 - MAY 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 390301 000 684.00 RSG 24212 - MAY 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 390301 000 1,481.87 RSG 24213 - MAY 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 310001 000 36.00 ADDRP 25118 2/14/13 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 310001 000 136.00 ADDRP 25122 3/27/13 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 310001 000 172.00 ADDRP 25123 4/10/13 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 310001 000 160.00 ADDRP 25121 3/13/13 06/13/2013 131761 WITC 80 E 800 389 310001 000 188.00 ADDRP 25124 5/8/13

Totals for checks 513,494.39 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:47 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 14



10 GENERAL FUND 0.00 85.00 115,379.47 115,464.47 21 SPECIAL REVENUE TRUST FUND 0.00 2,400.00 495.92 2,895.92 27 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 0.00 555.75 555.75 50 FOOD SERVICE FUND 0.00 533.35 150.73 684.08 80 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND 0.00 338.00 31,420.98 31,758.98 98 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 362,135.19 0.00 0.00 362,135.19 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 362,135.19 3,356.35 148,002.85 513,494.39

************************ End of report ************************


3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 1

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131762 ALBARADO, JEFFREY 10 E 400 411 110000 000 13.60 REIMBURSEMENT - CLASS SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131763 ALLAN'S FLOWER SHOP 10 E 400 411 161339 000 30.00 HS FORENSICS 06/18/2013 131764 ALMENDINGER, AMY 10 E 800 411 221200 000 10.74 REIMBURSEMENT - ELA WORKDAY 6/12-6/13 06/18/2013 131765 ALPHA VIDEO AND AUDIO, INC. 10 E 400 324 254410 000 67.50 AUDIO SPEAKERS - HS ROOM F150 06/18/2013 131766 APPLE BOOKS 10 E 800 432 222200 000 1,895.80 80631 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL 06/18/2013 131766 APPLE BOOKS 10 E 800 432 222200 000 1,395.68 80024 BOOKS - COMMON SHOOL FUND - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131767 APPLE, INC. 10 E 400 411 124400 000 100.00 81686 VOUCHERS - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131768 ARMS 50 E 800 411 257220 000 8.00 PRE-COLLECT FEES 06/18/2013 131768 ARMS 50 E 800 411 257220 000 4.00 PRE-COLLECT FEES 06/18/2013 131768 ARMS 50 E 800 411 257220 000 4.00 PRE-COLLECT FEES 06/18/2013 131769 AVERILL, SHANNON 21 E 800 411 110003 000 155.98 REIMBURSEMENT - $250 STAR GRANT - CD PLAYERS & HEADPHONES 06/18/2013 131770 BALDWIN-WOODVILLE SCHOOLS 10 E 200 941 162319 000 75.00 MS TRACK ENTRY FEE 06/18/2013 131771 BALLARD, JENNIFER 10 E 120 411 113000 000 70.27 REIMBURSEMENT - CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131771 BALLARD, JENNIFER 10 E 800 342 221300 000 16.23 REIMBURSEMENT - MATH CONF MEAL 06/18/2013 131772 BALLARD, MIKE 10 E 110 411 241000 000 26.35 REIMBURSEMENT - CALENDAR 06/18/2013 131773 BENCK MECHANICAL INC 10 E 400 324 120000 000 184.00 81746 MAINT - HS AG ROOM 06/18/2013 131773 BENCK MECHANICAL INC 50 E 800 324 254490 000 429.60 LUNCH PGM - MS 06/18/2013 131774 BENNING, TYLER 10 E 800 411 110000 625 37.47 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131775 BERNARD'S NORTHTOWN 10 E 400 341 256740 000 75.00 VAN RENTAL - BOYS TENNIS - 5/11 TOMAH 06/18/2013 131776 THE BERNICK COMPANIES 10 E 800 411 254300 000 309.35 SHOP 06/18/2013 131776 THE BERNICK COMPANIES 10 E 800 411 252000 000 157.20 DO 06/18/2013 131777 BLICK, DICK 10 E 200 411 121000 000 183.71 80620 ART SUPPLIES - JOHNSON/MS 06/18/2013 131777 BLICK, DICK 10 E 200 411 121000 000 17.69 80620 ART SUPPLIES - JOHNSON/MS 06/18/2013 131777 BLICK, DICK 10 E 200 411 121000 000 876.71 80620 ART SUPPLIES - JOHNSON/MS 06/18/2013 131778 BODSBERG, JEFFREY 50 R 800 251 257220 000 57.42 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013125 MICHAEL 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 2

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131779 BOE, HEATHER 10 E 400 411 135100 000 59.70 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES - FOOD II CAKE DECORATING 06/18/2013 131780 BOWAR, DANIEL 10 E 800 411 110000 625 69.44 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131781 BOYLE, TRACEY 10 E 800 411 110000 625 94.89 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131781 BOYLE, TRACEY 10 E 800 411 110000 625 14.05 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131782 BRIGGS, RANDY 27 E 800 411 158000 341 87.58 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131782 BRIGGS, RANDY 27 E 800 342 158000 341 20.15 MILEAGE - DEC 2012 06/18/2013 131782 BRIGGS, RANDY 27 E 800 342 158000 341 295.04 MILEAGE - JAN THRU JUNE 2013 06/18/2013 131783 BRIH DESIGN 27 E 800 310 215000 341 1,000.00 DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT SERVICES 4/10-4/24 06/18/2013 131783 BRIH DESIGN 27 E 800 310 215000 341 1,097.50 TEAM MTG SERVICES 4/8 & 4/22 06/18/2013 131784 BROWN, ANGELA 10 E 110 411 110000 000 172.11 REIMBURSEMENT - TPL END OF THE YEAR TRIP 06/18/2013 131785 BRUNN, DAVID 27 E 800 411 158000 341 20.00 REIMBURSEMENT - STUDENT HSED TESTING FEE 06/18/2013 131785 BRUNN, DAVID 27 E 800 411 158000 341 37.00 REIMBURSEMENT - END OF YEAR PIZZA PARTY 06/18/2013 131786 CABELA'S INC. 10 E 800 411 110000 625 223.70 82163 SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES - PIKE 06/18/2013 131787 CANTICLE DISTRIBUTING 10 E 400 411 125400 000 103.25 80271 MUSIC - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131787 CANTICLE DISTRIBUTING 10 E 400 411 125400 000 10.50 80276 MUSIC - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131787 CANTICLE DISTRIBUTING 10 E 400 411 125400 000 186.00 80276 MUSIC - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131788 CAPITAL DATA 10 E 800 551 124400 000 22,033.62 81232 POWEREDGE R620 - TECH 06/18/2013 131789 CAPSTONE PRESS INC 10 E 800 439 222200 000 945.25 77268 DATABASE -COMMON SCHOOL FUND - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131789 CAPSTONE PRESS INC 10 E 110 439 222200 000 660.25 80498 DATA BASES - RICHTER - PJ/HE 06/18/2013 131789 CAPSTONE PRESS INC 10 E 120 435 124400 000 945.25 80498 DATA BASES - RICHTER - PJ/HE 06/18/2013 131790 CASEY, LONDON 10 E 400 411 121000 000 79.50 REIMBURSEMENT - HS ART SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131791 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10 E 400 440 263310 000 103.54 81235 WIRELESS ROUTER - HS 06/18/2013 131791 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10 E 800 411 124400 000 149.88 81234 DECKS - TECH 06/18/2013 131791 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10 E 100 551 110000 000 1,740.48 81233 PROJECTORS - STARR 06/18/2013 131791 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10 E 200 551 121000 000 475.78 81613 PRINTER - JOHNSON/MS 06/18/2013 131792 CEDAR LAKE REFLECTIONS TEAS 80 E 800 310 310000 000 73.50 APOCALYPTICISM CLASS 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 3

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131792 CEDAR LAKE REFLECTIONS TEAS 80 E 800 310 310000 000 63.00 HERBS & TEA 06/18/2013 131793 CENGAGE LEARNING 10 E 800 439 222200 000 495.00 81628 NAT'L GEOGRAPHIC SUBSCRIPTION - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131794 CENGAGE LEARNING 10 E 110 432 115000 000 360.64 81910 TRAVELS ACROSS AMERICA SET - NADEAU/CARLSON/PJ 06/18/2013 131795 CENTRAL STATES, SE & SW AREAS PENSI 10 E 800 292 253300 000 4,191.52 INSTALLMENT 2 OF 240 ACCT 5836700-0001 06/18/2013 131796 CESA # 11 10 E 800 342 221200 000 10.00 3/21 DAC MTG = FERGUSON 06/18/2013 131796 CESA # 11 10 E 400 342 222200 000 10.00 5/1 LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST MTG - ALWES 06/18/2013 131796 CESA # 11 10 E 800 342 221200 000 10.00 4/18 DAC MTG - FERGUSON 06/18/2013 131796 CESA # 11 10 E 800 342 221200 000 105.00 SCIENCE INSTRUCTION 4/16 - DEMULLING, FERGUSON, JENSEN, KANEWISCHER, NYSSE, SWANSON, ZILLER 06/18/2013 131797 CESA 9 10 E 400 389 431000 000 650.00 WISCONSIN VIRTUAL SCHOOL - 2 COURSES 06/18/2013 131798 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 10 E 400 411 162204 000 40.00 BASEBALL SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131798 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 10 E 400 411 162204 000 300.00 BASEBALL SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131798 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 10 E 400 411 162204 000 556.28 BASEBALL BATS 06/18/2013 131798 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 10 E 400 411 162300 000 675.50 REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR DAMAGED BASEBALL & SOFTBALL CAGES 06/18/2013 131798 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 10 E 400 411 162319 000 84.00 TRACK EQUIP 06/18/2013 131799 CHRISTENSEN, JENNIFER 10 E 800 411 110000 625 63.12 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131800 CLIMATE MAKERS 10 E 800 411 254300 000 655.34 81754 MAINT - HS 06/18/2013 131800 CLIMATE MAKERS 10 E 800 411 254300 000 437.55 81777 MAINT - HS 06/18/2013 131800 CLIMATE MAKERS 10 E 800 411 254300 000 334.75 81777 MAINT - HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131801 CLINICARE CORPORATION 27 E 800 370 436000 341 2,151.75 EAU CLAIRE ACADEMY - MAY 06/18/2013 131802 COBIAN, VICKI 10 E 200 411 120080 000 83.58 REIMBURSEMENT - CLASS SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131803 THE COLLEGE BOARD 10 E 400 411 110000 000 138.60 82075 AP CHEM LABS - ZILLER 06/18/2013 131804 CONCENSUS CONSULTING 10 E 800 480 124400 000 250.00 81924 GROUP WISE GOOGLE MIGRATOR TOOL 06/18/2013 131804 CONCENSUS CONSULTING 10 E 800 480 124400 000 666.00 79570 MIGRATION ASSISTANCE & GOOGLE MIGRATOR TOOL - VERGIN 06/18/2013 131804 CONCENSUS CONSULTING 10 E 800 480 124400 000 999.00 79570 MIGRATION ASSISTANCE & GOOGLE MIGRATOR TOOL - VERGIN 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 4

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131804 CONCENSUS CONSULTING 10 E 800 480 124400 000 166.50 79570 MIGRATION ASSISTANCE & GOOGLE MIGRATOR TOOL - VERGIN 06/18/2013 131805 THE CONNECTING POINT OF AMERY 10 E 110 460 124400 000 384.00 COPIER REPAIR - PJ 06/18/2013 131805 THE CONNECTING POINT OF AMERY 10 E 800 324 124400 000 135.00 81929 SEVICE CALL - PJ PRINTER 06/18/2013 131806 CORPORATE SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 10 E 800 310 231100 000 341.00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 06/18/2013 131807 COUNTRYSIDE PLUMBING & HEATNG. 10 E 800 324 254300 000 672.50 81755 MAINT - MS 06/18/2013 131808 COVEY, TONI 10 E 800 411 110000 625 133.71 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131809 CUNO, SHEILA 10 E 400 342 110000 000 84.36 MILEAGE - AUG THRU DEC 2012 06/18/2013 131809 CUNO, SHEILA 10 E 400 342 110000 000 122.04 MILEAGE -JAN THRU JUNE 2013 06/18/2013 131810 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES INC 10 E 800 411 110000 625 15.96 80510 GLOVES - SUMMER STRETCH 06/18/2013 131811 DAVIS, PAT 10 E 800 411 110000 625 83.52 REIMBURSEMENT- SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131812 DEAN FOODS NORTH CENTRAL INC 50 E 800 415 257240 000 11,899.37 MILK PROGRAM - MAY 06/18/2013 131813 DELTA EDUCATION 10 E 200 411 120061 000 134.29 79893 DICTIONARIES - HUTTER/MS 06/18/2013 131814 DEMCO 10 E 400 411 222200 000 439.98 81299 SUPPLIES - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131814 DEMCO 10 E 400 411 222200 000 101.98 81298 SUPPLIES - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131814 DEMCO 10 E 400 411 222200 000 107.86 81297 SUPPLIES - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131814 DEMCO 10 E 400 411 222200 000 105.23 80029 SUPPLIES - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131814 DEMCO 10 E 120 411 222200 000 51.98 82111 SUPPLIES - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131815 DEPT. OF ADMINISTRATION 10 E 800 355 124400 000 1,500.00 TEACH 1/1/13-6/30-13 06/18/2013 131816 DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 27 E 800 310 158001 019 552.50 DUE PROCESS HEARING 06/18/2013 131817 DEROSIER, LOU ANN 10 E 800 411 232100 000 21.10 REIMBURSEMENT - FRAMES FOR RETIREMENT CERTIFIICATES 06/18/2013 131818 DORENBUSH, LISA 27 E 800 310 218100 341 460.00 OT SERVICES 06/18/2013 131818 DORENBUSH, LISA 27 E 800 310 218100 341 520.00 OT SERVICES 06/18/2013 131818 DORENBUSH, LISA 27 E 800 310 218100 341 470.00 OT SERVICES 06/18/2013 131818 DORENBUSH, LISA 27 E 800 310 218100 341 590.00 OT SERVICES 06/18/2013 131818 DORENBUSH, LISA 27 E 800 310 218100 341 460.00 OT SERVICES 06/18/2013 131819 EARTHGRAINS CO. 50 E 800 251 257220 000 1,359.94 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131820 EAU CLAIRE MEMORIAL H.S. 10 E 400 941 162218 000 40.00 BOYS TENNIS SECTIONAL FEE 06/18/2013 131821 EISENBARTH STRING INST. REPAIR, LLC 10 E 400 324 254400 000 249.00 82038 INSTRUMENT REPAIRS - SALINY 06/18/2013 131822 E O JOHNSON COMPANY 10 E 200 324 254400 000 518.00 MAINT CONTRACT 43384 06/18/2013 131822 E O JOHNSON COMPANY 10 E 800 324 254400 000 275.00 SERVICE CALL 2630233 06/18/2013 131823 ERICKSON, ELIZABETH 10 E 120 411 232300 000 46.00 REIMBURSEMENT - WELLNESS BKF - HILLSIDE 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 5

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 13.84 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 17.18 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 6.66 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 8.38 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 25.04 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 31.86 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 8.56 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 33.35 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 7.77 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 35.88 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 13.33 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 135100 000 2.99 MS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 47.85 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 29.50 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 8.97 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 58.95 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 96.32 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 64.11 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 79.54 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 135100 000 37.92 HS FCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 241000 000 150.78 HS -TEACHER APPRECIATION 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 241000 000 66.69 HS TEACHER APPRECIATION 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 241000 000 109.78 HS TEACHER APPRECIATION 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 126000 000 32.25 HS SCIENCE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 400 411 232300 000 49.05 HS WELLNESS 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 27 E 800 411 158000 341 12.08 SP SERV 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 231100 000 14.77 BOARD 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 232100 000 72.99 RETIREMENT CAKE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 252000 000 19.58 DO 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 231100 000 19.70 BOARD 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 232000 000 9.98 ADMIN 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 221200 000 17.97 CURRICULUM - PJ NEW TEACHER MTG 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 221200 000 7.64 CURRICULUM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 221200 000 9.24 CURRICULUM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 221200 000 269.88 DCT 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 254300 000 110.18 SHOP 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 800 411 232300 000 241.28 DO WELLNESS 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 120 411 111000 000 113.93 HILLSIDE - KDG END OF YEAR 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 6

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION MOVIE 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 10 E 200 411 120070 000 5.97 MS GR 7 SCIENCE LAB 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 5.45 81048 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 10.68 81054 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 3.98 81053 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 16.21 81055 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 19.95 81016 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131827 FAMILY FRESH MARKET 50 E 800 415 257220 000 5.07 81059 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131828 FAMILY MEANS 10 E 800 310 264500 000 10,000.00 MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING - JAN - JUNE 2013 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 1.99 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 13.97 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 1.49 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 3.28 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 3.49 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 0.65 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 82.18 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 3.98 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 15.45 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 21.47 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 4.49 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 74.96 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 1.18 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 136.61 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 7.99 81751 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 800 411 253300 000 14.98 MAINT 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 400 411 131100 000 8.97 HS - AG 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 50 E 800 411 257220 000 43.98 81057 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 400 411 126000 000 -24.84 CREDIT - 79475 HS SCIENCE 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 400 411 126000 000 20.96 79475 HS SCIENCE 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 400 411 135100 000 21.47 81459 OPEN PO - CLOTHING - MASON 06/18/2013 131830 FARM & HOME 10 E 200 324 254300 000 89.91 81629 PAINT SUPPLIES - MS 06/18/2013 131831 FASTENAL 10 E 400 411 136380 000 76.74 78741 AUTO SHOP (OPEN PO) 06/18/2013 131832 FEHRMAN, RACHELLE 27 E 800 411 158000 341 14.07 REIMBURSEMENT - GTT SUMMER SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131833 FIRST BOOK NATIONAL OFFICE 10 E 800 432 122100 000 133.20 BOOKS - FREE BOOK PGM - PELOFSKE 06/18/2013 131834 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 10 E 400 411 126000 000 100.69 76606 HOSE - HS SCIENCE 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 7

