The apple cart play pdf

Continue Eddie doesn't look like a man in the midst of his toe year in decades. Sporting an untucked apricot camp shirt and blue jeans over camouflage socks and a pair of blue leather racing boots from Germany, Apple SVP Internet software and services pulls a chair on one of the marble desks near Cafe Macs, a staff restaurant in the center of Apple's 23-year-old Campus Cupertino. (The company will begin moving into its new spaceship headquarters year.) Cue dives right into telling me about his latest horror story: Crash, two nights earlier, his favorite Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals, which Cue had the grim pleasure of watching from the court seat. Am I in mourning? He asked about the loss of his team LeBron James to the Cleveland Cavaliers. You better believe it. I don't watch ESPN, I didn't get to the sports site, I didn't read the newspaper. When I turn on the TV, I only go to the DVR. Eddie, it's on the record, warns Craig Federighi, Apple SVP software development, from all over the table. I have no problem with that, replies Kew, who is such a Warriors fan that he was featured on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle after the team's comeback victory in the conference finals a few weeks ago, in a photo that showed him screaming in a red-faced celebration alongside Stephen Curry. He leans over my iPhone, which records the interview, and banishes his next three words to make sure they are loud and clear. I love LeBron! It then gives way to a set of hearty and coulb guffaws. It's 62 degrees in Cupertino, the sun shines, the smell of cumin and garlic from the cafe chicken masala special fills the air, and the chatter among a couple of hundred employees enjoying their lunch seems lively and bright. Nowhere is there any hint that Apple is doomed, as suggested by Forbes and other outlets, or that it is involved in a user-hostile and stupid campaign against its customers (The Verge), led by CEO , a boring old fart . . . supply chain petitioner (cultural critic Bob Lefsetz). Under Cook's leadership, Apple began to seem rather uncomfortable for many people. His latest products seemed much less than perfect, at least compared to the collective memory of his amazing iPod-iPhone-iPad run from 2001 to 2010. There are public embarrassments, like his 2012 introduction maps, or those 2014 video reviewers bending, and breaking, the iPhone 6 Plus. has not become the standard for cashless society, and the is not the watch we expect from Apple, according to , editor of Daring Fireball, an outstanding Apple-focused website. Then there are the design flaws: Apple was saddled with too many features, as if it were something designed, God Microsoft; The lens on the back of the iPhone 6 extrude; The new Apple TV has an illogical interface and a confusing remote control. Maybe being restless, Apple is doing too many things at once, cranking out several edition watches, endless varieties of watchbands, and in numerous sizes, own headphones along with headphones from Beats. Credible reports that the company is spending billions of dollars in RESEARCH to explore the possibility of developing a car only heighten fears that Apple is spreading too thin. was the company's editor, proud to say no to features, products, business ideas and new hires far more often than he said yes. Apple's seemingly diffuse product line reinforces the argument that Cook is not so strict. (Fear has a troubling precedent: In the early and mid-1990s, Apple's product line was a marketing mess inspired by the offerings, and how its reputation as a unique manufacturer and its business suffered.) Criticism plummeted last April after Cook announced that Apple's revenue was down 13 percent for the first time in 13 years, compared with the corresponding quarter a year earlier. iPhone sales have slowed even further, with 16%, alarming development, given that the smartphone accounts for 65% of the company's total revenue. Meanwhile, the company's competitors seem to jet ahead. Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft have dazzled the press with announcements about upcoming products that will use artificial intelligence, or AI. Some of them, such as Microsoft's Cortana, are software applications that promise to anticipate customer needs in useful, personalized ways. Others are already packing this ability in equipment; In less than two years, Amazon has sold more than 3 million Echos, its $199 canister that is a voice personal assistant. Google revealed plans for a similar product, Home, in May, a lot of fanfare. Critics are looking at Apple's five-year-old , its voice-controlled agent, and on cavil that the company has nothing like flashy to reveal. So, is apple doomed? Of course not. As John Gruber says: Any conversation that uses that word in a silly la la land. With Macs, iPads, and software applications and services, Apple is not a one-trick pony