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■ Pie eaters Young pie eaters who pride themselves on how fast they P - C s t y l e can scarft it down are going to get a chance to show off their style at the Plymouth BY BRAD KADRICH Fall Festival STAFF WRITER

4 * Fo r nearly tw o years, staffers at the new Plym outh High School have been prepanng for opening day, alm ost like an arm y and its wartim e m a n e u v e r s O n M onday, the games stopped W e re not ‘playing’ school anym ore,” said Barb Zdrodow ski, secretary to Plym outh H igh School Principal M ichael Bee “Today, it’s the real thing ” The Plymouth Observer will A n d if Bee, hired tw o years ago to get the build­ once again sponsor its pie ing open, w ere to give the first day o f school at the eating contest at 2 p m new high school a report card, he’d probably Saturday Sept 7 in Kellogg grade it out at an A-m m us Park as part of the annual fes Except for a couple o f technological glitches, tivities There will be contests Bee found the day to be a rousing success in each of three different age It w ent w onderfully, as w ell as I could possibly categories with prizes have im agined, Bee said The kids were all (including movie tickets gift upbeat, they knew where they were going, the cards and more) to be handed staff was helpful You expect to have a couple of out to the top three finishers potential nightm ares, especially w ith kids com ing in each age group Contests will be held for PLEASE SEE SCHOOL, A3 children ages 8101113 1416 Celebrity judges will judge the contests Entry is free and open to the first 12 people who sign up the day of the contest For information call the Plymouth Observer office (734) 459 2700 ■ Blood drive The American Red Cross holds a blood dr ve at the Plymouth District I brary from 17pm Tuesday Sept 3

Mathematics teacher Michelle Thews fires up her students PHOTOS BY PAU' HURSCHMANN|OBSERVER m third hour at Plymouth High School on the first day of Amber Lee of Canton 15 center gets some directions from Plymouth High School Principal Michael Bee on the first day of school Monday school Monday

Donors should registenn person on the mam floor of Salem still the library between now and Crowded pool schedule draws throng Sept 3 Walk ms are also wei come For information call BY BRAD KADRICH there to urge the board to find a solution Plym outh-Canton Cruisers, a club team (734) 453 0750 Ex 217 m ulling STAFF WRITER to problem s created w ith the opening of that s\vims year-round and helps feed the Plym outh High School district s prep squads ■ Life's laughs Just when you thought there was room The problem ’ The addition of swim W ith the new W ildcats now needing Theater goers have a o v e r J C I to go back in the water, the sw im m ing team s at P H S have already caused sched­ practice and m eet tim e, the Cruisers were chance to eat drink and be situation in the Plym outh-Canton school uling problem s in the district’s three on the verge o f being the odd m an out merry and benefit a good district has suddenly gotten crowded pools, located at Canton and Salem high before tem porary solutions were found cause at the same time Swim m ers and their supporters filled schools and Central M iddle School Pool “Because o f these crises, the Cruisers The StarFairlane Theater m sw itch the Plym outh-Canton Board of tim e was already precariously balanced Dearborn is hosting Laughs Education m eeting Ibesday night, all because the pools are also used by the PLEASE SEE POOL, A6 for Life II to benefit First BY ANNA TROPPENS Step the western Wayne STAFF WR TER County and project on domestic and sexual vio The IS w ill be dotted and the ts lence The benefit takes place c r o s s e d Sprayscape m ay at 6 p m Friday Sept 20 at Adjourning by their 10 30 p m the Dearborn theater target on Tbesday, Salem Township Guests wili be greeted with Board members decided to continue champagne cheeses and a their review of a proposed rezonm g still hit the heat wide variety of desserts First for Johnson Controls at a Sept 24 Step supporters will then have special m eeting BY BRAD KADRICH M ann had hoped to get the their funny bones tickled w th The third o f a senes of three meet STAFF WRITER sprayscape open by July, when a live performance by the mgs to date will begin at 7 30 p m at the weafiier was still hot, but comedic troupe Totally the Salem Township Hall 9600 Six Plym outh Township resi­ he said it sim ply couldn’t be Unrehearsed Theatre They II M ile Road in Salem s ham let dents w ho thought they were d o n e also have a chance to bid on a Tbesdays m eeting was a continua­ going to have the chance to W e ’d like to have opened it variety of items during a tion o f the board s July 30 gathering frolic in a new sprayscape at as early as we could, M ann silent auction A private movie also dedicated m ainly to the board s tow nship park m ay still get said ‘ But given the condi­ screening complete with pop review of the proposed rezonm g to their chance tions out there, it’s som ething corn and pop brings the research applications The $300,000 project is we had to wait for” TOM HAWLEY I OBSERVER evening to a dose Johnson Controls proposes to relo finally nearing com pletion at The problem , according to Medal winner Last years inaugural event cate its Autom otive Sj'stems Group the park, located at A n n M an n , is the saturated nature raised nearly $38000 The corporate headquarters from Arbor Trail and M cClum pha o f the ground in the area, par­ Gerry Gawura of Canton holds up one of five gold medals she won at money raised from this year s Plym outh Township to 366 acres in Tow nship officials are hoping ticularly during the spnng the 23rd Annual Senior Olympics, held m Midland Aug 4-8 event will go toward support Sdem bordered by CTotfredson, Joy to have the w ater feature Once the project was bid out, She IS a member of the Michigan Mavericks, a softball team for of the chanty s services and operating by m id-Septem ber women over 70 See Observer Life, page C5 programs First Steps mission PLEASE SEE JC I, AS Ibw nship supervisor Steve PLEASE SEE SPRAYSCAPE, A6 IS to reduce the incidence of domestic and sexual violence LOOKING AHEAD and to provide services to L e B A R O N 1992 Convertible CONTACT US INDEX individuals affected by these 71K miles Kealthy start crimes News 0 0 m (734) 459 2700 Apartments E8 1 Jobs E10 Children and adults should Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 Automotive F5 Obituaries A7 Tickets for Laughs for Life II Classifieds 1 800 579 SELL begin the day with a meal Read We were able to sell otir car through Classified EF Real Estate El at the StarFairlane in Dear The Observec&fcxentn&Thahksi | Home delivery (734)5910500 why in the Sunday edition of Classified Index E5 Service Guide F4 born are $35 and are available C#-Garden City American Profile Magazine Crossword E7 Sports D1 by calling Meghan Kennedy l4l

Walt until you see what's on our rah your Been surfing lately? mouse and cheok It out! and Bcc& ntiiG.€om A 2 ( P ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 LOCAL NEWS m 'N observerandeccentric com

Celebs to flip at Fall Festival AROUND TOWN

HOMETOWN HEROES Nicholas Robbins (the only at Hillside M iddle School, BY BRAD KADRICH include Plym outh M ayor Bill two-tim e weekly winner) and located on the southeast corner STAFF WRITER Graham , State Rep John Reflections on the events of Diana M erhno of 8 M ile and Center in Stewart, (R-Plym outh Sept 11, 2001 get an early start Jocelm Chang won the grand N o r t h v i l l e Breakfast goers at the annu Township), and State Rep as Solid Rock Bible Church o f pnze, a gift certificate to Tw elve Additional auditions, by ai Kiw anis Club pancake (and state senate candidate) Plym outh kicks off w ith a serv­ O a k s M a l l appointm ent only, w ill be held breakfast during Plym outh’s Bruce Patterson, (R-Canton) ice at 11 a m Sunday in Kellogg at the sam e location on the fol­ Fall Festival shouldn t have a The tentative schedule P a r k VETERANS HISTORY low ing three Thesdays — Sept tough tim e recognizing the ■ 8-8 30 a m — Graham The service, w hich w ill last 17 and 24, and Oct 1 folfo doing the flippin ■ 8 30-9 a m — Patterson a b o u t 1 1 5 , is designed to honor The Plym outh Historical For inform ation or to sched­ Apparently, anyone who s Stewart ■ 9-9 30 a m — Granholm all service people, according to Society M useum and the ule an audition, call (734) 455- anyone (or who want to be ■ 9 30-10 a m — assoaate pastor Brad Cannon Plym outh Com m unity Council 4 0 8 0 elected to be som eone) is going the proceedings, the folks at P o s t h u m u s Honorees include m embers of on Aging announce the to be on hand for the event Cafe Bon Hom m e will supply ■ 10-10 30 a m — State Sen the m ilitary, emergency m ed­ Veteran’s History Project MUSICAL SHOT Kiwanians have rounded up the chefs hats and jackets Thaddeus M cCotter, (R- ical w orkers, those in other Dan Packer w ill head up the a veritable W hos W ho of ‘ I think it’s going to be a Livom a), a U S congressional areas o f the m edical field, as project by interview ing and The Spotlight Players, for­ celebrity pancake flippers hoot,” said Kiw anian Fred H ill c a n d i d a t e w ell as fire fighters and police videotaping Am erican veterans m erly the Plym outh Theatre Am ong those scheduled to It’ll be great, especially if ■ 10 30-11 a.m — Stewart officers Th e idea IS to honor and civilians w ho supported the G uild, are holding auditions for take half-hour turns at the everyone gets into the spint o f A t press tim e. H ill was still those people not only from w ar efforts in the last century their production o f “Cinderella” gnddle are both gubernatorial I t ’ trying to get a Plym outh Plym outh, but from the sur­ Three copies o f each inter­ at 7 p m Sept 9-10 at the candidates, Jennifer Granholm Because all three o f Tow nship representative, per­ rounding area, as well view w ill be m ade to preserve W atertower Theater, located on for the Democrats and Lt Gov Plym outh’s Kiw anis clubs are haps Police Chief Tom W e’ve invited everyone out,’ this im portant oral history One the cam pus o f the Northville Dick Posthum us for the getting involved, H ill said the Tidenngton, to stand in for the Cannon said “O u r goal is to copy w ill be sent to the Library Psychiatric Hospital, 41001W Republicans club expects to feed som e vacationing supervisor, Steve honor these people ” of Congress, one will rem ain at Seven M ile in Northviile Granholm gets the first shot, 3,000 people, m ore than half- M a n n Church officials w ill have fire the Plym outh Historical Th e group is looking to fill six and Posthum us will follow a g a i n t h e 1 , 8 0 0 or so they engines, squad cars, police M useum and the third w ill be wom en’s roles (ages 15 and right behind her served a year ago m otorcycles and oilier technol­ located at the office o f the older), four m en’s roles (ages 18 To lend some authentici^ to Other celebnties scheduled bkadrichfoe homecomm net | (734) 459 2700 ogy on hand The day will fea­ Plym outh Com m unity Council and older), 10-15 adult chorus ture the Pledge o f Allegiance as o n . A g i n g m em bers and 10-12 children’s w ell as patriotic songs led by The tapings w ill begin in chorus m em bers Auditioners Solid Rock’s band Septem ber To register for this should bnng sheet m usic for Observer Classifieds w ork for you! D r Tim Lee, a double effort, call D a n Packer at (734) whatever you sing best, and am putee and Purple Heart 455-8940, or (734) 420-4439 cold readings w ill be taken Call (800) 5 79 -SELL today! reapient as a Vietnam veteran, For m ore inform ation, call finm script cuts w ill be the featured speaker the Plym outh Com m unity The Spotlight Players’ pro­ For m ore inform ation, call Council on Aging, (734) 453- duction o f “Cm derella” takes to Solid Rock at (734) 455-7711 1234, Ext 236, or the m useum , the stage N ov 15-16, N o v 22- Hollywood Tanning (734) 455-8940 24 and N ov 29-30 TEEN READING For m ore inform ation, call 7 3 5 3 Lilley Road • C anton ARTS AUCTION C J Nodus, (248) 888-7685 Hours Mon Thurs 10 10 Nearly 170 Plym outh teens Prl Sat 10-8 Sun 11 4 ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 4 " 1 5 7 5 recently took part in “Fantasy As far as the folks at the CHARITY DAYS Tbe Mystic Quest,” the Plym outh Distnct Plymouth Com m unity Arts Tan booth is Library’s teen sum m er reading Council are concerned, it’s The Plym outh Symphony H i p r o g r a m never too early to start plan­ League and the Dixboro

siinle< n r Participants checked in each n i n g General Store are team ing up P r v s s u i i * tdnnir II 10 Tanning week w ilii nam es of books or The PC AC ’s annual dinner for “Dixboro Chanty Days A r t i n n i i u i Techr II m agazines they’d read or W eb auction isn’t scheduled until Fund-Raising Event for the sites they’d visited, m usic or M arch 14, but organizers are Plym outh Sym phony This 0 0 III Visits ainaz " J 5 o l f I I audiobooks to w hich they’d lis­ already looking for item s to be O r c h e s t r a ” new II O n l / 2 9 ‘ “ ’ tened, or m ovies they’d viewed auctioned off The Dixboro General Store 1st Session Nam es were frien draw n each The event takes place at St will donate 15 percent o f all ) u y 1 1 l K \ l l c u ^ / l m u I I iroriu tq u a l to week for a variety o f prizes, John’s G o lf and Conference sales generated b y P l y m o u t h V) ^iniiU^ 1 1 including gift certificates and Center, w ith tickets going on Sym phony League patrons who ookir m i l M i l II 200 minutes II m erchandise from local busi­ sale N o v 1 Tickets w ill cost present the fund-raising /ithout V i i C I I I n t« i o n l y I •• I ( t i l l f l m n g nesses, including Einstein $65 for m em bers, $70 for non­ coupon Sept 13-15 Coupons ]f U V r r i|iiic % ** 40 fi^ II^ I 4 fire s •* W 0 2 Brothers, M ax & Erm a’s, members before Dec 31 can be requested th ro u ^ the n M cDonald’s, M eijer, Oasis Beginning Jan 1, all tickets w ill P S O office by calling (734) 451- ' h s t i t I j i i I Ont' ^oriLIt | I Iliqli Sc hool Pottery Studio, Pizza H u t, be $75 To donate an item or 2112, or stopping by the sym­ 1 Sossio Co-pa\ OH II Vance, Colleen Harder, Daniel Road, east of US-23 in Ann J Sim pson, Kevin Sm ith, Sam ira Open auditions for new Arbor The store is open Fo "“ frs " irt“ slruBnio.l Tilh M cm herslili'l II M onday-Saturday, 10 a m -6 II Patel, N ikita Patel, Neal Shah, members of the Plym outh K c q i i i i o d tan However these lotions are messy time II Andrew Sim pson, Ellen Com m unity Chorus take place p m , Fliday, 10 a m -8 p m , consuming and olten awkward to use But now I (« ffi/< rf I fi I fjiiu iM I f II fiiilr rl I "f I fim ii/* I Gwozdek, Brett Huppenbauer, from 7-8 p m Tuesday, Sept 10, Sunday, 11 a m -5 p m with the Mystic Tan® booth a uniform and ^ I «/iirc s *4 fJ f/J I * « | l i r ( s •• I f l 1)2 natural looking tan can be achieved m seconds


H ungry in the m iddle of the night but don't think there's anyplace to go?


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■ m

Kindergarten teacher Maureen Visser works with Jacob Ignagni 5 on the first day of school at Smith Elementary in Plymouth Monday


from the other tw o buildings, but everything functioned well ” The school s buzzer system wasn t ready early, and there w ere a couple o f blips w ith the new com puter soft ware Other than that, Bee said, the day went swim m ingly If that s all you have go w rong (on the first day) it s going to be a great year he said And we re going to have a great year One potential snag still loom s The tim e it takes for students to m ake it from other parts of the edu­ PHOTOS BY PAUL HURSCHMAI^NlOBSFRVER Senior Melanie Slank of Plymouth 17 gets some help from general office worker Jan Wilbur at cational park to classes at Plym outh Students walk past the mam student entrance and a sign welcoming students teachers Plymouth High School High School The passing tim e (10 friends support staff and community at Plymouth High School Monday m inutes) could w ind up being par­ w orked all sum m er to get buildings we got them solved and m oved on ” ticularly tough for students going lead} for the kids to return T his is The one thing veteran school dis­ from the far reaches of Canton H igh rule (at the new school) so they worse it m ay become an issue the celebiation point w hen it all goes trict observers noticed was the drop School to parts of the new building m ight have to do som ething about Teachers know v here the kids aie w e l l m traffic in hallways The opening of That was one of the few first day i t com ing from and they 11 w ork with In a district w ith 17 0 0 0 kids and the new high school was designed to problem s for s e n i o r s Greg Broda and Bee said staffers m ade the walk them if there are issues there 1 00 0 teachers and staff Ryan said ease the overcrowding and it Danielle Shepard before school opened and did it in Things went equally sm oothK ih u e w ould iK\ n s be glitches He appears at least from the first day, It s kind of a long w alk said 9 40 H e agreed it was something around the district \Mth lust i fc^\ pointed out the positnes outw eigh that it did just that Broda a 17-year old Plym outh resi that m ight need attention particu m inor problem s reported it \a iio u s the ncgatucs It seems to have done the job, dent I barely m ade it It s pretty larly w hen inclem ent weather anives locations That vas good n e w s to the O n c e 101 I id the glitches you fix Ryan agreed The veterans noticed d o s t . this wintei d i s t i c t s nc\\ 1 iti.!im supt;i itu d i h 1 nd tl e c I il i e irc if s ud the traffic was a lot easier I veryone Shepard agreed W e walked it in 9 40 so th a t t e l l s i. it Iin K\ 11 1 1 \1 ! 1 c 1 k Uhlceil w IS w o r k i n g hard to get the kids The 10 m inute passing period is you Its going to be tight with no It s ihc g u to I cl \ i tiiu ! ! \ 1 I 1 th d sLiict to w h e r e the> needed to be pretty hard said Shepard 17 of tim e to socialize Bee said But its R yin said ot opuiiiij, da\ 1 h s is c e 111 i )c 1 I t t h e S t i t e l e v e l I Plym outh They set up a new tardy do able W hen the weather gets what its all about E^cl^bod^ s think in\ pi oblenis w ere m inim al bkadr ch^oe homecomm net | (734) 459 2700

J U J i 3 E zz

m i m m r &m m m Ofafkl Comedy for a Cause Special Close>Out H e l p i n g s t u d e n t s of In-Stock Patio ■'each th e ir g o a l s ! Furniture, com edy Cushions club and Umbrellas. can coo< Additional discounts f r o m for more

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Many more riders needed for SMART'S new bus fleet

BY DOUG JOHNSON SMART QUICK FACTS m the world,’ he said STAFF WRITER M ore riders m eans m ore ■ Phone (313) 962-5515 for fares, something SMART badly Aggressively look for more help with routes 6 3 0 am to 6 needs, Dirks admits Of the riders Buy and put into service pm Monday through Friday $90 m illion an n u al budget, 38 287 brand new ‘ low floor ’ percent com es from the state buses ■ Anew 800 (free) number T he m illage should generate T h at’s s m a r t ’s mission now will come online in a few most of the balance - about th a t they have successfully months $40 m illion Fares b rin g in th e passed a millage renewal and a rest small millage increase ■ The SMART Website is Dirks hopes to buy th e new Earlier this month, the smartbusorgand includes easy-to-board Gillig transit Suburban Mobility Authority maps and brief discussions of buses during the next three for Regional TVansportation got years, admittedly, some of the voters in W ayne, O akland an d routes current buses are m bad shape Macomb counties to approve ■ Wayne County's representa­ Gilhg, based in C alifornia, 0 6 m ills to keep SMART buses tives on the SMART board of started o u t as a carriage and running, of that, 0 22 was new buggy m aker m 1890 an d now tax trustees are Livonia Mayor IS one of the leading builder of SMART serves Garden City, Jack Kirksey and county the “low floor” buses Westland, Redford, Livonia, Deputy Executive Mary The millage vote did espe­ Farmington and Farmington cially well in affluent Oaldand H ills Bus ro u tes include stops Zuckerman,also of Livonia County, in part because of sup­ at Schoolcraft College and port from L Brooks Patterson, M adonna U niversity in Livonia Oakland county executive New buses are one thing SMART hopes will attract more riders to routes in the suburbs it serves a n d th e O rch ard R idge cam pus Winning margin percentages of Oakland Community were 66-33 in Oaldand, 55-45 D irks does no t fear th e future However at least one city, A group b o th h e a n d Dirks College, and along Grand River in Wayne and 57-43 m and discussions in southeast Livonia wants more from are p a rt o f will discuss th at next m Farmington and Farmington M acom b M ichigan a n d m th e state legis­ SMART Mayor Jack Kirksey week The Wayne County Hills Routes also go to such th a t as th e econom y changed, lature about regional trans­ says diplomatically I hope to TVansit A uthority m eets a t 10 places as W estland Shopping we h u rt th a t’s w hen we really PATTERSON IS BACKER portation and such agencies as help them take a different look a m Thursday, Sept 5, m C enter a n d to p ark -an d -n d e noticed” Area Region^ “I think the millage gives Livonia’s city hall lots at W estland City Hall or “Getting workers to where ‘Patterson a n d E d Transportation Authority SMART an opportunity to con­ H e hopes to get approval for F ord Field in Livonia thejobs are-that’s our No 1 McNamara (outgoing Wayne (DARTA) tin u e services b u t also an a study o f tran sp o rta tio n m mission,’Dirks said Ridership County executive) helped us a We will com plem ent any opportunity to evaluate those Livonia CHALLENGE has picked up in the lot,’ Dirks said service expansion in the area services and try to m ake th em I know n o t everything stops Farmington area especially, The second biggest customer W e are th e ‘background serv­ m ore viable th a n they are ’ at our borders,’ Kirksey said “Now we m ust aggressively Dirks said base for SM ART is th e elderly ice No matter what they do Kirksey believes ridership is Livonia s requirements include try to g et m ore riders,’ said D an M anyjobs - as m any as seven and the disabled, Dirks said (regionally), all municipal sys­ very low m L ivonia an d th a t th e sm all vans fo r seniors or the Dirks, general manager of out of 10 - are m ore th a n 10 ‘W e have o ne o f th e highest tems must have a bus feeder millions collected in Livonia s disabled to fit o u r needs m ore SM ART ‘W e have geared our miles away from th e central percentages of small buses and system ’ SM ART ridership is taxes could be spent a different closely ’ service to entry level workers p a rt o f Detroit W e have one o f vans o f any m ass tran sit sys­ about 200,000 passengers per way Excess lines could be elim­ W e noticed in February (2001) th e m ost dispersed jo b m arkets te m ” w eek inated, he said Doug Johnson at (734) 953 2104

International Trade seminar series offered at Schoolcraft College

Remaining local in a global has a $ 9 0 fee International Finance, w here ■ Entrepreneurs may have a Partiapants can network with J a p a n will b e o n h a n d to talk marketplace can be rislty for Instructors are global tra d e p articipants le arn ab o u t let­ g reat p ro d u ct o r service, b u t other businesses involved in to local companies about mar­ businesses, b u t how do you experts who provide real- ters of credit, methods of pay­ 'Without the right marketing, different levels of marketing kets and available resources know if international trade is world train in g an d applica­ ment, currency exchange n o one w ill know about it initiatives The trade specialists also will right for your company’ tions The first three topics rates, choosing a b a n k an d Marketing Basics for Your T he tw o-hour sem inar m e e t individually w ith inter­ The Schoolcraft College are financing options Business, a sem inar Tuesday, begins a t 8 3 0 a m a n d costs e s te d com panies Export Resource Center offers Sept 24 and Sept 26 - O ct 8 an d O ct 10 - Sept 24 at Schoolcraft $15 per person F o r in fo rm atio n o r to regis­ a series of seminars leading to International Marketing, International Logistics, w here College, gives busy entrepre­ ■ Businesses interested in ter, contact the Schoolcraft an international trade certifi­ w here p articip an ts learn to particip an ts le arn ab o u t risk neurs a chance to evaluate Asian markets, particularly College Business Development cate th a t exam ines various assess th e ir p ro d u ct an d com ­ management, export proce­ th e ir m ark etin g efforts and C hina and Jap an , can learn Center at (734) 462-4438 aspects of overseas trade pany readiness for exporting, dures and documentation, learn new strategies about export opportunities at Schoolcraft College is at The senes begins Tuesday, conduct international market electronic data interchange M arketing specialist E ric A a seminar Monday Sept 23 1 8 6 0 0 Haggerty Road Sept 24 research and devise strategies an d freight h an d lin g Schmidt of Dynamix will from 1 to 5 p m Fee is $10 between Six and Seven Mile Each session meets from 6 for entering a m arket Other business-onented share his knowledge and ideas Michigan trade specialists roads just west of I 275 to 9 p m and each study area Oct 1 and Oct 3 - offerings and suggest resources stationed in both China and

T^ae^xJ& ce. Help Is Just Around The Corner


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members decided to set the state grant money for the work, willing to discuss the firm s p ar­ cam pus - one on Joy Road, one each Roperti will try to schedule Sept 24 special meeting so the ■with the firm paying the local ticipation in these on N apier R oad and the other a combined meeting of the entire board can continue to contribution that is required The board recognized Napier on G otfredson Road Planning Commission and FROM PAGEAl review the proposed rezonmg Board members stressed the Road residents concerns about The firm does not know how Ibwnship Board, along with the importance of planning ahead possible dangers increased traf­ many of its employees would use Washtenaw County Road and N apier Roads The Johnson TRAFFIC AND ROADS and being proactive so todays fic could pose to school children the Wellness Center, since it is a Commission The meeting will Controls property m Salem is road improvements don’t make waiting for buses They reviewed new benefit, Boik said Johnson focus on road improvements the located in the township s Urban Martin Parker, a traffic con­ tomorrow’s construction difficult the circular roadway Johnson Controls representatives will U rban Services D istnct will Services Distiict an area near sultant for Johnson Controls, and expensive Controls plans to build m the survey employees at the need M-14 th at pievious Salem offi­ said the com pany has plans to A considerable amount of interior of its campus and possi­ Plym outh Ibw nship location to The U rban Services cials set aside to contain major accommodate traffic after the people think grant money is put ble traffic backups on Napier find out the scope of interest in Committee plans to m eet a t 7 30 developments population at its proposed on trees by fames, but m reality Road if there is N apier Road the Wellness Center, which p m lUesday, Sept 3, when it During Its special meeting on Salem cam pus reaches 2,700, or It comes out of every taxpayer s access to the proposed Wellness would also include health and will draft a recommendation for Tuesday the board examined the untilthe year 2008 The firm pockets,” Ham ilton said Center which would include a fitness facilities providing water and sewer serv­ issues of Johnson Controls pri­ will re-examine traffic issues at Trustee Pam Sebert asked daycare facility for employees ices to the Johnson Controls site mary interior roadway access to th at point w hether Johnson Controls is children Dean Boik, director of FUTURE ACTIONS The com m ittee will th e n spend the proposed Wellness Center on Fm k said Salem will benefit willing to participate in any facilities for Johnson Controls, some time reviewing its draft the campus, obtaining munici from $4 5 million in road future special assessment dis­ said th a t is an issue th at Supervisor Fred R operti said and will present its recommen­ pal w ater and sewer services for improvements because of the tricts for road improvements the Johnson Controls representa­ there will be a development dations to the board at the Oct the property traffic, road project at no cost to the tow n­ Urban Services District will tives can discuss further JCI agreement between Johnson 10 m eeting improvements and environmen­ ship or Washtenaw County need Fink said Johnson officials believe it is appropnate Controls and the township, out­ tal concerns Johnson Controls plans to use Controls representatives are to have three entrances into the lining th e responsibilities of atroppens@ht homecomm net | (248) 437 2011 In addition, board members reviewed the willingness of Johnson Controls representa­ tives to participate in any future special assessment districts to bring services to the Urban Services District and work with the township on planning for 2 issues such as environmental hru Monday, September and fire safety Near the end of the meeting, Johnson Controls attorney Todd Fink said a few issues still need­ ed addressing, including medical services and buffering the site from neighbors He asked the board to authorize its committee to discuss these issues so UYONE Johnson Controls’ representa­ tives could continue to make 9 progress on them The firm wants to occupy its campus in Salem by the end of 2003 Treasurer Linda Ham ilton said the board already has a pro cedure set up allowing the com­ mittee to discuss only issues ETONE already addressed m public by the board Committee meetings take place during the day while some people are at work she said Trustee Brien Witkowski said the audience deserves the full board’s attention The board •

Paper looking for residents'

9-11 observations

The Plymouth Observer is inviting readers to participate m a story commemorating the anniversary of Sept 11 2001 Anyone interested in taking part should answer the following questions ■ What are your feelings on the upcoming Sept 11 anniver s a r y 2 ■ W h a t IS y o u r ta k e on homeland security measures this country has taken (airport security, border security etc ■ How has your life been changed*^ Did you drive or fly for vacation this year^ Did you visit a national monument‘s Are RANGE you planning any kind of acknowledgement of the anniversary Com m ents m ay be se n t v ia e mail to Plymouth Observer edi tor Brad Kadrich at bkadrich@oe homecomm net or via fax to (734)459 4224 Submissions should include a full name city of residence and a daytime telephone number for venfication Comments will be published in the Plymouth Observer Sept 8 and should be received by Sunday, Sept 1

A h i n k i n t A

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w e can afford it A n o th er solution th a t w as talked SPRAYSCAPE Fireman hurt about involved allowing the Plymouth FROM PAGE AI High School swimmers to compete FROM PAGED! are in a possible position to be shut w ith eith er C anton o r Salem yet still contractors discovered ground too wf t to do down,” said Gail Lafayette, whose ea rn p o in ts to w ard a PH S varsity letter much with, the supervisor said during rescue run daughter swims fo r Plym outh H igh However, district officials didn t set it ‘ The w ater table is pretty high there,’ Mann School an d also sw am a t Discovery u p th a t way, an d they feel it s too late in said ‘You d o n ’t have to d ig to o d eep to h it BYBRADKADRiCH th e w om an w hen one arm o f Middle School, neither of which has a th e gam e to change things th is year water That would have been a problem at this STAFF W RITER th e jaw s” sn ap p ed off an d h it pool o f its ow n ‘This problem should I think we re committed to having time of year no matter what year we did the h im m th e left leg never have happened th is situation th is year,” said interim project Scott G ross w as trying to do A t first, officials w ere w orried Plymouth High School opened superintendent Jim Ryan I do believe One Plymouth mother, who asked that her his job, helping extricate a ab o u t a possible fracture in Monday without a pool because in w e n eed to sit dow n w ith o u r athletic n am e n o t b e used, said she uses th e p ark a t w om an from a serious car acci­ Gross’knee While X-rays 1997, w hen th e b o n d issue to build the people and see what they think about least once a w eek, a n d she w ould have liked to dent Saturday showed no such fracture, doc­ high school passed, th e provision fo r a letting (PHS) swim with the two teams have seen th e sprayscape g et in earlier Instead, G ross w ound up to rs are w orried ab o u t possible pool an d auditorium w ere left ou t n ext year W e 11 look a t a lo t o f options I was hoping it would/ she said I would going to the hospital tendon/ligament damage in the According to school board president next year to avoid this have liked it fo r th e sum m er, w h en it w as h o t ” Gross, a P lym outh knee Gross was scheduled to Liz Givens, the consensus back then Meanwhile, the Cruisers are relegat­ Others said they’ll like the feature once it's Community Fire Department see a specialist T hursday m orn was that the $80 million bond wouldn’t ed to fitting in w here they can, w hich installed firefighter since 1995, was m g have passed h a d it swelled to a p red ict­ m eans practicing as late as 10 p m It “It’s something I would definitely use,’ said taken by members of his H e rem ains o n crutches, an d ed $100 m illion o r m ore w ith th e addi­ p u ts a lo t o f pressu re o n a te am th a t s Anne Degener of Canton department to St Joseph off duty, Groth said tion of the pool and auditorium b ee n aro u n d , feeding th e h ig h schools, T he p ro jec t is nearly com plete, w ith th e fix­ M ercy H ospital after a m ishap “He 11 be off duty for awhile,” M any o f th e p arents w ho spoke to the since 1975 The Cruisers feature some tures m place and the posts for the wrought- w ith th e d ep a rtm en t’s extnca- the chief said He’s a very good board Ihesday urged the board to find 160 sw im m ers fro m m ore th a n 100 iron fence u p M a n n said th e fence likely tion device, the “Jaws of Life ’ paramedic and a veiy good fire a perm anent solution to th e problem , fam ilies, w ith an o th er 100 o r so o n a would be completed by next week He said he The department had been fighter and th e one m ost often suggested w as waiting list hopes to tu r n th e sprayscape on aro u n d S ept called to th e accident at A nn The passenger from the another bond issue to build a pool T he p ractice tim e is crucial to th e 13, if possible Arbor Trail and Sheldon C orvette w as tre a te d an d Givens said a bond issue was likely, but swimmers. Cruisers representative The sprayscape will be user-operated, and around 3 p m A convertible released, also a t S t Joseph consideration w ould have to be given to Bryce D ixon to ld th e b o ard Ih esd a y available fo r u se d u rin g p a rk h o u rs (8 a m - Chevrolet Corvette had been Mercy Hospital m Ypsilanti, what that bond would include “Swimming is a year-round sport, he 9 3 0 p m d u rin g August, 8 a m -8 p m in “T-boned” by a truck hospital officials said ‘We’re going to have to do a b o n d said “If you go months without prac­ September) It most likely will be turned off A ccording to fire chief Larry issue because of (building) Cherry Hill tice, you can t keep u p A schedule has by the end of September, Mann said G roth, firefighters including Elementary Givens said “What else been p u t to g e th er th a t should get us T he p a rk w ill also h ave a n ice skating rm k, Gross w ere try in g to extricate bkadrichfoe fiomecomm net i (734) 459 2700 gete rolled in there, your guess is as through the year, (but) if another pool w hich w ill b e filled in th e w in ter b y a h y d ran t good as mine Everyone thinks (a pool) isn t built, the Cruisers could fold ” These are investments m qualify of life IS a great idea, b u t it s also a n expensive issues that will carry the community forward luxury The community has to decide if bkadnctfoehomecomm net I (734) 459 2700 for years, ’ M a n n said bkaanch@oe homecomm net I (734) 459 2700

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Erma Pilch her grandchildren He came to the Plym outh com­ 1930 in D etroit an d died Aug 8 Association R otary Club, th e Plym outh A m em orial service will be Mrs Alma was preceded m munity in 1980 from Livonia in Nevada She was married m Arrangements made by Optimist Club and the Plymouth held Saturday, Aug 31 at death by her husband, W illiam H e was preceded in death by Plym outh an d d uring th e 43 Schrader-Howell Funeral Home Rock M asonic Lodge H e Northville Christian Assembly, and son, W illiam his wife, Marguente and broth­ years she lived in Plymouth, enjoyed fishing, grouse hunting, 41355 Six Mile Road, Northville Survivors include daughter, er, N orton Robinson Joan created a loving home envi­ Kenneth £. Fisher golfing, gardening and bowling a t 11 a m w ith burial at Linda Boston of DeWitt, son, Survivors include sons, ronment for her family where Services for Kenneth Fisher, H e enjoyed being w ith his Parkview Memorial Cemetery m David (Claudia) A luia of William (Mary Jane) Robinson she raised six wonderffil chil­ 82, of Canton were held Aug 13 grandchildren Livonia for E rm a Pilch, 76, of Houghton Lake, grandchildren, ofPlymouth, and John dren In 1 9 9 6 she an d her hus­ a t the First U nited M ethodist Survivors include wife, Alice Canton who died Aug 22 at Dena, Matthew, Derek, N athan (Maureen) Robinson of band retired to Nevada, and C hurch w ith the Rev Deborah Fisher of Canton, daughter, A ngela H ospice in Livonia and Kelly, great-grandchildren Oklahoma City Okla , grand­ built a new hom e Leach and Dr Robert Selberg Susan (Michael Petrylka) Fisher Mrs Pilch, one of the original Chnstian, Aiden, and Mia, and children, Georgia Sanders, Survivors include husband, officiating Bunal was at ofPlymouth, son, James C residents of Canton Place-Senior brother, A1 (Mary) G ruett o f St Jacqueln O Connor, Victoria Bill, son, M ark (Brooke) Strautz Riverside Cemetery in (Donna) Fisher of Alanson, Citizens housing complex, was Louis, M ich Smith, W illiam Robinson, of Austin Texas, daughter, Plymouth Mich grandchildren, Jason an avid doll collector She was Memonal contnbutions may Elizabeth Richardson, Molly R anda (Tom) W illiam s of Mr Fisher was born Aug 29 Edward Fisher of Alanson, Ryan born Nov 17,1925 in Calumet be given to the Karmanos Bixler, James Robinson, Plymouth, son, William Strautz 19 19 in Plym outh and died Aug Paul Fisher of Harbor Springs, She was a long-tim e hom em aker Cancer Institute Marguente Pietrowski, John Jr of Chicago, daughter, Penny 11 in D earborn H e w as the for­ and Alysyn J F Petrylka of in D etroit Arrangements made by Keough, Patti English and Leroue of Littleton, Colo , son, mer police chief and fire chief of Plymouth, great-granddaughter, She was preceded in death by Schrader-Howell Funeral Home Laurie G um erson, a n d 27 great­ Perry (Debbie) Strautz o f Plymouth He also was a former A lanna Ross o f Alanson, two her husband, Stephen Pilch grandchildren Livonia, and daughter, Kelly city manager He was Director nieces and their children also Survivors include daughter, William Arthur Robinson Memonal contnbutions may Strautz of Beverly Hills, Mich , of Public Safety and a life-long survive Marlene Salmas of Canton, son, Services for William be m ade to A rbor H ospice m an d grandchildren Shelly and Plymouth resident He was a Memorial contnbutions may Robert Pilch of Lansing, grand­ Robinson, 97, ofPlymouth were Livonia Ryan Williams ofPlymouth, m em ber of the F irst U nited b e m ade to th e F irst U nited daughters, Stefame and Melanie held Aug 16 at the Schrader- Arrangements made by M atthew and K enneth Leroue of M ethodist Church ofPlym outh Methodist Church ofPlymouth Pilch of Lansing, grandson, Howell Funeral H om e with the Schrader-Howell Funeral Home Littleton, Colo , and Joshua, (50 years) Past C om m ander of or the Amencan Heart Joseph Salinas of Canton, sis­ Rev Robert Carr officiating B randon an d Allie Strautz of th e Mayflower-Lt G am ble Post Association ters, Regina Rangus of Livonia, Bunal was at Glen Eden Joan E. Strautz Livonia 6 6 9 5 , a World War II veteran, A rrangem ents m ade by D orothy K nudsen o f Mio and Cem etery in Livonia Services for Joan Strautz, 72, Memonal contnbutions may president of the Michigan Police Schrader-Howell Funeral Home Gertrude Ravi of Livonia, and Mr Robinson was born July of Henderson, Nev (formerly of be made to the Amencan Heart Chiefs, member of the Plymouth brother, H erb ert H antke of 11,1 9 0 5 m B rantford, O ntano, Plymouth) w ere h eld Aug 16 at W hite Lake Canada and died Aug 14 m the Schrader-Howell Funeral In lieu of flowers, donations Plym outh He was an account­ Home with Mr Sanford Burr Kids Are Back In Schoolf m aybe m ade m M rs Pilch’s ant for the Burroughs officiating Bunal was at nam e to A ngela Hospice, 14100 Corporation for 35 years and Riverside Cemetery in Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI then he was an accountant for Plymouth 48154-5010 the City of Livonia for 10 years Mrs Strautz was bom Feb 9, \3RV Darrell D. Allen Services for Darrell Allen, 82, of Superior Township were held A t Curt/es, Aug 17 a t O u r Lady of Good i Counsel Catholic Church with H a n d s O^ n UPDATE {^e're Taking Shape! th e Rev D oc O rtm an offiaatm g •G n .t6 T Presented by H an^ On Center For Physical Therapy B unal w as a t Riverside Come Join The Fun! Cem etery m Plym outh E L B O W P A I N M r Allen w as born April 5, Ep condyl tis IS an nfiamma By mproving the way the elbow 1 9 2 0 in Goodland, Kan and ton 0 tearing of a musce 0 s used the isk of elbow njury died Aug 14 at Arbor Hospice tendon at the elbow Lateral ep s educed condyiitis ( tennis elbow ) tne Repetit ve mot on and over Our Unique S^$tem ...QUICKFIT H e was in sales most common form occurs use njures are also often Survivors include wife, Mary when the outs de of the elbow s elated to work ng cond tions ^ Is a complete Workout„u!arm-up • sustain target heart rate for 20 minutes 3 K Allen of Superior Township, nflamed Medal epicondyits Individuals whose livelhood { golfers elbow ) occurs when equ es them to perform tasks sets of strength training for a ll major muscle groups • cool-dotOn • stretching daughter Carleen (John) the nside of the elbow s wh ch have resulted n pa n and ______✓ Fast • fun* Fitness!______Lenders of Plymouth, daughter, nflamed E ther problem can be stffness should waste no t me n caused by moving the elbow ask ng the doctor fo a physica 0 C a l l f o r a n appointment . 2 l o c a t i o n s t o s e r v e y o u . Karen (Charles) Gulotta of San hand the wrong way too much therapy efe a At the H A N D S Diego, Calif, son, David (Cindy) or too often The phys cal thera ON CENTER FOR PHYSICAL Allen of Plymouth, daughter, pst may recommend an altera TH ER A PY our staff of massage ton n a m movement or even and phys cal therap sts p ovide J o i n O f f Judy (Bruce) Edwards of a switch to the other hand pat ent education to fac I tate Pennsylvania, son, Garry M Exercise may also be prescribed healthy body mechan cs and Service Fee tc ncrease flexib ty These work place adjustment For n N o w \J\J S e r v i c e F Allen of Canton nine grandchil­ nclude the flexor and extenso more informal on call our cen t u r v e s , dren, and SIX great-grandchil stretch among other The best te located n Plymouth at 650 approach involves p event on South Ma n Street at 455 8370 f o r w o m e n PLYMOUTH CANTON dren 44717 Five M ile Road 44302 C herry HzU . s

James Michael Cleveland Services for Jam es Cleveland, 64 were h eld Aug 20 at St Thomas a Becket Church with burial at Parkview Cemetery Mr Cleveland was born in CeHutar & M are 1938 in Detroit and died Aug 17 He was a hi lo driver Survivors include wife, b e c o m e s Lillian, daughter, Nancy (Lou) Jaber and sons James (Patncia) Cleveland and K urt UNLIMITED Cleveland Arrangements made by L J W eekends G nffin F uneral H om e Canton ^ r v i r e l e s s Chapel

Richard William Hall Plus Services for R ichard Hall, 74, ofP lym outh w ere held Aug 19 at the Schrader-Howell Funeral H om e w ith th e R ev Roy G 1000 Forsyth officiating Bunal was M obile 1b M obile at Riverside Cemetery m Plym outh M r H all w as b o rn Aug 5, MINUTES 1928 in Detroit and died Aug 16 to call any o( our 80 nOllon oustontors anytkno m Supenor Township He was a retired forem an for General Motors Corporation He worked a t th e P ow ertrain Plant m Rom ulus H e cam e to the Plymouth community m 1966 a n y t i m e from Dearborn Heights He m i n u t e s CDMA/AMPS/PCS TRI MODE PHONE TRI MODE Digital CDMA liked to golf, h u n t and travel to 3 0 0 Las Vegas H e w as a loving FOR monthly L G - T M 5 1 0 C D M - 8 1 0 0 father an d grandfather $ 3 9 9 9 access He was preceded m death by • Dual LCD for Caller ID • 800 MHz Amps/ hzs wife, \V anda Hall Every m onth as long as yoj remain on the plan W th 2 year agreement 800 MHz CDMA/ Survivors include son, • Data/2 Way S M S Calls placed outside the calling plan area are 69c/m in 1900 MHz PCS Operation ^ Richard (Earn) Hall II of • Internet Browser Plymouth, daughter, Pamela A ll with no roaming or long distance charges when • Data Capable • Phone Book/PC Sync (Frank) Grzelak of Milan, calling on the America's Choice^ network. • Vibrating Alert grandchildren, Brandon and • Vibration Alert The Am ericas Choice network covers over 250 m illion people in • Caller ID Jennifer Grzelak and Isabell and the U S Network not available In all areas C D M A tri m ode phone Liam Hall with updated software requ red M obile to M obile not available $ 9 9 0 0 * $ > 1 9 9 5 Memorial contributions may throughout the Am erica e Choice Network be m ade to A rbor Hospice Reg. »199“" Arrangements made by R e g . »49® Schrader-Howell Funeral Home CeUutar & M ore n# # « « ^ U!a Lucille Aluia TRI MODE Digital 1x CDMA Soon to be Services for Lila Alma, 75, of South Lyon (formerly of fltoomfiBid - Ooenino Soon! H o w a f I C D M - 9 1 5 0 X Plym outh) w ere held Aug 19 at 2519 W Maple Road 847 N Latson Road the Schrader-Howell Funeral (S W corner of Cranbrook and Maple) (N E corner of Grand River) • l x RTT Compatible Home with Mr Sanford Burr (248) 723 6300 (517) 545 7220 • Data Capable (uptomkbps) officiating Burial was at B r ig h to n L i v o n i a • Built-in Speakerphone Riverside Cemetery in 315 5 Grand Rver 33833 Plym outh Road Plym outh (just east of M ain Street) (west of Farm ington Road) (Two-way) Mrs Alma was bom Dec 22, (810) 227 7440 (734) 266 2300 •11 Melody Ringer 19 2 6 m D earborn and died Aug L i v o n i a C a n t o n • 911 Call 15 m A nn A rbor She w orked at 44011 Ford Road 31330 Schoolcraft M ichigan Bell Tfelephone (3 biks east of Sheldon Road) (at M errim an) • Weighs 3 8 O Z /108g (v/lthstanctaixl batary) (734) 422 7440 Company as a telephone opera­ (734) 981 7440 • Size (H) 128mm x (W) 45mm x (D) 20 mm Any In-Stock Accessory to r until h e r m arriage to F a n t n n M il fo r d (with coupon) William in 1947 She was raised 18010 Silver Parkway 101E Commerce $4Q00* in Plym outh an d graduated (In Silver Lake Village) (at M ain Street) H - l l R e g . »99"“ from P lym outh H igh School in (810) 629 7440 (248) 684 7440 19 4 4 She enjoyed reading, bak­ Hartland - Ooenina SoonI P l y m o u t h ing and cooking She also was 10112 Highland Road 903 W Ann Arbor Road ‘Important Consumar Inforfliatlon Night & waakand hours Mon Fri 9 OOpm 9 59am Sat 12am Sun th e caregiver for h er husband (S E corner of M 59 and Old U S 23) (just w est of M a n Street) 1159pm Subset to 2 year Customer Agriemsnt and Ca ngPan Act vat on fee of $30 $35 squred (734) 354 6000 $175 sa I/te m nat on fee Requ ee credit ^proval Notava abe na markets Cannot be combined with w hen he w as ill She enjoyed othe offers Usage ounded to next full mrute Unused al owances lost Lmted timeoffe e Geographic Platinum Agent w riting sto n es an d poem s for andothe estrctlonsappy Subject to taxes other cha ges See store fo detaU @2002 Ver con Wreless A8 (P) O b s e r v e r & Eccentric! Thursday August 29 2002 O p in io n WWW observerandpccentric com


Elected officials H put money where m -■ » . * 4 . their hearts are T he sense o f doom m ust have settled in on Darlene Dreyer almost fk>m the beginning of the Aug 19 Plymouth City Commission m eeting . .V# Dreyer was there to ask the city for $1,000 to help sponsor a special concert commemorating the anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 terronst attacks But the city commission has kept a pretty tight hand on the purse strings latdy in the wake of Gov Engler s since-over-rid den veto of the state budget, including the revenue shanng por­ tion In fact, a large part of the Aug 19 meeting was spent deading what not to spend money on And here was Drej^r, the executive director of the Plymouth Symphony, standing up to ask for $1,000 for a concert that isn’t even ^ in g to be held in the city (it’s set for 7 30 p m Sept 11 at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church) It didn t look good PAULHUfiSCHMANNlOBSERVER “From the start of the meeting, handing was an issue, so I got pretty nervous,” Dreyer recalled ‘ I thought there would be Physical Education teachers Tom Garrett and Vai Canfield take attendance m the gym durmq second hour at Plymouth High School on the first day of some controversy at even discussing it I was a little anxious ” school Monday Here was the problem Dreyer was asking the city to match grants already approved by Plymouth Township and Canton Township trustees, who h ^ already stepped up to the plate to back the project However, both grants came with the proviso LEHERS th a t the city m atch N o city, no concert But with the city taking ^ e position that no money should be spent lest the specter of revenue shanng cuts again be raised, Inappropriate manner coaches and administrative personnel editonal ("Protesters have right to opinion,” the grant seemed, at best, unlikely “It’s an honorable event M eijer’s generous donation of cheese, Aug 22) concerning the protesters at (but) I don’t think it’s fair to take taxpayer dollars and spend As a panshioner of Our Lady of Good crackers, veggies, chicken wings and cook­ OLGC I was very appreciative of the fact ^ e m on one community event while telling the city administra­ Counsel, I must say that after reading the ies fed over 1,000 visitors' Many thanks to you supported their First Amendment tion to put things on hold for the taxpayers,” commissioner Observers account of the protesting ordeal P atnaa and staff for their exemplary efforts nghts M ichele Potter said at the church, I felt compelled to wnte in delivenng refreshments to our cafetena We live m a society th a t for the m ost part That didn’t mean there wasn’t support for the project, m fact, These people do have a right to protest, but including chilled bottled water You believes in post 1960s values It is unfortu­ the commission immediately proved they absolutely supported the m anner in w hich they are doing so is thought of everything' nate that many of these values are therapy It by putting their o^vn money where their mouths were While highly inappropriate We are very pleased that Meijer has based instead of reality based These values murmuring in the audience and on the dais continued, commis­ I spent four years on cam pus a t the expressed interest m our new school family have been pushed upon us by institutions of sioner Ron Loiselle polled commissioners and city staffers, and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, at Plymouth High School and we look for­ higher education and those who beheve came up with the money from personal donations where being openly pro-life is not exactly ward to a strong working relationship their level of education makes them superi­ City commissioners ftyquently draw criticism for the way easy But I stuck with my beliefs and Your program is a wonderful example of the or o r even elitist In som e cases we have th ^ handle taxpayer money, and it’s possible they would have became a member of the Students For Life success th at can be achieved when area become convinced that to think or speak gotten some flak ^ad they approved this request out of city I also made my un-liberal presence known businesses and the community pool their contrary to th e social norm is somehow fiinds Instead, they found a way to exerase their fiduciary by responding to many left-wing editonals efforts to support education wrong In other words, bemg politically cor­ responsibility to the city and still make sure a worthwhile cause Itythe authors o f the M ichigan Daily in Your generosity contributed to the suc­ rect IS all th a t is im portant got the support it deserved those four years cess of a very special evening for our new The very institutions that were founded Elected officials are supposed to keep the best interests of In my senior year, SFL put on the school family Again, many thanks for the upon open discussion an d expression of their residents m mind In Plymouth and Canton townships, Genocide Awareness Project, in which I collaborative efforts of the wonderful staff ideas now n diculc anyone w ho is n o t politi­ and in the City of Plymouth, this vote showed they’re doing just partiapated Our display area was the at M eijers cally correct or disagrees with their views th at Diag, one of the busiest places on campus Michael T. Bee, Principal The protesters a t OLGC are n o t politically The photos we displayed there w ere more Plymouth High School correct concerning their views on the abor­ graphic and gruesom e than the ones these tion issue T h at does not m ean they are protesters are showing and much, much Not both ways wrong, n o r does it m ean their rights are any Set rules for police bigger However, there is one huge differ­ less important than those who favor abor­ ence I am writing m response to the coverage tion The Genocide Awareness Project took in your newspaper about the protest at Our The Bill of Rights spells out the basic avil recording interviews place on a college campus, w here th e audi­ L ^ y of Good Counsel m Plymouth liberties of Amencan citizens which the ence was 18 years o f age and older W e also I have joined the protesters for the past government cannot violate The First Requiring police to videotape interrogations of suspects and displayed signs a t entrances to th e Diag several weeks because I am so upset by the Amendment may have been listed first subsequent confessions may not be the easiest way for police to which warned people there were disturbing deafening silence by members of the clergy because it defines the most important, the do their work. However, it does seem time to consider establish­ “GENOCIDE PHOTOS AHEAD ” to the public statements made by Jennifer most basic liberties of Americans The First ing a standard procedure to ensure fairness and justice for These protesters are m front of our Granholm that she is BOTH CaAolic AND Amendment is why America exists This everyone church, a place for people of all ages They pro-abortion constitutional amendment that protects the The case of a Livonia double homicide at the Logan’s restau­ are getting in dnvers’ faces with ^ e ir This is an absolute impossibility' You protesters’ right to protest and (hsplay what rant spurred talk of the issue in this paper In that case, the sus­ posters, and children in those cars are get­ CANNOT be both Choose (remember is considered by some to be disturbing pect had confessed to the murder, but in court the defense ting scared Should little kids be subjected “choice’O one or the other, Ms Granholm images of aborted fetuses also protects the attorney wanted to know why the confession wasn’t taped The to such awful pictures? I didn’t even know You m ust choose to follow the church s nghts of those who support other opinions judge ^ 0 wished it had been taped (while agreeing with the w hat abortion was until I w as m th e 10th teachings on life or leave the church and on this issue prosecution that the statement wasn t coerced) grade' Now, these children are assoaatmg remain pro-abortion Sometimes it is not easy to be an The issue of taping was cited in other media this week with pictures of dismembered, aborted babies Until the shepherds of this parish, or A m encan It is n o t always easy to rem em ­ the story of a mentally ill Detroit man whose confession and with coming to church One little 4-year- absent that, the shepherd of this diocese ber that the First Amendment protects the conviction in the rape and murder of a teenager was overturned old boy I know went home after Mass one make this fact clear to their sheep, we will nghts of those that believe m therapy-based based on DMA evidence — bu t not until he d spent 17 years in week, and the first thing he said was, “The remain m public protest educating and behaviors, blind tolerance and relativism, as pnson The confession was reportedly on paper and some audio babies were dead. Mommy” praying well as those who believe in individual tape Would Jesus w ant this’ I don t th in k so Diane Stamp responsibility, objectivity, patnotism, and Local police have their reasons for not taping Operating the To borrow from the popular acronym, W hat Plymouth self control The First Amendment protects recorder breaks up the flow or rapport of an interview/confes- Would Jesus Do’ Certainly not what these ‘adult” books, movies and magazines as sion, recording equipment could fail or there could be claims of protesters are doing to young children, nor Choose iife well as th e Bible, preachers an d pnests editing m the tape, and if you tape in one case, you d have to would He sue th e Plym outh police These Show me someone who would spend tape in all cases In addition, experts say the camera angle can people have made the assumption that all Thank you for the coverage calling atten­ their entire life shouting at the top of their be used to make a person look guilty or coerced parishioners of OLGC are pro-choice, tion to the so-called “pro-choice” position of lungs in disagreement with another and yet All valid points However, many would be overcome if there which IS simply not true Whatever hap­ Jennifer Granholm Because of her views defend the other’s nght to speak, and I will were a state or national standard Videotaping, m capital cases pened to “judge not lest ye be judged’” on abortion, Granholm has received the show you a true Amencan Instead of call­ espeaally, could be set up so that such recordings become sec­ Also, please make sure you get your facts endorsement of the special interest group ing the police because you disagree with the ond nature Police interrogation rooms could be automatically straight Father Doc Ortman never said he "Emily’s List” a totally pro-abortion group protesters at OLGC, thank them for exeras- set up to record And angles could also be standardized supported a particular candidate, m this that supports women politick candidates mgtheir liberty and nghts as Amencans If If everything is recorded in these interviews, nothing can be case Granholm He was simply trying to who fully agree with its agenda That agen­ we do not exercise our nghts they will subject to question It’s much like the in-car cameras which are explain how people who call themselves da includes support for partial-birth abor­ become weak and useless now quite standard for police and which most often help pro­ pro-choice” have taken this term to repre­ tions and public funding of abortions This Chris Hadin tect police from charges of brutality or coercion sent their group and beliefs We are all free means it wants abortion on demand and to Plymouth V irile the issue certainly isn t as black-and-white as it might to choose things in life — God did give us a force taxpayers who are truly pro-life into appear - after all the FBI doesn’t use videotape - there are good free will -- but pro-choicers have taken the the killing fields of abortion clinics reasons to come up with a national or state standard for local name m political correctness so they are not I respectfully disagree with Father Doc police to follow m capital cases referred to by the more harsh term, “pro- Ortman of Our Lady of Good Counsel who As Redford Ibwnship’s deputy chief John Buck said It pro­ abortion ” It may be the woman s body, but was quoted as saying that, "The concern ' SHARE YOUR OPINIONS ' vides you with a medium to present to the jury so they can see there is another life inside of her, a baby (regarding Granholm’s position on life) has We welcome your letters to the editor Please that there was no tnckery and everything was done correctly” who deserves th e gift of life come from a mistaken notion that being include your name address and phone number Oh, and Mr Stephens, we pray for the pro-choice is equal to being pro-abortion ” for verification We ask that your letters be 400 salvation of all o f us sinners, only God is Sorry, Father, but being pro-choice is being words or less We may edit for clarity space and w ithout sm pro-abortion' In accepting the language of PLYMOUTH content Amy K. Olszewski the pro-abortiomst camp. Father has Plymouth become a victim of its propaganda that tnes to hide the reality of abortion Mall Letters to the editor Part of HomeTown Communications Network^^ Thanks to Meijer G ranholm should come clean and not hide her pro-abortion stance behind the Plymouth Observer Brad Kadrich Todd Williams On behalf of the students, staff, and com­ euphemism of being “pro-choice” Choose 794 South Mam Community Editor Director of Advertising munity at Plym outh High School, I am life’ Plymouth Ml 48170 writing to express our gratitude for M eger’s Margaret Spas Hugh Gallagher Tom Neri offer to sponsor Plym outh H igh School Canton Faxi Managing Editor General Manager through Its school partnership program (734) 459 4224 Last Thesday we welcomed our incoming Protecting rights Susan Rosiek Dick Aginian freshmen and families to tour their new E-mail Executive Editor President facility and meet faculty, support staff. I read with interest and approval your bkadrich@oe homecomm net