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 310.64 81685 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 908.41 81685 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 400 432 222200 000 112.25 81285 BOOKS - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 35.23 80497 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 1,757.54 80497 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 569.51 80495 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 528.34 80500 E-BOOKS -COMMON SCHOOL FUND - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 837.18 81683 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 63.34 81683 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 1,756.00 81682 PLAYAWAYS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 146.02 80464 BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - RICHTER/HS 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 200 432 222200 000 229.56 80692 BOOKS - VAN NEVEL 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 100 432 222200 000 318.82 77267 BOOKS - PART COMMON SCHOOL FUND - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 800 432 222200 000 681.84 77267 BOOKS - PART COMMON SCHOOL FUND - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 110 432 222200 000 13.20 80876 BOOKS - KILIBARDA/PJ 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 100 431 222200 000 480.43 79964 PLAYAWAYS - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 100 432 222200 000 68.69 79967 BOOKS - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 100 432 222200 000 81.04 79965 BOOKS = KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131837 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 10 E 100 431 222200 000 704.36 77264 DVD'S - KILIBARDA/SE 06/18/2013 131838 FRANK HEGNER TROPHIES 10 E 400 411 162204 000 43.00 HS BASEBALL 06/18/2013 131839 FREDRICKSON, MALLORY 10 E 800 411 110000 625 23.74 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH DVD 06/18/2013 131839 FREDRICKSON, MALLORY 10 E 800 411 110000 625 217.00 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131839 FREDRICKSON, MALLORY 10 E 800 411 110000 625 119.83 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 8

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131840 FREMONT INDUSTRIES 10 E 800 411 254300 000 1,697.80 81745 MAINT 06/18/2013 131841 FRONTIER FINANCIAL 10 E 800 551 254301 000 4,100.00 81185 MAINT - ZTRAK RENTAL 06/18/2013 131841 FRONTIER FINANCIAL 10 E 800 551 254301 000 4,100.00 81185 MAINT - ZTRAK RENTAL 06/18/2013 131842 FUSION METAL PRODUCTS INC 10 E 400 411 110000 000 34.62 82063 SUPPLIES - CUNNINGHAM/HS 06/18/2013 131842 FUSION METAL PRODUCTS INC 10 E 400 411 110000 000 130.80 82063 SUPPLIES - CUNNINGHAM/HS 06/18/2013 131843 GALE 10 E 800 439 222200 000 31.50 80634 NAT'L GEOGRAPHIC HOSTING FEE - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131844 GARDEN EXPRESSIONS 10 E 100 411 112000 000 75.00 STARR GR 1 SEED PLANTING SUPPLIES - HANZLIK 06/18/2013 131845 GARTNER'S INSTRUMENT SERVICE 10 E 200 310 125510 000 115.00 80680 INSTRUMENT REPAIRS - HAINES/MS 06/18/2013 131846 GENERAL PARTS LLC 50 E 800 324 254490 000 340.60 81374 HS KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131846 GENERAL PARTS LLC 50 E 800 460 254490 000 142.86 81734 LUNCH PGM - HS 06/18/2013 131847 GFC LEASING 10 E 200 551 110000 000 90.50 CONTRACT 447587 06/18/2013 131848 GJOVIK, VICKI 10 E 800 411 221300 000 30.00 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOK 06/18/2013 131849 GOODIN COMPANY 10 E 800 411 254200 000 72.47 81188 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 21.61 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 29.07 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 40.14 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 17.96 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 119.97 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131850 GRAINGER, INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 353.16 81720 MAINT 06/18/2013 131851 GREEN LAKE CONF. CENTER 10 E 800 342 221300 000 621.50 79332 LODGING - WI MATH COUNCIL CONF - GJOVIK 06/18/2013 131852 GRETZLOCK, PAULA 21 E 800 411 213002 000 14.85 REIMBURSEMENT - SPARK SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131853 GUNDERSON, LAURA 10 E 100 411 121000 000 23.65 REIMBURSEMENT - MEMORIAL BENCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131854 HALVERSON BROS. 10 E 800 411 254300 000 1,330.00 79696 MAINT - HS CHILLER 06/18/2013 131855 HANZLIK, WENDY 10 E 100 411 112000 000 26.98 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOK BASKET 06/18/2013 131855 HANZLIK, WENDY 10 E 100 411 112000 000 41.33 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOK BASKETS 06/18/2013 131855 HANZLIK, WENDY 10 E 100 411 112000 000 10.00 REIMBURSEMENT - STATE PARK FEE 06/18/2013 131856 HATCH, DOUGLAS 10 E 200 411 241000 000 30.00 REIMBURSEMENT - INTERVIEW LUNCH 06/18/2013 131857 HAUGEN, BRIDGET 10 E 400 411 121000 000 20.91 REIMBURSEMENT - ART SUPPLIES 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 9

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131858 HEINSELMAN, KARI 10 E 800 411 110000 625 41.98 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131859 HELLAND, AYLA 10 E 110 411 114000 000 40.93 REIMBURSEMENT - CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131860 HERITAGE EMBROIDERY & DESIGN 10 E 400 411 162218 000 174.00 BOYS TENNIS JERSEYS & AWARDS 06/18/2013 131860 HERITAGE EMBROIDERY & DESIGN 10 E 400 450 162300 000 114.00 BOYS TENNIS JERSEYS & AWARDS 06/18/2013 131860 HERITAGE EMBROIDERY & DESIGN 10 E 400 441 162300 000 952.00 BOYS TENNIS JERSEYS & AWARDS 06/18/2013 131861 HIGH POINT FRAMING & TROPHIES 10 E 800 411 172000 000 87.60 MODEL UN AWARDS - MARKOWSKI 06/18/2013 131861 HIGH POINT FRAMING & TROPHIES 10 E 400 411 162223 000 80.00 BOYS HOCKEY AWARDS 06/18/2013 131861 HIGH POINT FRAMING & TROPHIES 10 E 400 411 162319 000 215.55 TRACK AWARDS 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 13.71 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 2,025.47 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 987.29 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 41.00 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 538.08 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 514.80 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 209.76 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 64.28 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 30.37 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131862 HILLYARD, INC / MINNEAPOLIS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 32.78 80131 MAINT 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 50 E 800 411 257220 000 589.96 MONTHLY BILLING - FS - MAY 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 100 411 110000 000 126.22 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 110 411 110000 000 115.93 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 200 411 110000 000 87.60 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 400 411 110000 000 302.52 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 800 411 253300 000 253.40 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 800 411 254300 000 2,107.22 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131863 HUEBSCH 10 E 120 411 110000 000 120.21 MONTHLY BILLING - CUSTODIAL/MAINT UNIFORMS/RUGS 06/18/2013 131864 IVORY52, LLC 10 E 200 310 125400 000 180.00 PIANO TUNING - MS 06/18/2013 131865 JOBS HQ 10 E 800 354 232200 000 325.60 ADS - ACCT 254958 06/18/2013 131866 JOHN, BROOKE 27 E 800 342 158000 341 218.37 MILEAGE - 1/2-5/29 06/18/2013 131866 JOHN, BROOKE 27 E 800 342 158000 341 66.21 MILEAGE 9/10-12/19 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 10

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131867 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 10 E 800 411 253500 000 39.21 81758 MAINT 06/18/2013 131867 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 10 E 800 411 253500 000 82.12 81758 MAINT 06/18/2013 131867 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 10 E 800 411 253500 000 17.48 81758 MAINT 06/18/2013 131867 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 10 E 800 411 253500 000 5.36 81758 MAINT 06/18/2013 131867 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 10 E 800 411 253500 000 39.71 81758 MAINT 06/18/2013 131868 JOHNSON MOTOR SALES INC. 10 E 800 324 253500 000 897.64 81759 MAINT - 2006 CHEVY PICKUP 06/18/2013 131869 J.W. PEPPER & SON INC. 10 E 400 411 125510 000 189.99 82035 MUSIC - MEALEY 06/18/2013 131870 JWOOD SPORTS FLOORING 10 E 800 324 254301 000 1,375.00 81187 MAINT - STARR 06/18/2013 131871 K-LOG, INC. 10 E 200 551 222300 000 440.00 80640 AV STAND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131872 KALTENBERG, ALICIA 10 E 120 411 232300 000 240.00 REIMBURSEMENT - HILLSIDE WELLNESS PRIZES 06/18/2013 131873 KANNEL, JAMES 10 E 400 411 126000 000 90.24 REIMBURSEMENT - SCIENCE SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131874 KIER, GREG 10 E 100 411 110000 000 45.03 REIMBURSEMENT - SAFETY PATROL PARTY 06/18/2013 131875 KLEINER, JAMIE 10 E 120 411 111000 000 49.00 REIMBURSEMENT - READING SUMMIT REGISTRATION 06/18/2013 131876 KLINGLER, LORI 10 E 200 411 120061 000 25.20 REIMBURSEMENT - SOCIAL STUDIES BOOK 06/18/2013 131877 KNUTSON, MICHELLE 10 E 400 411 127000 000 88.40 REIMBURSEMENT - PAINTING SUPPLIES - GREAT IDEAS 06/18/2013 131878 LAKE KOUNTRY, INC 10 E 800 324 254200 000 503.00 81752 MAINT - HS 06/18/2013 131878 LAKE KOUNTRY, INC 10 E 800 411 254300 000 136.00 16652 MAINT 06/18/2013 131878 LAKE KOUNTRY, INC 10 E 100 324 254300 000 94.57 81744 STARR - MEMORIAL 06/18/2013 131879 LAKESHORE 10 E 100 411 113000 000 114.77 77275 STORAGE BOXES - SONNEE/SE 06/18/2013 131880 LAMP RECYCLERS 10 E 800 411 253300 000 337.18 81776 MAINT 06/18/2013 131881 LAUX, CHERI 10 E 200 411 120070 000 13.82 REIMBURSEMENT - GLOVES 06/18/2013 131881 LAUX, CHERI 10 E 200 411 120071 000 13.82 REIMBURSEMENT - GLOVES 06/18/2013 131882 LAWRENCE'S PEST FREE CONTROL 10 E 800 411 253300 000 150.00 81756 MAINT - HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131883 MARCO PRODUCTS INC 10 E 200 411 213000 000 82.39 80627 DVDS - TRAYNOR/MS 06/18/2013 131884 MARKGREN, CARMEN 10 E 100 432 114000 000 73.91 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOKS 06/18/2013 131885 MCCARTHY, DEBRA 10 E 800 411 110000 625 137.93 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131886 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES 10 E 800 470 120000 000 1,107.84 81860 HEALTH TEXT BOOKS- SCHLICHT 06/18/2013 131886 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES 10 E 800 470 120000 000 2,404.08 81860 HEALTH TEXT BOOKS- SCHLICHT 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 11

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131887 MEIER-SMITH, JACQUE 10 E 800 411 110000 625 201.79 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131888 MEREDITH, TRACY 21 E 120 411 120000 000 100.00 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES - BOX TOP $ 06/18/2013 131889 MILLER, BRIAN 10 E 800 411 110000 625 189.53 REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER STRETCH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131890 MINUTEMAN PRESS 10 E 400 411 161306 000 220.42 PROGRAMS & TICKETS - SPRING PLAY - PETERSON 06/18/2013 131891 MISSISSIPPI WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 10 E 800 411 254300 000 14.26 81774 MAINT 06/18/2013 131891 MISSISSIPPI WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 10 E 800 411 254300 000 287.37 81774 MAINT 06/18/2013 131891 MISSISSIPPI WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 10 E 800 411 254300 000 36.00 81774 MAINT 06/18/2013 131892 MOBERG, TRISH 10 E 400 411 232300 000 197.04 REIMBUSEMENT - STAFF LUNCH 06/18/2013 131893 MOORE IMPRINTS 21 E 800 411 213002 000 224.00 SPARK TSHIRTS 06/18/2013 131894 MYER, JENNY 21 E 110 411 120000 000 223.18 REIMBURSEMENT - AR PRIZES 06/18/2013 131895 NADEAU, BENJAMIN 10 E 120 411 232300 000 221.94 REIMBURSEMENT - HILLSIDE WELLNESS COOKING CLASS 06/18/2013 131895 NADEAU, BENJAMIN 10 E 120 411 232300 000 95.66 REIBURSEMENT - HILLSIDE WELLNESS COOKING CLASS 06/18/2013 131895 NADEAU, BENJAMIN 10 E 120 324 254400 000 74.36 REIMBURSEMENT - SOCCER GOAL ANCHORS 06/18/2013 131896 NADEAU, HOPE 10 E 110 411 232300 000 1,599.68 REIMBURSEMENT - PJ WELLNESS 06/18/2013 131897 NEOLA 10 E 800 310 231100 000 1,041.02 UPDATE SERVICE 06/18/2013 131898 NEW RICHMOND AUTO SALVAGE 10 E 400 411 136380 000 188.00 82097 TIRE DISPOSAL - HS 06/18/2013 131899 NEW RICHMOND AREA CENTRE 10 E 120 450 110000 000 4,800.00 SWIMMING LESSONS - HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131899 NEW RICHMOND AREA CENTRE 10 E 110 450 110000 000 2,290.00 SWIMMING LESSONS - PJ 06/18/2013 131899 NEW RICHMOND AREA CENTRE 10 E 100 450 110000 000 4,410.00 SWIMMING LESSONS - STARR 06/18/2013 131900 NORCOSTCO INC 21 E 800 411 161306 000 96.44 82005 DANCE FLOOR TAPE - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 100 341 256770 000 3,591.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 110 341 256770 000 444.50 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 200 341 256740 000 427.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 200 341 256770 000 1,400.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 400 341 256740 000 6,755.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 400 341 256770 000 2,338.50 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 400 341 256771 000 291.50 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 800 341 256710 000 121,473.80 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 27 E 800 341 256751 011 34,484.65 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131901 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL SCHOOL BUS 10 E 120 341 256770 000 2,237.50 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - MAY 06/18/2013 131902 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATIONS 10 E 400 356 120000 000 98.93 MONTHLY BILLING - HS 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 12

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131902 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATIONS 10 E 400 356 120000 000 98.93 MONTHLY BILLING - HS 06/18/2013 131903 NEW RICHMOND CLINIC 10 E 800 310 264500 000 80.00 EMPLOYEE EXAMS 06/18/2013 131904 NEW RICHMOND ELECTRONICS 10 E 200 411 222200 000 9.99 81687 SUPPLIES = VAN NEVEL / MS 06/18/2013 131904 NEW RICHMOND ELECTRONICS 10 E 200 411 222200 000 3.18 81625 CD ENVELOPES - SATTLE/MS 06/18/2013 131905 NRACF 10 E 800 342 232100 000 500.00 LTI TRAINING - MARY JO PEIRSON 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 2.49 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 5.49 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 39.31 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 2.99 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 8.99 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131906 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 10 E 400 411 136380 000 5.38 76050 AUTO SHOP 06/18/2013 131907 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY INC 10 E 800 411 110000 625 131.49 81848 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH - GROTH 06/18/2013 131908 ORIGINS 10 E 800 342 221300 000 1,390.00 77292 RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM REGISTRATION - FIEGE, SWETLIK, CLEVELAND, HELLAND, DEMULLING 06/18/2013 131908 ORIGINS 10 E 800 342 221300 000 2,085.00 77292 RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM REGISTRATION - FIEGE, SWETLIK, CLEVELAND, HELLAND, DEMULLING 06/18/2013 131909 PELOFSKE, NICKALINE 10 E 100 411 110000 000 25.16 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131909 PELOFSKE, NICKALINE 10 E 100 411 110000 000 300.74 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOKS 06/18/2013 131910 PITNEY BOWES INC 10 E 800 353 263300 000 180.00 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 06/18/2013 131911 PITSCO 10 E 200 411 136260 000 77.00 81675 BALSA BLANKS - MILLRE/MS 06/18/2013 131912 PRO BUILD 10 E 800 411 253300 000 553.40 79435 MS TICKET BOOTH ROOFS - MAINT 06/18/2013 131912 PRO BUILD 10 E 800 411 254300 000 9.45 81760 MAINT 06/18/2013 131913 PRO-ED, INC. 27 E 800 411 158000 341 123.20 80828 FORMS - REETZ/SS 06/18/2013 131913 PRO-ED, INC. 27 E 800 411 158000 341 -112.00 CREDIT - 80828 FORMS - REETZ/SS 06/18/2013 131914 PROJECT LEAD THE WAY INC 21 E 800 411 136001 000 3,000.00 PATHWAY TO ENGINEERING PARTICIPATION FEE 06/18/2013 131915 PUSH-PEDAL-PULL 10 E 200 411 232300 000 157.00 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - MS - TREADMILL, 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 13