like BlackBerry, using an example cited by those most freaked out about the recent iPhone slowdown. During this disappointing quarter, the company's sales totaled $50.6 billion, more than the combined revenue of Google's parent company Alphabet ($20.3 billion) and Amazon ($29.1 billion) for the same period. Its $10.5 billion profit was overtaken not only by Alphabet ($4.2 billion) and Amazon ($513 million), but also by Facebook ($1.5 billion) and Microsoft ($3.8 billion). I don't read all the coverage on Apple that is, Cook tells me, after a few after my lunch with Cue and Federighi. In B that I look at it, I really know the truth. And he's willing to talk about it. Traditionally, Apple execs only give interviews when the company has a new product to hawk. Often Jobs collaborated only with magazines, which promised to photograph him next to one of the company's devices. But changes in Apple, and not just in the communications department. Apple has embarked on a mission to improve its four operating systems (for Apple TV, iPhone, Mac and Watch), services such as Apple Pay and , and even the size of the iMessage bubble on the iPhone screen. It has redesigned the location of its retail stores and its online . It makes radical changes to maligned offerings like cards, Siri, and watches. He takes care of app developers in whole new ways, knowing that their creativity is what enriches the $250 billion-a-year ecosystem built on Apple devices. It is almost certainly exploring the possibility of producing a car. These moves are the building blocks for the newest iteration of Apple's future.Apple may look very different from its past, and Cook, Federighi, and Cue won't have it any other way. See, says Kew, who somehow manages to look like a person who has just woken up and a compact ball of perpetual energy, one thing you know if you were in technology at the time, you're only as good as the last thing you did. No one wants the original iPod. No one wants an iPhone 3GS. Apple executives are careful not to assume that the company goes beyond the vision of its founder, but that's exactly what's happening in Cupertino. It's a subtle, evolutionary change. Cook is pushing Apple into a future that is bigger and wider than anything Jobs can influence during his too short life. I want Apple to be here, you know, forever, he says. Those lulled by the bad news last spring in dismissing Cook and his team are likely to miss out on the scale of the company's ambitions and its progress in achieving them. While Amazon, Facebook and Google may shout loudly about their bold ideas, Apple may well play the biggest role in determining our technological future. Overheard during Apple Freak-OutReal reactions, taken from tech commentariat, to Apple's tumultuous 2016. The Apple faithful have never been more polarized. Illustration: Peter Umanski: Do you have more flaws than before? I've always had flaws. Always! Now we get where I like to go! I tell him. You can lie down until the end of the interview. Cook stays upright, and when his laughter subsides, he answers the question I intended to ask. Is Apple making more mistakes than we used to? I tracker on this. . despite a job that became more challenging during his five years as CEO, it doesn't seem to be the age of nit. Having your company lose $180 billion in market value (which Apple has in 17 months since I last interviewed Cook) should manifest in some way, but it's still trim and fit, its eyes alive, its good mood intact. We never said we were perfect, he continues. We said we were committed to it. But sometimes we break away. Indeed, the iPod, iPhone and iPad - and the financial success they generated - overshadowed the fact that Jobs watched almost as many flops as he did during Apple's renaissance: the circular, almost unusable mouse that came with the first iMac in 1997; 2001 beautiful PowerMac G4 Cube, which was discontinued a year later; Rokr, Apple's music phone released with Motorola in 2005; iTunes social network recommendation Ping, and more. Most importantly, do you have the courage to admit that you're wrong? And you're changing? Cook says. The most important thing for me as CEO is that we retain the courage. Gadflies who despise Apple Cook for its flaws also scold the company for being behind that technology du jour. This is nothing new. What usually happens with Apple, not just today, but at 18 years old I've been here, says Cook, is that invariably some people compare what we're doing now to a vision or product that someone says they'll create in the future. For 40 years of its existence, Apple has been seen as lagging behind in music, video, internet, telephony, wireless, content creation, networking, semiconductors, software applications, touch screens, gesture control, materials, messaging, news aggregation, social media, voice recognition, and mapping. (It's not even close to having an exhaustive list.) However, the company