Personally Conduc Independent TOURS 10 '1, Pasonally and All- cTOU 'l Colo -1


workshop for frequent holidays and rebuild WHEREwith rest other and nations,recreations, as a matterAmerica, of course,until all her facilities for joy and relaxation, has kept constantly -on the job- and made them believe they But the younger generation of today, with spirits and its love of life, has demanded—and wrought change in the old philosophy of -all work and The regular vacation has come to stay and has its Even -father,- known the world over as - band- and -business slave,- is learning a new those who come trooping home, glowing and eventually he, too, decides to drop care for awhile, to away- as he longed to do in his boyhood days and venture in the rebuilding of his But always, to young and to old, comes the of -WHERE?" Not too far—not too near— will provide interest, recreation, change. Change scenery, habits, sensations—what is the answer? be several, BUT—when good old Dame Nature the scenic beauties of her new-born world she outstanding wonder-section to each But for America she reserved the the Rockies today mean Beauty is everywhere, of course, beauty of Colorado means just snow-capped peaks hewn gorges, —to Americans it visions of dreams-come- youth renewed, of found. For Vacation Land it is Rainbow's

3 Zestful, Restful OT all may linger indefinitely among ranges and peaceful valleys, for the of the great Industrial Army is a brief But Colorado is well named -the carefree,- as experts and western hospitality have combined to visitor the most of this great wonderland with— the smallest outlay of time And it is this combination that makes it possible for step on a Rock Island train, travel to Colorado in comfortable way, see the principal points of interest, stop best hotels, ride in the finest motor cars, eat the take the most enthralling trips, and step off again in town without ever having had to think of hotels, of meals, sightseeing trips, taxis, or trains — one's traveler's checks would last The unusual and unsparing attention to details with these tours have been planned, particularly the nation of sightseeing and rest periods; the personal ful supervision; the complete relief from all absence of the trials of ordinary travel pledge to an ideal and carefree These tours are available at actual cost, on arranged schedule providing first-class throughout, with all essential items of expense paid for before the 1 1

Idling in [ 4 1 'Dates and

Personally-Conducted All-Expense-Plan Season

Minneapolis, Dallas, and Fort Worth on 9r, 29th,OURS July will 6th, leave 13th, , 20th, 27th;St. Louis, August Memphis, 3rd, 24th, sand 31st, and from Des Moines, Omaha, and Kansas City on day following, Sunday—a two- tion—giving ten full days SATURDA From Chicago—Leave Chicago (La Salle Street Station) via Lines, 11:30 Central Time. Train carries through From Minneapolis—Leave Minneapolis (Rock Island Station) Island Lines, 10:20 P.M. From St. Paul—Leave St. Paul (Union Station) via Rock 11:00 P.M. From St. Louis—Leave St. Louis (Union Station) via Rock 11:15 P.M. From Memphis—Leave Memphis (Grand Central Station) via 7:45 P.M. From Dallas—Leave Dallas via Rock Island Lines, 9:15 P.M. From Ft. Worth—Leave Fort Worth via Rock Island Lines, Central SUNDA From Des Moines—Leave Des Moines via Rock Island Lines, Central From Omaha—Leave Omaha (Union Station) via Rock Island Lines, P.M. Central From St. Joseph—Leave St. Joseph 7:45 A.M. From Kansas City—Leave Kansas City (Union Station) via Lines, 11:00 A.M. Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in dining car, except sengers from St. Louis will be served breakfast in the Union taurant at Kansas City on The foregoing schedules contemplate passengers from Moines, Omaha, and intermediate points using train No. 5; from and St. Paul, train No. 32 to Des Moines, connecting with No. there at 8:10 A.M. Passengers from St. Louis, Memphis, St. Joseph, and will use train No. 25 leaving Kansas City 11:00 A.M. Passengers from Dallas and Fort Worth and points north will No. 18 to McFarland, connecting there with train No. 25, leaving P.M. Central At Belleville, Kansas, or Limon, Colorado, sleeping cars members from Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Fort Worth, will consolidate with sleeping cars containing from Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Des Moines, and Omaha, that all may arrive at at the 5 Itinerar

Sunday—Thereing season—in is always crossinga satisfying the thrill great —especially food in In an amazingly short time—historically speaking—Iowa, Kansas have emerged from pioneer days—interesting but lean!— modern agricultural district of great wealth and future promise. interested traveler Sunday is all too short for the ride through distric

MondaDenver — the Gateway to Vacation Land—is y-7:25 A.M., and from the Union Station the party through the Welcome Arch to the Brown Palace Hotel, where bath and all meals for the day At 10:00 o'clock a sightseeing trip through Denver's and park sections is provided, returning in time The afternoon and evening are left open so that each one may be meet friends or fill the time as suits

Tuesday—Afterhotel breakfastat 7:45 in at the the comfortable Brown Palace, motor the cars party of Mountain Parks Transportation Company bound for National-Estes Park, seventy-five miles to the northwest, going Loveland and beautiful Big Thompson Canyon, which is twenty- long and one thousand feet deep Estes Park Chalets is reached at 12:00 noon where room and meals vided until The afternoon is a fine time for rest or a short hike, and in there is community singing wednesday—situatedis a delightful as it is headquarters in a great National for sightseeing Park, Saddle horses are available at low rates for those who ride, and be ordered for longer trips if desired. Box lunches are provided planning to go In the evening there is entertainment in

Cosmopolitan Hotel, A view of the [ 6 Thursday—Fortrips the over day Lily there Mountain is no setand program Sheep except In the evening a Beefsteak Barbecue is provided followed by Party and community

Friday—TheLake, highlight located highof this among day isthe a motorsnowy peakstrip to that After the return from Bear, dinner, dancing and community the

Saturday—Afterthrough breakfast lovely Horseshoeat the Chalets Park autosand over take famous Fall River Road, which winds its way upward over the of the Rockies, which it crosses by means of Fall River and Over on the western side of the range, still within Rocky Park, looking down on beautiful Grand Lake, two miles among its cliffs and peaks is Grand Luncheon, dinner and room are provided at Grand Lake Lodge, theevening there is music and a lecture on' 'Wild Life in the Rocky

Sunday—AtChurches Grand of Lake various Lodge denominations — all meals are andat the a short distance, by either trail or motor, of A variety of out-door activities—boating, bathing, fishing, hiking back riding—may be For the evening there is no set program, but the huge open fire in lounge of the Lodge is always a center of

Monday —Breakfaststart for the at Grandreturn Laketrip toLodge Denver is followed by motor, by an 8 one along the Frazer River, through the ''Mountain Iceberg" trict, past the west portal of the famous Moffat Tunnel, over

