LETTERS TO THE DEADITOR Hey Corpsy – I’ve been incarcerated SEND YOUR LETTERS TO: since the ripe age of 15 and now I’m 22, so you can imagine I’ve read a lot of magazines,
[email protected] or but your magazine is, hands-down, the great - est fuckin’ ‘zine ever! I’ve been intrigued G&C MAGAZINE ATTN: with death since I was a child, which led to Letters to the Deaditor my demise and earned me a life sentence in a 11333 Moorpark Street #192 California state prison. As a child I spent Studio City CA 91602 hours on the web looking at dead stuff, read - ing books about killers and watching tons of horror films. I’m glad to see a magazine Hagens (Body Worlds). You can use me with dead-icated to the things I love. Keep that shit the girls when I am no more! up! Richard Josh Thank you for the generous offer of your Hi Josh. Thanks for the note. So sorry that corpse, Richard, but our vault is filled to the you used the fantasy aspects of horror that brim with models for future shoots. Seems you saw on the web, and turned them into a everyone wants to hook up with our girls tragic reality, throwing away your young life. after they become corpses. Also, frankly, we True, we are “dead-icated” to death and hor - don’t take Body Worlds hand-me-downs. If ror, with a slice of comedy, but we separate you want to model for G&C, we do our own real-life horror (which surrounds our lives) body prep, including a deep tissue massage would call “outcasts” around here due to our with the fantasy of horror films and maga - and a happy ending.