FRANKTOWN MEADOWS EQUESTRIAN FACILITY Official Prizelist Show Date: June 8-9, 2019 - JUNE DRESSAGE CLASSIC Location: Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility Manager: M. Lynne Maclean 775–831-4261 4200 Old Hwy 396 N. Washoe Valley NV 89704 Secretary: Janette Oakes 530-756-8503 Judge: Kari McClain (S) Technical Delegate: Theresa Hunt (R) Recognitions: USEF Level 2 (290494), USDF CDS Closing Date: Friday, May 24, 2019 CLASS No. DESCRIPTION CLASS No. DESCRIPTION SAT SUN SAT SUN 101 201 Training Level, Test 1 174 274 FEI Intermediate II* 104 204 Training Level Test 1 Opportunity 175 275 FEI Grand Prix* 102 202 Training Level, Test 2 FREESTYLES 105 205 Training Level Test 2 Opportunity 150 250 USDF Freestyle Training Level 103 203 Training Level, Test 3* 151 251 USDF Freestyle First Level* 111 211 First Level, Test 1 152 252 USDF Freestyle Second Level* 112 212 First Level, Test 2 153 253 USDF Freestyle Third Level* 113 213 First Level, Test 3* 154 254 USDF Freestyle Fourth Level* 121 221 Second Level, Test 1 180 280 FEI Intermediate I Freestyle* 122 222 Second Level, Test 2 181 281 FEI Grand Prix Freestyle* 123 223 Second Level, Test 3* USDF INTRODUCTORY LEVEL 131 231 Third Level, Test 1 161 261 USDF Intro Level, Test A ** 132 232 Third Level, Test 2 162 262 USDF Intro Level, Test B ** 133 233 Third Level, Test 3 * 163 263 USDF Intro Level , Test C 141 241 Fourth Level, Test 1 **May not cross enter canter classes 142 242 Fourth Level, Test 2 DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION 143 243 Fourth Level, Test 3* 190 290 Equitation 13 years and younger 170 270 FEI ,PSG * 191 291 Equitation 14-18 years 192 292 Equitation Adult Amateur* 171 271 FEI Intermediate I* *Add “Q” for Great American Insurance/USDF Qualifying 172 272 FEI Intermediate A or B, TOC Specify Test Opportunity and USDF Intro Classes Do Not Require Memberships * Add “Q” for Great American Insurance/USDF Qualifying Riders in Opportunity Classes may not cross enter USEF Classes ENTRIES: Enter on or mail to Janette Oakes, 2408 Amapola Dr., Davis, CA 95616.
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