Jeanne Towar Phil Power VP Editorial Chairman of the Board ^ QUOTABLE "We're not 'playing' school anymore. Today, it's the real thing." Our fundamental purposes are to enhance the lives of our readers, nurture the hometowns we serve and contribute Barb Zdrodowski to the business success of our customers Secretary, Plymouth High School WWW observerandeccentric com OTHER VIEWS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 (P) A9

your engines! The The possibility of having a topless bar in Old Village is nothing more governor's race is on than a contrived issue for critics As a result of their conventions over the Gov John Engler was not always able to control weekend, Republicans and Democrats now his own convention against the establishment, G ot an in terestin g anonym ous n o te th e o ther of the city’s only newsmagazine shave my head have their tickets set for the November general witness the 1998 selection of John Smetanka day, wondering why we haven’t bashed the city on th e steps o f City H all election We can look forward to one of the over Scott Romney for Attorney General — a com m ission for o pening th e city u p to th e pos­ ■ I t’s a sham e th e school d istric t couldn’t find m ost interesting and consequential elections m convention choice that opened the way for sibility of a topless bar, while covering the con­ anyone with any enthusiasm to take over for the recent M ichigan history, w ith th e governorship Granholm s election and subsequent rapid rise troversy over Jennifer Granholm’s pro-choice departed Kathleen Booher as the superintend­ vacant for th e first tim e in m ore th a n a decade stance ent, isn t it (note the tongue-m-cheek tone) an d bo th houses o f th e legislature potentially The two aren’t remotely connected, but that Jim Ryan, th e in te rim su p e rin te n d e n t (at up for grabs A suburbanite who won in a slightly doesn’t really matter It’s an easy question to least until the school board reviews his per­ At their party conventions answ er form ance m D ecem ber), w as m h is elem ent over the weekend, GOP Republican district, Bennett offers some W e covered th e p rotesters at Monday as the first year of his tenure began gubernatonal nominee Lt Our Lady of Good Counsel w ith a ban g H e g ot a new bu ild in g (Plym outh Gov Dick Posthumus picked geographic balance to Posthumus, whose because they re making a pub­ High School) open, and he got the 17,000-stu­ State Sen Loren Bennett to be lic statem ent, w ith overt p u b ­ d e n t d istn c t sta rted m style I his running m ate w hile his roots are deep in rural western Michigan. lic acts th a t are affecting the It’s the greatest day of the year, the 54-year- Democratic opponent operations of a Plymouth old Ryan said “T his is w h at it’s all ab o u t Attorney General Jennifer Whether he'll be a good attack dog against Township church We wrote a Everybody’s w orked all sum m er to g et buildings G ranholm tabbed S tate Sen story th a t p resen ted both leady for the kids to return This is the celebra­ John C herry B oth selections Granholm remains to be seen. sides o f th e arg u m en t, an d an tio n p oint, w hen it all goes w ell ’ highlight insights about the ed ito n al sta n d in g u p for th e Everything’s a celebration for Ryan, who lost Phil structure a n d dynam ics o f ou r Brad nghts of the protesters As b o th o f his p aren ts to sm oking b y th e age o f 50 Power major political parties adricf P lym outh T ow nship treasu rer Ryan has surpassed th a t age, a n d w akes up B ennett, 51, is com pleting Ron Edwards correctly noted every morning thankful for the chance to live his second te rm in th e state durmg one of our regular another day Senate Before his election in 1994, h e served talks, “If a newspaper doesn’t “I know it sounds (cliche), th e likable Ryan SIX years as Canton Township Clerk He was Looking a t th e D em ocratic selection is equal­ stan d u p fo r free speech, w ho’s going to ’ ’ said ‘But I really am thankful every morning first elected to the township board in 1980, ly illuminating Sen Cherry, 51, of Clio (near That doesn’t mean we necessanly agree with I’m 54 years old, and every day I’m alive is a w inning th e p art-tim e seat a t age 29 H e P lint), h as a w ealth of legislative experience H e what they’re saying, we simply defend to the g reat day” becam e interested in public ofBce after atten d ­ served tw o te rm s in the state H ouse an d four death their right to say it Personally, I think Ryan, chosen almost as a symbol of stability ing a tow nship m eeting m th e late 1970s w hen terms in the state Senate, where he was widely what they’re doing constitutes preaching to the m the wake of Booher’s now-you-see me, now- he was a member of the Jaycees respected on b o th sides o f th e aisle choir Their tactics aren’t going to change the you-don t act last year, was extremely pleased By all accounts, Bennett is reasonably effec­ Direct, sometimes to the point of gruff ness, minds of any pro-choice (anti-abortion, if you w ith how th e first day w ent, n g h t d ow n to th e tive although not particularly inspiring law­ Cherry offers voters a contrast to Granholm prefer) advocates, m fact, using those disgust­ scheduling of a half-day beginning maker ft’om Canton Township, the most rapidly He’s close to organized labor (Granholm was ing pictures is more likely to deepen their con­ “We came up with the half-day for the opener, growing community in vote-nch western backed m the primary by only the teachers and victions And, of course, the pro-life segment of and I think that’s good,” Ryan said “Kids have W ayne C ounty A suburbanite w ho w on m a th e team sters), h as a m ixed voting record on society already agrees with them, although trouble sleeping the night before I know I did sh^tly Republican district, Bennett offers abortion (Granholm says shes solidly pro- m any o f those people also d isagree w ith th e tac­ Everybody’s excited I saw a lot of parents pick­ some geographic balance to Posthumus, whose choice) and is largely pro-gun (Granholm tics demonstrators are using ing up kids, going to lunch together, kids riding roots are deep in rural w estern M ichigan helped organize a ballot drive against the law I like what Ned McGrath, the spokesman for their bikes Now everyone comes back W hether he 11 be a good attack dog against that e^ed the barriers to getting a concealed the Catholic archdiocese, said McGrath felt like ('Riesday) for the first full day G ranholm rem ains to be seen w eapon perm it) the people demonstrating outside OLGC might I t’s tough to fin d anyone in th e d istric t who Most experts I talked with over the weekend For Granholm, who clearly understands that be better off helping candidates who agree with isn’t encouraged by R yans p resen ce T h e guy is called the nomination safe but uninspired a major Republican attack will be on her lack of them, rather than attacking candidates who honest, fo rth n g h t and fo rth co m in g By m ost O ne pointed o u t that, Posthum us is th e u n d e r­ Lansing experience (she s only served four years don’t accounts, h is style is 180 degrees fro m the dog m this race, and playing safe is hardly the m the capital city), Cherry offers reassuring leg­ As for the topless bar, it simply isn’t going to wrought-iron fist with which Booher ruled the way to jum p-start a campaign that’s already islative seniority Moreover, Granholm realizes happen It’s a created issue, just like the fate of d istn ct, w hich m u st com e as a d ee p b re a th o f well behind ’ that if elected governor m November, she will C entral M iddle School w as d u n n g th e last city fresh air to d istn c t staffers A n alternative, he said, w ould have bee n to likely be facing at least one house of the legisla­ election It’s another way for critics of the city H ere’s a piece o f advice fo r school b o ard pres­ select a moderate like State Sen John “Joe ’ ture controlled by the opposing party She will commission to twist actions to make commis­ id e n t Liz G ivens a n d h e r cohorts L e ts rem ove Schw arz — w ho differs w ith P osthum us on have to govern o u t of th e center an d to do so sioners look b ad the m tenm tag from this guy’s label now, rather abortion a n d g u n control b u t w ho appeals to she will need somebody who knows the ms and City commissioners care too much about than waiting for any December review He’s suburban w om en an d m oderates — an d have a outs of the legislative process Cherry helps their town, have too much respect for their show n his loyalty to th e d istn c t, a n d h e s earned big fight at the GOP convention A nd a t a D em ocratic convention, w here a neighborhoods, to let something like that set up the nght to do the job free of any labels “T h at way, w in or lose, said m y source, majonty of the voting delegates are members of shop That might trigger those ftail city ‘ Posthumus would have demonstrated his will­ organized labor, picking a union ally helps new sletter” criticism s th a t have b ee n leveled at ingness to reach beyond the traditional solidify th e p arty after w h at could have been a us from dow n th e stree t (w hich is silly, since Brad Kadrich is the community editor of the Plymouth Republican base ” bruising pnmary election we’ve tak en m ore th a n o u r sh are o f op p o rtu n i­ Observer and always looked forward to the first day of Win or lose’ Lose badly, I suspect The Lady and gentleman, start your engines' The tie s to criticize th e city), b u t I ’ll m ake th is school He can be reached via e mail at Republican state party apparatus — staunchly race is on w ager I f a topless b a r ever o pens its doors any­ bkadnch@oe homecomm net or by phone at (734} 459 R ight to Life an d pro-gun — is firm ly m control where m the city of Plymouth, I’ll let the editor 2700 of any GOP convention vote Schwarz, who Phil Power is the Chairman of the Board of the company could have been an asset to the ticket m the that owns this newspaper He would be pleased to get your November election is anathema to the GOP reactions to this column either at (734) 953 2206 or at establishment And history suggests that even ppower@homecomm net

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The exhibit runs through Saturday Sept 28 Meet 38 Special plays old favorites and new Penchansky Glasser at an 30 pm Saturday Aug 31, on the Flagstar Bank Stage. opening reception 7 9 p m Friday Sept 6 Gallery hours are 11am 5 pm Tuesday Thursday CHRYSLER ARTS, and 11 am 9pm Friday Four-day festival bigger Saturday (734) 761 2287 BEA1S SEATS What: The festival fea­ Here s a chance to hold ^nd better than ever tures 185 artists 43 your own Dark Shadows restaurants, nearly 140 marathon at home Dark local acts plus headliners Shadows DVD Collection Two ($59 98) with 40 BY LINDA ANN CHOMIN increased the amount of m otto a n d people will defi 38 Special Clarence episodes of the popular STAFF WR TER activities for kids nitely not be disappointed Clemons Temple of Soul, 1960s 70s spooky soap It costs alm ost a $1 m il­ th is year and th e adm is Isley Brothers and opera was released on OVD gM Its, Beats & E ats and lion dollars to p u t on, Sion IS free this week th e b an d 38 Special $225,000 for m usic and M ichele R iddel Sawyer Brown on 5- The four disc set tells the M ® have som ething in $50,000 for power alone B agnasco likes th e energy stages, children's enter­ common - a history of There s lots of great stuff of the festival It s one of bewitching story of immor tainment on the Farmer tal vampire Barnabas pleasing crowds Granted for families New is the the reasons the Plymouth Collins and the people of the four-day festival’s only D etroit P istons interactive artist decided to show her Jack stage activities for . fictional Collinsport been around five years basketball shooting contest 3-dimensional mixed all ages The set includes show com pared to the rock w ith o pportunities to w in When:4-11 pm Friday, episodes 251 290 as well as groups 27, but both con­ prizes We have pedal cars, PLEASE SEE FESTIVAL, B2 .t^onus interviews with tinue to develop and nine kiddie ndes, an arts Aug 30 11 a m to 11 p m senes creator Dan Curtis m atu re and crafts center enter­ Saturday-Sunday Aug Si- tainment for kids There and actors Dark Shadows From Aug 30 to Sept 2, Sept 1, and 11 a m to 8 inspired two movies two the extravaganza of visual will be everything from novels and currently airs on art, m usic and food fills the Italian to M exican, p m Monday, Sept Z theSci Fi Channel streets o f dow ntow n seafood, Indian, and Where: Downtown P ontiac w ith 185 Greek food New is the Pontiac Parking avail­ ■ Everybody polka! exhibitors, 43 restaurants resta u ran t Sw eet Georgia Cant polka? a n d nearly 140 local acts Brown a n d D etroit Lion able at Phoenix Center, You II also find rock plus headliners 38 Special, H erm an M oores Woodward and Water Clarence Clemons Temple Breadeaux Pizza bands like the Howling Street ($8) or take a Oiablos at this years of Soul, Isley Brothers, W e’ve given alm ost Hamtramck Labor Day Sawyer Brown, Alexander $ 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 to chanties like shuttle from the Pontiac Festival Saturday Aug 30 Zonjic and his S m ooth the Rainbow Connection, Silverdome Opdyke Road H aven a n d Fanclub Monday Sept 2 Jazz All Stars, Stewart and M-59 ($5 per vehi­ The Howling Diablos per Francke, and Grinder with F oundation for th e A rts m form at 7 pm Monday Sept R ed W ings star D arren the last four years, cle) For more informa­ 2 on the festival s north McCarty Last year’s event $237,000 to charity last tion call (248) 975-8850 Kalamazoo artist Lewis Tardy is stage drew 13 million people year just from food sales or visit the Web site at The Polish Muslims ‘The event is grow ing in T here are 15 food them es, sure to stop crowds with his Squeeze Doctors Brothers Michele Riddel Bagnasco shows her 3 D mixed media size to fit our large 17 different m usic styles large-scale sculptures made artsbeatseats com Groove The Witches work along with more than 180-artists at Chrysler crowds, said producer Jon Something for everyone from automobile parts and Waxwingsand many other Arts, Beats & Eats WitzoflVoy We’ve has always been our welded steel local groups will entertain during the three day event

Hart Plaza hosts legendary and local jazz artists at festival

ut on Pete Fountains Artistic where he still plays fiiree n i^ ts a ing my dues I got nd of the bus Swingin'Blues CD an d see week. and we fly now” impressions P if you can l ^ p firom danc­ O n Monday, S ep t 2, Fountain Louis Armstrong, Harry ing The legendary dannetist will have the crowd on dieir feet James, A1 H irt are just a few of swings Dixieland like no one else m H art Plaza for the final concert the legends F ountains played 7 2 of the 23rd annual Ford Detroit with over the years In between can That’s because the -year Linda old Fountain was bom and raised International Jazz Festival whicii he found time to record 9 0 Howling Diablos m New Orleans, the birthplace of lomin opens Friday, Aug 30 lake a albums, perform for four U S the only tme Amencan art form - pied piper he’ll lead them Up a presidents, and appear on th e Fd Visitors also will find eth jazz reputation for his musical skills Lazy Rzverthen rattle their bones Sullivan and Johnny Carson me food booths a petting By age nine he’d already taken m th e stn p d ubs on B ourbon wi\h Muskrat Ramble H e’s shows In fact, he was on Carsons zoo puppet shows story up d araet after a doctor told his Street played Detroit a dozen times over Tonight Show a total of 59 times tellers a classic car cruise mother he had weak lungs and His fame soon spread as a th e years Fountain’s ne\er lost his quick a parade (1pm Monday suggested they eiftier move to the mainstay on the Lawrence Welk ‘I always loved jazz and grow­ wit Hejokes that age hasn’t Sept 2) and polka bands country or Pete take up a wind Show m the late 1950s Families ing up where all the jazz musi­ changed him much but he used The action takes place in mstmment He chose darmet across Amenca tuned m just to cians played, said Fountain to be 6-foot, 5-inches and now the heart of the city on and by 14 had formed a band to see Fountain play New Orleans Now I m only out on the road h e s 5 foot, 6 Legendary clarinetist Pete Fountain Joseph Campau between play New Orleans dubs on the jazz Shortly after he opened a twice a month ilivedityabusfor performsSpm Monday, Sept 2, at the Caniffand Carpenter weekends At 17 he was earning a jazz dub in the French Quarter many years for one-mgiiters pay­ PLEASE SEE CHO M IN, B6 Ford Detroit International Jazz Festival

Makes no difference as long as you take time to put your feet u p , get comfor Ballet Shoes or Wing Tips? and spend some time widi us. B2 Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 ARTS, BEATS S EATS WWW observerandeccentnc com

Like Arts, Beats & Eats that people believe in and fine a r t tw o y ears ago “I use Lew is T ardy is sure to sto p V an Z a n t to o k a few m in ­ FESTIVAL organizers, Bagnasco sees that people can live by,’ said old shutters for frames, old crow ds w ith his large scale utes from a stop in Alaska to FROM PAGE B1 herself as evolving Bagnasco, who earned a keys, pieces of wood and trim sculptures made from auto­ ta lk a b o u t th e new C D 38 ‘My work is collage using bachelor of fine arts degree from flea markets, salvage mobile parts and welded steel Special is recording in their media Earlier this summer vintage photos and found from the University of yards and antique stores It’s “W hen I’m excited I’m Atlanta, Ga studio h er w o rk in trig u e d crow ds in objects and are based on sto­ Michigan m 1987 then went kind of like improvisation thrilled,” said Konikow “I ve “W e h av e 8 -tra ck s to g e th e ftl G reektow n a n d a t th e A n n nes or quotes They have on to w ork in d esign a n d with the found objects It b e e n h e re since th e in c e p tio n already,” said Van Zant “It’s ^ Arbor State Street Art Fair messages about core values illu stratio n b efore tu rn in g to gives you inspiration It gives We ve streamlined what we rock n’ roll record We wanted a surreal feel do We have package pickup something that w ^ up in “I like A rts, B eats & B eats for patrons We started with your face We wanted to get because it’s an upbeat, urban 100 artists and in a few short b ac k to It se ttin g w ith th e m usic an d years have earned a reputa­ “I t’s b e e n a very b u sy year d iffe ren t foods I t h a s a lo t o f tion as the 23rd best fine art We released A W ild E yed Chow down at Arts, Beats S Eat e n e rg y ” show in th e n atio n by C hristm as N ig h t w ith tr a d i­ Bagnasco’s art is typical of Sunshine Artist magazine ” tional music and four origi­ works shown m the festival Lon W itz IS just as deter­ nals at the end of 2001, did a Kirk Swansons customers easy to eat I serve Sesame in the club,” said Donna Carr, Art director Lisa Konikow m in ed to ea rn a re p u ta tio n W arner Bros tnbute CD for love his nutty noodles Chicken o n a stick The flavor banquet manager looks fo r creativity a n d over­ fo r th e m u sic p o rtio n o f th e Hank Williams, and recorded A nd after ta stin g th e vege­ is ours but It’s served differ­ She selects desserts th a t all quality of craftsmanship festival She weeded through a so u n d tra c k to Super tarian dish at last year’s Arts, ently,’ he explained patrons and servers can h an ­ The Bloomfield Township 300 submissions and CDs Troopers, a m ovie a b o u t Beats & Eats, downtown Stir Crazy staff will serve dle easily in a festival setting resident knows art She used looking for ‘a professional troopers with an attitude ” Pontiac’s Labor Day weekend tw o o th er chicken entrees, ‘ It s a great festival a n d it to manage the former sound and different styles of Not bad for a band cele­ festival, p atro n s k ep t asking including a sw eet a n d spicy serves us well,” she added Xochipilli gallery m music ’ She found up and brating Its 27th anniversary for m ore dish, at festival this year Sw anson said S tir Crazy B irm in g h am coming artists like Southfield While others have come and “Nutty Noodle is a cold A rts, B eats & E ats runs 4 receives great exposure *We had over 900 artists jazz flutist Althea Rene (see g one, 38 Special keeps rolling salad I t’s easy to eat,” said p m -11 p m Fnday, A ug 30, through the four-day event apply from across the U S related story) on After it finishes this tour Sw anson, g eneral m a n ag e r a t 11 a m -11 p m Saturday- T he staff will h an d o u t te m ­ and Canada,” said Konikow ‘ We have six stages includ­ m October, it records and Stir Crazy m Auburn Hills “I Sunday, Aug 31-Sept 1 and porary tattoos this year in “It’s a juried fine arts show in g th e F arm er Ja c k sta g e fo r then It’s back on the road in h a d a lo t o f requests fo r it ’ 11 a m -8 p m , M onday, Sept addition to selling food featuring ceramics, painting, kids,” said Lon Witz, music February Van Zant said he Unfortunately for noodle 2 S tir Crazy is o ne o f approx­ A sampling of Arts, Beats & drawing, photography, sculp­ coordinator “We try to keep draws his energy from the lovers, Swanson doesn’t keep im ately 4 0 restau ran ts and Eats vendors Sweet Georgia ture, digital art, fabne/fiber, It separate The Flagstar Bank crowd especially on nights th e d ish on S tir C raty’s regu­ food vendors representing Brown, Picanos, Rainforest glass, wood, graphics, pnnt- stage IS rock, jazz and coun­ like this one m Alaska After la r m enu B ut h e w ill b rin g it the ‘ eats” part of the festival Cafe, Rangoh Indian Cuisine, making, jewelry (precious try, Pepsi IS all types of rock, sp e n d in g 7 1 / 2 h o u rs o n th e ' back to A rts, B eats & E ats Bennigans, for example, Baja Fresh Mexican Gnll, and non-precious metal), and Miller Lite is blues, r & b with plane and another two m the this weekend will serve Southwestern egg Mesquite Creek Steakhouse, mixed media (2-D and 3-D) some jazz, Anti-Defamation car, the group hits the stage The restaurant’s regular roles a n d pineapple salsa, B enihana, H ea t (form erly The $10,000 in awards League is all acoustic music. ready to rock menu includes create-your- quesadill^, bamboo chicken Crazy Moes), Duggan’s Irish d rew som e o f th e b e s t local Dodge IS Latin to country ’ ‘W e’re so m e b usy o ld guys,” own stir-fry dishes, steaks, an d s h n m p Pub, Kerb/s Koney Island, artists as well including Stan Donnie Van Zant and 38 said Van Zant “We’ll keep n ee, salads A sian noodles, The Heathers Club of Rosie O Grady s Pub, Megdall (glass), Barbara and Special bring new music as playing as long as we keep ' ® appetizers, fish and home- Bloom field H ills w ill prepare Olympian Cafe, Larry’s Soul Ernest Abel (photography) well as old favorites like H old h av in g fu n m ^e desserts Swanson chocolate crepes, fhiit crepes, Food, Bangkok Cuisine and Susan Cobb (fabne/fiber) on Loosely and Caught Up in “We invite everyone to serves a handfiil of entrees at brownies, cream puffs and Express, Pike Street of West Bloomfield, Donna You to the Flagstar Bank come out I guarantee they’ll A rts, Beats & Eats cheesecake for its fifth year at Restaurant, The Sheik and Beaubien (mixed media) Troy, stage 8 30 p m Saturday, leave with a smile on their “viTiat I try to do is n o t A rts, B eats & E ats BD’s Mongolian Barbecue A dam S hirley (jew elry) A ug 31 T hey ve b e e n o n a fa c e ” necessanly represent my “Everything w e are serving Birmingham, and William whirlwind tour since m enu there, b u t m ake w h a t’s at the festival, we serve here. Compiled by Sharon Dargay Thayer (photography) February crisscrossing the IctiomirKl’oe homecomm net ’ Bedford Kalamazoo artist n atio n (734) 953-2145 You won't miss h Going Places! Hop on OA


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FLOORING F rst Presbyterian Church Birmingham wwwfpcbirmingham org $ 2 0 NOT VALID WITH ANY Dande Hardwood Flooring Company www dandefloors com Rochester First Assembly Church WWW rochesterfirst org GALLERIES OTHER DISCOUNTS. Unity of Livonia WWW urityoflivonia org Admits Entire Family Cowboy Trader Gallery www cowboytradergallery com YOUTH ATHLETICS Westland Youth Athletic Association wwwwyaaorg < Put your business On-Line!, call 1-800-989-416-14 WWW observerandeccentnc com ARTS. BEATS S EATS O bserver & Eccentric \ Thursday August 29 2002 B3

ARTS, BEATS & EATS MUSIC Jazz flutist proud FLAGSTAR STAGE MILLER LITE STAGE Ethan Daniel Davidson socially conscious Mr Moody rock 8pm folk 4pm Twistin Tarantuals sing a billy 9pm Friday Friday Annie Capps acoustic rock 5pm Sunday Eightfold Path rock 5pm Busters Blues Band blues 5 pm Audra Kubat urban folk 6pm The Troubadours Latin gypsy noon Howling Dtablos rock 6pm Chef Chris & The Nairobi Trio Jeremy Kittel Celtic and jazz fiddling 7 Lazy Crazies rockabilly 1pm of aggressive style Michelle Branch rock 730pm R&B/Motown 6pm pm Central Cruz Latin/soul rock 2pm Grinder rock 845pm Bubby Jackson Blues Band high energy Monday Company of Strangers folk Celtic rock 3 Live alternative rock 10 pm rockin blues 7pm Mark ReitengaS Steve Adams rock noon pm BY LINDA ANN CHOMIN Saturday Mudpuppy featuring Paul Randolph R&B Danny Cox rock 1 p m Judy Harrison & High Impact country 4 STAFF WRITER Jonathan Butler jazz 4pm and New Orleans style blues 8pm Jess Domain pop 2 p m pm Alexcander Zonjic s Detroit Smooth Jazz Mark Arshak Band blues 9 pm g Terry Gonda pop/foik rock 3pm Jelly s Pierced Tatto roots acoustic world There’s no doubt Althea All Stars with Dave McMurray Rayse Saturday Stephen Grant Wood 4 pm beat 5pm Rene loves her flute The Biggs and Tim Bowman 630pm The Witch Doctors blues noon Lon Amey folk pop 5 p m Barbara Payton pop/rock 6pm Southfield musician in turn 38 Special rock 8 30 p m Daniel Carthanejazz 1pm Tony Phillips country 7 pm goes from caressing beautiful Clarence Clemons Temple of Soul rock 10 Lisa Cunninghams 7th Heaven R&B 2 DODGE AMERICANA STAGE Immunity reggae 8pm sound out of the instrument pm pm Friday impact7 Motown funk 9pm to aggressively playing jazz Sunday Michael Katon blues 3 p m and 8 p m Replica Junkies pop 5 pm Monday as if her life depended on it Quincy Stewart Quartet jazz 4pm Reverb Rockers rockin blues 4 pm Blue Js folksy roots 6 pm The Steve Gilbert Band roots pop/country According to Rene, some­ Stewart Francke rock 5pm Curtis Sumter blues 5 pm Tangerine Trousers folk rockoustic 7 pm rock noon times it does Ground Level jazz/R&B 630pm Rev MarcFalconberry blues 6pm Saoco Latin jazz 8pm The Wrenfields country edged rock 1 But hear for yourself when Back in the Day funk 745pm Charles Anthony & Friends R&B 7 p m Uprizin steel drums 9pm pm Rene debuts cuts from her The Isley Brothers R&B 9 30 p m The Brothers Groove R&B/jazz 9 pm Saturday Dangervtile rockabilly with attitude 2 n ew CD Chocolate Rush 9 Monday Sunday Hidden Agenda R&B/pop noon pm p m Sunday, Sept 1, on the That Damn Band country rock 1 p m Shirley Franklin & Delta Drive Texas style 47 Uma world beat 1 p m Blackman/Arnold & The World Jazz Band Miller Lite Stage at Chrysler The Drive By Truckers country rock 2 30 rock and blues noon Ridge Runners country 3 pm world beat 3 p m Arts, Beats & Eats Althea Rene debuts jazz from her new pm Complete Breakfast funk improv 1 p m Fonnmhor Celtic 4pm HighFlyin Bird roots country rock 4 pm “Flute adds a sassy element,’ CD Chocolate Rush 9pm Sunday Cindy Thompson country 4pm Warren Commission jazz 2pm Forbes Brothers country 5pm Rosendo Garcia & His Blue Notes Latin 5 said R ene “T here’s a lot of Sept 1 on the Miller Lite Stage Sawyer Brown country 6 pm Jibilian progressive fusion 3 pm Benny Cruz Y Buena Vida Latin 6pm pm mystique around it People Greg Fingers Taylor blues 4pm Superdot ska a billy 7pm Smokestack eclectic groove band 6 pm don’t look for women to play PEPSI STAGE Stewm fione Rock n jazz edged R&B 5 aggressively That comes from ‘They (male musicians) play pm years of sitting in with male FHday Chunky Funk Band R&B/jazz 6pm __ really loud to cover me up Timecube instrumental rock 5pm Amanda Waggener harddrivin blues 7 .DTE Energy* musiaans They play really ~~-music theatre- loud to cover m e u p b u t they’re South Norma! pop rock 6 pm pm MGD n o t going to sh u t m e out but they're not going to shut Radiocraft rock 7pm Yancyy jazz 8pm I T h at’s w here m y aggressive Elephant Gerald rock 8 pm Althea Rene jazz 9 pm style cam e fro m ’ me out. That's where my Calling Marvin rock 9 pm Monday D eterm ined to b e heard, Saturday Woody Washington R&B noon R ene sw itched from perform ­ aggressive style came from.' Silverweed rock noon David Myles & The Mylestones jazz 1 p m ing With m ale m usicians to th e Tongue & Groove funk rock 1 p m Shame Williams & The Wiseguys blues 2 all-female jazz group Straight Althea Rene Electric Magi rock 2 pm pm Ahead in 1997 The band, Southfield flutist Tripper rock 3pm Deb Wane & The David Lee Tno R&B 3 w hich rem ain s together, plays Slewfoot original pop rock 4 p m pm the Ford Detroit International Step 13 rock 5pm Brett Lucas Band rockm blues 4pm Jazz Festival 6 p m Friday, folk m usic to child ren s lulla­ Automatic modern rock 6pm Gwen & Charles Scales R&B 5 p m Aug 30, on the Amphitheatre bies Dusty Libido rock 7 pm KimmieHorne R&B/jazz 6pm Carry O n W ayw ard San Stage m H a rt Plaza H er fath er tru m p e te r Dezie Brothers From Another Planet funk/rock According to Rene, each of M cCullers w as w ith the 8pm ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE STAGE D ust In The W ind the members want to be able to Motown Revue so music Rooster rock 9pm / \ n / W a n t e d express themselves individually always played a large p a rt in Sunday Friday as well as collectively Shes her life In fact, her two broth­ Some Assembly Required alternative John D Lamb acoustic folk rock 5pm been taking her group Althea ers Dezie J r (saxophone) an d rock noon Wyatt Gregory pop 6 p m R ene & F riends to different Franklin (trumpet) perform on Rudderhead Lounge modern rock 1pm David Mosher folk roots 7pm venues a ro u n d to w n like the h e r new CD Annanimity alternative rock 2pm SistaOtis funky folk 8pm Ann Arbor Arts Fairs for the Chocolate Rush officially Lucid Jones power pop rock 3 p m Saturday last few years She recorded m akes it d eb u t S ept 20 at Fanboy ska punk rock 4pm Tamara Bedricky pop rock noon h e r first CD Flute Talk in 1998 Baker s in Detroit Rene labels Gold Cash Gold soulful rock 5 pm Tom Galasso acoustic blues 1 p m Rene started performing the recording of nearly all orig­ Gods Made Love classic rock nouveau 6 Pete Big Dog Fetters acoustic blues 2 professionally after studying inals as u rb a n contem porary pm pm dlassical flute a t H ow ard jazz ” Rene plays at Baker’s the Bella Red modern rock 7pm Delivery Boys folk roots 3 pm I N e e d Y o u Chrome Flies rock 8pm Jo Serrapere & Willie Dunns 4pm University on a scholarship th ird Friday o f every m onth Lonely People A fter picking u p h er sisters ‘ I started playing jazz after 50 Cent Headrush rock 9pm Wally Pleasant acoustic comedy folk in stru m e n t a t age 4, Rene Howard, said Rene Monday rock 5 p m Sister G olden Hair found she couldn’t put it down ‘ Classical requires a high Oiupus pop rock noon JulieKryk pop 6pm an d w en t o n to seriously study level of concentration I was Masquerade rock 1pm Jan Krist acoustic folk rock 7pm th e in stru m e n t w ith C lem ent practicing six h o u rs a day Nashville classic rock 2 pm Sunday M ONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 • 7:30 PM Brown, then pnncipal flutist You re told w hen to b reathe Michael King Band pop rock 3 pm Jeff Crawford of Twin Pigs acoustic rock M ets iviilabk at I'tellut.caM, The faluce and DTE Energy Music Theatre lax Offices with the Detroit Sj-mphony Jazz gives you freedom to play Michelle Penn acoustic rock 4 pm noon and all iacafians. Charge at (241) 445-6466. S Orchestra Over the years Rene th e w ay you feel it Radio roots rock 5 pm Rufus Harris acoust c gospel 1pm did studio w ork in n ine coun­ Jill Jack rock 6pm Kolo fokrock 2pm Ave Responsibly) tries reco rd in g everything from lchom in@ oe hom ecom m net | (734) 953 2145 Lisa Hunter folk rock 3pm


F R E E D O M H I L L Breedorr> 14il! AMPHITHEATER Whoro the Stars come out at iiirjht!

I I I I & *

300 juried fine art I fine craft artists

Saturday, Sept. 7,10 am ■ 6 pm AARON CARTER wsg JUM P 5, NO SECRETS A TRIPLE IM AGE Se p te m b e r 6th at 7:30pm Sunday, Sept. 8,10 am ■ 5 pm

R ochester M unicipal Park

For more information CALL 248.651.7418

Park at Rochester High School Livernois/University. Shuttle to the Park for $1

Bring the children to Kid’s Central (a block south of the festival) at Paint Creek Center for the Arts, 407 Pine Street The family can enjoy with art projects, music, kettle corn and the 20th Anniversary retrospect artist’s show

Thank you to our sponsors! ------

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arch tsctu o studios of GERALD J Y U R K ASSOCIATES Incorporated P D F 1 1 3 4 0 0 1 B 4 (O F *) Observers Eccentric! Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerandeccentric com

■ s m


PROFESSIONAL THEATER TheWildman Ballard 9pm Town New Center and Auto Wednesday Oct 2 Sheila Kay at Heritage $10 $5 seniors/stu Century Theatre Texas Smoke 543 North Mam dents free for children under Tickets now on sale for 8 Track Rochester $5 cover (248)650 age 10 (313)5773559 (313)577 The Sounds of the 70s opening 8170 7674 or visit the Web site at 730 pm Thursday Sept 5 Meadow Brook Music Festival WWW preservationwayneorg open ended run shows 7 30 Carrot Top brings his Made in Detroit Science Center om Wednesday Thursday 120 America tour to the festival 8 Digital Dome Planetarium Show pm limited Thursdays 830 p m Sunday Sept 1 on the cam Autumn Nights debuts 1 p m pm Friday Saturday 530pm pus of Oakland University and 3 p m Saturday Sept 7 Saturday Sunday 130 pm Rochester $15 and $25 (248) continues on weekends Sunday 333 Madison Detroit 377 0100 Fall/winterhours9am to 3 $24 50 $3450 (313)963 9800 Second City J/ftad it up to Here p m Monday Friday 10 30 a m Gem Theatre continues to Sept 1 730 pm to 6 p m Saturday noon to 6 Tickets now on sale for Shear and 10 pm Friday Saturday p m Sunday start on Sunday Madness opemq Wednesday ($20) and 8 p m Thursday and Sept 1 5020 John R Detroit Sept 4 at the theater 333 Sunday ($15) (248)645 6666 (313) 577 8400 Madison Detroit $24 50 $34 50 Call (313) 965 2222 WWW detroitsciencecenterorg (313) 963 9800 Closed Labor Day MUSEUMS AND TOURS West Side Story opens 8pm LIKE MUSIC Tuesday Sept 3 Performances Cranbrook House through Sunday Sept 8 various Tours continue to October 3 DTE Energy Music Theatre times Tickets $28 $66 (248) pm Sunday and 11 am and 115 Location Sashabaw north of I 433 1515 (313) 471 6611 p m Thursday at 300 Lone Pine 75 Clarkston Road park across the street Tickets Call (248) 645-6666 COMMUNITY THEATER (Lone Pine) at Christ Church Joe Satrlanf and Dream Cranbrook $10 $15 for tour and Theaten With King s X 7 p m Clarkston Village Players noon lunch on Thursday with Friday Aug 30 $3450 pavilion Visiting Mr Green by Jeff Baron reservation (248) 645 3147 Call $18 50 lawn 730pm Thursday 8pm (248) 645 3147 for private guid The Tragically Hip 730pm Friday Saturday 2pm Sunday PHOTO BY NATHALIE £NO ed garden tours Regular garden Saturday Aug 31 $39 50 pavil­ Sept 515 Tickets $10 Thursday tour$610am to5pm ion $28 lawn and Sunday $12 Friday Saturday Yvan Attai and Charlotte Gamsbourg star in the French romantic comedy My Wife is an Actress Friday-Sunday, Aug 30-Sept 1, at the Monday Saturday Or visit the The Temptation Review With (248) 625 8811 Detroit Film Theatre inside the Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward Tickets are $6 $5 seniors and full-time students with valid ID Saarinen House For times costs Dennis Edwards and Charlie For more information, call (313) 833-3237 For a complete schedule of movies m the Detroit Film Theatre senes visit the Web site at and information call (877) 462 Thomas Drifters 730pm CHILDREN'S PRODUCTIONS WWW dia org/dft 7262 Sunday Sept 1 $29 pavilion Detroit Institute of Arts $16 50 lawn Main Stage Theatre Guild 5 at Civic Center Park Five Mile 2002 2003 year Auditions for High School Room 1620 There pm to midnight Saturday 15 Continues its Friday night pro Kansas/Amerlca 730pm Mnay You re a Good Man Charlie east of Farmington Road choir members will take place in IS a $25 music fee $40 for a mile and Haggerty inside gramming at the museum 5200 Sept 2 $29 pavilion $1650 Brown Bp m Thursday Sunday Livonia (734) 466 2540 September for girls and boys couple call (248) 879 0138 Bloomfield Ave Shoppe II West Woodward Ave With admission lawn Aug 29 31 and 4 p m Sunday (with unchanged voices) who Bloomfield $9 $8 Michigan $4 $1 children free for Freedom Hill Sept 1 in the Theatre Livonia at AUDITIONS/OPPORTUNITIES will be in grades 4 8 in the new P0PS/SWIN6/CABARET Swing Dance Association Founders Society members Cal! Location: 14900 Metropolitan the end of Corridor G across school year The choir practices Singles welcome (248) 926 8522 (313) 833 8499 for exhibition Parkway, Sterling Heights from Fami y Pets in the Livonia Bel Canto Choral Group weekly on Monday evenings and Bird of Paradise Orchestra Moon-Dusters information (313) 833 7900 for Tickets: (566) 268-7820 Mall Seven Mile and Middlebelt Seeking new members for the performs two concerts a year 9pm Monday at the Bird of Ballroom dancing to live bands general information or visit the Aaron Carter 7 30 p m Friday $8 $5 students age 17 and all women s group which begins (734) 425 1749 Paradise Ann Arbor (734) 662 featuring swing fox trot waltz Website at wwwdia org Sept 6 $35 $30 $25 under (586) 3447774 Its 2002 2003 rehearsal sched Madonna University Chorale 8310 (big band swing bop) cha cha and Latin 8301130 Detroit Zoo Paramount Laser Spectacular uiem September under the All voices especially tenor and pm Saturday at the Livonia Kids will love the new home of Featuring the music of Pink SPECIAL EVENTS direction of Martin bass Fonnformation about the JAZZ/BLUES Civic Center 15218 Farmington the polar bears The Arctic Ring Floyd with Adrenalin and DC Mandelbaum The group chorale call Or David Wagner Road at Five Mile $5 (248) 967 of Life features a 70 ft see Drive time to be arranged Arts. Beats & Eats rehearses Monday evenings at associate professor of music Ron Brooks lYio 1428 through acrylic tunnel where Saturday Sept 7 $20 411 p m Friday Aug 3011 a m the Jimmy Prentis Morns (734) 432 5708 or e mail dwagn 9pm Tuesday and Thursday Rhythm N' Shoes the bears swim around visitors toll pm Saturday Sunday Aug Jewish Community Center Call er®madonnaedu Bird 0^ Paradise Ann Arbor $5 Weekly ballroom/Latin dance $8 adults $6 seniors and chil Location 31 Sept 1 and 11 a m to 8 p m Kathryn Parcells at (313) 640 PKA Centennial Dancers cover (734)662 8310 party with DJ 8301030 pm dren For more information call Tickets (248) 645 6666 Monday Sept 2 Downtown 0123 Applications accepted for the Ramona Collins Thursday 2172 Franklin Road (248) 398 0900 or visit the Web Kid Rock With 7 Pontiac For more information Farmington Community Chorus 2002 2003 Pol sh dence season The Toledo singer d splays Bloomfield Hills $7 (248) 334 site at WWW detroitzoo org Now p m Thursday Sept 19 $35 call (248) 975 8850 or visit the New member audit ons for the JanFavot (734) 953 3323 equal mix of jazz and blues 0299 open 9a m to5 pm daily The Magic Bag Web Site at artsbeatseats com 85 vo ce mixed chorus 7 30 p m Schoolcraft College Community vocalzatons930 pm (firstof U M Ballroom Dance Club zoo s located at 8450 West 10 Location 22920 Woodward Ford Detroit International Jazz Tuesday Sept 3 and 10 at the Choir three sets) Friday Aug 30 at Ballroom dance lessons and Mile at I 696 and Woodward Ferndale Festival William CostickI Activities Holds auditions for new mem the Bird of Paradise Ann Arbor open dancing410 pm Sunday Royal Oak The Detroit Zoo is Hotline (248)5443030 3 pm to midnight Friday Aug Center on 11 Mile east of bers Tuesday Sept 3 and 10 in $10 $7 students (734) 662 8310 at the Union Ballroom Ann always looking for volunteers 50 Cent Headrush With Liquid 30 noon to midnight Saturday Middlebelt Farmington Hills room 310 in the Forum Building or (734) 971 8300 Arbor $2 (734) 763 6984 To volunteer or for more mfor #9 and Violet Earth 8 pm Sunday Aug 31 Sept 1 and The chorus rehearses Tuesday on campus 18600 Haggerty Los Gatos English Country Dance mation call Sue Kingsepp at Friday Aug 30 age 21 and over noon to 11 pm Monday Sept 2 evenings September to Between Six and Seven Mile 9pm Wednesday Bird of Five hours of dancing music (248) 541 5717 $6 in Hart Plaza on Jefferson December to prepare for its Livonia Director Gerald Custor Paradise Ann Arbor $5 cover and fun m seven areas on Mam Henry Ford Museum and Saw Doctors 8pm Saturday Avenue along the annual holiday concerts Dec invites experienced singers all (734) 662 8310 Street m downtown Ann Arbor Greenfield Village Sept 7 $15 (313) 963 7622 or visit the Web 20 21 at Mercy High School m voice parts to call to arrange an Tom Loncaric Swing Band 27pm Sunday Sept 1 no Museum hours are 9 a m to 5 Wishbone Ash 8 p m Tuesday site at WWW detroitjazzfest com Farmington Hills For audition audition Fall semester choir With Paul King and the new CD charge (734) 665 8863 A van pm Monday Saturday and Sept 10 $16 Hamtramck Festival 2002 information call Kathy Hall at rehearsals begin730pm / m Crazy bout My Baby at the Friday Aug 30 to Monday Sept (248) 471 4516 Tuesday Sept 10 This seasons Bird of Paradise 312 S Mam 2 downtown Hamtramck on Jos Franklin Village Band repertoire includes music by Ann Arbor $5 includes hors Campau between Caniff and Adult musicians from south Vittoria Britten and Ralph douevres (734) 662 8310 after 7 Commor carnival rides two eastern Michigan are invited to Vaughan Williams To reserve an pm or the Hot Line at (734) stages with live entertainment join the Franklin Village Band audition time call choir presi 971 8300 including rock and roll jazz All instruments welcome but dent Shan Clason at (248) 349 Matt Michaels TYio blues Detroit garage folk and there is a special need for flutes 8175 or the college s liberal arts 8 pm Wednesday at Rons polka music childrens activi and clarinets The band rehears department at (734)462 4435 Fireside Inn 28937 Warren two ties Polish Day parade 130 p m es Monday evenings in the Schoolcraft College Theatre blocks east of Middlebelt Monday on Jos Campau (248) Franklin Community Church At least 40 roles are waiting to Garden City $5 cover charge 5843715 social hall on Franklin Road be filled for the fall production With dinner order $10 cover between 13 and 14 Mile roads of Shakespeare s Titus without dinner (734) 762 7756 BENEFITS For more details call Bill Pnsk Andronicus Actors of all ages Chuck Moss' Paint Creek 'V. (248) 474 8869 or Bob needed including a teenage Dixieland Jazz Society Meadow Brook Theatre Guild Zimmerman (313) 535 4119 boy Auditions 7pm Tuesday Performs 2 5pm Saturday Twelfth annual Spotlights Lakeland Players Wednesday Sept 3 4 Liberal Sept 7 and 21 at Shields Pizza Market juried Arts Gift Show Auditions for the comedy the Arts Building Theatre 18600 25101 Telegraph Southfield 4 9pm Friday Sept 6 10 am female version of The Odd Haggerty Road Livoma Scripts (248) 476 2674 or (248) 8551342 The Bugs Beddow Band piays rocktn rhythm & blues Friday, Aug 30, at Memphis Smoke, 100 North to 6 p m Saturday Sept 710 Couple! pm Tuesday available in the Bradner Library Larry Nozero Jazz Quintet Mam, Royal Oak The group won the 2002 Detroit Music Awards category for Best Rhythm & Blues am to5 pm Sunday Sept 8 Wednesday Sept 3 4 Bring a actors encouraged to read PerformsBpm to midnight Band For more information, cal! (248) 543-4300 Walnut at Fourth Street west of returnable photo of yourself to script before audition Open to Monday at Mitch Housey s Food Mam Street and south of Central United Methodist alt students and community & Spirits Livonia (734)425 ety of local callers lead English noontoBpm Sunday $750 Meadow Brook Theatre University (Walton) downtown Church 3882 Highland Road members Show dates Oct 25 5520 or visit country dance to live music by $14 (313) 2711620 For IMAX tick Location Oakland University ^ Rochester between Cass Lake and Pontiac 26 Nov 12 Nov 8 9 (734) 462 wwwlarrynozero com David West on piano and Donna et prices and show times call campus Rochester Hills Lake roads Waterford For per 4400 Ext 5270 Baird on fiddle 7 8 30 p m (800) 747 IMAX (4629) Tickets (248) 645 6666 SUMMER CONCERTS formances Oct 25 26 and Nov 1 Symphonia Chorale« FOLK/BIUEGRASS Tuesday Sept 3 with help for Plymouth Historical Museum Nicole C Mullen 8pm Friday 2 (248) 673 9799 Under the direction of Thomas beginnings the first hour New permanent Abraham Aug 30 $20 pavilion $10 lawn Music Under the Stars Livonia Youth Choir H Blue is seeking new members Larry Arbour Chapel Hill Clubhouse 3350 Lincoln exhibit Images of Bluegrass Festival With Rhonda Spirit of America Band 7 30 p m Is now looking for a piano in all voice parts Acoustic folk rock 710 pm Green Road (3/4 mile north of Lincoln acquired from Michigan Vincent and the Rage The Thursday Aug 29 and The accompanist as well as new auditions/mterviews will be held Thursday Saturday Flying Fish Plymouth Road) $6 (734) 422 collector Dr Weldon Petz Special Consensus The Rarely Basics730 pm Thursday Sept members for the choir for the 7 30 pm Tuesday Sept 3 at St Tavern 17600 West 13 Mile east 1170 includes lock of Lincoln s hair Herd The Karl Sniflet Ronnie John Lutheran Church 246 of Southfield Road Beverly Hills cut from his wound the night of Reno RenoTraditionandBig Benjamin Street Romeo The (248) 647 7747 COMEDY the assassination a life mask Country Show 2pm Saturday chorale performs four concerts and casts of Lincolns hands Sept 7 Children free $20 pavil in its 10th season including WORLD MUSIC Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase sculpted in 1860 by Leonard ion $10 lawn Handel s Messiah in December DC MaloneSpm and 1030 Volk life size wax figures of The Palace of Auburn Hills and Shubert s Mass in E Flat in Pat McDunn pm Friday Saturday Sept 6 7 Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln Location Off 175 (exit 81) at May For details and directions 811 pm Friday at Duke Mark Knope Friday Saturday in their second Inaugural period Lapeer Road (M 24) in Auburn i call (586) 7812436 Humphries Rochester Hills No Sept 1314 Improv Night with clothing 36 foot mural ot the Hills Tickets (248) 645 6666 ‘ Troy Community Chorus cover (248) 6011100 (Irish) TILT and a roster of up to 10 second Inaugural Ball from 1865 Eminem with DI2 Also featuring Celebrating its 25th anniversary rookie comedians opening at the museum 155 South Mam Papa Roach Ludacns Xzibit and this year All who enjoy singing SOCIAL DANCING Thursday Sept 5 and 12 at the $3 $1 students ages 517 $7 a XEcutioners 630pm Sunday are invited to join especially club 314 East Liberty Ann Arbor family Hours are 1 4pm Sept 8 $3950 reserved and tenors Signup630715 pm Dance Elite Ballroom Studio Knock Knocks Comedy Club Wednesday Thursday and general admission floor Tuesday Sept 3 and 10 Athens Bailroom/Latin Dance Party 9 9pm Wednesday Sept 4 Dan Saturday Sunday (734) 455 Royal Oak Theatre 8940 Location 318 West Fourth west Preservation Wayne of Washington in Royal Oak Detroits oldest and largest Tickets (248) 645 6666 preservation organization hosts Roger Ctyne&The Join Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for an afternoon of musical Maldng contact: i%asesut}mit items for publication m Going Places to its Heritage Walking Tours 10 Peacemakers: fun 2 30 p m Saturday-Sunday Sept 7-8 and 14-15, at the Marquis Unda Chomin two Weeks in advance of event. Observer & Eccentric a m Saturday through Sept 28 With Huddle and Tripper 7pm Theatre, 135 East Mam, Northviiie Tickets are $7 50 Please no Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, M! 48150 or fax (734) 591-7279 five different tours available of Saturday Aug 31 $15 plus a $2 children under age 3 For more information call (248) 349-8110 Eastern Market Downtown Mid facility fee

Are there cobwebs on your There are some great ideas here... get inspired with these exciting things to do. cultural calendar? wwwobserverandeccentric com MOVIES Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 (CP)

