Have a Safe and Enjoyable July 4Th ! CONTACT US MASS SCHEDULE Website: Weekdays: 8:30 A.M

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Have a Safe and Enjoyable July 4Th ! CONTACT US MASS SCHEDULE Website: Weekdays: 8:30 A.M THE MISSION STATEMENT We, the members of Divine Savior Parish, called in Baptism by the Holy Spirit to be a people grounded in Word and Sacrament, strive to reach out to all peoples. Through collaboration and sharing of talents and gifts we are dedicated in prayer and in the works of justice to making the Kingdom of God present among all peoples, races and cultures. Have a safe and enjoyable July 4th ! CONTACT US MASS SCHEDULE Website: WWW.Divinesaviorparish.net Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Monday Communion Service) Address: 6700 Main Street, Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Downers Grove, IL 60516-2799 Sunday: 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., Phone: 630-969-1532 Fax: 630-969-1724 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) E-mail: [email protected] Holy days: Check the bulletin or website Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. STAFF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Fr. Agustin Ortega, Pastor, ext. 124 Phone: 630-969-1673 Deacon Paul Newey, Pastoral Associate, ext. 125 Fax: 630-969-0201 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Deacon Mike Januszewski, Deacon, ext. 121 Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. [email protected] During classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays Tim Horneman, Music Director, ext. 134 [email protected] Phyllis Burns, Parish Secretary, ext. 121 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS [email protected] Lupita Plazola, Parish Secretary, ext.121 Please e-mail submissions to [email protected] Lupita@divine savior.net at least 10 days before the publication . Marianne Treacy, Business Manager, ext 123 [email protected] CONFESSIONS Richard Flor, Facilities Coordinator, ext 121 [email protected] Saturdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., by appointment, or Maureen Januszewski, Director of Religious Education, during special services in Advent and Lent ext. 132 [email protected] Katie Porter, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ext. 130 [email protected] JOIN THE CHURCH! Kellie Linsey, Bulletin Coordinator [email protected] Are you interested in becoming a fully participating mem- ber of the Catholic faith? Contact Deacon Paul in the par- BAPTISMS ish office. The RCIA journey begins in September. Once a month at a Baptism service. Arrangements must be made one month in advance. Parental preparation re- JOIN THE PARISH! quires registration in the Parish, active Saturday or Sun- Stop in the parish office during business hours to reg- day participation in Parish Worship and attendance at a ister. Baptismal Preparation meeting. Please call the office to make arrangements. QUINCEAÑERAS COMMUNION FOR THE Cualquier persona interesada en la celebración de una HOMEBOUND Quinceañera debe comunicarse con la Sra. Plazola al me- nos 6 meses antes la fecha deseada. Todas las familias Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Please call the parish office. deben ser miembros activos dentro de la parroquia y las señoritas deben haber recibido el sacramento del Bautis- MARRIAGES mo, la reconciliación, la primera comunión y el sacramen- to de la confirmación o estar asistiendo en nuestra clases/ Arrangements for celebration of marriage must be made programa de Confirmación por 1 año antes de la Quincea- with the pastor at least six months in advance. Weddings ñera. Horas de servicio y un retiro se requerirán también. are not scheduled on Sundays. June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 RADICAL TRANSFORMATION On this Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the readings describe anything but an ordinary time. They are disturbing and they leave us disturbed. The Old Testament reading recounts a young man ’s radical break with the past to follow a new path. The Gospel describes how life as we know it is abruptly changed if we follow the call of Christ. The psalm and Paul assure us that such life-altering change is possible only because of the power of God s love. We are presented with a stark choice. To love as God loves, we must leave our old lives behind. We must leave behind not just the bad, the selfish, and the evil but the ordinary, our daily work, and the important, our families, our lives. Loving as God loves requires a radical transformation, not a smooth transition. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR There will be no First Friday Holy Hour on Friday, July 5. The Parish Offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4th to celebrate Independence Day. There will be no Mass or Communion Service. AprilJune 30,21st 2019 2019 EasterThirteenth Sunday: Of Sunday the Resurrection in Ordinary of Time the Lord PagePage 94 Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collection that supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. Funds from this collection help victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous today. For more information visit www.usccb.org/peters-pence. Hoy es la Colecta Peter’s Pence, una colecta a nivel mundial que financia las obras de caridad del papa Francisco. Los fondos recaudados en esta colecta ayudan a las víctimas de la guerra, la opresión y los desastres naturales. Tomen esta oportuni- dad para unirse al papa Francisco y sean testigos de la caridad para nuestros herma- nos y hermanas. Por favor, sean generosos hoy. Para más información, visiten www.usccb.org/peters-pence. Did you know that Divine Savior is on Facebook? Check us out @DivineSaviorParishDG and make sure to click LIKE! June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Saint of the Week: St. Elizabeth of Portugal Elizabeth is usually depicted in royal garb with a dove or an olive branch. At her birth in 1271, her father Pedro III, future king of Aragon, was reconciled with his father James, the reigning mon- arch. This proved to be a portent of things to come. Under the healthful influences surrounding her early years, she quickly learned self-discipline and acquired a taste for spirituality. Thus fortunately prepared, Elizabeth was able to meet the challenge when at age 12, she was given in marriage to Denis, king of Portugal. She was able to establish for herself a pattern of life conducive to growth in God’s love, not merely through her exercises of piety, including daily Mass, but also through her exercise of charity, by which she was able to befriend and help pilgrims, strangers, the sick, the poor—in a word, all those whose need came to her notice. At the same time she remained devoted to her husband, whose infidelity to her was a scandal to the kingdom. Denis, too, was the object of many of her peace endeavors. Elizabeth long sought peace for him with God, and was finally rewarded when he gave up his life of sin. She repeatedly sought and effected peace between the king and their rebellious son Alfonso, who thought that he was passed over to favor the king’s illegitimate children. She acted as peacemaker in the struggle between Ferdinand, king of Aragon, and his cousin James, who claimed the crown. And finally from Coimbra, where she had retired as a Franciscan tertiary to the monastery of the Poor Clares after the death of her husband, Elizabeth set out and was able to bring about a lasting peace between her son Alfonso, now king of Portugal, and his son-in-law, the king of Castile. Her feast day is July 4. St. Elizabeth of Portugal, pray for us! Information from: Franciscan Media (www.franciscanmedia.org) June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 Santo de la semana: Santa Isabel de Portugal Elizabeth se representa generalmente en atuendo real con una paloma o una rama de olivo. En su nacimiento en 1271, su padre Pedro III, futuro rey de Aragón, se reconcilió con su padre James, el monarca reinante. Esto resultó ser un presagio de las cosas por venir. Bajo las influencias saludables que rodeaban sus primeros años, rápidamente aprendió autodisci- plina y adquirió un gusto por la espiritualidad. Así, afortunadamente preparada, Elizabeth pudo enfrentar el desafío cuando a los 12 años fue entregada en matrimonio a Denis, rey de Portugal. Ella pudo establecer por sí misma un patrón de vida propicio para el crecimiento en el amor de Di- os, no solo a través de sus ejercicios de piedad, incluida la misa diaria, sino también a través de su ejercicio de caridad, mediante el cual pudo hacerse amiga y ayudar a peregrinos, extraños , los enfermos, los pobres, en una palabra, todos aquellos cuya necesidad llegó a su atención. Al mismo tiempo, ella seguía dedicada a su marido, cuya infidelidad hacia ella era un escándalo para el reino. Denis, también, fue el objeto de muchos de sus esfuerzos por la paz. Elizabeth buscó por mucho tiempo la paz para él con Dios, y finalmente fue recompensada cuando abandonó su vida de pecado. Ella buscó y logró en repetidas ocasiones la paz entre el rey y su rebelde hijo Alfonso, quien pensó que había sido ignorado para favorecer a los hijos ilegítimos del rey. Tambien actuó como pacificadora en la lucha entre Ferdinand, rey de Aragón, y su primo James, quien reclamó la corona. Y finalmente desde Coimbra, a donde se había retirado como terciaria franciscana al monasterio de las Clarisas después de la muerte de su esposo, Elizabeth se dispuso a lograr una paz duradera entre su hijo Alfonso, ahora rey de Portugal, y Su yerno, el rey de Castilla. Su fiesta es el 4 de julio. Santa Isabel de Portugal, ¡ruega por nosotros! Información de: Franciscan Media (www.franciscanmedia.org) June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 Music Notes: A Reintroduction By Tim Horneman, Music Director As I noted last weekend, I am out of town this weekend at a family event, and next weekend, I’ll be on my way back from a music conference.
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