Sunken Gardens, Brown Palace showing the West Denver High School The Chalets, via Berthoud Pass, and into Idaho Springs at noon. Lunch at the Placer Inn, and there's a little time for rest and exploration little town of hot springs and rich mines. At 1:30 P.M. the ride through the marvelous scenery of the The way leads into Denver's Mountain Parks by way of Chicago Echo Lake, along the shoulder of Mount Evans, thence downward out Mountain, where a stop is made at the grave of Buffalo Bill Cody), and at Pahaska Tepee, the Museum of Cody's souvenirs. road leads down the famous Lariat Trail and through the little Golden, which was the first capital of the state and is now the seat Colorado School The Cosmopolitan Hotel in Denver is reached at 5 P. M. and rooms with bath The evening is left free so each may visit the theatre or movies

Tuesday—Afterhotel, breakfast by automobile, at the for Cosmopolitan Colorado Springs, the party a mile trip to the south along the foothills of the Front Range, arriving Broadmoor Hotel, in the beautiful Country Club district of at 11:30 Rooms and meals provided here for the stay at At 2:00 P.M. the hotel is left for a motor trip through Garden Gods, up to Cave of the Winds, then to South Cheyenne Canyon, and other interesting points in In the evening there is dancing in the ballroom, and guests will interested in the different attractions offered by the Broadmoor— Theater, the swimming pool, the shops, and the beautiful surround

Wednesday—Afterhotel breakfastat 8:30 for at the the summit Broadmoor, of Pike's cars Peak, which consumes about

[8 The Lounge—Grand For the afternoon and early evening there is no set program, tennis, boating, and bathing may be enjoyed at Motor cars leave the Broadmoor at 10:00 P.M. for the which the train leaves at 11:00 P.M. over the Rock Island boun NOTE: Members of parry returning to Kansas City, St. Joseph, Sr. Louis, and Fort Worth ttill have early dinner and leave from Colorado Springs at Too

Thursday—Asmay the rest, train relax, speeds and compareeast on itsexperiences homeward made during All meals provided in Arrive Kansas City via Rock Island Lines (Union Station) Central *Arrive St. Joseph 8:25 P.M. Arrive Omaha via Rock Island Lines (Union Station), 3:10 Tim Arrive Des Moines via Rock Island Lines, 8:25 P.M. *Note: Those returning to St. Joseph will be furnished

Friday _ArriveA.M. Central St. Paul via Rock Island Lines (Union Station), Arrive Minneapolis via Rock Island Lines (Rock Island Station), A.M. Central Arrive Memphis via Frisco Lines (Grand Central Station), Central Arrive St. Louis via Rock Island Lines (Union Station), 7:38 Tim Arrive Fort Worth via Rock Island Lines, 6:25 A.M. Arrive Dallas via Rock Island Lines, 7:50 A.M. Arrive Chicago via Rock Island Lines (LaSalle Street Station), Central Home again! New friends say goodbye, old friends are greeted "Vacation 1929" has become a delightful experience, a

i 9 Cost of


1 person occupying $134. $178. Chica 2 persons occupying 124.07 167.12 1 person occupying 130.5 173.6

1 person occupying 133.4 171.2 St. 2 persons occupying 123.32 161.12 1 person occupying 129.3 167.1 1 person occupying 129.6 159.7 Des 2 persons occupying 121.44 151.54 1 person occupying 126.3 156.4

Minneapolis 1 person occupying 133.4 178.1 and St. 2 persons occupying 123.32 167.97 1 person occupying 129.3 174.0

1 person occupying 121.9 149.8 Oma 2 persons occupying 115.57 143.42 1 person occupying 119.3 147.2

1 person occupying 121.9 149.8 Kansas 2 persons occupying 115.57 143.42 1 'person occupying 119.3 147.2 1 person occupying 121.9 149.8 St. 2 persons occupying 115.57 143.42 1 person occupying 119.3 147.2

Memp 1 person occupying 134.9 185.0 via Frisco 2 persons occupying 124.07 174.12 to Kansas 1 person occupying 130.5 180.6 1 person occupying 130.4 172.4 Dall 2 persons occupying 121.81 163.82 1 person occupying 126.9 168.9 1 person occupying 130.4 172.4 Fort 2 persons occupying 121.81 163.82 1 person occupying 126,9 168.9

What Is Included in Cost Railroad and Pullman transportation for the round seeing trips enumerated; automobile transportation cated; all meals in dining cars and hotels; transfers, other words, every necessary expense The rates quoted provide for room at hotels bath, on basis of two persons to a room, but of floor bath, except at the Brown Palace politan Hotels in Denver, where private furnished. Rooms with private bath may at all hotels upon payment of each where two persons occupy and $16.00 additional when occupies a room alone. if available, at all Tour plan will be $5.00 Only first-class hotels

1 Features of the Denv Denver—Gateway to all the Scenic West—is the connecting plains and mountains, and has grown from a gold camp of pioneer days beautiful modern city covering more than seventy-five It is especially attractive to visitors because of the luxuriant green of its trees and lawns, even though every blade of grass irrigated; for the beauty of its many parks and playgrounds; for ness and brilliant illumination; for its fine schools and universities. its most unusual civic accomplishments was the acquisition of acres in the mountains, known as Denver's Mountain Parks, which be kept in their state of primitive beauty for all time. Broad to and through this section are built and maintained by Rocky Mountain National- Rocky Mountain National Park, seventy-five miles northwest was carved by the government out of the vast district formerly Estes Park, and it lies like a great scenic blanket over the main range Rockies, from which it takes Although it covers but four hundred square miles it embodies some most beautifully rugged scenery in the , with trasts of lofty peaks and Long's Peak, 14,255 feet high, which dominates the with its snowy crown and sheer precipice, is one of the highest Rocky Mountain Estes Park Village lies several miles east of itself, but it is the gateway through traffic flows and is the place where needs of both resident and visitor Fall River Formerly the only route Mountain National Park was ous—though beautiful— over Flattop Mountain. ually the state decided to great motor highway the range, and more years were spen t in the effort. „.

Il On Grand [ 12 Now this marvelous highway follows Fall River upward beautiful gorges and canyons, skirts the shoulders of obstructive crosses the Continental Divide by means of Milner and Fall The downward trip on the western side is equally beautiful one into a lush valley between the main range and the Never- Grand Here on the western edge of Rocky Mountain National Park, nestles among its peaks and hills like a turquoise in a rustic setting. one of the largest and most beautiful bodies of water in Colorado, bordered by a quaint village and a variety of comfortable hotels monize with their Here is a delightful shelving shingle for beach bathing; here filled with the gamy, pink-fleshed salmon trout; here the Yacht Club stages its annual regatta; and here is the main source great Colorado River, which sings its way in mountain innocence out placid lake, only to become, a thousand miles further on, the giant of the From Grand Lake the journey Denver-ward takes one south and mountains once more, past the yawning portal of the Moffat then up over the Continental Divide again, through Berthoud by its extinct volcano, and down on the eastern side through a canyons, valleys, and mining camps, into