COMING ATTRACTIONS SCHEDULED TO OPEN FRIDAY, to get lucky only to d scover that of a surfer on Long Beach (aka The ly covets the expensive cars and obsessions quickly spiral out of con (MGM/UA) Rating Unknown they accidentally booked an all gay City by the Sea ) he has discovered flashy clothes of his friends Mitch trol into betrayal madness and uiti AUG. 30 cruise instead Wacky high j rks soon that his own son Joey is the primary and Calvin But with a chance mately murder Featured players LES DESTINEES FEARDOTCOM ensue Stars Cuba Gooding Jr suspect Even ashes grappling with encounter Ace's world is about to include Jesse Bradford {Bring it On) Set over 30 years from 1900 to 1930 A senes of deaths arouse the suspi Horatio Sanz Will Ferrell Vivica A the news ie also has to deal with the dramatically change On a routine Shin Appleby (TV s Roswell) as Amy through hard economic times and the cion of a police detective (Dorff) and Fox Artie Lange Roger Moore med a which quickly swoops in on laundry drop off Ace meets Lulu and Enka Christensen (Traffic) as Great War this is the epic story of one a health examiner (McElhone) who (Lloyd) Richard Roundtree Roselyn the case Stars Robert De Niro whose apartment and elaborate jew Madison the new girl with the fata! French man's (Charles Berling) evolu­ suspect it may all have to do with the Sanchez (Britt) LinShaye Victor a James Franco Eliza Dushku William elry hint at a life of luxury Ace is attraction Kate Burton and Dan tion from being a Presbyterian minis victims shared visits to a web site Silvstedt Directed by Mort Nathan Forsythe Patti LuPone Frances quickly lured into the world of drug Hedaya Directed by John Poison ter to running the family's porcelain called Feardotcom run by a black (Artisan Ent) McOormand George Dzundza dealing where easy money affords (Twentieth Century Fox) PG13 factory framed by his romance and widow woman who may be playing a Directed by Michael Caton Jones him a position in the illicit under marriage to Pauline (Emanuelle deadly game Stars Stephen Dorff CITY BY TH E SEA (WarnerBros) RatedR Running world But as his friends and family SCHEDULED TO OPEN FRIDAY, Beart) for whom he left the church Udo Kier Natascha McElhone Vincent LaMarca is a NYPD police T me 98 minutes become pawns and victims Ace real and France (Wellspring Media) Stephen Rea Gesine detective whose father was executed izes that he must pay a high price SEPT. 13 Rating Unknown Cukrowski Directed by William at Sing Sing Pr son in the 1950 s for PAID IN FULL for his growing success Stars Wood BARBERSHOP Malone (Warner Bros) Rated R kidnapping and murdering a child From behind the counter of the dry Harris Regina Hall Kevin Carroll Esai Ice Cube (Ghosts Of Mars) stars as STEALING HARVARD Running time 98 minutes Now while investigating the murder cleaner where he works Ace longing Morales Etise Neal Cam ron Chi Calvin the owner of a barbershop in Jason (Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back) McBride and Mekhi Phifer Directed the South Side of Chicago The come Lee stars as John Plummer a guy who MOSTLY MARTHA by Charles Stone III (Miramax) dy which takes place during the turns to a life of crime to finance his In a charming European city a head course of one day features Cedric niece s college tuition Featured play chef for a chic restaurant Martha SWIMFAN The Entertainer (Kingdom Come) as ers include Leslie (Orange County) (Martina Gedeck) relies on her cu!i The life of a championship swimmer Eddie the old barber in the shop who Mann as Johns girlfriend Tom (Freddy nary skill as her primary means of and his romance with his high school everyone tries to avoid Anthony Got Fingered) Green as his best friend communication She lives for her sweetheart are shattered with the (Two Can Play That Game) Anderson Megan Mullally (from TVs Will and work and presides with obsessive arrival of a seductive new girl in as a thief and rap artist Eve as Grace) and Dennis (Big Trouble) care over a spotless precise kitchen town who quickly sets her sights on Tern a shop worker whose boyfriend Farina Brice McCulloch directed the When a fateful accident leaves Lina the impressionable young man IS cheating on her Tim Story comedy marking his first since com her eight year old headstrong niece She becomes his biggest fan and directed the comedy marking his pleting Superstar in 1999 (Sony in her care Martha s orderly life most unexpected nightmare as her feature directorial debut Pictures) Rated PG 13 begins to come undone When the owner IS forced to bring in help Martha and the new flamboyant fun loving Italian sous chef (Sergio Casteltitto) are instantly at odds Yet as time goes by with her whole world Quality insurance has a new address. turned upside down and her personal Introducing the new A A A Insurance space more crowed than she could ever imagine Martha begins to find a Sales Office in Plymouth. We new recipe for life (Paramount welcome your call or visit to discuss Classics) Rated PG13 your family’s insurance and financial planning needs. And invite you to ONE HOUR PHOTO The story tells of Sy Parrish (Robin expenence the value and trust people Williams) a lonely photo technician place in AAA. at a local SavMart one hour photo counter who develops an unsettling obsession with the Yorkins long time customers with whom he invents a 1 familial connection Featured players include Connie Nielsen Eriq La Salle i and Michael Vartan Mark Romanek A nn A ito r Ad directed the thriller (Fox Searchlight) Rated R

SLAP HER, SHE'S FRENCH A French foreign exchange student (Piper Perabo) m a small Texas town s AAA Insurance Sales high school upsets the balance by Auto • Home • Life trying to usurp the position of the most popular giri (Premiere 1472 Sheldon Rd. Marketing and Distribution Group) in Plymouth Rated PG 13 Call 1-734-451-4501 SCHEDULED TO OPEN FRIDAY, Weekdays 8:30 a m. - 5 30 p.m. Auto and home Insurance underwrttten by Auto Club Insurance SEPT. 6 Assoc at on family of companies Life Insurance undemrltten BOAT TRIP Udo Kier stars in Feardotcom a mystery about the investigation of several by AAA Life Insurance Company Two straight men take a Caribbean Web site-related deaths The movie also starring Stephen Dorff and Natascha cruise on the USS Calypso hoping McElhone opens in local theaters this weekend POP L.iiaeoeo YOU WON'T MISS AS

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Web site at wwwdetroitjaz Bnan Gorman CHOMIN zfest com o r call (313) 963 designed the 23rd 7622 annual Ford Detroit FROM PAGE B1 I want to show where jazz International Jazz h as com e from - Fountam to Festival poster A I enjoy life and still enjoy Louie A rm strong - into w here graduate of John playing the clarinet,” said m usic IS now an d w here it’s Glenn High School in F ountain ‘I played sax for a heading,” said M alfitano It s Westland, Gorman is while even made a few record­ n o t a m usic th a t died in the a senior art director ings but never forgot about 50s an d 60s T his is a m usic atJ Walter clarinet Clarinet is a love-hate th a t continues to grow and Thompson m Detroit in stru m e n t W hen you have a flourish Jazz is alive and well set o f good reeds an d th e clar­ I ts p art o f Am erican m usical in e ts singing It’s love b u t w hen heritage an d culture you don’t, I tell everybody it’s D etroit is truly one o f the like blowing into a bag with a greatest music Meccas in the hole in it world From a musical stand­ F o u n tain s p erform ance is all poin t for m e th e festival has to part of Frank Malfitano’s plan be Detroit-centric with an to p resen t a “continuance of educational tent, clinics, meet jazz” in his second year as festi­ th e artists, stu d e n t perform ­ val d irector ances by 30 schools, 40 Fountain symbolizes the Detroit-based jazz groups, roots in N ew O rleans as does many who could break out of B ranford M arsalis (10 15 p m here and go national but Saturday, A ug 31, o n the they’ve chosen to do what they Branford Marsalis brings his quartet to the jazz festival's Amphitheatre Stage Amphitheatre Stage) For a do here R egina C arter and 1015 p m Saturday Aig 31 complete schedule visit the Straight Ahead have gone on to m g professionally m ore th a n saxophone a n d tro m b o n e national acclaim And there’s fo u r decades ago a n d fo r m any I t’s everything fro m the always a bit of international years w as o n th e ro ad w ith T he high energy OffWith Their flavoring m the stew with F our Tops, B uddy R ich Big Head's to ballads like Ursula. OBSER.V'ER. Sc ECCE3STTRXC: artists from Africa, Cuba, B and and E arl K lugh H e (for h is wife a n d m usic p a rt­ Puerto Rico, Canada” recorded w ith th e m as w ell as n er) an d E nka (his daughter),” In addition to student per­ with the sextet which releases said Budson form ers from W est Bloomfield A R em oon m the City, a n all Ursula Walker and Buddy DFTHIHFMOVIES and Farmington Hamson original CD by band members B udson have played th e festi­ High School and Schoolcraft an d D enton Jo h n so n in a cou­ val a number of times along J College o n th e Ja m A cadem y ple of months In early w ith venues like th e B ird o f National Amusements Star lohn R United Artists Theatres MASTER OF DISGUISE (PG) Stage on Sunday, Sept 1, and September Budson returns to P aradise m A nn A rb o r an d Showcase Cinemas at 14 Mile STUART irrTL£2(PC) North Farmington High th e studio w ith eig h t n ew Clarkston Cafe She’s giving shows starting before i THE ADVENTURES OF PLUTO School on L abor Day, seasoned straig h t ahead ja zz pieces in her voice a break this year but Same day advance tickets Showcase Dearborn 1 8 248 S8S 2070 NASH(PG13) AMC Livonia 20 veteran Buddy Budson per­ th e m ainstream in stru m e n ta l Budson’s excited to be back on Mich gan & Telegraph NooneunderSadmttedfor NoV P tickets accepted Haggerty & 7 Mile form s w ith his sextet 4 15 p m tradition Budson’s written a stage in H art P laza PC13&Rrated films alters 313 561 3449 734 5429909 Friday, Aug 30, on the lo t o f onginal m usic a n d “I t’s going to b e fim,” said Bargain Mat nees Daily United Artists MjR Heatres Waterfront Stage The arranged it for sextet He hkes Budson ‘ It’s a unique festival AliShows until 6 pm Mpt Brighton Towna Square CALLTHEATREroiir’EATUPESAND West River Contnuous Shows Daily NP SERVING SARA (PG13) Cinema 16 TIMES Southfield pianist began play- working with trumpet, tenor to th is area w ith n atio n al and * Late Shows fn & Sat & Sun NP SIMONE (LPG13) local performers Detroit’s NP UNDISPUTED (R) NP DENOTES NO PASS Located at BrghtonTowne Ford Wyoming Drive-tn always been one of the cities NP BLUE CRUSH (PG13) m m m Square FORD DETROIT INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL Theatre outside of New York that’s a NP ADVENTURES OF PLUTO OR VISIT WWW UATC COM behind Home Depot AUSTIN POWERS3PG13) When:3pm to midnight Friday Aug 30 noon to midnight supplier to the jazz scene and SIGNS (PC13) NASH(PG13] CAU(8I0j«8FI[M5#548 XXX(PG13) SIMONE (PG13)LNV New 16 Screen State of the Art 1846-6910 like N ew York spaw ns a lo t of SPY KIDS 2 (PG) Cinema Saturday-Sunday, Aug 31-Sept 1 and noon to 11 pm Monday, ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH SERVING SARA (PG13)LNV Ch idren 0nder12are Free jazz artists It’s the largest free A1 Stadium Seatng*AII Big Electrcin Car Heaters Sept 2 (PG13) UNDISPUTED (R)NV Screens jazz festival in N o rth A m erica ” BLUECRUSH(P13) TEL DAT (R) BLUECRUSH(PG13)NV All Dgital Sound AtWAWmOBJCPICTl/RK Where: Hart Plaza on Jefferson Avenue along the Detroit River UNDISPUTED (R) ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH Have an interesting idea for a story’ G01DMEMBER(PG13} TOGfTHtt Call (313) 963-7622 or visit the Web site at SIM0NE(PG13) (PC13)NV NP SERVING SARA (PG13) Call Observer & Eccentric arts reporter MARTIN LAWRENCE LIVE(PG) MASTER OF DISGUISE (PG) XXX(PG13) NP SIMONE (PG13) 15 WWW detroitjazzfestcom Linda Ann Chomin at (734) 953 2145 or XXX{PC13) MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING SIGNS(PG13)NV NP BLUE CRUSH (PG13) (PC) SPY KIDS 2 (PG) ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH XXX(PC13) send e mail to CAtt fOKOMPtfra sriNCS w rwfs STUART LITTLE2(PC) BLOODWORK(R) (PG13) MASTER OF DISdSE(PG) lchomin@oehomecomm net ROAD TO PERDITION (R) R0ADT0PERDin0N(R) XXX(PC13] MENINBLACK2(PG13) BLOODWORK(R) at[f0RC0MPt£rflSMS/(ND STUART LITTLE 2 (PG) Showcase Pontiac SPY KIDS 2 THE ISLAND OF SPY KIDS 2 THE ISUND OF THE MEN IN BUCK 2 (PG) AUDIO BITES 2405 Telegraph Rd East s de of LOST DREAMS (PG) LOST DREAMS (PC) Telegraph SIGNS (PC) MASTER OF DISGUISE (PG) UNDISPUTED (R) SIGNS (PC13) HALLOWEEN RESURRECTION (R) Footsteps of Our Fathers through last year with her (How Long Has This Been 248^334 6777 MtfORCOMKfTflSTWCJM United Artisb Commerce Bargain Matinees Daily TMf5 MY BIG FAT CREEK WEDDING Grammy-nommated Ballads Going On ’ an d Angel Eyes), • Alt Shows Unt 16 pm Township 14 (PC) MINORITY REP0RT(PG13) by Branford Marsalis Quartet Remembering John Coltrane sometimes tough (Evil Gal Blues 3330 Sprngvale Dnve Contnuous Shows Daly AUSTIN POWERS IN BOURNE IDENTITY (PG13) She’s followed that up with a n d Love M e Like a Man), bu t Located Adjacenfto Home Depot GOLDMEMBER (PG13) Late Shows Fn & Sat Star Rochester Hills With masterpieces that range another im pressive an d im agi­ always strikes th e right chord lust North of the ntersectonof STUART LimE2(PC) SAflCAlN NIGHTS MtONESDATAND NP DENOTES NO PASS 14 Mile & Haggerty lid 200 Barclay Circle ROAD TO PERDITION (R) mHWDATWCEPTXKK from John Coltrane s deeply native session — an eclectic col­ Charles J Cans AP Writer 853 2260 248 960 5801 contemplative A Love Supreme lection of 13 tunes th a t deal w ith NP SERVING SARA(PG13) or visit WWW UATC COM No one unde C/!LLPOPCOMPLETELSTiVCSPND 6-9 to Sonny Rollins 1958 call for having the blues NPUNDiSPySTED(R) fo m u •Al Stad urn Seating DETAILS Allyson has a knack for fresh­ •High Back Rocking Chair Seats BLOODWORK^I) racial equality in The Freedom NPBLUECRUSH(PC13] Two Day Advance Ticketing Suite and the bluesy bebop of ening things up by including by Frou Frou NPTHE ADVENTURE OF PLUTO NP SIMONE (PG13) Ornette Coleman’s Gjggm, obscure tunes deserving wider NASH(PC13) StM0N£(PG13)NV M|R exposure (Oscar B row n J r ’s Nearly every track is a-winner NP SERVING SARA(PG13) SERVING SARA (PG13)NV SIGNS (PG13) Footsteps o f Our Fathers NPXXX(PG13) NP PLUTO NASH (PG13) WaterforiflPimtl6 BAD COMPANY (PG13) w ould be a challenge for any H um Drum Blues, Blossom o n Details, Frou F ro u s super­ BIOODWORK(R) UNDISPUTED (R)NV 7501 High and Rd NPBU]ICRUSH(PG13) BLU£CRUSH(PG13)NV SE corner M 59 SWllams Lai musician And it’s one Branford D eane’s Bye Bye Country Boy, smooth debut album Songstress SPY RIDS (PC) XXX(PG13) SPY KIDS2 THE ISLAND OF THE SIGNS (PG13) XXX(PG13) Rd Marsalis might not have 's Blue M otel Im ogene H eap a n d veteran pro­ BLOODWORX(R) POSS£SSION(R) LOST DREAMS (PG) 24 Hour Movie Line AUSTIN POWERS IN attempted earlier in his career Room) along with the more ducer Guy Sigsworth work OUtfOKOMPlfrElSriNCSANOMS SPY KIDS 2 (PG) MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING (248)666-7900 GOLDMEMBER (PG13) But now, backed by the same familiar (Bobby IVoups The seamlessly to present soft vocals SIGNS (PG13) (PC) CALL 77 FILMS #551 quartet that played on the Meaning o f the Blues) over engaging electronic MASTER OF DISGUISE (PC) SPYKIDS2(PG) AUSTIN POWERS IN MARnNUWRENCELIVE(R) Grammy-wmning She surrounds herself with m elodies Showcase BiOODWORK(R) UNDERCOVER BROTHER (PG13)^ Contemporary Jazz, M arsalis musiaans who, though not Heap immediately wins us Westland 1 8 ROAD TO PERDITION (R) STUART LITHE 2 (PG) AUSTIN POWERS IN household nam es, are consum ­ over with the album's stron^st 6800 Wayne Rd BARGAIN NIGHTS hfDNEJDAT a n d ' pays homage to the fathers of ROAD TO PERDITION (R) G0LDMEM6ER(PG13) OnebIkS of Warren Rd contemporary jazz with the con­ mate jazz professionals — her • offerings. Let Go an d B reathe MASTER OF DISGUISEGUISE (PG)I(PG)NV (VIWM 55CS00U0. NP SERVING SARA (PG13) fidence and poise of a mature regular guitanst Danny Embrey, In, the latter being everythu^ 313 729 1060 ADVENTURES OF PLUTO I ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH Sarqa n Matinees Daily MOWfSSrAHrATDUSK m usician pianist Mulgrew Miller, bassist that's right with electronic aiiroRCOMWfTfl5nNCS/(ND (PG13) (PC13) All shows Unbl 6 pm These are more than just Peter Washington, drummer music production The jaunty Contnuous Shows Daly XXX(PG13) OflUfOli COMPLETE l/SriNCS/4N£) BLOODWORK(R) songs to appreaate They are Lewis Nash and saxophonist bass beat perfectly supports her Late Shows Wed Thurs Fr SSat TMES CInemark Movie 16 SPY KIDS 2 THE ISUND OF LOST chapters m the jazz tradition Steve Wilson •— and ^ e non­ voice on the track as she oozes NP DENOTES NO PASS The Best Seat n Town Star Southfield DREAMS (PG) 28600 Dequindre Rd played w ith respect an d grati­ vocal passages sta n d o n their w ith sensuality Tm high from 12 Mile between Telegraph SIGNS(PG13) SPY KIDS 2 (PG) Birmingham 8 tude ownments But most of all, all the waiting/ To nde a wave MASTER OF DISGUISE(PG) 810 5588207 - Ryan J Lenz AP Writer Allyson knows w hat jazz singing on ^ u r inhaling 248-353 STAR l^ w n Birmingham 8 AUSTIN POWERS IN XXX(PG13) 211S Woodward is ^1 about, as is evident n g h t Pardon me while I go listen to No one under age 6 admitted GOLDMEMBER (PG13) ALL ABOUT THE BENIAMINS (R) AUSTIN POWERS3(PG13) frPGlB&RratedfilmsafterS Downtown Birmingham from the opening M oanin It eight m ore tim es UNDISPUTED (R) STUART LITTLE2(PG BAD COMPANY (PG13) IN BLUE ROADTOPERDinON(R) W ith Sigsworth’s inventive SIMONE (PG13) 248-644-3456 CHANGING UNE$(R) Bobby Timmon’ soulfiil 1950s NP Denotes No Pass MY BIG FAT CREEK WEDDING SERVING SARA(PG13) CROCODILE KUNTER.COLISION by Karrin Allyson jazz standard, where her word­ selection of tone qualities and SdftFfdfli'Nflfifsfflml/NjMiitStBf Engagements (PC) PLUTO NASH (PG13) lomiU JforTitwlm s Order Movefdets by phone' COURSE (PG) less scat vocals b lend right m as sound snippets, Details is a mmiuilopmilngtiiebttl EN0UGH(PG13) BLUE CRUSH (PG13) m fOfiment for fom ly enterto mnt Cali 644 3456 and have your O^ttfOKOMELETELMNCSANE) The underrated jazz singer the lead instrument in the band must-have album md to cflcourooe families to oet out VISA or Master Card ready (A MS HEY ARNOLD (PC) K am n All5^ o n enjoyed abreak- Allyson is som etim es ten d er - Ron Hams AP Writer CAtl fOR COMmrf list NCSAND M S (Ofloioi-e JWSJOUrHf/fLDitIf Sltsurcharqepertransactionwll WraBMorteitardAccepfed INSOMNIA (R) orov/rfeflHffEMAltPOFofiil apply to i telephone sales) )AS0NX(R) ?omN 10 aim mad under It Oimpan id b) a aartni to all ttowt jUWANNAMANN(PG13) alter a an pm Mpoarfmoly UKEMIKE(PG) Star Theatres Sfltunlow nomimnli^ancai Main Art Theatre III MINORITY REPORT (LPG13) NPTHE KID STAYS IN THE 118Mainat11Mile The Wo Ids Best Theatres iwderw II be perm Iteiletiffy unless PICTURE (PG13) PANIC ROOM (R) Bargain Matinees Daily S5 75 All wlftopurentofoeraaepm soprob Royal Oak Mom anil M and HWronM NP POSSESSION (PC13) POWERPUFF GIRLS (PG) 248-^0180 SPIRIT STAmON OF THE ’sa & MasterCard NP READ MY UPS (R) call 77 FILMS utS42 NP" Denotes No Pass Engagement MY BIG FATGREEK WEDDING NC roi!5H01VrMS/WD70WKW5f (PC) SUM0FAUFEAM(PG13) riaftibl'PHONE a tl 2^372 TICKETS AVAIU6LEATTHE BOX 2222 FU LLFm L(R ) OFFICE OR PHONE248542 UNDERCOVER BR01HER(PG13) Star Great Lakes Crossing WINDTALKERS(R) Great Lakes Shoppng Center wmsmsomfmrn THE BOURNE IDENT!TY(PG13) MINORiTIY REPORT (PG13) 248-4S40366 NP UNDISPUTED (R) BL00DW0RX(R) ACCEPTED FIRST SHOW OF THEDAYSOt NP SIMONE (PG13) ALL SHOWS $150 EXCEPT NPSERVINGSARA(PG13) NP PLUTO NASH (PG13) CALL 644-FILM FOR THE GOOD GIRL (R) NP SIMONE (PG13) NP BLUE CRUSH (PG13) NOTORIOUS C H 0 600 PM ALL SEATS $2 00 NPUNDSIPUnO(R) MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDMG CALL roil COMPLETE USTfNCSM AFTER THE FIRST SHOW $100 NPBLUECRUSH(PG13) (R) aiLfOP COMPLETE tST/NCS/(NO NP ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH XXX(PG13) TIMES SPORTS CARDS • COMICS • MEMORABILIA • SUPPLIES & MORE! (PG13) BLOODWORK(R) Chidren Under 6 NotAdmtted NP POSSESSION (PG13) SIGNS(PG13) A D ‘,1 S S ' C v i J iJO PEH CAPLOAO' BLOOD WORK (R) SPY KID 2 (PG) Birmingham Palladium 12 XXX(PC13) MASTER OF DISGUISE (PG Town Palladium 12 FORMER DETROIT HOCKEY STAR SPY KIDS 2 (PC) AUSTIN POWERS IN 250& Maple Art Cinema III SIGNS (PG13) GOLDMEMBER (PG13 Ave 4135 W Mai MASTER OF DISGUISE (PG) )MARTINUWRENCELIVE RUN iingh Teleqraoh MARTIN LAWRENCE LIVE (R) TEL DAT (R) 248-644-FiLM Ills BOB PROBEBT AUSTIN POWERS IN GOLDMEMBER K19 THEWIDOWMAKER 248-542 0180 (PG13) (PC13) FeaUjring 12 stadium seating SATURDAY, AUG. 31 ST • APPEARING AT 1 00 PM COUNTRY BEARS (G) STUART LIHLE 2 (PG) audtoriumswUisateofthe art $15 00 ANY ITEM NPK19TKEWID0WMAKER ROAD TO PERDITION (R) I screens (PC13) LILO&STITCH(FG) Dolby Dig tal surround sound, two gian concession stands valet MEWtTKOUTYOU(R) STUART LmLE2(PC) SEX&LUCIA 1968 WORLD SERIES CHAMPION THE ROAD TO PERDITION (R) OUfOIICOMWEIEtlSrSINCSAND parkng LittleCaesar'sPzza 7MEJ Ray's ce Cream and the all new MENINBLACK2(PG13) Premiere Entertainment BOURNE IDENTmf(PG13) CALL ros COMPETE LISTINGS AND MY BIG FATGREEK WEDDING (PG) BILL FREEHAN LILO AND STITCH (PG) SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST • 1 00 PM - 3'00 PM NPSiM0NE(PG13) Oxford 7 Cinemas. L L C. $8 00 ANY ITEM __ _ NP SERVING SARA (PG13) BLUE CRUSH (PG) Lapeer Rd (M24) 1-75 & EUREKA RD. XXX(PGI3) (248)628 7100 SPY KIDS 2 (PC) Fax (248) 628 1300 (EXIT 36) TAYLOR SIGNS (PG13) I b i a l t a 734-287-2000 FREE AUSTIN POWERS IN DETROIT S LOWEST FRST RUN FRIDAY ADMISSION GOLDMEMBER (PGS3) TRADE CENTER, INC. GIBRALTARTRADE.COIVI WITH THIS COUPON ROADTO PERDITION (it) FRIDAY AUGUST 30TH ONLY OE B i l l 0 9 6 3 WWW observerandeccentnc com ART ON THE GREEK Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 B7 Art fair puts on the dog for a 22nd year

BY LINDA CHOMIN ART ON THE GREEK shouldn t be taken lightly October with 45 artists We’re south of the Franklin Cider Mill “I grew up in Franklm They STAFF WRITER DeLater will do eight art fairs now at the maximum We want that adds to the fun Or the art used to have the Strawberry What: Franklin Council for this season, some as far away as to keep It small so it s n o t over­ fair entertamment One-man Soaal,” said Kerr “Now there’s Ginger DeLater finds beauty Visual and Performing Arts Chic^o It was there she won whelming People can park and b an d R ennie K auftnann plaj^ this new life bemg breathed mto in playful pups and frozen flow­ Best 2-D Art m the Ella Fine walk For someone for whom Its show tunes while Blackman and the city "We’re (the arts council) ers — not your average subject presents its 22nd annual Arts Show in June This is her hard to get around it’s doable, Arnold take the energy level a small and we don’t have an office matter for a fine art photogra­ fine art fair featuring 75 second year showing m the and th e Franklm Cider M ill’s notch lower with folk and but we hope to eiqiand the music pher But then there’s nothing exhibitors Franklin fair n g h t there acoustic music. Kids can make senes next year” ordinary about DeLater When It’s the atmosphere,” said In addition to being a great bookmarks, bracelets, collage or But don’t wait until then to she decided to go to the Rocl^ When: 10 a m to 5 p m DeLater ‘ It’s nice because its big way to start fall, visitors will go try their hand at pamting a T- enjoy the firuit of the arts coun­ M ountain School of Monday, Sept 2 and open with lots of shade and home feeling good about being shirt designed by VSA arts of cil’s efforts In addition to Photography in Montana for two Where: Village Green on It feels like fall I grew up in able to help others The nonprof­ Michigan student Katie Wise DeLater, fair goers are sure to years, the Birm in^am photog­ Oxford on 15 acres and it s very it arts council donates profits VSA provides art and music enjoy the whimsical animal rapher took Nikolai, her Franklin Road south of 14 refreshing” from booth and jurying fees to therapy programming for chil­ sculptures of G Todd Vaughan, American Eskimo dog w ith her Mile Franklin Call (248) Peggy Kerr grew up in The Community House scholar­ dren and adults with disabilities pnntmakmg by Michael DeLater doesn t let much stop 594-3093 Franldm so it s no surprise she ship for summer art camp. W e’ll have pottery demon­ McCullough (Farmington Hills), her from combining her two loves the community as well As Haven Child Abuse & Neglect strations by Mia Perlman, a ^ass by Andrew Madvm (West loves - Nikolai and photography president of the Franklm Council Council, VSA arts of Michigan, Groves H igh School a rt teacher, Bloomfield), an d raku by She likes taking him to shows or of Visual and Performing Arts, and others Eind for a third year a booth with Birmingham Groves gr^uate wherever she goes In fact, she’s she takes special pnde in the “We do believe m giving back, 2 0 0 2 Groves g ^ u a t e s Jeff E d R i s ^ to n am e a few currently working on Dog Gone right o u t” intimate show on the Village said Kerr, and we don’t take a Pulker and Cass Higden We “It’s fine art fiiat you might not West, a book of photos from a DeLater does portrait studies Green commission from artists We want them to have that experi­ typically see at a c r ^ foir,” said tnp they took together out west of dogs m the home, at the park “People love the setting T h ^ have a family of artists who are ence as artists - to say here’s your ^ r r “Sometimes people come In the meantime, visitors to or wherever th^^ feel comfort­ brmg their kids in strollers It’s a with us every year People who opportumty to sell your work ’ looking for a gift We’re looking A rt on the G reen can smile at able — the same with children or femily fiiendly event,’ said ^ rr, leave and come back, new people It seems the Franklin arts for a range of pnees so eveiyone some o f the images on Labor bndes and grooms She’ll travel who w lunteers any tim e away coming from out of state Havmg council is always trying to can feel they can walk away with Day Monday, Sept 2, in nearly anywhere to capture the from her position as speaal pro­ people come fk>m out of state for brighten someone’s day In addi­ somethmg Most of the people FVanklin DeLater is one of 75 essence of a subject Her images grams director at The a one-day show is a compliment ’ tion to hostmg art projects for who come, come to buy They artists showing everything from of flowers are another matter Commumty House m Maybe its the festivities of the children dunng the annual Holly don’t have another day to think painting to jewelry and pnnt- DeLater shoots for a painterly Birmingham to flie Franklm arts 58th annual Labor Day parade Day in Franklm, this summer ab o u t i t ” m aking quality to portray their softness council Tn the early years, the begmmng at noon at Evelyn they produced the first Music on W hen I went to New York I ‘ I thought, how can I photo­ first couple shows w ere m Court and Franklm R ead ju st th e G reen concert senes m July !chomin@oe homecomm net visited the art museums but also graph flowers diflferently’ So I the dog parks and in , placed a rose in a container fflled the dog beaches I was inspired w ith w ater an d th e n fix)ze It I try “The Sum m er’s Most Delirious Com edy. "THE FUNNIEST MOVIE OF THE SUMMER!” to do dogs at a dog club in Royal to use natural light with all my ^ strops nouweour Oak where people take their work and have even used mmt in ‘S IM O N E’ Is Funny And Smart.” dogs to play, said DeLater I my garden for a difiused green RichanjSchckel TIME MAGAZINE don’t pose them It’s a lot more bac^round My biggest compli­ Al Pacino Is The Perfect Fit For This IS one wildly wacky and ha’rlflcally tested corned^” natural Dogs would come right m ent IS when people see this, is This Msionary Comedy He Hilariously Inventive up to the camera. When I’m to say that it looks like a paint­ Reigns As One Of Our Jack Mathews NEW YORK DAILY NEWS "MATTHEW PERRY AND “MAtlHEW PERRY IS down there p n n tm g dogs m n ^ ing ” Finest Actors Gene Shalit TCI Al Pacino Rocks In A Great EUZABETHHUIHIYKEEP DEU»ffULAND darkroom, I m never depressed DeLater likes giving compli­ Comic Roiel THE SPARKS HYING AND OUlRAGEOUSiy Ted Lambert BLENDER MAGAZINE because they show you who they ments as well as receivii^ them Highly Intelli^ THEUUGHSHOWINGIWING I"^I " ^ HUUHOIRHIAMOIS.* are Their personalities come Her praise for Art on the Green Highly Enteri A Landmark Ev^t' GuyFinls,IWOSl!NZK Eottitmn.'innesiiMu W titmn,’*1»eSlMUZK5 David Sieehan ITie Technology Is KCBSTVLOS/ Mind Boggling Jeff Craig "Think TOOT SIXTY SECOND PREVIEW For The Digil James Ireland B Hilarious' GUMOlffiMAG t Rex Reed ^ THE NEW YORK 2 FORI ^ OBSERVER ADMISSIOI Si ^


SIMONE MatthewPERRY ElizobethHURlfY Virtuallv Evervwhen

WllMI 1/ SERVING SARA PG-13 BARENTS STBUWGLY CAUTIUNEC-? ! Every explorer needs a partner. 1 PCi -13! PARE N TS STHON tllY CAIII fllN El ^ vrncHih il Hh/P Ljr rhikln nlli il rt ' ■ CKuuvljUMoiT “fxTiai j:mrfr N r_ANi^A?JUiAU \ Sum m er s not over yet, you still have tim e to visit I SofriftSRnF^U^tlity Greenfield Village There's never been a better AMC FORUM 30 AMC UUREL PARK NOW SHOWING AT THESE THEATRES! a m c f o r u m s o time to experience 300 years of Am erican History NOWPUYING AMC LIVONIA 20 NOVI TOWN CENTERS ; AMC LAUREL PARK AMC LIVONIA 20 BIRMINGHAM mludium then now w hen you get two general adm ission MJR SOUTHGATE 20 SHOWCASE PONTIAC i tickets for the price of one SHOWCASE DEARIORN CANTON 6 MJR SOUTHGATE 20 SHOWCASE m n tim SHOWCASE WESTLAND STAR FAIRLANE STAR GRATIOT AT 15 MILE Call 313.982.6001 or visit for more infonnation. SHOW CASE sTERLiNd NTS SHOWCASE wESTuiffi ST A R FAIRLANE 21 STAR GREAT LAKES CROSSING STAR JOHN RAT 14 MILE STAR ROCHESTER HILLS * Not valid dunng Old Car Festival Weekend, September 7 & 8 STAR GRATIOT STAR great ukes crossing STAR JOHN R Not valid with any other discounts excludes IMAX & Museum STAR SOUTHFIELD STAR TAYLOR uaCOMMERCEstadium NO PASSES OR aT t'iFt? WEST RiVER UPTOWN PALLADIUM 12 COUPONS ACCEPTED STAR LINCOLN PARK STAR ROCHESTER STAR SOUTHFIELD Only at Greenfield Village Thru Sept. 16th A ^ Aiioin Y 'm s Mi>viE STAR TAYLOR UA COMM ERCE STADIUM 14 UA WEST RIVER Ani.^rk'.n Onliru> Koyword: Simone www.Siinone'iiov/ie.oom ' CALL THEATRES FOR SHOWTIMES MO PASSES OR D SCOUNT COUPONS ACCEPTED

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George & Harry's serves spicy cuisine, cooi music

BY TAMARA W ARREN Friday o f th e m onth an d resi­ with everything from blackened T he staff is attentive an d well m en t an d d ie m enu m the CORRESPONDENT dent Johnnie Bassett performs whitefish served with Cajun tar­ organized, ensuring prompt restaurants signature colors every Thursday September’s tar sauce to the B B King service an d ho t meals wwwgeorgeandharrys com For those suffering from a bit lineup includes Michael Hill’s Burger with bacon and T he attention to detail a t of the down home blues, George Blues Mob, the Kinsey Report Amencan cheese Entrees range George and H arry’s extends to Tamara Warren is a Detroit resident She & H arry’s h as a m enu an d the and Bill Perry from $13 95 to $22 50 for 14- the outside w orld w ith a th o r­ can be contacted at sultry spirits to liven up the There is a standard $5 dollar ounce veal porterhouse ough Web site listing entertain- Tamarawarren^hotmail com evening cover after 9 p m on blues T he d in in g room m ay be nights, with performances start- dimly lit in blues tradition, but mg at 9 30 p m during the week th e decor a n d th e atm osphere and 10 3 0 p m on the week­ are fresh-faced and warm The ends While the music is a draw food is equally impressive with a Wednesday through Sunday, ,i^', ■■■ ■....hi.ixi f e e d spicy American cuisine balanc­ KATY BATDORFF | OBSERVER lunch prices draw the daily cus­ ing out heartier selections tomers with pastas for $5 95 W e’re known for steaks, filets. The chocolate mousse tower and salads in the $7 range Beef Mignon’s Oscar — filet tips The eclectic m enu features a w ith C rab Ravioli and B em aise George an d H arry chose range appealing to every taste, the fam ily. sauce and Jambalaya” says Nico D earborn and opened their design^ m part by Chef Dimopoulos, son of owner doors in February Campbell Over a dozen sand­ G eorge D im opoulos “They teamed up to build a wiches are featured on the menu ^ k i d s meal §9® George & H arry’s is th e vision r^taurant and blues club with any adult entree purchase of namesakes Dimopoulos and They’re friends,’ Dimopoulos (Not vald with any other discounts or coupon) H arry Sisko, b o th w ho staked says GEORGE (HARRY'S their claim m restaurant busi­ W hat IS distinctive about ness in th e m id-70s George & Harry’s from typical Location: 22048 Michigan Dimopoulos first tested the blues venues is the finite atten­ Ave, between Monroe and One coupon per person per visit at participating Dearborn market widi Senate tion to detail including several Fazohs® Restaurants only Expires 9/31/02 ^ Coney Island Sisko closed his hand-painted murals, ample Mason, in Dearborn Parking Tkylor blues bar, Sisko’s on the lounging and seating areas and lot behind the building *Enjoy unlimited breadsticks and soft drink refills when you dine ml Avenue, last fall Before coming a mean Caesar salad served in Hours: 10 a m -2 a m Monday to D earborn a n d m eeting each an asiago cheese shell other, each had made their mark The blues is cranked th ro u ^ through Saturday Lunch FazoH's®. Fast. Fresh. Italian. in the restaurant business the sound system, but the music 11am to5 pm , Dinners pm dow nriver is live on stage Wednesday to1am live blues930 pm ‘ They both owned businesses through Saturday night m Ikylor, neighbor businesses Clarence “Gatemouth’ Brown, Wednesday and Thursday They knew of each other,” Guitar Shorty and Steve Gomell and 1030pm weekends Dimopoulos says The two for­ have graced the stage at George Closed Sunday m erly m et a few years ago and Harry’s Canton Phone: (313) 359-2799 “They said, let’s to do a fine Joce’lyn B & T he D etroit CANTON 2220 North Canton Center Road/7 venue dinmg establishment ’ Sttfeet Players perform the last

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Cl Observer & Eccentric I Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerancleccentric com INTERIOR DESIGN m DIY m GARDENING Civic pride blossoms ■ Home tour

The 39th annual Marshall BY MARTY FiGLEY beautification projects tor Histone Home Tour will take CORRESPONDENT 17 years place Saturday Sunday Sept She IS also on th e new 78 We all enjoy the color­ com m ittee th a t has m any Eight private homes dating ful flowers th a t ad d beau­ of the same goals Other between 1843 and 1939 five ty in many communities C anton residents on th e museums and two commer I visited several in th e original com m ittee cial buildings will be on the area an d found th a t include G en W ojcik, tour (including the som etim es th e com m uni­ Tilley Schultz and Feldpausch home and the ty takes care o f all p la n t­ Margaret DeKonmek All Centennial Building shown ings, som etim es the of Swiderek s family has PHOTOS BY MARTY FGLEY here) responsibilities are divid­ been involved ed, w ith th e city doing A m ong o th er volun­ One of the four corners at the railroad track at Mam Street in Plymouth large projects w hile vol­ teers are the Girl Scouts unteers do sm aller ones, from H ulsing School, w ho care for designated areas sometimes cities rely on for th re e years took care to m ake sure th a t G arden volunteers of some areas under the City IS kept attractive for Nevertheless, all of the leadership o f Diane visitors as well as resi­ lif flowers, shrubs and trees Dexter For their efforts, dents, said Bruce Boland are w elcom e sights an d th e tro o p received a Keep of the Downtown rem ind us th a t people Michigan Beautiful cer Development Authority care about where they tificate o f m erit Annuals and perennials live T he kids love to see beautify the commons For instance volunteers th e ir corner o f beauty,” a re a at Ford and enhance Canton Sw iderek said M iddlebelt, w hich m any Townships welcome signs Also, th e C anton people use with flower beds around G arden Club p lan ted and PljTUouth’s beautifica­ th em A fter this year, th e landscaped flowers m tion committee consists of signs w ill be different fro n t o f th e library “R ead” volunteers appointed by “I hope they’ll leave a sign th e city an d chooses an Antique shows craft little land for volunteers Funds to help maintain area that could benefit shows a quilt show a used to p lan t annuals an d th e gardens com e from from Its efforts, according book sale a Civil War ball a maintain them, since now the township Scout troops to Carol Stone, aty liaison dinner theater production the city will contract with and the generosity of the on the com m ittee and a free concert will also professional landscapers,” w orkers This year, th e com m it- Shelly (left) and her parents Pam and Bili Swiderek, stand at a Canton Township welcome sign amid be featured Free parking said Pam Swiderek, who In G arden City, T he flowers that include purple ins, orange tiger lilies, yellow potentilla, deep pink begonias and and shuttle service will be has b ee n a m em ber o f the city hires contractors to PlEASESEE FLOWERS, C4 conifers available Tour hours are 9 am to 5 pm Sept 7 and 10 am to 5 pm Sept 8 Tickets are $15 the day of the tour $13 tn advance free Program reaps caring, sharing harvest for under age 12 (one ticket good for both days) Tickets may be bought by calling the Marshall Chamber of BY MARTY FIGLEY Commerce at (800) 877 5163 CORRESPONDENT Marshall is m lower central Michigan near the mtersec The backyard harvest tion of 194 and i 69 For has begun an d soon your more information call the tomatoes and other veg­ chamber of commerce or etables may be ripening visit WWW marshallhistoncal faster than you can use society org them Beware’ The neigh­ bors m ay n o t answ er th e ir door w hen th e y ju st “know” you have another bag of zucchini for them D on’t despair T here is an easy way to share the sur­ plus The Plant a Row for the Hungry (PAR) campaign w as begun by T he G arden Writers Association and is sponsored by HGTV The program has been a whopping success across th e nation Community gardens Martha Ferguson, master participating m the area gardener coordinator of Liquid Fence include Southfield Senior Oakland County (above), Liquid Fence IS an easily Citizens, First helped youngsters plant at a applied spray that repels Presbyterian C hurch o f Plant a Row for the Hungry deer and rabbits Birmingham, the Western media event Made from a formula com W ayne C oirectional bining derivitized fatty acids Facility an d O ur L ady of denvitized tree sap whole LaSalette Catholic Church A variety of foods can be eggs and garlic the product o f Berkley grown with style A PAR sign indicates that hungry people are being fed IS a concentrate that mixes N ow th e Southfield- with water for application based food rescue agency involved in planting a development director for with popular pump action Forgotten Harvest has PAR garden, and encour­ Forgotten Harvest, at garden sprayers team ed w ith PAR to food p an tries a n d o th er homeless, may be unex­ lects surplus food (food aging S cout troops, (248) 350-3663 The spray is all natural encourage gardeners to social service agencies pectedly w ith o u t a jo b , or th a t w ould otherw ise go churches, garden clubs, For Plant a Row for the biodegradable and harmless p la n t an extra row o f a that feed the hungry m ay need th e ir incom e to to waste) from airlines, school children, youth Hungry information, call to people pets and plants food crop a n d share it The need for food is care for an ill fam ily bakeries, caterers, restau­ groups, seniors and others (8 7 7 ) 4 9 2 -2 7 2 7 , or visit Once dry the odonsnt w ith soup kitchens, em er­ g reat an d th is is a w ay to m em ber rants, wholesale food dis­ to participate w w w g w aao rg noticeable to humans gency food providers, help Recipients may be Forgotten Harvest col- trib u to rs an d other Excess p ro d u ce can be Repeated at monthly inter sources approved by the delivered to an y English vals the spray continues to health department The G ardens store, w here a protect plants even through donated food is delivered Forgotten Harvest truck winter to emergency food will p ick u p th e food Liquid Fence comes in two providers m W ayne Forgotten Harvest will ready to use sizes a quart O akland and M acom b th e n deliver th e food to its which covers 500 square counties final d estin atio n feet for $1199 and a gallon N ow th a t these tw o English Gardens carries which covers 2 000 square groups h avejoined, th e PAR kits th a t include row feet for $23 99 It is also opportunity to feed m ore markers and seeds available in concentrate to people h as no bounds In th e m eantim e, you make 4 gallons for $3499 Already this year, thou­ can visit a PAR garden For a full color brochure or sands of pounds of pro­ an d offer to h elp this year more information write Box duce have been collected For m ore inform ation 300 Brodheadsville PA an d distributed on h o\i to s ta rt a PAR 18322 visit People can help by garden, an d to learn wwwliquidfencecom or call sharing extra produce, about drop-off times, call A mulch will suppress weeds (888) 923 3623 Look for the Forgotten Harvest truck m your area getting the neighbors Ree Tkylor, com m unity and keep soil moist

How's your siding? Do those curtains look a bit faded? What needs to happen to get your yard and garden through the winter? READY FO R ^FA LL? pimB ‘'Bpoih^hi or F a I “iome improvement.” COMiNQ SOON cz Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday August 29 2002 GARDENING WWW observerandeccentric com

Author Armitage to speak in area

oldner Walsh Nursery m h e r nam esake h o sta by acci­ guide you to successfully plan FOR THE BIRDS i Pontiac will present An d e n t She w as q uite active w ith and p lant a n evening paradise Evening with Allan h er childrens activities and in Loewer describes each plant, Birding Across North Armitage 7 30 p m Friday, h e r com m unity an d received from tropicals, annuals, peren­ America A Naturalists Sept 6 much recognition for her work nials, vines, bulbs an d those Observations, Philip E Keenan A rm itage, th e popular W herever she lived, Loie that “look like they should (Timber Press, $29 95), is a speaker a n d prolific author, Benedict was an inspiration to bloom at n ight” an d alerts us fascinating account of the will share excerpts of his latest many Pulmonaria to the night creatures His line author’s many years ofbirdmg book, Legends in the Garden, “Benediction was discovered drawings exquisitely illustrate He writes, “I attem pt to co-authored with Linda L m Loie’s g ard e n w hen its d ark the book explore certain histoncal, eco­ Copeland (Wings Publishers, blue-green lanceolate leaves, W onderful reading even if logical an d p erso n al aspects o f $24 95) His marked with distinctive silver you don’t garden a life with birds, with special book will be spots, caught the attention of a The second, Tussie-Mussies adm iration a n d respect for available for fnend, w ho nam ed it The Language o f Flowers, perhaps th e m o st m iraculous purchase Benediction” Geraldine Adamich Laufer - certainly th e m o st com ­ Refreshments A lm ost single-handedly she (Workman, $15 95), explains pelling and unbelievable - will be served developed a gard en o f great the meaning of many flowers d ram a m all th e anim al w orld Reservations beauty, often working six to 10 and dem onstrates how they “B irds live th e ir lives u n d er are required h ours a day can be made into lovely little the most impossible of condi­ Tickets are When Loie found she could- bouquets tions, many of them weighing Garden $12 50 and n t keep abreast of the upkeep, By using specific flowers and b u t a n ounce o r tw o, tw ice Spot m u st be she returned her garden to shanng their meaning, you can each year they travel thousands ordered before Mother Nature present a tussie-mussie to of miles, sometimes nonstop Marty Thursday, These are just two of the 46 almost anyone The language across im m ense stretch es of Sept 5 Call stones you will enjoy from this of flowers “talks” without say­ water, to and from their breed­ Figley______(248) 332- delightful book ing a word although the mean­ ing grounds For this and many 6430 Goldner ing IS clear o th er reasons, I find b ird s to b e W alsh N ursery is a t 559 NOW IN PAPERBACK Laufer describes the steps to truly astonishing ” Orchard Lake Road, 1 mile achieve many arrangements, In a ddition to all this, east of Telegraph Two p o p u lar books are now the color illustrations will K eenan shares tip s fo r m aking The book contains sto n es o f available m paperback m ake you w an t to give such a your back yard as hospitable as the many people for whom T he first. The Evening thoughtful gift for any occa­ possible for your favorite bird plants have b ee n nam ed Garden Flowers and sion species For instance, most of us Fragrance from Dusk Till Welcome a baby, declare grow hostas a n d m ore th a n Dawn, P eter L oew er (Tim bei love, say “Happy birthday” or Marty FIgley is an advanced master hkely Hosta sieboldiana Pres^ $1795, soft), was wntten H appy anniversary” h o n o r a gardener based in Birmingham You “Frances Williams ’ This lady for people who want to extend fnend, send condolences, etc can leave her a message by dialing received a degree in landscape their time m the garden after The glossaries help to quickly (734) 953 2047 on a touch tone horticulture in 1904, was a th e sun h a s set find the m eaning o f each phone Her fax number is (248) 644 Linda Armitage of West Bloomfield was awarded best of show for this photo in plant collector a n d discovered Here is just the book to flower 1314 the Cranbrook Gardens Auxiliary Amateur Photography Contest last year

r l e x eel, Pocket guide helps identify trees I li‘\'l(‘(‘l Sit Back & Relax Sale Speadot Vl W h at TVee Is T h a t’ , a pocket found in the eastern a n d c e n ­ To o b ta in your tre e ID guide, guide for identifying trees, is tra l U nited States sen d your n am e an d address available from TTie N ational W ell-know n trees are includ­ a n d $ 3 to W h a t IVee Is T h at’ , A rbor Day F oundation ed - oaks, maples, spruces and The National Arbor Day T he 72-page guide w ill help pines Also, speaes such as F oundation, N eb rask a City, N E you identify 135 different trees horsechestnut and mockemut 68410 hickory, sassafras and shad- “Helping people enjoy and KITCHEN REFACiNG bush, persim m on an d paw paw appreaate trees is central to FREE ESTIMATES and pagodatree and pecan the educational mission of the Dozens of drawings illustrate A rb o r D ay Foundation,” said Help make your dreams come^ > Now Available Affordable the trees leaves or needles and John Rosenow, the founda­ kue With a flexsteel rediner CtanKe Counterbqis > The Leader In CaUnet Refadng' their acorns, berries, seed pods, tio n ’s p resid en t starting at *399“ s K • FacbHY Direct cones and other identifying “B eing able to identify trees Open Daily 9 30 6 Cl iDM iTi iDc iKi/s Some ModeleAvailable g • Much less ffian repladng FURNITURE, INC mUather | • SoHd Oak, Maple, Oterry features Wliat Tree Is That’ is IS im p o rta n t in k now ing how Thurs & Fn til 9 Sat hi 5 30 584 W A n n A r b o r T r a il • P lym o u t h • (734) 453-4700 • References in your neigbbodtood organized to m ake it easy to to care for them and how to FLEX ST EEL FINE,FURNITURE BEGINS ON TNE identify trees in a simple, step- p la n t th e rig h t tre e in th e n g h t SS cxibinet clinic by step fashion place w> I (734) 421-8451 NORTH/EAST (5 8 6 ) 7 5 1 - 1 t 4 t WWW.CAUfNCrflINJC.COM

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Long-tim e appliance earns respect

n a rec en t radio show I w rite ab o u t M r K anack in m y necessary because Doug needs any more work He radio show I asked him what D oug K anack w ill n o longer had a very senior citizen colum n because h e could be Kanack is still tipping over probably has enough to last p ro d u cts h e likes to w ork on b e ab le to tip over a 170- O join me as a co-host of the only service man in washing machines by himself h im u n til h e is 9 0 y ears old the most and he replied p o u n d w ash er o r g et dow n on th e p ro g ram an d sp en d a few America who is a few days shy so h e can change a belt, I first m et M r K anack in Dishwashers his knees and change a belt I hours answenng consumer o f his 8 0 th birthday and still pulling out old dishwashers th e 1970s I used to listen to I worked on the old Apex know that you join me in questions on repainng major appliances a n d installing b ra n d new ones his perspectives and I respect dishwashers, Joe, he said, w ishing th a t day to b e m any m ajo r appli­ I explained to A ndrew th a t and doing a lot more of the ed h is o pinions on th e need a n d they w ere b u ilt like a years ahead and that this soft- ances this column isn t used to backbreaking w ork th a t goes for ethics in the service indus tank Appliances of today are spoken, g en tle p erso n w ho has H e did a entice anyone to spend adver­ along with being an appliance try which he agreed were not made as well as yesteryear b e e n so good to all o f his cus­ com m end­ tising m oney w ith th e m edia rep air tech n ician eroding and needed a shot in an d th e y d on t la st as lo n g ” to m e rs h as a soft le a th e r chair able job, and th a t I am involved w ith and He IS also healthy, which he th e arm I t to o k all th e se years M ost people read in g th is w aitin g fo r h im m y son th a t this fact is im p o rta n t to attrib u tes to d rin k in g very lit­ to finally get th e A ppliance colum n today have never seen H e d o esn t know th a t I am A ndrew honest journalism, which is tle coffee and good, clean liv­ R epair A ct p assed into law - a n A pex dishw asher o r o th er w ritin g a b o u t h im to d a y If informed me som etim es forgotten by cer­ ing He s still married to it w as never needed fo r people brand names such as a you w ould like to m ake h im that evening tain media folks Geraldine, who for the past 47 like Mr Kanack Blackstone clothes washer feel good, give him a call All Appliance th a t h e h ad As once explained to m e by years has stayed home raised I ve always believed th a t T his m an h as b ee n a m em ­ of his customers who read this Doctor te ars in his the editors of this great news five children and answered this man, who has been b e r for years m th e L ions Club p a p e r k now how to reach him eyes while paper Don’t show your th e telep h o n e lines fo r the repainng appliances since of his community and other S tay tu n e d listening to favoritism, instead, concen many thousands of customers 1951 IS the most honest Joe Gagnon can now be heard on Joe groups as well He continues th is fine old tra te on th e co n ten t o f what who would call no one else for example of pure integrity that to give of himself to worth­ WWJ 950 and WXYT1270 He isa gentlem an you are w ritin g a n d let th a t be service except M r Kanack goes w ith o u t q u estio n an d I while groups that are known member and past president of the on th e show informative and serving the Now, I m n o t going to tell know can b e attested to by his to do good deeds for area citi­ Society of Consumer Affairs th a t day public you where his business is m any custom ers zens Professionals His phone number is Andrew asked if I could T his type o f colum n today is because I d o n t th in k th e m an In th e conversation on the T here w ill com e a d ay w hen (248) 455 7281

