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Aaron, Aash, 145 Carrington, Leonora, 8, 72, 73, 74, Agamben, Giorgio, 121, 161 76–8, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88. Aldana Reyes, Xavier, 10, 145 Carroll, Noël, 130–1, 141 Alliston, Lee, 145 Carter, Angela, 8, 70, 71–3, 74, 76, 80, Althusser, Louis, 56–7 82, 83, 85, 86, 87 Amis, Martin, 112 Carter, Jimmy, 41 Anderson, Benedict, 45, 53 Caruth, Cathy, 106 Arendt, Hannah, 12, 132 Chapman, Mark, 37–8, 42, 45, 47 Assayas, Olivier, 155 Cixous, Hélène, 70, 76, 80 Austen, Jane, 50 Cole, Nat King, 33 Avisar, Ilan, 137 Colvile, Georgina M.M., 88 Connolly, Linda, 95 Badiou, Alain, 28, 32–3, 39, 43, 138 Cooke, Sam, 37 Bal, Mieke, 78, 83 Cornis-Pope, Marcel, 151 Barnes, Peter, 137 Costello, Elvis, 38 Barthes, Roland, 7, 13–20 Countryman, John, 108 Basten, Anne, 92 Coward, Martin, 9, 113–15, 116, 121, Bataille, Georges, 6, 70, 74, 81 122, 123, 124, 125, 126. Bates, Scott, 145 Craig, Cairns, 53, 58 Baurdrillard, Jean, 147 Cronenberg, David, 131 Bayes, Thomas, 138 Crosby, Bing, 33 Beckett, Samuel, 51, 52, 54 Cross, Joseph, 155 Benjamin, Walter, 32 Curtis, Amelia, 154 Bentham, Jeremy, 59–60 Cusick, Suzanne G., 46 Bergson, Henri-Louis, 9, 129, 130, Cuthbert, Elisha, 149 134–5, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144 Dando, Evan, 152 Blanchot, Maurice, 24, 25 Dawson, Graham, 94 Bogue, Ronald, 151 Day, Aidan, 72 Boutroux, Emile, 140 Dean, Malcolm, 117 Brady, Ian, 91 Deleuze, Gilles, 17, 30, 34, 40, 73, 140 Brecht, Bertolt, 13, 20, 27 Demange, Yann, 148 Brendon, Piers, 113 Dennis, Jon, 41 Breton, André, 74, 81 Derrida, Jacques, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 25 Brown, Errol, 41 Dewey, John, 134 Bulger, Jamie, 9, 90–1, 107, 108, 109 DiBlasi, Anthony, 154 Buñuel, Luis, 70 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 134 Bürger, Peter, 3 Ditto, Beth, 29 Bush, George W., 35–6 Dorff, Stephen, 154 Butler, Judith, 5, 6 Dowdle, John Erick, 146, 147 Dowler, Lorraine, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 Cage, John, 39 Drakulic, Slavenka, 114

191 192 Index

Duchamp, Marcel, 6, 22 Husserl, Edmund, 134 Duggan, Mark, 43 Irigaray, Luce, 78 Eburne, Jonathan P., 74, 77 Edwards, Steve, 20 Jackson, Robert, 10, 11, 160 Elms, Robert, 38 Jenkins, Simon, 53 Ernst, Max, 77, 81 Joffé, Roland, 149 Etchells, Tim, 106 Johnson, Robert, 37 Evans, Marc, 148 Jones, Carole, 51, 57 Jones, Jack, 37, 47 Farrell, J.G., 9, 112–26 Jouffroy, Alain, 75 Fawcett, Antony, 38 Joyce, James, 53 Foucault, Michel, 17, 59, 64, 65, 66, 72, 121, 161 Kafka, Franz, 52, 59, 63 French, Philip, 158 Kang, Soo Y., 80 Freud, Sigmund, 31, 35, 73, 76, 80, 82, Kaplan, Leslie, 24 83, 142 Katastrofsky, Carlos, 168 Keenan, Sally, 71 Gaddafi, Muammar, 5 Kelman, James, 8, 48, 50, 51, 52–4, 55, Garbo, Greta, 42 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67 Gauny, Louis Gabriel, 23 Kirkpatrick, David, 48 Gaye, Marvin, 37 Klaus, H. Gustav, 62 Gearhart, Stephanie, 58, 59 Kolk, Bessel A. van der, 106 Gingold, Michael, 158 Kövesi, Simon, 50 Godard, Jean-Luc, 22 Kramer, Jane, 73 Goodman, Sam, 1, 9, 112 Kurosawa, Kiyoshi, 153 Guattari, Felix, 17, 34 Guevara, Che, 28, 29, 33, 45, 46 Lacan, Jacques, 6, 30, 31, 33, 36, 44, 46 Hames, Scott, 58 Laden, Osama Bin, 5 Harman, Graham, 11, 163, 164, Lambert, Iain, 52 169–73, 174, 175 Latour, Bruno, 173, 174, 178 Hart, Onno van der, 106 Laugier, Pascal, 154 Haslett, Rosalind, 8–9, 90 Lawrence, Peter A., 170 Hayek, Friedrich von, 41 Lennon, John, 7, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, Headrick, Charlotte, 108 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 21, Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 12 25 Lewis, Jeff, 151 Heidegger, Martin, 11, 114, 116, 121, Lockwood, Dean, 147, 149 163, 164–5, 166, 167, 168, 169, Loenard, Brett, 155 170–2, 174, 175 Lubitsch, Ernst, 137, 143 Hendricks, Jon, 35 Luisetti, Federico, 17 Hills, Matt, 141, 150 Lusty, Natalya, 74, 77, 88 Hindley, Myra, 91 Lyotard, Jean-François, 13, 20, 22, 23, Hobbes, Thomas, 31, 32, 134 24, 26 Hoblit, Gregory, 146 Lysaght, Karen, 92, 98 Holden, Stephen, 157 Humphries, Reynold, 154 Maguire, Tom, 105, 107 Hussein, Saddam, 36 Mahon, Alyce, 74 Index 193