Idaho This delightful little city is a center of attraction both summer its hot, radio-active springs have been noted for decades, and it is of a rich mining

Mount Evans and Southward from Idaho Springs lies Mount Evans, 14,260 feet high, of the Rockies, and one of the outstanding features of Parks. A broad motor road leading to its summit is nearing the this, when completed, will be the highest roadway This district is reached by an all-day "circle trip— out of Denver; returning from Rocky Mountain National Park may detour at over the exquisitely beautiful road that follows Chicago Creek until the Denver-Mount Evans Highway on Echo Lake, far up on the shoulder of Mount Evans, is the center beauty spot that has drawn thousands to it for

Pike's Peak Best-beloved of all the western peaks, the hoary-headed —Sentinel Plains— keeps eternal vigil over the great district that bears 1 —Lariat [ 14 There are numberless ways of seeing and enjoying this section, but them circle and center around stately, symmetrical Pike, 14,109 Colorado Springs, with its wide streets and fine hotels, lies out plains, but with the mountains and the great Peak rising just beyond, the base and starting point for innumerable sightseeing trips taste demands motoring, hiking, Manitou, in reality a suburb of Colorado Springs, is but a few at the very foot of Pike's Peak. Its mineral springs are world- are many delightful hotels, and its Indian Legends make it a place interes Over this entire district, in every direction, broad, winding lead to points of interest, among the most notable being that by numberless and thrilling switchbacks to the summit of Anotner winds through Williams Canyon and up a mountain wall Cave of the Winds, and still others lead up the rocky side (Dragon) Mountain, and over the Corley Highway to The Garden of the Gods, fantastically-eroded outcropping of stone, South Cheyenne Canyon, the graceful, leaping cascades of the High Drive, North Cheyenne Canyon, and Bear Creek Canyon a few of the well-known attractions, while many others keg) enthralled throughout And so, wherever one goes in Colorado, there is no lack of beauty, of infinite variety. And whether one stay in fine hotel or rustic one keep constantly active or rest and breathe deeply of beauty air, it is still the Land of Dreams-Come-True, of

Broadmoor Hotel, [ 15 How to Obtain In

Bureau , Rock Island Lines, Room 714 La Salle Street W RITEIllinois, or ortelegraph the nearest D. M. Rock Wootton, Island Managerrepresentative Vacation as shown 40, indicating whether it is your intention to take the or one of the independent tours. Give date on which you desire to taking independent tour, indicating whether C or D, etc. Full address should be given, number in party, how to be roomed at hotel tionship); Pullman accommodations desired; and if any children, Upon receipt of this information, reservation will be made advice given as to trie amount to remit, with such other instructions be The cost of tour is determined on basis of Pullman For instance, the cost is less if two persons occupy one berth, or if more persons occupy one compartment or drawing room. Prices for lower and upper berths. Cost for section, compartment, or accommodations will depend upon number of occupants and will upon How to Purchase Those living at points north, east, or south of gateways from for tours are quoted, will find it to their advantage, because of in ticket fare, to purchase through Summer excursion tickets local agent. For example—passenger selecting Tour F, starting land, should purchase railroad ticket Cleveland to Pueblo, via Lines, Chicago to Colorado Springs, D. & R. G. W. R. R. to returning D. & R. G. W. R. R. to Denver, Rock Island Lines The fare will be $62.70, to which add the cost of complete tour without railroad ticket, $156.95, total $219.65. Passenger paying 1 man fare from Cleveland to Chicago Destination of On personally conducted tours, Denver should be destination return coupon from Denver will be honored from Colorado Springs. pendent tours, information as to destination of ticket follows cost Baggage On all tours ordinary hand baggage will be carried free. Trunks checked to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, or Denver. If wanted at will be at individual expense, except on Tour D, one trunk for transferred without charge to and from hotel at Colorado Springs For passengers destined to Estes or Rocky Mountain trunks will be stored without charge at Denver. If necessary to in Park, arrangement can be made with Rocky Mountain Parks tion Company for transfer at individual expense. Minimum charge Special form of baggage tag provided for Apparel As evenings are always cool in Colorado, a top-coat, sweater, should be carried. A stout pair of shoes and knickers, for general hiking, will add to one's comfort. For those who find the suns ing, a pair of colored eye-glasses will

[16 Optional Hotel Arrangements for independent tours C, E, F, G and H do not use of the following hotels—Broadmoor, Acacia, or Antlers Springs; Brown Palace and Cosmopolitan at Denver; Stanley at Estes Park, except upon payment of Childr Cost for children under twelve years of age will be based on dations desired, and will be given on application. Children years of age will be charged Communicating With Tours Letters and telegrams should be addressed to the individual at any hotels or lodges selected; allowing sufficient time What Others Have We have on file and available for reference, letters from many experienced the delights of the personally conducted or Sightseeing Trips- Sightseeing trips may be taken as indicated in the itineraries or vidual convenience within the period designated at the Optional Routes- Passengers desiring to return via Kansas City and St. Louis where such route is authorized by tariff, can do so upon payment accommodations and necessary meals, between St. Louis Stop-overs are permitted at any point on railroad ticket within limit, which is Special Party For organizations which may contemplate arranging special cars parties to conventions or for sightseeing trips on the all-expense- or otherwise, the facilities of the Rock Island Lines Vacation Bureau are available. We shall be pleased to tell you all about Independent Independent tour passengers returning to Kansas City, St. points in the South East and South West, will leave Denver on train No. 40 at 6:00 P. M. and have dinner in dining car instead Station Restaurant

• •,.. • . - . All,:,._-- . . . . A -- .16.; J . 4 s 100•••••••••Lnos •


Buffalo in Deliver's Mountain Parks Motor Car used in Rocky Mountain [ 17 t

[ 1 INDEPENDEN Go-As-You-Please, All- COLORADO

DEAL as the Conducted Tour is for most people, it possible for every one to conform to a regular those who cannot, the following individual been prepared to cover the finest of the Front These tours are diversified as to routing and cost, and arranged that one may leave any day during the the scenic trips at the time most convenient, and knowledge beforehand of what the expense The coupon books furnished cover all features of selected, and if a longer stay at any point is desired, it arranged through the nearest passenger representative Rock Island Lines, who will protect reservations stops. Such additional time will be at individual at proportionate All of these plans assure one of comfortable tions and the best of the sightseeing trips, and worry—while the cost is an individual would pay for the More than that, it gives to pant his rightful heritage— vacation exactly suited to As even this variety may not meet all will be glad to schedules, costs, to fit regarding ,to and places 119 Some interesti featur seen Rock Tou

Sentinel of


Port of Tunn


Pike's Peak

Roya Antlers

[20 Terrace—Broadmoor


Bear Monument at

121 Tour FROM

First Day—Leaveany convenient via Rock day Island of the Lines week (La at Salle 11:30 Time. The carefree hour

Second Day — Envisualizing route through the food Iowa, supply Nebraska, of America and in Kansas agricultural and stock- Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in

Third Day— ArriveBreathe Colorado the cool, Springs refreshing 7:30 air A.M. of Transfer to hotel where room with bath and all meals are stay in Color In the afternoon the "little circle– sightseeing trip is provided— the Gods, Cave of the Winds, South Cheyenne Canyon, Seven moor, and other interesting points. Tolls and

Fourth Day — Afterof Pike's an earlyPeak breakfast, is provided, an 8:30the routingtrip to tional. One may either go and return the same way, or may go by automobile and the other by The afternoon and evening arc left free to do as

Fifth Day— Afterprovided. breakfast One leaves at the Colorado hotel, transfer Springs, to via the & Southern Railroad at 9:10 A.M. Mountain Time, and arrives at Union Station at 11:25 A.M. Transfer to hotel provided. nor, and room with bath provided at hotel. Sightseeing trip and residential sections of

Sixth Day_ AtParks 7:45 Transportation A.M. one leaves Company the hotel motor by car Mountain National-Estes Park, seventy-five miles northwest This gorgeous ride takes one through the fabulously rich Clear to Loveland, thence into the mountains through the famous Canyon, reaching Estes Park Village at 12:00 Noon, where luncheon following which transfer will be made to a comfortable where room and all meals will be provided during

Seventh to Thirteenth Day Atof theRocky National-Estes Park delightful people are met and every opportunity for all forms of outdoor life—hiking, riding, motoring—or and enjoying the rugged and Saddle horses are available at reasonable rates, and camping be joined if In the evenings, music, dancing, cards, and other pastimes entertainme

122 Thirteenth Day The lodge is left at 11:00 A.M. in Mountain Parks car for Estes Park Village, where luncheon is provided. At 1:00 Transportation Company's cars leave the Village, returning to South St.Vrain route - one of the most beautiful mountain Colorado. On the way one skirts Longs Peak, highest in the passes through Peaceful Valley, Allen's Park, South St. Vrain the little city of Boulder at the mouth of exquisite Boulder 93-mile motor trip of unrivaled beauty Denver is reached at 6:00 P.M., and dinner is provided in the Restaurant, famous for its The Rock Island train leaves Denver from the Union Station at Mountain Time, carrying through observation car, dining

Fourteenth Day - Againbasket- one of passes Kansas, through Nebraska, the great and whether it is -apple blossom time- or grain harvesting time always Many of the products of this section are served in the dining breakfast, luncheon, and dinner

Fifteenth Day ArriveRock Island Chicago-La Lines at 6:59Salle A.M. Street and Vacation Time, 1929, passes into history! Over all too less it leaves vigor and refreshment in its train and fills the delightful


Witho W FRO Witho Wi FRO Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS I person occupying $113.95 1 person occupying $100.9 $128.8 2 persons 103.07 146.12 2 persons 94.57 122.42 I person occupying 109.5 152.6 I person occupying 98.3 126.2 ST. ST. 100.9 128.8 I person occupying 112.4 150.2 1 person occupying 102.32 140.12 2 persons 94.57 122.42 2 persons 98.3 126.2 1 person occupying 108.3 146.1 I person occupying MEMPH DES 138.7 VIA FRISCO 1 person occupying 108.6 TO KANSAS 2 persons 100.44 130.54 113.9 164.0 105.3 135.4 1 person occupying 1 person occupying 2 persons 103.07 153.12 MINNEAPOL 1 person occupying 109.5 159.6 AND ST. DALL I person occupying 112.4 157.1 I person occupying 109.4 151.4 146.97 2 persons 102.32 2 persons 100.81 142.82 I person occupying 108.3 153.0 I person occupying 105.9 147.9 OMAH FORT I person occupying 100.9 128.8 1 person occupying 109.4 151.4 2 persons 94.57 122.42 2 persons 100.81 142.82 I person occupying 98.3 126.2 I person occupying 105.9 147.9 NOTE: Rates quoted for this Tour, from stations for which train schedules are not given, on use of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs, and on the return from starting point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also rates ules from other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application to sentative listed on

[ 23 De Luxe FROM

First Day LeaveStreet StationChicago at via 10:30 Rock A.M. Island on the Lines famous from the Limited any day that Luncheon and dinner are provided in the dining car, and spare be spent in the observation club car, where various facilities ment are provided as one passes through the agricultural and states of Illinois, Iowa,

Second Day _ Afterclear, theinvigorating breakfast airprovided proves inthat the the dining train perceptibly climbing across western Kansas and eastern the At 12:35 Noon (Mountain Time) Colorado Springs is reached fer is provided to Broadmoor or Antlers Hotel, either of which will delightful headquarters for the stay in the Pike's Room with bath and all meals provided for the

Third Day — Theoutdoor morning recreation has no may set be program, enjoyed withinbut every a tance of the hotel. Golf, tennis, swimming, boating, as well riding, or motoring are available In the afternoon a motor trip is provided which includes a visit Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, South Cheyenne Falls, and other

Fourth Day — Theafternoon morning the andgreatest evening treat are of againall this free, region but vided—a motor trip to the summit of While the views from the top are far-reaching and awe- upward ride through twisting canyons and over serpentine highways less delightful than the pause on

Fifth Day — Invided—a the morning motor rideanother up the marvelously Broadmoor- scenic trip tain Highway, one of the recent accomplishments in road building sectio After lunch, transfer is made to the station where a Denver & Western train leaves at 12:30 for Denver. This route parallels Range and penetrates some of the picturesque scenery of Denver Union Station is reached at 2:45 P.M. Mountain Time, is made to either Brown Palace or Cosmopolitan Hotel, the stay in the city. Room with private bath and all meals are provided for the entire Denv

Sixth Day _ Whenevertennis and theregolf enthusiasts is an afternoon will find or ample morning sport at the various country clubs and at the many municipal court

[ 2 In the afternoon a motor sightseeing trip is provided which through the business and residential sections of the city, also of the parks, the Habitat Zoo, and many of the landscaped

Seventh Day Following9:00 A.M. breakfastfor a motor at tripthe hotelup Mount one Echo Lake—the famous Timberline Trail that winds through yons and up wooded mountain sides and provides some of the reaching and alluring views in Colorado. On the way one passes little city of Golden, seat of the Colorado School of Mines, Mountain, where a stop is made at the grave of Buffalo Bill and of his Indian and wild west souvenirs. Then on through Bergen Park to Echo Lake, where a stop of one and one-half hours will be made mountain inn The return is made through beautiful Bear Creek Canyon, Morrison, arriving in Denver in time

Eighth Day— Leavetion Company Denver by motor Rocky car Mountain at 7:45 A.M. Parks en Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park, taking the justly- Thompson Canyon way, and reaching Estes Park Village about Choice is given here of either the Stanley Hotel, Estes Park Chalets, Lewiston Hotel, all delightfully located and modern in every headquarters during the stay in this region. Room with private all meals There are ample facilities for golf and tennis; saddle horses cars are available at reasonable rates; and camping parties may if In the evenings there is music, dancing,