Concrete is not hard to T e s t tells best paint to use

• olunteers b u ilt th e drive­ use today to construct their tio n rath er th a n by evapora slow dow n th e set-up tim e you vull need multiply the w ay fo r th e H ab itat for buildings, roads and aque­ tion Since hydration is a T he m ost com m on adm ix length by the width by the inside hom e H um an ity hom e m ducts chemical process, cement will tures m this area are chloride, thickness (in feet) of your proj­ Romulus recently, and asked h ard en even u n d e r w ater w hich helps th e concrete set ect and divide the answer by BY MORRIS AND JAM ES CAREY many questions about con­ HOW IT'S MADE The aggregates are largely u p faster and helps prevent 27 (Keep m m in d th a t 4 in c h ­ FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES crete used as fillers in the mix Since w et concrete from freezing in es is 0 33 feet 6 inches is 0 5 I think it may have been Today’s cem ent is m ade by sand and gravel are m uch less th e w inter an d air entraining feet an d 8 inches is 0 6 6 feet) You re g etting ready to because m any h a d never heating limestone, silica, alu­ expensive th a n c em en t using agents that create microscopic An easier way - if you are paint your house and you w orked w ith concrete before m ina and iron u n til m elted as much as possible without bubbles in the concrete A ir figuring for a 4 -m ch thick slab aren’t certain w h at type of O r It could have b een because together When the resulting com prom ising stren g th is entraining helps concrete (ihe common thickness of side p a in t to buy w e’ve lately h ad th e o pportum mass cools to a solid (called a desirable vnthstand our se aso n d freeze w alks, driveways e t c ) - is to I f th e old p ain t is latex, ty to see so clinker), it’s pulverized into a C oncrete is b len d ed to a bag a n d thaw cycles multiply the length by the a n o th e r coat o f th e sam e is m uch o f it fine pow der th a t is called m ix This refers to h ow m any For sm all projects (1 cubic w idtli an d divide by 80 m o rd er I f th e old p a in t is being used - Portland cement Cement is 94-pound bags of cement are yard or less) it s usually best to Eighty square feet a t 4 in c h ­ oil-base, how ever, a n oil mostly while th e glue th a t holds concrete mixed into a cubic yard of con buy bagged premixed concrete es thick IS about 1 cubic yard-of p n m e r is a n absolute neces­ in o u r cars, together Crete Typically sidewalks and (Quikrete) For larger jobs concrete sity, follow ed by a finish dodging Concrete, not cement driveways are 5 to 6 bag mix have the entire m ixture co at in oil o r latex ^ - M|| orange bar- (though th e w ords are often where roads may be 9 bag mix shipped by a transit-m ix com Harry Jachym a licensed builder T he im p o rta n t question rels m very used synonymously) is, m sim­ pany like National Ready-Mix teaches construction trades to high IS w hich ^ e o f pa in t cur­ slow-moving ple terms, made from four ADMIXTURES in W estland school students and is the general rently covers your home ^ traffic materials Portland cement, contractor for Habitat for Humanity H ere s an easy w ay to find Ask I tho u g h t I fine aggregate (m ore com m on­ Along with all this mixing AMOUNT Western Wayne County Since we all out First, scrub a small Dad would share ly called sand) coarse aggre­ and proportioning, there may seem to ask our fathers for repair or sam ple area w ith a strong p a rt o f our gate (or gravel) an d w ater be various admixtures put m This IS how to figure the remodeling advice Jachym writes Ask solution of common house­ discussion Concrete begins when the the concrete mix am ount o f concrete needed for Dad a column on home issues ranging hold detergent Rinse the Harry about where cement, aggregates and water Admixtures are chemicals a project from repairs and maintenance to area with plenty of fresh th is hard, are mixed together The pro­ th a t change th e behaviors and T he a m ount o f concrete building and remodeling projects He w a te r an d tow el-dry it strong, portion o f each is determ ined properties of concrete There needed for a particular job is IS a Plymouth resident Send ques Then, rub a cotton ball durable, by how th e concrete will be are som e th a t m ake th e con computed in cubic yards A tions or comments to Jachym at soaked in alcohol over the m an-m ade rock com es from used T he w ater added to the Crete flow b etter w ithout cubic 1 ard is of course an askdad@comcast net or m care of cleaned area If the paint C em ent isn t a new p roduct mix begins the chemical adding m ore w ater Som e v ill object that is 3 feet b) 3 feet by MaryKIemc Observers Eccentric com es off, its latex, an d if it T he R om ans u sed a m aterial process known as hydration make the concrete set up faster 3 feet Newspapers 805 E Maple doesn t, it s oil-base very sim ilar to th e cem ent we Concrete h ardens by hydra­ while there are others that To figuie how much concrete Birm ngham 48009


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You can help cat with chronic renal failure feel better

Dear Doctors, Yes, th e re are th in g s you can become dehydrated medication to lower her blood stomach if you give her a very M y 12-year-old Siam ese cat do to h elp y o u r c a t feel b e tte r pressu re dilute liquid suspension of has been losing w eight, drink­ and, it is h o p ed , live longer LEVELS baking soda or an antihista­ ing a lot o f w ater, urm atm g a H owever, you sh o u ld keep in ANEMIA mine such as famotidine lot of pale urm e, sleeping m ost m ind th a t c h ro n ic renal failure Sometimes animals with Most cats don’t like the taste of the tim e and picking at her is considered irreversible and kidney failure have excessively I f your cat has less energy of the baking soda solution so food. She has also been throw ­ IS usually progressive Your high blood phosphorus levels than usual, she may be ane we don t recommend it very ^ k ing up every other day veterinarian should discuss Your veterinarian may recom mic Anemia, which is when often You should discuss any M y vetennanan did a lot of tre a tm e n t o p tio n s w ith you m end your cat be given in tra ­ y o u r cat h as a subnorm al m ed icatio n s w ith y our veteri­ tests and said she is sufferm g I f your c at feels very ill an d venous fluids until the levels number of red blood cells is n aria n b efo re y ou adm inister from chronic kidney failure Is h as high levels o f waste p ro d ­ re tu rn to norm al relatively common m animals th e m to y o u r p e t there anythm g I can do to ucts (creatinine and urea) in I f your cat s p h o sphorus lev­ with chronic renal failure A small percentage of cats m ake her m ore com fortable her blood, your veterinarian els are only slightly to moder­ Your veterinarian should w ith k id n ey failu re are candi­ and help her live longer? may suggest that your cat be ately above normal, your vet monitor your cat s red blood dates fo r hem odialysis, p e n hospitalized and placed on A sk the Vets ennanan may simply want cell count If the anemia is get­ toneal dialysis, or kidney We are sorry to hear that intravenous fluids Fluid you to give h er a m edication ting significantly worse your transplantation your cat has chronic renal administration helps reverse w ith h er m eals, such as alu­ c a t m ay be given a series o f These treatm ents are avail­ Drs Michaeiand (kidney) failure (CRF) dehydration a n d low er th e lev­ m inum hydroxide, to b in d th e injections of erythropoietin to able a t only a few specialty U nfortunately m any o th er cat els of the blood toxins Tracy Jaffe phosphorus help her body produce more hospitals and are often cost- ow ners share your experience You can also supplement The phosphorus binder red blood cells prohibitive Chronic renal failure is most your cat’s flu id level by in je ct­ b ro th or som e m eat baby food helps keep h e r phosphorus I f your c at is severely a n e­ G ood lu c k c arin g for your often found m geriatric cats, in g fluid u n d e r h e r slan (sub­ I f all else fails, you can try a level from clim bing too high m ic, a blood tran sfu sio n m ay kitty W e h o p e th a t we ve given bu t cats o f any age can be cutaneously) at home When prescription oral medication, Phosphorus-binding medica be required you suggestions o n topics to affected subcutaneous flu id s are cyproheptadine, to help stimu­ tions are available in liquid You mention that your cat discuss with your vetennanan We suspect that much of administered on a regular late h e r appetite an d ta b let form sold over the throws up frequently This reg ard in g th e tre a tm e n t o f your cat s discom fort arises basis th e y h e lp p revent th e We recommend that ani­ counter, an d only effective if m ay be because h e r blood u rea chronic renal failure because her kidneys cannot creatinine and urea from m als w ith chronic renal failure your cat is eating a n d c reatinine levels are too function effectively building u p in th e blood­ b e offered a special diet Cats w ith kid n ey disease h ig h an d h e r kidneys can t Send questions to be addressed in T he kidneys h elp rem ove stream Your veterinarian can P rescription diets fo r ani­ may have subnormal levels of h elp n d h e r body o f excess this column by mai! in care of Mary waste products, such as creati demonstrate the procedure m als w ith kidney failure are potassium an d th is m ay cause acid This causes her to feel Klemic At Home Editor Observers nine an d urea, from th e body involved available from your veterinari­ weakness Potassium can be queasy an d m ay resu lt in th e Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple If the kidneys don t work well, an T hese d iets are low er in supplemented orally with a formation of stomach ulcers Birmingham Mi 48009 these w aste p roducts b u ild up FOOD sodium, protein and phospho­ tablet, gel or powder If your You may relieve her upset Or e ma I askthevetsdijuno com in th e b loodstream rous an d m ay n o t be as p alat­ cat receives intravenous or Very high creatinine an d Cats w ith ren a l failure often able as regular c at food I f subcutaneous fluids, extra urea levels m ay m ake your cat don’t feel w ell a n d therefore your cat doesn’t like th e p re­ potassium can be ad d ed to th e feel nauseous and weak, and have little in te re st in food scription diet, offer her a dif­ fluids FLOWERS of the crossing Various plants cause h er to lose interest in Since y o u r c a t h a s a poor ferent food Many cats with renal failure such as d ee p p in k petunias, eating When kidney blood appetite, w arm th e food to T he rule w ith anim als w ith have high blood p ressure FROM PAGE Cl orange tig e r lilies, hostas, values are elevated and your make it smell more appealing renal failure is get th em to eat Diets high m sodium may asparagus fern spirea and cat shows signs th a t she does- You can also make the food w hatever you can It is im por­ raise your cat s blood pressure te e chose th e railroad crossing o th er sh ru b s a d d color and n t feel well she is considered m ore ap p e tiz in g if you m ix it ta n t th a t she eat enough calo­ Prescription kidney diets are on Mam Street interest to have uremia with low-sodium meat or fish ries to keep h e r from losing low er in sodium to help keep T rains play a significant p a rt Residential properties that additional weight It is also th e blood p ressu re n orm al If o f th e citys history a n d m any have exemplary landscapes and BATHTUBS H CERAM IC TILE crucial th a t your cat d n n k s your cat s blood p ressu re is people wait for a long time at designs are also recognized Repair • Rem odel • R e g l a z e plenty of water so she doesnt very high, she m ay n eed oral th e railroad crossing so th e with a garden stake to display The Nation s Oldest And Lamest Reglazing Company challenge w as m et in th e ir g ard en fo r a year Visit Our Showroom Or Call For Free Brochure UNIQUE REFINISHERS In cooperation with CSX To p ro m o te th e program , the (734) 459 9900 (800) 235-6557 Railroad which awarded a beautification com m ittee dis­ We A 80 Spec a ize InRepar Removals Insla at on of Liners i o s s m . grant to fund a portion of the tributed 300 pine tree saplings project planter boxes were a t th e C h am b er o f Com m erce G o t g r a s s ! co n stru cted o n th e fo u r corners F arm ers M a rk e t

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C5 (CP) O b s e r v e r & Eccentric j Thursday August 29 2002 wwwobserverandeccentnc com

t o s o n s : S1IM9I11 'Why are you doing that?'

grew up as the older sister Michigan Mavericks loads the to three brothers (Because of that expen ence I felt th a t as a parent, I really had a handle on what bases with senior w om en boys do, o n w h at m akes them tick I w as w rong I guess I forgot I spent m ost o f my school-age life locked m my room W hen m y b ro th er R ex and his fn en d raced th ro u g h the house carrying th e corpse of a dead rat, th e boys antics threw me completely off guard As Rex leeringly tried to stick th e dead creature in my face, I raced through the house, screaming like a ban­ shee for h im to g et away That incident alone should have p repared m e for life 20 years later In th a t one m om ent m tim e I should have stopped th e scream ing long enough to ask Why are you domg that? But I didn t ask Instead I tattled to m y m other an d father Tliey disinfected my brother, a n d grounded him for years The next after noon he was let off for good behavior A s I w as tattling I saw my brother plotting his revenge I m still waiting for the retribution to be h an d ed dow n an d p a rt o f me hopes he doesn t read this When my beautiful baby boys w ere b o rn I knew I w as properly p repared to raise my little guys So s\\ eet and innocent churning and delightful M} blonde bab> in his ducky sneakers his loving little brother m his Dodgers cap M y sw eet d ar­ ling boys, life w ould b e so Above Sarah Kahaian 76 of Garden City seldom misses a practice session with the Michigan Mavericks, a softball team for women over 70 Even though she works two job, she always has serene energy to play Top right Kay Oswalt 77 of Garden City team manager takes aim before hitting the bail to her teammates during practice T hen a strange thing began happening My little boys’ clothes started to get dirty the boys looked for BY REN^E SKOGLUND ter says Oswalt who acquired a bum knee seven baseball bats, and soccer STAFF W RITER years ago w hen she slid in to th ird base w hile play­ balls, and dead birds m the ing m a m ixed league backyard They no longer fhey pull their caps low over their foreheads She talks ab o u t th a t in cid en t w ith a survivors watched Sesame Street That as they tro t across th e field to take th e ir posi sense o f pn d e A 24-year-old guy cam e dow n on gave w ay to ESPN, an d the tions They sw ing th eir arm s an d shift th eir me, she recalled W hen he came off my knee he boys w ould sta n d m th e front feet to loosen muscles, an d they punch th e ir gloves came down on my shoulder with the other foot ” yard arguing for hours about until the leather feels just right Soon their bats So fa r n eith er a b u m kn ee n o r weekly the rules o f a pick-up base w ill send balls arching across the dusty diam ond o f chemotherapy sessions has benched Oswalt As ball gam e Moeller Field m Garden City on this cloudless Tom Hanks character told his female players in A nd I w ould w onder sunny Tuesday morning th e m ovie A League o f Their Own T here s no cry­ Why are they doing that’ I ts practice tim e for th e M ichigan M avericks, a ing m baseball So I w ould take th e boys softball team for w om en over 70 These girls o f and p u t o n c n sp clean G ap su m m er - an d th a ts w h at they are, ta n a n d trim - jeans, I would roll the soccer play for the camaraderie, the exercise and an ever­ PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT ball to th em ever so nicely, I lasting love o f the gam e w ould w arn th em the dead Kay O swalt, 77, o f Garden City is the te am m an­ Hi, I m the 83-year-old,’ says Jerry Gawura of birds were very dirty I ager Actually, there is no team There simply Canton just before she heads out to third base w ould change th e E SPN sta­ aren t enough w om en over 7 0 w ho can still play I play wherever they need me I pitch quite a tion back to Sesame Street or baseball to m ake u p team s, she said Instead, the bit I’ve played third base, and I ve played the out Mr Rogers, and I would help Michigan Mavericks play in tournaments, and they field I m having a bit of a knee problem, but I still the boys by trying to simplify travel statewide for the Michigan Senior Olympics have a pretty good arm but not as good as I d the rules o f th e pick up and all over the country for the National Senior like Jerry Gawura, 83, of Canton winds up for a pitch game G am es O sw alt sta rts h ittin g balls to h e r team m ates w ith to Joan' Fitz" Fitzpatrick As I d id all o f this they To put us m with 30-year-olds would be slaugh­ dead-on accuracy She alerts Gawura that the ball w ould look a t m e, they IS coming her way and tells her not to throw to first w ould look a t each other, base W h y do I love it? ” she says a b o u t playing w ith and they would think to Jerry, do not throw to first because of your knee the M avericks ‘It’s th e energy you g et playing, th e themselves. W hy is she If you have to pivot, don’t throw,” she says Her competition I’m a winner I don’t like to lose ” dom g th a t’ voice could ta m e a b u n ch o f M an n es Kahaian cracks out her 10th hit before Oswalt As their Mom I couldnt Gawura catches the ball and pivots any way The calls for an o th er ro tatio n help m yself ball sails to first Fitzpatrick comes to bat, and Gamwa pitches I would comb their hair “You re n o t listem ng, kid, says O sw alt Oswalt admonishes Garuwa for pitching too fast, they would mess it up I S h es n o t going to listen to you,” yells pitcher too low Jerry, take your time,” she says “You’re would wash their faces, nag Joan Fitzpatrick, 72, of Farmington ‘She’s older releasing too fast I f you don’t get a n arch o n it them to brush their teeth, th a n you holler a t th e m n o t to sp it as Oswalt rotates her players, and PLEASE SEE MAVERICKS, C6 they raced onto th e soccer G aw ura com es to b a t CRACK' I ts ______field They would look back obvious Gawura is a senous ballplayer and sm ile a t m e, wave and CRACK' No wonder she took a gold consecrate the soccer field medal in javelin throwing at the w ith a custom -m ade stream M ichigan S enior O lym pics m M idland of spittle spewing through in early August CRACK' No wonder the gaps m th e ir unbrushed O sw alt doesn t w an t h e r to pivot Two teeth bum knees are not better than one Why were they domg that’ I n ee d h e r m M ay fo r th e N ational W hen m y oldest boy Senior Olympics says Oswalt spray-painted the chimney and drivew ay o f our hom e with a luminescent orange SIZE DOESN'T MATTER paint, h e sp en t th e afternoon scrubbing the brick clean Petite, red haired Sarah Kahaian, 76> When my youngest boy of Garden City has played softball with escaped from his bedroom O sw alt since 1956, som etim es on w indow in th e infam ous toi­ opposing teams They’re buddies Like let-paper incident he came Oswalt, Kahaian has more energy than hom e to find a squad o f Joan Fitz Fitzpatrick 72 of Farmington is the team two women half her age She came police officers com bing the pitcher most of the time hom e from h er seco n d jo b a t M eijer at backyard with night vision S a m an d show ed up fo r practice a t binoculars 9 3 0 a m Jerry Garuwa heads home after morning practice She traveled with the He spent the most agoniz- PHOTOS BY TOM HAWLEY I OBSERVER team to the National Senior Games in St Louis

PLEASE SEE STANDISH, C6 C6 (CP) O b s e r v e r & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2 0 0 2 m m m u p t WWW observerandeccentric com

Support meant FROM PAGE C5

they 11 hit a line drive ” G aruw a lets anoth er ball fly an d F itzpatrick hits th e first o f a a great deal senes o f line dnves Emma Boiv, 71, of Ferndale arrives late P arents never expect to out­ th e telephone o r ju s t quietly for practice Shes small, scrappy and you live th e ir children, an d there s said a prayer for M att and our know she s trouble She recently had a > % no loss th a ts fam ily knee replacement m ore tragic or T he response from the “Watch her, says Oswalt Shes all over m ore difficult Plym outh an d C anton com m u th e field to u nder­ nities to our tragedy was over­ As shortstop, Boiv is m perpetual stand w helm ing W hile I knew^ you motion She patrols her space between T h a t was w ould care, I underestim ated third and second base like a panther th e case on how m uch, an d it’s been a h u m ­ Several balls sail just over her reach but A ug 8 w hen bling expenence I discovered she runs, swoops, swivels and sends them Sharon and I how m any good friends I have back to the pitcher Then shes right back Tony discovered as you continue to ask how we guarding her territory, hands on knees, our oldest are coping, and offer anything, glove ready — like a spider Bruscato son, Matthew, even if it’s just to lend an ear W innie Koester, 77, travels from dead a t the while we question, “Why’” Davidson, M ich, for practices She steps young age o f 22 T here are no I want to take a moment to up to the plate and misses several pitches w ords th a t can describe the thank everyone for your love, saying repeatedly, The ball was nght range of feelings and emotions su pport an d prayers I am there Finally she connects and sends the that did, and still, eat at our grateful to live a n d w ork in a ball th ro u g h G aw uras legs at th ird base hearts Our lives were changed place where people care so Boiv is right there to retrieve it forever as Matthew took a piece much for their friends and of us with him neighbors BASEBALL FOREVER Many of you reading this May God bless you and your ♦ t already know how we feel family Oswalt IS about to call for a break, but ’I « ♦ ♦ ^ because you w ere there to com­ not before Eleanore McKerson,75, of fort our family during our time Tony Bruscato is staff writer for the M ulliken M ic h , gets a chance to b at of sorrow Others sent flowers, Plymouth Observer He can be reached McKerson is what you d call a long drink m ailed a sym pathy card, via e mail at of water, except she s not that tall, just ^ ^ ^ I 4 dropped an e-m ail, called on tbruscatod>oe homecomm net lean as a chicken bone She looks like she could whup some well, balls Lean as a chicken bone Eleanore McKerson 75, of Mulliken, Mich, sends the ball flying She does I grew up on a farm There balls from the top o f th e stairs w ere 14 kids I u sed to fight with m y the Mavericks), she said Women should She’ll pitch again, she says “When I m STANDISH refusing a badly needed hair brothers, she says as an explanation for get more exposure in sports I play cards d o n e w ith chem o. I ’ll b e back on th e FROM PAGE C5 cu t N o longer m y little boys h er b attin g ability w ith all these old w om en, an d som e of m o u n d w ith d u d ^ sneakers an d a tiny Jo an McEvoy, 74, o f Milford is th e last them could com e out ” m g 10 m inutes o f his life get­ D odgers cap Soon m y boys will to bat CRACK' CRACK' CRACK' After the break, some of the women The Michigan Mavericks will head to Gallaton Tenn ting a lecture fix>m one o f the be men living lives of their own T he w om en h ea d for th e benches an d a leave for jobs an d other com m itm ents for a Senior Women USA Slow Pitch Softball tourna officers, w ho asked, in essence A nd so I ask you slug of cold water Got any beer over M ost stay T hev alw’ays need th e practice ment Sept 1315 You can watch them practice at “Why are you doing that’ ’ “W hy are fliey doing that’ there’ quips Fitzpatrick O sw alt is itching to pitch, b u t h er Moeller on Tuesday and Thursday mornings But boys will be boys, and Forget the cancer, forget the diabetes, chemotherapy treatments have left her However if you want to see the girls of summer in Moms will be Moms Cathy Standish is a Plymouth resident forget the aches and pains of old age, says fingers numb She recalls a game not too action it s best to call Kay Oswalt at (734) 421 0936 M y little boys are nearly and regular contributor to the Fitzpatrick, who also plays volleyball, bas long ago d u rin g w hich she struck o u t 17 for a schedule grow n u p now, an d they contin­ Observer She can be reached via e kctball and golf batters a n d sh u t the team out m three o r ue to baffle me Chipping golf mail at Cate1956lJao! com ‘Don’t be afraid to come out (and join four innings ’ rskoglunddoe hom ecom m net


Send items for consideration in singles tionship with God Coffee donuts Metropolitan Single Professionals (Farmington Road between 10 and 11 Softball Co-ed For people 35 years old and up calendar to Hometown Life Observer conversation and Christ are always Book Discussion Group Mile) soc a ize afterward at Shots Now forming six weeks of doublehead Activities include dinners dances Newspapers 794 S Mam Street present SPM has a program and MSP s bock discussion group meets on Tavern on Ter Mile just east of ers starting Aug 25 Softball prac cards camping theater sports travel Plymouth Ml 48170 fax (734) 459 4224 activity for every age group and life the second Wednesday of each month Orchard Lake or on Thursdays at tices and sign up at 5 pm at To learn more about the club call (248) situation Give us a try For more at 7 30 p m at Borders Books in Hard ng Park (just South of I 696 Ex t Founders Sports Park located m 435 5320 or go to www ssstc org EVEHfS information or to have a newsletter Farmington Hills Borders will offer a 17) Afterward we socialize at Farm ngton Hills on 8 Mile between Fun & Fine Dining Parties sent call the SPM office at (248) 374 20 percent discount on all titles cho Warnlows 2U0 Hilton just south of Farm igton Road and Halsted No Join us every Thursday between 6 single Point Ministries 5920 sen for discussion Woodward Heights The cost is $2 and refunds will be given two weeks prior 7 30 p m for socializing with dinner Single Point Ministries of Ward Walking Club Volleyball In The Park we play through September to the start of the league You must afterwards Our goal is to provide our Evangelical Presbyterian Church Single Point Ministries of Ward In need of summertime exercise’ Jo n Golf Co-ed be paid to be placed on a team After members and friends with a sampling invites you to join over 500 single Evangelical Presbyterian Church us for several casual games of volley Monday through Friday we have nine practices we socialize at Dunieavy s of some of the best and most interest adults every Sunday at 1130 a m in offers a walk ng club We meet nthe ball Nets w [l bedes gnated Socia soc a( golf leagues so pick your best Pub on Grand R ver and Drake at 7 ng dining places m the Knob Hall for fellowship and encour hospitality area m the Grand Mali on Intermed ate and Competitive n ght 3 course and jo n us for a great p m You may also s gn up at this area On Aug 22 we will be meeting at agement The Rev Paul Clough deliv Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6 p m Everyone is welcome to come and play season of golf A levels of payers time Palio located at 347 S Mam Street ers messages to help equip you to and walk outside ram or shine Open or just socialize Weplayattwoloca are welcome Cal for ocatonsat Selective Singles Social and Travel Ann Arbor Phone (734) 960 6100 for maximize your singleness and rela to all fitness levels tions Every Tuesday at Heritage Park (248) 960 8294 Club further information

A..TOIMV-WS F actory D irect FriciriQl

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\\ \i iM<'i*‘iill^BN

f (stor Dr nrf ffosJiiiigloii mill T/ii> CCF fnmih i oiiW Canton Christian Feiiowship lAe !o mute)ou lo WARD “Where the Word is Relevant, PRESBYTERIAN Key” People are Loved and Christ is the CHURCH 40000 Six Mile Road Jo n us for Worship Service at 10 30am "just west of 1275’ Sunday School and/or New Members Orientation 9 00am Located at 6500 N Wayne Rd * Westland Mi ^ 3 NorthviUe, M I Between Ford Reed end Werren Road 10101 W Ann Arbor Rd 248-374-7400 Inside Good Shepherd Churoh Plym outh It 8 not about Reli^on it s about Rektiousiups 5 Miles W of Sheldon Rd D r James N McGuire, Pastor M to eloopfcc hrelies reclaigedf Im teiii deiMeand iinistgureaf From M 14 take Gottfredson Rd South W orship Services 734-459-9550 Sunday School 33640 Michigan Ave • Wayne MI Dr Wm C Moore Pastor 8 30,10 00,11 30 A.M . (Between Wayne Rd frMemman Rd ) [ N E W H O P E Worship Services (734) 728-2180 8 30 a m 9 45am&1115am Svemn^ ^/ermee • too ^SrC CHURCH Vtrgtl Humes, Pastor Education Program Sunday School__... 9 30__ a m Sunday Worship 8 00 & 10 45 i 9 45 a m &1115am WednesdayWednesday: Praise Service 6 00 p m Nursery & Children s Programs at Nursery Provided Wednesday Children Youth Sr Adult Bible Study 7 00 8 oo p m All 3 Services Ssrvien broadcNt 1 1 M • .« . FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST SumlayWMUZSeOAtl

IlH IW -I s \ M IIIIKXS ( IIU <( II M ISSO I Kl s \\ ( ) | ) CJ/tr SUIFilOTriY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. USA Our Savior Lutheran Church lU

‘d a d i Get ic X ' \ 'M \tlilItS «)l t.OI) A n -« l . 1 .

0 ou iaiii 01 1 i uu e&m Sunday School at 9 45 am preschool (734 513 8413) Rosedale Gardens Staffed Nursery for young L o c a t i o n FIRST FRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 14175 Farmington Road Mam & Church • (734) 453 6464 children every Sunday Presbyterian Church (USA) YOU Are W elcom e At (just north of I 96) 9601 Hubbard atW Choago Lvona Ml PLYMOUTH 734-522-6830 W W W chnstoursavior org be ween Me tnan & Fa m ngton Rds) 8 30 and 10 00 a m Tri-C ity Christian Center (734) 422-0494 Childcare Available 10 00 a m Service Only Dr James Skim ns Rev Richard Jones Contemporary Service Sen or M n star Associate M nister 3855 Sheldon Rd Canton (Just N of Michigan Ave) 9 00 am GRACE L U T H E R A N C H U R C H ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN Traditional Service AcoessiNe to All 734 397 1777 • wwwTri City Christian com Church a Schoo 5885 Venoy 10 30 am MISSOURI SYNOD Bk N Of Ford Rd West and 425 0260 Come Join U s ...... ■■■■— ' 25630 GRAND RIVER at BEECH DALY iVu se vCa 9 P a deri 532 2266 REDFORD1W P D ivin e W orship 8 & 1 1 00 A M We Welcome’)ou To A War'll! p Service & Children s IVl mstr es Sunday 9 00am & 1100am Worship Service Bible Class & SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 30 A M Full Program Church Monday Evening Service 7 00 PM ijii I) ( m K( M /oui S® /ce Tuesday 7pm 915 & 11 00 AM Ga y D Headapoh Adm n st atve Pastor I I I i IIHM Sunday School Ku t E Lamba t Ass stant Paste Fam ly Night Wednesday 7 00pm ^nkvui, 915&11 00AM Jeff Burkes PrncpalDCE Nursery Provided The Rev Timothy P Helbetti Senior Pastor W x\i ! I K M p NATIVITY UNITID CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev V ctor F Halboth Ass stant Pastor 9435 Henry R u ff at Vlfeet Chicago ( ( i\; \ \ \ I Livonia 48150 • 421-5408 ( MMOIK Rev La ry Hoxey Interim Pastor Grace Lutheran Church 10 30 a m Worship HOSANNA-TABOR 4600 Wa en Road • just vest of Canton Center S e rvic e Sunday Worship at 9 30 am and Youth Classes LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL FATIH COVENANT CHURCH Sunday School at 10 4') am Nursery Cars Available 8i s Kui«Ai\ uATHOLIC CHURCH OCR LADY OF 9600 Leve ne • So Redfo d • 313 937 2424 14 M le Road a d D ake Fa m ngc n H Ih WELCOME Traditional Latin Mass GOOD COLMSEL Rev Law ence Witto Rev Steve Eggers 734. 414.7422 (248) 661-9191 St Anne’s Academy Grades K 8 47650 N Territorial Road Ou mssona CacMeran sfomte teach and Sunday Morning Worsh p 10 00 a m sendoutdsep/a tfioteCI ifialpeop/e 23310 Jo\ Road • Redford Michigan Plym outh • 453-0326 Sunday Worship Rev Jo hnJ Sullivan Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 9 00am BlocksE otTelegraph •{313)534 2121 Thursday Evening Worship 7 00 pm and Children s Church Mass Schedule Masses Mon Fr S 00 A M Sat 4 OO P M Sunday 8 00 10 00 A M and 12 00 PM ChrStan School Knderga en 8th Grade 9 15 am Comemporarj First Fri 7 00 p m 5 00 PM Life Teen Mass 313 937 2233 11 00 a m Traditional First Sat 9 30 a m Child Carepiovtdedfoi all seuicei Sun Masses 7 SO & 9 30 RESURRECTION CATHOLIC CHURCH Risen Christ Lutheran a m Youth Groups • Ad It Small Gro ps 48755 Warren Rd Canton Mchigan 48187 46250 Ann Arbor Road Confessions Heard Prior to Each Mass 4 5 1 - 0 4 4 4 ( M le West of Sheldon) Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions REV RICHARD A PERFETTO ( Nin Plymouth • 453 5252 Tuesdays at 7 00 PM . Weekday Masses ( i n R i i i i ^ Worship Service Tuesday & Friday 8 30 a m Saturday 4 30 p m 8 15 & 10 00 a m Sunday • 8 30 & 10 30 am I %IMn Ml IM O DM Pastor David Martin ST GENEVIEVE ROMAN Orchard CATHOLIC CHURCH &. SCHOOL 29015 Jam ison Ave • Livonia Grove Clarencevlile United M ethodist East of M ddlsbslt between 5 M le & Schoo craft Rds "Building Ihallhy l-'amilics..." 20300 tVliddlebelrRd • Livoma MASS Mon Wed Thurs Fri & Sat 9 00 a m Community Church EWSGELICM IL'rHER-\S 474 3444 Tues 700 pm ‘ Sat 5pm 9 00 and 11 00 a m Pastor James E Britt Sun 830& 1000am & 1200noon ( lI lK d .iS \M IM ( \ Worship Service Worship Service Worship Services 845 fr 1115 AM 734*427-5220 Sunday Eve Bible Study 6 00 PM S unday, 10 30 A M •Dynamic Youth and Ch Idren s Programs Nursery Provided •AdutEducaton Sunday School 10 A M ( IIKMIW Located in Timothy Lutheran Church •Chid CareProvded S( II \ ( I 8820 Wayne Rd Pastors A M C 2 0 (Between Ann Arbor Trail & Joy Road) Dr Dean Klump Rev Deborah Thomas I l!> l{( M is OI LIVONIA Livonia • 427-2290 Rev Carla Thompson Powell Pastor First Ciiurch of Chnst, Scientist, Plymouth First United Methodist Church 1 Mi.. 9 00 a m Sunday School (all ages) 1100 W Ann Arbor Trail PlymoutliMI N ortheast Corner 7 Mile J j o f Plymouth Sunday Serv ce 0 ^0 a m 10 00 a m Family Worship (Nursery Avail) ST. MATTHEW’S Sunday Schoo 10 30 am A nd H aggerty http Wwwwtimothylivonia com I j ^ p 45201 North Territorial Road UNITED METHODIST PLYMOUTH CHURCH Wed Even ng Test mony Mee ng 7 30 p m (West of Sheldon Road) 30900 S X M ie Rd (Bet Merr man & M dd ebelt) Read ng Room Chuck Sonqu st Pastor OF THE NAZARENE Mouday-SaEurday 10 0am 100pm 926 6584 WWW orchardgrove org (734) 453-5280 45801 W Ann Artior Road (7S4) 453-1525 Monday • Wednesday • F day 1 00 p m 4 00 p m 10 OO A M Worship & Church School L o g o s You th C lu b Sunday School 9 45 A M 53-0970 Sunday Worsh p 11 00 A M wwwgbgm umc org/stmatttiews-llvonia Sunday Evening 6 00 PM SateA t4e- Nursery P ovded • 734-422-6038 Family Night Wed 7 00 PM

NEW HORIZONS FOR CHILDREN 455-3196 IIM s( (il’ M United Methodist Church 10000 Beech Daly Redford NEWBURG UNITED Between Plymouth and W Chicago METHODIST CHURCH ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lola Park Bob & Diana Goudie Co Pastors Stephen M n stry Congregation 16360 Hubbard Road Ev. Lutheran 313-937-3170 36500 Ann Arbor Trail Livonia Michigan 48154 ST p A U l S 6V lUTl}€RAN Church & School Summer Worship between Wayne & Newburgh Rds 421-8451 14750 K n och» Redfo d Twp Ct)URCl) & sch o o l One Service 10 00 am 734 422-0149 Mt. Hope 313-532-8655 17810 Farmington Road»Ljvonia*(734) 261 1360 Wednesday 9 30 A M Hoy Eucharist Rev Gregory D Gibbons Pasto- May thru October • Monday Night Serv ce • 7 00 p tn Learning Centers & Worship Service congregational Church Oinns & Casses Sunday Worship Fellowship Cafe at 9 00 a m 10 00 a m 50330 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734 425 7280 Worship Sunday930 am (Between Middlebelt & Merriman) SatudaySQOPM HoyEuchanst Thursday Evening Service 7 30 p m Services Air Conditioned Sanctuary Sunday School Sunday745& 1000AM HoyEucha st 8.30am & 1000am 10 00 a m Vacation Bible School All Ages 9 30 a m Sunday School Sun (Sept MayjlOOOAM SurdaySchoo Pastor James Hotf Handicap Accessible June 23 27 6 45-815 pm Pastor Ertc Rev Terry W Allen Sunday Morning NuseryGaeAvaiabe 10 30 am Worship Service Steinbrenner Student Preacher Rev Barbara E Welbaum niurse / care Ai/a laOle WWW standrewschurcti net Grades K thru 8 • Phone for Enrollment Info The Church You ve Always Longed For The Rev C Allen Kannapell Rector WCiLV 1500 ~ Sunday 10 30 a m Gen Hamlin visit our website www nswburgumc org

Life IS a journey! o n e does not arrive here a fully developed human being and the task of becoming fully human is often compared to a long and sometimes perilous though hopefully joyful and interesting journey But it is a journey where for the most part we don t know where we are going to end up or in m any cases where we are likely to pass or even what we should pack for the journey Som e people are in the habit of packing a tool kit when preparing for a vacation to help deal with the contingencies of travel and particulady with the possibility of automotive breakdown In the sam e way we should give some thought to what kind of toolkit we should carry with u s on our journey through life Whatvirtues and values should we carry’ What kind of education should we pursue and what are the lessons of faith to carry with us’ Whatever else we take on our journey through we should always take God with us as a traveling companion and guardian of our lives As our Spanish speaking friends say before a journey Vaya con Dios or Go with God

There is great gain in godliness H ith contentment; for we brought nothii^t into this worldy and w e cannot take anytM ng out o£ this world; R.S.V. 1 Timothy 6:6*7 Cl (CP) Observer & Eccentric! Thursday August 29 2002 OBSERVER LIFE WWW observerandeccentric com


If you want to submit an item for the schedule change for summer East Main Street Northville Topics Westland For an appointment call the Lee-Bastien religion calendar fax it to (734) 591 Traditional Worship Service 845am include networking helping children church office at (734)721 5545 Jerry an d K athleen Lee o f 7279 or write Religion Calendar Sunday School for ail ages 10 a m legal aspects church and divorce and Free car wash Canton announce the Jan Observer Newspaper 36251 Schoolcraft Casual Service for Late Risers 1115 relationships Call the Rev Jim Russell Bring your dirty set of wheels to 26,2002 marriage of their Road Livonia Ml 48150 The deadline am at (248) 349 0911 Berean Baptist Church of Livonia for a daughter, Amy Catherine for an announcement to appear in the First Presbyterian Family night free suds job 10 a m to noon Saturday Lee of Dusseldorf, Germany Thursday edition is noon Monday First Presbyterian Church of Cornerstone Family Worship Center Aug 31 Church is located at 38303 8 to B rian T hom as Bastien, Farmington began a summer schedule 36924 Ann Arbor Trail Livonia will Mile Road Livonia Call (248) 477 6365 son of George and Patricia CHURCH SERVICES of one worship service at 9 30 a m sponsor an Evening Outing for Picnic B astien o f Sterling H eights Sunday school will be offered during Families 5 8pm Sunday Aug 25 Join members of Nardin Park United A m y IS a 1993 graduate o f Antioch Lutheran Church worship for beginners and kindergart Free hot dogs music and drama Methodist Church m Farmington Hills P lym outh Salem H igh Summer Sunday service 9 30 a m ners only Lectionary lesson during the Everyone welcome Call (734) 464 fora Picnic in the Park 5 8 pm School, an d a 1996 g raduate through Labor Day weekend sermon will continue for grades 14 3850 Sunday Aug 25 at 29887 West 11 Mile o f Michigan S tate ContemporaryPraisf service73 0 pm Call (248) 474 6170 for information Women's Conference Road just west of Middlebelt All are U niversity w ith a degree in Wednesdays through Aug 28 preceded Detroit World Outreach will hold a free welcome ram or shine Entertainment accounting She is current­ by 6 30 p m Bible study The church is EVENTS conference for women Women in includes high school bands jazz steel ly em ployed w ith D elphi at 33360 W 13 Mile Road corner of Praise 8 30 a m to 130 p m Saturday drums moonwalks clowns and crafts Automotive Systems m Farmington Road Farmington Hills Divorce Recovery Aug 24 The church is at 23800 W tent Lots of food available for a small Germany as a finance and (248)626-7906 Single Place Ministry of First Chicago (one block east of Telegraph fee Call (248) 470 8860 technical accounting consultant Clarenceville United Methodist Presbyterian Church of Northville one block south of 1960 Redford Call Rummage sale Bnan is a 1988 graduate of Sterling Heights High School, and a Clarenceville United Methodist offers a Divorce Recovery Workshop (313) 255 2222 St Mels Catholic Church 7506 Inkster 1993 graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in Church s has made the following through Sept 26 at the church 200 Blood drive Road Dearborn Heights will hold a accounting and a masters degree m business administration He Roll up your sleeve for a community rummage sale 9 a m to 5 p m Sept 17 IS a senior manager in the audit practice of Ernst & Young LLP m blood drive 2 8pm Tuesday Aug 27 18 Coffee and refreshments Call Dusseldorf, Germany at Crosswalk Community Church of the Virginia Bien at (734)421 3713 or the Ih e bride was attended by maid of honor, Angela Zicles, and Nazarene 38600 Palmer Road (at Hix) parish office at (313) 274 0684 bridesmaids Nicole Wilson, Julie Brogan, Lynn Malinowski, and I Beth Glaspie The groom was attended by best man, Tom D o you have PA IN in Eisbrenner, and groomsmen, Andrew Dunn, Vahan Badalow, I Jason Lee, and Todd Lee | your foot or ankle? 1 They were married in Plymouth with reception at St John’s Golf and Conference Center in Plymouthj They enjc^ed their 1 honeym oon in Europe a n d p la n to ijesidej in D usseldorf, G erm any Need volunteers: I Kornegay-Lombardo I D ot a n d G ene K om egay Persons w ith foot and ankle I of Plymouth announce the engagement of their daugh­ ? f: arthritis needed for a research ter, Susan Elizabeth 1 Komegay, to Mark Anthony study. This clinical trial studies the I Lombardo, son of Shan and Tony L om bardo of effect of a nutritional supplement I W aterford on pain in the big toe and ankle I Susan IS a 1998 graduate I of Michigan State joints. Medication and follow-up U niversity a n d a 2002 I graduate o f Madonna University with her teacher care is free throughout the certification She is c u r­ rently em ployed as a study as well as monetary kindergarten teacher m the m I West Bloomfield schools reimbursement for your time. Mark is a 2000 graduate I of Central Michigan University and is currently employed as an I engineer a t G eneral M otors Call 734,467.4644 I A D ecem ber 2002 w edding is p lan n ed in P lym outh

for more information. I 1 CRAFT SHOWS Conducted at the I Oakwood Canton Clinic. I S t Aldan crafters for its Holiday Bazaar 9 I St Aldan Catholic Church 17500 3 m to 3 p m Saturday Oct 26 Call Farmington Road Livonia needs (313)9372880 I crafters for its 19th Annual Craft S t Thomas a'Becket ^ N U R S E R Y Show Saturday Oct 19 in the St Thomas a Becket Catholic I 734-453-5500 ^ an d GARDEN CENTER Activity Center Call (248)477 8942 Church 555 S Lilley Road Canton or (734) 427 1457 IS accepting ap plications for their I 9900 Ann Arbor Rd./Plymouth Rd. Si Elizabeths annual Christmas Craft Show 9am O a k w o o d SUMMER HOURS; Mon-Thurs 9-6 Designed Around You I 7 Miles West 0/7-275 St Elizabeths Episcopal Church to 4 p m Saturday Dec 7 Call Fri 9-7 • Sat 9-6 • Sun 11-5 P D F 1 1 2 4 7 1 8 i 1/2 Miles .South o/M l4 26431 W Chicago Redford needs Donna Whittaker at (734) 9810723 OFFERS EXPIRE 9/12/02 Corner oj Goljn’dacn Rd.

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T-SHIRT M etro Cheer Training Center 38156 Executive Drive (1-275 St Ford Road) • W estland to the first 50 students to

register for fall classes! 734-722-9664 w 'lvw observerandeccentric com REUNIONS O bserver & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 (C P ) C9

As space permits the Observer & Class of 1977 A reunion being held Sept 29 at the Class of1962 Liliy/Bokar (734) 941 3890 e mail Country Club Rochester Rd and Twelve Eccentric Newspapers print without A 25 year class reunion is being held Hellenic Center in Westland Call Dons Classmates call Franks Barkovich usps481@aoi com or Monica Mile in Royal Oak There will be a dinner charge announcements of class Oct 4 2002 For more information at (734) 340 3584 or Dianne at (734) regarding the class reunion in 2002 Pachy/Tomlinson (734)420 3411 email and cash bar Contact Donna Perkins reunions Send the information to please contact Malinda Jaber Merritt at 464 0183 for further information Call (734)397 8777 m2tomlind>aolcom Contacts for 1976 Freeman at (734) 2851956 for informa Reunions Observer & Eccentric (313)531 5326 (email East Detroit High Class of 1953 and 1980 undetermined at this time tion on other festivities and/or ques Newspapers 794 S Mam Plymouth Mi Malinmerrdaol com) and/or Diane Class of 1957 A 50 year reunion is planned for Oct 11 Oak Park High School tions 43170 Please include the date of the Dickey Paparelli at (248) 3521290 or 45th reunion Sunday Oct 13 at 2003 at Laurel Manor in Livonia Class of 1962 Royal Oak Kimball High School reunion one contact person and a tele click on classmates com Picnic and Eastpomte Manor East Detroit Call Contact Ellen McCarty Wright at eilen A reunion is planned for Oct 11 (Friday Class of 1967 phone number bonfire are also being planned for Oct Brenda (586)9787829 inredford@yahoocom Night Canteen) and dinner Oct 12 at the A 35 year reunion will be held Saturday 5 2002 Eastern High School Immaculate High School Excalibur in Southfield For information Sept 28 at Marine!!! s Restaurant in REUNIONS Denby High All classes Class of 1952 contact ophs62reunion@aol com via e Troy Homecoming football game and Class of June 1962 Annual alumni dinner dance to all grads A 50th reunion being held on Sept 21 mail golf outing are also planned Call Mike Mien ^ r k High School Reunion planned for Nov 30 at the through 1952 on Sunday Oct 6 at the 2002 Contact Carol at (586) 939 4848 Pershing High School King at (248) 613 9364 or e mail kimbali Class of 1962 Lochmoor Country Club in Grosse Ukranian Cultural Ceter 26601 Ryan or Shirley at shirlncoHiaol com Class of 1962 classl967@aal com for more informa A reunion is being held at 7 p m Pointe Cali Joe at (248) 656 9616 ore Road Warren We need your name on John F Kennedy High School, Taylor A reunion is being planned Class of 1961 tion Saturday Oct 19 at Park Cove which is mail your address to Pam at our mailing list Cali (248) 879 0490 Classes of 1966 67 68 &69 summer school grads also welcome St. Cecilia High (Detroit) located at 6736 Alien Road m Allen Park Nursepam@starband net (313) 884 0357 (313) 824 7230 or (586) A reunion is planned Oct 12 at the Call Carol Kraus (734) 878 6943 ore Class of 1952 For more information call (248) 524 Detroit-Cass Technical High School 777 8679 Holiday Inn on Northline Road Taylor mail camigrzdismi net or Chaine Corso 50th reunion Sept 6 7 All classmates

0589 Class of 1952 Farm ington High School Contact Nancy Miller at (313) 2913558 or (517) 546 8145 or email 9th through 12th grade welcome Avondale High School Our 50th reunion will be on Sept 28 Class of 1977 (734) 3741496 for further information chicorsodismi net Contact Mary Ann Badash (734) 427 Class of 1972 2002 at the Northfield Hilton in Troy A 25 year class reunion will be held at 7 Lowrey High School Pioneer Ann Arbor 9971 Planning is in progress for a 30 year Contact Jan Macivor at p m Saturday Oct 26 at the Holiday Class of 1954 Class of 1991 St. Frederick s High School (Pontiac) class reunion on Sept 21 2002 Please jmjakedjavbbs com or Carolyn Churchill Inn Farmington For ticket information Reunion planned for 2004 In the works The committee is updating addresses/ All classes contact the committee Debbie Smith at 800 444 56333 contact Sheri Lord Gabriele at (248) are various classmate committee meet phone numbers of class members Call The annual reunion wilt take place (Manni) at (248) 628 6682 or e mail to Detroit Central High 669 2529 or lordgabdaol con tngs Call Fay (Bolton) Reeves at (248) (800)6777800 visit wwwtayiorre Sunday Sept 8 Mass at 1130 a m at St

STEWY628@aol com or Sill Bishop at Class of 1953 Fordson High i49 2094 or send an e mail to her at unions com ore mail info@tayiorre Vincent De Paul Church Pontiac (313) 47? 2796 or e mail billb47213@hot 50th reunion Sept 13 2003 Call Bernice Class of 1952 fayree@aol com or call Yvonne (Bird) unions com Luncheon at Santia Hall on Cass Lake mail com Betman (248)737 5773 Fifty year reunion Saturday Oct 5 at Chavis at (313) 2771175 or e mail her at (313)291 6359 Keego Harbor Tickets available at the Bentley High School Detroit Northern High School the Hellenic Cultural Center in Westland bchavisdiaol com Pontiac Central High School Madonna Shop in Pontiac (248) 681 Class of 1962 Classes 011951 & 1952 For more information January grads Mackenzie High School Class of 1942 3964 Contact Jim Russell at (248) 363 A 40 year class reunion will be held 11 A reunion takes place on Saturday Oct contact (313)3881582 or All classes 19321952 A 60 year class reunion is planned for 4209 e mail a m to 4 p m Saturday Sept 7 at the 5 at the Palace of Southfield between orloffal@aol com and June grads call An After 50 Luncheon is being held Saturday Sept 14 at 1130 a m at the st freds alumni@yahoocom Livonia Marriott CallJoyRooseat Telegraph and Northwestern Tickets (313) 5651641 or contact Friday Sept 27 at Vladimir sin Links of Pmewood in Commerce St Gem m a Grade School (248) 668 9883 for further information are $50 per person For ticket informa janmarvdjunocom Farmington Hills Advance luncheon Township for lunch Contact Phyllis All classes from 1950 2001 Class of 196? tion contact Deborah Blodger at (248) Class of 1962 tickets are $25/per person For infer (Troyer) Hunt at (248)674 3692 or Reunion for all aiumni/attendees/teach A 35th class reunion will be held 538 8454 or e mail db7uaw@flash net A 40 year reunion is planned for mation call Carol at (313) 2910741 or Wenona (Dewey) 0 Hearn at (248) 623 ers on Friday Sept 6 at 7 p m at Laurel Saturday Oct 12 For more information Detroit Bedford Saturday Sept 21 For more information (734)354 8030 0577 Manor in Livonia Tickets are $50 each click on WWW Classmates com Classes of January June 1962 contact Dianne Little at (734)4218382 or Madonna University Class of 1977 advance purchase only Seeking all GailRyddAol com or DiransomdAo! com A 40 year reunion is planned Friday by e mail at diannejlittledhotmail com All Alumni A 25 year reunion is planned for past students Call St Gemma Reunion orcallGai! Morell (313)336 3329 Sept 27 Cal! Lee Leddy at (734) 425 or Larry Ptopan at (734)455 7533 e mail Come join in sharing fun food and Saturday Oct 12 at the Embassy Suites Hotline at (734) 420 3333 for more Class ofl982 7860 lpplopan@aol com friendship at the Alumni Reunion 2002 Hotel in Troy Cost $50 per person cash information A 20 year class reunion being held from Detroit Southeastern High School Garden City High School scheduled for Saturday Oct 5 in the bar Contact Marsha Easley Bell (248) St Mary's of Bedford 6 30 p m to midnight on Nov 29 at the Class of 1941 1942 and 1943 Class of 1962 University Center on campus for more 745 5780 e mail mebeil@aolcom Tern Class of 1947 Italian American Banquet Center of A reunion will take place Sept 27 at A 40th reunion dinner dance being held information cal! Elyse Penzato at (734) Wright Covington e mail A 55 year reunion will take place Livonia Visit WWW classmates com for Barrister Gardens in St Clair Shores All at630 pm Saturday Oct 12at 432 5740 tic004@aolcom or Barry Z Roberts Saturday Sept 14 at Sandtraps ticket info or call Tod Truxell at (734) alums and guests welcome Call Dons Immaculate Conception Knights of Marian High School (586)986 9267(work) email Idylwyld Five Mile Road Livonia $40 261 6439 Space is limited get your (May) Brewer at (734) 675 9757 Beit Columbus Halim Garden City Contact Class of 1996 zurell13®yahoocom plus cash bar Call Mary Jane (Govan) tickets now West at (586) 779 8794 or Paul Andrews Peggy (Sinclair) Burklow at (734) 425 Contact Jennifer Latimer (248) 646 Rochester High School Korczykat(248) 5961849 Birmingham High School at (313) 882 3974 9826 Reservation deadline IS Aug 30 9060 or Tina Malloy (248) 4331795 Class of 1952 St Mary's of Wayne Class of 1952 Detroit Southwestern High School 2002 Mcfariand Junior High Fifty year class reunion Saturday Sept Class of 1952 A 50th class reunion will be held at 6 30 Class of June 1942 Garden City East Class of 1966 14 Contact Mary Louise (Miller) Sherby A 50 year reunion is planned 7pm pm Saturday Sept 14 at Orchard Lake A reunion will take place on Sept 15 at Class of 1977 Classmates are being sought for a 35th 522 Renshaw Rochester 48307 (248) Saturday Sept 14 at St Marys Country Club Call Julie McKnight at Park Place m Dearborn All alums and 25th class reunion Oct 19 E mail reunion Call Karen (810) 573 7145 6511014 Activities Center Call Marcia Lawson (248) 6461073 for more information guests welcome Call June Lesniak at GCEAST1977@aol com or call Kim Vickey(517)548 5133 or email Roeper School (Keyes)at(734)421 8477 email Carl Brablec High School (313)928 2318 or Joe Yeg at (734)283 Gallinat Orsette at (734) 762 6357 or misst27@aol com Class of 19581964 soomich123@aolcom or Carol Yazey Class of 1972 1478 Julie Stapleton Edgar at (734) 762 6373 Mercy High School Reunion weekend planned for Sept 27 (Kubiak)at(734)728 3032 A 30th class reunion on Friday Sept 20 Detroit Western High School Class of 1982 Class of 1982 29 A dinner/dance will be the evening St Theresa 2002 contact Andres (Rusch) Snyder at Class of 1945 20th reunion Nov 9 Call Traci at (517) A reunion is being held on Nov 29 at of the 28th The cost is $60 per person Class of 1952 (586)949 4264 or email at A 57th reunion party is being held at 5521955 or Denineat(734)421 5584 Laurel Manor in Livonia Contact in advance (no ticket sales at door) A 50 year reunion is planned on Aug 31 ars510@yahoocom Plum Hollow Country Club in Southfield Grosse Pomte North Maureen Gilmore Asta at (248) 366 Mail checks to WHMS Reunion c/o Judy Please contact Jack Glaser at (248) 651 Catholic Central A luncheon buffet is being held from 11 Class of 1991 9884 with your current address if you Ramsay Oleson 32345 Hawthorn 5495 for further information Class of 1961 a m to 2 p m on Sunday Sept 22 2002 Call (800) 677 7800 visit wwwtayiorre haven t received notification yet Warren Ml 48092 Southfieid’ Lathrup High School For information about the Girls Catholic The cost IS $25 per person Deadline for unions com ore mail info@taylorre MurrayWright High School Royal Oak Dondero High School Class of 1972 Central of Detroit 40th reunion call Jan reservations IS July 31 2002 Foraddi unions com or culbertson@tay!orre Classes of 1973 1974 1975 & 1976 Class of January 1952 30th reunion 6 30 p m Saturday Oct 12 Seefeld (248) 398 7777 or Nancy Nowak tional information call Helen Filice at unions com or write Taylor Reunion Looking for alumni cal! to get your A 50th reunion is being held at 630 at the Skyline Club 2000 Town Center Kush (313)2911165 (734) 464 9661 Irene Tamague at (313) Services PO Box 597 Dallas TX 75221 name on the list to Naomi (313) 567 pm Oct 5 2002 at Fox and Hounds Southfield A Sunday brunch and possi dhadsey 274 8050 or Louise Chapo at (734) 946 9929 8217 Restaurant in Bloomfield Hills Contact ble tour of the high school is planned Class of 1952 4256 Highland Park High New Boston Huron High either Georgenia (Powell) Keoleian at for Oct 13 Contact Dan at (248) 788 A golden anniversary reunion is in the Class ofl955 and 1956 Class of 1947 Class of 1976 80 (248)851 5038 or Ruth (Hayward) 2261 or register at SLSHS COM early plann ng stages Alumni are being Reunion Saturday Nov 2 Contact 55tti reunion Saturday Sept 21 at the Reunion Saturday Oct 19 Contact 1977 Gouldmg at (248) 6417832 for further Westland John Glenn asked to call and share their interest in Miriam (Keppen) Winkler Red Run Country Club Royal Oak Call Lynn Doyte/Curi (734)782 5356 e mail info Class 1972 attending a reun on Cali Florence A mwinkler@attcom (313)383 3444 or Steve Karadian at (248) 8511357 or e tcurl4@comcast net 1978 Linda Class of June 1952 A 30 year reunion w II be held Satu'day Azzopardi (313) 9371246 Pat (Baratone) Levay (313) 3812361 mail StefaN8gd@aolcom Novak/Perry (734) 697 0868 e mail A 50th reunion is being held from o 11 Oct 5 at Hawthorne Valley Cal! Debbie

