GLOBAL AMATEUR GOLF Eisenhower Cups This Year in 1960 • His Is IGY- International Golf Year
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Curtis. Americas. GLOBAL AMATEUR GOLF Eisenhower Cups this year IN 1960 • hiS is IGY- International Golf Year. tis Cup team to England as non-playing T Three international golf competitions captain. for amateurs will be played in 1960 and The team flies by jet aircraft from New each will be in a different country. York the night of May 13 and reaches First meeting on the international ama- London the following morning. A bus will teur calendar will be the match between take the players from London airport to the ladies of the United States and the Lindrick where practice sessions will be British Isles for the Curtis Cup. The held through May 19. Lindrick Golf Club near Worksop in Not- The three foursomes over 36 holes will tinghamshire, England, will be the site on be played May 20 and the six singles over May 20-21. 36 holes will be played May 21. Second will be the Americas Cup The team returns to London May 22 matches between Canadian, Mexican and for relaxation and sightseeing. Many of United States men teams at the Ottawa the players are expected to compete in Hunt and Golf Club, Ottawa, Canada, the British Women's Amateur Champion- August 11-12. ship at Royal S1. David's Golf Club, Har- Third will be the growing, healthy baby lech, Wales, May 30.June 2, before re- of international competitions-the World turning to the United States or going on Amateur Team Championship for the to European holidays. Eisenhower Trophy. The Merion Golf Alternates for the team are Miss Bar- Club at Ardmore, Pa., will be the site bara Williams, of Richmond, Calif., Mrs. September 28-0ctober 1 and about 35 Paul Dye, Jr., of In- nations are expected to send four-man dianapolis, and Mrs. teams. Mark A. Porter, Jr., The task of trying to win back the Cur- of Westmont, N. J. tis Cup which has been in British hands for six of the past eight years was en- Actually, the Bri- trusted by the USGA Executive Commit- tish Women's Cham- tee and the Women's Committee to a pionship forms a team of seven players. Five of them are fourth event on the 23 years old or younger. international list of Members of the team, their ages and interest to American home cities are: golfers. Miss Judy Bell, 23, Wichita, Kansas However, the first Miss Judy Eller, 19, Old Hickory, piece of business is Mrs. Henri Prunaret Tenn assigned to the Curtis Cup team. British Miss Joanne Goodwin, 23, Haverhill, teams won the Curtis Cup at Muirfield, Mass. Scotland, in 1952, and at Prince's Golf Miss JoAnne Gunderson, 20, Kirk- Club, Sandwich, England, in 1956. The land, Wash. two teams tied at Brae Burn Country Mrs. Ann Casey Johnstone, 37, Mason Club, West Newton, Mass., in 1958 but City, Iowa the British retained the cup because they Miss Barbara McIntire, 25, Lake Park, held it before the tie. The United States Fla. team won at Merion Golf Club, Ardmore, Miss Anne Quast, 22, Marysville, Pa., in 1954. Wash. Professional women's golf in the United Mrs. Henri Prunaret, of Natick, Mass., States has failed to attract as many young chairman of the USGA Women's Com- amateurs as it did during the early 19505. mittee, has been named to lead the Cur- Only one winner of the Women's Na- c USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: FEBRUARY, 1960 tional Amateur Championship since 1954 1-2, 1961, at the Seattle Golf Club, Seattle, -Miss Barbara Romack-has turned pro- Wash. fessional. Meanwhile, the last three American amateur as well as profes- Women's National Amateur Champions sional golfers have been active in inter- will be on the Curtis Cup team. They are national competition since the 1920's. Miss Gunderson, the 1957 Champion; Miss A team of American men amateurs Quast, the 1958 Champion, and Miss Mc- went to Hoylake, England, in May, 1921, Intire, the present holder. and defeated a British team 9 matches to The stimulating effect that the Na- 3. The event was so successful that tional Girls' Junior Championship has on George H. Walker, a former USGA Presi- women's golf is apparent. Three former dent, gave a silver trophy to be played National Girls' Championship finalists are for and the following year a British team among the seven Curtis Cup players- came to the National Links on Long Is- Miss McIntire, Miss Gunderson and Miss land. Eller. In addition, Miss Quast and Miss Against Mr. Walker's wishes the event Mcintire were medalist or co-medalist for was named The 'Valker Cup Matches. Girls' Championships. Miss Eller won the The first Curtis Cup match was held at event in 1957-58. Wentworth, near London, in 1932, and There is little women's professional the first Americas Cup match at the Seat- golf in the British Isles and British Cus- tle Golf Club, Seattle, Wash., in 1952. tis Cup teams have not been affected by candidates leaving amateur golf. Lindrick, was the scene of the only loss Lunch Stop in 25 years by American men profes- Handicap Decision 59-7 sionals in Ryder Cup play. The Americans Reference: l\Ien: Sect. 4-1 lost to the British there in 1957. Women: Sect. 14-1 The course is inland and not one of the Q: How strictly should Rules 37.6 seaside courses where most Curtis Cup and 37.7 (re discontinuance of play and Walker Cup matches in Britain have and undue delay) be applied in record- been played. It is of 6,471 yards, some ing scores for handicap purposes? it fairways are bordered by hedges, and the is not unusual for some players to play test of golf is a searching one. nine holes, take time out for lunch, United States teams for the Americas and then play the last nine holes. Cup and Eisenhower Cup matches will be Should scores so made be recorded for announced during the summer. The handicap purposes-or should they be Americas Cup is up for the fifth playing posted as "No Card" so that the handi- and the Eisenhower Cup for the second. cap will still be based on the bpst 10 In the inaugural of the World Amateur l)f the last 25 rounds played-or should Team Championship at St. Andrews, Scot- they be omitted from the handicap land, in October, 1958, Australia was the records as not being part of an 18. winner after a tie with the United States. hole round? In the play-off the three best Australian Question by: l\lrs. C. L. Graham scores (under the rules the fourth score Long Lake, l\linn. on each team is not counted) totaled 222 while the three best American 18-hole A: Technically, the taking of time scores totaled 224. out for lunch between the playing of Twenty-nine teams competed at St. the first and last nine holes constitutes Andrews in one of the most impressive a violation of the discontinuance of launchings any competition ever received. play and the undue delay Rules of Golf. However, to eliminate such The United States won the last Ameri- scores from players' scoring records cas Cup matches with 30 points to 17 for might mean loss of a considerable Canada and seven for Mexico. number of scores which undoubtedly All three cup competitions this year contribute to a better picture of their are bi-annual. The only major amateur playing ability. Accordingly, we recom. international event not on the calendar mend that such scores be accepted for this year is the 'Valker Cup Matches. handicap purposes only. They will be played next on September USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: FEPRUARY, 1960 ,.