managed to survive by revealing unsurpassed work to integrate the most important of these technologies into products that would eventually please many customers. By the time Jobs died, Apple's innovation process - the way in which it does the job of creating, acquiring, improving, and integrating technology - had been polished and proven. It was perhaps Jobs' greatest gift to his successor. Cook built on this gift in a way that suits him. The Apple CEO is a deeply grounded man who has not been blinded by Jobs' brilliant legacy. Jobs only came to appreciate the gradual nature of innovation in the second half of his life; You get the feeling that Cook understood and loved the process from birth. This emphasis on details is often referred to as weakness. But in five years, getting wet, Apple's revenue has tripled, its workforce has doubled, and global reach has expanded rapidly. It's a great record. Cook has shown great ability to get improvements from corner the company and then deploy those profits through a wider canvas of software, hardware and services than Jobs ever had at his disposal. He'll never be as flashy as Jobs, but he might just be the perfect CEO for the behemoth Apple has become. We are a company that has learned and adapted as we have gone into new areas, says Craig Federighi. (Photo: Joan Kanziani) One of the most underrated realities about Apple is that it has always been a company that learns on the fly. I always thought there are a number of things you achieved at the end of the project, Joni Ive told me and Brent Schlender in 2014 when we interviewed him for our biography Becoming Steve Jobs. There's an object, the product itself, and then there's everything you've learned. What you have learned is as tangible as the product itself, but much more valuable because it is your future. This continuous learning process is central to the way Cook manages Apple. He acknowledges the inevitability of shortcomings, but relentlessly insists that employees strive for excellence. I twitch less, says Kew cheerfully when I ask about the difference between Jobs and Cook. No, no, no, I'm just joking! Steve was in your face, screaming, and Tim more quiet, more cerebral in his approach. When you disappoint Tim, even if he doesn't yell at you, you have the same feeling. I never wanted to disappoint Steve, and I never want to disappoint Tim. Perhaps the best example of this ongoing improvement under Cook's leadership is the company's restoration of its Maps app, which has been widely despised since its introduction in September 2012. ' miscues were legion: Bridges seemed to plunge into rivers; Hospitals were located at addresses actually owned by shopping centres; The destinations were so bad they confused runways with roads. Apple didn't have a billion customers at the time, but it was more than enough to turn the app into a national joke. Look, the first thing you're ashamed of is kew. Let's just deal with this one fact of emotion. These things mean a lot to us, we work very hard and so you are confused. We have completely underestimated the product, its complexity. All roads are known, come on! All the restaurants are famous, there are Yelp and OpenTable, they have all the addresses. The mail is coming. FedEx arrives. Do you know how hard it is? Cue, whose left leg trembles under the table, tells how Apple regrouped after the mess. What does it make you do in the first place to ask how important it is? Is this the place where we have to triple or quadruple down, or did we make that mistake because the product is not so important to us? We've had long discussions at ET (executive team) about the importance of Maps, where thought this was happening in the future and could we treat it as a third-party app? We don't make every app. We're not trying to create a facebook app. They do a great job. We decided that Maps are an integral part of our entire platform. There were so many features that we wanted to create that depended on this technology and we couldn't see ourselves in a position where it was something we didn't own. The changes were not easy. Shortly after the app's debut, , a 15-year Apple veteran who was responsible for its development, was weakened. It was just the beginning. Forstall managed dozens of people working in relative isolation: there are now several thousand people working on Maps. We had to develop competencies that we didn't initially appreciate, says Federighi, who looks like a cross between Sam Waterston and Anthony Perkins, with silver hair and aircraft carrier black eyebrows that led Apple fandom to duplicate his Hair Force One. Maps present huge challenges to data integration and data quality, something we need to do on an ongoing basis. But the company has done more than just throw the at the problem. Cook also forced his test subjects to rethink and change the way they worked with development teams. Known for being secretive, Apple has opened