C iarencevllle High School Class of 1952 Holy Redeemer jwpf4x4@people pc com 1979 Sharon p m Sept 28 2002 at the Run Run Pack at (734)326 4107

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9 Mite 248.426.0203 35139 E. Michigan Ave., Wayne, Ml 48184 H chigan (In the Rite Aid Plaza on Wayne) Fax 248.426.0208 ^ 8 Mile r & Sutlii HovtFC 1 1 « 9 s 3 0 pm ... r a a s a m ! : ______WEMAKETMt WORLOS 73I4"7J2"7500 BEST M attr ess L I 1 2 4 8 4 4 CIO *(C8-Re) O bservers Eccentric! Thursday August 29 2002 OBSERVER LIFE WWW observerandeccentric com

Trip is outgrowth of 'desperation' French class


It started as a class - Desperation French for Travelers - and ended up as a memorable trip to Provence, the romantic and picturesque so u th o f F rance T hose o n th e trip included Luan Brownlee, who works at the Plymouth Historical p s ji*. .;:ri Museum and lives m Livonia, as well as Richard and Rainy Kirchhoff of Plymouth, Allen r , - f ^ * ■ > Odell of Plymouth, and Genevieve Townsend of Farmington Hills and Robert an d M o n ica K oenig o f F arm ington The trip, food and scenery apparently caused Brownlee to becom e p o etic Our flock of wild geese soared across France from Richard Kirchhoff of Plymouth t sun u p to su n d o w n view ing Oak) and Genevieve Townsend (F sights colored golden and dappled shade azure, Mediterranean blue, orange and shimmering red 'The trip was just great. David (Groen) takes you to such Come evening, we dipped dow n to d in e o n th e b e st o f interesting places. He designs the trips so they are French cuisine m chateaus, farmhouses, Moroccan medi- different than those run hy a travel agent.' Gallery browsing m Lourmann (France were, at left, Joette Bickei (of Howell) and Joan Hauber (Brighton) and Luan nas, smelled yellow broom Brownlee (Livonia) and Rainy Kirchoff (Plymouth) and lavender, sage and saf­ Genevieve Townsend fron ” Farmington Hills resident This group was as sunny recep tio n th e y g o t fro m th e Townsend said “It was a nice T h a t w as p a r t o f a m em ory as Provence They were always French people, Groen said group of people ” booklet Brownlee put together so upbeat they were gallery- ‘The tr ip w as ju s t g rea t G ro en ta u g h t th e class a t to rem e m b er th e trip T he trip in clu d ed N ice, St fair o n th e S orgue River, a goers, museum-goers, shop- David (Groen) takes you to Frameworks in Plymouth, and David Groen, a retired Paul'De Vence (a medieval tour of Arles whose locale goers, a n d th e y enjoyed hav­ such in te re stin g p laces H e his class led the group to plan Livoma foreign language walled city), Renoir’s home in sp ired G au g u in an d V an ing th e ir eyes o p en ed Som e designs the trips so they are a trip to France Frameworks teacher, took the group to and gardens in Les Colettes, Gogh, more of Nice and then h ^ never been overseas And quite different than those run has offices in Plymouth, France earlier this summer Aix-en-Provence, an antique the cliff village of Eze they were delighted with the by a travel agent,’ Genevieve Canton and Livonia

Thyroid help group meets Sept. 9 The Michigan Thyroid will be the guest speaker Observer Classifieds S upport G roup will m eet 6 30 He IS th e a uthor of p m Monday, Sept 9, at the Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, Plymouth Library, 223 S Mam Overcoming Arthritis, and The Street, Plymouth Miracle of Natural Hormones reaiiy work! D r D avid B row nstem Call TVacy G reen a t 734-453 (http //drbrownstem com/) 7945, e-mail mithyroid (^com Call 800-579-SELL today!! from The O nter for Holistic cast net, or visit http //mihome- M edicine in W est Bloomfield, town com/oe/thyroid W e’re painting the town Madonna to offer yoga classes ^ JSgTinnsim jgii^ d i, M adonna University in The non-credit fee is $270 Livonia will offer two yoga for each course SIGN UP FOR FALL ROLLSR HOCKEY courses during the fall term Students can earn 3 0 con C/eaa S Climax Controlled IH/ellManagedl Le. ! With Multiple Age Broups & Sc Classes will be held on tm uing education units Wednesdays from 12 noon to Students may register by Skate & Uwodnesday P re-S ch o o l N ia h tO e e n 2pm, beginning Septem ber mail, fax and in person S k a te I k a t e i 4 Also, classes will be offered For more information, call Every Thursday I Every Saturday on M ondays from 12 noon to (734) 432-5731 or fax (734) am 3(3 10 n I ' Nighti 7 30 ' am Bring 2pm, starting Sept 9 432-5364 pm 11 30 push toys or 1 fhirc .m Girls strollers in September payj rate o f f e r in celebration kate Free $ 4 00 includes § : for 4 or more Sept 14tn& admission i skaters and get a I Boys Skate Free! whole RIZZO & rental, snack & of o u r n a m e change! Sept 21st ailcher or pop for drink For More Information Call 734.459.6401 M ichigan • Bi-Color Bushel & 1 R«nd« Drive (eff^ Jey Read) •Ganten SWEET CO Case Pricing on all P ro d u d I M i c h i g a n Levy Restaurants . 9 9 / 5 D O Z . Bag Sports And Entertainment Melody Farms Milk lo n iH lu c s 4 .W p u : WOULD LIKE TO INVITE ^ V l O t M o n Hiivliel YOUR NON-PROFIT Energized Checking" / i . L L I Pickles ORGANIZATION TO JOIN IN & Fresh Dill \UIIK\III0N THE EXCITEMENT AT FORD *‘N o w ’s the tim e for FIELD - THE NEW HOME OF Cnnningf’* THE DETROIT LIONS - APY' H a r d y M u m . ITS A WHOLE NEW ANIMAL! W e are interested in dedicated, Collon Pat 1 enthusiastic, and friendly adult civic groups to help us provide 'W orld Class" O p en m sccot«it and r e c w S A I J^] - R o se B u sh e s - ^7'"’ I ^ A C I I hospitality and premium food service to p r i i c h k k w r i t i m c our guests. To secure your organization's U H u m rm Nursori Clvaruiicv Sale H O opportunity for unlimited fundraising ¥Qmmm mm R l \ 1 GI.1 1 M il 1 O H U N i BANKING & BILL FAYHENT potential in this fabulous new stadium, m m please respond as soon as possible’ Visit oiir Wcbsile. HHH.ilvdisiiiitlirfiiiIsuiis u MI All interested parties,please contact C H B I . i M ______Laura Brow n at 586-755-8268 8000 Newburgh or Shelia Brow n at 313-965-8450 W ESTLAND ' 734-425-1434 CHARTER O W F Onnrv- P K \': '•)-/g-7 Mt>nclnvxinm SaturcLtv; Siindnv 9-3 BANK

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C.J. Risak editor (734)953 2108 to replace Canton Fax (734)5917279 cjnsakdoe homecomm net as WLAA champ D3 D1 (C P ) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday August 29 2002 wwwobserverandeccentnc com PREPS H RECREATION » OUTDOORS Chiefs have enough talent to contend


This will be a pivotal year for Tim Baediler’s football program and Derek Johnson Then there s at Plymouth Canton linebackers Jake Powers, Matt Baechler enters his fourth sea­ Paye and Brandon Reeves, w hom son as the Chiefe’ head coach all look capable of contributing having guided them to the state immediately Defensive back playoffs the past two years That Julian S m iA is another who ■ Agape tumbles w as a gntty, determ ined group should see action, as will comer- It was close for three that tied the school record for back Ryan Edwards and Mike quarters anyway wins in a season (nine) m 2001 Lafata, returnees who got plenty Canton Agape Christian G one from th a t team are 28 of playing tim e with the varsity opened its girls basketball players, including such notables last season Taking over for season at New Boston as fiillback/linebacker D ane Murphy at quarterback will be Huron by trimming a six Kobus (now a t H illsdale), ru n ­ senior Dave Nicoloff’, a senior point halftime deficit to ning backs/comerbacks Kyle who got hmited playing time last three after three quarters - Lasko and Billy Gazsi, defensive season “He s looking r ^ ly good,” all to no avail tackle Mike Tolhurst, linebacker insisted Baechler The Chiefs pulled away in Tbdd Shirkman, safety Mike And despite the losses of the final period outscoring Tomasaitis and quarterbadc Kobus, Gazsi and C had Fuller, Agape 14 8 to post a 44 35 Brendan Murphy the offensive backfield should be win The question is this Does sound with Brandon Wilcox and For the first game it was Baechler have a program m place Reggie Joyner returning for their all right was Agape coach that can chum out one winning senior seasons Wilcox should Chuck Henry s reaction to team after emother, or were the slide mto Kobus spot at fullback, the outcome last tw o seasons a com bination of with Joyner back at halfback The PAUL HURSCHMANN | OBSERVER Other than the foultrou luck, talent and the proper kind question is, can Wilcox — w ho ble and the turnovers we of coaching^ suffered a broken ankle his soph­ Canton's leading returning ground-gamer, Brandon Wilcox must prove durable enough to lead the rushing attack did all right “WeVe got some mexpenenced omore year and had pins inserted The Wolverines surren players, but the front seven, the m It — last a whole season’ dered 31 free throws by core, IS still there,” Baechler said W e ve got some good young season, was shifted to tackle in Ray Eisbrenner are batdmg it out vying for the other If Baechler Huron (the Chiefs made 13) o f th e rem n an ts o f his 9-2 team players there, too, noted early practices this season and for the nght guard spot, a posi­ w ants to o p en u p h is attack they took just 11 (making W e should be very good defen­ Baechler They include TVavis now appears to be the starter at tion that may ultimately be some, h e’ll sh ift T hom as from six) sively” McKinney, a junior, an d Devon center Senior Andy Ray, who decided by the broken wnst halfback to wideout And that’s Amy Henry led Agape with His defensive optimism is Thomas, ajumor and atransfer measures 6-4,265, will be at one Eisbrenner suffered m practice something that could transpire 12 points A J Creps had based o n an influx o f th e old and from Ann Arbor Huron tackle spot w ith Pat Kennedy, All three are juniors Shawn W e m ay use m ore m ultiple for­ nine and 10 rebounds die new Returning starters are The offensive line includes another senior, at the other Zullo, another senior, will be one mations,’ Baechler hinted Lauren Park and Kim Giese mside Imebacker M att Bennett Zack Caswell, a lineman of-all- Jeff Sartor has the mside track tight end, widi Andy Howald, a Whatever the format, the ques- each scored 10 for New and defensive tackles Dan Parkas trades who started at guard last at left guard, Mark Kersten and senior, a n d R on Opdyke, aju m o r, Boston PLEASESEE C H IEFS , D2

■ Trading players For a pair of draft picks the Plymouth Whalers djlded a pair of experienced over age players on Rocks hope to head Tuesday The Whalers traded a fourth round pick in 2003 and a seventh round choice to the top of W LAA m 2004 to the Peterborough Petes for left wing Matt Armstrong and left BY C J RISAK sons squad are m inim al in num ber, the two wing/center Jimmy Gagnon STAFF WRITER key departures were both major components We are very happy to be Gone are Scott Hewitt, who took neaiTy all able to get both of these To be prease, there is just one direction the snaps at quarterback an d also played players said Whalers gen open to Salems football squad, and the Rocks safety, and Myron Covington, the team’s lead­ era! manager/coach Mike plan to take it ing ground-gamer Still, Cummings remains Vellucci In Bob Cummings’ first season as coach, confident There’s reason for his optimism Both of these guys bring Salem hardly distinguished itself To put it ‘ Right now, I can say we’re a much better a lot of experience and we bluntly, the Rocks struggled badly, beating team than last year,” he said ‘W e played a lot are looking forward to hav only winless Farmii^ton of young kids at the end of last season ” ing them in the lineup Thmgs look better this season But to start Which has to help Because of his tendency Armstrong finished with making — or to even consider — playoff to play a lot of people to get them experience, 17 goals and 21 assists in 65 LIZ CARNEGIE I OBSERVER plans would be very premature Cummings can say he returns e i^ t expen- games for the Petes last It s been more than a decade since the enced players on defense and seven more on season Mike Kerul (37) got some valuable experience at running back last season, and that Rocks last reached the state football tourna­ offense Gagnon played in 60 should help Salem’s ground game this year ment And althou^ the losses from last sea­ games scoring five goals PLEASE SEE S A LEM , D 4 and adding 16 assists

■ Will golf champ Kurt Will an 1989 Livonia New school Stevenson High graduate DeLaSalle proves just and Plymouth resident posted a 2 over par 74 six puts forth shots ahead of the Flight too tough for Salem , 2-0 No 1 field to win the varsity effort Amateur 8 Golf Challenge

recently at the Pohicat m B Y C J R I S A K

Mount Pleasant BY C J RISAK Gary Balconi Invitational, left STAFF WRITER Six of the lowest handicap STAFF WRITER th e Rocks w ith a 1-3 m a rk players competed in this D eLaSalle is 2-0 Som e day, m th e m id-21st years event The first half was not yet “They’re clearly one of the century, someone will ask a The Central Michigan half over when Salem goal­ to p five te am s in th e state,’ question a n d th is w ill be the University graduate posted keeper Tom Huls got just said McCarthy of the Pilots answ er an Amateur 8 record for enough of one shot as he dove W e certainly h ad a n u m b e r o f Who were the first athletes to lowest round with a 1 under to h is le ft to deflect it in to th e hig h quality scoring o p p o rtu ­ win something in the name of 71 in the No 2 flight at the goalpost The rebound came nities th e new P lym outh H S? Detroit Metro East Regional rig h t b ac k to a n o n ch arg m g “B ut so d id they T hey could ___ held last month at Partridge W arren D eL aSalle player, w ho have scored five goals It was a Creek drove a sh o t to H u ls’ rig h t, b u t w ide-open gam e I can t really explain it the Salem keeper made a div­ T he R o cl^ ’ defense w as h u rt said Will a former in g save to k eep it a scoreless by the absence of defensive PAULHURSCHMANNIOBSERVER T he answ er E lam e Lafayette, Stevenson All State soccer m atch midfielder Chris Conlisk, who Jill Spangler, Katie Hughes and player and standout Rocks’ coach Ed McCarthy bruised his foot over the week­ The battle for position and control of the ball is a rough one between Salem's Catalina Opncan That four­ wtestler admired the play, then as an end and sat out the game He Kevin Savltskie (21) and DeLaSalle's Dan Wiegand some sped to a first-place finish All i know IS that I wasn t afterthought added, “We should b e ready to go b y next for Plymouth’s girls swim team playing this well earlier m should b e d ow n 1-nil rig h t w eek th ro u g h o u t th e gam e A fter half, Dave Stoffel got free on a in th e 2 0 0 -y ard m edley relay, the summer t proceeded to n o w ” W ith o r w ith o u t C onlisk, m issing o n th a t first scoring breakaw ay b eh in d th e Salem one of five events the Wildcats ask my dad (his caddy for T h a t w as o n e o f m a n y o u t­ Salem su rren d ered to o m any chance, th e y d id n ’t le t dow n defenders, but Huls came out w on the Amateur 8) for some sta n d in g saves m ad e d u rin g scoring chances We gave up W ith 22 10 rem aining in th e to meet him and stopped him U nfortunately, w ith ju st 10 help and advice M onday’s g am e b etw een tw o m ore chances today th a n w e first half, D oug K ilboum to o k cold sw im m ers a n d tw o divers o n the He immediately saw te am s th a t a re p eren n ially did all day Saturday,” a hard shot that Huls stopped F our m in u te s later, Stoffel team, and all of them freshmen, what I was doing wrong I state powers The difference M cC arthy n oted but couldn’t smother, Kevin made no mistake Taking a the first team victory will made some adjustments was DeLaSalle had more ‘W e played well o n th e H ow ald pounced on th e pass fro m Ja so n M artin 2 0 remain m the future for a while and now I m playing really chances, a n d th e y cash ed m on attack, and our keepers played rebound a n d scored to give yards m fro n t o f th e Salem longer consistent and having a lot a couple of them to collect a 2- w ell We ju s t have to shore u p DeLaSalle a 1-0 lead goal, h e lin e d a shot over H uls In S aturday’s d u al m eet, of fun 0 v ictory a t Salem the defense ’ T he second goal w as, p u t and into the net to make it 2- L ansing E astern em erged w ith a I hope to continue to T he loss, com bined w ith To the Pilots credit, they simply, a m a tte r o f fate Ju s t 0 120-57 triumph play well their 1-2 record at Saturday’s k e p t applying pressure three minutes into the second PLEASE SEE D E L A S A L L E , D5 PLEASE SEE W ILDCATS, D3

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Catholic Central ready to defend state championship

BY BRAD MONASTIERE Silverdome six times, including responsibility to uphold the tra­ linebackers Randell Means, Wins championships,’ he said , STAFF W RITER GRID PREVIEW last season A return tnp to die dition here,’ M ach said ‘ There’s Kevin McKee and Dan Moore ‘That’s what happened for us last Dome IS a real possibility once a sense of pressure, but we have Pat Clark, another captain, will year W hen our defense started Expectations come with the again, as CC returns several a veteran coaching staff that s play on bodi offensive and defen­ to dick, o u r whole team did ’ temtory around Redford onship IS considered a letdown starters and is ranked N o 2 been together a long time sive lines, and IS jom edl^ veter­ M adi added that this team has Catholic Central’s football pro­ But there s a reason for high overall in the state according to In addition to that coaching an starter Brian Hanley on the better overall speed than m gram expectations each year, and diats the Detroit News staff, the offense and defense line recent seasons We’re faster Expectations from parents, because of the extraordinary suc­ Longtime head coach Tbm both return top players that Mach said this defense will be than we’ve been, althou^ that alum ni, fans, coaches and even cess CC has had the past 12 M ach takes expectations in make the Shamrocks one of die like many others m that it plaj^ doesn’t necessarily make you the players themselves It’s never years stride, and understands the picks to advance to Pontiac once frmdamentally sound football, good,” he said easy to try and live up to stan­ Since 1990, Catholic Central responsibility that comes with again th is season playing m the n ^ t spots and John Mullroy, Ryan Connor dards set high enough that any­ has raised the state-of-Michigan- playing for the CC program Four of the team ’s five captains being a good hitting team and Greg Arrowsmith join Clark thing less than a state champi- shaped trophy at the Pontiac T h ere s definitely a sense of primarily play defense, led by “We ve always felt defense as the offensive line andiors, all starters on last year’s champi­ onship team They will lead the way for one of the best junior running bad« in the state in Nobody Beats Demck Brooks M ach said Brooks has out- our Prices! standmg cutback ability and can read holes and break away from Guaranteed!' defenders effectively Our everyday low “He’s a natural,” Mach said prices are getting ‘ He’s got th at savvy you like to even Iowa* Look see out of a back He isn’t that L o u i e 's for this symbol throughout the store big, b u t he’s avidiilly to u ^ an d Home Improvement Warehouse has all th e m oves” Open Labor Day. Darnell Tyson and McKee will Regular store hours. split time at the fullback posi­ tion Mach said the starting Q3 ^ Improving Home Improvement job IS still up in the air, but fore­ sees Dave Thomas to take die snaps when the Shamrocks face Detroit Crockett Saturday at the Silverdome JeffMcMichael should also see playing tim e under center, and will play wide o In d n Home Projects receiver when he isn’t the quar­ terback, Aaron Paulir^ will dso be a pnm ary receiver m CC’s offense In an offense that heavily Paym ents and interest emphasizes the run, Mach said die quarterback’s job is to mini­ mize mistakes and be able to until M a rc h , 20 0 3 ! throw effectively when called On every purchase you make of $299 or more on your Lowe s cara from August 28,2002 tiirough upon Septembers 2002 if paid Jn full by March 2003. *See store kr details ‘We’ll typically throw 10 to 15 times per game, depending on the situation,” Mach said “Running the football gives you a Concrete Mix chance to win every game ” CC certainly is no stranger to •4000 avg psi playmg m the former home of ^ 5 R e b a t e •Meets and exceeds the Detroit Laons The team has industry (ASTM an excellent record in state tide ^5 per gallon mail«, die Catholic League figures to be competitive from Everyday Low Price top to bottom M adi said the Manufacturer's University of Detroit-Jesuit “ Mail In Rebate could be a threat to win the tide “A schedule like ours always keeps you on your toes,” M a^ $ 1 3 9 7 saici ‘It seems like most of the ■ Gallon teams m our league were young last year, so I expect everyone to be better We play (Detroit) DePorres m a crossover, and th^"^ Take it hom e to d ay o r get should have a good team as w eir Laminate Flooring _Y our C h o iC e FR EE N ext D ay D elivery •7'A‘ X 5 0 % ' bm onastiere@oe hom ecom m net | laminated planks (734) 953 2106 install without glue Xei Q m f a o n all appliances! or nails •Available in o C | . f t . Antique Oak Natural Oak Honey Oak. Washington ^ 3 9 9 and above via mail-in rebate. Cherry and Portland Beech 'Sold in 20 58 sq n per 16 2002 See store for details carton #112888,893 5 922 CHIEFS FROM PAGE D1 MACHINES tion lingers Can this Canton 18 HP, 42" Cut team match the last two”? 24.9 C u . F t. Lawn Tractor ‘ I really think th ^ do,” replied Baechier “They’ve got high Refrigerator •7 speed Shift On The G o expectations, they expect to get New LightTouchi ice and transmission back th ere (to th e playoffs) water dispenser is now again T h^just have to stay #132839 healthy” taller to accommodate larger Of course, wanting it badly Items- easily fills sports bottles, enough — even having the t^ - pitchers, blenders and more* ^ $ 9 9 8 ent to m ake th e state to u rn a­ m ent — is no guarantee it will happen •Gallon door storage 6.25 HR 18 Gallon Even with the loss of perenni­ al Western Lakes Activities •SmartWater 6 month filter Blower Vac® Association tide-contender • Powerful detachable Farm ington H a m so n (H am son, •Upfront electronic controls blower Nordi Farmington and Farmington left the WLAA for *U p to 225 mph air the Oakland Athletic #163461 velocity Association), the Chiefs sched­ #159682 ule IS difficult Particularly in the first five weeks, four o f which are road *7 9 7 games Canton opens Fnday at Ann Arbor Pioneer, then plays WLAA games at Westland John Glenn, at home against Wayne Tool Clearance Outdoor Power Equipment Clearance Memorial, and at Walled L ^e W estern (the te am th a t elimi­ 10-40% O FF select power and hand tools 10- 20% O F F nated C anton from th e 2001 W hile supplies last. Quantites lim ited. Select models. Whiles supplies last. Quantities limited. playoffs) and Livonia Stevenson Doesn’t that sound like fun? And yet, if the Chiefs survive Chesterfield Warren Clinton Twp. Bloom field How ell M o n ro e W estland So u th gate diat opening stretch with a win­ 27990 23 Mile Rd 31140 Van Dyke 15350 Hall Rd 1801 South Telegraph Rd 1100S Latson Frenchtown Tvi^ 6555 Newburgh 3/4 Mile S of Eur^a Rd ning record, they’ll have a realis­ (586) 94841854 (586) 826 7661 (586) 416 2534 (248) 336-2566 (517) 548-3475 2191 North Telegraph (734) 728-8620 on Trenton Rd Mond.y.Satunl.y- 6am.10pm Monday4aturday Sam 10pm Mond^S.turday 6am-10pin Monday-Satunlay 6am 10pm Monday-Saturday 6am 10pm (734) 364-8478 Monday Saturday $am 10pm (734) 264-6843 tic shot at a third-straight tnp to Sunday Sam^pni Sunday Sunday 8anv6pm Sunday eam-6pm Monday Saturday Sam lOpm Sunday Samepm Monday-Saturday 6am 10pm Sunday Sam-6pm Sunday 8am4pin the state playoffs And that w^l be the ultimate ■LowaiPriCBCuaranteePdlcy Waajaranteeoifevefydaycompeiitveprces fyoufindaiowe everydaywadv«rti8etlpnMonanici8nticai8tock tematanyloc^reta Prices may vary after Septembe 112002 if there are market varsttona See store for details re^rding prniici wa r reservethe i^tto mttfjantites proof that Baechler’s program is conpeno that has the item m9locl< wei bea their wceby 1096 whenyautsjylromus Just lyj^ua the wrrpeiitorsarremecl,o we caStovenfy henemspricelhatycu haveteuTd Cash/^rgecardandcsTypuchasesoriyCkxnpetitwscbseouL specs order discontinued (feance 6wdalion arxl damaged «ms are e«cW^ from ths ropaymentssndlntereat Payments not leojredi/i il March 2003on ary epprovedaxterecep purches8of$399a'nKrecf6rDsdtoyou'lLowe 8 Credit Cad m place offer Onpercentoff safes. viewfflrtatcntfBComoetrtorspsrbentoffoffer muted to •eascnable quantities orhaneowne aidone houseorderqientitiesfo cashandcarry nAu^l28,2Xl2 lK)u^Ssptentier8,2002FiTarcederg6saftocpttorelinsuepcsd5r^onyxrp(qrrutoridpijcha8ewillbeMledfraT> cort actors Current m atoreprioe f tower ovarridesLwesadwrtis^pnoe Prlcea.W8n eehonoreda al owesres tocaons Labo chai^sbrnoctotK'sefetonjte !»wdtiecreitsdifiMomitotorelojche99ardarwiurar

Salem the top threat to take away Canton's WLAA crown

BY C J RISAK OUTLOOK year on th e team ju n io r Raj Athens Invitational today, try­ show ed u p a t th e Taco Bell in third position this season, Matt STAFF WRITER Shah, w ho has already m atched ing to stretch th e ir w inning Canton and from there — using Stephens, a sophomore and his b est tim e o f a year ago, and streak at this event to three- th e slogan m ade fam ous by th a t PCAs N o 4 ru n n er, B n an E n te rin g the 2001 boys cross Jo h n M adonna, a senior w ho straight T he Rocks are a t the franchise — th e y “R an to th e Holychuk, a sophomore and country season, the thinking returnees Aaron Lannmg, a has trained hard all summer, L utheran W estland tim e trials B order probably my fifth runner, was Cantons team could senior w ho w as n in th overall at p u ttin g in som e m ega-m iles today, their first true competi­ O r m ore precisely, to th e according to Bauslaugh, Scott indeed succeed if everything th e conference m eet in 2001 And yet, it’s hard to tell if tion is the Birmingham Brother state b o rd er separating O hio Brandt, a freshman, and three worked out just right and Jon Western, another sen­ th a t ta le n t is good enough to Rice Invitational Sept 7 and Michigan It took them five o r fo u r m em bers o f th e soccer By th e end o f th e season, the ior who placed 18th keep th e Chiefs m contention days, b u t th e 48-m ile tre k w as a te am w ho m ay ru n as w ell ^ Chiefs h a d m ade it com e to T hat s a lot o f te rrito ry to Boyd isn’t even convinced PCA PUTTING IN THE MILES good w ay to g et th e season I t w on’t take th e Eagles long pass recover, and Boyd knows it T he th re e th ro u g h six spots started to see where they fit in, or how Through determination and won t be easy Retaining their arc going to have to show sig If you only have a few guys to “I t w as a nice first w eek o f good th e y are T hey go to th e g n t, th e y em erged from th e crown will be more difficult for nificant im provem ent for us, com pete v^ith, th e n your choic­ practice for us,’ said Bauslaugh Lutheran Westland time trials W estern Lakes Activities th e Chiefs w ith th e em ergence he said, adding, Which they es aren t that difficult, really T he Eagles have several top- today Association Championships of cross-campus rival Salem, could Plymouth Christian Academy notch returnees to bolster their “T lie te am to b e a t (in th e w ith a title, thanks to a superb w hich retu rn s th re e m ajor B ut th a t next group is going cross country coach Steve hopes for a M ichigan MIAC) IS Southfield Chnstian,’ team perform ance th a t saw six threats led by senior Justin to have to go from good ru n ­ Bauslaugh must Independent Athletic said Bauslaugh ‘ They won the o f th e ir runners m ake th e H ajduk, w ho w as second over ners to to p runners N o 1, keep th e m healthy and C onference title, s ta rtin g v^uth conference last year and they WLAA’s all-division team all at the WLAAs O ne th in g n i h is advantage fit W hen you have just five senior Mark Varney A two- have everyone back” It was a season to remember, ‘ Salem is th e team to b e a t The WTAAs new format of ru n n ers an d all o f th e m m u st time state qualifier, Varney is B u t PCA w as second a year to b e su re But four o f those top this year, said Boyd They’ve team jamborees instead of con­ score, th is is a necessity looking to avenge h is 9 9 th - ago, and as Bauslaugh noted, six ru n n ers are gone, including got Hajduk, (Jim) Leddy and ference d ual m eets every w eek N o 2, m ake th em as fast as place at the Division IV state “The funny thing is, every other Steve Debien (fourth at the (Chris) V raniak all back, an d will allow teams to devote more possible No slackers allowed m finals in 2001 year w e go first, second, first, WLAAs), Pat Pruitt (12th) and then (Salem coach Geoff Baker) time to intensive training a sport that requires everyone ‘ He’s my No 1 runner,’ said second we go back and Brandon McClellan (19th) has a nice group behind them ” T h at can only help a develop to do well for th e te am to do Bauslaugh I m looking for a fo rth That, as coach Bill Boyd T he Chiefs have a nice place mg team like Canton How well real strong season fro m h im ‘ It IS our turn to take first w ould p o in t out, IS the b ad to sta rt m p u ttin g to g e th er a much the alteration aids the B auslaugh found a w ay to do O th er retu rn ees are M ark But that’s on paper Now we news ‘WeVe got some good team , v u th L annm g and o ther conference team s is both, and to create some team B urkhart, a senior, a n d M att have to d o it wiffi o u r legs ” an d weVe got som e bad,” was W estern an o th er question unity as well A couple of weeks W orley, aju m o r, w ho w ill com ­ how h e p u t It And there s some talent com­ T he Chiefs ru n a t th e IVoy ago, as a fundraiser, the Eagles p ete for th e te a m s second or cjrisakdoe homecomm net | (734) 953 2108 T he b ad news was m ade ing up through the ranks as worse when Matt Rymond, well, with Steve Cheeks, a soph­ 20th at the WLAAs last season, om ore w ho h ad a personal best decided n o t to ru n this year ofl7 46in2001 senior Steve T h e ObsERVER & E c c e n t r Ic o+ lAQTrac ttnfVi Vatr rr Vn c

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saiuraay specials For iloro Intormolion Ahoul AdwrlMns* ■18W/Cart$25 •18W/Cart$28 :lals Monday Must present coupon in lhi'> Coif D im lor\ 18HotesW/Cart$20 on Saturday -riday Everyone is Special on Friday' Weekend Specials CiiU D \L m ( 7 14) IJ-JOr I 18Hol8sW/Gait$20 *18HolesW/Cart$34 lading Hot Dog & Pop after 2 00 pm $28

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100 backstroke (l 20 07) WILDCATS It was, all things considered, ,1 CARKEEPER FROM PAGE D1 a sound start for the Plymouth sw im te am Schade did n o t have any illusions when he took BRAKE SPECIAL ‘At this point, we re just wor­ th e jo b — h e h ad been h ired as W e ried ab o u t our ovm individual th e boys sw im coach, th e n was improvement, meet to meet,’ offered the girls position too — said Plym outh swim coach an d he still doesn t harb o r any D oug Schade, him self an alum ­ ‘I m there by choice, not nus o f Lansing E astern a n d a because there w as no o ther M ichigan State U niversity option,” he said There were I Indudes the following: Front diK or graduate plenty of people who wanted I *CDrkee|ier™ pods or shoes rear shoes H e’s also coached a t R edford this jo b t h a t ■ • 12-mondi/i 1000 mile warranty U nion, as well as a t L ansing ‘ P art o f th e reason I w anted ■ * Inject hydraulic broke system rotor and drum, vdieei bearing on Sony cars, light truda anii vans Theie may be substantial Waverly and the Delphinus to be here was to set the tone of I non-drive axle pariung brake coble check for brake system leaks extra cost lor mach n ng odditioiuil parts and tnbar Exp es9/21/02 Swim Club m Lansm g expectation, of a winning tradi­ * labor lor instsllahon ‘TVe’ll focus on th e future tion at a new school There s a w hen w e have a full squad ” vision o f what it will be m tw o lifetim e Guarantee *Quality Parts •Certified Technicians •Factory Scheduled Maintenance A gainst Lansm g E astern, the or three years W ildcats got tw o individual Schade hopes to plant the wins apiece from both seed of a fertile program, and Ann Arb«r dinten Township Detroit Imtoln Park Novi Royal Oak Sterling Heights Warren 2395 Jackson Avenue 41300 Garf eld 17045 LWonen Avenue 2424 0 X H ghwsy 43421 West Twelve M le Road 32700 Woodward Avenue 43525 Van Dyke 32601 Van Dyke 16I2N WoynsRoad Lafayette and H ughes watch it blossom into some­ 734 665 7495 586 263-0080 313 885 3280 313 382 1223 248 348 3140 248-549-0411 586 731 6540 586 939 7470 734 729 4430 Lafayette was first m the 200 thin g special Ann Arbor Deoriiorn Farmington Livonia Plymouth Southfield Troy Waterford 3170 Woshtenaw Avenue 15141 Mch gen Avenue 22849 O^ard Loke Road 19708 Mlddlebeh Road 70S W Ann Arbor Road 24945 Tcicgroph 1500 W Maple 3455 Highland Road 21811 S Allen Hood individual m edl^ (2 37 52) The first step has already 734 971-4520 313 582 2432 248-473 5400 246 477-0556 734-455 6100 248 356 3040 248 6434)203 248 681 9494 734 676 4110 an d th e 5 00 freestyle (5 59 93), been taken Canton DeaAern Heights lake Orion llvonio Rochester Southfield Troy Waterford Hughest took top honors m the 41580 Ford Rood 8630 N Telegraph Road 591S Lapeer Road 30481 Plymouth Road 7465 Rochester Rood 26939 Greenfield Road 2995 E Sig Beaver Roa 5099 Dixie Kl^wny W”L« 734 981 1090 313 562 5166 248 693 1488 734 261 9150 248 652 8383 248 559 0929 248 524 2090 248 674 0453 734-484 1472 100 butterfly (115 93) a n d the cjrisak@oe homecomm net | (734) 953 2108 Chesterfield Detroit lapeor Madison Hoights Roseville Southgote Utka/SheibyTWl West Bleemfleld 28300 23 f^leRoad 14038 Greenfield Road 806 South Ma n Street 385W12M!eRood 25525 Grotot 13252 Eureka Road 50021 Van Dyke Road 5725 West Maple 586 949 6420 313 838 0500 810-664 3801 248 546 0230 586 779 6333 734 285 9600 586 731 0477 248 626 6131 OFFBRS AVAIiABLS AT PARTIC PAT NG STORES ONLY P ces shown on pots feahjred are M das suggested reto / p ces Actual p ces may vary by store heation In most eases add lional parts labo and nslallatian are extra See wa ranly terms and condfions n shop Mdos reserves the nghi to correct pnn ng errors ®2002M das hie notional Corpora on P css good through 9/21/02o os noted ''vsF ufetime rEroiioiiiizER'ircoMP^^^^^ TIRE ROTATION BRAKE SERVICE 'PLUS MUFFLER! ALIGNMENT & BALANCE 1 YEAR WARRANTY 1 1 - STARTINGAT | $ 0 0 9 9 BATH and KITCHEN REMODELING front disc * 9 9 ?or drum M m J r 4 wheel • M das VSD pads or sloes • Lfet me parts warranty on feel ngsiHnevbianoiisibroligh you steenngwhe^? Could mean i • L ic e n se d nstailed pods or shoes for os long as you own your cor I i' I | j .tepBCtsteengund .Inspucisteengondi suspens on • Pdonn (omputer ulrgnment N you need you wheels boloec^ Fommately it s on Inexpensive Master Plumber • Inspect hydraul c brake system for leaks *29”iiniversai design | Z . ^9”i •Inspect•inspect esfoesfoweot weoicondition t esze^lnspectuIpessire ■ problem to fx Sotcnced wkeek combined with regular 6re roloNon • Inspect clean ond lube col per si de/pins I I offers good corrosion resistance M■ I undsetondsetomonufartui omonufocturers spec ficotions* Inspect wheel bee ngpeyM means longer tire Irfe. • Ceram ic Tile cylinder • Labor for [nstollot on l a •Tesidilveveiuk KotovoloUsonalopidicotlon Seemonoge ■ I EAostflirs gb Inckscnd Many ars,Dgbtm>cksond ons Custom tleeis extra. in s ta lle d Mos ptsSsIn docks pd ans 'niseinoTbs bs substortis] sciTO entfo oUditicifHl I Coupon m sllnprs snlsdottiteo pudia s Coupon must be p esented ottimsof purdiose part; and Into Ccepon m st be presei(vesenieilotnms I Nat good any all o' ■ ■ Cowmmustbeptesenied nmecdpwdKtss Nogoodsrtonyollietorfe • Q u a lity M a te ria ls olpjrciiEe SeemiBiagHfcirdeta'isatots and I I H°tagw1°W*offe winanty tenns. good wWi any oils one _ ~ and Workmanshir k piitiapalirig sheys only Eepee ?/2 /02 I I lUBE, OIL r MiDAS r fall '■ 'Is iS M ' I MAiNTENANCE I MAiNTENANCE i & FILTER I TUNE-UP [ I PACKAGE I FLUSH & FILL STARTINGAT FREE ESTIMATES VIOIl WUI I UM IMIOIIOII UMU 'environmentoi Bath Showroom disposal fee • 1 6 ”moy apply T r J r 4 cylinder 1 1 UptoSqts of 5Wor low 30Oil > Install new spork plugs I I •Lube olafllte cllonge(titit!>taSr|ls.olSWoe CWSOolandnewaibllei | (Same location since 1975) il*34**i • Complete flush of radiator ond cooling system e FORD ■ • • Che k coolant levd ond sirengih • Inspect flu d levds ■ Ui 3 4 2 2 4 Michigan Avenue • New oil ^Iter • Lube chassis Ottings • Inspect choke throttle linkage 2 spark plug wires and distributor cap I I *1101010 res and set tire pressure *0ieck oil I ghts, hoses ond belts I • Fill wfh coolant (up to 2 gallons) • Check fluid levels I I • Bottery test • Pe form M das 45-poinl wr tten broke nspecnoo || i W ayne, Michigan 4 8 1 8 4 C cst ats Ijb tiu ks ond ans D ese 'lebnjes extra Co pan m st Wonyiois, igh to ksondvons Hon umplig exito Titmsvese V6engne«d _ • Visual inspection of belts and hoses bepesentedo tuneolpiiidiase N...... S/C "tafereneoxlto Thmm ybe obstontio oxini ostfo oCrTmono pod — ■ Aosteois Ighfttacksond or» Dssa ehdssextto ■ h any cars bghi trucks and vans DexcppI extra MICHIGAN AVE rri>miti^n hm" — I ■ 0 dlakB Cou»n miw be presented 0 time of I I Cauponraustbepiese ledottimeofixj hose I wtio yolsiatle Pp^pongPops NatgaadvdanyarbrafteApomapcnag Coupon must be presented at tlrre o purchpse K f on Oiei9

It's about tim e for hioh school football season

Dearborn at Garden City 7 pm . Sorry not elieve it or not, it’s tim e our kids wear shoes Butdad- Western Lakes Activities team s each - w eek is 0 -0 this time The Pioneers have more depth than for a bran d spankin’ new g um m it U oyd, how are we sup­ Assoaation made when they w hich created the Cougars and early in the season it makes B football season I know, it posed to catch up to those states heard they don t have to play a scheduling THURSDAYS GAMES a difference PICKS Dearborn - Beaudry Emons Risak doesn’t seem like it if we d on t sta rt playm g ball m Harnson eveiyyear problem m Hamtramck at Lutti Westland 4 pm . The Warriors open with a win for the second Churchill at M H B ^op Foley 7* p m. This Is But that’s because Michigan m id-A ugust ■ D an Boulter, T im Shaw trying to find straight season Can they win their first two’ not what the Chargers had in mind PICKS IS behind the times Forward- W ith th e new season, you’ll and Drew Stanton have used up a n in th gam e PICKS LW - Beaudry Risak Emons Foley-Beaudry Emons Risak thinking states such as Alabama see som e changes all of their high school eligibility ■ T he move Ciarenceville at Lutheran North 4:30 p m. Canton at AA Pioneer 7p m The Chiefs and Tennessee have started ■ T he Farm ington schools - finally also created a The Trojans haven t lost a league game in are another team glad to see Harrison leave th eir seasons already w ill play on th e OAA, an ■ The Mega Conference change on our three years Call me silly but something says Pioneer will be glad to see Canton go PICKS Prep grid the streak is now at one PICKS North Canton - Beaudry Emons Risak Some people think we have acronym not important to this decided that, after losing Wayne end -Beaudry Cviile - Emons Risak Cranbrook vs St Agatha/BIshop Borgess, story except to descnbe part of to the WLAA, it would come up Farmington picks th e advantage, because we have Stevenson at Wayne 7p m Welcome to at Kraft Field 7 pm This Agatha/Borgess floundated d n n k in g w ater an d the sound coaches around the w ith three divisions o f nine sports editor the Western Lakes Zebras Sorry the first thing IS going to get real old real quick So we Dan O’Meara Paul week won t be as expected Wayne has some can combine the school name of one and the - th e sole p er­ solid seniors but the scuttlebutt is Tim Gabel nickname of the other Go BAGGIES' PICKS son to take has some solid talent In a large varsity squad Cranbrook-Beaudry Emons Baggies-Risak these picks PICKS Stevenson - Beaudry Emons Risak Salem at South Lyon 7:3D pm . Defense is Redford Thurston at Dearborn Heights the key in this one South Lyon s is better seriously - Robichaud 4 pm Eaglesi Eaglesi EaglesI PICKS S L - Beaudry Emons Salem-Risak will now pick the games with PICKS Thurston - Beaudry Emons Risak Northville at Franklin 73D p m Both are our Eccentnc Newspaper coun­ Redford Union at Highland Park 7p m young and inexperienced but Northville has a terparts In return, they gave us Heard it here first If the Panthers keep their little more depth Just enough PICKS a package o f Oreos heads on straight they will qualify for the Northviiie - Beaudry Emons Risak ^^^HOCKEY^OIIWI state playoffs Winning at Highland Park isnt T his leaves B rad E m ons, the easy But somethin says Rigiey PICKS RU - SATURDAYS GAME Livom a-W estland sports editor Beaudry Highland Paik-Emons Risak Redford CC vs Det Crockett at Pontiac _ Pre-Season Tickets for your 2002 and last season’s regular season FRIDAYS GAMES Silverdome 7 pm Is the magic In the believ champion, C J Risak, the John Glenn at Det Kettering 3 30 p m ing this year’ it is this week PICKS CC - ^ ^ '"S ta n le y Cup Champion Detroit Red W ings Plymouth-Canton sports editor, This could be the best game in the area this Beaudry Emons Risak and myself - just a hanger-on weekend (remembering that we dont count ON SALE NOW!! who picked well enough to win Harrisons game with Brother Rice anymore) Paul Beauijry is an editorial depart And doggone it the Rocket boys are just tal the playoff picks - to carry on ment staffer for the Observer ented enough to overcome Rocket Boy A s always, w e 11 ro tate each Chuckle Actually they are pretty darn good Newspapers and can be reached at w eek an d pick o u r favs A nd as PICKS Glenn - Beaudry Emons Kettering - (734) 953 2122 or by e mail at Tuesday, SEPTEM BER 24 always, each team this first Risak pbeaudry@oe homecomm net i^^ Hs.TORONTO* 7:30PM this season and still be a t cor- It won’t be ea^, even with the absence of the Farmington I j Friday, SEPTEMBER 27 SALEM nerback on defense Mike Kerul, a 5-10,180-pound junior, schools (including defending FROM PAGE D1 y vs. DALLAS • 7:30PM returns at fullback, he’ll play state champ Farmington linebacker as well A pair of jun­ H am so n ) from th e schedule Even with the loss of Hewitt iors, Brian Bradley (6 -foot, 150) Wayne Memonal moves into the Tuesday, OCTOBER 1 and Covington, the offense and Chns Drabicfa (5-10,1 6 O), WLAA to make it a 10-team vs. ST. LOUIS •7:30PM should do all n ^ t Four players will share time at quarterback conference (the Farmington return on the offensive line, led and defensive back this season schools moved to the Oakland by Mike Jones, a 6 -foot-l, 195- If ihere is an offensive weak­ Athletic Assoaation) Thursday, OCTOBER 3 pound center who played half ness, Cummings believes it Two of Salem’s first three the games at linebacker, too could be depffi ‘Our offense games are on the road, begin­ vs. BUFFALO*7:30PM ‘ He’s real quick and he has good should be much improved,” he ning Fnday at South Lyon The feet, ’ said Cummings noted, adding, ‘^ust not very Rodcs open their home schedule Saturday, OCTOBER 5 Also back are D avid Hull, an deep Our strength should be Sept 6 against Livoma all-Westem Lakes Activities our defense’ Churchill, then m ust travel to vs. CHICAGO* 7:30PM A ssoaation Lakes Division Just about all ffie key players Northville before returning selection at defensive tackle The on offense will have a starting home for the first of three very 6 -2 , 2 7 0 -pound senior ‘runs role on defense H ull an d io rs tough divisional games, agamst well for his si2e,” C um m ings th e defensive line, while lavonia Stevenson Walled Lake said, he figures to be an impact Callegan, Jones and Kerul are Central and Westland John player So will M att Callegan, a all expenenced linebad^rs Nevi G lenn are next o n th e agenda. 6-3,200-pound senior offensive and Tiublowski will be the ‘The first three games are Tickets available at the Joe Louis Arena box office tackle who calls the defensive safeties, with Bradley and going to be the k ^,” said Hockeytown Authentics in Troy (without service charges) signals from his middle line­ Drabicki am ong the choices a t Cummings ‘W e’ve got to go out all frcfeetmaster Ticket Centers including backer position com erback. and get those first three Those Marshall Fields or by logging on to Picking up some of the slack Still, there are potential prob­ are games we should win” at tailback be Matt lems when so many play both If they do, perhaps a state Thiblowski, a 5-10,170-pound ways “Our weakness is probably tournament berth is within the CHARGE BY PHONE senior who played at both half our depth n g h t now, said realm of possibility back and strong safety last sea Cummings Also, our young 248.645.6666 son Jeff Nevi, a 6-1,165-pound kids (are a question mark) and senior, will play more halfback how fast they can come along cjnsak@oe homecomm net | (734) 953 2108

Auburn Hills R otary —presents— A n n u a l

Race in the P ark for The Arc Charity Truck Show Beautiful Heritage Park Near the Summit on Uie Park, Canton, Ml S e p te m b e r 2 1 , 2002 Flat & Fast 5 Mile Run Same Start & Finish 9 :0 0 a m 9 :3 0 a m i/a. Mile Fun Run 5-Mile Run / 5 - K W a l k /vound the Central Pond Walkwav near Softball Field Canfon Somali Center For Information call 313-532-7915 Online Registration Online Inform ation www othleticventures com

Raffle Prizes Post Race Patty Free T-Shirts A w a r d s To first 500 Entrants Sunday, Septem ber 1, 2p 02 The Arc of Northwest W ayne County The Arc of Northwest Wayne County was founded in 1961 as a charitable non profit 10 a.m . - 6 p.m . R ain or Sh in e organization The Arc NW provides information that assists in obtaining a quality of iife for people who have developmental disabilities and their families Information is shared at FR EE ADM ISSION and PARKING meetings spMisored by The Aro NW , through a monthly newsletter, The Arc NW's inlbrmation and resource center, and through direct conversations with staff The Arcs staff provides Indlvlduai assistance In areas of education, housing, employment, transportation, recreation, C l a s s e s — etc, as well as other Information and referrals The Arc NW Is committed to creating new opportunities and woiixs to shape public policy and systems change to support those changes Modern Low Rider The Arc NW Wayne County's Mission Committed to building Inclusive communities through advocacy, support and information. Hot Rod/Modified Entry Form Antique — before 1941 Entry foes are nonrefundabte Mali check payable to The Arc NW Wayne County 26049 Five Mite Road Redford MI 48239 The Arc NW Wayne County Is a S01c3 non profit organization fox ID #38-6056677 Ciassic-^ 1941-1971 In consideration of aroeptfng this entry form I hereby for mys^f my heirs and administrators waive and release ail tights and claims for damages I may have against Canton Township Parts and (focreation Classic— atter 1971 SeiMces and The Arc of Northwest Wayne County sponsors of tills ev«it, It agents representative, suwessors and assigns for any and all Ir^unes suffored by me at said run or which may arise out of my traveling to participating In and return ng from the event F ire D ru c k Signature (under la Parent w Guardian must sign)______oaMi______Specific Purpose/Work ITuck Oakland University Auburn Hills NAME. Show Truck only OMale OFemale T*SH1RT SIZE OSm OM OL OXL 9veMhe-Road/Long Haul For more information or registration forms email ahrotary© Oaybme Phone Number ( 'I or call Janet Haering, 248-375-2515. B ir th d a t e :______A g e ____ E m a il A d d r e s s . THE

A d d r e s s . _ O ty .