Major, John, 90 Reynolds, Albert, 90 Maley, Willy, 53 Richard, Cliff, 33 Malone, William, 145 Rijn, Rembrandt van, 83 Mao, Zedong, 28, 32, 33, 44, 45 Rimbaud, Arthur, 23 Mars-Jones, Adam, 53 Roberts, John, 22 Marx, Karl, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 Robespierre, Maximilien de, 29, 35, Mathis, Johnny, 33 36, 44, 45 Matthews, Graham, 1, 8, 48 Rolston, Bill, 98–9 McAra, Catriona, 8, 11, 68 Romero, George A., 147 McCall, Davina, 149 Ross, David A., 39 McCormick, Carlo, 74 Roth, Eli, 145, 147, 151 McGee, Lisa, 8, 90, 91, 92, 102, 108, 110 Rushdie, Salman, 112 McGuire, Matt, 50 McLean, Alex, 170, 177 Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 73, 84, McLuhan, Marshall, 45 87 Meillassoux, Quentin, 138 Sade, Marquis de, 8, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, Menezes, Jean Charles de, 162 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88 Meyer, Carla, 157 Sage, Lorna, 72 Michael, George, 33 Salinger, J.D., 38 Milton, John, 58 Sánchez, Eduardo, 148 Moore-Gilbert, Bart, 113, 120 Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 52, 53 Mullarkey, John, 9–10, 128, 144 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 199 Mulvey, Laura, 70, 71 Sax, Geoffrey, 153 Munroe, Alexandra, 35 Scarry, Elaine, 49 Murphy, Tom, 107 Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 21 Myrick, Daniel, 148 Schmitt, Carl, 161 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 134 Nairn, Tom, 113 Shanks, Paul, 54 Nancy, Jean Luc, 114, 121 Six, Tom, 145 Newman, Kim, 157 Solt, Andrew, 40 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 17, 23, 25, 30 Solzero, Jim, 153 Noys, Benjamin, 7, 11 Spielberg, Steven, 129, 132, 133, 134, 136, 142 Ono, Yoko, 7, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, Spitz, Bob, 40 37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47 Stalin, Joseph, 32, 44 Orwell, George, 44 Stanko, Elizabeth, 2 Suleiman, Susan Rubin, 74, 87 Perrault, Charles, 82 Sützl, Wolfgang, 11, 161–6, 167, 170, Pinker, Steven, 4–5 171–3, 174, 175–6 Pitchford, Nicola, 58 Presley, Elvis, 29, 42, 47 Tanning, Dorothea, 6, 8, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77–8, 79, 80, 81, Rancière, Jacques, 23–4, 25 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88 Ravenhill, Mark, 90, 91, 107, 108, 109 Thatcher, Margaret, 41 Ray, Man, 74 Thomas, Deborah, 138, 141 Rea, Stephen, 154 Thompson, Robert, 90, 107 Réage, Pauline, 74 Tutuola, Amos, 52, 53 Reeves, Matt, 147 Resnais, Alain, 137 Vattimo, Gianni, 163 194 Index

Venables, Jon, 90, 107 Wilmer, S.E., 95 Verbinski, Gore, 153 Wilson, Scott, 7–8, 28, 47, 48, 49 Vericat, Fabio, 53 Wood, Gaby, 73 Virilio, Paul, 147 Woolf, Virginia, 53 Virno, Paolo, 41 Yew, Lee Kuan, 124 Wan, James, 145 Warner, Marina, 74 Zimmer, Catherine, 146, 149 Watkins, James, 152 Žižek, Slavoj, 5–6, 7, 28, 29, 30, 32, Wayne, John, 42 33, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, Wetmore, Kevin J., 152 135, 139, 143, 148 Whitehead, Anne, 107, 108 Zuckerberg, Mark, 45