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ELLIPTICAL, BIKE - MS WELLNESS 06/18/2013 131915 PUSH-PEDAL-PULL 10 E 200 324 253400 000 170.00 MS TREADMILL REPAIR 06/18/2013 131916 R & H THEATRICALS 10 E 400 411 161306 000 16.00 HS MUSICAL SCRIPT BOOKS - PETERSON 06/18/2013 131917 RED ARROW HOBBIES 10 E 800 411 110000 625 324.65 81690 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH - MONTREAL 06/18/2013 131918 REETZ, CAREY 27 E 800 342 158000 341 20.34 MILEAGE - MAY/JUNE 06/18/2013 131919 REICHLE, JOE 27 E 800 310 215000 341 2,087.50 CORE MTG & DATA REVIEW 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 7.44 USDA - STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1.24 USDA - STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 6.20 USDA - PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2.48 USDA - PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 12.40 USDA - HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 4.96 USDA - HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 8.68 USDA - MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1.24 USDA - MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2.48 USDA - MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 9.92 USDA - HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 9.92 USDA - HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 22.32 USDA - HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 13.64 USDA - HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 434.81 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 87.31 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,642.73 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 78.03 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -86.27 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 393763 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -13.00 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 393763 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -36.83 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 393763 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 98.76 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,438.66 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 149.43 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,624.14 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 119.20 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -34.12 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 406566 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 326.82 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -102.96 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 400245 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 226.78 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 26.22 STARR 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 14

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 50.64 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 21.88 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 599.40 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 38.87 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 147.36 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 50.42 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 37.34 STARR 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -19.59 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 416438 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -7.09 STARR- CREDIT AGAINST 412930 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -28.65 PJ - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -10.21 PJ - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 165.86 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 32.04 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,011.36 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 91.48 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 201.13 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,192.01 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 25.59 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 58.72 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 73.73 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 13.40 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,309.40 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 81.45 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -19.59 PJ - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 609.07 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 46.54 PJ 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 307.81 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -5.39 HILLSIDE - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -4.72 HILLSIDE - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -10.50 HILLSIDE - CREDIT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 32.04 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,016.85 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 51.18 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 324.59 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 62.10 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,357.12 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 114.65 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,575.59 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 76.77 HILLSIDE 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 15

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 161.37 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 17.70 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 192.68 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,464.85 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 51.18 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 228.02 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 60.83 HILLSIDE 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 508.44 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 48.90 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 94.38 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -37.08 MS - VOLUME PURCHASE DISCOUNT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,837.75 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 186.48 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 201.97 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,956.06 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 221.80 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 168.68 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 55.27 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,955.41 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 218.12 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 254.90 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 129.42 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 239.72 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,963.18 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 43.93 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 217.34 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 74.54 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 269.01 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 19.95 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 55.88 MS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,920.42 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 117.22 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 430.00 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -17.42 HS - VOLUME PURCHASE DISCOUNT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 10 E 400 411 241000 000 61.90 HS - SOFT SERVE - SWANSON 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,721.54 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 1,029.45 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 243.09 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 181.56 HS 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 16

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,152.41 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 86.47 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 48.92 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 2,172.75 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 468.40 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 260.19 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -33.04 HS - CREDIT AGAINST 374345 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -21.69 HS - CREDIT AGAINST 403132 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 243.34 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,549.25 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 826.72 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 113.69 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 -16.36 HS - CREDIT AGAINST 403132 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 78.50 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257250 000 30.23 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,637.48 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 702.43 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 1,548.95 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 421.66 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 91.15 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 -30.23 HS - CREDIT AGAINST 407842 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 583.14 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 411 257250 000 38.80 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 816.89 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 10 E 400 411 241000 000 30.95 HS - SOFT SERVE - SWANSON 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 60.43 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -17.90 HS - VOLUME PURCHASE DISCOUNT 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 840.40 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257250 000 406.45 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257221 000 113.01 HS 06/18/2013 131926 REINHART FOODSERVICE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 -19.44 HS - CREDIT AGAINST 413883 06/18/2013 131927 RICHTER, CRYSTAL 21 E 120 411 120000 000 39.41 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES - BOX TOP MONEY 06/18/2013 131928 RICHTER, MICHAEL 10 E 800 432 222200 000 227.81 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOKS - COMMON SCHOOL FUND 06/18/2013 131929 RIVERTOWN MULTIMEDIA 10 E 800 354 232200 000 429.30 ADS = ACCT 254958 06/18/2013 131930 ROETZER, CONNIE 10 E 200 411 120061 000 227.97 REIMBURSEMENT - MAPS TESTING REWARDS & PIZZA PARTY 06/18/2013 131930 ROETZER, CONNIE 10 E 200 411 120060 000 21.02 REIMBURSEMENT - GR 6 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 17

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION COMPETITION MTLS 06/18/2013 131930 ROETZER, CONNIE 10 E 800 342 221300 000 13.70 REIMBURSEMENT- MATH CONF MEAL 06/18/2013 131931 ROTARY CLUB OF NEW RICHMOND 50 R 800 251 257220 000 9.75 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013389 GREGORIA MANDIAS 06/18/2013 131932 RUPP, ANDERSON, SQUIRES & WALDSPURG 10 E 800 310 231500 000 3,563.75 LEGAL FEES - APRIL 06/18/2013 131933 RYAN, HEIDI 27 E 800 342 158000 341 102.12 MILEAGE - SEPT THRU DEC 2012 06/18/2013 131933 RYAN, HEIDI 27 E 800 342 158000 341 112.44 MILEAGE - JAN THRU JUNE 2013 06/18/2013 131934 SCHMITZ, MATTHEW 10 E 400 411 162204 000 31.76 REIMBURSEMENT - DRYING COMPOUND 06/18/2013 131934 SCHMITZ, MATTHEW 10 E 200 411 143000 000 21.00 REIMBURSEMENT - SPECIAL DESIGN BOWLING 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 836.73 82107 FREE BOOKS - GAUSMAN/HE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 753.75 82106 FREE BOOKS - LUBOW/HE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 649.50 82103 FREE BOOKS - PREECE/HE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 734.24 82126 FREE BOOKS - ULRICH/HE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 120 342 110000 000 245.00 82101 READING SUMMIT WORKSHOP - DOBSON, PREECE, MEREDITH, BALLARD, HOP 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 100 342 110000 000 98.00 79927 READING SUMMIT REGISTRATION - PELOFSKE, BRIGGS/SE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 110 342 221300 000 147.00 81933 READING SUMMIT REGISTRATION - CARLSON, CRISP, SISLO/PJ 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122115 141 49.00 82110 BOOKS TITLE I = BAUER/SE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122115 141 152.98 78529 BOOKS - TITLE I - STRANDEMO 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 584.46 81908 FREE BOOKS - STRANDEMO 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 628.72 81908 FREE BOOKS - STRANDEMO 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122115 141 308.19 81909 BOOKS - TITLE I - STRANDEMO / ULRICH 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 120 411 110000 000 77.75 82102 BOOKS - ULRICH/HE 06/18/2013 131936 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS INC 10 E 800 432 122100 000 125.75 82104 FREE BOOKS - SONNEE/SE 06/18/2013 131937 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB 21 E 800 411 110003 000 19.99 81903 BOOKS & CD'S - $250 STARGRANT - AVERILL 06/18/2013 131937 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB 21 E 800 411 110003 000 60.97 81902 BOOKS - $250 STAR GRANT - AVERILL 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 10 E 800 432 122100 000 74.39 77294 FREE BOOKS - PELOFSKE 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 18

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 10 E 800 432 122100 000 32.70 77294 FREE BOOKS - PELOFSKE 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 10 E 800 432 122100 000 32.70 77294 FREE BOOKS - PELOFSKE 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 10 E 800 432 122100 000 50.14 77294 FREE BOOKS - PELOFSKE 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 21 E 110 411 120000 000 418.14 81905 BOOKS - MYER/BIRCH/PJ 06/18/2013 131938 SCHOLASTIC INC. 21 E 110 411 120000 000 206.20 81907 BOOK SETS - BIRCH/MYER/PJ 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 10 E 800 411 110000 625 159.90 81849 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH - CHRISTENSEN 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 10 E 800 411 110000 625 182.47 81808 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH - CARLSON-FORMO 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 10 E 400 440 143000 000 825.74 81498 PE SUPPLIES - KACZMARSKI/HS 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 10 E 800 411 110000 625 212.93 81831 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH - JENSEN 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 10 E 100 411 121000 000 448.23 79928 ART SUPPLIES - GUNDERSON/SE 06/18/2013 131939 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 27 E 800 411 158000 341 26.99 80477 SUPPLIES - DORENBUSH/SS 06/18/2013 131940 SCHOOLWIRES, INC 10 E 800 480 124400 000 895.40 80835 CENTRICITY 2 UPGRADE - TECH 06/18/2013 131941 SCHOOL DIST. OF BOYCEVILLE 10 E 400 941 162204 000 50.00 BASEBALL FEE 06/18/2013 131942 SCHOOL DIST. OF NEW RICHMOND 50 E 800 415 257220 000 105.00 AG DEPT TALAPIA PURCHASED BY LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131943 SCHOOL DIST. OF OSCEOLA 10 E 400 941 162218 000 145.00 BOYS TENNIS SUBSECTIONAL INDOOR FACILITY RENTAL 06/18/2013 131944 SCHOOL DIST. OF SOMERSET 10 E 800 389 435000 000 19,005.00 2012-13 SPECIAL ED OPEN ENROLLMENT TUITION - 3 STUDENTS 06/18/2013 131945 SGO ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION 10 E 800 324 254300 000 498.13 81742 MAINT - HS ROOF LEAK 06/18/2013 131946 SHEET MUSIC PLUS 10 E 400 411 125400 000 133.19 80275 MUSIC - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131947 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 331.04 81738 MAINT - STARR 06/18/2013 131947 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 -80.00 CREDIT 06/18/2013 131947 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES INC. 10 E 800 411 253300 000 92.49 81702 MAINT - MS 06/18/2013 131948 SIMPSON, JOAN 10 E 800 416 214000 000 25.97 REIMBURSEMENT - GAP & HEALTH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131948 SIMPSON, JOAN 21 E 800 411 214011 000 22.74 REIMBURSEMENT - GAP & HEALTH SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131948 SIMPSON, JOAN 10 E 800 416 214000 000 8.80 REIMBURSEMENT - HEALTH OFFICE SUPPLIES 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 19

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131949 SISLO, LINDA 10 E 110 411 110000 000 10.49 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131950 SKOGLUND OIL CO. INC. 10 E 800 418 253500 000 70.01 GAS 06/18/2013 131951 SMITH, MARK 10 E 800 324 124400 000 50.00 80843 IPAD REPAIR - MONTREAL 06/18/2013 131952 SMYLES BOOK COMPANY 10 E 120 432 222200 000 733.76 80465 BOOKS - RICHTER/HE 06/18/2013 131952 SMYLES BOOK COMPANY 10 E 100 432 222200 000 805.29 79966 BOOKS - KILIBARA/SE 06/18/2013 131952 SMYLES BOOK COMPANY 10 E 110 432 222200 000 805.29 77256 BOOKS - KILIBARDA/PJ 06/18/2013 131953 SNA LOCKBOX - CERTIFICATION 50 E 800 941 257220 000 8.00 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - A KARPENSKE 06/18/2013 131954 SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SERVICE 10 E 200 411 213000 000 296.74 80626 CD & DVD - TRYANOR/MS 06/18/2013 131954 SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SERVICE 10 E 200 411 120080 000 73.36 81609 BOOKS - SCHMIDT/MS 06/18/2013 131955 SONNEE, BREANNA 10 E 100 432 113000 000 101.49 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOKS 06/18/2013 131955 SONNEE, BREANNA 21 E 800 411 110003 000 32.75 BOOKS - $400 STAR GRANT 06/18/2013 131956 ST CROIX COUNTY DHHS - PUBLIC HEALT 50 E 800 411 257220 000 85.00 INSPECTION - HILLSIDE KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131956 ST CROIX COUNTY DHHS - PUBLIC HEALT 50 E 800 411 257220 000 200.00 INSPECTION - HS KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131956 ST CROIX COUNTY DHHS - PUBLIC HEALT 50 E 800 411 257220 000 85.00 INSPECTION - MS KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131956 ST CROIX COUNTY DHHS - PUBLIC HEALT 50 E 800 411 257220 000 85.00 INSPECTION - STARR KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131956 ST CROIX COUNTY DHHS - PUBLIC HEALT 50 E 800 411 257220 000 85.00 INSPECTION - PJ KITCHEN 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 252000 000 518.71 81718 PURCHASE ORDERS 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 50 E 800 411 257220 000 161.08 7099977391 STOOL - FOOD SERVICE/BRUMMER 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 400 411 120000 000 85.41 7100255981 SUPPLIES - SUMMER SCHOOL - KNUTSON/BENNIG 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 400 411 120000 000 35.99 7100255981 SUPPLIES - SUMMER SCHOOL - KNUTSON/BENNIG 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 254300 000 50.67 7100145500 SUPPLIES - SHOP 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 120 411 111000 000 130.33 7100475826 SUPPLIES - STEEL/HE 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 120 411 112000 000 13.72 7100605450 SUPPLIES - STEEL/HE 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 200 411 241000 000 61.88 7100606396 SUPPLIES - JENDERNY/MS 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 200 411 241000 000 84.75 7100606396 SUPPLIES - JENDERNY/MS 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 200 411 241000 000 405.65 7100606396 SUPPLIES - JENDERNY/MS 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 200 411 241000 000 242.63 7100606396 SUPPLIES - JENDERNY/MS 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 231100 000 112.66 7100474575 SUPPLIES - DEROSIER/DO 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 20

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 254300 000 153.94 7100588859 SUPPLIES - NIEDERER/SHOP 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 100 411 124400 000 708.41 7100853138 TONER - KILIBARDA/PJ 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 232100 000 70.60 7100799190 SUPPLIES - DEROSIER/DO 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 120 411 241000 000 115.07 7101152018 TONER - TROST/HE 06/18/2013 131959 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 10 E 800 411 232000 000 246.94 7101115979 TONER - KOOP/DO 06/18/2013 131960 STEPHENS SANITATION 10 E 800 323 253300 000 1,470.00 GARBAGE SERVICE - MAY 06/18/2013 131960 STEPHENS SANITATION 50 E 800 323 253300 000 1,050.00 GARBAGE SERVICE - MAY 06/18/2013 131961 STERLING ATHLETICS 80 E 800 411 390400 000 645.00 77613 JUNIOR - COMM ED 06/18/2013 131962 STRANDEMO, JAN 10 E 800 411 122115 141 170.64 REIMBURSEMENT- TITLE I ANNUAL MTG 06/18/2013 131962 STRANDEMO, JAN 10 E 110 411 110000 000 439.20 REIMBURSEMENT - BOOKS 06/18/2013 131963 SWANSON, DEBORAH 10 E 400 411 126000 000 25.88 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131963 SWANSON, DEBORAH 10 E 400 411 126000 000 30.96 REIMBURSEMENT - SUPPLIES 06/18/2013 131964 TAMS WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY INC 10 E 400 411 161306 000 48.50 HS MUSICAL - PETERSON 06/18/2013 131965 TIES 10 E 400 440 124400 000 252.00 81424 MONITOR - ALWES/HS 06/18/2013 131965 TIES 10 E 800 480 124400 000 285.96 81231 SERVER RAM - ZACHARIAS 06/18/2013 131966 TOP HAT INC 10 E 800 341 256710 000 650.50 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - APRIL/MAY 06/18/2013 131966 TOP HAT INC 27 E 800 341 256751 011 98.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - APRIL/MAY 06/18/2013 131967 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 E 400 571 120000 000 531.39 HS COPIER 06/18/2013 131967 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 E 200 324 254300 000 282.75 MS COPIER 06/18/2013 131967 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 80 E 800 324 254300 000 206.41 CC COPIER 06/18/2013 131968 TRAVELERS 10 E 800 712 270000 000 4,913.00 POLICY #9626P778 BME1 BOILER & MACHINERY 06/18/2013 131969 TREBRON COMPANY, INC 10 E 800 480 124400 000 15,448.00 SOPHOS SECURITY & CONTROL - SECOND OF 5 ANNUAL PAYMENTS 06/18/2013 131970 TRIO SUPPLY CO. 50 E 800 411 257220 000 1,269.83 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131970 TRIO SUPPLY CO. 50 E 800 411 257250 000 220.10 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131970 TRIO SUPPLY CO. 50 E 800 411 257221 000 203.17 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131971 TRUGREEN #5635 10 E 800 324 254200 000 2,239.00 81753 MAINT - ATHLETIC FIELDS 06/18/2013 131971 TRUGREEN #5635 10 E 800 324 254200 000 2,147.00 81753 MAINT - ATHLETIC FIELDS 06/18/2013 131972 TUMBLEWEED PRESS, INC 10 E 100 435 124400 000 400.00 80491 DELUXE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL - ELEMS 06/18/2013 131972 TUMBLEWEED PRESS, INC 10 E 110 435 120000 000 277.30 80491 DELUXE SUBSCRIPTION 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 21