O9:00am - 1/2 Mile Fun Run, $S.OO O 9i30am -5>K W alk, $15.00 by September 1**, $20 up to Race Day NEWSPAPERS O9:30am -5-Mile Run. $15J)0 by September 1”^, $20 up to Race Day C r i i t e n t o n H o s p i t a l O l'm not going to race, but would like to m^ce a donation of $______M e d i c a l C e n t e r T h a n k AH proceeds benefit people with developm ental disabilities' Quality Care Close to Home & Work

Ths Rotary Club of Auburn Hills gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following sponsors and vendors Antique Truck Historical Society • Art Concepts Gallery & Framing ‘ Auburn Hills Golf • BD sMongoHan Sponsors o f die Pace in the Park for The Arc Barbeque * Michael Bartnik,Attorney * Bedrock Express • Callahan Muffler & Brakes * Campbelt/Manix O B server ^ 'E ccen tric ^N ew spapers Cingular Wireless • Collex Collision • Costco Wholesale • Criitenton Hospital Medical Center Cruisin News ‘Freelance Graphics • GMC/Pontiac • Guido s Pizzeria • Hemmings Motor News Conserva ECectnc SuppCy, Inc. Custom Sign Jake s Auto Shop • Observer & Eccentric Newspapers • Pixley Funeral Homes • Pontiac Music & Sound Powerhouse Gym Macaroni Grill ♦ Mailboxes Etc • McNabb Carpet • Murray's DiscountAuto Parts Oakland University • Republic Mortgage • Rochester Auburn Hills Community Coalition ♦ Snap OnTools Sodexho • Starbucks • Suburban Lifestyles Newspaper* Tara s Catenng Truck King USA ‘VintageTruck Magazine WWW observerandeccentnc can LOCAL SPORTS Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday August 29 2002 (C P ). D5

Canton finishes 7th, Salem 19th at invitational

I t fig u re d to be one o f th e GOLF 335 Burns with a 77, Andy Soley Steve Robinson at 79 After until Sept 4 when they take to u g h e st early p rep g o lf to u r­ I w as very p leased, said with an 86 and Jared that the Chargers had Scott on CC at Hilltop in a non­ naments m the state — and it Canton coach Tom Alles, Henderson with an 87 Cendrowski and Matt league meet w as Bedford Catholic Central — whose team struggled last Canton was paced by Ryan Kryczmski, each at 83, and On Sept 5, Canton will A total of 24 teams compet led by freshman sensation week but at Brighton had McKendry, who tied for fourth Kyle Hardey at 86 o p en play in th e W estern ed at the Brighton Invitational Adam Hogue (from three sub 80 rounds Two with a 75, and Bryan Wioncek, For Salem, low scorer was L akes A ctivities A ssociation Monday at Oak Pointe, with Plymouth), whose 72 garnered kids made the all tournament who medalled with a 76 AndyThackaberryatSO Joe with a rescheduled match G rosse He em erging w ith th e him individual medalist hon­ team I was happy, getting (scores 76 and less medalled) Pomorski, Aaron Cheesman against Walled Lake Western team title after shooting a ors — earned a fifth place fin th o se th re e guys to b re a k 80 Scott Oliver added a 78, with and Pat Shaw were next best at Bay Pointe 3 0 2 A n n A rb o r P io n eer’s A ish w ith a 312 C anton was on a p retty to u g h course ” John Palmer and Mike Yates among the Rocks, each with Salem is idle until Sept 9, te a m w as n e x t b e s t w ith a seventh with a 317, Livonia Other scorers for CC were each carding 88s an 85, David Pawlukiewicz when It takes on Farmington 3 0 4 , follow ed b y B righton s A Churchill was 11th with a 323 Tristan Lester (also from Churchill had two sub-80 follow ed w ith an 87 Harrison m a non-league te a m w ith a 3 0 8 and Salem placed 19th with a Plymouth) with a 77, Jimmy rounds Gary Bubar at 78 and The Chiefs are now idle match at San Marino

ADULT HOCKEY LEAGUES Canton com eback secures a 1-1 draw

R egistration is on for ad u lt recreational hock­ E dge in C anton B Y C J RISAK SOCCER Kris Holowicki started in ey leagues for over-21, -30, -40, -50 an d a new To o btain a registration form , call Jo h n W ilson STAFF WRITER goal for C anton M ischung took novice league on Sunday evenings, September a t (248) 471-0658, th e A rctic P ond a t (734) 207- over an d played th e second through March at the Plymouth Cultural Center, 7663, o r visit w w w rspi n e t You can also em ail Early-season soccer matches half The W ildcats h ad dom i­ half Arctic Pond in Plymouth Township and Arctic john@rspi net between highly-regarded teams nated play for those first few are supposed to be like th is minutes of the half and, with PCA 2 Lutheran Westland 0 T m Maes and First one side surges, then the 31 30 left in th e gam e, they Lou Tripp each scored goals for Plymouth Christian Academy wh ch mproved its overall other finally capitalized when Mike record to 3 0 with a win over Lutheran Back and forth, usually with Allie fielded a pass from Jeff Westland Tuesday at PCA little impact on the scoreboard Dodds an d hooked a shot past Jeff Crandall was in goal for the shutout When Canton hosted Novi C anton keeper Steve M ischung for the Eag es Ihesday, that’s exactly the sce- The ball h it th e goalpost and Canton, Salem 1-2 at BalconI Three 30 minute matches and all Canton nano that materialized Both deflected m to give Novi a 1-0 and Salem had to show for it Saturday was team s exhibited m om ents o f lead one win and two losses apiece offensive bnllance, but for the I t stayed th a t way until, w ith The Chiefs beat M diand Dow in a shootout m ost p a rt th e defenses reigned less th a n 10 m inutes rem ain­ then lost to Rochester Adams in a shootout suprem e ing, th e Chiefs pushed th e ball They played East Lansing last and gave up a I t to o k a com eback effort into th e corner to the right of couple of early goals eventually losing 31 The same fate awaited Salem The Rocks the Wildcat net Pat Zemanski from th e Chiefs, w ith a goal m opened wth an impressive 1 0 triumph over the final 10 minutes of play, to got possession there and cen defending state champ on University of ea rn a 1-1 draw tered a pass m fro n t o f the Novi Detroit Jesuit but after that they lost in “W e w ere g etting m an h an ­ net, where Brad Westlund shootouts to East Lansing and Troy Athens dled,” was how Canton coach reached it W estlund s header Both games ended with the scores knotted at D on S m ith described it “B ut w ith 8 45 left go t into the net, lal Salem scored second half goals in all knotting it a t 1-all we cam e back a n d tied it up three games said Rocks coach Ed McCarthy W e d id n ’t w in a n d we d id n t It wasn’t the best perform­ Kev n Sav tskie scored Salem s goal against lose ” ance o f th e young season for Athens Steve Shull got the Rocks score L E X U S O F The tie left the Chiefs with a the Chiefs according to Smith aga nst East Lansing with Brian Popeney L E X U S OF N o, we played th e ball better scoring aga nst U D L A N S I N G 1-2-1 record ANN A R B O R T he gam e w as scoreless u ntil on Saturday, h e said But 5709 S. Pennsylvania, Lansing n ine m in u tes in to the second (Novi) marked us better cjr sak@oe l-omecomm net | (734) 953 2108 590 Auto Mall Dr., Ann Arbor 800-539-8748 866-226-7755 [email protected] 517-394-8000 DELASALLE time Cut in towards goal He lems They re a very difficult did and that’s what hap te am to d efend FROM PAGE D1 pened “B ut we ve go t a good group Even w ith th e victory, of guys — the no name sen­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC H EARING “I t w as a rocket,” said M ukhtar d id n t sound con­ iors They play with a lot of DeLaSalle coach Thaier vinced his te a m w as th e b e tte r h e a rt ON INCREASING PRO PERTY TAXES M ukhtar of Stoffel’a shot “No side Sure, D eL aSalle h as a lot o f goalie m th e sta te could have I thought we matched up heart, and it s amplified by an AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC H EARIN G ON sto p p ed th a t one pretty well with them, he abundance of talent “That’s what we talked said T he key w as we con­ OBJECTIONS TO about at halftime I said don t tained (Brian) Popeney Kevin c sak@oehomecomm net | keep going to the comer every (Savitskie) gave us some prob (734) 953 2108 FIRE AND POLICE PROTECTION SPECIAL ASSESSM ENT LEVY

Notice IS hereby given that the C harter Tow nship of C anton Board of Trustees will hold a Public H earing pursuant to Public Acts 33 and 181 of 1951, as am ended, for the purpose of hearing objections to defraying the expenses of the Fire and Police Protection D istricts by a Special Assessm ent levy to be spread on the tax rolls effective Or r O f Decem ber 1,2002 DATE Tuesday, September 10, 2002 LEAGUES WITH OPENINGS TIME 7.00 PM MEN PLACE Summit on the Park Community Center M o n d a y M e n ...... 5 M o n ...... 6:15 pm Chestnut Room Wednesday Knights...... 4 M a n ...... 9:30 pm 46000 Sum m it Parkway Wednesday Refers ...... 5 M a n ...... 6:15 pm Canton, M ichigan 48188 Loon La ke ...... 5 M a n ...... 6 :3 0 pm Thursday JR House Trio...... 3 M a n ...... 8 :3 0 pm On M ay 18, 1976, a Fire Protection Special A ssessm ent Levy was University Men ...... 5 M a n ...... 6:15 pm approved by the voters, and at the June 22, 1976 Public H earing, the Board of Trustees for the C harter Township of Canton unanim ously LADIES approved the creation of a Fire Protection Special A ssessm ent D istrict Friday Morning.*...... Ladies Forum ...... 9:15 am for the entire Township M o n d a y -Frid a y ...... Daytim e Ladies...... 9 :3 0 pm W e d n e sd ay...... 5 Person...... 6:15 pm On A ugust 27,1977, a Police Protection Special A ssessm ent Levy was approved by the voters, and at the Septem ber 13, 1977 Public MIXED Hearing, the Board of Trustees for the C harter Township of Canton Every Friday Swingin 90's Mixed 3 Man ...... 9 :0 0 pm approved the creation of a Police Protection Special Assessment Ev e ry O th e r Saturday Country Couples...... 4 :4 5 pm Every Other Saturday Country Rowdies (4 Teams).... 7:30 pm D istrict for the entire Township. Ev e ry O th e r S atu rday Hits & Miss...... 8 :0 0 pm The 2003 estim ated Fire and Police budgets subm itted by the Public Every Other Sunday Farmington Odd Couples...... 7 :3 0 pm Every Other Saturday Saturday Mixers...... 7 :3 0 pm Safety D irector and the A dm inistration are as follows: POLICE DEPARTMENT SENIORS FIRE DEPARTMENT Monday/Wednesday/Thursday...... Seniors 12:30 pm Salaries & 0/T $3,728,225 Salaries & O/T $6,079,417 Fringe Benefits 1,671,900 Fringe Benefits 3,047,174 YOUTH LEAGUES '0 2 - '0 3 Capital Outlay 2,267,539 Capital Outlay 476,790 ATTENTION S a t u r d a y s Operations 996,629 Operations 2,160,356 Bond Debt Service 67.653 LADIES! T w o - 1 7 W eek Sessions Bond Debt Service 202.848 Total $8,867,141 Total $11,831,390 Join a Ladies Morning League! JUNIORS Highlights: B oys & G irls in 7th-9th G rade The proposed m illage rates are as follows: • Free Babysitting 1 0 : 0 0 . . . $ 8 * ..3 G a m e s •T ro p h ie s I n c r e a s e •Monday-Friday HIGH SCHOOL P .A .5 (Decrease) • Beginners-Experienced Scholarship League 2 0 0 1 L i m i t 2 0 0 2 o v e r 2 0 0 1 •Start at 9:30 am Boys & G irls 9th-12th G rade • Affordable Entertainment 1 0 : 0 0 ..* $ 9 . . . 3 G a m e s Fire M illage 2 9 4 0 0 N/A 2 . 7 4 0 0 ( 0 2 0 0 0 ) •M oke New Friends Police M illage 4 4 0 0 0 N/A 4 . 4 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 •Clean/ Well M aintained PREPS C harter M illage 1 5 1 0 0 1 4 4 6 6 1 . 7 1 0 0 0 .2 Q 0 Q Establishment E xperienced B oys & G irls thru the 7th •Friendly Ahnosphere G rade. Som e Exceptions T o t a l 8 8 5 0 0 8 . 8 5 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 • Instructor Available 1 2 : 1 5 . . . $ 8 . . . 3 G a m e s •Leagues Start After Labor Day The Charter M illage is more than w hat the Township could levy BUMPERS under P.A 5,1982 (Truth in Taxation). T he property tax C hartel: Why Stay Home And A ges 4 thru 6 D o M illage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed Housework!? 1 2 : 3 0 . . . $ 5 . . . 1 G a m e 2003 G eneral Fund budget w ill be a subject of this hearing.

3 0 2 5 0 W Tlfne /iib Ififd., iFarmmg&ti This notice published by Charter Township of Canton (1 /2 Mile West of Middlebelt Road) 1150 S Canton Center Road Canton Michigan 48188 1699 U

server Classifieds sell! THE WEEK AHEAD PREP FOOTBALL Clarenceville at Huron Valley 4 30 p m

Thursday Aug 29 Luth Westland at S field Christian 4 3 0 p m MENS COLLEGE SOCCER

Hamtramck at Luth Westland 4 p m Franklin vs CC (Greenmead) 5 3 0p m Saturday Aug 31

Clarenceville at Lutheran North 4 30 p m Churchill at Saline 7 pm S craft at lake County (III) Toufhey TBA

Stevenson at Wayne 7 p m Sunday Sept 1 Minding their Friday Aug 30 PREP BOYS CROSS COUNTRY S craft at Lake County (III) Tourney TBA Canton at A A Pioneer 7 p m Thursday Aug 29

Salem at South Lyon 730 pm Canton at Troy Athens Invite 4 p m WOMENS COLLEGE SOCCER

John Glenn at Det Kettering 3 30 p m Friday Aug 30 P ’s and Q’s PREP GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY Madonna at St Francis (ind) 8 p m Churchill at M H Bishop Foley 7 p m Every year, for 57 years, this town has com e together for fun, Northville at Franklin 73 0 p m Thursday Aug 29 Saturday Aug 31 friendship and a community speUing bee. Saturday Aug 31 Canton at Troy Athens Invite 4 p m S craft vs Johnson County COMING NEXT W EEK IN Bedford CC vs Det Crockett at Lake County (111) Tourney 130 p m at 7 pm PREP GIRLS SWIMMING Madonna at Indiana Wesleyan 8 pm

Thursday Aug 29 Sunday Sept 1

PREP GIRLS BASKETBALL Wayne at Trenton Quad 5 30 p m S craft vs Iowa Central

Thursday Aug 29 Ladywood at Edsel Ford 7 p m at Lake County (III )Tourney 11 a m

Salem at W Bloomfield 7 pm


Clarkston at Ladywood 7 p m Thursday Aug 29 Friday Aug 30

Churchill at Wyandotte 7p m Bedford CC at UD Jesuit 4 p m Schoolcraft at St Clair Tourney 6 p m

Lakeland at Stevenson 7 pm Madonna at Point Loma Nazarene

Belleville at John Glenn 7 pm PREP GIRLS TENNIS Seaside (Caiif) Invitational Tourney TBA

Huron Valley at Ply Christian 73 0 p m Thursday Aug 29 Saturday Aug. 31

Clarenceville at Franklin 4 p m Schoolcraft at St Clair Tourney 9 a m

PREP BOYS SOCCER Dearborn at Churchill 4 pm Madonna at Point Loma Nazarene

Thursday Aug 29 John Glenn at Ypsilanti 4 p m Seaside (Calif) Invitational Tourney TBA

John Glenn at Thurston 4 p m Annapolis at Wayne 4 pm TBA time to be announced


CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS YOUTH SOCCER TRAINING The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services such as signers for the hearing Waza developmental eight- impaired and audio tapes of printed materials bemg considered at week soccer training for boys the meeting to mdividuals with disabilities at the meeting/heanng a n d girls ages 4-8 w ill b e fro m upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton 6 30-7 3 0 p m sta rtin g Fnday, Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services Sept 6 a t Schoolcraft College should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or (north side) calling the followmg T he cost IS $100 David Medley ADA Coordinator For m ore inform ation, o r to Charter Township of Canton 1150 S Canton Center Road register, call Waza F C at (313) Canton MI 48188 (734) 397 5435 937-9292 Publish August 29 and September 12 2002 SALEM CHEER GOLF OUTING

The Plymouth Salem High School ch eer team w ill b e h o st­ in g a golf outin g (scram ble for­ BARNETT mat) Sunday, Sept 29, at St S I Roofing and Siding Inc. SBB John’s Golf Cienter, located at 4 4 0 4 5 Five M ile R oad, RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL P lym outh Tow nship Certamteed Quality M aster In clu d ed m the $ 9 0 co st is Duro-Last M aster Roofer Award Winner go lf an d cart, lunch, prizes, Professional Roofer Advisory Council contests, steak dinner and open Family Owned and Operated for Over 40 Years b ar Tor m o re inform ation, call 41700 Michigan Ave • Canton • 734-397-8122 Dee Pyle at (734) 981-0062

To m a k e I'Grills ^ T S IflC R o o m fo r risS S fe li:" One.TK k| 2 0 0 3 Merchandisei A 1 . K . S S X-




BASEBALL TRYOUTS an d S ep t 7 on F ield No 4 a t Call M arc M adias at (734) 207 CANTON T-BALL, COACH-PITCH tion for all ages and skills levels nis shoes The season starts the the Plymouth Township Park 5424 for its fall season leagues from 10 week of Sept 9 and runs through H Baseball tryouts for the Call Steve Estes at (734) A few openings rem ain in the a m to 6 p m each Saturday and th e end o f November Plymouth-Canton Mudcats, a 844-1233, or L arry O tt a t (734) Canton Community Junior $unday throughout the month of Registration will b e from 10 boys 14 an d under travel team, 981-4280 PCJBA HOOP SIGNUP Baseball-Softball Association for August a,m to 6 p m each Saturday and w ll be at 6 p m Sunday at ■ The Canton Cardinals, a 14- T ball (ages 4-6) and coach-pitch The season will sta rt the week Sunday throughout the month of Flodin Park in Canton and-under travel baseball team, Registration for the 2002-03 (ages 7-8) program s o f Sept 9 and run through the A ugust You can sign u p as an Township T he M udcats will play will have tryouts for the 2003 Plymouth-Canton Junior Teams are being formed now end of November individual or adults can form about 50 gam es next summ er, season at noon and a t 6 p m on Basketball Association for boys Gam es will be each Saturday The season consists o f 12 th eir ow n team s including 4-5 weekend tourna Sept 7 at Flodm Park m Canton, and girls m grades 3-8 will be starting in September Practice games, playoffs, youth league all- T he season includes 10 games, m ents For additional inform a­ located on Saltz and Morton from 6 30-8 30 p m Sept 3 at starts l i e end o f August star games, m inim um of three playoffs, m inim um o f two prac­ tion, contact coach Ron Myers at Thylor roads East M iddle School Boys and girls must be resi­ practices gamejersey(forall tices, trophies to the champions 734 459 4026 For more information about Registration is on a first-come, dents of the Plymouth Canton youth team s), trophies for cham ­ and medals to the finalist The S The N orthville Broncos, an the team and residency require­ first-serve basis school distnct, Canton pions and medals for all finalists cost is $80 per person (Team 11-and under travel boys base­ m ents, call Dave Glove a t (734) T he cost IS $100 for grades 3-6 Township, Plymouth Township The cost is $140 p er person fees are also available) ball team , needs players for next 981-3427 or on his cell at (734) and $110 for grades 7-8 or the City of Plymouth Proof of (Team fees are also available) Call (734) 397-8900 o r visit season TVyouts are from 2-5 516-3383 To be eligible, students must age IS required Call (734) 397-8900 or visit WWW michigandekhockey com p m Sept 7, 8,14 and 15 at ■ The Canton Cougars, an reside in the Plymouth-Canton The fee for T-ball is $70, $80 WWW michigandekhockey com Northville Com m unity Park, under-13 travel baseball team, school distnct or Canton for coach-pitch Fees are non- SOCCER PLAYERS WANTED located on Beck betw een Six and will have tryouts for the 2003 Township layouts will b e con­ refundable Call Chris Angel at Seven Mile roads Players with season at 4 p m Saturday, Sept ducted before teams are organ­ (734) 981-3007 DEKHOCKEY/STREET HOCKEY The Plymouth Cobras, an birth dates on o r after Aug 1, 7 and a t 4 p m Sunday, ^ p t 8 at ized for the purpose of equaliz under-11 co-ed soccer team , 1991 are eligible McClumpha Park m Plymouth ing competion The season con­ Michigan Dekhockey, located needs additional players Spots For m ore inform ation, call Township The Cougars will play sists of 10 games and a tourna FALL ROLLER HOCKEY on Michigan Avenue, two miles are limited on a first-come, fiist- Coach Mills a t (248) 449-7425 a 50-60 game schedule th at ment Jerseys will be provided west o f 1-275, is form ing its serve basis ■ The Canton Cubs, a 12 U includes Little Caesars Amateur Parents interested in coaching M ichigan Dekhockey, located street hockey fall season leagues T hose interested should call travel baseball team, is looking Baseball Federation games as should register on the same on Michigan Avenue, just west of (ages 4 through adult) the P lym outh YMCA a t (734) to add d few players to its 2003 well as tournam ents dates 1-275, IS holding open registra­ Street hockey is played in ten­ 453-2904 roster Tryout sessions will be Players m ust be residents of held from 10 a m noon Aug 31 Plym outh or Canton to tryout CHARTER TOW NSHIP OF CANTON CHARTER TOW NSHIP O F CANTON



REQUEST FORBID NOTICE IS H ER EB Y GIVEN pursuant to Act 184 of the Public NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN pursuant to Act 184 of the Public Acts of 1943 of the State of Michigan, as amended and pursuant to Acts of 1943 of the State of Michigan as amended and pursuant to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of the Zomng Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the the Zomng Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Canton 1150 Canton Center S Canton Michigan will accept Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton will hold Planm i^ Commission of the Charter Township of Canton will hold sealed bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3 00 p m Thursday a Public Hearing on Monday September 9 2002 in the Chestnut a Pubhc Hearing on Monday September 9, 2002 in the Chestnut September 19th 2002 for the following Room, at Summit On The Park, 46000 Summit Parkway at Room, at Summit On The Park, 46000 Summit Parkway at LANDSCAPE M AINTENANCE AND SNOW REM OVAL 700 pm . on the following proposed special land use request as 700 pm . oil the following proposed special land use request as SERVICES FOR THE CANTON DDA STREETSCAPE provided in Section 27 03 of the Canton Township Zomng provided m Section 27 03 of the Canton Township Zomng O r d in a n c e O r d in a n c e *Please note that the contracts m av he bid separately. Details are described m the bid specificatiQiia. CANTON ONE STOP SHQPPINO CENTER SPECIAL LAND QUALITY CARE FORD SERVICE CENTER SPECIAL LAND USE CONSIDER REQUEST FOR SPECIAL LAND USE USE CONSIDER REQUEST FOR SPECIAL LAND USE Bid forms may be picked up at the Finance and Budget APPROVAL FOR PLANNED SHOPPING CENTER AS APPROVAL FOR AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION AS Department counter or you may contact Mike Sheppard at (734) REQUIRED IN SECTION 16 02B 9 FOR PARCEL NOS 064 99 REQUIRED IN SECTION 16 02B 8 FOR PARCEL NO 036 99 394 5225 All bids m ust be submitted in a sealed envelope cleEirly 0014 701 064 99 0013 703 AN D 064 99 0016 000 Property is 0004 702 Property is located west of Canton Center Road between marked with the proposal name company name, address and located west of Canton Center and north of Cherry Hill Road Hanford and Ford Road telephone number and date and time of bid opening The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals The A Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color national origin sex religion age or disability in employment or the provision of services TERRY G BENNETT Clerk Publ sh August 29 2002



A regular meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals will be held on Thursday September 5 2002 at 7 00 PM in the Commission Chambers of the City Hall 201 S Mam Street Plymouth M I to consider the following items

Z 02 15 593 Deer Non Use Variance Requested Rear Yard Setback and Parking Reduction pmERRY Zoned RM 1 Multiple Family Residential V Applicant Pljonouth Opportunity House NORTH ZONING MAP NORTH ZONING MAP A ll interested persons are invited to attend SECTION 16 SECTION 9 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act the City of W ntten comments addressed to the Planning Commission should W ntten comments addressed to the Planm ng Commission should Plym outh will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and be received at the Canton Township Administration Building 1150 be received at the Canton Township Admmistration Building 1150 services such as signers for the heanng impaired and audio tapes Canton Center S pnor to Thursday September 5 2002 in order to Canton Center S pnor to Thursday, September 5 , 2002 in order to of printed materials being considered at the meetmg/heanng to be included in the matenals submitted for review be included in the matenals submitted for review individuals w ith disabilities Requests for auxiliary aids or services VIC GUSTAFSON Chairman VIC GUSTAFSON Chairman m ay be made by writing or callmg the following Publish August 29 2002 Publish August 29 2002 Carol Stone A D A Coordinator 201 S Mam Street Plymouth M I 48170 (734)453 1234 Ext 206 Publ sh August 29 2002

Invest at C om m unity Federal


PROPOSED AM ENDM ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OP CANTON WAYNE COUNTY MICHIGAN F N OTIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN pursuant to Act 184 of the Public J l. Acts of 1943 of the State of Michigan, as amended and pursuant to or every new account opened the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the through September 30, Community Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton will hold a Public Heanng on Monday, September 23 2002 in the Chestnut Federal Credit Union will contnbute Room, at Summit On The Park, 46000 Summit Parkway at 7 00 p m. on the following proposed amendment to the Zomng 1% of the new deposit balances to O r d in a n c e support education in the communities FQUKPJEBS WOODS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT we serve * DISTRICT (FDD) AMENDMENT #1 (RUSTIC RIDGE COM PONENT) CONSIDER REQUEST TO AMEND THE PDD AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 27 04 OF THE ZONING Your com m unit/s recipient w ill be the ORDINANCE INCLUSIVE O F PARCEL NO(S) 067 99 0005 000 Education Foundations and their 067 99 0006 000 067 99 0008 000 and 067 99 0010 000 Property is located south of Saltz between Ridge and Beck Roads (R rst efforts to support financial Public Hearing.) literacy in the Northville and N ovi

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1) NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY FOR LOWEST APR see dealer to see if you qualify 0 0% Ford Credit A P R financing for qualified buyers on 2002 Explorer 4dr, Ranger, Taurus, Windstar and Focus (excludes SV T models) varies by creditworthiness of buyer as determined by Ford Credit 0 0% for 60 months at $16 67 per month per $1000 financed with 10% down Dealer participation may affect savings For special A P R financing or $2500 cash back on 2002 Explorer 4dr & Taurus, $3000 on Ranger, $3500 on Windstar or $1500 on Focus (excluding S V T model) take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 9/3/02 Supplies are limited, not all dealers will have all featured models Residency restrictions apply See participating dealer for complete details PDF LI 25041 Keely KaleskI editor (734) 953 2105 Classifieds inside Fax (734) 5917279 kkaleski@oe homecomm net To place an ad cal! to!! free 1-800-579-SELL (7355)

El Observer & Eccentric | Ttiursday August 29 2002 Fax: (734)953-2232

Real Estate Mortqaqe Inquires Bits

Robert M Tim 'Timbo' Meisner Phillips

O n a u d i t s , Loan s e t t i n g

e a s e m e n t s le s s o n s

is there a requirement for associations to be audited annually by a Certified Public fro m Accountant? N o T he C ondom m ium Act requires that the books and records o f th e associa­ y o u th tion be reviewed annually by an independent accountant, O n S ept 1, m y oldest althou^ that doesn’t neces­ daughter's birthday, I will sarily m ean th a t to b e a CPA reacfli a milestone m my life You may well be advised, as m y com bined years o f however, to have a CPA fath erh o o d will m atch m y review and audit your books age (Of course, that’s not too to ensure that th ^ re in prop­ difiScult with four children) er order and kept in «:cor- I have given my children dance with generally accepted some pretty decent pointers accounting principles fliroughout the yeais, and I laugh about the life lessons I have a deed that states they have taught me that the boundary of my M ost notably, m y fam ily recreational easement begins at has taught me to keep things the water's edge, but my simple and enjoyable My neighbor Is contesting saying three-year-old gives me con­ that's too ambiguous. What do tinuous training in this area you say? every tim e she w alks in to m y The p roblem w ith setting office donnmg her IVveety the boundary of a recre­ B ird slippers an d sunglasses ational easement at the while showing off her fresh­ w ater’s edge is th a t flu ctu at­ ly-colored Blues Clues pages ing water levels may change I allow these liberating les­ the basis by which your sons to affect my mortgage easement begins business, too Sure, secunng Accordingly, if you have a money for your home is seri­ surveyor’s line as the begin­ ous busmess We mortgage ning of the easement, you loan officers are like em er­ are m uch b etter oflf to prevail gency room surgeons m th a t with respect to the situation we deal with hfe issues daily, O f course, th ere’s also th e and there is usually a time possibility you may have a p ressu re attached prescriptive easement, However, getting a mort­ depending on how long you Photograph that pretty garden now gage can also be a wonderfiiUy hav^ maintained the ease­ fiiffilling part of jo u r life if m ent in question keep it m perspective I usual­ ly tell my first time buyers, Rober M Meisner a lawyer con “This should be an exatmg centrates his practice in the areas time m you Enjcyit I will of condominiums real estate cor im p re s s -be winter buyers tell you if you need to worry” porate law and litigation He can Here are a few “kid things” be reached at bmeisner@mich com you can d o to m ake th e loan This column provides general BY DOUG FUNKE 'How can you show the house (landscaping) off if there's six S inger offers one big piece o f process more enjoyable information and shouidn t be con STAFF WRITER advice to amateur photogra­ K eep good com pany Pick strued as legal advice inches of snow on the ground and everything is dormant?' phers trying to capture land­ a trustworthy, knowledge­ I f you th in k you m ight offer scape images able, a n d am icable lo a n offi­ your hom e for sale in late fall Tony Konja “D on’t do it in h arsh light cer If yours IS devious, stu­ { MORTGAGE BOUNCES ^ or early spnng, get the camera Artistic Outdoor Services D o It w h en it’s m ore overcast p id o r cranlty, you a re cer­ National average loan commitment rates I out now Especially if your o r soft lig h t D usk o r d aw n is a ta in to b e stressed I (includes fees of about 1 point) i dazzling landscape will he fal­ nice time,” she said Don’t talk to strangers low or covered with snow when Also, consider hiring a pro­ Make sure your lender comes the property hits multi-listmg H am p to n said pictures o f peak blooming season,” Konja fessional if the landscaping is a highly referred by a trusted services perennial gardens at a house said major component of the prop­ source Having a loan officer r Prospective buyers like to h e b o u g h t in C larkston a n d “I t m akes real good sense to erty, Singer added prom ise you “the m oon” 20-yBfiXED s r visually measure a home’s mte- later sold drew him a n d subse­ me,” added Donna Folland, Nancy Austin, a Realtor with means nothing if he fails to 689% 4 8 1% i nor to see how their belongings q u en t buyers to th e property executive director of the Coldwell Banker Preferred m get your money to the closing , HiKll19 688 491 I might fit m when visiting “It really contributed to the O akland L and C onservancy in Plymouth, said she’s never table as promised Hint a TV , J M S 714 511 1 But the outside is somewhat listing,” he said “You never Rochester “It’s a wonderful experienced buyers who specif­ advertisement is not a refer­ Feb 22 681 496 different It can be overlooked, really k n o w w h a t’s g o in g to idea. You can’t alwaj^ see ically said they purchased o n ral from a trusted source 1 Jan^ 696 510 especially when the weather cinch the deal whatever what’s there the basis of pictures Save your m on^ Mortgage I bee 2t,2001 71T 5 27 j gets dicey triggers a little cell in the “I rem em ber w hen we “W hen people see a house brokers can often cut deals I nm n 675 518 1 So if you have a beautiful b ra in bought our house m Romeo w ith th in g s in bloom it does because they usually have j Oct 19 661 526 pond surrounded by rocks out “A lot of agents don’t have where people are very interest­ influence them,” Austin said access loan products from I Sept 21 680 558 1 back, o r a collection o f flower­ the foresight to make a sugges­ ed m th e h istoncal com po­ “A well-landscaped house gives more than just one lender jtug24 691 568 , ing perennials like black-eyed tion like that,” H am p to n said o f nent,” she said a clue to a buyer how well the This also enables them to

S0W CLU.S HOUSIHgHiBKnS Susans, daisies a n d m um s, or a landscaping pictures “People w e bo u g h t fro m left h ouse IS taken care o f” “change gears” behind the TUND-mMASTERS / STAFF AMIST ground cover that includes H e isn’t d o n e in his recom ­ o u t som e o ld pictures I t h a d That’s why sellers should scenes if they hit a ^itch myrtle and lily of the valley, mendation to shoot away been on the home tour a couple always take the time to tnm , Do your homework. Call Toll Free show ‘em th ro u g h photos m the “How can you show the of times and they had m anicure an d otherw ise clean Educate yourself on the mort­ off season house (landscaping) off if brochures That’s like the same u p a t th e en d o f th e grow ing gage process Ask your loan A good first im pression can th ere’s six inches o f snow on idea in a different way season, she said Mild winters officer questions that you can­ include pictures A nd several th e ground a n d everything is ‘It m a d e m e m ore in te rest­ can still showcase landscaping not figure out by yourself Fax Your Ag: (734) 953-2232 great photos set o u t on a table d o rm an t’ ’ said Tony K onja, ed, a deeper feeling,” Folland “It makes sense to sellers and Have fim along file way it’s Walk-In Office Hours. as prospects w alk in th e door owner of Artistic Outdoor said “I t m ade th e house m ore I’m n o t saying people w on’t the number one k d thing to do Monday Friday 830am to5pm w ill im press m ore th a n a Services in Farmington Hills v alu ab le” look at the pictures,” Austin After K«irs CalU?34)591 0900 lengthy explanation on a listing “I don’t think people think ‘I w ould say it’s a g reat idea,” added Tim "Timbo” Phillips is a mortgage feature sheet ahead T h ^ don’t flunk what said B eth Singer, a F ranklin- “In winter, I suggest a color­ loan officer serving all of Michigan “It’s a great marketmg tool/ if the house goes on the market b ased professional p h o to g ra­ ful p la n t o n th e dining room You may contact him anytime at said Bill Hampton, assoaate bro­ m January, February, March or p h e r w ho speaalizes m th e table or a tall, green plant in (734)797 5522 or via email at Eccentric Real Estate ker with RE/MAX Village even April when the house will design/build industry ‘ It’s the foyer You need something PhillipsHOdicomcast net Professionals m CSarkston be very bleak looking nice if they can show over three to m ake people feel w elcom e ” Homebuyers should always consult Classifieds on the Web: “W hat IS It they say - A great pic­ “Now is the tim e to take seasons i f they pla n ah ead o r a professional for guidance specif ' ture IS worth a thousand buefe those pictures W e’re in o u r have som ething special ” dfunkefoe homecomm net | (734) 953 2137 ic to their situation

Realtor Fu ll Page A d I n d e x H O M E m W E E K ■t

Realtor Page# CITY OF BLO O M FIELD H ILLS Centuiy21Tbvm&Ccpxmtry 6E The largest, most spectacular residence on alm ost 8 acres in the C o ld w e ll B a n ^ r P re fe rre d 3 E City Situated on 3 parcels this 21,000 sq ft masterpiece tyas 5 years in renovation’ 12 Bedrooms, 9 Baths, 12 R e a l E s t a t e O n e I F Fireplaces, Great Room , Living Room , Fam ily Room , For the Best Home Buys m Ballroom^ M aster Bedroom * 88'x26', pool, tennis court, your Hometown Check the coach house B y appointm ent only Sunday and Thxirsday Beal Estate Section. Sandy Norman Tbe $20,000,000 Man 248-901-0208 Offered at $7,999,900 L .1 1 d 4 S 4 1 294 E . B row ii, B irm in g h am u-i isif

JSSI E 2 Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 REAL ESTATE BRIEFS wwwobserverendeccentric com

Real estate briefs features news and E ight an d N ine M ile) Novi ally for $35, or the entire nine- stadium, 2000 Brush, Detroit Performance ” notes on professional associations To register, call Vicki Heaney w eek sequence fo r $315 BUY HOME CLASS III Cost is $35 for members, $50 C ost IS $15 for BO M A m em ­ office activities upcoming meetings at (248) 348-3000 Ext 253 For information, contact Ju liette B aum an, a R ealtor for non-members To register, bers, $25 for nonmembers and seminars new services/products K nstine L H ah n a t (313) 833- w ith R E /M A X Classic m fax or e-mail Kelly Thylor at To purchase o r obtam m ore and consumer publications EFFECTIVE PLANNING 3417 Livonia, and Color lal Mortgage (7 3 4 ) 722-5304 or inform ation, call (800) 426- Write Real estate briefs Observer & Michigan State University present a free class for home KellyJThylor@ Comcast net 6 2 9 2 , or visit the Web at www Eccentric Newspapers 36251 E xtension sponsors a senes of LIEN LAW CLASS b uyers 6 30-9 p m boma org/pubs/energy_cd htm Schoolcraft Livonia 48150 Our fax n in e classes on effective com­ T he B udding In d u stry W ednesd^, Sept 18, at die CHAINSAW SAFETY number is (734) 5917279 Our e mail m unity planning 6-8 3 0 p m Association of Southeastern Livonia Civic Center Library, The Michigan Recreation BIA UPDATES address is dfunke® oe homecomm Wednesday, Sept 4-Oct 30, at Michigan offers an update on 3 2 7 7 7 Five M ile, ea st o f an d P ark Association conducts The Building Industry net th e W ayne RESA Building, the Michigan Construction Farmington Road, Livonia a chainsaw safety and mainte­ Association of Southeastern 5454 Venoy, Wayne Lien Law 8 3 0 a m to noon To register, call B aum an at nance workshop S am to 2 30 Michigan now provides weekly BUY HOME CLASS Topics include retaining tax Thursday, Sept 5, at BIA head- (734) 779-9977 p m Thursday, Oct 3, at the u p d ates o f new s a n d inform a­ F lagstar B ank a n d R E/M A X base and community character, wquarters, 30375 Waterford Oaks Activity Center tion affecting the construction presen t a free class for hom e environmental i^ues with Northwestern Highway, Suite HOMEARAMA m th a t com m unity industry to members via e-mail buyers 7-8 30 p m Thursday, storm water management, 100, Farmington Hills T h e BIA presents Cost, w hich m cludes lunch, is C ontact Rosalie L am b a t die A ug 29, at W estminster Title, developing brownfields, and Cost, which mcludes continen­ Homearama Macomb, 13 new $ 3 0 fo r m em bers a n d $ 4 0 for association, (248) 737-4477 for 39500 High Pomte Blvd, Suite eliminating nuisances tal breakfast, is $50 fo r m em ­ houses for public view. Sept 19- non-m em bers I b register, call details 140 (off Haggerty between Classes m y be taken m dividu- bers, $75 for non-members Tb Oct 6 at Cornerstone Village (517) 485-9888 register, call (248) 862-1017 Subdivision, off Card Readjust PLAYGROUND SAFETY so u th o f 22 M ile R oad, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY A bo o k available from the BUY HOME CLASS II M acom b To3xnship The western Wayne affiliate Community Associations S tandard Federal B ank con­ Hours are 2-9 p m weekdajs, of Habitat for Humanity seeks In stitu te can help com m unity C o L D W E L L B a n k e r ducts a free sem inar o n how to 10 a.m. to 9 p m Saturdays and volunteers to help with building association m anagers a n d select and finance a ho m e 10 10a,m.to6pm.Sundajs Costis homes, office dubes and fund- b o ard m em bers e n su re th a t S c h w e i t z e r R e a l E s t a t e a m to noon Saturday, S e p t 7. $7, with children under 12 fi«e raising N o experience needed then* playgrounds and tot lots a t Peoples C om m unity C hurch, Discount coupons are available at TVaimng will be provided are as safe as possible 2 9 7 4 5 Annapolis, Westland Standard Federal Bank branch For details, call (734) 459- D etailed inform ation is pro­ Participants may apply for a offices 7 7 4 4 vided on safety inspections and Standard Federal program For information, call (248) im plem enting a n effective designed to m ake h o m e ow ner­ 862-1019 FAIR HOUSING CENTER m aintenance p lan ship m ore affordable for people The Fair Housing Center of “Playgrounds for Young w i"^ m oderate to low incom es LICENSE CLASS Metropolitan Detroit, a non­ Children” is available for $40 Tb register, call (734) 722-1280 Schoolcraft College offers a profit monitoring, testing, by calling (703) 548-8600, or GARDEN CITY S154 900 SOUTH LYON $219900 40-hour class required to and information organiza­ ordering through www caion- Very ntte ranch Offers 3 BR 1 5 bath Spacious Green Oak Township Home BUILD HOME CLASS o b ta in a real estate license tion, always needs support­ Im e org finished bsmnt w/wet bar M any updates 4B R s 3 baths w/possible 5th B R used as newer windows roof kitchen Bathrooms rec room Freshly painted large country lot Livoma Community 5 30-10 30 p m Thursdays, ers Basic annual individual have been updated 12x10 Fbnda rm w/sub pond for great fishing and E ducation a n d O akland S ept 1 9 -Nov 7, o n cam pus, membership is $15, basic w/hot tub not in sq ft (BGSLY31BEL) swimming A must see' {BGSLY28SEQ) Builders Institute offer a 16- 18600 Haggerty between Six family membership $25 and SALES WEB SITE 888 224 1387 888 224 1387 h o u r serhm ar, “H ow to Build and Seven Mile, Livonia basic organizational member­ C u n o u s as to w h at houses are Your Own Home,” Tuesdays Cost is $269, $215 20 for sh ip $ 5 0 selling for m your neighbor­ and T hursdays, S ept 17-26, at senior citizens To register, call F or inform ation, call th e cen­ hood’ Riley Middle School, 15555 (734) 462-4448 ter at (313) 963-1274 Steve Wiese of Southeastern Henry Ruff, Livonia. A ppraisal C orp in F arm ington Tbpics mclude estimating CORNET MEETING ENERGY CD-ROM H ills h as u p d ated m aps o n a costs, building codes/permits, CoreNet Michigan Chapter, a T h e B uilding O w ners an d community-by-commumty and construction basics group of commercial/ Interna­ Managers International has basis with that information on Cost is $2 0 7 , p lu s $25 for t io n a R ealtors, h o sts a lunch released a CD-ROM, “The the Internet And it’s free

Country Living in the Cit)’ Almost 1 acre Beautiful Brick Ranch Clean and two textbooks To register, call a n d to u r o f th e n ew F o rd Field Property Professional’s Guide J u s t dial u p 5VWW hom eval- mature fruit trees great charm and curb Neutral Tem fic floor plan w ith large open (734) 523-9277 noon Thursday, Sept 19, at the to B uilding Energy uem ap com appeal Fresh paint new carpet kitchen kitchen spacious living room beautiMly cabinets and new furmce 3BR Owner landscaped with large lot newer wants offers" (BGSLY50BEV) 888 224 cupboard C/A windows home warranty 1387 (BGSLY24HAR) 888 224 1387 MOVERS AND SHAKERS Hhm king o f changing careers or offices ^

Why not jom the Number One Coldwell This column highlights promotions Shelley Moses joins CB ence handling business litiga­ Banker Schweitzer team m Michigan transfers hirings awards won and R ichard Ellis, a com m ercial tion for Dykema Gossett in and the Midwest Region Call Pam other news within the real estate con brokerage/property manage­ D etroit struction architecture and mortgage Danaher for an outstanding career m en t com pany m S outhfield, as He’s a member of the communities an associate broker in th e office American, Metropolitan Detroit Pam Danaher opportunity (248) 437-4500. Send a brief summary including town properties group and Wolvenne bar associations of residency and black and white She b n n g s five years expen- and the State Bar of Michigan photo to Real Estate Movers and ence to the position He’s also a boanJ member for South Lyon Office • 12516 Ten Mile Shakers Observer & Eccentric A Moses, a Northville resident, th e Legal Aid an d D efender (248) 457-4500 Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Kopmeyer Moses is chairw om an o f th e D etroit Association, Detroit Livonia 48150 C ham ber Envoy Program , an d ThrLert earned abacelor’s Our fax number is (734) 5917279 Making Real Estate Easy a volunteer at Livonia degree m pohtical science from and light industrial propenes m Stevenson High School Michigan State University and M att Kopmeyer joins western Wayne County juris doctor from Harvard Law Colliers International, a com­ Kopmeyer is a member of the Ronald J. T orbat joins School m ercial real estate firm in Detroit Area Commencal Barton Malow, a design, build, Bingham Farm s as a sales B oard o f Realtors, th e managment company in Signature Associates- high school sports team associate in the industrial bro­ Michigan Association of Southfield, as assistant general O N C O R , a com m ercial real kerage group Realtors and the National counsel estate firm m Southfield, nego­ each week in the Eccentric He will be responsible for the Assocaition of Realtors H is areas o f responsibility tia te d th e lee^e o f a 21,850- leasing and sales o f high-tech H e h as a bachelor’s degree in include contract review and square-foot building on accounting from Valparaiso negotiation, and claims man- Stephenson Hwy m Troy (Ind) University and lives m agement/resolution P au l H oge, J c ^ B oyd an d Roysd Oak. Torbert has 12 years experi­ Andrew Boncore were involved Weir , M anuel, Snyder & R anke for Signature

A See ail of our fine hom e! J and Virtual Tour G allery at EXPECT THE BEST Speaaltzing in NW Suburban $300K + C ondo’s, $500K + HomesI 3 4 7 - 3 0 5 0 (O ffice) 248) 240-5601 (D irect) C O L D U i e i X SCHWEITZER B A N K eR Q REAL ESTATE RES OENTIALIIEALE amndg UMW9 flescftrla U r.ii-

TERRIFIC BRICK RANCH CLASSIC FRENCH COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, VA baths, full finished on wooded comer lot Occupied only four mondis If you’ve waited for exceptional value this is it' This basement with bmlt-ms Many i^dates landscaping completed Open contemporary mtenor three bedroom beauty offers new air conditioning & Hardwood floore, neuttal decor, great with p o p i^ hearth rocnn/kitehen Elegant hvmg electrical Newer vinyl dad triple glaze thermal room w/3rd fireplace Deluxe moldings and tnm windows A n Andersen doorwall trikes you to a covered condition Spacious 2 car garage $465 000 (82HAV) 734455-6000 patio For those family BBtys a park like setting C o n v ^ en t location on a lovely, tree-lmed ATTRACTIVE AND W ELL BUILT 3 G O R G E O U S 2590 sq f t 3BR 2 5 BA awaits you Open floor plan, neutral colors throughout bedroom brick detached ranch condo res dential condo built m 2000 2 story GRT street Home warranty mcluded $144,500 Two car g a ri^ w/openef Pre-approved buyers Only w/Ubraryl Vaulted GR w/FP Coved R M prepped (or gasl Beautiful kitchen lighting m dmmg room Two full w/frosted oak Bruce cabinetsi Double ovens baths plus basement is stubbed for gas range top island counter 1st fir laundry Call bath, 2+ car attached garage Excellent library/studyl Generously sized upstairs loft! A N N E location backing to woodsi $344,900 Superbly lanscaped w/sprnklers deck MOLONEY outside lights' Compare with any in the Plymouth/Norlhviile area $379 900 Town & Country office. 248.626.8800 ------Liiaaeaal


DO YOU LOVE NATURE? COUNTRY UVINQ - CITY CONVENIENCE Awesome 3 bedroom bndc ranch Updates galore The “^ewer of prestigious Blue Grass Farms awaits a Roof (tear ofi) 01 New landscaping mam bath & lav fastidious buyer This spacious spht-ranch is one of a 01 New privacy fence Additional updates 01 include kmd Updates Furnace ^94 airconditionus 50 gallon Furnace A/C humidifier & air cleaner kitchen w th HW T carpeting hght fixtures Andereen doorwall & oak cabinets New windows throughout Berber windows throu^iout sink, faucet disposal gas log F P carpeting over hardwood floors Finished full 97 12 attic insulation 98 humidifiei 00 roof (tear basement w/glass block windows Ceihng faiw & ofl) 01 Gardenwmdowsmbasement Wontlast Pre­ neutral colors Deck $1000 closing costs approved bujers 3% deposit $249 900 PLYMOUTH CANTON CANTON PLYMOUTH LAKE POINTE VILLAGE Brick 3 SHOW AND SELL THIS ONE! End unit Oak SUNFLOWER SUB RANCH Very welt kept ranch $142 000 (74DEL) 734455 6000 lEO Y) 734455 6000 bedroom 1 5 bath ranch Cute and clean! Updated kitchen with large breakfast area first floor laundry with open floor plan on 1st floor oak kitchen oak kitchen vinyl windows throughout Finished Open great room formal dining room G a s log neutral paint and carpet 3 bedroom 2 bath basement with office and rec room C/A garage fireplace with marble surround Mein bath wife jet Fireplace in great room vaulted ceilings full fenced yard Great location Priced to selll tub Finished basement with lots of storage 2/: car basement Sprinkler system huge deck (P52GRE) $189900 attached garage deck (P53SAR) $207 900 (P66HAN) $239 900 LIVONIA REDFORD REDFORD LIVONIA S TRIANGLE SUB Close to everything WONDERFUL COUNTRY SEHING Faces Lola GORGEOUS CUSTOM, ALL BRICK RANCH 3 bedroom 1 1 bath living room family room Valley Park mature trees well built ranch Tnple lot beautiful mature trees Heated Flonda Many updates Immediate occupancyl (P28MAR) Updates KIT B A windows furnace A/C HW H room could be 3rd bedroom Forma! dining room $189900 hardwood floors in master C ozy living room plus eating space in KIT Lots of closet space w/naturai fireplace partially finished knotty pine many updates electrical 220 in gar D R A/C basement w/bar basement bath near compi fin patio large shed w/elec Ail KIT appliances COUNTRY FRENCH ESTATES COUNTRY IN TH E em n gar w/attic & 220 elec (P73POM ) 8159 900 Included (P37SAR)$164900 Why build’ This 2 yr old Chabhs home is ready to 3 bedroom lA car garage m Livoma with many movemto This de^itfully decorated property h ^ 3 updates Newer wmdows carpeting fiont& side door bedroom s 2A baths w/open floor plan that is l^ht fixtures & electrical box New hardwood flooring enhanced by soani^ ceiling & transom wmdows Sun m kitchen refinished floor m LR , cc^per plumbum ^ ^ G J V IA C filled hvmg room has a natural fireplace There is a huge tota% new bathroom w/ceramic tile Fre- spaaous family room vnth French door to deck FuD approved buyers & 3% deposit please $148,900 basement with dayh^t wmdows (24NOR) 734455-6000 $276 900 (17Q U E) 734-455-6000 U P r o p e r t i e s I n c nI I i^RealEstate |=lO U A l HOU^ilKH | OPPomiiNny HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 8;00 p.m. Birmingham/Bloomfiold Hills ■ 29B South Old Woodward . 2:18-644-6300 1365 S. Main. I’lymouth Saturdays 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. West Bloomfiold/Farminqion Hills • 7285 Orchard Lake Road ■248-851-5500 Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Rochester/Rochesler Hills ■ 1205 West University Drive ■ 248-651-3500 j l * i Piymoiith/Noilhvillc/Canlon/Novi ■ 500 South Main Street ■ 734-455-6000 or Visit us on The web. . T ( E l O 1 * ^ 1 1 - ^ Nalional/lnlernational Relocation • 325 East Brown Street •800-662-1950 ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 1 -5 4 0 0 www .qualitypropertiesGM WWW observerandeccentric com REAL ESTATE Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 E3