up a bit. We have made significant changes to all of our development processes because of this, says Kew, who currently oversees Maps. For all of us living in Cupertino, the maps here were damn good. Right? So for us this problem was not obvious. We have never been able to take it to a large number of users to get this feedback. Now we do. Apple is now doing a public beta test of its most significant software projects, something Jobs has never liked to do. In 2014, the company asked users to test the launch of the Yosemite update to OS X. Last year, the company introduced beta testing of iOS, which is the company's most important operating system. The reason you can test iOS as a customer, says Kew, is the cards. Critical Card notifications have gotten noticeably better, and while the most prominent tech reviewers still prefer Google, everyone recognizes the significant improvement in Apple Maps. (It's also much more popular on iOS than Google Maps.) But the improvements that Ki and the crew have led affect more than the app alone. Maps are now integrated into many popular iOS apps, including Airbnb, Foursquare, Yelp, and Sillow. Improving a platform such as Maps creates benefits for the ecosystems that sit on top of Apple products. Maps is the basic organizing structure for the physical world in which you interact, explains Federighi. Map the basis for creating all kinds of value on the platform, just as our operating systems are the basis. The duo won't discuss what's next for The Maps, although many feature most likely involves giving the service more artificial intelligence than it already has. (Maps directing you on a different route than the one it first recommended is an example of basic AI at work.) Cue offers an example of what he would like to see. Let's say I'm at home doing e-mails before work, he says. I would like maps to tell me: Don't go now. Your commute will be reduced by 15 minutes if you stay home for a while. That would be very helpful. What Apple has achieved with maps is an example of the kind of grind-it-of-innovation that happens all the time in the company. You don't hear much about it, perhaps because it doesn't support the fascinating myth that innovation comes in the dazzling flashes that lead to hitherno unimaginable products. When critics ding Apple for its failure to introduce breakthrough devices and services, they lack three key facts about technology: First, that breakthrough moments are unpredictable results of current, incremental innovation; secondly, that continued behind-the-scenes innovations bring significant benefits, even if they do not create particular disruption; and third, that new technologies come together in a broad sense only when the core audience is ready and has an insurmountable need. The world thinks we've delivered a breakthrough every year while Steve's been here, says Kew. These products have been developed over a long period of time. Over the past year, artificial intelligence, widely defined as the ability of machines to think for us, crunching a lot of data, has become one of those technologies that captures the public's imagination, and all actions seem to be taking place somewhere other than Cupertino. At its recent IO conference, Google promised to change some of its products around AI, a move that was seen as forward-thinking. The hottest consumer product with AI features not even from Apple is the Amazon Echo, with its hint of a world in which computing just surrounds us. Who needs a portable device when you can just ask questions of air and furniture bark back answers? A closer look, however, shows that Apple's development of its most consumer-oriented artificial intelligence service, Siri, is largely in line with the company's distinct and widely misunderstood approach to the deployment of new technologies. Apple has been using different types of AI for years, for things like personal recommendations, available through iTunes since 2003. Siri was introduced in late 2011, nine months before Google Now and three years before Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa.Apple relied on a simple, two-way approach to Siri development. This is one that makes it clear why Apple doesn't worry about who's ahead or behind. What is important for CEOs is how successful directs its own ever-improving product to the the company is constantly working to improve basic technologies. As with Maps, Siri is the beneficiary of Apple's treatment of it as a constantly updated online service, rather than something updated only with a major OS update. Customers have caught up with the fact that Siri can successfully answer a wider range of questions: it now handles 2 billion requests a week, twice as many as a year ago. Second, Apple regularly searches for new places where Siri can help these customers. On the iPhone, Siri handles voice commands and questions by clicking on apps and pulling out answers. In cars equipped