: Research Overview and Prospects


Queen’s University, School of Business, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada


Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, 412 Uris Hall, New York 10027

This survey reviews the forty-year history of research on transportation revenue management (also known as yield management). We cover developments in forecasting, overbooking, seat inventory control, and , as they relate to revenue management, and suggest future research directions. The survey includes a glossary of revenue management terminology and a bibliography of over 190 references.

In the forty years since the first publication on management. In Section 6, we discuss important overbooking control, passenger reservations sys- areas for future research and conclude our review. A tems have evolved from low level inventory control glossary of revenue management terminology is pro- processes to major strategic information systems. vided in an appendix. Terminology used in this sur- Today, and other transportation companies vey that can be found in the glossary is highlighted view revenue management systems and related in- when first used. formation technologies as critical determinants of future success. Indeed, expectations of revenue 1. REVENUE MANAGEMENT gains that are possible with expanded revenue man- agement capabilities are now driving the acquisition 1.1 Background of new information technology [see, for example, We begin with an abbreviated history of revenue GARVEY (1997)]. Each advance in information tech- management to provide a context for the survey to nology creates an opportunity for more comprehen- follow. More detailed accounts of the origins of rev- sive reservations control and greater integration enue management can be found in BELOBABA with other important transportation planning func- (1987a), SMITH,LEIMKUHLER, and DARROW (1992), tions. There is now a substantial literature of jour- CROSS (1995), DUNLEAVY (1995), and VINOD (1995). nal articles, technical reports, and conference pro- Before 1972, almost all quantitative research in ceedings describing the practice and theory of reservations control focused on controlled overbook- revenue management. This paper provides a survey ing. The overbooking calculations depended on pre- and bibliography of work in this important area. dictions of the probability distributions of the num- The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we ber of passengers who appeared for boarding at outline the history and current nature of the reve- flight time, so overbooking research also stimulated nue management problem and discuss some of the useful research on disaggregate forecasting of pas- complexities that make solution and implementa- senger cancellations, no-shows, and go-shows. Both tion so challenging. Sections 2 through 5 contain forecasting and controlled overbooking achieved a reviews of revenue management research in four moderate degree of success and established a degree key areas—forecasting, overbooking, seat inventory of credibility for scientific approaches to reserva- control, and pricing. Most of this review deals with tions control. revenue management because the airlines In the early 1970s, some airlines began offering have the longest history of development in revenue restricted discount fare products that mixed dis- 233 Transportation Science 0041-1655 / 99 / 3302-0233 $01.25 Vol. 33, No. 2, May 1999 © 1999 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 234 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

TABLE I Revenue Management Research in Non-Airline Sectors

Sector References Automobile rental Geraghty and Johnson (1997), Carol and Grimes (1995) Broadcasting Cross (1998) Cruise lines Kimes (1989), Ladany and Arbel (1991), Gallego and van Ryzin (1994) Internet service provision Nair, Bapna, and Brine (1997), Paschalidis and Tsitiklis (1998) Lodging and hospitality Rothstein (1974), Ladany (1977), Liberman and Yechiali (1977, 1978), Kimes (1989), Bitran and Mondschein (1995), Feng and Gallego (1995), Bitran and Gilbert (1996) Nonprofit sector Metters and Vargas (1999) Passenger railways Kimes (1989), Strasser (1996), Ciancimino et al. (1999) count and higher fare passengers in the same air- (1995)]. In 1999, most of the world’s major air car- craft compartments. For example, BOAC (now Brit- riers and many smaller airlines have some level of ish Airways) offered earlybird bookings that charged revenue management capability. Other small air- lower fares to passengers who booked at least twen- lines and international airlines in newly deregu- ty-one days in advance of flight departure. This in- lated markets are beginning the development pro- novation offered the airline the potential of gaining cess. revenue from seats that would otherwise fly empty; The success of airline revenue management was however, it presented them with the problem of de- widely reported, and this stimulated development of termining the number of seats that should be pro- revenue management systems for other transporta- tected for late booking, full fare passengers. If too tion sectors and in other areas of the service sector. few seats were protected, the airline would spill full A sample of related literature is listed in Table I. fare passengers; if too many were protected, flights would depart with empty seats. No simple rule, like 1.2 The Airline Revenue Management protecting a fixed percentage of capacity, could be Problem applied across all flights because passenger booking The objective in revenue management is to maxi- behavior varied widely with relative fares, itinerar- mize profits; however, airline short-term costs are ies, season, day of week, time of day, and other largely fixed, and variable costs per passenger are factors. small; thus, in most situations, it is sufficient to seek It was evident that effective control of discount booking policies that maximize revenues. Also, al- seats would require detailed tracking of booking his- though there is lower risk in accepting a current tories, expansion of information system capabilities, booking request than in waiting for later possible and careful research and development of seat inven- bookings, booking decisions are repeated millions of tory control rules. LITTLEWOOD (1972) of BOAC pro- times per year; therefore, a risk-neutral approach is posed that discount fare bookings should be ac- justified. All of our discussion in this paper will cepted as long as their revenue value exceeded the assume risk-neutral maximization of expected reve- expected revenue of future full fare bookings. This nues as the objective. simple, two fare, seat inventory control rule (hence- Consider the arrival of a booking request that forth, Littlewood’s rule) marked the beginning of requires seats in an itinerary—one or more flights what came to be called yield management and, later, departing and arriving at specified times, within a revenue management. In North America, the begin- specific booking class, at a given fare. The funda- ning of intensive development of revenue manage- mental revenue management decision is whether or ment techniques dates from the launch of American not to accept or reject this booking. DURHAM (1995) Airlines’ Super Saver fares in April of 1977, shortly reports that a large reservations systems before the deregulation of U.S. domestic and inter- must handle five thousand such transactions per national airlines. second at peak times, thus the decision must be Over the last twenty years, development of reve- reached within milliseconds of the request’s arrival. nue management systems has progressed from sim- Not surprisingly, no current revenue management ple single leg control, through segment control, and system attempts full assessment of each booking finally to origin–destination control. Each of these request in real time. Instead, precomputed aggre- advances has required investment in more sophisti- gate control limits are set that will close the system cated information systems, but the return on these for further bookings of specific types while leaving it investments has been excellent [see, for example, open for others. The reservations system can quickly Smith, Leimkuhler, and Darrow (1992), Cross determine the open or closed status of a booking RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 235

TABLE II Elements of Airline Revenue Management

Customer Behavior and Demand Forecasting Revenue Factors Demand volatility Fare values Seasonality, day-of-week variation Uncertainty of fare value Special events Frequent flyer redemptions Sensitivity to pricing actions Company or travel agent special vouchers Demand dependencies between booking classes Cancellation penalties or restrictions Return itineraries Variable Cost Factors Batch bookings Marginal costs per passenger Cancellations Denied boarding penalties Censorship of historical demand data Goodwill costs Defections from delayed flights Fare Products Diversions Number of products Go-Shows Fences (restrictions) Group bookings Problem Scale Interspersed arrivals Large airline or airline alliance; e.g., United/Lufthansa/SAS ORION System: No-shows 4,000 flights and 350,000 passenger itineraries/day [see GARVEY (1997), Recapture BOYD (1998)] Upgrades Problem Interfaces Control System Market strategy Booking lead time (often 300 days or more) Code-sharing alliances Number of controllable booking classes Routing Leg-based, segment-based, or full ODF control Gate acquisition and schedule planning Distinct buckets, parallel nesting,orfull nesting Fleet assignment Reservations systems connectivity Frequency of control updates Overbooking

category and report back to an agent or customer ities of revenue management are daunting—we do without actually evaluating the request. not have space here to discuss all of them. As is The accept–reject decision can be restated as a always true, modeling, theoretical analyses, and im- question of valuation: What is the expected displace- plementation rely on assuming away many of these ment cost of closing the incremental seats in the complicating factors and approximating others. It is requested itinerary? To maximize expected reve- important to remember that such approximations nues, the request should be satisfied only if the fare have yielded enormous revenue benefits for airlines value of the requested itinerary equals or exceeds and other enterprises. the expected displacement cost. [See TALLURI and The performance of a given revenue management VAN RYZIN (1999b) for an analysis of such displace- system depends, in large part, on the frequency and ment cost controls.] accuracy of updates to control limits and the number The apparent simplicity of this valuation problem of distinct booking classes that can be controlled. is deceptive—a complete assessment must allow for The determination of suitable control limits and all possible future realizations of the reservations characterization of their structural properties over process that could be influenced by the availability time has been the principal focus of academic re- of any of the seats on any of the legs in the booking. search, whereas the need for practical and imple- Fully traced, this influence propagates across the mentable approximations to optimal limits has entire airline network because a booking can dis- driven much of the practitioner research. place potential bookings that will have subsequent A readable account of the practical challenges in impacts of their own. This influence also propagates airline revenue management and related informa- forward in time because many affected itineraries tion systems developments can be found in Sections will terminate later than the booking being consid- 6and7ofJENKINS (1995). Previous research sur- ered. Also, a booking will normally have a return veys of airline operations research and revenue component at a later date with its own set of con- management are available in BELOBABA (1987b) and current and downstream effects. Many other factors ETSCHMAIER and ROTHSTEIN (1974). A categoriza- increase the complexity of the evaluation process. tion of revenue management and more general per- Table II lists some of them. ishable asset revenue management problems is pro- As can be seen in Table II, the practical complex- vided in WEATHERFORD and BODILY (1992). 236 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

