Excerptsfrom Rev. Jesse Jackson

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Excerptsfrom Rev. Jesse Jackson The Organ of Student Expression Maroon*^ Serving Morehouse College Since 1898 VOL. 73, NO. 8 MOREHOUSE COLLEGE; ATLANTA, GEORGIA Thursday, January 25, 2001 Morehouse College is # 1 Joe Carlos Features Editor In a pleasantly surprising turn of events, Morehouse College IN FEATURES has recently been ranked as the top If the holidays left you school for African Americans ac­ cording to a recent DayStar Rat­ broke, find out how to live ings list in the January 2001 edi­ the good life on the bud­ tion of Black Enterprise Magazine. get your parents designed Morehouse beat out 481 for you for the Spring. other colleges and universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Howard, Horida A&M and Fisk to be ranked as the best Pages 10 institution for African Americans. Nearly 1,000AfricanAmeri- can higher educational profession­ als were asked to rate nearly 500 colleges and universities with an African American enrollment of at least 3 percent. Historically black colleges and universities made up 10 per­ cent of all colleges surveyed, and were representative of 34 percent of the schools that made the top Roger Spencer Humphrey/Staff 50 list. Black Enterprise Magazine recently ranked Morehouse College as the number one Dr. Thomas LaVeist, associ­ undergraduate school for African Americans. ate professor of health policy, man­ "Often the colleges that rank Massey replied, "This is wonder­ IN EDITORIALS agement and sociology at Johns are happy to hear about the recent high on the list have only a hand­ ful news! Morehouse provides an Hopkins University and the au­ rating atop the poll. ful of black students," said LaVeist. academic environment that sup­ Have adultery, infidelity thor of the DayStar Guide to Col­ "It's about time," said Senior "If s clear that there is a very wide­ ports our students' needs, and the and betrayal become a leges for African Americans, devel­ Finance major Damien Johnson. spread positive impression of Black Enterprise ranking says what oped the list to provide African- 'Tor the longest, the academic in­ sign of status? Morehouse among African- we have known all along— American students with "a better tegrity of Morehouse's students American institutions." Morehouse is one of the best lib­ sense of where African-American has been underrated, but finally, In response to latest ranking, eral arts colleges in the nation." students are thriving." Morehouse President Walter Likewise, many students Continued on page 8 Page 12 Thedmgingiàœofregistratim thought I was supposed to be Anthony Jewett confirmed and everything. It Contributing Writer was way better than when I first got here. That took me There was once a time three days." that the mention of registra­ Martin's satisfaction is tion to a man of Morehouse evidence enough that the brought tears to his eyes and many measures taken by flashbacks of frustrations registrtion administrators are gone-by. After a restful finally paying off in the form Christmas or summer vaca­ of a faster, better and more tion, thinking of add slips and efficient system that pleases long lines sprinkled with INA&E both students and staff. cashier's-office attitude could Working tirelessly, almost be too much. But the The latest opus from The many staff members of vari­ times, however, have Pharcyde is in. Check out ous offices have worked with changed. Campus construction continues the in-house staff of the Ban­ how it fared in the mind "I was through in 15 The construction area in front of Graves Hall is part of a drainage ner system to transition of our own hip hop cri­ minutes," mentioned junior Morehouse into the auto­ and erosion control project to eliminate the flooding of Graves Marketing major Marco Mar­ tique Carnegie H. Mims. mated age. The aim of the Halls’ basement. The basement will then be converted into a lounge tin in reference to his registra­ conversion is to make prac- for physical plant workers. According to Physical Plant staff, this tion experience. "I was more project is scheduledfor completion on Wednesday, January31,2001. Page 16 confused than them. I Continued on page 5 Announcements amazon.com LAST CHANCE FOR SENIORS: There is a m n £ □ CD limited amount of space for senior ads in the 2000-2001 O £ < r+ *4-» O Software Development CD CD £ 05 4-» O Torch Yearbook. We are providing one last opportunity N r4- CD o CO for interested seniors who wish to purchase an ad. This c U 3' c Engineers *< CO 4-» Q. will be done on a first come, first served basis, so stop 3 Q. Q. • CD by the Torch office, room 117 in Archer Hall or call us o 05 “D — 3 CD • We are looking for exceptional Software Developers CD —1 at (404) 681-2800, ext. 2982 by Friday, February 2, 2001 05 in j£ CO kJ kJ to join our growing technology organization. Our development CD O to request an application. £ 3 3 05 05 CD fl> CD £ teams work on everything from forecasting systems to recom­ on 3 N iZ r+ CD The Georgia Press Educational Foundation • r+ • mendation technologies to GUI development and database • in O (GPEF) funds summer internships for students who CD ■D 3 £ t +3 systems. Candidates must have strong fundamental knowledge • work at GPA (Georgia Press Association) member IS O £ n m CD □ newspapers, in addition to awarding scholarships up o of software design, coding (C, Java on Unix platform), relational in 0 in to $1500. The applications deadline for both programs E g O E 4-» databases, and quality assurance. Intern experience building “h 3 is February 1, 2001. For more information about o CD o 3 u z § production software strongly preferred. Requires a computer 0 internships or scholarships, call Ali Garrett at (770) 454- -O • O n CD “O CD 6776 or e-mail [email protected]. 5 science, math, or similar degree. r+ £ CD 4-» 3 n • ■ 3" □ n’ 3 Coca Cola and UNCF Partner to Launch -£ Q_ CD kJ If you are a technical person with a passion for creating a fantas­ O £ r+ CD Internship Program: Requirements: Student must have 5 O 4-» o tic end user experience, email your resume and cover letter to: CO CD u 3 minimum 3.0 grade point average, be a sophomore cd' “O ~D [email protected]. in majoring in chemistry, engineering, finance, human CD CD 4-» c • E CD resources, information technology, marketing or =3 r+ 1“ _Q CD O 05 CO business management, submit a letter nomination form 4-» i— O’ 4-» CD in’ from faculty and write a personal statement. The in /college in CD ñ' deadline to apply is February 16, 2001. Q O EOE in in The Medical College of Georgia is recruiting college students interested in health care careers for the work hard, have fun. make history. Summer 2001 Student Educational Enrichment Program and Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program. Marian Wright Edelman addresses Crown Forum The American Musical and Dramatic Academy will be holding the national audition tour for admission Martin Luther King, Jr. In­ is too costly." Geoffrey Bennett and scholarships for conservatory training in New York ternational Chapel Board of Following the Crown Assistant Campus News Editor City. The conservatory will be visiting Atlanta on Sponsors and the Interna­ Forum program, many as­ Sunday, March 18,2001 and 21 other cities throughout tional Hall of Honor. sembled in the Chapel lobby the year. Last year, the AMDA awarded $500,000 in Touting the importance Quoting Ghandi, for the unveiling of the scholarships to enrolled students. Call 800-367-7908 or of child advocacy issues, Dr. Carter extolled Edelman as Children's Defense Fund art visit www.AMDA.edu for more information. Marian Wright Edelman, one of the "shining ex­ gallery that featured the cre­ founder and president of the amples of the glory of the ative works of international The Morehouse Time-to-Read program will be in Children's Defense Fund, unrequired" and presented children which was spon­ full effect this semester. All volunteers are welcomed to addressed an attentive her with an oil portrait and sored by Soka Gakkai Inter­ join. If interested, please contact Michael Harrison or Crown Forum audience on a citation with twenty moral national, a lay Buddhist or­ Adam Beane as soon possible at 404-215-2724. Training Thursday, January 18 to laws by which Dr. King ganization. sessions will begin February 3, 2001. commemorate the King holi­ lived his life. Following the unveil­ day. ing ceremony, Riddled "Turn political rhetoric into political Edelman met with statistics reality. We can no longer tolerate the kill- wi th ninety of interna­ Morehouse tional child ing of our children." students and p.o v e r t y , —Edelman several other Edelman's faculty mem­ speech was an impassioned Edelman then urged bers, clergy and Morehouse plea to honor the legacy of the men in attendance to be­ supporters to discuss the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. come "chief builders of importance of the freedom by helping the world's de­ strong Black families." home initiative and other fenseless children. "Don't be a poverty-produc­ child advocacy programs. "Turn political rhetoric ing machine," she added. "We need more expo­ into political reality ...Make "40,000 children die sure to people like Dr. a commitment to get out of daily," Edelman said. "In Edelman," said freshman this culture of death. We can the United States, every Blake Adams. no longer tolerate the killing sixth child dies of pov­ "All too often, issues of our children, " said erty...So, when you like the ones she is con­ (L-R)MissAntheaneum 1925, Erika Love, a junior Biology, Pre Edelman.
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