Ninth Day —Thisplenty is to a doday for of those -go-as-you-please,- actively inclined but tunity for rest and quiet for those less strenuously constituted. mountains rising on every side and shadowing the little valley village lies are an inspiration and a rest to those in the calm harbors dignified hotels on

Tenth Day Followingof the Rocky luncheon Mountain one leaves the hotel by for the marvelous Fall River trip to Grand Lake, the way Horseshoe Park, around the shoulders of mountains, and up to the top River Pass. Thence over the Continental Divide and down on side of the great range, arriving at Grand Lake Lodge at Here room with bath and all meals are provided for

Eleventh and Twelfth Days Veryrich .in few natural spots as the immediate territory surrounding Grand Lake Lodge. From portico in front of the lodge one looks down on beautiful Grand the foot of the mountain, and on every other side the mountains rise rated majesty. It is a delightful place in which to spend a few days things which tempts one most. The limpid waters of the lake 125 bathing, boating, and fishing, while the mountains are rich in for hiking, riding,

T irteenth Day - Onrangements, this day, one unless must one say makes goodbye lovely region for the Transportation Company's motor cars leave at A.M. for Denver, passing through high agricultural towns, and summer resorts; pausing a few moments at the west portal newly-completed Moffat Tunnel (nearly seven miles long), and ing up to Berthoud Pass, over the Continental Divide again, and other side as far as Idaho Springs, which is reached at Idaho Springs is world-known for its radio-active hot springs, and as well, the center of a mining district that is rich in minerals, and in scenery. Here luncheon is provided at At 2:30 P.M. the Transportation Company's cars leave Idaho tinuing on down the eastern side of the main range, Mountain Parks, down the Lariat Trail, and into Denver at Dinner is provided at the hotel. Transfer to Union Station in leave Denver over Rock Island Lines at 11:20 P.M. Mountain Time carrying observation car, dining

Fourteenth Day - Homewardrich food-producing bound, speeding states of braska, and Iowa. Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in

Fifteenth Day - AtLa Salle6:59 StreetA.M. CentralStation, TimeChicago, one via arrives Lines. "And the joy of pleasures tasted tempers grief for


Wi Witho Wi FRO Witho FRO Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS 1 person occupying $206.95 1 person occupying $192.95 196.07 239.12 2 persons 186.57 214.42 2 persons 190.3 218.2 1 person occupying 202.5 245.6 1 person occupying ST. ST. 206.9 244.7 1 person occupying 192.9 220.8 1 person occupying 186.57 214.42 2 persons 196.82. 234.62 2 persons 1 person occupying 190.3 218.2 1 person occupying 202.8 240.6 MEMPH DES V/A FRISCO 1 person occupying 200.1 230.2 TO KANSAS 2 persons 191.94 222.04 206.9 257.0 192.8 226.9 1 person occupying 1 person occupying 2 persons 196.07 246.12 MINNEAPOL 1 person occupying 202.5 252.6 AND ST. DALL 1 person occupying 206.9 251.6 1 person occupying 203.9 245.9 2 persons 196.82 241147 2 persons 195.32 237.32 1 person occupying 202.8 247.5 1 person occupying 200.4 242.4 OMA FORT 203.9 245.9 1 person occupying 192.9 220.8 1 person occupying 186.57 214.42 2 persons 195.32 237.32 2 persons 200.4 242.4 1 person occupying 190.3 218.2 1 person occupying NOTE: On Tour ID, where two persons occupy same room at hotels, a reduction in the will be made. Rates quoted for this Tour, from stat'ons for which train schedules are not given, puted on use of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs. and on the return ver to starting point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also schedules from other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application representative listed on [ 2 Cave of [ 27 Tour

Denver and Rocky Mountain ACOMBINATIONFor the active rail,and athleticmotor, and who hiking love thetour wild to Pike's and of the mountain country, this tour is especially arranged. At Bear Lake Lodges, all trips are on foot unless one wishes to hire This is sometimes done but as the trails are of easy grade and is allowed, the trips are delightfully invigorating instead FROM

First Day— Onefrom leaves the La Chicago Salle Street at the Station, close ofvia any Rock at 11:30 P.M. Central Time, on a train which carries through car, diner,

Second DayEnfast, route luncheon, through and Iowa, dinner Nebraska, provided and in

Third Day— Arrive7:30 A.M. Colorado Springs via Rock Island All transfers to station and hotels provided during stay in the hotel, room with private bath and all meals During the morning the "little circle— tour is provided, Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, South Cheyenne Canyon, Broadmoor, and other points In the afternoon the world-renowned trip to the summit of Pike's provided, requiring about five hours for the round trip. The left

Fourth Day — Aftertion, onebreakfast leaves at Colorado the hotel Springsand transfer at to Mountain Time, via Colorado & Southern Railway, and (Union Station) at Luncheon provided at the famous Union Station In the afternoon there is a trip through Denver's Mountain Lookout Mountain, where a stop is made to visit the grave of and the rustic Museum which contains his Indian and Wild Return is made to hotel where room with private bath and meals

Flft•h Da' - AfterMountain breakfast Parks at Transportation the hotel, one leaves Company Denver at 7:45 A.M. for the trip to Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park by Big Thompson Luncheon provided at Estes Park Village, three miles east Park Arrive Bear Lake Lodge, in the heart of Rocky Mountain at 3:00 Room and meals provided during stay at Bear

[ 28 Sixth Day — Whilewill be the altered program somewhat of individuals by the desireat Bear to hikers or guided parties, the following suggestions have worked out with the idea of making the easier and shorter trips one is thoroughly accustomed to grades and trails. Lunches are put those planning to be absent For the first day in the hills—the sixth of the tour—explore Lake country and

Seventh Day — Visit Lake Mills, Glacier Gorge

Eighth Day— Leavehiking Bear trip overLake a Lodge good trailfor Fernof easy Lodge. This a most delightfully picturesque and scenic region, and is made summer by persons of Rooms and meals provided at Fern Lodge

Ninth Day — Visit

Tenth Day —visitGlass SpruceLake, RainbowCanyon, SpruceLake, andLake, The

Eleventh Day — Forregular the schedule,last day in but the there wild scenerywill be there places one wishes to visit, plenty one has longed to do in the without finding time, so this day perhaps more than any other, full of

Twelfth Day AfterVillage breakfast by way leaveof the Fern famous Lodge Fern for arriving at the village about noon, where luncheon will The return to Denver is made by the Rocky Mountain Company motor car through the wild and rugged scenery of North Canyon, arriving about Before dinner, a sightseeing trip through Denver's beautiful and business district is provided, returning to Union Station is provided in the At 11:20 P.M. Mountain Time, the Rock Island train leaves Station equipped with through observation car and diner, and ist is headed east—tanned, strengthened, and happy over an which has brought him close to Nature and shown him -sermons books in running brooks, and God in