TABLE III Airline Forecasting Research 1958–1999

Year Reference Year Reference 1958 Beckmann and Bobkowski 1987 Sa 1961 Thompson 1988 Lee 1962 Taylor 1989 McGill 1967 Rothstein and Stone 1990 Bohutinsky 1970 Lyle 1990 Lee 1970 Martinez and Sanchez 1990 Swan 1972 Lennon 1991 Weatherford 1972 Littlewood 1993 Smith 1976 Conrad 1993a,b,c Swan 1977 Kanafani and Sadoulet 1993 Weatherford, Bodily and Pfeifer 1978 Taneja 1994 Hopperstad 1982 Brenner 1994 Nahmias 1982 Wang 1994 Weatherford 1983 Harris and Marucci 1995 McGill 1985 Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1996 Belobaba and Weatherford 1986 L’Heureux 1996 Gallego 1987a,b Belobaba 1997 Botimer 1987 Adams and Michael 1999 Belobaba and Farkas 1987 Ben-Akiva

Graduate theses often contain thorough reviews of influence forecasts have on the booking limits that past research literature. We are aware of five mas- determine airline profits. Not surprisingly, publica- ter’s theses and twelve doctoral dissertations in rev- tion of approaches to airline forecasting are concur- enue management or related areas. The master’s rent with the literature on overbooking because theses are those of SA (1987), WILLIAMSON (1988), overbooking calculations depend on predictions of BOHUTINSKY (1990), SUN (1992), SHAYKEVICH ultimate demand, cancellations, and no-shows. Ta- (1994). The doctoral dissertations are those of ROTH- ble III lists references from the bibliography. STEIN (1968), BELOBABA (1987a), MCGILL (1989), Unfortunately, the disaggregate forecasting re- LEE (1990), WONG (1990), WEATHERFORD (1991), quired for both overbooking and revenue manage- WILLIAMSON (1992), CHATWIN (1993), NOONAN ment is extremely difficult. The list of passenger (1993), BOTIMER (1994), LI (1994) and ZHAO (1999). behaviors and other complicating factors contained In the following sections, we review revenue man- in Table II should make clear the reasons for this agement research in four key areas—forecasting, difficulty. Simply accounting for the effects of overbooking, seat inventory control, and pricing. volatility is a significant challenge in itself—in 1989, Each section contains a listing of references that are there were a reported 30,000 daily price changes in relevant to the topic of the subsection and included the U.S. domestic airline industry alone [see Wil- in the bibliography. For completeness, we have in- liamson (1992, p. 42)]. cluded published articles, conference proceedings, In the following subsections, we review models for working papers, industrial technical reports, and demand distributions, models for arrival processes, graduate theses. We cannot discuss all of the listed uncensoring of demand data, aggregate versus dis- works, so limit ourselves to reviewing a subset that aggregate forecasting, and current practices. are illustrative of the type of work that has been done. 2.1 Models for Demand Distributions We make no claim to having identified all revenue Early descriptions of statistical models of passenger management publications and regret any omissions. booking, cancellation, and no-show behavior di- The authors would be delighted to receive copies of rected toward overbooking calculations can be found or references to any work that has not been in- in BECKMANN and BOBKOWSKI (1958). In that paper, cluded. the authors compare Poisson, Negative Binomial, and Gamma models of total passenger arrivals and offer evidence of a reasonable fit for the Gamma 2. FORECASTING distribution to airline data. BECKMANN (1958) uses FORECASTING IS AN important component of plan- Gamma distributions to model the components of ning in any enterprise; but it is particularly critical show-ups and develops an approximate optimality in airline revenue management because of the direct condition for the overbooking level. TAYLOR (1962) RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 237

TABLE IV Stochastic Process Models for Airline Arrivals 1958–1999

Arrivals Process Reference Homogeneous, nonhomogeneous and/or Gerchak, Parlar, and Yee (1985), Alstrup et al. (1986), Lee (1990), Virtamo and Aalto compound Poisson processes (1991), Stone and Diamond (1992), Sun (1992), Lee and Hersh (1993), Weatherford, Bodily, and Pfeifer (1993), Gallego and van Ryzin (1994), Lautenbacher and Stidham (1999), Subramanian, Lautenbacher, and Stidham (1999), Zhao (1999) Stuttering Poisson processes Beckmann and Bobkowski (1958), Rothstein (1968, 1971a) Censored Poisson processes Lee (1990) General point processes Gallego and van Ryzin (1994, 1997)

determines empirical probability-generating func- distribution; however, both the homogeneous and tions for booking behaviors that determine show- nonhomogeneous Poisson processes lead to Poisson ups. Allowance is made for single and batch book- cumulative arrival distributions. This is problematic ings, cancellations, and go-shows. The generating for total demand modeling because the coefficient of function is then used to estimate the parameters of variation of the Poisson distribution is the reciprocal a distribution for final show-ups. LYLE (1970) mod- of the square root of the mean. Thus, for example, els demand as composed of a Gamma systematic the coefficient of variation for a booking class with component with Poisson random errors. This model mean demand of 100 would be 0.10—much lower leads to a negative binomial distribution for total than the 0.25 to over 1.0 encountered in practice. demand, as in Beckmann and Bobkowski (1958), Fortunately, cumulative arrivals from compound which is then truncated for demand censorship. Poisson processes can provide a reasonable fit to the MARTINEZ and SANCHEZ (1970) give a detailed anal- coefficients of variation of real world arrival data. ysis of booking and cancellation data from Iberia For example, the stuttering Poisson process used by Airlines and discuss a convolution methodology sim- ROTHSTEIN (1968, 1971a) and Beckmann and ilar, in part, to Taylor’s approach for obtaining em- Bobkowski (1958) is a compound process that allows pirical demand and cancellation probability distri- for batch arrivals at each occurrence of a Poisson butions. arrival event and achieves more realistic variances. Empirical studies have shown that the normal probability distribution gives a good continuous ap- proximation to aggregate airline demand distribu- 2.3 Uncensoring Demand Data tions [see, for example, Belobaba (1987a) and Data contained in historical booking records are SHLIFER and VARDI (1975)]. Given the central limit censored by the presence of booking and capacity theorem and the role of the normal distribution as limits on past demands. SWAN (1990) addresses the the limiting distribution for both binomial and Pois- downward bias of censoring on late booking data son distributions, this is not surprising. However, and suggests simple statistical remedial measures. many researchers have pointed out that the normal An earlier spill formula developed by Swan has been distribution becomes increasingly inappropriate at used for many years by practitioners to unconstrain greater levels of disaggregation. Section 2.4 dis- demand. Lee (1990) presents a detailed stochastic cusses this more fully. model of passenger arrivals based on a censored Poisson process and develops maximum likelihood 2.2 Models for Arrival Processes methods for estimating the parameters of these Many of the references cited above use a model for models. MCGILL (1995) develops a multivariate mul- the stochastic arrival process of individual booking tiple regression methodology for removing the ef- requests to construct distributions of total flight de- fects of censorship in multiple booking classes, and mand. In other work that seeks dynamic booking describes a bootstrapping approach to testing for rules, specification of the arrivals process is an es- correlations between fare class demands. A treat- sential starting point. Examples of stochastic pro- ment of censored data in general inventory contexts cesses that have been used to model arrivals and the can be found in NAHMIAS (1994). Smith, Leimkuhler, related references are listed in Table IV. and Darrow (1992) mention experiments with cen- The use of the Poisson process, when appropriate, sored regression at , but, as far as is useful in dynamic treatments because of the we know, there have been no follow-up reports on memoryless property of the exponential interarrival these experiments. 238 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