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RENEWAL - ELEMS 06/18/2013 131972 TUMBLEWEED PRESS, INC 10 E 120 435 124400 000 400.00 80491 DELUXE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL - ELEMS 06/18/2013 131972 TUMBLEWEED PRESS, INC 10 E 800 439 222200 000 69.20 80493 TUBLEBOOKCLOUD JUNIOR SUBSCRIPTION - RICHTER/HE - PART COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS 06/18/2013 131972 TUMBLEWEED PRESS, INC 10 E 120 439 222200 000 330.00 80493 TUBLEBOOKCLOUD JUNIOR SUBSCRIPTION - RICHTER/HE - PART COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS 06/18/2013 131973 UETZ, MICHELLE 27 E 800 411 158000 341 50.00 DISTRICT CONTRIBUTION FOR ST CROIX CTY COALITION ON TRANSITION - PARENT TRANSITION RESOURCE NIGHT 4/17/13. ROOM RENTAL & FOOD 06/18/2013 131974 ULRICH, LAURA 10 E 800 432 122100 000 426.42 REIMBURSEMENT - FREE BOOK DISTRIBUTION 06/18/2013 131975 UNITED STATES ACADEMIC DECATHLON 10 E 400 411 110000 000 1,374.56 81485 DECATHLON SUPPLIES - HAMDORF/HS 06/18/2013 131976 UPS 10 E 800 353 263300 000 88.00 SHIPPING 06/18/2013 131976 UPS 10 E 800 353 263300 000 30.55 SHIPPING 06/18/2013 131976 UPS 10 E 800 353 263300 000 54.29 SHIPPING 06/18/2013 131977 UPSTART 10 E 800 411 122115 141 220.89 79925 SUPPIES = TITLE I - PELOFSKE 06/18/2013 131978 USI, INC. 10 E 200 411 241000 000 148.79 81692 LAMINATING FILM - SATTLER/MS 06/18/2013 131978 USI, INC. 10 E 110 411 110000 000 445.99 81931 LAMINATING FILM - LANDAAL/PJ 06/18/2013 131979 UW RIVER FALLS - ACCTS RECEIVABLE 10 E 800 450 110000 000 2,334.64 81854 BOOK STUDY - SUMMER READING - 11 STUDENTS 06/18/2013 131979 UW RIVER FALLS - ACCTS RECEIVABLE 10 E 800 450 110000 000 1,273.44 81855 BOOK STUDY - WHAT YOU MUST THINK OF ME - 6 STUDENTS 06/18/2013 131979 UW RIVER FALLS - ACCTS RECEIVABLE 10 E 800 450 110000 000 848.96 81857 BOOK STUDY - MATH SENSE - 4 STUDENTS 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 100 355 241000 000 45.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 200 355 241000 000 90.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 200 551 241000 000 49.99 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 22

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 800 355 124400 000 184.31 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 800 355 263300 000 367.66 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 800 359 253100 000 364.21 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 800 440 253300 000 214.97 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 800 551 124400 000 549.96 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 80 E 800 355 263300 000 45.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 400 355 162300 000 45.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 120 355 241000 000 45.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 10 E 400 355 241000 000 90.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131980 VERIZON WIRELESS 27 E 800 355 223300 019 45.00 MONTHLY BILLING - ACCT 686369585-00001 06/18/2013 131981 VIKING COCA-COLA 50 E 800 415 257250 000 38.40 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131981 VIKING COCA-COLA 50 E 800 415 257250 000 371.60 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131981 VIKING COCA-COLA 50 E 800 415 257250 000 197.60 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131981 VIKING COCA-COLA 50 E 800 415 257250 000 164.60 LUNCH PGM 06/18/2013 131982 WANDER, JENNIFER 10 E 400 411 213000 000 31.39 REIMBURSMENT - GRADUATION RIBBON 06/18/2013 131983 WARNER'S DOCK 10 E 400 551 110000 000 1,570.00 80955 SECTIONAL DOCK -$1,000 SLD - KANNEL/MOBERG 06/18/2013 131984 WARTHER WOODWORKING 10 E 800 411 232100 000 241.00 80521 RETIREMENT BELLS - DEROSIER/DO 06/18/2013 131985 WASBO 10 E 800 941 253100 000 210.00 81189 MEMBERSHIP DUES - R PARENT 06/18/2013 131986 WASSBERG, JOHN 50 R 800 251 257220 000 62.96 REFUND - LUNCH ACCT 2013021 KALLEY 06/18/2013 131987 WESTFIELDS HOSPITAL 27 E 800 310 218200 011 1,892.55 PHYSICAL THERAPY - MAY 06/18/2013 131988 WISCONSIN CAREERS 10 E 200 411 213000 000 1,000.00 82072 MS/HS WISCAEERS - THRU 9/30/14 06/18/2013 131988 WISCONSIN CAREERS 10 E 400 411 213000 000 1,000.00 82072 MS/HS WISCAEERS - THRU 9/30/14 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 23

CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 06/18/2013 131989 WI LIBRARY SERVICES 10 E 800 439 222200 000 513.00 81626 HISTORY SUBSCRIPTION - COMMON SCHOOL FUND - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131989 WI LIBRARY SERVICES 10 E 800 439 222200 000 2,325.00 80637 ONLINE RESOURCES - COMMON SCHOOL FUNDS - VAN NEVEL/MS 06/18/2013 131990 WI VIRTUAL ACADEMY 10 E 800 389 435000 000 3,835.71 FINAL REG ED TUITION OF NON-RESIDENT SP ED STUDENTS 06/18/2013 131991 WIAA 10 E 400 941 162300 000 1,050.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES - HS 06/18/2013 131992 WISSINK, TOM 10 E 400 411 241000 000 33.44 REIMBURSEMENT - MATH INTERVIEWS 06/18/2013 131993 WILLIAM V. MACGILL & CO. 10 E 800 416 214000 000 66.47 81858 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH & HEALTH 06/18/2013 131993 WILLIAM V. MACGILL & CO. 10 E 800 411 110000 625 96.48 81858 SUPPLIES - SUMMER STRETCH & HEALTH 06/18/2013 131994 WSMA 10 E 400 941 125400 000 20.00 80269 CLINIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REGISTRATION - SCHROETTER 06/18/2013 131994 WSMA 10 E 400 941 125510 000 20.00 80262 CLINIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REGISTRATION - MEALEY 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 800 324 258400 000 654.23 FKA-630458 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 200 570 110000 000 104.40 NL2-027686 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 110 571 110000 000 162.44 FLA-011291 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 400 571 120000 000 16.09 UTU-826073 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 120 571 120000 000 174.16 WTD-728151 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 120 571 120000 000 184.56 WTD-728528 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 800 324 258400 000 1,863.15 BG2-939572 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 100 571 241000 000 10.92 UTV-814990 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 100 571 241000 000 63.23 UTV-815224 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 400 571 120000 000 458.38 UTU-826073 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 800 324 258400 000 22.11 XEL-562534 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 100 571 241000 000 195.58 UTV-815224 06/18/2013 131995 XEROX CORP. 10 E 100 571 241000 000 300.61 UTV-814990

Totals for checks 490,507.75 3frdtl01.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:49 AM 06/18/13 CHECK SUMMARY FOR THE BOARD (Dates: 04/01/13 - 06/18/13) PAGE: 24



10 GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 361,121.17 361,121.17 21 SPECIAL REVENUE TRUST FUND 0.00 0.00 4,614.65 4,614.65 27 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 0.00 47,003.04 47,003.04 50 FOOD SERVICE FUND 0.00 130.13 76,605.85 76,735.98 80 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND 0.00 0.00 1,032.91 1,032.91 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 0.00 130.13 490,377.62 490,507.75

************************ End of report ************************

RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 1

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 272 390300 000 05/06/2013 180.00 050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 272 390400 000 05/06/2013 247.00 050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 291 390111 000 05/06/2013 108.00 050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 291 390302 000 05/06/2013 150.00 050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 272 390133 000 05/06/2013 30.00 050613 RSCHOOL 4/29-5/2 80 R 800 272 310000 000 05/06/2013 25.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 291 390111 000 05/15/2013 115.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 272 390400 000 05/15/2013 272.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 272 310000 000 05/15/2013 51.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 291 390001 000 05/15/2013 1,100.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 291 390101 000 05/15/2013 1,230.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 293 390001 000 05/15/2013 700.00 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 291 390302 000 05/15/2013 1,506.40 051513 RSCHOOL 5/4-5/12 80 R 800 272 390300 000 05/15/2013 47.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 272 390400 000 05/20/2013 377.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 272 390300 000 05/20/2013 1,360.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 272 390301 000 05/20/2013 980.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 272 310000 000 05/20/2013 112.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 291 390302 000 05/20/2013 100.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 272 390193 000 05/20/2013 180.00 052013 RSCHOOL 513-5/19 80 R 800 262 390001 000 05/20/2013 50.00 052813 RSCHOOL 5/20-5/27 80 R 800 272 390400 000 05/28/2013 351.00 052813 RSCHOOL 5/20-5/27 80 R 800 272 390300 000 05/28/2013 55.00 052813 RSCHOOL 5/20-5/27 80 R 800 272 310000 000 05/28/2013 809.00 052813 RSCHOOL 5/20-5/27 80 R 800 291 390111 000 05/28/2013 71.00 052813 RSCHOOL 5/20-5/27 80 R 800 291 390302 000 05/28/2013 5,790.00 052813 RSCHOOL - 5/20-5/274 80 R 800 272 390146 000 05/28/2013 145.53 052813. RSCHOOL - 5/1-5/31 80 R 800 293 390001 000 05/28/2013 2,085.00 052813. RSCHOOL - 5/1-5/31 CUSTODIAL 80 R 800 293 390001 000 05/28/2013 195.00 052813. RSCHOOL - 5/1-5/31 80 R 800 272 390000 000 05/28/2013 30.00 052813. RSCHOOL - 5/1-5/31 80 R 800 860 390001 000 05/28/2013 100.00 052813. RSCHOOLS 5/1-5/31 80 L 000 000 812100 000 05/28/2013 195.00 052813. RSCHOOLS 4/1-4/30 80 R 800 272 390000 000 05/28/2013 30.00 052813. RSCHOOLS 4/1-4/30 80 R 800 293 390001 000 05/28/2013 60.00 127052 SCHWANS REBATE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 05/03/2013 9.79 127053 4/29 HS KITCHEN - PETERS 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/03/2013 21.65 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 2

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

127054 HS FCE - MDSE RETURN AT FAMILY FRES 10 E 400 411 135100 000 05/03/2013 17.17 127055 STARR - NASH FINCH LABELS (TRANFERR 21 R 100 291 500000 000 05/03/2013 150.00 127056 4/30 HS KITCHEN - EHLENFELDT 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/03/2013 14.21 127058 PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT - APRIL CONCE 10 E 400 112 162300 000 05/08/2013 60.00 127058 PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT - APRIL CONCE 10 E 400 220 162300 000 05/08/2013 4.59 127058 PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT - APRIL CONCE 10 E 400 212 162300 000 05/08/2013 3.99 127059 SUMMER STRETCH CLASS FEES 10 R 800 292 500000 625 05/08/2013 10.00 127060 MILLE LACS WILD RICE CORP REBATE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 05/08/2013 5.00 127061 5/6 ST MARY'S - TACO MEAT 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/08/2013 21.94 127062 CESA 11 - CARL PERKINS GRANT 10 R 800 517 500000 404 05/08/2013 385.10 127066 UPS SHIPPING - MARY SMASAL 10 E 800 353 263300 000 05/14/2013 7.28 127067 HILLSIDE - CK FROM A2N DONATION TO 10 R 120 262 500000 000 05/14/2013 500.00 127068 AMERY HS - GIRLS HOCKEY SHARE 10 R 400 349 162123 000 05/14/2013 1,036.33 127069 4/10 CENTRE - STARR AFTER SCHOOL PG 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/14/2013 78.57 127070 PORTESI REBATE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 05/14/2013 536.16 127071 MOBILE HOME FEES - APRIL 10 R 800 213 500000 000 05/17/2013 163.04 127072 4/25 MS STUDENT OF THE MONTH 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/17/2013 74.05 127073 MIKE MONTELLO - BOYS TENNIS DUFFLE 10 R 400 262 162300 000 05/17/2013 114.00 127075 GAP FUND DONATION - NR ROTARY 21 R 800 291 214011 000 05/22/2013 500.00 127076 CESA 11 - SUB REIMBURSEMENT - BIOTE 10 E 200 131 110000 000 05/22/2013 93.00 127076 CESA 11 - SUB REIMBURSEMENT - BIOTE 10 E 200 220 110000 000 05/22/2013 2.00 127077 CLEAR LAKE HS - GIRLS HOCKEY SHARE 10 R 400 349 162123 000 05/22/2013 1,036.33 127078 5/20 HILLSIDE KITCHEN - MEISNER 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/22/2013 38.48 127079 5/16 HS KITCHEN - PETERS 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/22/2013 20.00 127080 5/7 ANGP CONCESSIONS 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/24/2013 24.70 127081 SOMERSET HS - GIRLS HOCKEY SHARE 10 R 400 349 162123 000 05/24/2013 6,218.00 127082 CAMP WAPO GAS FOR U-HAUL 10 E 800 418 253500 000 05/24/2013 70.01 127083 DO POP MACHINE 10 R 800 262 500000 000 05/24/2013 42.00 127084 DPI - IDEA FLOW THROUGH (EIS) 27 R 800 730 500000 341 05/20/2013 95,734.06 127085 DPI - COMMODITY HANDLING CHARGES 50 E 800 387 257220 000 05/28/2013 -103.99 127086 DPI - FOOD SERVICE AID - BREAKFAST 50 R 800 717 257210 546 05/28/2013 9,749.42 127087 DPI - FOOD SERVICE AID - LUNCH 50 R 800 717 257220 547 05/28/2013 59,106.20 127092 ST CROIX CENTRAL - PAYMENT FOR MS H 10 R 800 262 510000 000 05/31/2013 60.00 127092 HS TRACK ENTRY FEE - ST CROIX CENTR 10 R 400 343 162319 000 05/31/2013 200.00 127093 NR AREA CENTRE - STARR AFTER SCHOOL 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 98.01 127094 SCHWAN'S REBATE 50 E 800 415 257220 000 05/31/2013 535.32 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 3

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

127095 5/15 CAMP WAPO 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 26.40 127095 5/114 CAMP WAPO 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 477.60 127095 5/17 HS TRACK 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 150.00 127095 5/10 HS TRACK 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 156.60 127095 4/27 PROM 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 178.17 127096 5/29 HS KITCHEN - WITTSTOCK 50 R 800 259 257250 000 05/31/2013 184.89 127097 CESA 11 - SUB REIMBURSEMENT - APRIL 10 E 200 131 110000 000 05/31/2013 93.50 127097 CESA 11 - SUB REIMBURSEMENT - APRIL 10 E 200 220 110000 000 05/31/2013 1.50 127098 BOOK STUDY - 10 R 800 262 510000 000 05/31/2013 2,003.93 386236 HS WOODS RESALE 10 R 400 262 136000 000 05/08/2013 81.44 386237 HS TRACK FEES 10 R 400 343 162319 000 05/08/2013 500.00 386237 MS TRACK FEES 10 R 200 343 162300 000 05/08/2013 50.00 386238 HS TRACK GATE - 5/8 RELAYS 10 R 400 271 162300 000 05/08/2013 812.00 386239 HS YEARBOOK SALES 10 R 400 262 161338 000 05/08/2013 2,152.00 386240 HS ATHLETIC FEES 10 R 400 292 160000 000 05/08/2013 350.00 386241 HS RESALE - RED CROSS CLUB 10 R 400 262 500000 000 05/14/2013 64.15 386242 HS RESALE - CAMP ST CROIX FIELD TRI 10 R 400 262 500000 000 05/14/2013 140.00 386243 HS TRACK FEES 10 R 400 343 162319 000 05/15/2013 200.00 386243 MS TRACK FEES 10 R 200 343 162300 000 05/15/2013 50.00 386244 HS ATHLETIC FEES 10 R 400 292 160000 000 05/15/2013 100.00 386245 WIAA REGIONAL TRACK GATE 5/20/13 10 R 400 271 162500 000 05/21/2013 1,960.00 386246 WIAA TRACK HOST SCHOOL ALLOWANCE 10 R 400 279 162500 000 05/21/2013 370.00 386247 HS RESALE - AP TESTING 10 R 400 262 500000 000 05/30/2013 23.00 386248 WIAA - STATE TRAVEL ALLOWANCE - IND 10 R 400 279 162500 000 05/30/2013 289.60 386248 WIAA - STATE TRAVEL ALLOWANCE - TRA 10 R 400 279 162500 000 05/30/2013 688.40 386249 REFUND - GOLF INVITE FEE - HAYWARD 10 E 400 941 162212 000 05/30/2013 300.00 386250 BOYS TENNIS ENTRY FEE 10 R 400 343 162300 000 05/30/2013 40.00 386251 HS 1ST DAY FEES 10 R 400 292 500000 000 05/30/2013 80.00 386252 HS TRANSCRIPT FEE 10 R 400 292 500000 000 05/30/2013 5.00 5707 HILLSIDE - BOX TOPS 21 R 120 291 500000 000 05/14/2013 1,594.40 5708 HILLSIDE RESALE - GR 3 SWIMMING 10 R 100 262 500000 000 05/14/2013 882.00 5709 HILLSIDE RESALE - GR 2 SWIMMING 10 R 100 262 500000 000 05/14/2013 980.00 5710 HILLSIDE RESALE - GR 1 SWIMMING 10 R 100 262 500000 000 05/20/2013 910.00 5711 HILLSIDE RESALE - GR 5 SWIMMING 10 R 100 262 500000 000 05/20/2013 770.00 5712 RESALE - HILLSIDE SWIMMING - GR 4 10 R 120 262 500000 000 05/24/2013 1,030.00 722609 MS TRACK ENTRY FEE 10 R 200 343 162300 000 05/16/2013 50.00 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 4