Thirteenth Day ThisMiddle day West. is spent Breakfast, en route dinner are provided in the

Fourteenth Day — ChicagoLa Salle isStreet reached Station, via Rock at 6:59 time for a business day if that

I COST OF Witho Wi Witho Wi FRO FRO Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS $105.95 1 person occupying $118.9 $162.0 1 person occupying 108.07 151.12 2 persons 99.57 127.42 2 persons 103.3 131.2 1 person occupying 114.5 157.6 1 person occupying ST. ST. 105.9 133.8 1 person occupying 117.4 155.2 I person occupying 2 persons 99.57 127.42 2 persons 107.32 145.12 103.3 131.2 1 person occupying 113.3 151.1 I person occupying MEMPH DES VIA FRISCO 1 person occupying 113.6 143.7 TO KANSAS 2 persons 105.44 135.54 118.9 169.0 110.3 140.4 I person occupying 1 person occupying 2 persons 108.07 158.12 MINNEAPOL 1 person occupying 114.5 164.6 AND ST. DALL I person occupying 117.4 162.1 I person occupying 114.4 156.4 2 persons 107.32 151.97 2 persons 105.82 147.82 I person occupying 113.3 158.0 1 person occupying 110.9 152.9 OMAH FORT 114.4 156.4 I person occupying 105.9 133.8 1 person occupying 99.57 127.42 2 persons 105.82 147.82 2 persons 110.9 152.9 I person occupying 103.3 131.2 1 n °mt. in: NOTE: Rates quoted for this Tour, from stations for which train schedules are not given, on use of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs. and on the return to starting point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also schedules from other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application representative listed on

North Cheyenne [ 30 Tour

A Combination Tour of Pike's Peak Region, San Forest, Denver and Grand Circle Tour Mountain FROM

First Day—LeaveStreet StationChicago via any Rock convenient Island Lines day at from 11:30 the Time. Train carries through observation car,

Second Day— Enluncheon, route through and dinner the provided farming in

Third Day—Arrive7:30 A.M. Colorado Springs via Rock Island All transfers to station and hotel provided during stay in Colorado. hotel, room with bath and meals Following breakfast, sightseeing trip by motor car is Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, Seven Falls, South yon, Broadmoor, and other points Afternoon and

Fourth Day—AfterPeak bybreakfast motor is at provided. hotel, trip After to summitluncheon and transfer to station, Colorado Springs is left at 3:45 P.M. for a Pueblo over the D. & R. G. W. Pueblo is reached at 4:45 P.M., and at one of its fine hotels, bath, dinner, and breakfast

Fifth Day— Aftercar for breakfast San Isabel the National hotel is leftForest, at 8:00 going A.M. historic and scenic territory in which Pine Drive, Squirrel Sensation Point, Second Mace, South Hardscrabble, and Lowell outstanding A stop is made at a mountain inn for luncheon, after which the trip tinued up North Hardscrabble Canyon, also known as Kit All of this country is noted not only for its beautiful scenery formations, but is also one of the earliest mining districts of the one passes the early Bassick Mine in which Mark Twain was a drives through Silvercliff, an abandoned mining town, once so important that it came within a few votes of being made the Colorado, and pauses a moment at Westcliffe, still the center of mining On the western boundary of the San Isabel District rises one of and longest uninterrupted mountain ranges in the world—the Cristo Range—many of whose high-flung serrated peaks have climbe The night is spent at one of the comfortable mountain inns, dinner, and breakfast

[31 Sixth Day— Afteralong breakfastthe Sangre at dethe Cristo Inn, the Range motor through trip a marvelously beautiful canyons — Texas Creek Canyon, thence top of the Royal Gorge and stopping at a convenient inn After luncheon and a brief rest, the drive is continued to over the Skyline Drive and to Canon City, through its country. Then on through Florence with its oil wells, the add into Pueblo for Room with bath, dinner, and breakfast are provided at

Seventh Day Afterstation, breakfast Pueblo isat leftthe athotel 8:30 and A.M. transfer via bound D. 8c R. G. W. R. R. train. The route is an interesting one, main range and its foothills on one hand and a rich stretching eastward on Denver is reached at 1:00 P. M., and transfer is made to room with private bath, luncheon, dinner, and breakfast will be In the afternoon a sightseeing trip around Denver's beautiful boulevards, including the residential and business districts,

Eighth Day —AfterRocky breakfast Mountain at Parks the hotel,Transportation a motor car boarded at 7:45 A.M. for the first part of the Grand Circle tour Mountain National-Estes Park. Traveling northward from traverses the rich Clear Creek Valley, passing through several cities with their huge sugar beet factories, universities, etc., at Loveland where the cars turn westward into the mountains and the deep, dim, tree-shaded canyon of the Big Thompson River, wonderful road and through Shortly before noon the cars reach Estes Park Chalets, just inside boundary, where room and meals for three days The afternoon and evening are left free, but one finds many foo

Ninth and Tenth Days Thereule for is theseno days, visitor is usually governed by activities which originate at Tennis, hiking, horseback riding are available, camping parties joined if desired, and an 18-hole golf course is within a few rid

Eleventh and Twelfth Days — Afterthe Chalets, Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company's motor car leaves marvelous Fall River trip, passing through Horseshoe Park and Continental Divide through Fall River and Milner passes, thence the other side into the Kawunweeche Valley, arriving Grand Lake Grand Lake Lodge is located on the side of a beautiful and mountain, in the heart of a network of trails for foot and Grand Lake, at the foot of the mountain, is but a short trip away trail or motor, and these things give an infinite variety of —boating, bathing, hiking, riding are among

3 Room and meals for two days are provided at this delightful days are free for anything desired, and in the evenings there is and yarn-spinning in the big

Thirteenth Day - Afterleaves breakfast at 8:00 A.M. at the for lodge, the the the Grand Circle, going through high agricultural valleys, and mining towns, the west portal of the famous Moffat Tunnel, ing the Continental Divide, this time by way of Berthoud Pass. way lies downward on the eastern side of the range and Idaho reached at 12:00 noon. Luncheon provided at The Hot Springs Cave Bath and Natatorium are of particular their radio-active waters from the The Transportation Company's car leaves at 2:30 P.M. for Denver last arc of the Great Circle. The way lies through Denver's and on Lookout Mountain a stop is made at the grave of the Bill, and at the Museum which houses his Indian and Wild Then the car descends the winding Lariat Trail, through the town and into Denver, arriving about Dinner is provided at the Union Station The Rock Island train leaves the Union Station for Chicago at Mountain Time, carrying through observation car,

Fourteenth Day - EnSource route of through the great Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in Arrive Chicago via Rock Island Lines, Fifteenth Day - Street Station, at 6:59 A.M. "And, the spell of the Western mountains lies over the