2.4 Aggregate and Disaggregate Forecasting GALLEGO (1996) presents a deterministic model of Traditional regression techniques for aggregate demand behavior under price changes that incorpo- rates diversion and recapture of passengers in dif- airline forecasting are described in a book by TANEJA (1978). A more recent account of regression experi- ferent booking classes. WEATHERFORD,BODILY, and ments with airline data can be found in the master’s PFEIFER (1993) incorporate diversion in a stochastic thesis of Sa (1987). Sa concludes that use of regres- model of booking arrivals for two classes. They use sion techniques can improve the performance of rev- beta functions for the intensity functions of nonho- mogeneous Poisson processes for each class and enue management systems when compared to time scale the intensity functions with a Gamma distri- series analysis or historical averages. BOTIMER bution for total arrivals. (1997) discusses the effects of promotional seat sales on forecasting and revenue management. 2.5 Current Practice Williamson (1992) points out that there are thou- sands of potential itineraries across a hub-and-spoke Airlines are understandably reluctant to share airline network. Some itineraries between major information about their forecasting methodologies centers are traversed frequently enough that rea- because their revenue management activities are so sonable estimates of probabilities for those itinerar- heavily dependent on accurate forecasting. As far as ies can be obtained. Many others are rarely traveled; we know at this time, most disaggregate forecasting thus, probabilities for them based on historical data systems depend on relatively simple moving average are at or near zero. Unfortunately, taken together, and smoothing techniques augmented with careful rare itineraries form an important market compo- analysis of recent booking profiles, as mentioned above. Manual intervention is required on an excep- nent from a revenue standpoint. This is particularly tion basis for critical markets or to anticipate the true because their scarcity often reflects the large impact of changes in or other important as- number of flight legs and correspondingly high rev- pects of market structure. Regression and time se- enue associated with them. It is unlikely that any ries techniques have proven of some use for forecasts way can be devised of predicting the probability of of aggregate demand, but not at the disaggregate individual rare itineraries. The only recourse is to level. This mirrors the general state of forecasting aggregate such itineraries into larger groups, aver- methodology in inventory control applications re- age their fare values, and seek relative frequencies ported widely throughout industry. for the occurrence of any bookings from the group. Some of the best information on potential book- ings for a given flight is contained in the current 3. OVERBOOKING RESEARCH booking profiles for the same or similar flights in AS DISCUSSED IN SECTION 1.1, overbooking has the earlier weeks. The use of such short-term booking longest research history of any of the components of information has been discussed by airline practitio- the revenue management problem. Table V lists ners: HARRIS and MARUCCI (1983) at Alitalia, publications in airline overbooking. L’HEUREUX (1986) at Canadian Airlines Interna- Discussions of policy issues relating to passenger tional, ADAMS and MICHAEL (1987) at Quantas, and overbooking and equitable bumping are found in Smith, Leimkuhler, and Darrow (1992) at American SIMON (1968, 1972), FALKSON (1969), BIERMAN and Airlines. Typical applications use simple smoothing THOMAS (1975), ROTHSTEIN (1971a, b, 1975, 1985), techniques to incorporate partial booking data from VICKREY (1972), and NAGARAJAN (1979). These pa- related flights at different phases in their booking pers are interesting from a historical perspective process. because they contain suggestions from academic The doctoral dissertation of Lee (1990) discusses economists, including one Nobel laureate (Vickrey), many issues in disaggregate airline demand fore- that oversold conditions could be resolved with auc- casting and incorporates censoring in estimation of tions. These suggestions were evidently dismissed Poisson models for booking arrival processes. as unrealistic by airline managers of the time, but There has been significant research activity in they proved prophetic. The Vickrey paper also con- many disciplines on discrete choice behavior model- tains a conceptual description of a multiple fare ing using, primarily, multinomial logit estimations. class reservations system bearing a strong resem- A basic reference specifically directed at transporta- blance to those now in widespread use. tion demand modeling is that of BEN-AKIVA (1987). The objective of most of the early technical re- HOPPERSTAD (1994) discusses the potential of path search on airline overbooking was to control the preference models for detailed prediction of passen- probability of denied boardings within limits set by ger behaviors. airline management or external regulating bodies. RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 239

TABLE V Overbooking Research 1958–1999

Year Reference Year Reference 1958 Beckmann 1975 Shlifer and Vardi 1960 Kosten 1979 Nagarajan 1962 Taylor 1983 Ruppenthal and Toh 1964 Deetman 1985 Rothstein 1967 Rothstein and Stone 1986 Alstrup et al. 1968 Rothstein 1987a,b Belobaba 1968 Simon 1989 Alstrup 1969 Falkson 1989 Brumelle and McGill 1971a,b Rothstein 1989 McGill 1972 Andersson 1989 Alstrup 1972 Simon 1993 Chatwin 1972 Vickrey 1995 Dunleavy 1974 Etschmaier and Rothstein 1998 Karaesman and van Ryzin 1975 Bierman and Thomas 1999a,b Chatwin 1975 Rothstein 1999 Subramanian, Lautenbacher and Stidham

In this setting, an early, nondynamic optimization of overbooking for a two-class, nonstop flight and model for overbooking is that of Beckmann (1958). describe computational experience with the ap- Statistical models of various levels of sophistication proach at Scandinavian Airlines. A DP analysis sim- are described by THOMPSON (1961), Taylor (1962), ilar to Rothstein’s but developed for the hotel/motel ROTHSTEIN and STONE (1967), Martinez and industry and extended to two fare classes is de- Sanchez (1970), and Littlewood (1972). An overbook- scribed in LADANY (1976, 1977) and LADANY and ing model extended to allow for two fare classes and ARBEL (1991). A control-limit type structural solu- a two-leg flight is described by Shlifer and Vardi tion to the (one class) hotel overbooking problem is (1975). In part of his Ph.D. dissertation, Belobaba described in LIBERMAN and YECHIALI (1977, 1978). (1987a) discusses the problem of overbooking in The dissertation of Chatwin (1993) deals exclu- multiple fare classes and suggests a heuristic ap- sively with the overbooking problem and provides a proach to solving the problem. BRUMELLE and number of new structural results. Chatwin’s paper MCGILL (1989) present a static formulation of the in this issue and CHATWIN (1999b) contain excerpts overbooking problem and show that it is a special and refinements based on his dissertation. KARAES- case of a general model of the two fare class seat MAN and VAN RYZIN (1998) address the problem of allocation problem. None of these studies allow for jointly setting overbooking levels when there are the dynamics of the passenger cancellation and res- multiple inventory classes that can serve as substi- ervation process subsequent to the overbooking de- tutes for one another; for example, first class and cision. coach travel service, or compact and full size rental A number of researchers have developed dynamic cars. optimization approaches to the airline overbooking problem and the related problem in the hotel/motel industry. The usual objective in these formulations 4. SEAT INVENTORY CONTROL is to determine a booking limit for each time period THE PROBLEM OF seat inventory control across mul- before flight departure that maximizes expected rev- tiple fare classes has been studied by many re- enue, where allowance is made for the dynamics of searchers since 1972. There is a progression from cancellations and reservations in subsequent time Littlewood’s rule for two fare classes, to expected periods and for penalties for oversold seats. KOSTEN marginal seat revenue (EMSR) control for multiple (1960) develops a continuous time approach to this classes, to optimal booking limits for single-leg problem, but this approach requires solution of a set flights, to segment control and, more recently, to of simultaneous differential equations that make ODF control. Each step in this progression can be implementation impractical. Rothstein (1968), in his viewed as a refinement of the displacement cost Ph.D. thesis, describes the first dynamic program- valuation discussed in Section 1.2. We review re- ming (DP) model for overbooking and reviews the search on the single leg and network problems sep- results of test runs of the model at American Air- arately below. Table VI list publications on single- lines. ALSTRUP et al. (1986) describe a DP treatment leg control. 240 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