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

722610 MS TRACK ENTRY FEE 10 R 200 343 162300 000 05/16/2013 50.00 751093 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/03/2013 2,787.75 751094 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/03/2013 187.05 751095 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/03/2013 2,611.00 751096 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/08/2013 185.05 751097 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/08/2013 3,172.00 751098 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/08/2013 216.51 751099 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/08/2013 1,960.75 751100 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/08/2013 169.60 751102 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/01/2013 2,197.00 751103 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/02/2013 1,992.05 751104 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/03/2013 1,896.50 751105 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/06/2013 1,437.50 751106 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/08/2013 2,884.70 751107 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/08/2013 174.25 751108 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/10/2013 2,552.30 751109 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/10/2013 204.15 751110 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/10/2013 2,898.85 751111 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/10/2013 127.15 751112 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/07/2013 520.00 751113 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/08/2013 1,455.05 751114 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/09/2013 998.00 751115 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/14/2013 2,168.09 751116 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/14/2013 180.00 751117 CERTIFIED RECOVERY 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/14/2013 16.67 751118 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/10/2013 847.00 751119 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/14/2013 2,255.50 751120 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/15/2013 174.35 751121 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/15/2013 2,851.83 751122 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/15/2013 162.15 751124 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/13/2013 2,694.65 751125 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/14/2013 285.00 751126 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/17/2013 1,930.35 751127 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/17/2013 216.65 751128 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/22/2013 2,864.20 751129 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/22/2013 154.10 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 5

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

751130 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/22/2013 1,094.06 751131 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/22/2013 159.30 751132 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/15/2013 1,352.08 751133 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/16/2013 815.00 751134 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/17/2013 690.05 751135 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/22/2013 2,230.02 751137 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/22/2013 1,770.60 751138 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/24/2013 249.95 751139 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/24/2013 203.20 751140 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/20/2013 1,571.00 751141 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/24/2013 1,904.29 751142 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/31/2013 179.65 751143 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/29/2013 2,196.30 751144 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/29/2013 1,660.30 751145 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/21/2013 565.26 751146 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/22/2013 855.00 751147 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/23/2013 884.00 751148 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/24/2013 620.00 751149 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/29/2013 1,865.67 751150 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/29/2013 199.50 751151 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/29/2013 170.65 751152 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/29/2013 190.40 751153 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/31/2013 1,866.60 751154 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/31/2013 208.50 751155 STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/31/2013 2,424.60 751156 ALA CARTE 50 R 800 251 257250 000 05/31/2013 168.80 751168 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/28/2013 2,024.05 751169 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/29/2013 230.00 751170 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/30/2013 1,063.60 751171 *STUDENT LUNCHES 50 R 800 251 257220 000 05/31/2013 871.20 8248 PJ - BOX TOPS 21 R 110 291 500000 000 05/06/2013 482.30 8249 RESALE - NR4K FAMILY FUN NIGHT 10 R 800 262 510000 000 05/06/2013 250.00 8554 STARR RESALE - SWIMMING - GR 1-5 10 R 100 262 500000 000 05/08/2013 3,450.00 8555 STARR - BOX TOPS 21 R 100 291 500000 000 05/29/2013 1,256.60 8556 STARR - INTERSTATE STUDIO SPRING PI 21 R 100 291 500000 000 05/29/2013 538.01 042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 272 390400 000 05/29/2013 4,693.00 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 6

Receipt Description Acct Nbr Trans Date Amount

042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 272 390300 000 05/29/2013 1,155.00 042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 272 310000 000 05/29/2013 791.00 042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 291 390111 000 05/29/2013 15.00 042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 272 390301 000 05/29/2013 560.00 042913 *CE ONLINE - 4/29-5/29 80 R 800 272 390193 000 05/29/2013 540.00 0528 *YEARBOOKS ONLINE 4/29-5/28 10 R 400 262 161338 000 05/28/2013 2,160.00

Total for Cash Receipts 306,870.21 3frdtl02.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW RICHMOND 9:51 AM 06/18/13 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH JW (Dates: 05/01/2013 - 05/31/2013) PAGE: 7


FUND DESCRIPTION BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 10 GENERAL FUND 0.00 30,256.32 653.04 30,909.36 21 SPECIAL REVENUE TRUST FUND 0.00 4,521.31 0.00 4,521.31 27 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 95,734.06 0.00 95,734.06 50 FOOD SERVICE FUND 0.00 148,132.27 982.28 149,114.55 80 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND 195.00 26,395.93 0.00 26,590.93 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 195.00 305,039.89 1,635.32 306,870.21

************************ End of report ************************


CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President Kolbeck in accordance with notice given to the New Richmond News.

ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Marilyn Duerst, Paula Kolbeck, Larry Moore, Chris Skoglund, Marty Wold Board Members Absent: Rick Hinz, Neal Melby (arrived at 7:09 p.m.) Administration Present: Morrie Veilleux, Brian Johnston, Jeff Moberg, Jessica Ferguson

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Additions to the agenda: The resignation of Jacob Reynolds from High School custodial position was added as item 4.d in the Personnel section.

Larry Moore made a motion to approve the agenda with the resignation of Jacob Reynolds added as item 4.d in the Personnel section as presented. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

OPEN FORUM District resident Gene Mireau addressed the Board with concerns about why the CESA #10 Energy Management Plan wasn’t started 5 years ago when the High School was being built.

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Monthly Bill Auditing Board member Paula Kolbeck reviewed the monthly bills with Brian Johnston, Director of Fiscal and Building Operations before the meeting. Everything was found to be in order.

State Budget Update District Administrator Morrie Veilleux provided an update on the state budget and the meeting between the Finance Committee and the University of Wisconsin.

Neal Melby arrived at 7:09 p.m.

2013-2014 Budget Projections Brian Johnston provided an update on the 2013-2014 budget projections.

Approval of Meal Prices for 2013-2014 School Year Larry Moore made a motion to approve the meal prices for the 2012-2013 school year as recommended in the document dated May 20, 2013. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

CONSENT AGENDA Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Compensation, Adjustments; Approval of Monthly Bills; Approval of Minutes; Grant/Gift Approvals Resignation of Diane Jamieson from Administrative Assistant position at Starr Elementary as requested in a letter dated 5/15/2013; Resignation from extra-curricular positions of Jason Eckert from head football coach; Robert Fisher from head volleyball coach; April Goodwin from secondary Special Services department head; Vicki Graff from High School cheerleading advisor; John Larson from High School JV boys’ hockey coach; Page 2 Official Proceedings of the Board of Education Meeting – May 20, 2013 - continued

Hire to extra-curricular position for 2012-2013 school year of Shelley Albright to Elementary Special Services department head; Hire of Lee Austin to 1.0 FTE replacement automotive tech ed teacher at the High School with a base wage salary of $38,199; Monthly bills for April/May in the amount of $1,070,904.18 and construction checks in the amount of $14,854.00; Minutes of previous School Board meetings (April 15, 2013 Regular Board Meeting and May 8, 2013 Work Session); Approval of a $500 donation to from Barbara and Shane Struemke in memory of their son Cole to purchase books for the Starr Elementary Media Center; Approval of the WIAA Senior High Membership for the 2013-2014 school year.

Marilyn Duerst made a motion to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Neal Melby seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Approval of 2013-2014 Open Enrollment Applications Larry Moore made a motion to approve the incoming and outgoing open enrollment applications for the 2013-2014 school year as presented. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Summer Stretch Plan and Update Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jessica Ferguson provided an update on the upcoming Summer Stretch program. Classes will run from Tuesday, June 11th to Friday, June 28th. So far over 900 registrations have been received.

Approval of Textbook Adoption and Purchase Chris Skoglund made a motion to approve the adoption and purchase of high school math materials as presented with an estimated cost including shipping of $36,062.25. Marilyn Duerst seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Neal Melby made a motion to approve the adoption and purchase of middle school and high school health materials as presented with an estimated cost including shipping of $13,511.50. Marilyn Duerst seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

PERSONNEL Compensation Plan for Teachers Jeff Moberg, Director of Human Resources along with teachers Scott Herron, Joan Krumm, Mary Jensen and Maryjo Peirson provided an update on a teacher compensation plan the committee has been working on.

Approve the Hire of Zachary Eichten – Special Services Teacher at the High School Larry Moore made a motion to approve an increase for the Special Services teaching position at the High School from .8 FTE to 1.0FTE and to approve the hire of Zachary Eichten for that position with a base wage salary of $37,048, contingent upon Mr. Eichten receiving appropriate certification before the start of the 2013-2014 school year. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Employee Handbook Revisions Board members reviewed the recommended revisions to the Employee Handbook.

Approve the Resignation of Jacob Reynolds – High School Custodian Chris Skoglund made a motion to approve the resignation of High School custodian Jacob Reynolds as requested in a letter dated May 20, 2013. Marilyn Duerst seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Page 2 of 3

Page 3 Official Proceedings of the Board of Education Meeting – May 20, 2013 - continued

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Schedule June Work Session A work session was scheduled for June 3rd beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Update on Board Goals District Administrator Morrie Veilleux provided Board members with an updated Board Goals spreadsheet and reviewed upcoming reports.

2013-2014 Enrollment Projection Board members reviewed a spreadsheet of the 2013-2014 enrollment projections.

Communications Informational handouts were given to Board members in their packets.

OTHER BUSINESS Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Report – (Kolbeck) No report.

CESA #11 Board Report – (Duerst) CESA #11 representative Marilyn Duerst reported that she will be attending the annual meeting in Turtle Lake on June 3rd and will provide a report for the Board.

Board Meeting Evaluation Vice President Kolbeck asked Board members to fill out the evaluation and leave with Julie Koop.

Chris Skoglund moved and Larry Moore seconded a motion to convene to Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. Yes – Duerst, Kolbeck, Melby, Moore, Skoglund, Wold No – Motion carried 6-0.

ANTICIPATED EXECUTIVE SESSION Convene to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Personnel

RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION & TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION The Board reconvened to open session at 9:41 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT Chris Skoglund made a motion to adjourn at 9:41 p.m. Marilyn Duerst seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

______Chris Skoglund, School Board Clerk

Page 3 of 3


OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD WORK SESSION School District of New Richmond District Office Community Room June 3, 2013

CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by President Hinz in accordance with notice given the New Richmond News.

ROLL CALL Board Members Present – Rick Hinz, Paula Kolbeck, Larry Moore, Chris Skoglund, Marty Wold Board Members Absent – Marilyn Duerst, Neal Melby Administration Present – Morrie Veilleux, Brian Johnston

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chris Skoglund made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Paula Kolbeck seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Monthly Financial Statements Brian Johnston, Director of Fiscal and Building Operations provided an update on the April monthly expenditures and revenues.

State Budget Process Update Brian Johnston provided an update on the state budget. No final outlines have come out yet. Approval of the preliminary 2013-2014 school district budget will be on the June 24th agenda.

Consideration and Action on Budget Reallocation Chris Skoglund made a motion to approve the budget reallocation as detailed in the recommendation. Paula Kolbeck seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

PERSONNEL Approval of 2013 Summer School Teacher Contracts Larry Moore made a motion to approve the 2013 summer school teacher contracts for staff listed as presented. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Staff Employment Recommendations – Consent Agenda Approve the resignation of Abbie Anderson from Middle School Special Services Para position as requested in an e-mail dated 5/20/13; Approve the resignation of Vanessa Crotteau from 1.0 FTE High School English teaching position as requested in a letter dated May 14, 2013; Approve the resignation of Melinda Cuyul from High School Para position as requested in a letter dated 5/28/13; Approve the resignation of Katie Feuerhelm from 1.0 FTE High School FCE teaching position as requested in a letter dated 5/29/13; Approve the resignation of Tiffany Leavens from Hillside Elementary Para position as requested in a letter dated 5/28/13; Approve the hire of Cristin Ford to 1.0 FTE replacement Special Services Cross-Categorical Teacher at Hillside Elementary with a base wage salary of $37,048 and $10,639 supplemental; Page 2 Official Proceedings of the Board of Education meeting – June 3, 2013 – continued

Approve the hire of Lindsey Smith to 1.0 FTE replacement Kindergarten Teacher at Hillside Elementary with a base wage salary of $37,048 and $0 supplemental; Approve the reassignment of Wade Curtis from 4 hours per day District Computer Technician to 8 hours per day District Computer Technician; Reassignment of Dana Johnson from 4.75 hours per day server/dishwasher at the High School to 6.75 hours per day cook at the High School; Transfer of Redgie Nielsen from Middle School Computer Apps teacher (.67 FTE) and High School Computer Apps teacher (.33 FTE) to 1.0 FTE High School Business Education teacher.

Larry Moore made a motion to approve the consent agenda items as outlined including resignations, hires, reassignments and transfers. Chris Skoglund seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

POLICY & PLANNING Approval of 2013-2014 Elementary Student/Parent Handbook Chris Skoglund made a motion to approve the 2013-2014 Elementary Student/Parent Handbook as presented. Larry Moore seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Employee Handbook Review and Discussion Board members reviewed the recommended revisions to the Employee Handbook.

Community Commons Update District Administrator Morrie Veilleux provided recommendations to the Board with possible solutions to keep the Community Commons concept going. Members of the City Council, Stanton Town Board, Senior Center, Five Loaves and Head Start spoke of the value of having the Community Commons.

Break from 8:50-8:58 p.m. Paula Kolbeck left at 8:55 p.m.

Board Self-Evaluation This item was tabled.

Board Goals Board members discussed possible changes to the Board Goals for 2013-2014.

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Communications Informational handouts were given to Board members in their packets.

ADJOURNMENT Chris Skoglund made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. Larry Moore seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

______Chris Skoglund, School Board Clerk

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HOMEROOM ______GRADE ______

Mailing Address: 701 East Eleventh Street New Richmond, WI 54017

Telephones: Office - (715) 243-7472 Attendance - (715) 243-1616




Mission Statement – New Richmond School District …………………………………………………………… 3

Welcome ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Letter from Principal Responsibility Pledge Regular/Early Out/Extended Homeroom Schedules

Code of Conduct ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Appropriate Behavior Dress Code Lost and Found Sports Equipment (Skates, Skateboards, and Bikes) Electronic Devices/Cell Phone Usage

Code of Conduct Consequences ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Minor Offenses What Happens if I Commit a Minor Offense? Major Offenses What Happens if I Commit a Major Offense? What is a Detention? What is In-School or Out-of-School Suspension? What is Expulsion? What is Disorderly Conduct/Insubordination? What is Improper Language/Profanity?

Building Expectations …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Lockers Hall Passes Telephone Messages Student Visitors Schedule Changes Student Arrival/Departure Leaving School Grounds Plagiarism/Cheating

Attendance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Absences From School If I am Absent or Tardy From School, What Should I Do? If I Need to Leave During the Day, What Should I Do? If I Become Ill, What Should I Do? What if I Know I am Going to be Absent? When am I Tardy? When am I Truant? Homework Requests

2 Academic Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Honor Roll Honor Roll Guidelines Make-Up Work and Late Work Policies

Emergency Plans ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 Fire Drills and Evacuations Tornado Warning Lock Down Procedure

Activities ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Extra-Curricular Eligibility Policy Reward Activities Field Trips Dances

Support Services ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Counseling and Guidance Food Service – Breakfast & Lunch Vending Machines

Health Services …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 Medications Illness Asthmatic Students

New Richmond School Board Policies …………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Internet Use Consequences for Violation of the Internet/Computer Network Policy Bus Rider Rules Harassment Alcohol, Smoking or Drugs and Paraphernalia Tobacco Possession and Use Guidelines for Handling Persons Guilty of Vandalizing School Property Possession of Weapons and/or Ammunition Assault and Fighting Student Suspension/Expulsion Nondiscrimination

Student Agreement/Field Trip Permission Form …………………………..………………………………… 23


As a steward of public trust and resources, it is the duty and responsibility of the School District of New Richmond to provide a comprehensive educational program and a learning environment, which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.



Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the 2013–2014 school year! We look forward to working together with you to achieve your child's potential - academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. A strong partnership between home and school creates success for our NRMS students. As we begin a new school year, students will face challenges and some difficult decisions will need to be made as we travel down the road of student learning. As we do so, we must keep "What is Best for Students" at the heart of the process. Let me encourage you and your child to read the student agenda book because it covers procedures and policies, which are part of everyday life at NRMS. It is designed to help students organize and plan. It is also an excellent communication tool for students, parents, and teachers. NRMS is committed to providing a safe and orderly environment for all students and staff. We look forward to working together with you as we inspire students to be resourceful, respectful, and responsible citizens!


Douglas Hatch Principal


I am the one and only person who has the power to decide what I will be and do. I am in charge of my learning and my behavior. I will accept the consequences for my decisions. I will respect the rights of others and be a credit to myself, my family, my school, and my community.



