SPORTS PROGRAMMING IN SMALL MARKET RADIO by Eugene DeLisio A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF ARTS Department of Communication UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STEVENS POINT Stevens Point, Wisconsin May, 1995 THESIS APPROVAL FORH Graduate School - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Stevens Point, Wisconsin April 20, 1995 P.onth Day Year Delisio, Eugene Last Name {Please Print or Type} First Name .Middle 1506 South Adams Ave .• #111 Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 , , Permanent .Address - Number and Street City State Zip Tit 1 e of The s i s : Sp or t s P r o gr a mm i n g in Sm a 11 Mark et 8 a d i a omn1 t tee Mem er ~ ~ 2 µ-£i.· t-~ Corrrnittee Me er Thesis approved for Co hour of credit. Thesis Deposit Deadlines: 10 days prior to graduation if student is participating in the cormiencement ceremony. By the graduation date if student is not participating in the co1m1encement ceremony. Please return this form to the Dean of the Graduate School. FORMD Report on Ora'l Defense of Thesis TITLE: Sports Programming in Small Market Radio AUTHOR: __E_u_,g,t..e.;_n_e_D.;_e..::....;::_L.::.i.::.s.::.i.::.o ____________ Having heard an oral defense of the above thesis, the Adtiisory Committee: , I ~) Finds the defense of the thesis to be satisfactory and accepts the thesis as submitted, subject to the following recommendation(s), if any: --8) Finds the defense of the thesis to be unsatisfactory and recommends that tl1e defeme of the thesis be rescheduled contingent upon: \ \ \,, l \ (f (I c- Date: \\ ~\(},\ \ _ 1 \ 2 Committee: \ .1 \~- t\ ---'·.
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