TABLE VI Single-leg Seat Inventory Control 1972–1999

Year Reference Year Reference 1972 Littlewood 1992 Stone and Diamond 1973 Bhatia and Parekh 1992 Sun 1976 Mayer 1992 Wollmer 1977 Ladany and Bedi 1993 Weatherford, Bodily, and Pfeifer 1978 Hersh and Ladany 1993 Brumelle and McGill 1982 Wang 1993 Lee and Hersh 1982 Buhr 1994 Weatherford 1982 Richter 1994 Shaykevich 1983 Titze and Griesshaber 1994 Young and Van Slyke 1985 Simpson 1995 Bodily and Weatherford 1986 Alstrup et al. 1995 Robinson 1986 Kraft, Oum and Tretheway 1996 Belobaba and Weatherford 1986 Pratte 1997 Brumelle and Walczak 1986a,b Wollmer 1998 Kleywegt and Papastavrou 1985 Gerchak, Parlar, and Yee 1998 Li and Oum 1987 Gerchak and Parlar 1998 Li 1989 McGill 1998 Van Ryzin and McGill 1989 Belobaba 1998a,b Zhao and Zheng 1989 Pfeifer 1999 Subramanian, Lautenbacher and Stidham 1990 Brumelle et al. 1999 Lautenbacher and Stidham 1991 Weatherford

4.1 Single-Leg Seat Inventory Control nish evidence that EMSR provides reasonable ap- Most early seat inventory control research re- proximations with typical airline demand distribu- quired most or all of the following simplifying as- tions. ROBINSON (1995) shows that, for more general sumptions: 1) sequential booking classes;2)low-be- demand distributions, the EMSR method can pro- fore-high fare booking arrival pattern; 3) statistical duce arbitrarily poor results. A later refinement of independence of demands between booking classes; EMSR, called EMSRb, apparently produces better 4) no cancellations or no-shows (hence, no overbook- approximations to optimal booking limits and has ing); 5) single flight leg with no consideration of been widely implemented. For a description of EM- network effects; and, 6) no batch booking. SRb, see VAN RYZIN and MCGILL (1998). Littlewood’s rule can be viewed as an early expres- Methods for obtaining optimal booking limits for sion of the displacement cost rule for two booking single-leg flights are provided in McGill (1989), classes under all six assumptions. Derivations of CURRY (1990), Wollmer (1992), BRUMELLE and Littlewood’s rule are given by BHATIA and PAREKH MCGILL (1993). All of these results require assump- (1973) and, by a different method, RICHTER (1982). tions 1 through 6. Curry also proposes an approxi- MAYER (1976) describes a simulation study of the mation for the network problem, a relaxation of as- performance of Littlewood’s rule and offers evidence sumption 5. Brumelle and McGill show that, under that, if it is used more than once before flight depar- all six assumptions, the seat inventory control prob- ture, the rule can perform as well as a more complex lem is a monotone optimal stopping problem (CHOW, DP model in which the low-before-high fare arrival ROBBINS, and SIEGMUND, 1971), and, consequently, assumption is relaxed. He also suggests that the that static control limit policies are optimal over the seat allotment and overbooking analyses can be class of all control policies for this restricted prob- done independently with little revenue loss. TITZE lem, including dynamic ones. They also characterize and GRIESSHABER (1983) offer additional simulation optimal booking limits with a set of probability con- evidence that Littlewood’s rule is robust to modest ditions that are the same as the EMSR conditions departures from the low-before-high fare assump- for the first two fare classes but include joint prob- tion. abilities that are lacking from the EMSR method for Belobaba (1987a) extends Littlewood’s rule to additional fare classes. Robinson (1995) generalizes multiple fare classes and introduces the term EMSR the probability conditions to relax the low-before- for the general approach. The EMSR method does high fare assumption. not produce optimal booking limits except in the Van Ryzin and McGill (1998) show that, when two-fare case; however, it is particularly easy to demand distributions are stationary across multiple implement. McGill (1989) and WOLLMER (1992) fur- flights, the optimality conditions of Brumelle and RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 241

McGill (1993) can be exploited in an adaptive sto- lems. Both address nonmonotonicity of bid-prices chastic approximation method that requires no sep- (see below) under batch booking. arate forecasting or uncensoring of demands and no direct reoptimization of protection levels. 4.2 Segment and Origin–Destination Control LI and OUM (1998) provide a preliminary analysis Since the 1980s, network effects in revenue man- of the seat allocation problem for two airlines com- agement have become increasingly significant be- peting with identical aircraft and fares on a single- cause the expansion of hub-and-spoke networks has leg route. Their game theoretic formulation demon- dramatically increased the number of passenger strates the existence of equilibrium seat allocations itineraries that involve connections to different under certain assumptions on the demand distribu- flights. It has been recognized for some time that tions. revenue management should account for these net- Belobaba (1987a) proposes an optimality condi- work effects but that this cannot be accomplished tion for the two fare class problem that allows for the effectively with single-leg control. Progress in this possibility of upgrades from the lower fare class to area has been impeded not by the lack of approaches the higher in the event that the lower class is closed to network inventory control so much as by the for bookings. PFEIFER (1989) presents a proof of the limitations of older reservations systems. Even if result. McGill (1989) and BRUMELLE et al. (1990) optimal solutions existed for the many hundreds of show that a variant of Littlewood’s rule is optimal itineraries that traversed a single leg, those solu- for the two fare case when discount and full fare tions had to be mapped into a much smaller number demands are statistically dependent, subject to a of controllable booking classes. This situation is mild monotonicity assumption on the nature of the changing—the most advanced reservations systems dependency. The upgrade result is obtained as a are now capable of incorporating network informa- corollary. They further show that, with the same tion, and the emergence of seamless availability will monotonicity assumption, this problem is a mono- allow for much finer control of seat availability. tone optimal stopping problem. We review, below, four approaches that have been No optimal static control limit policies exist when taken to network revenue management. Table VII any assumption other than the low-before-high or contains relevant references. independent demand assumptions is relaxed. DP treatments of the single leg problem are presented 4.2.1 Mathematical Programming Formulations in Mayer (1976), LADANY and BEDI (1977), STONE GLOVER et al. (1982) describe a minimum cost and DIAMOND (1992), Sun (1992), LEE and HERSH network flow formulation for the passenger O–D (1993), Shaykevich (1994), YOUNG and VAN SLYKE problem and an implementation at Frontier airlines. (1994), BRUMELLE and WALCZAK (1997, 1998b), Passenger demands are assumed deterministic in ZHAO and ZHENG (1998a), LAUTENBACHER and this formulation, so the focus of the formulation is on STIDHAM (1999), SUBRAMANIAN,LAUTENBACHER, network effects rather than the stochastic elements. and STIDHAM (1999), and Zhao (1999). Space does DROR,TRUDEAU, and LADANY (1988) propose a sim- not permit a review of all of these contributions, and ilar deterministic network minimum cost flow for- there is some overlap among them. GERCHAK,PAR- mulation that allows for cancellations as determin- LAR, and YEE (1985) contains the earliest dynamic istic losses on arcs in the network. Wong (1990), in structural results for this type of problem, but this his Ph.D. dissertation, develops a network formula- work is often overlooked because it deals with opti- tion for the single fare class, multiple itinerary prob- mal discounting of unsold bagels—a classic example lem and extends it to approximations for the multi- of the generality of revenue management problems. ple booking class case. The single fare case and some Ladany and Bedi (1977) and HERSH and LADANY comparisons of different cabin assignment methods (1978) deal with a two-leg flight; however, we in- are discussed in WONG,KOPPELMAN, and DASKIN clude it as a single-leg model here because their (1993). WOLLMER (1986c) proposes a linear program- models assume no boarding of passengers at the ming (LP) network formulation that allows for sto- intermediate stop. chastic demand by incorporating expected marginal Lee and Hersh (1993) report a generalization of seat values as coefficients in the objective function. monotonicity results to the batch booking case; how- Each ODF generates a set of zero–one decision vari- ever, these results are shown to be in error in Bru- ables for each flight, with a corresponding set of melle and Walczak (1997). Both KLEYWEGT and PA- monotonically decreasing objective function coeffi- PASTAVROU (1998) and VAN SLYKE and YOUNG cients determined by the marginal expected values. (1994) characterize seat inventory control problems Wollmer shows that this formulation can be con- as special cases of certain stochastic knapsack prob- verted to a minimum cost network formulation for 242 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