with Apple's CarPlay dashboard system, it will recommend travel routes, find restaurants and perform other functions. You can use Siri with an Apple Watch (assuming you haven't socked your off in a drawer). You can also use it to control your TV through the Apple TV remote. Unlike Maps, Siri does not replace the real analogue. So, Kew says, You're trying to determine what the features are, how they can work very well, what customers are looking for, and what things you can do that will improve their lives. Kew's thinking explains, in part, why Apple opened Siri to app developers this summer, albeit in only seven categories: , messaging, payments, photography, hail ride, CarPlay, and voice challenge. Let Siri shine where it will be most valuable to users. At the moment, Siri is as good as anything out there. Using your voice to control now is a fun few days and frustrating for others, and reviewers say Cortana can be just as inconsistent. Alexa, the digital assistant at Echo, should be applauded for the quick way he answers many questions, but my son often yells at him in exasperation. Alexa can also be used with the Amazon Fire TV Stick to control the TV, but it's not in cars. Sometimes you want the Jetsons to come to reality, says Cook. This is what Apple is so great about: Productizing things and bringing them to you, so you can be a part of it. If AI becomes desirable for mainstream customers, Apple, a company that is supposedly so far behind, is better than anyone to take advantage of the AI moment. None of its competitors offers both a wide range of products and a history of providing a great consumer experience. Apple can put Siri to work in all kinds of existing services and products. Customers will see the impact this fall when they can use Siri on their Mac. They'll also find more AI features in the Photos app, making it easier to manipulate and organize your photos. Drivers with CarPlay are more likely to see more AI in cars as well. Without such a vast ecosystem of products, Apple's competitors have less choice: they should limit the use of AI, invent entirely new products built around technology (as (as (as made with Echo), or relying on partners to incorporate the technology into third-party products. Apple will occasionally push its customers past their comfort zone, as it can this fall if the iPhone 7 removes the headphone jack. But it never causes a bleeding edge on their clients. At the end of 2015, he quietly acquired a voice AI startup called VocalI, which is believed to be working on next-generation Siri, but you can be sure that its technology will find its way into devices only when Apple believes it's really ready. Artificial intelligence is an abmal concept - machines that think for us! but it can also have unintended consequences. Apple gives its billions of customers comfortable doses of AI because, despite the common misconception, it is not a company for geeks. People like what they can do now and not just think about it, says Cook. I've been thinking about the Jetsons since I was a kid. But sometimes you want the Jetsons to come to reality. This is what Apple is so great about: Productizing things and bringing them to you, so you can be a part of that. In the mid-1970s, when reruns of the Jetsons were another staple of Saturday morning TV, Steve Jobs and launched Apple Computer with the goal of selling a new kind of machine to the audience they measured in the hundreds. As the company grew, its mission expanded. When Jobs returned in 1997, he advertised the fact that Apple had sold an experience that could not be matched by other manufacturers. At first the experience was one of the use of a single computer in which the software and hardware of the company was easy to mesh. Jobs hoped that the superiority of Apple's personal computers could bring an additional 1% of the market, an increase that would stabilize Apple's financial health. By the time Tim Cook became CEO, this concept Apple experience had grown to mean owning and using a collection of three Apple devices (iPad, iPhone and Mac) networking each other and the Internet.The experience now sold by Apple has expanded far beyond that. As Kew says, smiling at ambition: We want to be there from the time you wake up, and until you decide to fall asleep. Cook himself is only a little less brash. Our strategy is to help you in every part of your life that we can, he says, whether you're sitting in the living room, on your desktop, on your phone, or in your car. It is impossible to understand the future of Apple, and Cook's task without acknowledging that the experience Apple sells today is not just a collection of devices, but a network of hardware, software and services that are in themselves connected to other web applications and services made primarily by other companies. These other web networks include everything from the app economy, already works on Apple's software and devices, up