HOMES SOLD IN OAKLAND COUNTY Garages extend living space

These are the Observer & 31841 Lee $151000 Rochester 139 Kenyon $148000 (NA PS) - T he latest cool Nichols, a homeowner whose dark garage fixim inside the home Eccentric area residential 22867 Mayfied $190000 349Brch Hill $260000 3887 K ngs Pt $250000 area o f th e house th a t’s driving three-car garage boasts a pool ■ A keyless entry outside the real estate closings recorded 22906 Power $180000 4200 Bradyieigh $375000 5259 L vernois $133000 hom eow ners to th e “extrem e’ table, bar, TV, refrigerator, garage can allow access with a the week of May 20 24 2002 22966 Warner $195000 524 Elizabeth $165000 4837 Moonglow $395000 ju s t m ay b e th e garage microwave, central air and heat private se cu n ty code at the Oakland County 23690 Whttaker $289 0 00 520 Ludlow $205000 1362 Peachtree $218000 According to the Chamberlain With la i^ , mulh-car gan^es on ■ A rem o te control can even Register of Deeds office 1338Tu!berry $373000 2979 R ver Tr $390000 G roup, a m anufacturer o f the nse, devices necessary to open tu rn h o u se lights on a n d off Listed below are cities Farmington Hills 2370 Traverse $208000 garage door openers a n d acces­ and dose the doors can be a real O n so m e system s, control addresses and sales prices 37549 Avon $350000 Rochester Hlll^ 6789 Tree Knol $430 000 sories, garages are the next fron­ handful In addition to luxury, con­ panels mount inside the garage 29580 Belfast $220000 2034 Baron $296000 tier for enthusiastic home venience and quiet operation, safe­ an d o p era te u p io th re e doors Birmingham 29185 Chateau $90000 1205 Candlestick $165000 Walled Lake improvement buffs not content ly and secunty also are important from o n e cen tral location, elim ­ 576 Bloomfield $307 000 31120 Country Way $56000 2543 Dearborn $192 000 1438 Cr mson $50000 with a huge closet for cars, bicy­ Consider this checklist inating the clutter and confu­ 552 Brookside $800000 24825 El Marco $235 000 410 E Avon $50000 1891 Dogwood $305000 cles, ladders and lawn tools ■ A garage door m onitor can sion o f m u ltip le controls 823 Coolldge SI53000 21347 Flanders $200000 1525 Hampstead $264000 1433 Dover $129 000 People who buy sales models of tell you whether the garage ‘Super-quiet belt dnves iiave 2807 Dorchester $243 000 22225 Gill $195000 2990 Hillendaie $231000 2067 Hidden Mdws $140000 new homes where the garage is door IS open o r d o sed fro m any been a big hit with cqnsun^ers,” 1177 Henrietta St $380000 28419 Golf Pte $424 000 871 Lafayette $123000 2120 Matthew $230000 partially finished and used as an room m th e house said Sally Anderson, a vice presi­ 413 N Eton 4208 S147 000 24820 Ivywood $298000 S36M3jestc $620000 2120 Matthew $268000 office may want to listen up, too ■ A motion detecting panel can dent with Chamberlain 2602 Pemtxoke $230 0 00 24905 Ivywood $346000 2260NFaIrvlew $240000 1943 Meadow Rdg $199000 “I love to take any space a n d automatiCELlfytum garage door Particularly where the garage is 1788 Sheffield $200000 21649 Mayfield $245000 724 Panorama $510000 1146NEdde $140000 m ake it over,” said D aw n opener hghts on when you enter a below a bedroom or home office ’ 1876 aniev $348000 29629 Middlebelt $234000 2945 Portage $355000 619 Ridge $233000 28611 Millbrook $415000 2021 Roundtree $94000 1311 Ridge View $270 000 Bloomfield Kills/Townshfp 24550 Power $275000 2784 Saint Clair $144000 704 Woods $166000 1777 Alexander $575000 29042 Raleigh $258 0 00 3639 Sleepy Fox $100000 Eating bar serves several functions 2291E Hammond Lake $250000 38259 Remington Pk $238 000 1061 Sugar Crk $315000 West Bloomfield 3201!Tareyton $190000 570 Utah $100000 7364 Barr ngton $210000 1302 Forestglen $210000 FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES accom m odate several chairs hardly missed because of the 434FoxHiUs $97000 23615 Tuck $262000 403 Whitney $205000 4165 Breckenrdg $245000 W hen th e chairs are cleared bar’s attractive cultured stone 5647 Raven $365000 27851W 9 Mile Road $158000 2103 Willow Leaf $95000 6367 Buxton $263000 As every parent knows, an eat­ away for a buffet spread, th e y ’re peeking o u t from u n d ern e ath 3855 Shallow Brook $320000 27580 W Echo Vly $132000 5429 Clandge $297 000 ing bar IS a handy place to serve 1234 T mberview $225000 21587 Whittington $212000 Southfield 5198 Coldspring $254000 kids breakfast, lunch, after­ 501 Weybr dge $269 000 20410 Alhambra $182000 7222 Creeks Bend $150000 school snacks and, well, dinner 4899 Wye Oak $275 0 00 Keego Harbor 27925 Arlington $252000 7037 Dandison $395000 In sh o rt, it’s a really good 2215 Maddy $163000 21224 Berg $109000 7037 Dandison $462000 place to serve the kids any food Clarkstoi 1823 Warwick $145000 27245 Bradford $240000 2547 Empire $108000 a t all Som etim es m om a n d dad 8680 Crosby Lk $188000 24159 Evergreen $123000 4830 Fairway $260000 even join m 6408 Heron Park $252000 Lake Orion 18609 Geo Wash tor $300000 6640Hearths!de $207 000 W h en guests com e to visit, 9751 Kingston Pt $100000 364 Franklin Wright $277000 19690 Goldwin $132000 4630 Lilly $349000 clear th e barstools a n d u se th e 6609 Loch Moor $286000 2746 Gemini $228 0 00 23221 Been $169 000 46541111/ $365000 LIVONIA This super ^a rp 3 bedroom home Is CANTON Beautiful 4 bedroom & 2 5 bath b a r as a serving counter fo r located in Qraidon Woods area with large Coloni^ w/many updates' /Vtdersen windows 5578 Northcrest $250 000 2605 Glenwood $10! 000 22218 tvai)hoe $245 000 2543 Litbetell $148 000 appetizers during a big g am e or trees & deeper lots Quality constructionI virtth sid ng gutters & trim all new in 99 New WT 9779 Ortorville $150000 2576 Holmes $232000 19125 Jeanette $164000 3359 Lore P ne $610000 wet plaster & cove ceilings in LR & ' FP cabinets & solid cointer witfi molded sink & a buffet-style brunch Newer KIT cab nets & counter KIT disp 01 New master shower 00 B a / window 9855 0rtorvifle $600000 1015!ndanpipe $348000 24053 Lathrup $165000 4582 Maple Ck $390000 This versatile kitchen fixture carpet *99 ^ r hardwood Roof strip & re- in LR crown mold ng 6 panel \«hite doors, 10295 Rama $373 000 2988 Lessiter $232000 20195 Mada $125000 7495 N Br arcliff $209000 shingle 10/95 finished iiasement w/half bath stunning Cobntal & ceramic foyer Beautiful has replaced the pass-through in ^(ceptceiling S169900(D06Qra) Is id s c ^ ng spnnkler s y s t^ & 3-level ded< 10270 Reese $277000 3033 Maplewd $103 000 19265 Melrose $240000 6364 Nicholas $340000 many designs, giving the kitchen $229900(O68Wes) 5593 St Andrew $780000 700 Miller $145 000 21174 Po nc ana $102000 3935 Oak Ter $155000 a more open feel and the cook a LIVONIA Th s 3 bedroom & 2 ba&i home has PLYMOUTH This stately ^evation offers wood 7305 Village Park $77000 2654 Orbit $177000 22695 Pontchartrain $295000 7158 Pebble Park $228000 been completely remodeled inside & out' floors in KIT foyer hall & powder room better chance to partiapate in Features include ceramic KIT bathroom & Upgraded maple com ets granite counters & 10393 Whipple Tree 3235 000 912 Ridgeview $343000 21175 Potomac $265000 6354 Pepper Hill $126000 th e action m the next room basement Hardwood floors n LR & hall Newer QEdouble oven mcro, DW&cooktcp Master 607 S Newman $312000 21760 Potomac $225000 6080 Pirecroft $312000 carpet windows roof porch railings C/A suite w i^ whirlpool tub & spacious walk in Snack bars, serving bars and doors garbage disposal & celling fans dosets 1st floor LIB offers French doors Commerce Township 626 Sherry $224 0 00 24665 Santa Barbara $315000 4253 PInehurst $236000 breakfast bars vary m shapes $159000(L99Cav) w/benscm Beam calings & crown mddings 4 Bedrooms & 3 5 baths S469 900 (L91Wtl) 229Arabeile $134000 3000 Talon $217000 26601 Senator $75000 4282 Pleasant $170000 a n d sizes LIVONIA. Absolutely stunning updated ranch 27612 Shagbark $129000 7791 Pontiac Trail $430 000 with 3 bedrooms & 2 5 bath Updates roof WESTLANa Come home to this lovely 2 4975 Birkdale $412000 Som e are a i^ e d , som e are shingles 02 sprinWer system 98 FR 83 bedroom condo & enjoy evenings on the LL 5139Birkdale $385 000 Lattirup Village 30540 Shoreham $222000 1910 Poppleton $249 000 straight Many are quite wide, W/^inck FP & oak built in 98 master suite deck off the DR or retire to the 2nd bedroom 17630 Coral Gables $219000 26118 Summerdple $165 000 5121 Rock Run $162 000 wAvalk In closet & full bath 90 main bath 89 and enjcy the breeze off the upper ded< When 2030 Canai $238 000 but their petite counterparts are KIT & windows 87 Quttere more cabinets evenings turn cod you can sit by the FP in 8ie 2050 Canal $205000 18151 Santa Ann S245 000 24717 W10 Mile Road $156000 7261S Tratham $193 000 still useful as beverage counters furnace & C/A 91 finished basement w/biick master bedroom Enjoy a corner condo w/side 19800 W12 Mile Road $81000 6571 Shadowood $536000 bar refrig & great !4 bath finished laundry & covered carport Finished basement private 5495 Clearwood $140000 and as a holding space for hot fumroom $218 900(L27Hou) entry $129 900 (L61 Car) 5034 Greenview $299000 Oakland Township 20510 Westhaven $82000 5371 Sunnycrest $330000 dishes that are about to be PLYMOUTH TTiis lovely 4 bedrown & 2 5 bath WESTLAND As good as it gets in the Ranch 1869 J Anthony Pte $345000 3924Etlamae $249000 23885 Woodland $250000 3435 W Long Lake $375000 home shows like newl Wood floors enhance World I' One of a kind 3 bedroom 2 bath whisked to the table foyer KIT & powder room KIT has it a ll' Euro i®ich located in Forrest Creek Estates of 4971Knollcrest $450000 3890 Mt Laurel $650000 4637 Walnut Glen $420 000 The only real requirement is top range/oven m cro 1st floor laundry W e s ^ d w l^ Livonia Sdiods Built in 96 wrth 3250 Melmoor $163000 Troy 6944Wlldridge $140 000 complete w/washer & dryer S de 3M»r gsuage numerous upgrades vaulted ceilings wood that the structure include a sec­ w/overeized circular drive Premium floors bnck paver patio full basement plus 6 5456 Shelton $395000 Oxford 2970 Athena $190000 7476Wilshire $165000 tion that extends from the landscapng Beautiful patio Priced below garage extension $259 900 (L35For) market $399 900 (L340ak) 509Sherbrk $149 000 I486 Chestnut $125000 1149 Boyd $141000 kitchen into die adjoining space 1522 Wandrei $445000 1672Chieftan $013000 5250 Breeze Hill $158000 Wolverine Lake - often, th e dining room , eating 2125 Winston S394000 1004 Island Lake $69000 1534 Brentwd $194000 1436 Adran $144000 nook and/or great room - an d 71 Oxford Oaks $145000 1766 Brentwd $183000 2489 Oakview $178000 have an overhang of some depth Qualih-*iSM Farmington 2454 Shipman $254 000 5078 Buckingham $167000 1467 West $181000 An angled bar can provide an 37699 Six M ile (Suite 2 i), Livo n ia 33940 Alta Loma $205000 1125 Chop n $145000 716 Wolverine $347000 overhang deep enough to sit 1 ^ 22814 Brookdaie $178000 6203 Herbmoor $265000 2569 Wood awn $164000 u n d er a n d w ide enough to (734)462-3000



AWESOME BRICK RANCH BRAND NEW & BEAUTIFUL BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME MUCH DESIRED Four bedroom CF ALL WCRLDS PRIME FCRD ROAD PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY Stuming updated ranch in move in Imagine a brand new home In the Fabulous 12 acres of wooded area colonial offers many updates and Colonial 4 bedroom 3/s bath oak C O M M E R C I A L Great location Value packed ranch home has 3 condition In Plymouth s desirable country on 1 1/2 acres with a walk that overlooks 3 acres of spring fed amenities for canfortable living & kitchen open floor plan to family frontage and visibility on this high bedroom s & 1 A ceramic baths Lake Point Sub Big finished out basement 4 bedrooms and 21/2 lake It can be found only in Salem enjoyable entertaining Three tier room w/fireplace private formal living traffic thoroughfare Two buildings are Newer roof siding & gutters FR basement and huge 3-car garage baths for $239 90011 Central air is in Township Conveniently located near deck with sunken hot tub finished room dining room Full finished Included for this multiple use room w/fireplace Very open kit w/lots Newer windows doors carpeting 2 way fireplace 212/ car garage and Ann Arbor Plymouth & Northville basement updated kitchen and basement with office or 5th bedroom potential parcel This property is of cabinets space for dining table & appliances paint and more Act now' more $239 900 (432SO) and expressways Prominent more' $399 900 (885NO) with full bath deep lot central air zoned C 1 and abuts side street for apphances Full bsmt w/RIP ready $199 900(037BR) Plymouth Canton schools $269 000 Good occupancy $325 000 (250BA) superior ingress and egress for finishing Enjoy Plymouth/Canton (OOOCU) $319 000 (829FO) schools community parks & fenced $199.9!y ji’.'v.w WL

M AYFAIR V ILLA G E North Canton CHARMING BUNGALOW This IMMEDIATE CCCUPANCY WATER WCNDERLAND Enjoy LAKE LOTS AHN Builders & BETTER THAN NEW Four AFFORDABLE ROYAL OAK colonial 2 000 sq ft with 4 bedrooms home has been updated with new Outstanding 3 bedroom brick colonial your 80 foot waterfront view as you buyers lots for sale in gated bedroom 2 1/2 bath home with Terrific condo has updated kit w/new and 2 1/2 baths formal living & windows siding glass block featuring family room with fireplace enjoy this 2 400 sq ft 3 bedroom 2/2 community Beverly Estate on wrap around porch and large deck appis pantry storage new crpt dining rooms and family room \Anndows roof entry doors and neutral clean interior with most bath contemporary home with a view Otter/Syivan Lake This Is a builder overlooking woods and pond Many thruout & on site laundry facilities w/fireplace Convenient 1st floor ceramic tile in the updated kitchen neutral carpet updated central air of the water from all rooms $499 000 close out sale Buy one or buy all upgraded features Partially finished Nice size bdrms full updated BA & laundry Newer carpet windows & Finished basement huge backyard formal dining room huge basement (341HI) Each lot offers water frontage walkout basement Water purification generous LR Perfect location to enjoy cer^ic floor in foyer thru kitchen great starter home"' $124 900 and 2 car attached garage $119 600$139 600(009BE) and sprinkler systems and much trendy dwntwn or access to $234 900 (501OA) (028SU) Immediate occupancy $205 900 more'$339 900(941 HO) Beaumont Hospital Perfect for single (523PO) studentStudent or senior looking to avoid ;______

"■n '

ORIGINAL OW NER Brick ranch BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED W DW ...A M UST S EE! Beautiful 3 B ETTER THAN NEW 1994 built 3 GCRGECUS CANTCN CCNDC BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SHAKE, RATTLE A ROLL This with updates and finished basement HOM E Extremely clean & well bedroom brick ranch with an open bedroom 2 h bath colonial on a cul Outstanding unit featuring master W ESTLAND W OODS Lovely open seller is ready to go! Sub clubhouse 2 car garage C/A plus a 1 year home decorated Very nicely finished floor plan large kitchen dining room de sac Home has walkout basement bedroom 2 way fireplace to fashion floor plan bay window in kitchen full pool & tennis courts included with warranty Priced to selil $141 900 basement with bar area Newer roof large lot 2 car garage featuring a family room with fireplace large den bath with jetted tub Huge great room deck in back yard family room this 3 bedroom 1 k bath brick ranch (308RI) carpet light fixtures blinds front beautiful bay window in living room with glass doors and bay windows with fireplace 1st floor laundry sprinkler system new landscaping in Canton with many big $ updates! awning and gutters You realty need hardwood floors ceramic tiled bath Beautiful kitchen with all appliances basement and garage $199 500 nice neighborhood close to schools Living room family room new white to see It to appreciate it' $79 900 centra! air copper plumbing Just and bay eating area Formal living (01200) Great sub' A lot of home for the kitchen 1st floor laundry closet (905WH) waitirigforyou $149 900(3010A) room and dining room and 2 story money $184 900 (889RA) central atr full basement deck 2 car foyer $370 000 (552WA) attached garage & more' $224 750 (443BR)


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Fluorescent lighting provides many advantages

L ighting m ay no t be th e first th e room , w h at type o f atm o s­ O nce conclusion is th a t com Large fluorsecent lamps A 17-watt, screw-m CFL pro­ application in the ho m e A nd th in g th a t com es to m in d w hen phere th e hom eow ner w ishes mon fluorescent lamps may not com e in th ree sizes Lighting vides ab o u t as m uch lig h t as a it’s h ard ly th e final innovation you start thinking about the to create in each room and be receiving the attention they specialists recommend using 60-w'att incandescent bulb, but in residential lighting With features you desire in your new how the lighting in rooms with deserve th e T-8 size (with a one-inch can last for 1 0,000 h o urs com ­ even th e b est l i ^ t sources hom e m ultiple uses can b e config Fluorescent lighting is clearly diameter) over the T-12s ( with pared to 1 0 0 0 h o urs for an being only 25-percent efficient, Many homeowners have ured for different tasks superior to common incandes­ a 1 1 /2 inch diam eter) because incandescent th e re ’s am ple room for m ore learned that correct fixtures in Builders suggest hom e buy­ cent lighting, w hich can be they can provide m ore light a t a A t a rate o f five cents p er progress m good lighting th e n g h t locations before th e ers w ork w ith professional characterized as “a flame in a lower wattage and better color kilowatt hour (the rate is higher design d ry w ^ l is installed can save lighting designers w ho can an a­ bottle O nly 10 p erc en t of th e quality m many parts of the country), By working with your builder them from having to make do lyze their home’s blueprints, as energy that goes into an incan­ A nyw here in a hom e w here th e CFL h as a life cycle cost o f and a professional lighting with poor lighting situations or well as lifestyle, an d provide descent bulb comes out as light a n old-fashioned incandescent $18 50 compared to $35 for an designer, the lighting in your invest in costly renovations advice on the best h atin g for The rest is heat So 90 percent lig h t b u lb IS providing adequate incandescent bulb home can be as energy efficent once a home is completed th e p articular situation of the energy is wasted light homeowners should con­ W hile th e re are big cost sav­ as possible a n d functional, too New advances in lighting Professional lighting design­ Fluorescent lights suffer from sider using compact fluorescent ings dow n th e road, p u rch asin g technology can also provide ers are also knowledgeable a som ew hat tarn ish ed le p u ta- lamps (CFLs) a CFL is more expensive The James P Babcock is vice president/ considerable cost savings for about energy efficient lighting tion because people don t like Made of two smaller tubes cost of a CFL is in th e $10 secretary of the Building Industry hom eow ners fixtures Because of recent ener­ th eir tendency to flicker and w ith a sm gle end, CFLs are range com pared to ab o u t 50 Association of Southeastern Michigan Determining the best light­ gy shortages on the West Coast, buzz These problems are elim­ sim ilar in size shape, light dis­ cents for a 120-volt, frosted headquartered in Farmington Hills ing in a home isn’t always easy for instance, lighting specialists inated w hen fl^ourescent lights tribution and light quality to light bulb He s been a master builder for 28 M any facto rs need to b e co n ­ havevrorked with many home- are fitted with an electronic incandescent lamps However, No matter how strong the years and is president of Tara Building sidered Those include what owners seeking to m s t ^ m ore ballast instead of a traditional CFLs are considerably more advantages of fluorescent light­ Co and Eagle Pointe Homes both in St type of activities are done in efficient lighting m their homes m agnetic ballast energy efficient ing, it isn t suitable for every Clair Shores

Mortgage refinancings soar; Consider options before purchasing leaf blower 30-year rates up slightly (NAPS) - T he season is called fall for w id er nozzle provides low er airspeed a reason All of those colorful leaves but creates a wider path, allowing you (AP) - Rates for 30-year nancings market is actually easing a for 3 0 year m ortgages eventually will en d up on th e ground, to move large amounts of dry matenal mortgages rose slightly last “The current low rate b it as sum m er com es to a averaged 6 9 1 p erc en t a and you 11 have to clean th e m up ■ I f you have a large area to tackle, w eek afte r h ittin g a 32- environm ent should con­ close, Nothaft said year ago while rates on 15- A handheld or backpack leaf blower consider a backpack blower It reduces year low ju s t one w eek ear­ tinue late into th e year, According to the MBA year m ortgages w ere 6 47 can be a powerful tool in removing the stress on th e sho u ld ers and back, espe­ lier, according to a nation­ predicted Doug Duncan, survey, home refinancing percent and one-year remnants of the autumn season Plus, cially if equipped with a hip pad and w ide survey chief economist at the accounted for 7 0 8 percent adjustable rate mortgages its a convenient alternative to arm-tir- u sed properly F reddie M ac, the m o rt­ m ortgage group of activity two weeks ago, were 5 68 percent ing, back-wrenching raking ■ A backpack blower with the throt­ gage company, reported Frank Nothaft, chief th e first tim e th a t share These rates don t include Leaf blowers provide more efficiency tle h an d le m o u n te d o n the tu b e allows that the average interest econom ist a t Freddie M ac, has been above 70 percent add-on fees k now n as in th e clean-up process,” said M ark for the most maneuverability and least rate o n a 30-year fixed- said th a t even w ith the since November points Thirty year mort­ M ichaels, u n it m anager a t H usqvam a, a fatigue Look for a throttle that allows rate m ortgage edged u p to low est m ortgage rates m T he Freddie M ac m o rt­ gages, 15-year mortgages leaf-blowing manufacturer “Compared you to lock th e speed a t a co n stan t rate 6 27 p ercen t, com pared to th ree decades, it appeared gage survey show ed th a t and one-year ARMs all to manual tools, a blower will allow you ■ W h en considering a han d h eld 6 22 percent last week, that home sales may be rates for 15-year fixed-rate carried an average 0 7 to cover m ore ground w ith less fatigue ” blow er, look fo r one w ith an m -line w hich w as th e low est rate starting to slow m ortgages sfiso edged u p p o in t fee th is week, M ichaels offers these tip s for select­ h an d le I f th e h an d le is offset from th e m 32 y ears o f record keep­ ‘ The housing industry slightly this week, climbing according to the Freddie ing a blow er tu b e , your w n s t w ill b e forced to roatte ing m ay finally be slow ing to a to 5 71 percent com pared M ac survey ■ T he tru e te st o f a pow er in a leaf in aji u n n a tu ra l position Also, m any Low m ortgage rates are still healthy, more normal to 5 63 percent last w eek M ortgage rate s have blow er isn’t th e size o f th e engine or handheld blowers come with a vacuum feeding a boom in m ort­ pace,’ he said, noting that However, rates on one- been falling in recent rated horsepower but the amount of air attachment for mulching gage refinancing The sales of existing homes in year adjustable mortgages w eeks as econom ists have It p u ts o u t in a given m om ent o f tim e ■ V isit a n o u td o o r pow er equipm ent Mortgage Bankers June and housing starts continued to decline, drop­ slashed their expectations ■ Air volume is measured by cobic feet dealer for additional tips or to try out a Association reported that for July had m oderated a ping to 4 34 percent this for econom ic grow th in the permmute(CFM) Ifyou’re buying a blower Get advice from someone who’$ mortgage applications hit a b it week, compared to 4 39 second h a lf o f th is year handheld blo^ver, look for one greater flian been around power equipment long record level two weeks ago, “W hen figures for new percent last week because o f concerns th a t 350 CFM For backpack modds,anythmg enough to h elp you m ake a sm a rt buy­ according to a survey the and existing hom e sales for By comparison, rates on th e tu rm o il o n W all Street above 575 CFM will provide high effiaency in g decision organization does tracking July are released we will all th ree m ortgage cate­ will trigger a n ew wave of ■ Consider the nozzle shape A nar­ F or m ore inform ation, visit mortgage applications for have a better picture of gories w ere higher th is jo b layoffs a n d cutbacks in row outlet will provide h igher air speed, WWW hu sq v a m a com o r call (800) home purchases and refi­ whether or not the housing time a year ago Rates consum er spending good for m oving wet, heavy m aterial A HUSKV - 6 2 COLDWELL BANKER SCHW EITZER REAL ESTATE

: W


J i ______

$ 3 1 0 , 0 0 0 INKSTER $79,900 PLYMOUTH $219,900 WARREN $167,990 Exceptional Home* Nearly new 4br Beautiful 3br Cape Codi 1st floor TWO Master Suites' Large Lovely Weil Maintained' 3 Well maintained brick ranch LAKEPOINTE TRI LEV EL offers 3 Welcome Home! This sprawling 5 baths walkout backs to woods master w/jacuzzi tub loft Kitchen kitchen skylights vaulted ceilings bedroom brich ranch w/partially Completely updated to me roof Bdrms living rm plus fam rm brick ranch filled w/updates 3 car garage fab kitchen w/granite w/oak cabinets Deck w/motonzed walkout basement loft overlooking finished bsmt & 2 car gargage windows firnace C/A new w/fireplace & spacious room sizes Beautiful oak kitchen overlooks isle & huge nook 2 story fam room awning Move m condition Must living room all located on 10 acres Anderson windows updated bath security doors new fence new Extras include 3 season sunroom family room w/gas fP Brand new w/bay 3 sky lights Fab master see! {BGN56WOO) 888 220 3751 of nature preserve Choice of w/corian large eat in kitchen driveway and sidewalk Freshly 19x24 bonus storage area & tear off roof All appliances Home {BGN25HAV) 888 220 3751 flooring BGLOOPRE 877 206 6853 central air & more (BGN29LAM) painted and carpeted 8GL91W EL upgraded elec BGL24CLE 877 warranty immed occup


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4BR brick colonial located on a this sharp clean & neutral 3BR Home offers 3 bedroom 1 bath Updates :n 2000 include windows New windows roof central air hot sellers pride of ownership open 4br 2 5 baths w/3 sky lights size lot in mcjh desired 2 1 B A cape cod in Lin k s of basement 1 car attached garage doorwall entrie kitchen bathroom water tank nice quiet dead end Additions include MBR w/gas FP vaulted ceilings private master Country Club Village Features Pheasant Run LR & FR share a 2 Numerous updates include furnace furnace central air & electrical street Clarenceville schools 3 in 98 and new garage w/ screened suite & huge party size deck mol lux mas ste w/fash bath gour way FP Formal DR Hdwd firs In C/A Pella windows siding roof system This 3 BR 2 full baths Bedrms IVs baths (BGL37GIL) in porch In 2000 A must see BGL Attached garage A much more kit & nook w/hdwd firs Hurry! kit 1st fir master Soaring cigs T/0 etc Neutral throughout' (BGP home features hw floors t/o BGL 63PAL 877 206-6853 Hurry! (BGN11ST0) 888-220 (BGP 60Fel)888 223 6691 (BGP 81Kil) 888 223 6691 30Win) 888 223 6691 58COR 877 206 6853 3 75 1

CANTON $369,900 CANTON $239 900 DEARBORN $142,900 HARTLAND $239 900 NORTHVILLE $364,900 REDFORD $114,900 WESTLAND $128,500 Brick cape cod on a gigantic 65 Step in and feel at home 3 A Good Place To Start A good Immaculate Hartland Twp Condol Walk to historic downtown Charming Bungalow on a Double Perfect for First Tome setting 4BR 2 1 BA Spac kit & bedroom 2 5 bath ranch with many place to start! Recent updates End unit overlooks nature Northviile from this stately 4 Loti 3br 1 5 bar g+ car garage Homebuyers' This 3 br 1 ba Brick nook Lux 1st fir master ste 1st fir updates including kitchen baths include furnace hot water tan preserve hardwood floors vaulted BR/2 1BA brick Georgian colonial beautiful notty pine finished Home boasts finished basement study Hdwd firs in kit nook roof siding & some windows 2 central air windows and kitchen ceiling in bdrms cathedral ceiling in prime cul de sac locationi basement new roof gutter & deck & 2 car garage New roof & powder rm & hallway Brand new way fireplace & versatile floorpian cabinets 2 car garage plus shed m great room fin walkout bsmt & Formal LR D R kitchen with eating doors newer furnace & CA vinyl kit fir in (02) & newer furnace in inground pool (BGP 05Cyp) 888 First floor laundry Fenced (BGP Nice Landscaping BGL 55PAR more' (BGN99NOR) 888 220 3751 area Huge backyard with inground windows sprinklers (BGN74CEN) (95) Dent miss this one! 2 2 3 6691 OOWoo) 888 223 6691 877 206 6853 pool (BGP 59Lex) 888 223 6691 888 220 3751 (BGN01GRA) 888 220 3751

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“ lt*s All About Besutts” 800-579-SELL (7355) CANTON Open Sun 1 4 Plymouth CONDO LIVING! A FFO R D A B LE 3 bedroom 2 NEAT 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath ranch home with hardwood 4 1717 Princess Dr By owner OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 BEST BUY IN Two bedroom ranch floor bath bungalow Updated kit COLONIAL 3 bedroom 2 5 floors updated kitchen 16x13 555 Byron 1 bik N/Ann BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE plan 2 car garage basement Chen bath siding roof & bath Beautiful premium family room partially finished Arbor Rd E/otfMamSt 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 1st floor laundry $305 000 w in d o w s Partially finished wooded lot' 2 5 car garage basement & much more Only FABULOUS 3 BEDROOM Corian counters thru out ba se m e nt Good size yard Details & upgrades galore' CENTURY 21 PREMIER $172 900 Call Mary L Bush 3 0 0 0 ’s 2 bath home in Plymouth hardwood floors plaster $99 900 Call Charlotte Piymouth/Canton Schools wails Large fenced pri (734) 453-4300 313 530 8750 $320 000 734 718 2058 Family room w/fireplace 44958 Ford Rd Canton 734 3 77 3282 updated kitchen w/oak vate yard Full basement carpeted & painted Roof CENTURY 21 ROW Cornwell & Bush llliill Esii FARMINGTON COMPLETELY cabinets all season sun room Fox Creek Colonial Real Estate LLC remodeled 4 bedroom 3 w/cathedral ce lings and furnace C/A all less 3 bedroom 2 5 bath fireplace 734-464 7111 than 4 yrs old $429 000 248 477 5114 baths on private cul de sac skylights attached garage 2 car attached garage newer WWW cornweil bush com sits on 40 acres on the park lovey private yard tiered R T Jamo Real Estate updates $274 900 Open Sun Open Hojses 3440 Numerous updates 1 fin shed (248) 613 8455 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK deck C/A new roof $214 900 Noon 5pm 734 981 4934 Ann Arbor Orchard Lake/ room m partially f mshed base MICHELLE MICHAEL Call Today ment 2 car attached garage Re/Max Classic 248 737 6800 RED UC ED & Immediate occu FIRST OFFERING KeegoHartwf Great Farmington schools BLOOMFIELD HILLS 4 bed pancy 4 bedroom 2 bath 1 800 679 S ELL REDFORO Sundays 2 5 room bath colonial full In Farmington Meadov/s love BEAUTIFUL • 4 bedroom Must seel Asking $318 000 21 home 1st floor laundry den Beautiful 3 bedroom brck basement 2/3 acre in desir iy 4 bedroom 2 bath brick Tri colonial in Farmington Ridge Open Sun 1 4 36638 Brittany Wxom/Walled Lake/ bungaloaw Updated kitchen able Vernor Estates neighbor prime lot' $210 000 level Gorgeous remodeled Sub 2225 sq ft 3/4 finished Ifs All iMraut Results Hill Ct Chatham Hills Sub S newly remodeled basement hood of S IM homes CALL PAT WESTWOOD kitchen bright & airy formal basement Open Sun 12 5 3(H0 Carkston Commerce on Grand River bet Drake & Observer & Eccentric fresh paint Newer carpet Bloomfield schools $549 000 CENTURY 21 ROW dining with doorwall to patio 37685 Lancaster N of 13 W 3110 Cearbom/Dearbom Hgts Halsted (248) 476 1172 nicely landscaped A must (248) 540 2747 Huge family room hardwood of Halstead $299 000 1-800-579-SELL 734-464 7111 floors decorated in neutrals 3120 Detroit 3520 LvingstonCojnty HOWELL OPEN SUN 1 4 see' 10056 Garfield E off (248) 661 9048 walk to Flanders School 3140 Fanninpton/ 3530 Macomb County 6939 Fairway Vista Hartland Beech Daly N of W Chicago STOCK MARKET DOWN THIS HOM E has a lot to offer Attached garage $209 900 COMPLETELY REMODELED NEW LISTINGS schools Nice 4/5 bed 3 5 Only $139 900 Appliances Housing A Good Investment for a large family Newer Farmington His 3540 Oakland County + sq ft spacious brick A LLEN PARK 9839 Park Ave bath cape cod cm 1 5 acres included Call 313 255 4580 Views of Professionals kitchen furnace C/A ceramic 2000 BRICK COLONIAL ranch 3 bedrooms 1 1/ 2 3170 GanlenCIty Wonderful location for this 3 Full finished walk out c/a 2 See this newly offered bi level kitchen & foyer large family Great price on this 3 spacious baths on just underIlium 1 I acre 3180 QrossePointe 3570 Wayne County bedroom Bungalow with lots fireplaces 2 5 car garage out SOUTH LYON ranch 5 bedroom 3 bath gor room w/fireptace & wet bar auit) bedroom 2 1/2 Oatfi home cul de sac lot private & of updates kitchen bath buildings allowed $274 900 OPEN SUN 1 S geous corner lot Land Circular drive Compare price 3190 Hamburg laKellDnifVTolenrDni nofn$s Natural fireplace in family wooded w/pond ^ J 3 1 9 000 fmished basement 2 1/2 car Call (586) 405 9309 or 11390 Ridge Rd Contract Bloomfield Schools with home in the area This is room formal living 4 dining 248 478 3590 Odrer Suburban Homes garage $149 900 W on 10 Mile Rd to Rushton & mailing Completely remod a great deal' $244 900 15171 548 9198 for rooms country kitchen hard 3210 Highland 3600 Out of State Homes/Property N on Rushton W on Doane eled ideal for retirees walk CALL CHUCK HROMEK out lower level $499 000 wood floors finished base 3220 Holy/Fenton 3610 Country Homes DEARBORN HTS 4964 Detroit L on Siiverside L on Ridge ^ (734) 453 8700 Mr Balough 248 646 6102 ment attached 2 car side St 3 bedroom bi level w/new Rd One acre wooded lot with Crossroads Realty 3230 Howe rain)S/n0rS6 rannS windows siding gutters lake access to numerous garage $209900 3250 Livonia 3640 Real Estate Services cement Newer roof lakes Beautiful custom built C ENTURY 21 furnace ca privacy fence ranch 3 bedroom 2 baths 3260 U\M 3700 New Home Builders Nada Inc 248-477 9800 Great starter hornet $124 900 walkout basement & more' 3270 8710 Apartments For Sale CALL NOAH FULLERTON 3720 Condos LINCOLN PARK 662 Garfield M INT 3 bedroom ranch Lots When seebng 3 bedroom Bungalow newer BRIGHTON/HOWELL 1550 3730 Duplexes &Townhouse$ ERICA sq ft new construction 3 of updates including windows out the best roof furnace/ca large lot water heater kitchen bath & deal check out 3310 OnonTownshp/ 3740 Manufactured Homes 100x120 Great starter home bedrooms 2 1/2 baths 2nd uvuiiia floor laundry 2 car garage more $149 900 (60HUB) the Observer LakeOnon/Oxford 3750 Mobile Homes $124900 HOMETOW N CHANGE YOUR paved roads & sewers CENTURY 21 ROW & Eccentric Classifieds' 37$) Homes Under Construct on LIFESTYLE' (734) 459 6222 oi Immediate occupancy TA YLO R 22116 Bernard 3 (734) 612 3069 $189900 810 225 8944 734 464 7111 V 1 800 579 7355 y 3340 3770 Lakefront Property bedroom Colonial /living room OPEN SAT 12 30 230 3780 Lake/RverResort/Propeity 37928 N Laurel park West Bloomfield and family room newer carpet EXCEPTIONAL 3200 s N/6 Mile W/Newburgh JUST LISTED' 33fll 3790 Northern Properly furnace privacy fence two tier 5 bedroom 3 bath deck oak cabinets you ve got Easy living describes this :ini! 3370 Royal Oak/Oak Park/ wooded acre many extras' 3810 Southern Propel^ to see this one' $179 900 lovely 2 bedroom 2 5 bath 810 220 1 785 Huntington Woods 3820 bts&AcreageA/acant Townhouse condo m $389000 3380 SalenV8alemTownshp 38$l Hme Share WAYNE 35216 Glover Ranch Livonia Great room w/gas PRICE REDUCED AGAIN! 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 car garage fireplace Kitchen/dmmg 3840 Lease/OphonToBuy 4 bedroom 1 1/ 2 bath 2 story finished basement covered & area 1st floor laundry home on over 1/2 acre lot at 3400 South Lyon 3850 Mortgage/LandCoitacts screened porch many Finished basement Over end of cul de sac In quiet 3410 Troy 3K0 Money To Loan updates $135 900 1800 sqft 2 car side entry neighborhood Convenient garage Private courtyard/ OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 3420 WaterfordAJnionLake/ 3660 Money To Borrow 4253 Stoddard (off location close to town and SO U TH G ATE 12511 Irene side deck area Walk to expressways Priced to sell at WhteLake 3870 Real Estate Wanted FANTASTIC STARTER HOME' shopping dining theater Middleblet on Stoddard $207 500 Linda Barnwell 3880 Cemetery Lots 2 bedrooms 2 1/2 car garage price at $247 900 N of Lone Pine) The Michigan Group updated kitchen and bath new DIANE or TRINA 3500 S Q FT 810 844 2316 windows carpet vinyl siding (734)454 9211 ext 147 LA K E FRONT $114 900 j^RNl BlMlH ill.~ w/ Bloomfield Hills Schools' 4 bedrooms all glass season TA YLO R 14347 Westpoint 217 W Ann Arbor Plymouth room bonus room and Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch finished lower level on 3/4 4 BEDROOM 2 5 bath 1210 sqft nicely landscaped acre lot w/panoramic view & colonial Over 1750 sq ft lot oak kitchen w/lots of 100ft on the water Updated Family room w/flreplace living cabinets laundry room 2 1/2 LIVONIA Corian kitchen w/high end 3900 Bus ness Cppoitunites Industnal-Sale Or Lease car garage $131 900 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 room and 16x12 master appliances Beautiful in w/full bath Walk in closet 2 3910 Bu^ness& Profession^ Office Business Space 37540 HDweli St ground pool $499 900 ECH A SSIST 2 SELL W/Newburgh 8/Five Mife car at tached garage Beautiful Buildings For Sale Sale Or Lease 53STO Call (248) 646 1400 oak kitchen Piymouth/Canton (313) 388-0200 Castle Gardens Sub Lovely 3920 Commercal/Retal Ranch home featuring 3 bed Westland schools 259 Coronation Ct Reduced $204 900 C A LL Sale Or Lease Vacant Property rooms 2 5 baths fmished A FAMILY FAVORITE' basement w/gas fireplace Open Sunday 2 00- 4 00 BILL WEST 248 735 7294 3930 Income Property Investment Property paver brick patio sprinklers 6751 Geronimo KEU.ER WILLIAMS REALTY Land enced yard 2 car attached (N/Ford E/Wayne) CANTON $258 900 BERKLEY Open Sun 2 5 Nice updates' Ready to move m 4 bedroom 4 bedroom 3 full bath 1-800-579-SELL newly remodeled 3 bedroom Jl8?900 1 5 bath Quad level Living 2 bath brick bungalow JUDY PUMPEL 7425 Admiralty (Canton Center room Family room large & Warren) 734-459 9566 Basement attached 2 car (734)416 1261 kitchen w/dinmg area & garage friendly neighbor Coldwell Banker Preferred appliances One bedroom on hood $209900 2120 Kipling 44644 Ann Arbor Plymouth 1st floor three on 3rd floor CANTON CAPE COD It’s a ll about results! N of 11 Mile W of Cooiidge Newer carpeting Vinyl Beautiful open floor plan with 248 398 0812 PLYMOUTH windows & siding Cedar 9 ft ceilings throughout First OPEN SUN 1 4 deck landscpaed sprinklers floor master suite office 42037 River Oaks security system 1 1/2 car laundry 2 large bedrooms The change for something new and exating N of Ann Arbor Trail E of garage Priced at $179 900 with balcony over great room Lilley Walk to downtown DIANE or TRINA $370 000 IS happening with the . Plymouth from this completely (734)454-9211 ext 147 CALL DENISE McGUIGAN remodeled beautiful tri level (313) 796 1436 CALL JOHANNAWOODARO REM ERICA HOMETOW N ill 217 W Ann Arbor Plymouth Canton lEccentrit OUTSTANDING VALUE' Just Reduced O IlaaBtfw & ’e HOMETOWN Fantastic Windsor Park 3 bed (734) 459-6222 Charming 3 bedroom 15 room Colonial w/1 1/2 baths bath new kitchen many on a premium corner lot "It's All About Results" updates hardwoods fire Hardwood floors thru out place c/a Great neighbor newer Pella wood windows ^ €lussxixibs hood Short walk to town large wood deck and large $425 000 (248) 540 6155 country kitchen w/pantry W BEVERLY HILLS Immediate occupancy “ir s all Large lot 3 bedroom 2 bath $214 500 43921 Arlington Birmingham schools many S/Joy E/Sheldon about updates' $380 000 JIM DEKIERE resu lts” Call 248 433 3074 (734)416 1204 800-579-SELL C O L D U U e U . Sell It all with ( 7 3 5 5 ) B A N K eiv a 800-579-SELL Observer & Eccentric WWW observerandeccentr c com Coldwell Banker Preferred 1-800-5 79-SELL 44644 Ann Arbor Plymouth

\ E6 (*) Observer & Eccentric j Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerandeccentric com

Parinington Hills Livingston County Condos For Sale ( 2 )

RANCH 3 bedroom 2 bath BY OW NER Woodlore North JU S T LISTED ' Welcome 3 BEDROOM 1 5 bath brick QUIET LIVING FARMINGTON HILLS hardwood floors partially Sub Brick ranch $410 000 Westlami Livingston County home to this desirable 1750 ranch Full basement 2 bedroom starter ranch finished basement many 46992 Brooks lane Ann Arbor sq ft 3 bedroom 1 5 bath w/new roof windows & v nyl Private wooded 3/4 ac’e attached 2 car garage updates home warranty Country living at its home with priv leges to Lake Rd & Beck (734) 453 5667 WOW! This home has custom builders ranch 3 Beautiful lot backing up to $169 900 sid ng $88 900 best yet still dose to Moraine Home Includes a JUST LISTED' everything! Over 3100 sq ft Bedroom 2 bath living family room with fireplace & woods $225 000 (93SIX) CALL CHRIS COURTNEY COLO N IAL Well mam Century 21 Towne Pride tamed & updated 1550 sqft 3 Beautiful and totally of living in this beautiful room with a natural fre shopping Hartland doorwail to private backyarili (734) 326 2600 bedroom 11/2 bath large lot updated 3 bedroom home custom built home' Large place d ning room doorwall schools from U S PreUy Kitchen basement & 2 3 BEDROOM 2 5 bath m E R t C A mm Immediate occupancy in Tonquish Sub 1700+ ceramic tiled foyer 1st floor leads to large deck with hot car garage Hartland Schools ranch 1st floor laundry 23 or I 96 newer 3 500 family room w/fireplace $222 000 313 995 1771 WAYNE sq/ ft/ with big 2 5 garage master suite with Jacuzzi 1st tub 2 x 6 constructor 2 $179 900 Ail the updatesi Must Car garage/workshop Oak sq ft brick ranch RELAX & ENJOY! Year round Extra large 2 car garage HOMETOW N Full brck bungalow on floor laundry finished walkout CONDO! corner lot 2 car garage hurry just $154 9001 lower level with additional Kitchen with eating area w/4bedr 3 1/2 bath enjoyment wth the lakefront basement Popular sub! (734) 4S9 6222 Just reduced lot on Long Lake is Included $269 900 (13BRI) 1st floor end unit 2 bedroom fenced backyard 2 porch family room rec room with finished walkout with ths lovely homel Very CENTURY 21 ROW great carpet light oak kitchen es 4 bedrooms 2 baths BEST BUY IN wet bar and office Brick paved Clean tastefully decorated pantry custom Cherry pretty quality built brick and 734-464 7111 cabinets Anderson windows fireplace french doors TOWN! patio and a huge deck plus 3 in unit washer & dryer hardwood foors many car garage on almost 3/4 3 bedroom 2 full bath kitchen 8 acres 3 stall cedar ranch on beautifully 4 bedroom home with ranch Newer windows and landscaped lot Home 4 BEDROOM 3 5 bath ranch carport Spic & span! updates central air 3006 newer 2 car garage Home acres' Only 3 years old and horse barn 2 ponds call vinyl trim Pan ceiling :n ncludes 3 bedrooms 3 baths on over 5 acre Al! oak wood $134 500 (BGPI P) Sophia (at Chestnut) perfect condition in and located in Tyrone Township' kitchen breakfast room and Norm at RE/Max Elite great room w/fireplace heated work v/aik out basement CALL BOB GRAHAM $249 000 (734) 595 4305 out Oak ktchen windows Fenton Schools $284 900 sun room partially finished (734) 463 0012 cathedral ce ling in family 248 396 3883 priced at updated kitchen professional a r Very affordable at just ENGLAND REAL ESTATE room with fireplace Nicely lower level w th family room !y landscaped 7/Newburgh $119900 888 211 9560 810 632 7427 only $435 000 ec room bar and workshop! landscaped with deck a ge area $439 900 734 462 6365 [ERICA West lloomfielil lot and private wooded Plus 3 car garage and Hartland Schoools $434 000 BURTON HOLLOW STOP HERE' County backyard Over 1400 sq ft 3 large LOV ELY ranch on private 16453 Poliyanna $235 000 REMERICA HOMETOWN H wooded and beaut fully 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath brick bedroom Florida room Century 21 Hartford North ELEGANT TRADITIONAL 2 5 garage air plus all FERNDALE 607 W Oakndge landscaped 2 54 acre setting ranch w/ attached garage "(SiEnDERRY PLYMOUTH Colon al in desirable 734 525 9600 Backs up to wooded ravine major updates This one is By owner 1920 s cedar shake Ths thoughtful home offers LONG ADMIRED and COUNTRY LIVING I woods of Orchard Lake bungalow in north area W of -ONE MAN S many quality features Call 734 525 6387 ^otlessl $127 900 Privacy and room to roam 4 4 large bedrooms 2 5 Woodward Needs some TLC including step saving ktchen npeccably deta led 4 700 sq Cali The Anderson's BY OW NER 4 bedroom 2 bedroom 2 bath colonial baths 2 fireplaces 3 car 3 bedrooms 2 baths 1350 Garden City with white cabinets and wood ft A ch tect des gned TRASH IS bath brick ranch finished W/2100+ sq ft Updated attached garage Pre Century 21 Dynamic sq ft fireplace hardwood flooring leads to dinmg area FRENCH MANOR placed basement 1/4 acre patio kitchen & dining room 2 mium cul de sac setting (734) 728-7800 floors $230 000 with f replace Comfortable upon a stunn ng 1 acre many updates 15907 Deenng person jacuzzi Roof 3400+ sqft $639 000 By appt only 586 214 9890 BY OW NER 3 bedroom tri ANOTHER great room with gas log wooded setting Every amen ty N/off 5 W/Inkster $189 900 plumbing & electric m 96 DONNA PERES level 1 5 baths gas fireplace f replace Basement is finished By appt 586 420 8561 ncludingalstfoo master CALL DENISE McGUIGAN (248)366 2261 When seeking hardwood floors totally wth extra rooms Just needs e County ^ ) A pr zed location (313) 796 1436 Century 21 Today out the best updated move in condton MAN'S carpeting Nice large deck off BY OWNER 1300 sg ft ranch ML#22052535 $1 198000 REMERICA HOMETOWN III 6611 Commecs Rd deal check out Motivated sellers' dining area 2 car garage 3 bedrooms 2 baths beautiful WBIoomiield 734 502 6055 newer shed and on a paved hardwood floors new snow ASK FOR BOB BAKE the Observer W AYNE/W ESTLAND Schools TREASURE on a private cul de sac 3 road' Hartland Schools white kitchen a/c fireplace (734) 649*2175 & Eccenmc Classifieds' GARDEN CITY 3 bedroom $349 900 (N of 7/E of Farmington R d ) . 1 8 00 5 7 9 7 3 5 5 spacious bedrooms 1 1/2 baths remodeled kitchen bungalow 1 bath 2 t/2 car FORGET YOUR WORRIES! $187 900 (248) 482 4472 C O L O U J C U . EXQUISITE finished basement 2 car garage air appliances Wonderful country setting Looking for a deal? Owners COUNTRY LIVING in the City BANKERU garage newer windows & $124 000 734 788 9243 surrounds this spotless and AHRACTIVE & BUILDERS transferred 3 bedroom 1 1/2 4 bedrooms split level 3 acre bath move in condition Must quick occupancy Must see' beautifully decorated 3 SCHWEinCR-BAKE AFFORDABLE' RANCH 3 bedrooms many By owner 734 422 2001 MODEL see Tonquish sub $148 000 $99900 bedroom 2 bath homel Home 3 bedroom brick bung Must Sell! 4000 sq ft updates large cedar deck 2 Includes iving room with alow in great neighbor (734) 721 0701 EXCEPTIONAL 4 bedroom 0% DOWN NEW HOMES! st floor master car detached garage home frepalce nice kitchen dining hood Breakfast nook off 1 quad 2 3/4 car garage beau Own your own home ir O n l u ^ warranty $144 900 kitchen ail kitchen apph Immediate occupancy WESTERN room Florida room and tiful deck & landscaping Northville s premier Resort CALL JOHN ABBOTT basement' 2 car attached aiices stay Central air $775 000 immediate occupancy class community WESTLAND garage plus a 1 car detached 1 5 baths partially fin Howard Stanley Custom 734 522 8356 800 742 0704 Ext 2 3 or 4 bedroom 2 bath CASTELLI 734-525-7900 R e m e r i c a garage with electricity ished basement and a Homes 248 683 9950 newer windows roof furnace Serving the area for 27yrs Hartland Schools $174 900 Its All About Results garage Priced to sell' &C/A $145 000 1-800-579-SELL POINT O F VIEW Gorgeous OPEN H OUSE 8/31 12 4pm $124 000 (AP983) CALL DENISE McGUIGAN Laksfronl Walerfront HOM ETOW N lake views come with this very Observer & Eccentric Downtown Northville Arts & I (734) 459 6222 (313) 796 1436 Homes nice home on Handy Lake' 1-800-5 79-SELL Crafts Home 3 bedroom 1 5 PERFECTION' REM ERICA HOM ETOW N III Home features living room bath fireplace den carriage Lovely 3 bedroom brick AM HERST6UR6 Watch the with fireplace and walk out Four bedroom 3 5 bath house large yard 2 car base ranch w/many updates lower level has family room merit a/c Priced at $355 000 sunset over Boblo Island from colonial Nice lot dead end nc ud ng kitchen w/ pecan WESTLAND this lovely 4 bedroom 4 1/2 Showers oE with fireplace Nicely 718 Grandview 248 3485221 cabinets All kitchen street Finished basement bath waterfront home w/in remodeled thru out including appliances stay 3rd bed attached 2 car garage ground pool $550 000 (US) roof and siding' Home is $224 900 Greg Glennon room IS used as dining $159 000 Great New listing 1981 built (519) 736 5231______situated on 2 lots the vacant RE/MAX on the trail room owner will convert open neutral home in lot has Its own sewer tap in' (734) 658 5858 back to bedroom at his Beautiful Rifle River frontage Livonia School District Deals Hartland Schools $194 500 BY OWNER/CARRIAQE HILL expense C/a 1 5 baths Entertaining size family Sterling Mich 3 bedroom GORGEOUS 3 bedroom ranch One of N ovi s most desirable Rec room w/bar in fin ENGLAND REAL ESTATE room Updated kitchen 12x12 addition 2 car garage 211 9580 810 032 7427 built m 1989 on almost 1/2 subs Meadowbrook & 8 Mils isheti basement 2 car in your m acre lot 3 full baths beautiful Large dining area Private den $89 600 (586) 779 8717 4 bedrooms 2 5 bath approx garage Deck $158000 Oak kitchen newer windows patio & yard (BE871) 2 750 sq ft beautiful large (LY247) DUCK LA K E (Private Canal .Classifieds! & carpet fantastic finished treed lot Over $70 000 spent Frontage) Golf Course basement w/office C/A on extensive renovation & $154 900 Frontage’ Beautiful 2 attached garage $189 900 upgrades Tile hardwood Move in conditon 3 Bedroom home 1 bath 2 STORY 1650 sqft A/C floors stainless appliances bedroom Ranch w/re (Jacuzzi tub) 1000 sqft 4 bedroom large lot dead end granite & much more' modeled oak kitchen Ranch with 2 Car Garage St $189 900 (248)887 0872 O n l ^ $428 000 Call for appt CENTURY 21 TODAY Newer carpet Basement Many Updatesi Priced at w/bar fireplace & kit $15^K by owner Contact Bob (248)349 0932 Open House (313)538-2000 O n ju ^ Sun Sept 8 l 5pm Chen Patio & 2 car at 248 887 4531 Or email me WWW centuryZItodaycom CASTELLI 734-525-7900 garage (CA673) at bobpmorin@0arthlinknet Serving the area for 27yrs NOVI 40388 Ladene HO LLY 2 bedroom modular Beautiful view overlooking lake BRICK RANCH HiAMBURG TWP w/fireplace from great room & on half acre back deck faces Very private 3 bedroom 1 1/2 Amazing Lakefront Home on river 2 car garage other LIVE IN LIVONIA dmmg room 3 bedroom con bath home Large living room all sports Cham 3 200sq ft temporary ranch w/many W BLOOMFIELD New Chalet .. perks (248) 673 1384 bright kitchen formal dining CENTURY 21 TODAY 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths 2 car updates full basement 2 car development Walled Lake attached garage 156 ft water $334,906 room walkout lower lev^ on Schools Design build homes (734)462 9800 attached garage full base approximately 1 5 acres wwwcentu y21todaycom frontage Call Linda Tenza Charming 4 bedroom 2 5 ment $269 000 BAG Realty from the mid $500 s Hall of 734 276 0200 734 662-4663 bath Colonial w/den & attached 2 car garage Fame Builder Howard Stanley Jerry 248 790 9777 $195 000 Real Estate One family room Kitchen w/ 248 851 9950 WHAT A DEAL? walk in pantry & lots of LA K EFR O N T All SportS COUNTRY LIVING on 5 CENTURY 21 3 bedroom brick/alummum acres yet close to conven cabinet space Finished ranch w/ C/A 2 5 car garage Island Lake Great swimming basement Double deck NOVI By Owner 4 Nada Inc 248 4 77 9800 beach' 2 bedrooms 2 baths ences 1916 sq ft colonial 4 deck w/hot tub $131 900 bedrooms 1 1/2 baths nicely Two car attached garage Bedroom 2300 sq ft cole JUST UNDER AN ACRE Option to purchase separate GARDEN CITY LIVONIA (MAI 62) nial Pella windows 20x26 Century 21 Towne Pride deeded lot w/garage maintained $239 900 Linda 3 Bedroom brick new ly By Owner 3 bedroom l it 3 bedroom bungaoww/lantastic Well kept Co on al otters beautiful new family room Walk to $284 999 Linda Barnwell Barnwell The Michigan Group painted move m conu bath brick ranch neutral decor (734) 326 2600 custom bath fami y room add t on hardwood floors throughout LR DR elementary school Great The Michigan Group 810 844 2316 $269 900 $149 800 313 592 8448 S many new amenities 2 5 neishhorhood must see 810 844 2316 opens to backyard deck Updated SKIT Updated istfoorlav GasFP Stevenson High School car garage Livonia schools 4 bedroom 2 5 bath 248 4 7 7 9042 REDUCED & Immediate occu Wixom-Commerce ktcher&lstfioo aundiy Almost nFR covered pat 0 Recarea n We always the best $170 000 734 458 716 7 METAMORA LAKE find updated Colonial All pancyl 3 bedroom bungalow 1400sq ft newerwndows furnace basement large 2 car att garage RECENTLY REDUCEDi Lapeer 3042 sq ft 4 bed stuff in the Observer S newer hardwood carpel w/many updates Including & C/A Home Warranty provirfeo 1 year home wty Immed Occ COM M ERCE TW P 2 stun room 3 bath 1 5 story 166 windows furnace & C/A Beautiful 3400 sq ft 4 roof furnace windows door GREAT LOCATION' $134900 $218 900 Eccentric' ning 2002 built colonials 4 ft on lake (810) 797 4349 Finished basement Fam bedroom Colonial on 3/4 acre & more plus garage & This 4 bedroom tri level s walkng d stance to every bedrooms 2 5 baths d n ng ly room w/fireplace cu de sac Icrt Huge sand basement $120 000 room 9ft cei mgs w/wa kout thing large ktchen fnshed M ONROE Home on Trout Great locat on (DA362) kitchen hardwood floors & CALL PAT WESTWOOD basement on 65 ac e lot back stream 1 6 acres Large ranch two fireplaces Now only basement $149 900 CENTURY 21 ROW ing to trees S on a court set 2 4 bedroom 3 baths + sauna $529 900' CENTURY 21 PREMIER $199 900 734 464 7111 tn g Only $269 900 Call walkout basement 28x32 Just listed spotless 3 CAROL COPPING (734) 453-4300 Re/Max 100 Inc Dane attached garage full deck 248 873 0001 Braykov ch (248) 348 3000 $230 000 734 241 8202 HIGHLAND HILLS bedroom brick Ranch 44958 Ford Rd Canton w/remodeled kitchen 248 348 6430 ext 205 Overlooking Ironwood Golf Course New construction Finished basement w/gas ^ R m Bittii txiremeiy wen maimaineo i von a lut LaKeiTomage 1858 sq ft spacious ranch fireplace & hall bath 2 ranch 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths Gome and bu id you dream home' model with numerous 1/2 car garage Nice private back yard If your message isn’t in front of Aimost1300sq t huge top ofthe All sports ake paved roads upgrades Immediate occu me fin shed basement 2ca garage underground utlities pancy' Howell Schools Oceola (C015t| $224900 sewe tap on lot Seawall s n Twp taxes $264 900 Linda $189,900 PRETTY AS A PICTURE! Land Contract terms aval Barnwell The Michigan Group Classic Castle Gardens 3 810 844 2316 bedroom 1 5 bath Lovely better than new 3 the people who are ready to buy, SI 03 000 Ranch Newer roof bedroom 2 bath ranch on WELL MAINTAINED 3 bed HOWELL BY 0WNEr390Q windows carpet & hath desirable cul de sac setting room 2 bath brick ranch Ind an Camp Trail Cozy ranch Large eat In kitchen This immaculate home Updated root furnace air & w/walkout nestled in 5 acres w/pantry Finished base includes great room with it’s like h aving shelves w ithout of towering woods + pole meni Attached garage fireplace deck overlooking more Large 21x26 garage full barn (517)404 9351 Nicely landscaped peaceful backyard finished basement $119 900 (11LEN) (ST146) CENTURY 21 ROW JU S T REDUCED' Charming basement with garden and cozy 1300 sq ft ranch sit windows and 2 car garage' 734-464-7111 m erchandise. NOVI FARMINGTON HILLS uated on 1 1/2 acres Private Nicety landscaped with This secluded condo has a horns/ Chaimins ranch wth setting t e ^ like up north yet sprinkler system & more' look 2 bedrooms 1 bath garage Farm ngton schoo s close to expressway and all Pinckney Schools $198 900 and parking next to unit Watch and Sbedooms updated ktohen conveniences 3 bedrooms ENGLAND REAL ESTATE CENTURY 21 TODAY ROCHESTER KILLS Rookery listen to the birds nthe newer roof double lot open floor plan large deck and (734)482 9800 888 211-9660 810 632 7427 above ground pool $164 900 Woods sub 3300 sq ft 3 bed wooded area outside your home car garage and more WWW c«ntury21today com ------1 Linda Barnwell The Michigan room 2 5 bath 3 car garage $124900 Why rent? Group 810 644 2316 brick ext neutral decor $114900 upgrades secluded backyard MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION LOOK NO FURTHER! 1 S story bungalow 3 bed 1995 superior condition THOM PSON LAKE Beautiful 4 bedroom Colonial rooms 1 bath newer 2 car $535 000 248 276 1880 well maintained over 2100 located in Kimberly Oaks garage deck garden shed sq ft 3 bedroom 2 1/2 baths Large family room completely redecorated interi on park like cul de sac many Royal Oak w/fireplace 2 5 baths full or 732 N Harvey $242 000 fine features including vaulted basement fenced yard Pick up flyer and call for appt ceilings and huge deck Sandy attached 2 car garage All B E R K LE Y saie/rent 3585 i f beaches private marinas and appliances stay BY OW NER 40936 Greenbrlar Robma 1422 sq ft 3 bed nature trails all within walking RICHARD NELSON (Haggerty & 5 Mile) 4 room 1 5 baths air 2 car famly needs more room Charm irg 3 bedroom bungalow distance Reduced to (800) 385 2421 Bedtoora 2 bath quad level garage $195k 248 561 1480 3 Bedroom brick ranch with updated wndows and newer roof $262 900 Sellers motivated' Century 21 Today Desirable Lakepointe Sub Linda Barnwell The Michigan newer roof (99) furnace C/A v nyl fnished basement and 260005 Mile Redford Many updates Original owner FERNDALE Group 810 844 2316 GREAT INCOME PROPERTY' What’s the best way to reach the people who wndows ncelyupdatedktclienS One year home warranty $218 000 (734) 844 0211 2 FAMILY FLAT bath walk ngd stance to schoo $82 900 220 ARDMORE $189900 1601 sq ft screened front are ready to buy w hat you have to sell*? As members of the porch full basement ail appli ances included O ur network of newspapers: UPPER UNIT 2 bedroom 1 N A T IO N A L bath LOW ER UNIT 1 bed room 1 bath hardwood ■ When, without prompting, more than eight in ASSOCIATION OF floors new stainless sink and counter top 10 adults choose newspapers as their primary REALTORS®, A MUST SEE' $150 000 source of local shopping information . Commercal frontage on Large contemporary home on dead the METROPOLITAN (248) 762 9003 Pont ac Trail end street walk to lake 4 bedroom NEW LISTING Great spot for small business 2 bath home This s a bank repo ■ When more than three in four adults agree CONSOLIDATED Charming Vmsetla Park $164900 seller w ling to hep with completely updated home clos ng cost & decorating cost ASSOCIATION OF 3 bedroom 2 full baths & 2 that newspapers are their “most useful” source of $224900 half baths huge master REALTORS® is proud of bedroom & bath Hardwood shopping information floors throughout Hot tub our contributions in & 3 tiered deck Approx ■ When more than six in 10 adults say they look Your 2200 sqft + 600 sqft of support of the Fair newly finished basement $399 900 1026 Cakndge at newspaper advertisements before they shop Ave (Catalpa & Woodward) Housing Act and other (248) 770 6293 HIGHLAND - IT ■ When we reach more homes in our Rock sol dHgh and ranch .=.... Fair Housing Compliance Ove 1300sq ft piusahuge Year round enoyment or Van Ettan hometowns combined than any other newspaper finished walk out basement 3 Lake near Oscoda Over 2999 sq ft R ig h t, programs bedrooms 2 baths & almost / acre W/0 basement updated kitchen $232900 windows C/A att garage boatwel its time for you to make us a big part of your dock separate guest house & more $264500 Our REALTORS® have advertising strategy Ask About Exclusive Buver Reoresentation led the housing industry Century Plaza O u r Corner Five Mile ^ Newburgh in promoting fair housing ©bsenrer ^ lEccentrit 37290 Five Mile Road and are committed to Livonia, Ml 48154 Average Sunday/Thursday Circulation: 202,100 homes (734) 432-7600 opening the door of your Average Weekly Readership: 441,000 readers Business choice SHARP updated 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath brick Colonial MORTGAGE CORPORATIDN w/attached garage Loads of “ I t s A l l A b o u t R e s u l t s ” FR EE Pre-Approvals extras $204 900 248 848 4110 248 557 1842 PAUL RICHES AVP/BranchManagerm § “0 DOWN” Call: 800-579-SELL(7355) I Call Today For More Information! d & j y o p m 1 Pager: TR O Y Updated 3 bedroom W e b : PENS BOOBS ranch w/Florida room A'C & iJ810) 595-6700 (734) 462-2771^ g basement $194 500 ShareNet (248)642 1620 WWW observerandeccentric com Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 ( * ) | 7