TABLE VII Origin–Destination Control 1982–1999

Year Reference Year Reference 1982 D’Sylva 1990 Vinod 1982 Glover et al. 1990 Wong 1983 Wang 1991 Phillips, Boyd, and Grossman 1985 Simpson 1991 Vinod 1986a,b Wollmer 1992 Williamson 1987a,b Belobaba 1993 Talluri 1988 Dror, Trudeau and Ladany 1993 Wong, Koppelman, and Daskin 1988 Smith and Penn 1994a,b Talluri 1988 Williamson 1995 Vinod 1988 Wysong 1996 Talluri and van Ryzin 1989 Simpson 1997 Garcia-Diaz and Kuyumcu 1989 Vinod 1999 Ciancimino et al. 1990 Curry 1999a,b Talluri and van Ryzin 1990 Vinod and Ratliff

greater efficiency in solution; however, the size of 4.2.3 Virtual Nesting the problem for a typical airline network is ex- The first systems that addressed the broader O–D tremely large. control problem were developed to accommodate the One of the drawbacks of these mathematical pro- limited number of controllable booking classes that gramming formulations is that they produce non- the CRS provided. Belobaba (1987a), Smith and nested allocations. The formulations have seen some Penn (1988), Williamson (1988, 1992), and VINOD use for planning purposes but have not been imple- (1989, 1995) all outline techniques for clustering mented for day-by-day seat inventory control. Their ODFs into single-leg booking classes to achieve an main potential seems to be as components of the approximation to network control. Such methods as- bid-price approaches that are discussed below. sign ODFs to booking classes on the basis of some Curry (1990) describes a combined mathematical measure of their total value to the airline instead of programming/marginal analysis formulation for the just their fare class. A variety of options are avail- O–D problem that uses piecewise linear approxima- able for the clustering process (often called index- tions to the revenue function in a linear program ing), including assignment by total value, assign- that obtains distinct bucket allocations for different ment by estimated leg value (prorated, for example, O–Ds. The different fare classes for each O–D are by leg distance), and assignment by estimated net then nested, and each O–D nest is separately opti- value after allowance for displacement effects (dual mized for single-leg, nested booking limits. This ap- prices from a deterministic network LP). Both Smith proach has been implemented in some revenue man- and Penn (1988) and Williamson (1988) report on agement systems. simulation tests of the relative merits of the differ- ent approaches. These two studies reach conflicting 4.2.2 Segment Control conclusions regarding the comparative merits of The earliest implementations of partial O–D con- some of the clustering approaches but agree in the trol were at the flight segment level. These imple- finding that the use of dual prices dominates the mentations allow for the revenue value of a multileg other methods. itinerary as long as the itinerary does not involve connections between different flights. The motiva- 4.2.4 Bid-Price Methods tion for this partial solution to the ODF control Smith and Penn (1988), SIMPSON (1989), and Wil- problem was the feasibility of exploiting segment- liamson (1992) incorporate information from LP/net- closed indicators that were available in the reserva- work models into the detailed accept–deny decision tion control system. Descriptions of these initial de- process of seat inventory control. They use dual velopments in O–D control are provided in SMITH prices from a deterministic LP model to establish and PENN (1988) and Vinod (1995). The methods marginal values for incremental seats on different available to determine seat/segment allocation rules legs in an airline network. Typically, expected de- are similar to those available for the broader O–D mands replace random demands as constraints in control discussed below, so we will defer that discus- the LP formulations. The dual prices are summed sion to there. across legs in a passenger itinerary to establish an RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 243

TABLE VIII Pricing Research 1971–1999

Year Reference Year Reference 1971 Kostyrsky 1994 Gallego and van Ryzin 1981 Dolan and Jeuland 1994 Inzerilli and Jara-Diaz 1984 Reibstein and Gatignon 1994 Li 1988 Lau and Lau 1995 Kretsch 1990 Oram 1995 Oum 1991 Weatherford 1995 Feng and Gallego 1991 Carpenter and Hanssens 1996 Dana 1993 Oum, Zhang, and Zhang 1996 Gallego 1994 Borenstein and Rose 1997 Gallego and van Ryzin 1994 Botimer 1998 Dana 1994 Carpenter and Hanssens 1999 You approximate displacement cost, or bid-price, for that management practice, is in a unique competitive itinerary. A booking request for a passenger itiner- equilibrium. BORENSTEIN and ROSE (1994) provide ary is rejected if the bid price exceeds the fare for the empirical tests of airline competition and its rela- itinerary, and is accepted otherwise. Thus, this ap- tionship to the degree of price dispersion observed in proach attempts to directly incorporate the esti- fares. They also address the question of whether mated displacement cost as a cutoff value for accept- price dispersion is the result of monopoly or second- able fares. degree . OUM,ZHANG, and The disadvantages and advantages of this ap- ZHANG (1993) and OUM (1995) deal with aspects of proach are discussed in Williamson (1992) and pricing in deregulated airline markets and the in- Smith and Penn (1988). A more recent account from fluence of code-sharing agreements on international a managerial viewpoint can be found in Vinod fares. (1995). Despite potential theoretical drawbacks to It is now common for airline practitioners to view the bid-price approach, it has a very convincing ad- pricing as part of the revenue management process. vantage—it replaces multiple booking limits and The reason for this is clear—the existence of differ- complex nesting schemes with a single bid-price ential pricing for airline seats is the starting point value for each flight leg and a simple rule for reject- for revenue management, and price is generally the ing or accepting itinerary requests. most important determinant of passenger demand behavior. There is also a natural duality between 5. PRICING price and seat allocation decisions, as pointed out in THERE IS AN EXTENSIVE literature on airline pricing GALLEGO and VAN RYZIN (1997). If price is viewed as from an economic perspective that we cannot review a variable that can be controlled on a continuous here. For the most part, that literature deals with basis, a booking class can be shut down by raising pricing and price competition at an industry level the price sufficiently high. Also, when there are rather than the operational, revenue management many booking classes available, shutting down a decision level. This literature is nonetheless rele- booking class can be viewed as changing the price vant to strategic and marketing decisions that are structure faced by the customer. Treatments of rev- important in revenue management. We discuss here enue management as a dynamic pricing problem can a few examples. Table VIII contains a listing of some be found in Ladany and Arbel (1991), GALLEGO and relevant articles. VAN RYZIN (1994, 1997), FENG and GALLEGO (1995), KRETSCH (1995) describes fare management pol- and YOU (1999). icy from a managerial standpoint. DANA (1998) ex- The single-leg revenue management problem with plains price dispersion as a competitive market re- two fare classes is essentially equivalent to the action to consumers’ uncertainty about travel and much-studied single period inventory or newsvendor the risk of rationing due to capacity constraints. The problem. Thus, research on pricing in the single- work explains how airline pricing, which looks like period inventory setting has some relevance to rev- classic second-degree monopoly price discrimina- enue management. LAU and LAU (1988) provide a tion, can, in fact, be the result of a perfectly compet- joint pricing/inventory control analysis for the news- itive market. DANA (1996) shows that a firm that vendor problem. A more general treatment of price, offers high and low prices and then rations the ca- capacity, and technology decisions for maxi- pacity sold at the low price, as is done in yield mizing firms is provided in GAIMON (1988). 244 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN

There has been very little published research on diction of cancellation and no-show behavior in dif- joint capacity allocation/pricing decisions in the rev- ferent passenger categories. Smith, Leimkuhler, enue management context. Botimer (1994), in his and Darrow (1992) discuss the potential of discrete doctoral dissertation, uses a model for unrestricted choice modeling [see, for example, BEN-AKIVA and demand for airline seats to derive the demand func- LERMAN (1985), Lee (1990)]. Much work remains to tions for restricted fare products by incorporating be done—the potential benefits of sharper forecasts the cost of restrictions to passengers. He also con- certainly justify substantial investments in forecast- siders modifications to allow for passenger diver- ing methodology and market analysis. sions. Li (1994) proves that it is optimal to offer relatively small numbers of fare classes (three in one 6.2 Implementable Dynamic Programming case, four in another) when the restrictions applied Approaches to differentiate the fare classes satisfy certain regu- Dynamic formulations of the revenue manage- larity conditions. WEATHERFORD (1994) presents a ment problem are required to properly model real- formulation of the simultaneous pricing/allocation world factors like cancellations, overbooking, batch decision that assumes normally distributed de- bookings, and interspersed arrivals. Unfortunately, mands, and models mean demand as a linear func- DP formulations, particularly stochastic ones, are tion of price. The corresponding expressions for total well known for their unmanageable growth in size revenue as a function of both price and allocation are when real-world implementations are attempted. extremely complex, and no structural results are Usually, the only hope for dynamic optimization in obtained. Computational results from a variety of these settings lies in identification and exploitation test problems are supplied along with general com- of structural properties of optimal or near optimal ments on when inclusion of prices as decision vari- solutions. Knowledge that an optimal solution must ables justifies the greater computational effort re- be of a control-limit type or be represented by a quired. monotonic threshold curve can be invaluable in de- Recent work by Gallego (1996) uses a simple de- velopment of implementable systems. The existing terministic model to examine pricing and market literature has already identified such structures in segmentation decisions. His model takes into ac- special cases of the revenue management problem; count both demand diversion and demand recap- however, there are difficult areas still requiring ture. He gives precise conditions to guarantee the work. The inclusion of batch bookings, which influ- optimality of low to high pricing and lower and up- ences the regularity properties required for existing per bounds on the optimal revenue. structural results, is a particularly critical area for research—batch bookings are common in airline 6. CONCLUSION AND RESEARCH PROSPECTS reservations. The work of Young and Van Slyke (1994), Brumelle and Walczak (1997), and Kleywegt RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT of revenue manage- and Papastavrou (1998) provide reference points for ment systems is far from over. We close our survey this line of research. with some suggested directions that future research It seems unrealistic at this time to imagine that may take in four areas—forecasting, dynamic pro- exact DP algorithms could be used for real-time gramming, ODF revenue management, and systems revenue management in the airline industry. How- integration. ever, DP can be used in two important ways: first, on an exception basis for flight or network segments 6.1 Forecasting that are identified as being particularly critical, and It is difficult to be optimistic about breakthroughs second, as a calibration tool for checking the perfor- in airline disaggregate forecasting because of the mance of less accurate but more efficient solution slow progress of effective forecasting technology in methods. less complex areas elsewhere in industry. Nonethe- Recently developed approximation methods for less, a need for reliable airline demand forecasts at DP and stochastic programming may be useful in increasingly disaggregate levels will parallel in- revenue management. Good references for these ap- creases in sophistication of ODF revenue manage- proximation methods are the books by BERTSEKAS ment systems. The most promising direction for im- and TSITSIKLIS (1996) and BIRGE and LOUVEAUX provement of airline forecast accuracy is in detailed (1997). empirical studies of the behaviors of different pas- senger types in response to changes in fare product 6.3 ODF Revenue Management offerings. Tracking of individual behavior of passen- Bid-price methods appear to be the most promis- gers who fly frequently could lead to improved pre- ing method for the ODF revenue management prob- RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 245 lem because they are simple to implement, and airline planning; in particular, pricing, fare product there is empirical evidence that they lead to in- design, fleet assignment, and route planning. For creased revenues for airlines. However, at present, example, although pricing and fare restriction deci- it is not known how close the total dual prices are to sions occur at a much slower rate than seat inven- the true expected displacement costs of booked seats tory control decisions, the revenue impact of a pric- in an itinerary in a large airline network. One sur- ing decision is ultimately determined at the seat prising finding is how well the deterministic dual allocation level, thus there is a clear need for inte- price approach appears to work despite its obvious gration of these two decision processes. Also, as dis- drawbacks. Talluri and van Ryzin (1999) provide a cussed above, dual prices at the seat inventory level number of findings on the accuracy (and potential are relevant to fleet assignment decisions. They are inaccuracies) of the bid-price technique and furnish also relevant to longer-term route planning and some simple counterexamples to its optimality. market development decisions. [See, for example, There is room for further analysis of this approach. DOBSON and LEDERER (1993).] Each of these differ- A particularly interesting question is how bid ent decision levels present significant theoretical prices can be applied to the common batch and group and computational challenges. Mathematical pro- booking problems. For example, even if we assume gramming and other optimization techniques have that the sum of the dual prices along an itinerary been developed for each of them, but these formula- are approximately equal to the displacement cost for tions typically treat the problems in isolation. one seat, it is unlikely that the displacement cost of There is emerging the prospect of an integrated a batch booking for the same itinerary will be a hierarchy of decision systems in which decisions and simple multiple of the individual displacement costs. information obtained at one level are smoothly Assuming that the suitability of bid-prices can be available to other levels. There are a number of verified, there is an interesting computational chal- interesting associated research questions. Is there a lenge in increasing the speed with which the dual natural problem/subproblem structure for such an prices can be updated. Is it possible to accomplish integrated planning system that can exploit decom- near real time reoptimizations of the LP model so position techniques from network optimization and that dual prices reflect the latest information on mathematical programming? What information fares and bookings in the network? should be exchanged? How frequently? What is the As mentioned in Williamson (1992), one useful reliability and stability of such a system? There are by-product of the dual-price calculation is the iden- other areas of interest to revenue management prac- tification of flights with unusually high dual prices. titioners and researchers; for example, the long- Such flights correspond to bottlenecks in the airline term implications of ticket sales or auctioning network. There is a direct analogy here with the through the Internet. concept of bottleneck in the manufacturing indus- It is clear that revenue management will continue try—bottleneck flights can constrain flows through to generate interesting applications and research major segments of the airline network and should be questions for years to come. We hope that this sur- managed intensely. In the industrial setting, the vey will serve as a stimulus for future research in recommended treatment for bottlenecks is: 1) to ex- this challenging and important area. pand their capacity if possible, and 2) ensure maxi- mum use of the bottleneck by placing buffer inven- APPENDIX tory in front (and sometimes behind) the bottleneck. In the airline setting, the bottleneck capacity can be REVENUE MANAGEMENT GLOSSARY increased by assignment of more or larger aircraft, WE PROVIDE HERE a glossary of the sometimes-con- and the buffer inventory can be achieved with over- fusing terminology of revenue management. Our booking. The interesting research question is how to aim in supplying a separate glossary is to avoid systematically incorporate bottleneck dual price in- needless definitions for readers familiar with reve- formation into overbooking and fleet assignment nue management while assisting others who are processes. BERGE and HOPPERSTAD (1993) offer evi- new to the field. Many of the terms described here dence that there is significant revenue potential in have different meanings in more general contexts dynamic fleet assignment. but are presented here with their usual meanings in 6.4 Integration with Other Planning revenue management. Functions Aggregation of demand: The level of summariza- Revenue management decisions are highly inter- tion of passenger demand data. The trend has been dependent with decisions made in other key areas of toward increasing levels of disaggregation in seat 246 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN inventory optimization; however, pricing, forecast- sively to bookings in that fare class. This method ing, and booking control processes often operate at simplifies reservations control but is clearly unde- different levels of aggregation. Possible dimensions sirable from a revenue standpoint because seats for disaggregation include: market, season, month, could fly empty in a discount bucket even if there is week, section of week (e.g., midweek versus week- higher fare demand available to fill them. Second, end), day of week, time of day, flight number, book- buckets also refer to clusters of different fare classes ing class, fare, flight leg, segment, and itinerary. or ODFs that are grouped together for control pur- Arrival pattern: The pattern of arrivals of booking poses in a virtual nesting system. A single booking requests. In the airline context, some possible ar- limit is set for all classes in the bucket or lower value rival patterns are: sequential booking classes, low- buckets. before-high fares, or interspersed arrivals. Bulk arrival: See batch booking. Batch