to new ones such as connected connected and car, as well as wearable computing. To achieve its goal of serving its customers all day long, Apple needs to do more than ensure that its own products work brilliantly- it also has to try to make them work seamlessly with these many other disparate networks. He must be a notable, reliable player in ecosystems that he does not own himself. Apple is doing an extraordinary job of extracting revenue from the worlds in which it already plays its role, and its future revenues will depend even more on it. Horace Dediu, an influential analyst currently working with the Clayton Christensen Institute for Destructive Innovation in Boston, estimates that Apple customers deliver an astronomical $40 a month to the company, compared to the pennies a month that Facebook and Google collect, and the few dollars a month that Amazon receives. This is primarily the result of expensive devices that are bought by its consumers. But subscription services such as Apple Music and iCloud Storage are starting to deliver significant cash. Revenue from services now accounts for 12% of Apple's total sales, up from 9% a year earlier. In fact, Apple's revenue exceeds Facebook's total revenue. And Cook says the company has just started. Oh yes. I expect it to be huge, he says, smiling as his Alabama stretch becomes more pronounced as he delivers good news. iPhone sales may have dipped by a quarter, but it's far from dead. Its ability to interact with other products is a strategic advantage, and it remains central to what analyst Neil Cybart already calls the Apple Experience Era. Your car or your home may have dozens of microprocessors in them, but they are dumb products, says Dediu. When a smartphone enters this environment, it integrates, and the vehicle (or home) becomes intelligent. Your iPhone is loaded with your personal preferences as well as the latest software to control the world around you, like apps for your thermostat and Philips Hue light bulb. Think about how the iPhone automatically connects via Bluetooth to your car's sound system, and you can begin to imagine the role it can play as consumers accumulate more devices embedded in the sensors. The iPhone will continue to morph, in a way that will ensure its place as the primary way we interact with and manage our technological expertise for the foreseeable future. Apple will sell more devices, but its evolution will also allow it to explore new revenue opportunities. Here's how Apple adapts. It expands its portfolio by building on a foundation laid by earlier products. This steady growth has made it wider and more powerful than any other company Technologies. Tim Cook onstage at the 2016 World Developers Conference. (Photo: Melissa Golden) It is possible that Apple will never introduce a product as universally desired as the iPhone. Iphone. doesn't mean it won't continue to be a big company. The iPhone entered a market that was the largest on earth for electronic devices, Cooks tells me, as we conclude our interview. Why is that? This is because ultimately, everyone in the world will have one. There are not so many such things. Then Cook makes another of his items that can get lost if you don't understand the care he takes with every word. It's hard to imagine a market defined in units rather than earnings that is big. In terms of unit sales, yes, there can never be another iPhone. But in terms of revenue, well, look at the industries that Apple is just now entering, or rumored to be pursuing. Media and entertainment is a global market worth $550 billion. Global car ownership is a $3.5 trillion business. Annual global health spending is more than $9 trillion. And while Apple may not currently dominate any of these arenas, remember that analysts once thought Apple would have a hit on its hands if it could get 1% off the mobile phone business. While we say goodbye, Cook and I stumble upon a health care debate, and it comes up again. We got into health care and we started looking at wellness, which took us pulling a line of thinking about research, pulling that line a little further took us to some patient stuff, and that pulled the line that takes us into some other things, he says. When you look at most solutions, whether it's devices, or things coming from Big Pharma in the first place, they are made to get a refund (from an insurance provider). Without thinking about what helps the patient. So if you don't care about the refund we have the privilege of doing, that can even make the smartphone market look small. One percent of the $9 trillion is $90 billion. Even Apple might call it a pretty good business. Read more about Tim Cook's Apple: Apple's story in less than 3 minutes the apple cart play in hindi. the apple cart play summary. the apple cart play pdf. the apple cart as a political play. justify the title of the play the apple cart

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