Aarhus Convention 122 Absurdocene 146 Accountability 7, 12, 16
Index Aarhus Convention 122 Annan, Kofi 85 Absurdocene 146 Antarctica 38–9, 250–251 accountability 7, 12, 16–17, 23, 30, 44, Anthropocene 93–5, 145–8, 185, 186, 245 201 prosecutorial 42 avoiding Faustian 150–151 speciesism 235 humanity and technology in 148–50 activism, shallow 101 anthropocentrism 92, 96–7, 98, 136, 158, Acton, Lord 88 164, 165, 186–7, 235–6, 238, 242, Adams, J.L. 203, 259 245 Addams, Jane 258 Appiah, K.A. 61, 62 advertising 185, 269 Aquinas, Thomas 193, 195 Africa 87, 88, 220 Arab Charter on Humans Rights 122 African Charter on Human and Arab Spring 119 People’s Rights 122 Arctic Council 112 see also individual countries Arendt, H. 6, 26, 95, 96, 203, 205, 206, Agenda 21 39, 110, 111 212, 259 Agenda 2030 281 Argow, W. 255 Alley, R. 74 Aristotelianism 165, 191–2 Amnesty International 101 Aristotle 193, 247 Angus, I. 93–4 artificial intelligence (AI) 145, 148, 251 animals 82–3, 85, 87, 88, 91, 231–4, Asia 88 250–251 see also individual countries commodity value 170 assembly, freedom of 68 Earth systems science 94 assent/consent combination 162, 165, ecocentrism 97, 234–6 166 alternatives to axiological Aung Sang Suu Kyi 6 236–8 austerity 133, 218 human diet 188 Australia 150, 239 intrinsic value of 225, 236, 237, 240, authoritarianism 12, 209 241, 243, 244, 245 authority, exchange and persuasion remaking our covenant with 242–5 systems 130–132, 135, 139 rewilding with compassion 238–41 autocratic governments 118, 247, 248 rights of 15, 25, 230, 238, 243–4 Avatar 223 welfare 243–4 293 Peter Burdon, Klaus Bosselmann and Kirsten Engel - 9781786430878 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 12:17:04PM via free access 294 The crisis in global ethics and the future of global governance Bacon, Francis 183, 188 Cambodia 192 Bakken, P.
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