booking: (also multiple booking,orbulk ar- Bumping: See denied boarding. rival) A booking request that arrives through nor- mal reservation channels for two or more seats to be Cabin: The physical compartment of an aircraft booked for the same itinerary. Contrast with group containing a particular type of seating. For example, bookings. an aircraft may be equipped with a first class cabin and a coach cabin, each with different seating and Bid price: A net value (bid-price) for an incremental separated by a partition. Multiple fare classes are seat on a particular flight leg in the airline network. usually available in each cabin of the aircraft. Also referred to as minimum acceptable fare, hurdle price, probabilistic shadow price, displacement cost, Cancellations: Returns or changes in bookings or probabilistic dual cost. that occur early enough in the booking period to permit subsequent rebooking through the reserva- Bid price control: A method of network seat in- tions system. ventory control that assesses the value of an ODF itinerary as the sum of the bid-prices assigned to Censorship of demand data: Typically, no record individual legs in the itinerary. Typically, an ODF can be kept of booking requests that occur after a request is accepted if its fare exceeds the total bid- fare class is closed down. Thus, in booking histories, prices. Also referred to as continuous nesting. the number of flights on which demand reached a booking limit can be determined but not the amount Booking class: A category of bookings that share by which demand exceeded the limit. Formally, this common features (e.g., similar revenue values or condition is known as multiple Type I censorship of restrictions) and are controlled as one class. This term is often used interchangeably with fare class or the data—the censorship points are known (booking bucket. limits), but may vary between observations (flights). Booking limit: The maximum number of seats that Code-sharing: It is now relatively common for can be sold to a particular booking class. In nested small groups of domestic and international airlines booking systems, booking limits apply to the total to form alliances in which the members interlist number of seats sold to a particular booking class some or all of their flights. The two character airline and any lower fare booking classes. designator code from one airline is applied to flight numbers of other alliance airlines so that there is an Booking policy: A booking policy is a set of rules apparent expansion of participating airlines’ net- that specify at any point during the booking process works. whether a booking class should be open. In general, such policies may depend on the pattern of prior Coefficient of variation: The standard deviation demands or be randomized in some manner and expressed as a proportion of the mean of a probabil- must be generated dynamically as the booking pro- ity or relative frequency distribution. Thus a de- cess unfolds for each flight. In some circumstances, mand distribution with mean demand 100 and stan- optimal or approximately optimal booking policies dard deviation 40 would exhibit a coefficient of can be defined by a set of fixed protection levels or variation of 0.40. Airline demand data typically dis- threshold curves. play coefficients of variation in the range 0.25 to over 1.0, depending on the level of aggregation of the Buckets: This term is used in two related ways. data. First, in older reservations systems, seats for differ- ent fare classes or groups of classes are pre-assigned Connectivity (in reservations systems): The de- to distinct buckets. These seats are available exclu- gree to which the elements of the reservations sys- RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 247 tem are electronically interconnected. See seamless cludes all future revenues that may be lost if the availability. booking is accepted. Taken to the extreme, these include the revenue value of potential displaced fu- Continuous nesting: (see bid-price control) ture bookings anywhere in the airline network and Controllable booking classes: All early reserva- goodwill costs from those displacements. Assess- tions systems and many existing systems offer only ment of the costs and probabilities of such displace- a small number of distinct booking categories (five to ments should allow for the dynamics of cancellations ten) that can actually be controlled at booking out- and overbooking and the expected costs of oversold lets. Thus, regardless of the number of booking conditions. classes or distinct passenger itineraries that can be Diversion: The booking of a customer at a fare level handled by the revenue management optimization lower than one they would have been prepared to process, the controls in such systems can only be pay. This occurs, for example, when a business trav- applied to a small number of aggregate booking eler has sufficient advance notice of a trip to book in classes or buckets. a discount class intended primarily for leisure trav- Control limit policy: A structural solution that elers. Restrictions are designed to inhibit such diver- specifies an upper bound (limit) on the number of sion. seats sold in each fare class (or collection of fare Dual prices (also shadow prices): The marginal classes) for each time before flight departure. value of one additional unit of a constrained re- CRS: Computer reservations system. source, as determined by a mathematical program- ming solution to an optimization model. Dual prices Defections: It can occur that a confirmed passenger are one source of the marginal seat values used in who shows up for a flight switches to a flight with bid-price control. another airline (usually because of a delay in the original flight departure). Defections constitute a Dynamic models: Models that take into account relatively small component of lost passengers and future possible booking decisions in assessing cur- are normally counted as part of no-shows. However, rent decisions. Most revenue management problems they are distinct from no-shows, and any attempt to are properly modeled as dynamic programming predict their occurrence requires an estimation of problems. the probability distribution for departure delays. Expected marginal seat revenue (EMSR): The Demand distribution: An assignment of probabil- expected revenue of an incremental seat if held ities (probability distribution) to each possible level open. This is a similar concept to that of bid-price of demand for a flight or booking class. A prelimi- but generally used in a simpler context. nary estimate of such a demand distribution can be Expected revenue: The statistical expected reve- obtained by calculating the proportion of each de- nue; that is, the sum of possible revenue values mand level seen on comparable past flights; i.e., a weighted by their probabilities of occurrence. relative frequency distribution. Fare basis code: An alphanumeric encryption of Demand factor: The ratio of demand over capacity the conditions and restrictions associated with a for a flight or booking class. (Contrast with load given fare. Usually several fare basis codes are con- factor.) tained in a single fare class. Denied boarding: Turning away ticketed passen- Fare class: A category of booking with a (relatively) gers when more passengers show-up at flight time common fare. Typical labels for such classes [see than there are seats available on the flight, usually Vinod (1995)] are: F for first class (separate com- as a result of overbooking practices. Denied board- partment); J for business class, U for business class ings can be either voluntary, when passengers ac- frequent flyer redemption (often separate compart- cept compensation for waiting for a later flight, or ment); Y for full fare coach; B, M, Q, V for progres- involuntary, when an insufficient number of pas- sively more discounted coach bookings; and T for sengers agree to accept compensation. In the latter frequent flyer coach cabin redemptions. Often other case, the airline will be required to provide compen- fare products (such as travel agent or company trav- sation in a form mandated by civil aviation law. elers) are categorized under one of these designa- Disaggregate: See aggregation of demand. tions for control purposes. Displacement cost: In revenue management, the Fare product: The full set of attributes associated displacement (or opportunity) cost of a booking in- with a specific transportation service. The set in- 248 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN cludes the fare as well as any restrictions or benefits Hub-and-spoke network: A configuration of an that apply to that service at that fare. airline’s network around one or more major hubs that serve as switching points in passengers’ itiner- Fences: See restrictions. aries to spokes connected to smaller centers. The Fleet assignment: Most airlines have a variety of proliferation of these networks has greatly increased aircraft types and sizes in their fleets. The fleet the number of passenger itineraries that include assignment process attempts to allocate aircraft to connections to different flights. routes in the airline network to maximize contribu- Hub bank: A collection of inbound and outbound tion to profit. There are strong potential linkages flights that are scheduled to arrive or depart within between fleet assignment and revenue management a time span that enables convenient passenger con- processes because aircraft assignments determine nections among flights. An airline hub will typically leg capacities in the network. operate with several hub banks throughout the day. Flight leg: A section of a flight involving a single Incremental seat: One additional seat, given the takeoff and landing (or no boarding or deplaning of number of seats already booked. passengers at any intermediate stops). Also leg. Independence of demands: The assumption that Flight number: A numeric or alphanumeric label demands in one customer category (e.g., booking for a flight service that involves (generally) a single class or ODF) are statistically independent of de- aircraft departing from an origin airport, possibly mands in other categories. It is widely believed that making additional scheduled stops at one or more this assumption is not satisfied in practice. See, for intermediate airports, and terminating at a destina- example, Hopperstad (1994). tion airport. Indexing: The process of assigning individual ODF Full Nesting: See nested booking. categories to virtual nesting buckets. Smith, Le- imkuhler, and Darrow (1992) provide details. Global distribution system (GDS): Computer and communications systems for linking booking lo- Interspersed arrivals: Characteristic of an arriv- cations with the computer reservation systems of als process in which booking requests in different different airlines. Examples are SABRE, Galileo, booking classes do not arrive in any particular order. and Amadeus. (Compare with sequential booking classes.) Goodwill costs: An airline’s rejection of a booking Itinerary: For purposes of this paper, an itinerary request can affect a customer’s propensity to seek is a trip from an origin to a destination across one or future bookings from that airline. This cost is diffi- more airline networks. A