Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 367 International Conference of Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019) Government-Initiated City Branding: A Case of Sapta Cita In Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. P.M.Agustini line 1: E.J. Mihardja T. Widiastuti Communication Science Dept. Communication Science Dept. line 2: Communication Science Dept. Universitas Bakrie Universitas Bakrie Universitas Bakrie Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indoensia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract— Cianjur as one of the districts in West Java is community, government, industry, migrants and other carrying out various activities under the framework of city stakeholders. Mapping stakeholders is important to know branding namely Sapta Cita. This research focuses on the and explore perceptions, expectations, feelings of belonging packaging of Sapta Cita as the Cianjur government strategy as and responsibility for the sustainability and development of well as flagship program for establishing city branding. The the city. Besides that the potential of the city from the side purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) stakeholder perceptions on the flagship program Sapta Cita; (2) the advantages, of natural resources and culture of the local community must weaknesses, challenges and packaging opportunities of Sapta also be explored, before finally being able to establish a Cita; (3) messages in programs in Sapta Cita (4) Sapta Cipta uniqueness that can be processed to become a brand of a Action Plan. The method used in this study are surveys and in- city. Based on observations, Cianjur Regency has not depth interviews involving the millennial generation in general, optimized the potential of its regional superior products to and other stakeholder groups.