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Go to Yanktonmedia.Com to Find out More Or Call Your Sales Representative WE DEVELOP WEBSITES P RESS & D AKOTAN 605.665.78 1 1 PRESS & DAKOTAN n FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 9B WEDNESDAY PRIMETIME/LATE NIGHT APRIL 1, 2015 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 BROADCAST STATIONS Arthur Å Odd Wild Cyber- Martha Nightly PBS NewsHour (N) (In NOVA Kepler tele- Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies “Find- Cancer: BBC Charlie Rose (N) (In Tavis Smi- The Avia- Cancer: The Emperor PBS (DVS) Squad Kratts Å chase Speaks Business Stereo) Å scope discovers new ing the Achilles Heel” First targeted therapies; The Em- World Stereo) Å ley (N) Å tors Å of All Maladies (Series KUSD ^ 8 ^ Report worlds. prevention. (In Stereo) Å peror News Finale) KTIV $ 4 $ Meredith Vieira Ellen DeGeneres News 4 News News 4 Ent Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) News 4 Tonight Show Seth Meyers Daly Extra (N) Paid Hot Bench Hot Bench Judge Judge KDLT NBC KDLT The Big The Mysteries of Lau- Law & Order: Special Chicago PD Desk Sgt. KDLT The Tonight Show Late Night With Seth Last Call KDLT (Off Air) NBC Å Å Judy Å Judy Å News Nightly News Bang ra (N) (In Stereo) Å Victims Unit “Devas- Platt cares for a young News Starring Jimmy Fallon Meyers (In Stereo) Å With Car- News Å KDLT % 5 % (N) Å News (N) (N) Å Theory tating Story” girl. (N) (N) Å (In Stereo) Å son Daly KCAU ) 6 ) Dr. Phil Å The Dr. Oz Show News at ABC News Inside Middle Gold Mod Fam blackish Nashville (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline Paid Inside ABC World News Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Entertain- Survivor (N) (In Ste- The Dovekeepers (Series Finale) Shirah and News Late Show With The Late Late Show News The Insid- Up to the CBS Supermarkets and Evening ment reo) Å Yael remain in custody. (N) (In Stereo) (Part David Letterman (In With James Corden er (N) Å Minute KELO + 3 + GMOs. Å News Tonight 2 of 2) Å Stereo) Å (N) Å (N) Jeopardy! Inside The Ellen DeGeneres KSFY ABC KSFY Wheel of The Mid- The Gold- Modern blackish Nashville Sadie ends KSFY Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline Paid Pro- Extra Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ABC (N) Å Edition Show (N) (In Ste- News at 5 World News at 6 Fortune dle (N) bergs (N) Family (N) (N) Å up in a dangerous situ- News at (In Stereo) Å (N) Å gram (N) Å gram gram KSFY ` 7 ` (N) Å reo) Å in HD News in HD (N) Å (DVS) ation. (N) 10 in HD KMEG . 13 & The Doctors Å Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News CBS Jeopardy Wheel Survivor (N) Å The Dovekeepers (N) Å News Letterman James Corden Flipping Paid Minute The Real (N) (In Ste- Steve Harvey (In Ste- Modern Modern Two and a Two and a American Idol “Top 8 Perform” The top eight Hot in Hot in Dish Na- RightThis- Maury (In Stereo) Å How I How I TMZ (N) Å TouchVi- FOX reo) Å reo) Å Family Å Family Å Half Men Half Men perform. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Cleveland Cleveland tion (N) Å Minute Met Your Met Your sion News KTTW 5 9 _ (N) Mother Mother KLKN The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil Å News ABC News Ent Middle Gold Mod Fam blackish Nashville (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline Dr. Phil Å ABC World News KOLN Ellen DeGeneres First Jeopardy 10/11 CBS News Wheel Survivor (N) Å The Dovekeepers (N) Å News Letterman James Corden Paid Friends Minute KPTH Hot Hot Celebrity Celebrity Big Bang Big Bang Mike Mod Fam American Idol The top eight perform. (N) News at Mod Fam Mike Two Men Two Men Cleve Mother Middle Middle Office KSCB 97 Jackson Bill Win Hope 700 Club Room Creflo D. Reagan J. Hagee Parsley Joni Marcus and Joni Super Murdock Z. Levitt Cope Life To J. Meyer Marcus and Joni Joni Reflec KSIN 99 , WordGirl Arthur Wild Wild Odd PBS NewsHour (N) Old NOVA Å (DVS) Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies Cancer Business Austin City Limits (Off Air) KXNE ( Curious Curious Arthur Odd Wild Wild PBS NewsHour (N) NOVA Å (DVS) Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies Quest Food Globe Trekker (Off Air) PAY CHANNELS ›› “Wicker Park” (2004) Josh Hartnett, Rose REAL Sports With ›› “Now You See Me” (2013) Jesse Eisen- ›› “Divergent” (2014, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Real Time With Bill Last Week ›› “47 Ronin” (2013) Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki HBO 17 (401) Byrne. (In Stereo) Å Bryant Gumbel berg, Mark Ruffalo. (In Stereo) Å Theo James. (In Stereo) Å Maher Å Sanada. (In Stereo) Å HBO2 432 (405) State of Play Å “Percy Jackson: Sea” ››› “Erin Brockovich” (2000) Julia Roberts. ›› “The Internship” (2013) (In Stereo) VICE ›› “Fast & Furious 6” (2013) Å › “Tammy” (2014) Å ›› “Riddick” (2013) ›› “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (2013) ›››› “Dances With Wolves” (1990, Western) Kevin Costner. A ›› “Transcendence” (2014) Johnny Depp, Zane’s › “Exorcist: The Beginning” (2004) Stellan Sin Dia- MAX 441 (420) Vin Diesel. Ben Stiller. (In Stereo) Å Union officer befriends the Lakota. (In Stereo) Å Rebecca Hall. (In Stereo) Å Sex Skarsgard. (In Stereo) Å ries 3 MAX2 ››› “Jarhead” ››› “Veronica Mars” (2014) Å ›› “You, Me and Dupree” (2006) Å ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Å Girls Bed ›› “The Hangover Part III” “Lolita From Interstellar” Trance SHOW 451 (435) ›› “EDtv” (1999) (In Stereo) Å › “Alex Cross” (2012) Tyler Perry. Å Shameless Å Jim Rome, Sho 60 Minutes Sports Jim Rome, Sho 60 Minutes Sports Lies Lies Kevin Hart SHOW2 ››› “Inside Llewyn Davis” ›› “Legally Blonde” (2001) › “Son-in-Law” (1993) Pauly Shore. ››› “What About Bob?” ››› “Clerks” (1994) Å ›› “Homegrown” (1998) (In Stereo) “Last Exorcism 2” TMC 461 (455) ››› “Byzantium” (2012) (In Stereo) “Angels of Darkness” (2014) Å ›› “Lord of War” (2005) Nicolas Cage. ›› “Aeon Flux” (2005) Å › “Alone in the Dark” (2005) ›› “Cut” (2000) Å City God CABLE STATIONS A&E 57 I Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping AMC 41 V ›› “The Legend of Zorro” › “Fool’s Gold” (2008) Matthew McConaughey. ›› “Body of Lies” (2008, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio. Å ›› “Sahara” (2005) Matthew McConaughey. Å ››› “X-Men” ANPL 19 K To Be Announced Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s Fool’s BRAVO 25 W Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Real Housewives Real Housewives Best New Rest. Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Best New Rest. Shahs of Sunset CMTV 38 Ω Cleve Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Å Reba Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Å Jeff Dunham: Arguing Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Å Cops Raising Raising CNBC 53 T Closing Bell (N) Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) American Vice Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å American Vice American Greed Paid Paid CNN 33 Q Jake Tapper The Situation Room (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. CNN Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast COM 45 ≠ Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Nightly Daily Big Time Work. South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Big Time Daily Nightly At Mid. Work. Daily Nightly At Mid. Big Time CSPAN 49 1 House Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Hearings DISC 34 L Surviv- Bigfoot Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Dual Survival Å Surviv- Bigfoot Dual Survival Å To Be Announced Dual Survival To Be Announced DISN 64 D I Didn’t I Didn’t Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. K.C. Girl “Radio Rebel” (2012) Å Austin Liv-Mad. Jessie I Didn’t Rebels ›› “Halloweentown” (1998) “Halloweentown II: Revenge” DISXD 65 (103) Mighty Kickin’ It Kickin’ It Lab Rats ››› “Bolt” (2008) Miley Cyrus Mighty Lab Rats Gravity Rebels Wander Kirby Gravity Gravity Gravity Rebels Wander Pac-Man Fish Fish E!TV 51 Æ Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian E! News (N) ››› “Hairspray” (2007) John Travolta. Soup E! News (N) The Royals The Royals Sex-City Sex-City ENC 400 (480) “The Lone Ranger” “The Brady Bunch Movie” ››› “Lucas” (1986) Å ››› “Gridiron Gang” (2006) Å ›› “The Lone Ranger” (2013) Johnny Depp. Å ›› “School Daze” (1988) Larry Fishburne. Å ESPN 28 8 NFL Live Question Around Pardon SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Face/ Bskball Hour High School Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN2 29 9 ATP Tennis Olber. You Herd Around Pardon ATP Tennis Miami Open, Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Miami. (N) (Live) Bskball Hour NBA Baseball 30 for 30 30 for 30 EWTN 74 ± The Di Behold Path of Messiah News Flesh Daily Mass - Olam EWTN Live (N) News Rosary The Persecuted Holy Women Daily Mass - Olam EWTN Live News Retreat FAM 62 H Reba Reba Boy... Boy... Boy... Boy... Daddy Young Young Freak › “Dude, Where’s My Car?” (2000) The 700 Club Å Boy... Boy... Boy... Boy... Paid Paid FOOD 56 ? Contessa Contessa Pioneer Southern Diners Diners Diners Diners My. Din My. Din My. Din My. Din Restaurant: Im. Food Fortunes My. Din My. Din Restaurant: Im. Food Fortunes FS1 63 < Mike Francesa America’s Pregame NASCAR Race Hub Best of WEC Å UFC Tonight (N) UFC UFC UFC Unleashed FOX Sports Live (N) FOX Sports Live FOX Sports Live (N) FOX Sports Live FX 23 X Anger Anger Two Men Two Men Mike Mike Mike Mike ›› “The Call” (2013) Halle Berry.
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