FRO Witho Wi FRO With Wi Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS I person occupying $156.9 $200.0 I person occupying $143.9 $171.8 2 persons 146.07 189.12 2 persons 137.57 165.42 1 person occupying 152.5 195.6 1 person occupying 141.3 169.2 ST. ST. I person occupying 155.4 193.2 I person occupying 143.9 171.8 2 persons 145.32 183.12 2 persons 137.57 165.42 I person occupying 151.3 189.1 I person occupying 141.3 169.2 DES MEMPH VIA FRISCO I person occupying 151.6 181.7 143.44 173.54 TO KANSAS 2 persons 156.9 207.0 1 person occupying 148.3 178.4 I person occupying 2 persons 146.07 196.12 MINNEAPOL 1 person occupying 152.5 202.6 AND ST. DALL 155.4 200.1 1 person occupying I person occupying 152.4 194.4 2 persons 145.32 189.97 143.82 185.82 151.3 196.0 2 persons I person occupying I person occupying 148.9 190.9 OMAH FORT 1 person occupying 143.9 171.8 I person occupying 152.4 194.4 2 persons 137.57 165.42 2 persons 143.82 185.82 I person occupying 141.3 169.2 1 person occupying 148.9 190.9 NOTE: Tour F.-Tickets from Texas points should be routed via Rock Island Lines to Denver, D. R. G. W. to Pueblo, returning same route. Denver coupon on going trip will be honored Spring Rates quoted for this Tour, from stations for which train schedules are not given, are computed of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs, and on the return from Denver point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also rates and other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application to any listed on [33 To

Happily Combining Recreation and

FROM Chicago, La Salle Street Station, via First Day Island Lines, on the day that suits you best, or work is over, at 11:30 P.M.

En route through the land of tall corn and Second Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in

Third Day—TheColorado, Rock atIsland 7:30 trainA.M. arrivesMountain at Time, is made to hotel where room with bath and all meals are provided forenoon of the In the afternoon a motor trip is provided through Garden of to Cave of the Winds, then to South Cheyenne Canyon, Seven Broadmoor district, and other points

Fourth Day_ AtPeak 8:00 is provided.A.M. a motor This triprequires to the about summit five takes one through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, highway that cost millions

FifthDay — TheAfter morning luncheon, is lefttransfer free tois maderest or to roam D. & as R. G. W. station leaving at 4:00 P. M., arriving Pueblo 5:00 P. M. Transfer to hotel where room with bath, dinner, and breakfast

Sixth Day_ After8:00 A.M. breakfast for an at Isabelthe hotel, National motor Forest, car by Wetmore, Kit Carson Rock and Trail, North Hardscrabble Brush A stop is made at a mountain inn for luncheon; then the route through Silvercliff and Westcliffe, along the Sangre de Cristo Range, Flower Garden, an ideal mountain lodge where room and meals

Seventh to Twelfth Day— Atque the and FlowerGarden delightful resort— which is ducted and charmingly located at the base of a mountain with good trails leading in every direction to points of interest. Well-built running water and electric lights, afford pleasant living quarters, a touch of rusticity. In close proximity is the main lodge with its fortable lounge, and an attractive dining room where excellent served. Each cabin is named for a Colorado wildflower, while lodge is called -The Columbine,- after the state emblem—hence of this clever resort. Daily programs may be arranged to riding, tennis, hiking, trip to gold mine in active operation, in mountain lakes and streams, log fire parties at night, dancing,

34 'Twelfth Day- Aftermobile, breakfast passing leave through the Flower Hillside Garden Texas Creek to the Arkansas River, to the top of the Royal through Priest's Canyon and over the marvelous Skyline Drive to Luncheon is provided at Canon City, and afterward the trip through the town and its surrounding orchards Here room with bath, dinner, and breakfast are provided at

Thirteenth Day- Afterand leave breakfast, Pueblo transfer via D. &to R.the G. W. R. 9:00 A.M. Mountain Time, traveling along the foot of the Front Den Arrive Denver (Union Station) at 1:00 P.M., where luncheon in the Union Station From the Union Station, one leaves at 2:00 P.M. in motor cars seeing trip which includes Denver's business and residential Civic Center, Cheesman Park, City Park with its Habitat Zoo The trip ends at a downtown hotel, where dinner At 10:30 P.M. Mountain Time, transfer is made to the Union Denver is left via Rock Island Lines at

Fourteenth Day Enluncheon, route through and dinner the Middleprovided in

Fifteenth Day- ReachStreet Station,Chicago at via 6:59 Rock Island Lines,


Wi FRO Witho Wi FRO Witho Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS I person occupying $113.9 $157.0 I person occupying $100.9 $128.8 2 persons 103.07 146.12 2 persons 94.57 122.42 1 person occupying 109.5 152.6 1 person occupying 98.3 126.2 ST. ST. 100.9 128.8 1 person occupying 112.4 150.2 I person occupying 102.32 140.12 2 persons 94.57 122.42 2 persons 98.3 126.2 I person occupying 108.3 146.1 I person occupying MEMPH DES VIA FRISCO 1 person occupying 108.6 188.7 TO KANSAS 2 persons 100.44 130.54 113.9 164.0 105.3 135.4 I person occupying 1 person occupying 2 persons 103.07 153.12 MINNEAPOL I person occupying 109.5 159.6 AND ST. DALL 1 person occupying 112.4 157.1 I person occupying 109.4 151.4 2 persons 102.32 146.97 2 persons 100.82 142.82 I person occupying 108.3 153.0 I person occupying 105.9 147.9 OMAH FORT 1 person occupying 100.9 128.8 1 person occupying 109.4 151.4 2 persons 94.57 122.42 2 persons 100.82 142.82 1 person occupying 98.3 126.2 1 person occupying 105.9 147.9

NOTE: 'Dour G-Tickets from Texas points should be routed via Rock Island Lines to Denver, D. R. G. W. to Pueblo. returning same route. Denver coupon on going trip will be honored Spring Rates quoted for this Tour, from stations for which train schedules are not given, are computed of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs, and on the return from Denver point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also rates and other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application to any listed on 3 Tour A Delightful Two Weeks Vacation at

with proportionate costs from other points, and THISable dailytrip mayfrom beJune made1to asearly lowin asSeptember, $114.12 givingeleve complete days in Colorado—the Ten days are spent at the Sunnyside Hotel, ado, a comfortable, home-like establishment, good beds, running hot and cold water in rooms, toilets conveniently located, electric lights, properly cooked food prepared under the direction of prietor, and served in a cheery FROM

First Day— LeaveStreet StationChicago at via 11:30 Rock P.M. Island Central Lines Time, from any the day week. Train carries through observation car

Second Day — Entented route through the country of tall corn Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in

Third Day—Arrive7:30 A.M. Colorado Mountain Springs Time, via and Rock transfer Island Hotel in Manitou, a delightful suburb of Colorado Springs, nestling foot of Pike's