6th grade 7th grade 8th grade PERIOD TIME 1 7:35 – 8:21 2 8:24 – 9:10 3 9:13 – 9:59 4 10:02 – 10:48 5 Lunch 10:48 – 11:18 10:51 – 11:37 6 Homeroom 11:20 – 11:34 Lunch 11:37 – 12:07 11:40 – 12:26 7 11:37 – 12:23 Homeroom 12:09 – 12:23 Lunch 12:26 – 12:56 8 12:26 – 1:12 Homeroom 12:58 – 1:12 9 1:15 – 2:01 10 2:04 – 2:50


6th grade 7th grade 8th grade PERIOD TIME 1 7:35 - 8:08 2 8:11 – 8:44 3 8:47 - 9:20 4 9:23 – 9:56 5 Period 7 9:59 - 10:32 6 Period 8 10:35 – 11:08 Period 8 10:35 – 11:08 8 Lunch 11:08 – 11:38 Period 9 11:11 – 11:44 Period 9 11:11 – 11:44 9 11:41 – 12:14 Lunch 11:44 – 12:14 Period 10 11:47 – 12:20 10 12:17 – 12:50 Lunch 12:20 – 12:50


6th grade 7th grade 8th grade PERIOD TIME Homeroom 7:35 – 8:17 1 8:20 – 9:02 2 9:05 – 9:47 3 9:50 – 10:32 5 Lunch 10:35 – 11:05 Period 4 10:35 – 11:17 Period 4 4 11:08 – 11:50 Lunch 11:20 – 11:50 Period 5 11:20 – 12:02 7 11:53 – 12:35 Period 5 Lunch 12:05 – 12:35 8 12:38 – 1:20 Period 6 9 1:23 – 2:05 10 2:08 – 2:50 5 CODE OF CONDUCT

All of the students who attend New Richmond Middle School have the right to expect that the best learning environment possible will be provided for them. No student has the right to detract from or interfere with the education of another student. The Code of Conduct is in place to protect the rights of all students and faculty to have a safe and orderly learning environment.

Appropriate Behavior You MUST demonstrate respect for: Self and Others Learning Environment Building

There will be no inappropriate language, public display of affection, or harassment.

Dress Code Students shall have the right to determine their own attire. Clothing may not be unsafe, unhealthy or disruptive. No hats, headgear - including scarves and bandanas, coats, jackets, or backpacks are to be worn during the school day. The shoulder straps on shirts, tops, and dresses are to be at least an inch wide (no spaghetti straps). No visible stomach or bare backs. Shirts and dresses without backs or with very low cut backs are not allowed. Shorts must be appropriate length. Undergarments must be covered. Also, pictures and words on school clothes should be appropriate. No body piercing (except for ears) or body defacing.

Staff reserves the right to determine appropriate attire. Students whose attire has been determined inappropriate will be advised to change into something more acceptable. He/she will be required to store them in his/her locker during the school day. Parents may be called to get students who are unable or unwilling to comply.

Lost and Found Lost and Found clothing articles will be donated at the end of each quarter. Students are encouraged to check the Lost and Found on a regular basis to claim their missing items. All other items (keys, purses, eye glasses, etc.) may be claimed in the office.

Sports Equipment (Skates, Skateboards, and Bikes) In-line skates, bikes, and skateboards are to be used to and from school only. These are not to be used during the school day or on school property at any time. Bicycles/skateboards need to be parked and padlocked to the appropriate rack when you arrive at school and left there until you leave school.

Electronic Devices – Bring Your Own Technology (Board Policy 5518) Students may bring their own technology devices (e.g. laptops, tablets, eReaders, iPads, iPods, etc.) for use in the school setting provided the device is registered. A filtered Internet connection on our “GUEST Wireless” network will be provided for student use. Students may use their technology devices to support instructional activities occurring in the classroom. Each teacher has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects. Students participating in the BYOT must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA), all Board policies, and the guidelines regarding BYOT.

Cell Phone Usage 1. Cell phone use will be permitted after school and outside only. 6 2. Cell phones brought into the building must be kept in the student’s primary locker. 3. Possession or use of a cell phone during the school day is a violation. 4. Consequences: Detention Parent notification Phone is confiscated and placed in the office for parent(s) to pick up after school, after the detention has been served.


Minor Offenses 1. Lack of cooperation 2. Excessive tardiness 3. Left class without permission 4. Rude, discourteous 5. Inappropriate language 6. Disruptive behavior 7. Out of building without permission (possible out of school suspension) 8. Insubordinate (possible out of school suspension) 9. Other misbehavior

What Happens if I Commit a Minor Offense? A detention will be issued or other appropriate interventions by staff. If repeated offense then, referral to Administration, which may include one or more of the following: 1. Phone call to parent 2. Parent conference 3. Detention 4. In-school suspension 5. Out-of-school suspension

Major Offenses 1. Disorderly Conduct/Insubordination 2. Anti-Harassment (Board Policy 5517.01) 3. Excessive inappropriate language 4. Assault and fighting (Board Policy 5520) 5. Tobacco possession and use (Board Policy 5512) 6. Alcohol, smoking, drugs or paraphernalia (Board Policy 5530) 7. Vandalism to property (Board Policy 7440) 8. Possession of weapon and or ammunition (Board Policy 5772) 9. Other misbehavior

What Happens if I Commit a Major Offense? There will be an immediate referral to the Administration and parent notification. This referral may include one or more or the following: 1. Extended detentions 2. In-school suspension 3. Out-of-school suspension 4. Referral to New Richmond Police Department 5. Court referral 7 6. Expulsion from school

What is a Detention? Detentions are time added to the school day. Detentions will be served after school. Students will notify their parents by calling or bringing home a detention slip.

Detentions must be served the week after the detention is issued. Failure to serve the detention as assigned or accumulation of excessive detention hours will result in a suspension. Students must have no outstanding detention obligations in order to participate in extra-curricular activities or participate in class or school field trips. All detentions must be served.

What is an In-School or Out-of-School Suspension? An in or out-of-school suspension is when you are removed from the classroom and/or school for a period of time based on a violation of the Code of Conduct. Administration will determine the length of suspension following Board Policy if applicable. Suspended students shall be allowed to make up any quarterly, semester or grading period examinations missed during the suspension period. (Board Policy 5610)

What is Expulsion? Expulsion is defined in the New Richmond School District Board Policy 5610.

What is Disorderly Conduct/Insubordination? Disorderly conduct/insubordination is the failure to cooperate with reasonable instructions and requests given by persons in authority. These are verbal and non-verbal language and physical behaviors that are inappropriate/offensive. A show of disrespect toward a staff member or insubordination on your part will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Everyone at NRMS has the right to work, study and teach in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity. You have the responsibility to respect authority, feelings, physical well-being and property of all members of the school.

What is Improper Language/Profanity? Improper language/profanity (swearing) or obscene gestures in school and/or at school activities is prohibited. If you are a chronic and/or severe offender, you may be referred to the New Richmond Police Department for disorderly conduct.


Lockers School lockers are the property of New Richmond Public Schools. At no time does the New Richmond School District relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time, without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant. (Board Policy 5771) Lockers are provided by the school for the student’s convenience. The responsibility for the articles placed in the locker rests entirely with the student. The person to whom a locker is assigned will be charged for any locker damage. All lockers are to be clean, neat and presentable.

Hall Passes A student must have a classroom pass to leave the classroom during a class period or be accompanied by a staff member. Passes will be valid as long as the student is traveling in the most direct route to the destination listed on the pass. Students without a pass may expect a consequence. 8 Telephone Messages Messages received from your parent(s) will be given to you during lunch or by the end of the day.

Student Visitors Parents and other adults with school-related business are always welcome. During the school day, visitors will check in the office to sign the register and receive a visitor’s pass. Guests of students must have written permission from the office and both sets of parents or guardians at least one day prior to the day of the visit. No visitors will be allowed the last week of each quarter.

Schedule Changes Students are not allowed to drop courses for which they have registered. However, special circumstances may arise to justify a change. In such cases, students must obtain prior approval from a parent, counselor, team leader, teachers and administration. The final decision rests with building administration.

Student Arrival/Departure Students may enter the building at 7:00 a.m. each day. Students not involved in an extra curricular activity or under the supervision of a staff member must leave the building by the 3:10 p.m. bell. Consequences may be issued to students in violation of the above policies.

Leaving School Grounds Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds at any time unless accompanied by a NRMS staff member, parent or guardian or family member with permission from a parent.

Plagiarism/Cheating The acts of plagiarism, cheating, or forgery in connection with academic endeavors or school requirements are detrimental to the educational process and the standards at New Richmond Middle School. Depending on the severity, these acts will result in a detention for the behavior and the work must be redone or an alternate assignment/assessment completed. ATTENDANCE (Board Policy 5200)

Regular attendance is the law! Skipping school is against the law and is known as truancy.

Absences from School a. Excused - you are absent from class or school with the knowledge and approval of parents/guardian and school officials. b. Unexcused/Truancy – you are absent from class or school with or without the knowledge or approval of parents/guardian and without the approval of school officials.

If I am Absent or Tardy to School, What Should I Do? Any time you are absent or tardy from school, the office must have an absence note from home signed by your parent or guardian. You are considered unexcused unless you have this written note to the office within 3 days of absence. This is in addition to the parent calling the attendance line (715-243-1616) in the morning by 8:30 a.m. to report an absence or tardy. Upon returning to school you MUST come to the office before school starts in the morning with a note. If you arrive after 8:50 a.m. you are considered absent for the morning. If you leave before 1:50 p.m. and do not come back to school, you are considered absent for the afternoon. If you are out for sickness for more than three days, the school may request a doctor’s note.

If I Need to Leave During the Day, What Should I Do? If you need to leave school for a non-school related reason, you MUST bring a note to the office before 9 school begins signed by your parent or guardian stating the time of day and reason. You will be issued a pass to leave class at the time indicated and you are to show it to your classroom teacher and use as your hall pass.

If I Become ill, What Should I Do? If you need to go home during the day because of illness you MUST first go to the health office. Health office staff will then contact your parent.


What if I Know I am Going to be Absent? When you anticipate an extended absence from school of 3 or more days (other then for medical reasons), a yellow excuse card from your parents indicating the days and reason for the absence should be presented to the office. If approved, the student will be given a Planned Absence Sheet that must be signed by a middle school administrator and all of the student’s teachers and must be returned to the office before leaving.

When am I Tardy? Classroom tardy A student will be marked tardy if they are not in their classroom and ready to work when the bell rings. Three tardies will result in one detention.

Building tardy A student will receive a tardy to school if they arrive after 7:40 a.m. but before 8:50 a.m. Students need to stop in the office, sign in and receive a pass to class. Three tardies will result in one detention. If students are excessively tardy to school, they will be referred to administration. When am I Truant? “Truant” – A pupil is absent from school for part or all of any day on which school is in session during the semester without an acceptable excuse.

The following procedure is used for student truancy issues: 1st violation: School Administrator talks with student and time is made up. 2nd violation: School Administrator and/or police liaison officer meet with student and parent. 3rd violation: Truancy citation issued. 4th violation: 2nd truancy citation issued and a juvenile referral to St. Croix County. 5th violation: Parents may receive a truancy citation.

Homework Requests Homework requests need to be left on the attendance line by 8:30 a.m. to ensure appropriate communication. The attendance line is 715-243-1616. Requests may not be completed the same day if the 8:30 a.m. time line is not met.


The middle school philosophy necessitates a grading system that provides for consistency, accountability and acceptance of responsibility by students.

The middle school grading system is built around the following criteria:

A+ 99.5 – 100% of total points possible B 83 – 87% C- 70 – 72% A 94 – 99.49 % B- 80 – 82% D+ 68 – 69% A- 90 – 93% C+ 78 – 79% D 63 – 67% B+ 88 – 89% C 73 – 77% D- 60 – 62% F 59% and below

I - Incompletes are given due to illness or extenuating circumstances. P - Passing – With teacher recommendation and administrative approval, a student who experiences an extenuating circumstance but makes a substantial and consistent effort, may receive a “passing” grade.

Make-Up Work Students have the opportunity to complete schoolwork missed due to excused absences. After each day of an excused absence, the student will have two days in which to complete the make-up work. Individual circumstances could be such that a teacher may extend the time limit. Teachers may also require students to make up time missed. It is your responsibility to contact your teachers for missing work when you are absent. If you missed any part of the school day for any reason including school functions, such as band, choir or forensics, you need to make-up the work you missed.

Late Work Policy Late work is defined as schoolwork that is incomplete and/or “past due”. Late work will be collected until the end of each unit and will receive 70% of points earned. All late work must be made up within one week of the end of the previous grading period or students will be graded on work previously completed. Teachers, in cooperation with building administration, may make a provision to this policy for an individual pending extenuating circumstance.

Honor Roll Honor Roll will be named each quarter with students receiving certificates and recognition. Bronze honor roll pins will be awarded to students who are on the Honor Roll any four quarters during the middle school years, silver pins for eight quarters and gold pins for twelve quarters.

11 Honor Roll Guidelines Honor Roll is based on a 12-point scale with all classes averaged. 12 POINT SCALE EXAMPLE A+ = 12 Math A = 11 A = 11 DISTINCTION Social Studies A = 11 A- = 10 Science B = 8 B+ = 9 HONOR ROLL Language Arts C+ = 6 B = 8 Choir B+ = 9 B- = 7 Phy. Ed. A = 11 C+ = 6 Spanish B = 8 C = 5 Tech Ed. B+ = 9 C- = 4 D+ = 3 Total Points 73 D = 2 D- = 1 73 Total Point divided by 8 classes F = 0 = 9.1 Grade Point Average

Students receiving an F in any course are automatically ineligible for the Honor Roll.


Fire Drills and Evacuations Fire drills will conform to the State Fire Marshal Regulations. At the sound of the alarm, you and your teacher proceed as quickly and quietly as safety will permit to the exit designated by the classroom Fire Exit sign. You should walk to a point at least 100 feet from the building. You may return to the building with your teacher when the all clear is announced. Your teachers will explain fire exit procedures to you.

Tornado Warning/Severe Weather Should a tornado/severe weather warning occur in New Richmond or the immediate area, you will be notified through the public address system and will follow the instructions given by the principal or his/her designee. Your teachers will explain severe storm/tornado procedures.

Lock Down Procedure There may be times when it is necessary to keep you in the room for safety (i.e., armed intruder, suicide, serious injury, etc.) Emergency lock down procedures are in place and will be explained by your teachers.


The middle school experience encourages student participation in co-curricular activities. The enrichment/exploratory programs provide students with the opportunity to discover or cultivate their many talents. The following activities are available for students.

YEAR ROUND (all grades) FALL WINTER Student Council Cross Country (grades 7 & 8) Drama Club (all grades) FFA Football (grades 7 & 8) Wrestling (all grades) Yearbook Volleyball (girls grades 7 & 8) Basketball (grades 7 & 8) Tiger Paw Marching Band (grades 7 & 8) Forensics (all grades) Tiger Quest Jazz Band (grades 7 & 8) Ski Club (all grades) Green House Club Quiz Bowl (grade 6) Solo/Ensemble (grades 7 & 8) Spelling Bee (all grades) SPRING Math Masters (grade 6) Track (grades 7 & 8) Science Olympiad (all grades) Marching Band (grades 7 & 8) History Fair (all grades)

Activities I will be involved in are: ______

Extra-Curricular Eligibility Policy A copy of the New Richmond Athletic/Activities Code is available to all students/athletes. In general the following shall be considered violations of the codes:

1. Smoking or possession of any tobacco substance and/or look-alikes. 2. Use or possession of alcohol and/or other illegal drugs and/or look-alikes. 3. Any grade falling below a passing level of D-. 4. Behavior contrary to the ideals, principles, and standards of the school.

If you wish to participate in athletics/activities you and your parents must review and sign the code prior to participation. For more information, contact the activities director or your coach/advisor.

Reward Activities Criteria for student participation in end-of-the-semester reward activities: Students will attend if they earn four detentions or fewer during the course of a semester. A student will be ineligible to attend upon earning their fifth detention. A suspension of any kind (in or out-of-school) will count as the equivalent of one detention. However, a second suspension will result in the student being ineligible to participate. Students may “earn back” one detention with a detention-free quarter. Final determination of student eligibility for end-of-the-semester activities rests with the principal.

Field Trips Field trips are a privilege. If you choose inappropriate school behavior you can be denied field trip privileges. You must have a signed field trip form on file in order to participate in any off school events during the school day. Field trip permission forms are located on page 23.

If your bus riding privileges are suspended they are also suspended for field trips.

13 Dances 1. NRMS students only. 2. School appropriate attire only. 3. Hats/coats off when in building. 4. Student may not leave dance before the end of scheduled event without parental/guardian permission. Parent/guardian must come in person to pick student up early and/or send a note with student to dance so they can be allowed to leave. 5. If a student leaves the building there is no re-admittance. 6. Students may not attend a dance if they were absent that day from school unless it was a pre- planned, excused absence. 13 7. Dancing styles must be appropriate to the school setting and age of students. 8. All school rules apply.


Counseling & Guidance The Counselors at NRMS are ______and are located ______. You may need to discuss your personal concerns, school challenges, and future goals with other people. Other students and teachers are important resources from whom students can seek help.

The counselor can assist you in coping with problems and stressful situations occurring in your life. The school counselor can help you develop strategies to approach concerns.

You have the opportunity to work individually and in small groups with a school counselor. Meetings can be arranged with a counselor at any time.

Food Service – Breakfast & Lunch The kitchen staff at NRMS are______

Lunch envelopes are available in the middle school office for your convenience. Please give your payments to the cafeteria staff.

1. BREAKFAST Breakfast is served from 7:10 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. You are responsible for cleaning up the entire area where you eat and returning all silverware to the proper place.

2. LUNCH You are to come to the commons in an orderly fashion. You are to bring your hats and coats with you to lunch when needed for going outdoors after lunch. Be seated upon entering the commons at a table and wait to be dismissed. No food or beverage is allowed outside during lunch. Do not leave the commons area during your lunch period without a pass. You are responsible to clean up the entire area where you eat, scrape your tray, return it to the window and put silverware in the proper place. All outdoor equipment must be brought in at the end of lunch.

14 You will be asked to assist with cafeteria clean up on a rotating individual basis and/or by homeroom schedule. This will include but may not be limited to washing tabletops and seats and removing any garbage left behind on or around tables or the commons area.


