Index Rerum Et Nominum Antiquorum
INDEX RERUM ET NOMINUM ANTIQUORUM For nomina antiqua see also index locorum potiorum. The numbers again refer to the location in the footnotes (abbreviated n, e.g. 47n156 means p. 47 note 156), in the complementary notes (abbreviated en, e.g. 129cn225 means p. 129 complementary note 225), and in the text (just the page number). The cross-references in the notes may also be of some help. Aelius Donatus see Donatus Archimedes 6n13, 13, 24, 24n81, Aelius Theon 56n185, 122cn5 37n127, 40, 41,41nl37, 43, 44,45- Aetius 47n156, 129cn225 8,45n148,48n158,48n159,53, atnov tlj~ £mypacplj~ see 53n177, 62n206,92, 103, 103n349, isagogical questions (title) 103n353, 113, 115, 115n382, 116, Albinus 12, 71, 72n250 117 Alcinous 99, 99n337, 107n364, Archytas of Tarentum 119n397 111, 112, 114, 120n400 Aristaeus mathematicus 10, Alexander of Aphrodisias 11n31, 21, 64 23n79, 107n364, 108n365, 111-2, Aristarchus of Samos 14 111-2n374, 112n375, 114, 126cn89 Aristotle 4nl0, 12, 13n39, 33n118, Alexander of Lycopolis on 34, 43,46,47, 47nl56, 48, 52, Demiurge 108, 108n365 56n185, 66n226, 67n227, 67n228, Alexander Polyhistor 1 02n343 68n229, 82n290,83n295,86-7,95, 0./..oyov see line(s) 103n353, 109, 111, 112n375, 114, Ammonius Hermiae 13, 20, 115-6, 118, 119, 123cn11, 124- 21n68,43,43n143,45,48,56,88, 5cn67, 131cn357 88n313,92, 129cn260, 130cn308 Aristoxeneans 73n255 avayvrocrt~, avaytvcOOKElV, see arithmetic 9n25, 19, 22, 24n80, reading (study) 29, 57, 61nl96, 79, 82-91, 83n295, an-Nayrizi see Anaritius 118, 120n403 an-Nadim see at N arithmology 19, 90 ava/..oy{a
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