Third to Thirteenth Day _Theheadquarters Sunnyside for all meals and Sightseeing trips, which may be taken at the time that suits one provided, and these include the thrilling and marvelous trip to of Pike's Peak and return, also the "little circle" tour which takes one

The Rower Qarden, San Isabel Sangre de 1 The Crags, Summit of 1 37 well known places as Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, Canyon, Seven Falls, the Broadmoor District, and other Foot and horse trails lead upward into the picturesque shoulders great peak, and saddle horses and burros may be had at

Thirteenth Day - FollowingSanta Fe Station breakfast, in Coloradotransfer is made northbound train leaving for Denver at 9:10 A.M. via Colorado Railway. The Denver Union Station is reached at 11:25 A.M., is provided in the famous Union Station At 1:30 P.M., a circle trip by automobile through Parks is provided, starting from the Union Station. This trip broad paved highway, across Clear Creek Valley to Golden and Lariat Trail to the summit of Lookout Mountain where a stop is the grave of the late Buffalo Bill and at Pahaska Tepee, a which houses Colonel Cody's historic souvenirs of Indian and Wild From Lookout Mountain the trip continues through the past the Game Preserve, to the town of Evergreen and returns to beautiful Bear Dinner is provided in the Union Station Leave Denver via Rock Island Lines from the Union Station at P.M. Mountain

Fourteenth Day - Enstock-raising route through states theof and Iowa. Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner provided in the

Fifteenth Day ArriveStreet Station,Chicago viaat 6:59Rock A.M.Island Lines, "With the love one had for Nature increased a


Witho Wi FRO Witho Wi FRO Railro Railro Railro Railro Tick Tick Tick Tick

CHICAG KANSAS 1 person occupying $ 81.95 I person occupying $68.9 $96.8 2 persons 71.07 114.12 2 persons occupying 62.57 90.42 94.2 1 person occupying 77.5 120.6 I person occupying 66.3 ST. ST. I person occupying 68.9 96 1 person occupying 80.4 118.2 70.32 108.12 2 persons 62.57 90.42 2 persons I person occupying 66.3 94.2 1 person occupying 76.3 114.1 MEMPH DES VIA FRISCO 1 person occupying 76.6 106.7 TO KANSAS 2 persons occupying 68.44 98.54 81.9 132.0 73.3 103.4 I person occupying 1 person occupying 2 persons 71.07 121.12 MINNEAPOL I person occupying 77.5 127.6 AND ST. DALL I person occupying 80.4 125.1 I person occupying 77.4 119.4 2 persons 70.32 114.97 2 persons 68.82 110.82 1 person occupying 76.3 121.0 I person occupying 73.9 115.9 OMAH FORT I person occupying 68.9 96.8 I person occupying 77.4 119.4 2 persons 62.57 90.42 2 persons 68.82 110.82 I person occupying 66.3 94.2 I person occupying 73.9 115.9 NOTE: Rates quoted for this Tour, from stations for which train schedules are not given, on use of directly connecting Rock Island trains into Colorado Springs, and on the return from starting point. Complete information as to train schedules from stations indicated, also rates from other Rock Island and connecting line stations, will be furnished on application to any listed on

[38 [ 39 Rock Island Service

you will find courteous and intelligent attention by well- INThey THE can Rock advise Island you regardingVacation Travel fares and Service service, Bureaus t• ons, side trips, stop-overs, etc., and plan your journey in This service is free and without

Atlanta, Ga., 610 Lincoln, Neb., 112 N. J. A. MARKS District J. A. DUFFY City Boston. Mass.. Rooms 409-10 Old Little Rock, Ark., 2nd and T. J. GLANCY District H. H. HUNT Asst. Gen'l 108 W. Buffalo, N. Y., 480 Ellicott NEAL CLAYTON City G. F. Hanson District Memphis. Tenn., 284-5 Chicago, Ill.. 723 La Salle G. J. CISSEL District G. H. ASPER Asst. Gen't D. MCCLURE. Asst. Gen'l Milwaukee, Wis., Room 903 W. J. LAFFERTY Division O. D. GARVEY District 179 W. Jackson Blvd., City L. H. McContwicg Asst. Gen'l Minneapolis, Minn., 200 Metropolitan GEO. D. TOTTEN City A. E. DOVE Gen'l Agt. Cincinnati, Ohio. 331-2 Dixie New Orleans, La., 326 Hibernia FRED ANZER District W. J. FORD General New York. N. Y., 723 Cleveland. Ohio, 314 Broadway and F. A. HAAS District P. W. JOHNSTON Gen't Agent Colorado Springs, Colo., 125 E. Pikes Oklahoma City, Okla., 407-8 F. A. WERNLEIN City Pass. and Bldg.. 4 S. E. T. WILLSON City O. COLLINS Division Dallas, Texas (C. R. I. & G ). 118 Omaha, Neb., 701 Woodmen of the T. W. BOWDRY Division A. D. MARTIN Gen.' Agt. Davenport, Iowa, Rock Peoria, III.. 227 C. C. ANDERSON Division A. LANGFELOT City Denver, Colo., Cor. 17th and , Pa., 1204 Fidelity-Phila. M. L. MOWRY Gen'! Agt. LINCOLN BURGHER ....District Des Moines, Iowa, 614 Valley Nat'l Pittsburgh, Pa., 418-20 C. C. GARDNER Asst. Gen't H. M. BROWN Gen'l Agent Register and Tribune Bldg., 719 F. R. KUHNS City St. Joseph, Mo., 421 JOHN J. GOODRICH , Mich., 209-11 C. P. BRADLEY Gent Agt. St. Louis, Mo., 817 Chemical Bldg PHIL A. AUER District Fort Worth. Texas (C. R. I. & G.) 116 Si. Paul, Minn., Cor. 4th and LEE R. SUMPTER City E. E. LIGHT City Hot Springs Nat'l Pk., Ark., Rock Sioux Falls, S. D., Rock T. H. SimoNns City A. W. LITTLE General , Texas (C. R. I. & G.) 406 Topeka, Kan., Rock R. M. DE MOSSE Traveling C. LOWE City Passenger and Indianapolis. Ind., 615 Merchants Wichita, Kan., 729 E. J. F. POWERS District C. E. BASCOM District Kansas City, Mo.. 703 Wichita Falls. Tex. (C. R I. & G.), 210 S. A. GILLILAND Gen'l Agt. I. D. BROWN. ...Tray Freight and D. M. WOOTTON, Manager Rock Island Vacation Travel 714 La Salle Street Station,

C. A. SEARLE J. General Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. Gen'l Pass.r Agent. C. R. I. & G., Ft. W. J. LEAHY, Assistant Passenger Traffic L. M. ALLEN, Vice-President and Passenger Traffic

Printed in U. S. A. 50M-2-29—J.

1 40