The Health Assistant at NRMS is and is located ______.

Medications (Board Policy 5330) You are not allowed to give yourself or have in your possession medication including over-the-counter medication. All medication MUST be administered through the Health Office. Policy and medication permission forms are available in the Health Services Office or on the district website. Violation of this will result in disciplinary action.

Before any prescribed medication may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written instructions from the child’s practitioner accompanied by the written authorization of the parent.

Before any over-the-counter medication may be administered, the Board shall require the prior written consent of the parent and the parent/guardian must send a bottle of the medication to be kept at school. The school no longer supplies Tylenol and Ibuprofen. All students must provide their own bottles of medication of any kind.

If you are taking prescribed drugs or medications that must be taken during the school day you MUST follow these procedures: 1. A physician must prescribe drugs. 2. Medication will be kept in the Health Services Office. 3. Each prescription or medication must be recorded, labeled, and secured. Medications must be in the bottle they came in. For prescriptions ask your pharmacist to label a second bottle to send part of the medicine to school. 4. A person designated by the principal or school nurse must observe the ingestion if taken orally.

Illness If you are complaining of illness and/or running a temperature of 100 degrees or above you should not be sent to school and you may be sent home at the discretion of the health assistant or other appropriate school personnel.

Asthmatic Students; Possession and Use of Inhalers While in school, at a school-sponsored activity or under the supervision of a school authority, an asthmatic pupil may possess and use a metered dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler if all of the following are true:

1. The pupil uses the inhaler before exercise to prevent the onset of asthmatic symptoms or uses the inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms. 2. The pupil has the written approval of the pupil’s physician, and if the pupil is a minor, the written approval of the pupil’s parent or guardian.

Permission forms are available from the health office to complete for those parents whose physician requests that the student carry their inhaler. (From State Statute 118.291)


Internet Use (Board Policy 7540) The School District of New Richmond provides employees and students access to the District’s technology resources, internal network, and the Internet, for the purpose of furthering the educational goals and objectives of the District, the professional development of its employees, and the educational enrichment of its students. Access to these resources is available in all District buildings.

Consistent with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the District has implemented software on all computers with Internet access that protects against access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography and/or harmful to children.

School district staff will help students develop the information technology literacy skills needed to discriminate among information sources, to identify age appropriate information, to evaluate and use information to meet educational goals. The School District of New Richmond does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through use of its technology resources.

The District shall develop policies and guidelines for access to the District’s technology resources, internal network and acceptable use of the Internet. Each individual school shall administer the rules and regulations set forth in the procedures and guidelines. Such guidelines and procedures will be appropriate for the technology resources being used and the individuals served. There will be consequences for any individual who fails to follow District and building guidelines and policies.

Bus Rider Rules (Board Policy 8600) It is the policy of the Board of Education to provide transportation for those students, of any age, whose distance from their school makes this service necessary within the limitations established by State law and the regulations of the DPI or other appropriate agency. Transportation privileges may be revoked if the student’s conduct is in violation of the District Administrator’s administrative guidelines or the Code of Conduct pertaining to student transportation. Such revocation shall be in accord with statutorily required procedures.

Responsibilities A. Bus riders shall: 1. Ride on assigned buses. 2. Board and disembark from their assigned bus at the selected destination. B. Parents/guardians shall: 1. Call the Bus Company for requests for temporary exceptions to the rule that students ride on assigned buses. Permission for exceptions will only be granted for emergency reasons and will be dependent upon room available. 2. Forward requests for permanent exceptions to the rule that students ride on assigned buses to the district director of fiscal and buildings operations. 3. Assume responsibility for rides when permission is granted to be let off at other than the regular stop. C. Previous to boarding the bus the bus riders shall: 1. Be at designated bus stop on time. 2. Stay off the road while waiting for the bus. 3. Conduct them in a safe manner while waiting for the bus. 4. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board the bus. 5. Line up in an orderly, single file manner. 6. Not rush to get on the bus. 16 7. Be courteous. 8. Not take advantage of younger students in order to get a seat. 9. Walk to the side of the road facing traffic to get to the bus stop if there is no sidewalk or path. 10. Use the handrail and watch their step when boarding the bus. D. While on the bus the bus riders shall: 1. Not open windows more than two notches. 2. Keep entire body inside the bus at all times. 3. Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times. Not eat or drink on the bus. 4. Remember that loud talking; laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver's attention and may result in a serious accident. 5. Treat the bus equipment as valuable property. Damage to seats, etc., must be paid for by the offender. 6. Never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. 7. Not leave books, lunches or other articles on the bus. 8. Keep books, packages, coats and all other objects out of the aisles. 9. Remain in the bus in case of a road emergency unless directed to do otherwise by the bus driver. 10. Not throw anything out of the window. 11. Always remain in their seats while the bus is in motion. 12. Always be courteous to fellow students, the bus driver, the driver’s assistant and passersby. 13. Keep absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad-crossing stop. 14. Obey the driver promptly. E. After leaving the bus the bus riders shall: 1. Cross the road at least 10 feet in front of the bus, but only after checking to be sure no traffic is approaching and after receiving a signal from the driver. 2. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children. 3. Be alert for the pre-arranged danger signal from the driver.

The above rules and regulations also apply to any trip under school sponsorship. Bus riders shall respect the wishes of chaperones appointed by school officials to accompany bus riders.

Bus Rule Violations: When rules are violated, the penalties shall be: First Offense 1 day suspension from the bus. Second Offense 3 day suspension from riding the bus. Parent conference is recommended. Third Offense Suspension of all bus privileges including field trips and until a parent conference is held but not less than 5 days. Fourth Offense Suspension of all bus riding privileges including field trips for the remainder of the year (minimum of one semester).

Conferences following second, third and fourth offenses shall be arranged by the building principal. For serious offenses, any or all of the above steps may be bypassed.

Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior (Board Policy 5517.01) The School District of New Richmond is committed to providing a safe, positive, and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. The Board encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations between members of the school community. Aggressive behavior toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse. The Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm or personal degradation. This policy applies to all 17 activities in the district, including activities on school property or while traveling to or from school and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school’s control, or where an employee is engaged in school business.

Definitions Aggressive behavior is defined as inappropriate conduct that is repeated enough, or serious enough, to negatively impact a student’s educational, physical, or emotional well-being. This type of behavior is a form of intimidation and harassment, although it need not be based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. It would include, but not limited to, such behaviors as stalking, bullying/cyber-bullying, intimidating, menacing, coercion, name-calling, taunting, making threats and hazing.

Bullying is defined as a person willfully and repeatedly exercising power or control over another with hostile or malicious intent (i.e., repeated oppression, physical or psychological, of a less powerful individual by a more powerful individual or group). Bullying can be physical, verbal, electronically transmitted, and psychological (e.g., emotional abuse), through attacks on the property of another, or a combination of any of these.

Cyberbullying is defined as the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging (IM), defamatory personal web sites, and defamatory online personal polling websites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.[Bill Belsey (] Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to: posting slurs or rumors or other disparaging remarks about a student on a web site or on weblog; sending e-mail or instant messages that are mean or threatening, or so numerous as to drive-up the victim’s cell phone bill; using a camera phone to take and send embarrassing photographs of students; posting misleading or fake photographs of students on website.

Sexual harassment is any suggestion (express or implied) that any person’s treatment is in any way contingent upon or related to their participation or rejection of conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes a wide range of unwanted and unwelcome sexually directed behavior, including unwelcome sexual advances or physical contact; requests for sexual favors; sexual remarks, compliments, jokes or innuendoes; the display of sexually suggestive calendars, posters, or materials; and any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Racial harassment and harassment based on religion, marital status, sexual preference, age, disability of any other protected classification includes unwelcome, hostile or discriminatory behavior or remarks directed at individuals in any of these groups on account of their membership in these groups. Any comments or behavior which creates a hostile or intimidating working environment for an individual based on his or her membership in a protected class, and any actions which adversely base an individual’s employment conditions or advancement on his or her membership in a protected class will not be tolerated. Examples of prohibited behavior also include racial, ethnic and religious comments or portrayals, perceived slurs of the character of individuals or groups, and attempts to influence the personal religious values or beliefs of others.

Intimidation includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act intended to tamper, substantially damage or interfere with another’s property, cause substantial inconvenience, subject another to offensive physical contact or inflict serious physical injury on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sexual orientation. 18

Menacing includes, but is not limited to, any act intended to place a student in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

Students, employees and volunteers are mandated to report any instances of improper violations of this policy to his/her building principal/designee. Enforcement of this policy and complaints regarding allegations of harassment shall be processed according to established procedures. All complaints shall be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible.

A substantiated charge of unlawful harassment against a student, employee or volunteer shall subject him/her to appropriate disciplinary action, i.e. training or counseling, suspension, expulsion or discharge.

The human rights officer shall be responsible for coordinating federal regulations concerning unlawful harassment in his/her work site. The district administrator or district-wide designee shall be the designated district human rights officer in the district.

Alcohol, Smoking, or Drugs and Paraphernalia (Board Policy/Rule 5530) Any student using, under the influence, or possessing alcohol, drugs (including non-prescription drugs) or paraphernalia at school or at any school-sponsored activity is subject to school suspension and referral to juvenile authorities (State Laws 161.41(3)(R) and 125.07(4) for appropriate action. All student medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be kept and administered in Health Services office only in accordance with school district policy.

Any student using or possessing tobacco products at school is subject to possible school suspension and referral to juvenile authorities – State Law 938.983 (C) for appropriate action.

Tobacco Possession and Use on School Premises and in School Vehicles (Board Policy 5512) The Board prohibits students from using or possessing tobacco in any form including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and chewing tobacco on District premises, in District vehicles, within any indoor facility owned or while leased or contracted for by the District and used to provide education or library services to children, and at all District-sponsored events. Persons violating this policy shall be disciplined in accordance with established procedures.

Guidelines for Handling Persons Guilty of Vandalizing School Property (Board Policy/Rule 7440) The following guidelines shall be adhered to: 1. Persons guilty of defacing or injuring any school property shall be required to pay for damages. Full restitution will be sought from such person or in the case of minors, from their parent(s)/guardian(s) to the extent authorized by law. 2. The building principal and supervisor of buildings and grounds shall determine the cost of repair or replacement. 3. If the dollar amount of the restitution is less than $100 the police may be notified. Vandalism determined to be greater than $100 is required to be reported to the director of fiscal and building operations, district administrator and the police. 4. If the police are notified, all court correspondence regarding restitution shall be referred to the director of fiscal and building operations. If the police are notified, the building principal shall send notice of vandalism to the person’s parent/guardian if he/she is a district student. 5. Vandalism caused by a student from another district will also be reported to that student’s principal. 6. In case of default of satisfactory settlement the district administrator will be notified. 19 7. Supervisor of buildings and grounds shall keep a log of vandalism in the district.

Possession of Weapons and/or Ammunition (Board Policy/Rule 5772) Under the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 no one shall possess a weapon and/or ammunition while on school premises, in any district vehicle or at any school event without written authorization from the building principal or his/her designee. Authorization shall be given only when a weapon and/or ammunition is handled in a legal manner for the purpose of education and in other cases when possession does not violate a state law.

The only exceptions to this policy are: 1. Weapons and/or ammunition under the control of law enforcement personnel 2. Weapons and/or ammunition under the control of military personnel who go armed in the line of duty. 3. District staff or other contracted personnel may have on their person objects that would be considered by board policy as a weapon if utilized in the performance of their duties. 4. School sponsored activity where simulated props are used in the performance.

The Board defines a “weapon” as any object, which in the manner in which it is used, is intended to be used, or is represented, is capable of inflicting serious bodily harm or property damage, as well as endangering the health and safety of persons. Weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms (including, but not limited to, firearms as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(3)), guns of any type whatsoever, including air and gas-powered guns (whether loaded or unloaded), look-a-likes, knives, electric weapons, clubs, metal knuckles, razors, martial arts weapons, explosives, and ammunition.

The building principal or his/her designee if present, or the person in charge of the school event or his/her designee, shall contact law enforcement officers as soon as possible when there is reason to believe a person is possessing a weapon and/or ammunition in violation of this policy. All weapons and/or ammunition known to be in possession in violation of this policy shall be confiscated by staff members or law enforcement officers. Any weapon and/or ammunition confiscated by staff members shall be turned over to law enforcement officers to be disposed of according to law enforcement or state guidelines. The incident should be reported to the child’s parent or guardian.

Possession: Possession of a weapon will result in: 1. Confiscation of the weapon. 2. An initial suspension for 1 to 5 days. 3. Contact with the police department and may result in a recommendation to the Superintendent that the student be expelled. "Possession" refers to having a weapon on one's person or in an area subject to one's control on school property or at a school activity (i.e. student vehicle, locker, backpack, etc.).

Direct attack with a weapon: Direct attack with a weapon shall be dealt with under the preceding section of this policy and/or state or federal law.

Threats with a weapon: A student who threatens bodily harm or death to another without physical contact while in possession of a weapon shall be dealt with under the preceding section of this policy and/or state and federal laws.

A student who finds a weapon on the way to school or in the school building and takes the weapon immediately to the principal's office for the purpose of turning the weapon in shall not be considered in possession of a weapon.

20 Assault and Fighting (Board Policy/Rule 5520) The New Richmond School Board believes that a safe environment is essential for students to learn. It is the responsibility of each school to create and maintain a safe climate that is free from fear and violence and where respect for every individual is practiced and taught. Every student and staff member should strive to demonstrate behavior that promotes an environment that is free from fear and intimidation. Behaviors such as assault and fighting do not promote such an environment and are therefore considered in violation of policy.

Assault is a threat of bodily harm or death to another person with or without physical contact. In the case of a student, a threat will result in a parent/guardian conference and will lead to a suspension of up to three days, and the Police Department may be notified. In the case of an employee, a threat will result in appropriate disciplinary action, and the Police Department may be notified.

Fighting shall be characterized by a violent, aggressive behavior by one or more individuals with the intent of inflicting physical harm upon one another. Fighting may include pushing, shoving, and grabbing if such behavior is to be determined aggressive.

Students who engage in fighting with another person will be suspended from the classroom or from the building for up to five days, and the Police Department may be notified.

Assault with a weapon or a look-alike is strictly prohibited on school grounds or at activities. The weapon or look-alike will be confiscated, and the student will be referred to administration and/or referral to local police.

Student Suspension/Expulsion (Board Policy 5610) Suspension The district administrator and building principal or other district administrator designee may suspend the following students from school: 1. A student who does not comply with school/board rules 2. A student whose conduct while at or not at school or under or not under the supervision of a school authority endangers the property, health or safety of others at school or under the supervision of a school authority 3. A student who knowingly conveys any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any school property by means of explosives.

The district administrator, the principal, or a teacher designated by the District Administration may suspend a student for up to five (5) school days or, if a notice of expulsion hearing has been sent, for up to fifteen (15) consecutive school days, or ten (10) consecutive school days for each incident if the student is eligible for special education services under Chapter 115, Wis. Stats.

Prior to any suspension, the student shall be advised of the reason for the proposed suspension. The student’s parent/guardian shall be given prompt notice of the suspension in accordance with state law and established procedures.

Expulsion The Board may, if the Board is satisfied that the interest of the school demands the student’s expulsion, expel the following students from school upon recommendation of the district administrator: Expulsion shall mean the Board will not permit a student to attend school at all for a specified period of time. If the student is expelled, the Board will determine the length of the expulsion period, which may extend at a maximum to the student’s 21st birthday.

21 1. A student who repeatedly refuses or neglects to obey school rules or regulations 2. A student who engages in conduct while at or not at school or while under or not under the supervision of a school authority which endangers the property, health or safety or others at school or under the supervision of a school authority 3. A student who knowingly conveys any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any school property by means of explosives.

Expulsion procedures outlined in state law shall be followed.

Nondiscrimination (Board Policy 2260) The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of any characteristic protected under State or Federal law including, but not limited to, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability in any of its student programs and activities.

Complaint Procedures: If any person believes that the School District of New Richmond or any part of the school organization has failed to follow state and federal nondiscrimination laws or in some way discriminates on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental emotional or learning disability or handicap, he/she may bring or send a complaint to the administration office at the following address:

Jeff Moberg 701 East Eleventh Street New Richmond, WI 54017 Telephone (715) 243-7411

DISCLAIMER School rules published in this handbook are subject to such changes as may be needed to insure continued compliance with federal, state, or local regulations and are subject to such review and alteration as becomes necessary for the routine operation of the school. Current School Board policies supersede any handbook language should an issue arise. Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a handbook; however, we expect students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others.



I have received and understand the policies and information in the Student Handbook of New Richmond Middle School.

______Student Name (please print) Grade

______Student Signature Date Signed

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed


New Richmond Middle School is using one permission form for the 2013-2014 school year. By signing this permission form you are giving your son/daughter permission to participate in all our middle school field trips. This will also include times students must walk to certain activities.

A note will be sent home with your child before each field trip explaining the details about the trip. If you decide not to have your child participate on a special field trip or activity – notify your child’s teacher and proper arrangements will be made for your child.

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed

Phone Numbers (Home)______(Work)______


Please return this form to your homeroom teacher. Thank you.

23 In recognition of superior energy performance, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awards the ENERGY STAR® to

Hillside Elementary ENERGY STAR

Buildings that earn EPA's ENERGY STAR use 35 percent less energy and generate 35 percent fewer greenhouse 2012 gas emissions than similar buildings across the nation.

