^ 1 ff NEW 70RK 1HERALD, TUESDAY, JAJiWARY 23, 1877..WITH SCPPLEMENT. eyes, had discovered the matter, and, a* he had heard nimnyoCtbe evil* and all the confusion of authority FROM MURRAY HILL TO MOUNT TROTTING TO SLEIGHS. THE COWENHOVEN E8TA7 already, wae made the subject ot editorial comment in u Oder which wo arc now laboring are Uisltrcily JjO several ol the tuorniug patters, among wmcti la the al tracoale. SINAI. * SEEKING FOR REFORM. vKAi.n. It the were that the Stale and A trotting contest to lelgtaa came off yesterday Ob the 28th Inat. the estate of John Cot u II press too active It might Finally, municipal government* the the bis and that no coutroi over or iu- Iternoon on Sixth lor will be sold el auction. The meeting being held; but If gentlemenprorcni completely divorced, Dr. gave a interesting lecture avenue, above Central Park, public properly came the two moat to be t

    e their to after ine picked up brickbat, and, throwing Okdkn..On and advocated the principle only Council, duty , coinnuttou by Judge at the Tombs and I.outs liberie wore also examined, which struck Brown on the head lust above the Van Monday. January 22, 1877, at hla ilia then suliiintiea iilteml the sessions whenever and as ofien as, iu lliclr Kilbrctn, yesirdayc^urt It, right late No. 07 lor each department, propositiuu* on adjourned. ear. Ho fell and tho two men fled. Borne roetdenoo, Cbarloe at., Captain Jac ob R. an alliance ol awn the interest shall and Cnun, ui deiauit of $400 ball the charge of ieloniotts puasershy Van ol Hook und wore defeated through currii|it polin- judgmeiit, puolic require, conveyed Brown io his Dome, and Dr. Congdou wun Ukubn, Ladder Company; No. ft. the of 1S76. When called upon wio uever they i hall be requested so to do by cither a,lean It. The complainant, Charles of No. BOY BUKGLAB8, The relatives and friends of tba ciaoa la Legislature hn declined to Hoard. theHoohstadler, called. It was found that the victim's sknil was frao and family, membora of in relation to lila views say 75 ) ol the same treat, alleges that prisoner tired a tared and his brain llo cannot live. Welsh Hook Ladder Company, No. A; niembera of tba yesterday considered Hint hia .Srornth. hat tho with tie ol the of tho 10lh the ball eu protruded, Flro of the auvthlng at preaent. He evidently Mayor, approval pIstol at hint on the night luxk, Timothy Moloney, the soven-ycnr-old burglar, was was arrested last evening in ibe New York Tiitr* office Department city of New York, Lincoln doeuineul spoge for Itself. Board of Aldermen, appoint an uhsIsIiuii to tun head ol u ring Ills loft breast. The wound Is not dangerous. Uuion of tbo Ninth ward, (irecnwich logiglativw each 10 made Ins by Officer Kelly, where lio Is employed as a type setter. Club, To a son a best a mi skactisk kco.xomt. tlepariliiem, serve during good behavior and yesterday transiently happy by seeing He admits the but he did not Intend to hurt YacbtClub, Warren Association, Tough Club an tht whoso name on the lo lie removable Impeachment. come to act, says members ol Columbia Hook Mr. William A. Hootli, appears only by ^ ^ ONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE. accomplices in orlmo grief. The namesJuvenileBrown. add Ladder Company, chairman, aud yno naturally would he supposed t.iyktk.I'bal the Muvor, with ill" approval of the ! No, 14, ol tbo lute Volunteer Fire aie all aa and intention Board ol all minor and ol the said accomplices are James Smith and John to Department, 10 have (nil knowledge of the meaning Aldermen, appoint olllcials NEWS FOR THE invited nttond his luueral, on Thursday,respectfully to-morrow, was coiiod upon by a clerks, with a tenure ol olllce similar to the employes Yesterday morning Juugo Pratt, ol the Supreme Uarvey, aged respectively ten and eleven years. They LAWYERS. Jauuary 26, at one o'clock 1*. Iroin the ml Ilia meeting of the were Lit before Justice at the Tombs M., Union R» reporter, at No. 1(x> Wall aired, yesterday present Police and Fire departments. p ourt, Kings county, boforo whom argnmcut was baring Kllbretb, formed church, on 8th av., opposite West 3d at. maaano tho conference met AiiitA.That, II possililo, luslead ol a charter Polico Court yesterday, charged by B. K. , the It has been decided by the agents of the Knglnh aud Win>oo..At N. afternoon, lie said thai proposed special Ktade last week counsel for Stephen Knglish, a Elizabeth, J., January 21, 1877, oi '('he moveinent era* for the city of New York, the legislature shall onact a by Knltou street conloctionsr, with having. In company Gorman lines business In this to consumption, Hknkiki'ta wile ol With Id* hoarty approval. to the set Insurance with broken tbc window ol his storo steamship doing city Kstiikk, Thomai a number of getitlemeu mi order meet general applicable lo all the cities of tbe is lute buv- policy bolder in the Continental I.llo Italonoy, and Winsor, in the 22d year ol her age. by ou a a aotcclod Mr. stolon a small 01 Tho evidence a eh bring an action agaiust tbe present Board o( Mayor tic other otllciaia and confer with them originatednig population exceeding 100,000; thus prevon ling, p for the appointment ol releree, Comany, quantity candy. waa Funoral services will be held in the Fulton Street 11. Inlsrea; to lha city. it was never Intended or at least diminishing, tho Drobability of hasty, Incon- VMilium Allen Huller, who will make tbe necessary ex* clear and positivo, nod after considerable crying the Commissioners to compel them to return tbe money E. cburoh, Elisabeth, on the 24th o: o< subject*In it sidorute sod unwise in and con leased their were the on Wednesday, day the meeting «r the auojecia to be discussed changes tbe city government, to mination ol the reoeiver'e aocounts report tberoon boys guilt. They oomaiittod la eoald by different companies aecuunt of head tax January, 1877, at two P. M. Relatives and friends art that which we have been ol «ao1> niBiuit wwumL . 1 taeiUMt. gbwtt'4 ha made public, hut lha proas, with U« A raits hitherto exposed, end from whKh tia tbe Court. default iSOO ball- Irotn the time that
