Borel-Moore Homology, Riemann-Roch Transformations, and Local Terms
BOREL-MOORE HOMOLOGY, RIEMANN-ROCH TRANSFORMATIONS, AND LOCAL TERMS MARTIN OLSSON Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Borel-Moore homology 5 3. Localized Chern character 23 X 4. The transformation τY and Riemann-Roch 38 5. Application to local terms 47 Appendix A. Finite group quotients and factorizations 49 References 53 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop various properties of ´etale Borel-Moore homology and study its relationship with intersection theory. The paper roughly breaks into three parts as follows. Let k be an algebraically closed field, and let ` be a prime number invertible in k. Cycle class maps and intersection products (§2). 1.1. For a finite type separated Deligne-Mumford stack X/k and integer i, the i-th `-adic −i Borel-Moore homology group of X, denoted Hi(X), is defined to be H (X, ΩX ), where ΩX ∈ b Dc(X, Q`) is the `-adic dualizing complex of X. These groups were considered already by Laumon in [17] (and, we have been informed, by Grothendieck in unpublished work), where he showed they enjoyed a number of good properties. In particular, there is a cycle class map s clX : As(X) → H2s(X)(−s), where As(X) denotes the group of s-cycles on X modulo rational equivalence. In the case when X is smooth of dimension d we have ΩX = Q`(d)[2d] and this map reduces to the usual 2d−2s cycle class map As(X) → H (X, Q`(d − s)). 1 2 MARTIN OLSSON Using Gabber’s localized cycle classes, we show in section 2.32 that for any cartesian square f 0 (1.1.1) W / V g0 g f X / Y, where f is a regular imbedding of codimension c, there is a homological Gysin homomorphism ! fhom : Hi(V ) → Hi−2c(W )(c).
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