July 4, 2021 MISSION STATEMENT Saint Patrick
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 4, 2021 Saint Patrick Catholic Church 34 AMHERST STREET, MILFORD, NH 03055 Office Hours: MondayThursday 9amNoon & 15pm & Friday 9Noon Parish Office: 6731311 Fax: 6733687 ; L" Faith Formation: 6734797 +L";L";,;S,S"S,L ";Y Website: saintpatrickmilfordnh.org +L";L";K" L;"; S"SY PASTORAL STAFF +L";;L";,,;LKKY L"; S L";R[+;`[ Rev. Dennis Audet, Pastor daudet52@gmail.com Patti Hendrickson, Pastoral Associate pattih2015@comcast.net Diane Bergeron, Secretary STATEMENT FROM THE BISHOPS OF THE BOSTON diane.st.patoffice@gmail.com PROVINCE (BOSTON, FALL RIVER, SPRINGFIELD, MAN- Sue Pasquale, Faith Formation CHESTER, AND PORTLAND) LIFTING THE DISPENSA- re@saintpatrickmilfordnh.org TION OF THE SUNDAY AND HOLY DAY MASS OBLIGA- Pauline Nepveu, Accountant TION, EFFECTIVE THE WEEKEND OF JUNE 19 AND 20, pnepveu54@gmail.com Christopher Maynard, Music Director 2021. music.saintpatricksmilford@gmail.com Jay Duffy, Cemetery Sexton 6731311 Aware that the opportunity to participate in Sunday Mass is increasingly available and increasingly safe for our Catho- lic people, we the Bishops of the Boston Province, (Boston, Fall River, Springfield, Manchester, and Portland) are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation, effective the weekend of June 19 and 20, 2021. This obligation does not apply to those who are ill; those who have been recently exposed to COVID or any other communicable illness; those who are confined to their homes or to hospitals or other facilities due to illness, infir- mity, frailty, or age; and those who are not yet able to be vaccinated, due to age or any health consideration.
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