complete specification of cult to assess but is considered particularly acute in an itinerary includes departure and arrival times, competitive markets and with customers who are flight numbers, and booking classes. The term is frequent air travelers. An approximate assessment used ambiguously to include both one-way and of the cost of a permanently lost customer is the round-trip travel. That is, used in the first way, a expected net present value of all future bookings round-trip involves two itineraries and, in the sec- from the customer minus the opportunity costs of ond way, one itinerary. those bookings. Leg: See flight leg. Go-show: Passengers who appear at the time of Leg based control: An older, but still common, flight departure with a valid ticket for the flight but method of reservations control and revenue manage- for whom there is no record in the reservation sys- ment in which limits are set at the flight leg level on tem. This no-record situation can occur when there the number of passengers flying in each booking are significant time lags in transferring booking in- class. Such systems are unable to properly control formation from reservations sources (e.g., travel multileg traffic, although virtual nesting provides a agent’s offices) to the CRS or when there are trans- partial solution. mission breakdowns. Littlewood’s rule: This simple two-fare allocation Group bookings: Bookings for groups of passen- rule was proposed by Littlewood (1972). Given aver- gers that are negotiated with sales representatives age high fare f1, average discount fare f2, random of airlines; for example, for a large group from one full fare demand Y, and s seats remaining, Little- company travelling to a trade show. These should be wood’s rule stipulates that a discount seat should be distinguished from batch bookings. sold as long as the discount fare equals or exceeds RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 249 the expected marginal return from a full fare book- among full fare passengers whose tickets are fully ing of the last remaining seat; that is, discount de- refundable in the event of cancellation or no-show. mand should be satisfied as long as f Ն f Pr(Y Ͼ 2 1 OBL: See optimal booking limits. s). This is essentially equivalent to the classic opti- mal stocking rule for single period stochastic inven- ODF control (O–D problem): Origin–destination tory (newsvendor) problems. fare control. An approach to revenue management that accounts for all possible passenger itineraries Load factor: The ratio of seats filled on a flight to between origins and destinations in the airline net- the total number of seats available. work, at all fare levels. See network effects. Low-before-high fares: (Also called monotonic fares or sequential fares.) The sequential booking Opportunity cost: See displacement cost. class assumption is often augmented by the addi- Optimal booking limits: This term is often used to tional assumption that booking requests arrive in refer to exact booking limits for the single leg seat strict fare sequence, generally from lowest to high- inventory control under assumptions 1 through 6 in est as flight departure approaches. The existence of Section 4.1. They are only optimal within the con- low standby fares violates this assumption. text of that basic model. At present, there are no Minimum acceptable fare (MAF): See bid-price. truly optimal booking limits for the full ODF reve- nue management problem, and likely never will be. Monotonic fares: See low-before-high fares. Origin–destination control: See ODF control. Multileg: A section of an itinerary or network in- volving more than one leg. Overbooking: The practice of ticketing seats be- yond the capacity of an aircraft to allow for the Multiple booking: See batch booking. probability of no-shows. Nested booking: In fully nested (also called seri- Oversold: An ambiguous term sometimes used ally nested) booking systems, seats that are avail- when more passengers show up for a flight than able for sale to a particular booking class are also there are seats available. Such situations must be available to bookings in any higher fare booking resolved with denied boardings. class, but not the reverse. Thus, a booking limit L for a discount booking class defines an upper bound on Parallel nesting: See nested booking. This is an bookings in that class and any lower valued classes approach to booking that is intermediate between and a corresponding protection level of (C Ϫ L) for simple distinct bucket control and full nesting. A all higher classes; where C is the total capacity of number of lower fare classes are assigned to distinct the pool of seats shared by all classes. This should be buckets, but these buckets are nested in one or more contrasted with the older distinct bucket approach higher fare classes. This approach reduces the rev- to booking control. See, also, parallel nesting. enue potential of the combined fare classes, but may facilitate control. Network effects: A booking on any leg in the air- line network may block booking of any itinerary that Perishable asset revenue management includes that leg. Subsequent interactions of the (PARM): A term introduced in Weatherford and blocked itinerary with other legs in the network can, Bodily (1992) for the general class of revenue man- in a similar , propagate across the full net- agement problems, which includes airline revenue work. management. Newsvendor problem: The problem of choosing Protected seats: Seats that are restricted to book- the quantity of a perishable item to stock (e.g., news- ings in one or more fare classes. In fully nested papers) given known cost, selling price, and salvage booking systems, seats are protected for bookings in values, and subject to uncertain future demand. a fare class or any higher fare class. (Also called the newsboy or single period stocking Protection levels: The total number of protected problem.) This classic problem is essentially equiv- seats for a booking class. In fully nested booking alent to the simple two-fare seat allocation problem systems the protection level for a fare class applies with sequential arrivals. to that class and all higher fare classes. No-shows: Booked passengers who fail to show up RCS: Reservations Control System. at the time of flight departure, thus allowing no time for their seat to be booked through normal reserva- Recapture: The booking of a passenger who is un- tions processes. No-shows are particularly common able to obtain a reservation for a particular flight or 250 / J. I. MCGILL AND G. J. VAN RYZIN set of flights with an airline onto alternative flights sibly high revenue value of a booking that includes, with the same airline. for example, the segment AB in its itinerary but switches to a different flight at B. Reservation system controls: The internal logic used by the reservation system for controlling the Sequential booking classes: The assumption that availability of seats. This logic is usually difficult to requests for bookings in particular classes are not change and is often a significant constraint when interleaved; for example, all B-class requests arrive implementing a yield management system. See con- before any Y-class requests. This assumption is trollable booking classes. rarely satisfied in practice; however, it is close enough to permit significant revenue gains from Restrictions: Sets of requirements that are applied methods based on the assumption. Also, early book- to discount fare classes to differentiate them as fare ing restrictions on many discount booking classes products and discourage diversion. Examples are ensure a degree of compliance. fourteen-day advance booking requirements, cancel- lation penalties, Saturday night stayover, and mid- Sequential fares: See low-before-high fares. week departure requirements. Also referred to as Serial nesting: See nested booking. booking fences. Show-ups: Passengers who appear for boarding at Revenue management: The practice of controlling the time of flight departure. The number of show- the availability and/or pricing of travel seats in dif- ups is (final bookings ϩ go-shows ϩ standbys Ϫ ferent booking classes with the goal of maximizing no-shows). expected revenues or profits. This term has largely replaced the original term yield management. Single-leg control: See leg based control. Rules: See restrictions. Space control: See seat inventory control. Seamless availability: A capability of reservation Spill: Unsatisfied demand that occurs because a and information systems that allows for direct capacity or booking limit has been reached. See cen- transmission of availability requests from ticket sorship of demand data. agents to airlines. With this capability, airlines may Spill formula: A formula or algorithm that esti- be able to provide unrestricted origin–destination mates the amount of spill that has occurred on past control of their seat inventory. flights. Seat allocation: See seat inventory control. Spoilage: Seats that travel empty despite the pres- Seat inventory control: The component of a reve- ence of sufficient demand to fill them. This will nue management system that controls the availabil- occur, for example, if discount booking classes are ity of seats for different booking classes. closed too early, and full fare demands do not fill the remaining seats. This should be distinguished from Segment: One or more flight legs covered by a sin- excess capacity—seats that are empty because of gle flight number. Thus, if a flight originates at insufficient total demand. airport A, makes an intermediate stop at B, and terminates at C; the possible flight segments are Standby fares: Some airlines will sell last minute AB, BC, and ABC. discount seats to certain categories of travelers (e.g., youth or military service personnel) who are willing Segment closed indicator (SCI): A flag in reser- to wait for a flight that would otherwise depart with vations control systems that indicates that a book- empty seats. ing class is closed to bookings over a particular seg- ment. The same booking class may be open for Static models: Models that set current seat protec- bookings over other segments of the same flight. tion policies without consideration of the possibility This allows for O–D control at the segment level. of adjustments to the protection levels later in the booking process. (Compare with dynamic models.) Segment control: A level of itinerary seat inven- tory control that accounts for the revenue value of Structural solution: A solution to an optimization flight segments, but does not account for itineraries problem in the form of specifications (frequently that involve other flight segments. In the case of a equations) that reveal the pattern of behavior of two leg flight A to B to C, segment control would optimal solutions. These are important because they permit closing the AB segment to a discount booking lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of class but leaving the ABC segment open for the optimal solutions and can lead to development of same class. This system fails to account for the pos- efficient solution algorithms. RESEARCH OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS / 251

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