March 27, 2013 ft United States IIPiir EPA Environmental Protection Date ,,. Agency Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee Room 305 East, State Capitol Madison, WI 53702 1050 S. Union Street Shawano, WI Dear Members of the Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee: 54166

The Wisconsin Community Educati on Association (WCEA) would like to express opposition to the freeze in Community Education funding for school districts that has been included in the proposed state budget.

Prohibiting school districts from levying more for community education activities will impede local control and limit municipalities and districts' ability to serve their own community members.

Community Education departments serve community members of all ages, extending opportunities to all tax-paying members of our communities. We offer highly affordable and accessible programs that are driven by local demand. Funding limits will have a direct impact on services offered in urban, suburban and rural communities the throughout the state of Wisconsin, such as:

• Early childhood programs that focus on early literacy and transitioning children to a 3K, 4K or 5K educational setting

• After school programs that provide a safe, nurturing environment, homework assistance and care for children from working fa milies

• Computer I technical courses for working adults and other community members who become more marketable by developing these skills

• Daily snacks and meals after school in addition to recreational programs in the summer that provide access to summer meals programs; other Community Education programs help coordinate food pantry services and other direct assistance to famil ies that have been impacted by challenging economic circumstances

• Wellness programs that provide affordable fitness classes and workshops that focus on stress management, healthy eating, local produce and more

• Community swimming pools that provide swimming lessons, open swim for community members, fitness classes for senior citizens, and more

Our position is that municipalities and districts should have the flexibility to make their own decisions about property taxes and the programs and services that their community members want and need. Freezing funding impedes our ability to serve community members with the valuable and affordable programming that improves quality of life and attracts business and homeowners. In many of the communities that Community Education Fund 80 dollars support, I) There isn't any other public resource for recreation programs (i.e. a municipal recreation department does not exist), 2) Other programs do not offer the same types of programs so this could result in an elimination of these services, or 3) There aren't any private sources to provide these programs. The funding freeze will have significant impacts on the services that can be provided due to increased operational costs that are beyond our control.

Thank you very much for considering the impact on community services throughout the entire state.


Wisconsin Community Education Association loan, rather than only bonds and notes as under current law. Specify that the revenue limit exception would apply to the amount of debt service paid in the calendar year that begins on January I of the school year in ,.,·hich the school district's revenue limit is increased, rather than the debt service paid during that school year as under cuncnt law. Require that any measured utility costs avoided as a result of a project authorized by a school district resolution aft~r the ciTcctivc date of the budget hill be applied to retire the bonds or notes issued to finance the project.

38. Communily Sen·ice !_el:l' rFrmd 80). Modi fy current law govcming the community service levy as follows: a. Prohibit a school district from lcv)ing more for community service aeri,·ities in 2013- 14 and 2014-15 than it did in 2012-13;

b. Require a school district using the community service levy in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to identify in the budget summary for its annual meeting the expenditure..; that will b~ funded from t h~n Je\·y and~ statem~nt of how they meet the allowable criteria for use of the community serv-ice und, and require n school di~tticL to post th~ 2013-14 infonnation on its wch site within 60 dayo.; of the effecti -:·e date of the bill;

c. Require a distrit:t to submit the information under (b) to DPI within l 0 days of the annual meeting and require Df'l to post this intomunion on its web site within 10 days:

d. Specify that, if a district modifi.cs the amount levied for conununitv service activities in the November setting of the levy, that the district publish any updated infonn~tion under (b) in the minutes of that school board meeting. and that the same timclines under (c) be followed lor the rep011ing oftha£ inlormation; and

e. Require lJPl 10 <;ubmit a report to th~ Joint Committee on Finance by Dcc~mber l. 2014 on school district usc of the community scrvict: levy.

39. School Accountabiliry Report Car(h Modify the date by which school accountabilitY report:>. or school report cards. must be issued !Tom June 30 to September 30. -

Motion ;-;538 Page 8 State Senator Sheila Harsdorf


Mr. Morrie Veilleux Administrator, School District of New Richmond 701 East 11th St • ew Richmond, \XII 5401 7 \{'{\ ~ Dear l\~c u x :

Given our ongoing communicrrtions rega rding the stare budget, I wanted to prO\·ide you with an update on the Joint Committee on Finance's (JFC) actions relating to educatio n funding.

As you know, the Governor's budget proposal did not provide a per pupil increase for public schools. The GO\·crnor also proposed expanding the ~ ch oo l choice program to additio nal distrias based upon their size and their performance o n the school di:.trict report card. T here \~a s no limit o n rite number of s ~uc:lc~1t s that could participate o r income eligibility requirements for participating chjJdren. The Go,·crnor also proposed a special needs scholarship program, a ne\\" process fo r autho rizing charter schools, and a funding ill crease for ch< lice schools.

O n June 4th, the Finance Comnuttee voted ro increase school fundillg by an additio nal $289 million to prcwidc additional funding for school districts through a S ISO increase in per pupil funding in each year of the two-year biennium. In adilition, the provision creating a special needs scholarship program was remO\·ed, while the change in authorizing charter schools was also pulled from the budget bill and will be considered in separate legislation.

The Comrn.ittee also acted to authorize the availability of school choice statewide. W hile I recognize the concerns raised by school adnutu strators in regards to expanding school choice, the Comnuttee's actions lirnir the number of children outside of I\ Wwaukee and Racine participating in this program to 500 students in the first year and 1,000 students in the second year of the biennium, caps rhe number of children fro m any single ilistrict that may participate to no more than l% of enrollment, and esrabli ~ h cs an inco me eligibility requirement at 185% of the federal poverl)· line. Private schools wo uld also be required to have been o perating prio r to {\ h y I ~ ro C this year in order r<, accept :-; rudents under the choice program.

In other action that may IJe o f interest to yo u, tl~e Committee replaced the rec1uirement for a single statewiuc iPformation system ,·endor to allow school ilistricts ro choose from multiple , · cndo r ~ and created a marching gratH program to enhance STI ·:i\f co urse o fferings.

I Orh Senate District PO. Box 7882 • State Capiro! Phone: 800.862. I 092/608.266.774 5 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7882 Fax: 608.282.3550 hrrp:/ /www.harsdorf~~:nare. co m [email protected]

Priutrd tJII rrqdrd p11pn: As you may know from our discussions from earlier this spring, I was committed to working to provide additional resources to school districts to provide relief to school budgets. While there arc inevitably provisions of the budget that some may not support, I believe this negotiated compromise on education funding represents a significant improvement for school districts from the Governor's budget proposal.

Thank you again for your conunitment to providing your students with a quality education. I look fmward to your continued input and suggestions in our effort to ensure student success.

Sincerely, ~orf State Senator 1Orb Senate District WISCONSIN~- PUBLiC~ INSTRUCTION Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent

May 30,2013

Andy Hoeppner Principal Starr Elementary School 701 East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017-2355

Dear Principal Hoeppner:

I am pleased to announce your school has received a Gold Wisconsin School Health A ward. Receiving this award signifies Starr Elementary School's commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions in a supportive school environment that will positively contribute to their academic success and help every child become a graduate. Your school is commended for having the policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating; physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free lifestyles; and parental and community involvement. I encourage you to share your knowledge and story with schools across the state so more schools create an environment that enables students to achieve their full academic potential as well as support them in developing healthful behaviors to last throughout their lives.

Congratulations on your achievement! The enclosed plaque is in recognition of Starr Elementary School's accomplishment. Please save the date for the upcoming Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, October 23, 2013, where we will honor all of the 2012-13 Wisconsin School Health Award recipients. Additional information will be sent to you closer to the event.

Sincerely, -/~,4-- Tony Evers, PhD State Superintendent



c: Christine Cunningham Morrie Veilleux, District Administrator

PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 • 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 266-3390 • (800) 441-4563 toll free • WISCONSIN 4.·. PUBLiC~ INSTRUCTION Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent

May 30,2013

Mike Ballard Principal Papeljack Elementary School 701 East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017-2355

Dear Principal Ballard:

I am pleased to announce your school has received a Silver Wisconsin School Health Award. Receiving this award signifies Papeljack Elementary School's commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions in a supportive school environment that will positively contribute to their academic success and help every child become a graduate. Your school is commended for having the policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating; physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free lifestyles; and parental and community involvement. I encourage you to share. your knowledge and story with schools across the state so more schools create an environment that enables students to achieve their full academic potential as well as support them in developing healthful behaviors to last throughout their lives.·

Congratulations on your achievement! The enclosed plaque is in recognition ofPapeJ.jack Elementary School's accomplishment. Please save the date for the upcoming Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, October 23, 2013, where we will honor all of the 2012-13 Wisconsin School Health Award recipients. Additional information will be sent to you closer to the event.

Sincerely, -r~,4--- Tony Evers, PhD State Superintendent



c: Kim McGregor Morrie Veilleux, District Administrator

PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 • 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 266-3390 • (800) 441-4563 toll free • WISCONSIN~- PUBLiC~ INSTRUCTION Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent .

May 30, 2013

Douglas E Hatch Principal New Richmond Middle School 701 East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017-23 55

Dear Principal Hatch:

I am pleased to announce your school has received a Silver Wisconsin School Health Award. Receiving this award signifies New Richmond Middle School's commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions in a supportive school environment that will positively contribute to their academic success and help every child become a graduate. Your school is commended for having the policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating; physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free lifestyles; and parental and community involvement. I encourage you to share your knowledge and story \vith schools across the state so more schools create an environment that enables students to achieve their full academic potential as well as support them in developing healthful behaviors to last throughout their liyes.

Congratulations on your achievement! The enclosed plaque is in recognition of New Richmond Middle School's accomplishment. Please save the date for the upcoming Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, October 23, 2013, where we will honor all of the 2012-13 Wisconsin School Health Award recipients. Additional information will be sent to you closer to the event.

Sincerely, -/'~,4---- Tony Evers, PhD State Superinte~dent



c: Michelle Ball Morrie Veilleux, District Administrator

PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 • 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 266-3390 • (800) 441-4563 toll free • WISCONSIN~- PUBLiC~ INSTRUCTION Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent

May 30,2013

Frank Norton Principal Hillside Elementary School 701 East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017-2355

Dear Principal Norton:

I am pleased to announce your school has received a Silver Wisconsin School Health Award. Receiving this award signifies Hillside Elementary School's commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions in a supportive school environment that will positively contribute to their academic success and help every child become a graduate. Your school is commended for having the policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating; physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free lifestyles; and . parental and community involvement. I encourage you to share your knowledge and story with schools across the state so more schools create an environment that enables students to achieve their full academic potential as well as support them in developing healthful behaviors to last throughout their lives.

Congratulations on your achievement! The enclosed plaque is in recognition of Hillside Elementary School's accomplishment. Please save the date for the upcoming Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, October 23, 2013, where we will honor all of the 2012-13 Wisconsin School Health A ward recipients. Additional information will be sent to you closer to the event.

Sincerely, -~'~,~ Tony Evers, PhD State Superintendent



c: Casey Davis Morrie Veilleux, District Administrator

PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 • 125 South Webster Street, Madison, Wr. 53703 (608)-266-3390 • (800) 441-4563 toll free • . WISCONSIN~... PUBLiC~ INSTRUCTION Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent

May 30,2013

Tom Wissink Principal New Richmond High School 7 0 1 East 11th Street New Richmond, WI 54017-2355

Dear Principal Wissink:

I am pleased to announce your school has received a Silver Wisconsin School Health Award. Receiving this award signifies New Richmond High School's commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions in a supportive school environment that will positively contribute to their academic success and help every child become a graduate. Your school is commended for having the policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating; physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free lifestyles; and parental and community involvement. I encourage you to share your knowledge and story with schools across the state so more schools create an environment that enables students to achieve their full academic potential as well as support them in developing healthful behaviors to last throughout their lives.

Congratulations on your achievement! The enclosed plaque is in recognition of New Richmond High School's accomplishment. Please save the date for the upcoming Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, October 23, 2013, where we will honor all of the 2012-13 Wisconsin School Health Award recipients. Additional information will be sent to you closer to the event.

Sincerely, -r~,4---- Tony Evers, PhD State Superintendent



c: Renee Kaczmarski Morrie Veilleux, District Administrator

PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 • 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 266-3390 • (800) 441-4563 toll free • 2013 WISCONSIN SCHOOL HEALTH AWARD WINNERS

School School District Award Level Edison Elementary School App_leton Aree~ School District ·Platinum Bay View Middle School Howard-Suamico School District Gold Edn:a;Ferber·Eiemen·tarySchool Appleton Area School District Gold Hayward Middle School Hayward Community School District Gold

Hayward :Prim·ary School Hayward Community School Distr~~ Gold Hayward Intermediate School Hayward Community School District Gold Hay\Nard High ·School Hayward Community School District . Gold Henry David Thoreau Elementary School Milwaukee Public Schools Gold Johnston Elementary Sc_hool Appleton Area Schoolbistrict Gold Starr Elementary School New Richmond School District Gold

·I)~IQ.itJVJ~roQ.ri~I-Hi_gh S~ho~l School Dist.rict. of Beloit snvet· - . - --·-·- ·- Hillcrest Elementary School Ellsworth Community School District Silver

Hillside ·EI~mentary School New Richmond ·school District Sliver ' Hoover Elementary School Neenah Joint School District Silver

Kiel High s,cllqol · Kiel Area School District Silv~r Mead Elementary Charter School Wisconsin Rapids Public School District Silver

MHLT·EI~roentary School Minocqua Joint 1 School District Sllv~r:· New Richmond High School New Richmond School District Silver ..

NE!W :Richrno•1~ :NiicJdle'School .. New Richmond. School Dist~ict : Silver:: : ' Paperjack Elementary School New Richmond School District Silver .. Riverside ·E.Ie·m~ntary School Fond du Lac School District . :Silver. Wilson Elementary School Neenah Joint School District Silver .. Badger Eieroentary School Appleton_Area School District .. !S.r()nze Ellsworth Middle School Ellsworth Community School District Bronze

:· .. ,: . Pr~irJ¢ :Yi.~W·.~Iementary School-. ·· Ellsworth ·comn:aunity School :Di~tri~-,;=? .:· .: ;$.r.9n_~g~_.,- .. .. ,., ,, ...... ~ ~-~----~·- .... - Readfield Elementary School School District of New London Bronze

To: New Richmond School Board; Administrative Team From: Marilyn Duerst Date: June 14, 2013 Re: Report on Annual Convention of CESA #11, Turtle Lake WI, June 3, 2013

CESA#11 consists of 39 school districts in northwest Wisconsin, from Spooner south to Pepin, and Colfax to the Minnesota border. New Richmond belongs to cluster #6, consisting of the school districts of Baldwin-Woodville, Glenwood City, Hudson, New Richmond, Somerset and St. Croix Central. Board members from thirty of those districts attended the annual convention in Turtle Lake on June 3, 2013; I represented New Richmond.

Howard Kruschke from St. Croix Central was re-elected to the Board of Control for another 3-year term from Cluster #6. New Richmond is first in the rotation of districts in that cluster (if SCC cannot replace Mr Kruschke, in case he cannot continue, New Richmond will be asked to supply a member of the Board of Control). In addition, New Richmond is the second back-up district for the “at large” position on the Board of Control (Turtle Lake is the first).

Upcoming events include a) July 18, 2013: Joint PAC/Board Member meeting at CESA #11 Seminar room, including a dinner and program on “Personalized Learning” (Jean Garrity, CESA #1). b) A wide variety of two-day courses for teachers (STAR Academy) is offered from July 24 through August 13, 2013, ranging from “Project-based learning in the 21st century” to “Core curriculum development” and to “Tech tools for teachers”. Some of our teachers may be interested in these opportunities. I have the brochure. c) A variety of educational conferences are offered around the midwest region (, including 1) “Special Education Conference”, Oct. 30-31, Wisconsin Dells 2) “Technology for Special Education Conference”, Dec. 4-5, Wisconsin Dells 3) ”Wisconsin Transition Conference”, Feb. 19-21, 2014 (Wisconsin Dells). d) From June 17-20, 2013 a four-day workshop partnering WITC and two CESA’s is being offered for teachers on future trends in education.

Jerry Walters, CESA#11 administrator, gave a presentation overviewing the services, organization and finances of that organization. He stressed that the only funding for buildings, utilities, professional services, salaries, and a myriad of financial obligations is from the cost of services and materials. The daily cost may seem high, but CESA’s are not supported by tax money or the state of Wisconsin in any significant amount.

Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Duerst, CESA representative

TO: District Administrators

FROM: Jerry Walters, CESA #11 Administrator

DATE: June 04, 2013


The Steering Committee is happy to announce a special PAC meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 18, at 6:00 p.m. at the CESA #11 Central Office in Turtle Lake.

This special event will feature a wonderful dinner followed by a program by Jean Garrity.

This special event is designed for district administrators to bring their board members along to enjoy a fun night together and share a message focusing on personalized learning.

Please place this date on your calendar and encourage your board members to attend. Any board members interested in attending should sign up thru you. They will all be sent an informational flyer. The cost is $10 per person.

In order that we may plan for meals, seating, etc., I am asking that you respond to the enclosed registration form no later than Thursday, July 11, 2013.



District Administrators and Board members are cordially invited to attend a wonderful dinner and an informational program on “Personalized Learning” presented by Jean Garrity, CESA #1

Registration and Hors d’oeuvres—6:00 pm Dinner—6:30 pm Program—7:30 pm Where: CESA #11 Seminar Room When: July 18, 2013 RSVP: Please respond by July 11, 2013 (contact your Administrator) $10 per person