All Ads Run Online dntrtc A Value Of Up To $87.00 Real Estate WWW observerandeccentric com

Mortgage Land Condos For Sate Condos For Sale Condos For Sale Mobile Homes I Properties I Contracts W

B ELLEV ILLE 2 story 2 bed FARMINGTON HILLS Free Golf for Life is included CROSSWORD PUZZLER W Bloomfield Outstanding FAIRMONT 1997 16x60 W HY RENT? Own your own room 1 bath New carpet C/A ESSEX CLUB DETACHED 2 2 bedroom 3 bath detached corner lot 2 bedroom appii with this Builders Model home 0 to 3% down Short $74 900 313 563 6055 bedroom 2 bath ranch vault ances laundry area new car home located on the Bellaire term employment OK credit ed ceilings huge kitchen 1st ranch Open floor plan ACROSS 3 7 S h o w pet $21 900 248 474 2131 GoH Course n Antrim County problems OK bankruptcy OK BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom floor laundry a gem for Large island kitchen 25x15 a p p r o v a l Great Room Master suite Flamingo MHC (Lot#H29) 3 bedrooms 2 baths full Call Randy Lesson 1 5 bath N Eaton area Lots $299 900 Cal Mary L Bush basement 2 car garage I Healfrty 40 No problem Answer to Previous Puzzle includes dressing area gar Metro Finance 248 709 2244 of storage Move in condition 313 530 8750 porch hickory cabinets open l o o k i n g 4 1 O a t h den tub & separate shower Rent or Rent to own ■ p $105 000 (248) 444 6973 Refurbished mobil homes on floor plan $209 000 Cali Bob 6 Pine cousin 43 — gin fizz D G S s A T J E T ERINN ESTATES 2 bedroom Gorgeous finished base lots 1 & 2 bedrooms Adjacent Baiey at Real Estate One Money To Loan I I C h a r m 4 5 S p i l t pH 0 T B t A G 0 U P CANTON The Links Raich 11/2 bath townhouse mint & ment w/full kitchen 3rd B A to Inkster Valley Golf Course (800)528 7 7 1 7 13 Appetizer 46 Better quality 1826 sq ft 2 bedroom study move right in' Many updates bedroom & storage galore |T m T 0 B a N E W N; E T R verv ew Trailer Park s t i c k 48 Diamond — 2 baths gourmet kitchen fuli Hurry @ $167 500 Call Mary Garage (61FO) LAK E MICHIGAN nicely PREMIUM FINANCIAL ■ 734 721 7215 14 Toofri pullers 49 Mr Pacino H R m K E D G l E basement 2 car garage L Bush 313 530 8750 wooded lot located 19 Miles Don t get turned down d e g 5 0 A n n e x 1 E DIO 1 R S’ $269 900 734 495 3315 STERLING 1972 3 bedrooms west of St Ignace prime again! W e can find the loan Farmington 2 Bedroom 15 Good buddy 5 1 D a w n NOVI 1 5 bafris all appliances C/A building site with 194 ft of you need no matter your [v D D m a G CANTON ABBEY WOODS 16 Streetwise g o d d e s s THE E N C U V E O F NOVI 2200 2 5 bath end unit Ranch waterfront and grand vievi/s situation G et approved for ■ m A 0 shed deck $4 500/best (248) 1 7 O z a u n t 53 Yes in Span i m Ai 1 Condos (S of Joy Rd sq ft 2 bedrooms 2 baths overlooks commons & Very private setting St one of our great loan 588 3320 day 248 844 5047 18 Sigh of M!E T: !T t Wests de of Mortontaylor lovely panoramic views com woods Updates through Ignace schools $199 000 programs NO UP FRONT 54 Fishing nets m n ;S R d ) 1st Floor master suite 2 satisfaction 5 6 G r e e t e d piex offers many amenities out Hardwood floors WESTLAND MEADOWS Terms available Call Bob FEES! 1 888-405 3250 lEllA[R K A Y 1/2 baths loft gas f replace Finished walk out basement 20 Painters R o v e r $279 900 Call Mary L Bush Site Rent Bailey at Rea! Estate One N m i H OR D E full basement 2 car garage 313 530 8750 w/wet bar 1/2 bath & stor (800)528 7 7 1 7 s u b j e c t s 58 W ash away new Pick your flooring & age galore 2 Car attached $205 or LESS Real Estate Wanted 2 2 B l o w e r 5 9 C r o w d e d E A T m A_ D R A jj D lights & MOVE INI Only 1 with LEELANAU COUNTY Cornwell & Bush garage (35HE) on NEW HOMES & SITES 23 Country E P A DR □ A A S T A immediate occupancy Resale Resort Condos Real Estate LLC 734 729 5500 A BEHER ABSOLUTELY ALL a d d r s DOWN A H K S: T E M $279 500 Model Open 1 5 248 477 5114 Century 211 Hartford South Waterfront Property a m I Limited time Call for details CASH OFFER! We buy housesi 25 Golf peg except Thurs {734)354 1553 WWW Cornwell bush com 734 464 6400 WWW glenarhorreelty com ANY condition & price Local 26 Low ers the 1 S p e e d WWW cent21 biz City of FARMINGTON HILLS FARMINGTON HILLS W ESTLAND 3 double 1 single QUIET 734 502 4572 or To I Free b e a m s c h e c k i n g Wide Must go' 1/2 year free LAKEFRONT message 24 hrs877 626 9736 27 Big pitcher d e v i c e 5 Knitters need 1 2 O a f PINE KNOLLS CONDO! 2 APPROX 1350 SO FT 2 mas WALLED LAKE 1800 SQ ft bedroom 2 5 bath beauty ter bedrooms $219 900 For rent' We finance Call Mike at WWW reopt ons com 29 R aw edibles 2 M ake current 6 G a r l a n d s 13 Fam iliar toast brand new townhouse Many Kalkaska 1 acre 150 water Century Sales 734 595 7535 31 Give alms Immaculate condition full more info call 248 882 1130 upgrades Cathedral ceiling Iront on peaceful private no 3 Com puter 7 High mountaki 19 W ield an axe basement private courtyard attached garage Lake privi motors lake surrounded by 33 W hirlpool d e p t 8 Scale note 21 Rocks — entry Great room with vaulted FARMINGTON HILLS CONDO Cemetery Lots Luxury townhouse 2 bed leges Close to maior high Lakefront Properties forest Blacktop roads under l o c a l e 4 R o o k i e 9 Skin softeners L e p p a d ceiling and fireplace formal ways & shopping Surprise ground utilities cleared build 34 G ot stuck s o c i ^ i t e 1 0 A n t h e m s 22 In great shape dining room all appliances room 2 & 3/4 bath great loca ing ste surveyed perk test CADILLAC MEMORIAL 24 W rinkled and many more upgraded tion in desirable Chesnut Ridge $189 900 248 892 7031 C ANAL FRONT On all sports ed $65 000 GARDEN WEST 26 Indicators features! Immediate complex Designer features W AYNE 2 bedroom 1 5 story White Lake Custom built 3 2 grave plots in Garden of 28 Basketball occupancy Farmington gas fireplace new windows luxury condo with 2 5 car bedroom 3 bath beautiful Hope $1000/ea313 531 7723 h o o p Schools $274 900 $282000 248 761 9468 attached garage many home Must see $339 900 30 Checkout ID ENGLAND REAL ESTATE LIVONIA CADILLAC MEMORIAL GAR ammenities $203 900 248 887 6206 248 346 6791 32 NJ hockey 888 211 9560 810 632 7427 GREENFIELD VILLAS DENS on Ford Rd Angels (313) 595 1871 t e a m Spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath LEWISTON near Garland mausoleum C6 double niche CLINTON TWP Canterbury 3 4 W a r d e n condo Delightfully close to WEST BLOOMFIELD CONDO Cozy updated 3 bedroom (231) 331 4227 $1500 313 563 9144 Woods Condo 18 Mile & 35 Poisoious Laurel Park Mall & easy access Prestigious Pebble Creek year round cottage 50ft on Garfield 14 mos new 1250 CANTON Maryknoll Memorial s n a k e to expressways $244 900 Approx2800sq ft Beautiful3 all sports East Twin Lake WATERFRONT YEAR ROUND sq ft 2 Bedrooms 2 full bedroom 2 1/2 bath end unit Park 2 Lots & 2 vaults Very 3 6 W e a r Call A M YZU B O R $189 900 Will e mail photos Home N of Gladwin on F97 baths $190 000 reasonable Below market 38 The works 734 591 0333 EXT 129 Private court yard entry Foyer 248 651 0686 Private lake $154 900 Call for appt 586 260 5902 with marble floor Great room value 386 312 5129 39 Balances COLDWELL BANKER For details & photos Schweitzer Real Estate w/soanng ceiling and fire NEW CUSTOM HOME 40 Do blackboard place Spacious exquisite mas COMMERCE Situated on McCollum Lake WWW ahouseforsale com/a2mi d u t y Livonia-Laurel Woods ter suite with sitting area over Curran Mi 2800sqft 3 bed 4 2 B a w l $134 999 Open Saturday 12 4 17959 a09 him looking great room Gourmet room 2 1/2 bath fireplace 44 “Forger a Great starter home' or call 989 426 3988 University Park N of Six W kitchen with adjoining break attached heated garage log l e t t e r Beautiful 2 bedroom of Newburgh Super sharp 2 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK fast room L brary/Den Lower $ ding and held stone exterior 4 6 E s c a p e Ranch condo on spacious bedroom 2 bath ranch condo level family room fnished 2 $389 900 989 848 5637 Southern Properties Call Today 47 Thoroughfare wooded lot offers kitchen decorated in neutral tones car attached garage 1 800 579 SELL 50 Draw to a w/hardwood floors & Fireplace heated Florida Gatehouse community club SECLUDED doorwall to deck FIni room garage & pool Walk ng house pool $284 000 CAPE CORAL FLORIDA shed lower level C/A d stance to Jacobson s Con 248 851 3512 LAKEFRONT! 2 beautiful Gulf of Mexico Comni.Relail Sale- 52 Sautt — Mane kitchen appliances in venienttox ways Immed late Towering Norway pines access home sites 1 on 200 Lease 55 M oon of eluded (8E265) occupancy Only $179 900 provide the ultimate seclusion tt canal great investment or J u p i t e r CALL ESTHER BAXTER @ Manufactured Homes on this beautifully wooded perfect for building dream COMMERCE Ml 3200 SQ FT 57 N ashville $ st FARMINGTON MAYFAIR REALTY lakefront with panoramic home Contact Barbara Vesey building Haggerty & Pontiac Owner/Agent 239 541 2428 Trail Modern building perfect H ILLS 248 981 7885 or 0% DOW N Bank repos! Lot views great boating and fishing! $53 900 239 826 5776 for office retail possible land $134 900 734 522 8000 x243 rent discounts available Must 8 8 Daily Loon Lake Realty contract (248) 202 2589 Super value Great loca pay sales tax Discount T O L L FR EE 888 805 5320 tion’ Two bedroom 2 full Homes 866 251 1670 Acreage Vacant FARMINGTON HILLS WWW looniakerealty com bath private entry end Nortliville Condo For lease 2 buildings Both ' ^ / 7 ¥ o WN n e w HOMES! unit Ranch Living room 1200 sqft commercial/auto $208,900 Own your own home in w/cathedral ceiling deck ANNOUNCING motive Available immediately Neutral remodeled town Northvlles premier Resort REALToi^ off kitchen (all appi ances 10 Mile/ Orchard Lake Rd Compliments of the MCAR house Newer furnace class community SUGAR SPRINGS TIMBERVIEW ACRES included) & partially fin area (248) 766 3534 C/A hot water heater 800 742 0704 Ext 2 2 Ml hours from ished basement Newer Kitchen & 3 5 baths 3 Birmingham 2 ail sport low Down Payment carpet & paint ((OL296) bedrooms (one in walk lakes 2 golf courses pool Gentle rolling 2 1/2 acre sites FO R LEAS E Executive and professional space in out) Owner is Agent CANTON $19 900 New 3 restaurant and much morel some w/ walkout basement Downtown Plymouth 1 000 Mary Ellen Goodwin Condo s on the water and golf your builder Easy access to LATHRUP VILLAGE bedroom 2 bath home w/GE to 12 000 sq ft available $129 000 248 345 0848 appliances Quality Homes @ course 3 bedrooms 2 Oaths western suburbs & Ann Arbor COLDWELL BANKER dock and free golf starting at Financing Terms Available immediately Contact Tim Lathrup Park condo' Sherwood (734)397 0303 Reilly (734) 455 5600 STUM PED^ Call for Answers • Touch-tone or Rotary phones Almost 1200 sqft 2 Schweitzer Real Estate $199 900 Waterfront homes JA Bloch & Co/Gach Realty starting at $239 000 bedroom 2 full bath 41860 6 MIe (248) 559 7430 NORTHVILLE DOWNTOWN 95c per minute • 1-900-454-3535 ext code 708 Waterfront lots starting at upper Ranch w/deck Northville Mi 48167 BUSINESS DISTRICT HARTLAND SCHOOl¥ 5 ac overlooking wooded area $80 000 Camping lots start A paint your own pottery stu ing at $1500 Cal! Darlene at gorgeous wooded parcel offers living room w/fire dio & gallery Unlimited IndiistrialAWarshouse Ottice Space For Office Space For NOVI 2 bedroom 2 bath GMAC 800 882 2495 w/creek off private paved road place ceramc floors in growth possibilities $78 500 For Lease Lease/Rent W Lease/RenI purchased new Nov 1999 $119 500 (810) 629 1036 kitchen & appI ances Ground evel carport lake Call AM Y ZUBOR included Lots of storage access Adult 50+ community Lakes 4 River Resort Howell Marlon 1Wp 8 02 734 591 0333 EXT 129 WESTLAND Just under EXPRESSWAY SOUTHFIELD Very nice office IN NOVI 1 000 sqft of warehouse (EV272) Beautiful wetlands view Properlies acres on cul de sac treed & COLDWELL BANKER suites on 12 Mile Road at Schweitzer Real Estate space Fenced in yard avail EXPOSURE Southfield Rd 200 13 0 0 sqft $125 000 248 668 0493 Looking for a great starter rolling perked & surveyed Month to month Avail 168 to BEST WATER' BEST BEACHI able $800/mo 734 595 4649 from $300/mo Call Ere or home'? See Ihis litt e beauty' $130 000 517 548 7976 or 2700 sq ft I 275 X way 517 404 1462 Stephanie 313 964 3333 2 bedrooms 1 bath f ont BEST VIEW ' WIXOM DOW NTOW N Brand J A Bloch & Co/Gach Reaty 2100 sq ft home on 100 ft 3940J CENTURY 21 TODAY d n ng room Treed s te Novi new multi tenant buidngs (248) 559 7430 TOO MUCH NOISE AT HOME? P ced to se ' O n y $12 900 Grand Maras Bay Sauna The best rates in town 2300 (248)647 7321 jacuzzi deep water moorng REDUCED PRICE' Sma I office n Canton for COMMERCE TW P Warehouse sf 22 600 sf Carmen Const FARMNGTON HILLS lease Call For details wwwcentu y21todaycom $359 000 906 494 2427 8ui dab e 1 acre ots on paved or mtg facity w th overhead Just Listed Over 248 684 0397 248 420 4550 MEDICAL SPACE 734 455 2244 road Uti Ities available tOOOsq ft This IS a ovey doors 1 150 sq ft to 3 900 4320 sq ft bedrooms bath home $94 900 and $89 900 sq ft Immediate occupancy 2 2 Office Space For /f!|P|i Great Rates Offered with all appliances Norlltern Properlies (248) 521 1978 CAROL COPPING Lease/Rent W RETAIL SPACE Otfice Space For Sale $99 PER ncluding central air Plus a 248 873 0001 beautiful 2 level deck for ROCHESTER DOWNTOWN 1200 sqft 54 ACRES located in eastern 248 348 6430 ext 205 Location ndustriai space for 8 400 sqft Deluxe office Excellent Exposure MONTH only $39 900"! suite 2 executive offices PLYMOUTH Office/Retail Antrim County on Cinder Hill ^ R N i BirclB lease up to 26 000 sqft OFFICE SPACE Rd Excellent hunting & w/lavs American Comm/Ind Aorox 600sq ft Quaint Old If you like bright cheery $6/sqft +utilities 248 6523330 1206 sqft recreation property Partially Realty Co 248 569 3300 Village Hardwood floors SITE RENT pleasant suiroundings then includes all utilities wooded wth pnes & t"h r e e " n e w developments french doors $750 includes we have the home for you' AMERICENTERS CERTIFIED REALTY INC hardwoods $109 000 Terms Near South Lyon & Hamburg Space for Lease he ■ ...... 3 OAKLAND TWP 3 bedroom This attractive well 2 YEARS ON available Calf Bob Bailey at With South Lyon Brighton & Furnished Windowed Offices 248 471 7100 Luxury ranch condo with maintained 2 bedrooms Dexter schools 1/2 4 acre 3 MONTHS FREE Conference Rooms walkout many ammenities 2 bath home s wait ng for Real Estate One NEW MODELS wooded walkouts parks lake High Speed Internet Access LIVONIA Sub lease from $675 000 (248) 651 6908 you Included are C/A all (800)528 7 7 1 7 Your Search tront/lake access paved Troy Livonia Bloomfield Hills CPA professional office space appliances shed & large RETAIL ANN ARBOR AREA Plymouth Senior Plymouth s ACREAGE streets Compare my prices Southfield 734 462 1313 from 1 office to 2100 sqft ded(' A bonus of 4 months Crestwood 1 bedroom upper Kalkaska 11 acres heavy for Owner (734) 663 4886 Auburn Hills • Livonia prime location oft I 96 Ends H e re ! NEW HOMES free rent' Only $28 500 Pontiac ♦ Westland ANNOUNCING Instant offices Central air & appliances + est very private easy US 23 & 9 M ILE RO in great Novi location 734 522 4000 pool clubhouse & activites access/deeded easement No cost spared in th s 2500 Includes Secretary & T 1 LIVONIA 1 or 2 private office StmtiMfutttBZMO $75 888 Call 734 455 3032 Survey Great hunting Perfect sq ft balcony cape Brighton LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Mam Street Business Centers suites $125 each 27520 Five S cM a for cabin or camping • Ann Arbor Schools PLYMOUTH LUXURY CONDO Schools 3 car lake & 2 parks Belleville • Canton SpecialsI 248 344 9510 Mile W/Inkster Rd Available gated community 4000 sq ft $25 000 $1 500 down An exceptional value or build Novi« Wixom now' Agent 734 422 5467 • 3 Bedrooms 3 bedrooms + 4th HIGHLA^ HILLS $350 per mo to su t $429 900 BIRMINGHAM bedroom/den 3 5 bath 1 1% Land Contract Cal! Derek (734) 434 9857 SOUTH ADAMS SQ OFFICES TO RENT ESTATES OFFICE • 2 Baths $525 000 (734) 354 9246 or (734) 663 4886 110 700 sq fi offices suites $1O0/mo & up on SsaeyRd 27520 Five Mile Rd Canton • Farmington Hills available for immediate • Q E Appliances Plymouth TWP Bradbury N of Grand Rver W BLOOMFIELD SCHOOLS Novi • Wixom See Jim 734 422 5467 Condo 1 bedroom w/full bet Meadowbreok & Haggerty Rds Last Lot New Sub occupancy Rates starting at • Skylights & More lAmCo. $16 50/sq ft Rent Includes basement $115 000 Will pay Call Joanne or Sue 100x158 Builder Must Sell REDFORD TWP $249 900 50% Down air heat janitorial service & closing costs (734)422 8126 (248) 344-8970 Office Space QUALITY (248) 474-0320 or (231) 331 4227 Land Contract 248 683 9950 use of confrence room R ED FO R D 1 bedroom 248-646 5900 2 or 3 room suites HOMES tower carpeted storage (248) 474-0333 Beautifully decorated Ywur Cl.niirivcl«' walk in closet A/C quiet area B LO O M FIELD HILLS Deluxe Includes all utilities $55 000 313 937 0109 “ NORTHERN PROPERTIES " furnished office library sec CERTIFIED REALTY INC retanal space kitchen copier South Lyon/Qreen Oak Twp 248 471 7100 Hurry! Only 4 new homes left' AUSABLE RIVER 1200 frontage 230 ACRES Wooded with fax 248 335 2325 GREAT COMMUNITY! $99 SITE FEE for 4 YEARS' ARBOR Chalet on 16 acres with garage & cottage roads & hunting blinds Mio The pree is right for this Up to 1580 sqft living space CLARKSTON/ SINGLE OFFICE clean & neutral Ranch Condo Financing available pole bam Secluded Mio area area $425 000 SUITES AVAILABLEI SPRINGFIELD MEADOWS D n ng room could be second Call Cheryl at $298 000 Downtown Northville and 14 bedroom Eat in kitchen w/ Westpoint Manor 125'ISLAND LAKE Cottage TOWNSHIP Mile & Franklin Shortterm Corner of (734) 397 0400 appliances Basement prep AUSABLE RIVER SCO frontage with fireplace out buildings and a 550 sq ft office space gross leases with immediate ped for bath Use the en *wac lease is non assumable occupancy For more Michigan Ave & Home on 11 acres with garage fantastic view M io area $115 000 Available Immediately closed porch way into Fall nformabon call Judy KIndree ROM ULUS OBteb home over $700 per month 1-800-579 SELL Carpenter Rd Outside maintenance furnace Secluded M io area $250 000 (248) 865 1600 2000 sq ft 4 bedrooms 9 • 5 ACRE PARCELS Borders All utilities included 5) hot water heater cared for by Berber carpet c/a $54 000 AUSABLE RIVER 400 frontage state land Beautiful parcels with 248-625-5336 SlNCiHwei».cra} ftsAff A5oiit6«uftiV Cali Annette association Immediate occu (734) 595 9127 pancy Asking $105000 Perma Log home with basement hardwoods Roscommon area (734) 572-1445 GENIE DUNN W HITE LA K E $19 900 New 3 garage & storage buildups Mio $24 900 each iH r (734)416 1226 bedroom 2 bath home w/GE area $212 500 appliances Quality Homes @ 2.S ACRES BORDERING c o L o u i e i x Cedarbrook (248) 887 1980 TROUT STREAM Private rustic NATIONAL FOREST Nice B A N K C l V a OWN A NEW log cottage on county road Mio mobile home with gable roof 1/2 HOM E FOR PREFERRED Mobile Homes area $89 900 mile from nver Secluded $44 500 F a st. TROY CONDO Motivated 240 AC R ES With cottage and Real Estate One • MIO $290 TOTAL Seller! updated 3 bedroom CANTON 14x70 2 bedroom B f i i i Days. 989 826-6222 1 5 bath 1440 sq ft c/a 2 bath AC all appliances roads throughout Hunting blinds MONTHLY GOST* Evenings 989826-398B Cobblestone patio pool laundry room $7500 ■■Mio area $395 000 Sell your hot rod, speedboat, $2952 DOWN $169 900 215 284 7793 734 495 1205

IN CANTON m o t o r c y c l e "yUnf- PiUcetC $20'^ or ten-speed with a classified ad. m m m j WH • 3 bedroom s You can bet one of our thousands of • 2 baths • GE appliances OWN A NEW HOME • Skylights & More O N L Y $410 readers will race to reach you before 'on selected models based on your speed-m achine is gone! 10% down 10 25% APR 180 TOTAL MONTHLY COST!* payments Includes 2 yr ste rent Incentive Interest rate subject to change P L U S $ 2 0 0 0 CASH BACK! Wayne Westland Schools QUALITY 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, GE APPLIANCES - ONLY $29,800 HOMES Wixom Wixom New Hudson White Lake Novi at COMMERCE STRATFORD KENSINGTON CEDARBROOK NOVI It ’s all about results” Sherwood MEADOWS VILLA PLACE ESTATES MEADOWS Village T i rA C f •*•*( S e A o a A i on southeast corner of 1-800-579-SELL Michigan Ave & Haggerty Rd 6 8 5 - 9 0 6 8 ‘^'437-2039 Call Bernie (7355) (734) 397-7774 *lncludes 2 year site rent incentive w w w .observerandeccentric c o m ______^ I J { * ) Observers Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerandeccentric com

All Ads Run Online ® b00nrer^!Eccenttit Hilpartinents A Value Of Up To $87.00

Apartments - ^ Apartments - Apartments ■ Unfurnished W Unfurnished Unfurnished BIRMINGHAM Heal Ilstalo 1 M O N T H Canton Dearborn Heights Farmington Hills 1 MONTH FREE Canton SUMMIT 1 & 2 Spacious 2 Bedroom CAMBRIDGE To Qua ifed Applicants For F R E E R E N T Carnage Cove APARTMENTS \me Stud os and 1 & 2 bedrooms 2 level apartments APARTMENTS 0 Security Deposit* • Spacious living area BEDROOM & $50 O F F 6 ava ab e in town B rmingham Luxury Apts 2 bedroom 2 baths Elementary School •Close to shopping Cal Lb b y 248 645 1191 washer/dryer included 4800 Apartments/UnlLirn shed 4200 Ha s/Budngs MONTHS RENT (L LLEY & WARREN) across the street medical facilities & covered parking APARTMENTS BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN • We take pride in offer ng the restaurants 4810 Apartments/Fumshed 4210 Res dence To Exchange with 13 mo Lease 1 bedrooms from Sparkling pool Luxu y penthouse apartment following services to our In Southfield s FREE Tennis courts 4120 Condos/Tovrhouses 4300 Garage/M n Storage w/2 bedrooms 2 baths bal tenants $471 0 0 ’ HEAT & WATER Over 1350 sqft 4130 Duplexes 4400 Wanted To Rent Most Convenient Newly upgraded conies firep ace laundry • Private entry CANTON GARDEN 1 & 2 Bedrooms faclities underground garage • Emergency maintenance STARTING AT Starting at $1110 4840 Fats 4410 Wanted To Rent High Rise APARTMENTS parkng in very private/secure • Beautiful grounds w th pool $605 ’ with credit approval 4K0 Homes Resort Popetly bu Id ng ocatsd n the heart & picnic area wth B B Qs (734)455 7440 Clubhouse tor entertaining • Spec a! handicapped unts (313)274-4765 Please call 4860 Lakefront/Waterfronf 4500 Fumture Rental of downtown Available now Sorry No Pets $1950/mo plus unities • Restful atmosphere 248 626 4396 x418 Homes Renta 4560 Rental Agency Call M Ida (248) 645 9220 • Cable available Shortterm Close to downtown • Many more amenities 4070 Mob e Homes Rentals 4570 P oparty Management leases available Dearborn Heights Plymouth' BLOOM FIELD guest house • NO dTHER FEES Farm ngton HI Is 4080 Mob 6 Homes tes 4580 Lease/OptonToBuy estate setting swimm ng ’’MOVE IN SPECIAL Dearborn Club 734-455-3880 • 1 bedroom $665 900 sq ft 4890 Southern Rentas ^00 House Siting Serves TOWfB/ 000 lake f o r t spacous • 2 bedroom $735 1100 sq ft New residents only Apts APARTMENT g ounds $795 248 855 5087 4100 Time Share Rentas 4600 Convalescent/Home • Vertical blinds & carport ncluded Call for details 1 MONTH HUNTERS I One ot five BURLINGTON APTS 1111 N 4110 Vacation Resott/fientals Health Ca e • Ceramic bath & foyer Restricitions Apply RENT FREE ALLEN PARK Did Woodwa d has short • Professiona or site man CHECK 4120 Living Duartes To Shae 4610 Foste Care Months term and month to month On 1 bedrooms w/ HAMPTON SQUARE agement 12 mo lease OUT OUR 4140 Rooms 4640 M sc To Rent APARTMENTS lease arrangements during • 23 plus years experience renovatons to transform FREE Rent!' • Near x ways shopping Two Bedroom HEW 0 Securty Deposit B m ngham s finest into Townhomes 1 -800-579-SELL 1 & 2 bedrooms arport Canton SPECIALS! CALL Woodward Place of • Free Heat Free Heat B mingham Condom niims Rose Doherty Spacious 2 Bedroom Property Meager • Spacious Floor Plans 1 bedroom from $725 A p a rtm e n t 248-356-2700 Storage & Laundry For eas ng information 2 level apartments • Tons of Closet Space Target 13 li/li!lion pease call (248) 646 1111 (734) 981 4490 R e n ta ls Mon Sat • 8 30 5 00 Walk n Closets Elementary School • Min From Shopping H u g e 2 Homes With Your Ad Sun • Noon 5 00 Staring at $540 • Patios & Balconies b e d r o o m Earn extra $S across the street (313) 274 3675 • 1 1 / 2 baths in f r o m tS 3 1 bedrooms from townhomes Advertise your product or 'condtions apply advertise with 0 E o n l y 8 8 X 5 Canton WWW apts com/ service to 13 m ilioii house 25701 W. 12 Mile $471 00* SUMMER SPECIAL 1-800 579-SELL FRANKLIN BraatLeeation! CANTON GARDEN dearbornclubapartments WESTLAND CAPRI hods in North A m ercas BIRMINGHAM 1 2 bedroom CANTON r bedroom PALMER (Close to Expresswys) California Style Apts best suburbs by placing your apts & 3 bedroom Townhouse APARTMENTS (888) 348-7431 Great local or Cose to clown $495/mo ncludes heat & A p a r t m e n t s Located on Inkster Rd • 1 bedroom from $550 G assified ad m 8D0 subur (734) 455 7440 • large Dogs & Cats town 248 252 9111 wate Secur ty depos t & ref 1 8c 2 Bedrooms just North of Ford Rd • Heat & water included • Fitness Center Pool bar newspapers |ust like erences required 890 Lotz Sorry No Pets Open Mon Sat • Cathedral ceilings Rd E of I 275 S Of Ford Rd 1 M O N T H this ona Only $895 for a 25 Its All About Results Short term Call or Stop In' EHO • Cathedral Ceilings • Balconies After 6pm (313) 571 8321 R E N T F R E E •Carport word ad One phone call Observer & Eccentric leases available • Covered Parkng one invoice one payment CANTON Call for details •Filly carpeted 1 800 579 SELL F R E E H E A T ’ ’ MOVE IN SPECIAL DOGGY DOGGY • In home Washer/Dryer • Vertical blinds BEDFORD SQUARE APTS Cali the Suburban Classified * Sound Conditioned where will you live? •Great location to malls Nev Movelnsoriy sornerestrctors NOW TAKING New residents only Adverts ng Network fax on BIRMINGHAM 1 bedroom ’ Central Air At Amber Apartments • Livonia school system walk to town move n now APPLICATIONS FOR WWW apts com/ Call for details demand service at 800 356 Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom permission they give (734) 261 5410 PLYMOUTH get up to 4 mo free from frankiinpalmerestates Restricitions Apply Visit Pur a p 6 P ^ 2061 or 312 644 6610 $625 Call Ann 248 647 8469 Apts Small Quiet Safe 248 280 1700 BROUGHAM MANOR (888) 736 8469 EH O WWW amberapt com r ■ ^ Sell It ail with x4731 to Speak w th a sales Complex Ford Road near 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom 1 Noon-S Q Q iS coordinator 1/2 baths all apliances & pool I 275 Observer & Eccentric Staring $570 $850/mo (248) 546 6187 STARTING AT $585 . * H P 1-800-5 79-SELL (734) 455 1215 ShareNet (248)642 1620 (734) 981 1217 Fd in ngtqn l ^ | Classifieds IHamond Foretl Apartments Call Toll Free' tSs W o rk ! (877) 262-7949 diamondlorestaparlnients eon •For a very limited time on select units Call DEARBORN HEIGHTS AREA img office for details j B eautiful 1 , 2 & 3 Bedroom FARMINGTON HILLS Farmington Area Senior Maple Ridge Apts 23078 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH VILLA citizen apt 55 yrs plus Heat Middlebelt Spacious 1 2 bed • 24 H o u r included quiet Starting at room C/A carport available $448/mo Jeff 734 421 3515 G a t e h o u s e $S60$650up 248 473 5180 • Dishwasher Farmington Hills • Vertical Blinds HAPPINESS IS FIRST MONTH • Air Conditioning 5 6 0 Moving into a cozy 1 bedroom • Fitness Center apartment Verticals & Carport F R E E R E N T , • Tennis Courts included Starting at $570 plus $50 OFF for 6 MO • Swimming Pool Cantier6tirv Cetiarbrooke Apts O R C H A R D S • Furnished Apts 248 478 0322 lWOODS a v a ila b le ______OF NEVyBURGH Open 7Days Mcnmf9 00am-900pm Farmington Hills IN W ESTLAND Fr •9 00am 7 00pm Sat • 9 OOam-5 00pm Sun • 12noon 5 OQpm 0 Security Deposit’ Larger Apartments BEECH DALY SOUTH OF CHERRY HILL $590 00 Moves 1 & 2 Bedroom Plans You in • Playground Area VILLAGE OAKS • Pool & Clubhouse -3988 APARTMENTS • Carport Included Orchard Lake Rd • Fully equipped \ ^ b( Qualify Is A Choice Call 248 474 1305 kitchens ADAMS CREEK ’Conditons Apply SHOREBRGDKE ‘ C h o o s e * = = = apartments ^^sher u d dryer ^ \ a i ed ga ge or f 11 (734)729-5090 Close to shoppingVdinmg and basement Farmington Hills FIVE Five Five ONE F r o m *6 9 5 a m o n th entertainment From *1245 a month c e d a r l a k e MONTH FR EE To Qualified i : APARTMENTS Applicants Studios 1 & 2 (248) 853-5599 (248) 471-7470 FOXPOlWTE bedrooms available m town Birmingham 555 S Old Located on Haggerty Rd south of 10 Mile Rd TOWNHOUSES On Adams Rd between South Blvd and Auburn Rd w Q fpm Woodward Cal! Libby p M m u t m t (248)645 119 Savings of up to $ 2 4 8 0 '* GARDEN CITY ^ D ect P ivote En y Ford/MiddlebeltArea 2 & 3 bedroom to \nhomes P Rese ved Co po On 2 bedroom Luxury 1 2 & 3 bedroom Full basement oi finished M Ful S ze Woshe /D -yer townhouses Spacious 1 bedroom Apts apartment homes walk out 2 1/2 baths Amenities Include SUMMIT P 1 & 2 Bd ond 2 Bo Townhouse washer/dryer included CREEK Attached 1 or 2 cm' garage WBXM)RD Close 10 TVelve Oaks Mall ♦ Owner Paid Heat & Water M Fireplaces covered parking Plymouth/Canton Schools No 1 Town Center and the ♦ Central Air M Smoll pets welcome' Sparkling pool ♦ Intercom System Close to M^ro Airport From *1295 a month M 5 Connector From *1095 a month P Pool/Jocuzz /Tenn s Cou t and mo e Tennis courts ♦ Garbage Disposal f ^ I over 1456 sqft (248) 669-1050 ♦ Laundry Facilities (734) 398-5300 starting at $1225 ♦ Window Treatments/ Call 248 473 1127x418 Located oa Canton Center Rd north of Mich Ave At the ccHUier of Novi Rd and 13 Mile Rd .1: 248-348-1830 > Mini Blinds OPEN 7 DAYS ’ conditions apply CaENDA v M«i F- jg I 3 S i. I'3 C 3 :3 FROM $510 MONTHLY GARDEN CITY TERRACE ( J a i a l O V l FARMINGTON HILLS Luxury apts available (734) 522 0480 1 2 3 Si 4 bedioom i Washer/dryer in unit 1 bed 1 2 & 3 bedroom room $580 (586) 254 9511 apartment homes MAINSTOET apartments and townhomes Attached 1 or 2 cai gardes Attached 1 or 2 car gan^e VILLAGE Close to die Canton Excellei I location n Pick A F r o m *1 0 9 5 “ a m o n th expressways and Metro Airport F r o m * 1 1 9 5 ”“ a m o n th doivmownNoi Location (n Livonia! (734) 495-9000 (248) 349-8400 WAYNEWOOD Located north of Michigan Ave east of Beck Rd Located south of Grand River east of Novi Rd

e s i i e i • Huge 1 & 2 ledro^ms from only $600! C a n t o i i i • Free Heat & Water • Private Patie or lalcony Spacious 1 2 & 3 bedroom 1 & 2 bedroom terraced • Personal Storage ^ i ______^ ______apartments ^ d townhomes aparm ents & townhomes OF R KHESTER H LLS • 2 ledrooms have 1 1/2 laths i p i l M H W y n d C h a s e 1 or 2 car gar^e Fireplace n select homes • Kitchens With Dishwashers Plymouth/Canton Schools Close 0 shopp ng d mng and • A Great Place To Live IQ R |!|||| 1 & 2 Bedroom s from entertainrr.eni From *1095 ” a month Close to Meuo Airport From *695 “ a month • We Are Ojien Every Day! o n ly $ 5 9 0 ! (734) 844-2400 (248) 651-1091 • FREE Heat & Water Nordieast comer of Cherry Hill & Haggerty Rds Located on Avon Rd between Rochester and Liveraois Rd (734)326-8270 • Prompt, Professional Service i •OPEN 7 DATS! I BMILSaO □ c r ( ,Jo roiiT ("r< :kfy IN ((w l . FRANKLIN SQUARE 734-427-6970 APABIMMS 1 2 & 3 bedroom tSl Luxury 2 & 3 bedroom SOUTHPORT aparlment homes apartment homes B R I A R a i F F 1 or 2 car attached garage 1 & 2 B ED R O O M Attached gai^e VILLAGE Close to Novi Town Center Close to shopp ng dining U K E FRONT APARTMENTS Twelve Oaks Mall & the M 5 and the M 7 Connector From *1095 a month Connector From *1245 a month fre m $640 (248) 669-5900 (248) 661-5870 I | ^ N 1 ) I N 6 5 On 14 Mile Rd just west of Halsted ASK ABOUT OUR On 14 Mile Rd east of Novi Rd GREAT SPECIALS! Lakefront & Dryer In Every /^>ailment Apartment Living • U^cefrsnt A|3ar!ments J o w s i t o w i n • CsHiedmiC^ngsAvailabie • Cable TV Available « C^ilrsl CofH^onlng Elegant 2 & 3 bedroom • Convenient to MAINGENTEK apartments homes • Private ^ilceny or Pato Westland Shopping ■ '" ' Located In dcwmtown Northwlle At acl ed 2 & 3 car gar^e » M odem tOtehen v < ^ C ^en ear Counter Center Covered paiking C ose to shopp ng dining and • Thru unit d e b to r From *945 “ a month From *2195“” a month tl e M 5 Connecioi "1 t I,....M a ...... maximiAn privacy & (248) 347-6811 (248) 668-9400 cross unit ventilation Located on V ^ R d . between Rds At the comer of Main and Center Streets On the east side of Haggerty just south of Maple ^ 1 • Swimming Pool & in Westland M.ssa«^c». . J r Clubhouse 1&2 Bedroom • Storage in apartment Apartments • Balcony or pato 1 I m£ \ • Awcor^itoimg „ » 5 1 5 O n f io i^ l^rvtee Odve Between • Dishwashers fkL & SeSevMe fki available $500 Rent Coupon (313) 697-8742 ^ OpenMon Fri 96*Sat 105»Sun125 EOE Open M ^ 1 © -6 , Sat 10-5, Stm 12-5 Phone: (734)729-5650 W wwwobserverandeccentric com Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 (♦ ) £ 9

Apartments - / f l K Apartmenfs - Apartments - Condcs fc Townhouses tii Condos * Townhouses Condos* Townhouses Unfurnished x i i ' Unfurnished Unfurnished NOVI WESTLAND ESTATES BIRMINGHAM NOVI $850/mo 2 bedroom SOUTHFIELD New 2 bed Southfield On Wayne Rd S of Warren Westland room 2 bath attached MORE SPACE, 437 E 14 MILE Near Pierce townhouse new k tcher car © © © 12 Mile & Lahser Spacious 1 bedroom peting 1 car garage no base garage $1095/mo 248 352 700 sq ft $550 SUPER Beautifuily updated 2 bed 8659 wwwforrentcom/pk LESS MONEY COLONY PARK room 1 bath townhouse tea ment 39766 Village Wood Price shown is for 1 yr lease Circle S/IOM ile W/Haggerty HOT TWYCKtNGHAM tures all white cabinets 1 car SOUTHFIELD/FRA nI cIIN Shorter leases available END OF Call Dave 734 432 1010 Large 1 and 2 bedroom apart APARTMENTS garage Available August Only Private end unit 3 bedroom ments featuring spacious Great location/heat/water/pool Agent SPECIALS! 1 & 2 Bedroom^ Blinds/air/no pats $975 No pets 2 5 bath 1700 sqft No pets No Application Fee closets oversized patios/bal immediate Occupancy SUMMER $1400/mQ 313 336 8899 & much more NOVI Maples of Ranch $200 00 Off 1st 4 months conies deluxe kitohens verti Includes heat & water porch Starting at $675 1744 GRANT Lincoln & (734) 722 4700 condo w/air 2 bedroom 1 5 cal blinds central air most or balcony swimming pool (248) 356 2047 SPECIALS Woodward area 2 bedroom Southfield with carports The area s best community building odse bath basement garage appI Spacious One/Two $200 OFF FIRST SIX 1 5 bath with updated interior 5000 TOWNCENTER value from only $680 EHO ment storage Sell it all with ances pool/clubhouse/golf MONTHS including all white kitchen and Bedrooms STUDIO APT SPECIAL O b s e r v e r Eccentric near Twelve Oaks $1250/mo 1 2 & 3 bedroom luxury & Sec Dep only $200 baths large private yard nice ASK ABOUT 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Call Top of the Drive Apts (248) 698 1516 condos $1100 to $2900 per Contemporary floor plans 1-800-579-SELL closets carport Available OUR SPECIALS' AVAILABLE for details® (313) 531 2260 mo RE/M AX100 Cal! Walk In Closets On Joy Rd between Sept $1300 includes heat 1 from $605/month Open Saturdays 10 4 NOVI/ WALLEO IK 50+ 1st R W Watson 248 736 3000 Vertical Blinds TREE TOP MEADOWS Newburgh & Hix cat OK w/fee 10 Mile & Meadowbrook floor 2 bedroom 2 bath C/A Fitness Center CALL TODAY ABOUT OUR STUDIO 1 and 2 bedrooms Westland TR O Y 5891 Niles 3 bed (248) 348 9590 CALL OR STOP all appi ances carport many Free Carport FALL SPECIALS' ONE MONTH FREE To quali FIRST MONTH Both feature full basements & extras $835/mo + seourty room 2 bath 1 car attached IN TODAY central air EHO fies applicants Available in FREE RENT, plus (248)449 3456 garage $1250 per month town Birmingham 555 S Old (734) 459-6600 Call The Beneicke Group Please call (248) 689 8054 Franklin River B E A T T H E $50 OFF for 6 MO weekdays 248 642 8686 OPEN DAILY 8 4 & Woodward Call Libby ’ Limited time only ROCHESTER Kings Cove (on 1 bedrooms Only) W BLOOM FIELD 3 bedroom 248-356-0400 C L O C K f SATURDAY 11 3 (248)645 1191 'O n Select Units beautiful un t backs to woods BIRMINGHAM Updated 2 2 5 bath a/c f nished base VENOY PINES paragonapartments com 2 bedroom garage central On 12 Mile TROY 1 mo free rent on our bedroom hardwood floors ment washer/dryer 2 car Call Manager air deck and more 1 year East of Telegraph F R E E R E N ^ beautiful 2 bedroom apt 734 453 1597 APARTMENTS C/A washer/dryer $1050/mo lease no pets $1 200/mo garage pool Maple/Drchard paragon^artments com (Up to 2 Months) homes Exc location Heat & 1 & 2 bedroom apts ShareNet (248)642 1620 (248) 644 3185 Lake $1700/mo 248 32 7515 ’ Limited Time/Seiect Units water included Appliance PIUS some with fireplace Apartment - Furnished ( J J ) pkg Call today to view your BIRMINGHAM/TROY W BLOOM FIELD Condo for $1 M em You In PLYMOUTH Clubhouse R O YA L OAK Townhouse 2 PARK APTS new home 248 362 1940 Newly constructed 2 bedroom lease $1900/mo 5333 Wngnt LIVONIA NEWLY RENOVATED bedroqms 1 1/2 bath ca 2 1/2 bath townhouse Close Way South 3 bedroom 1 1/2 1 & 2 Bedroom apts Heat & * Full Basements 40325 Plymouth Rd KITCHENS & BATHS Birmingham • Novi washer/dryer basement car to Somerset downtown bath fireplace laundry room blinds Included Carpet near 1 275 TROY (734) 261 7394 Royal Oak • Troy port available Oct 6th $950 * All Pets Welcome B rmirgham and new shops and more' Call Karen for throughout Pool 1 bedroom from $600 + Ut lilies 248 335 9798 * Covered Parking GREAT LOCATION at Midtown Square FIreplaced more into (248) 788 2194 734 425 5380 Heat & Water W ESTLAND F u r n i s h e d living room and dining room ijR Fitness Center Poo^ Walk in Closets FOREST LANE open kitchen 2 car attached ||JVIodern Kitchens J | LIvonr 734-416-5840 $200 bo OFF Studio $510 A p t s . garage Birmingham schools 1 Bedroom $570 $1 700/mo (NEW328) IV. BLOOMFIELD NOVI RIDCE 2 Bedroom $610 • Monthly Leases YOU RENT H a m n f t t • W i l s o n PLYMOUTH Free Heal & Water 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts APARTMENTS • Immediate Occupancy &WH!TLHOUSL fe:'*. Free Application Fee Air Conditioning SQUARE FOR 5 • Lowest Rates (248) 646 6200 Cali Ton Free! Beat the heat in our Pool F R E E R E N T * APARTMENTS. • Newly Decorated • Pets Welcome (877) 329-2286 MONTHS! • Dishwasher Spacious 1 bedroom 734-722-5155 BIRMINGHAM/TROY Beautiful qoor pis'll (Up to 2 Months) ON 1 BEDROOM S* SUITE LIFE new 3 story vaulted ceilings & )uifis com 825 SQ ft air condl • Microwave P l u s fireplace island kitchen tioning window treat Call or Stop Westland 248-549-5500 $1850/mo 248 336 0767 Montlon this ad and • Vertical Blinds $1 Moves You In ’ For a very limited time on ments f r o m $675 HAWTHORNE • Caiports Available select units Call leasing in Today' get 1 month FREES (734) 455 6570 BLOOM FIELD TW P Nice 1 • Pets Welcome office for details CLUB APTS BLOOMFIELD WEST • 2 Pools bedroom 2nd floor condo 248-362-4088 On Merriman between SHORT TERM RENTAL Fitness Center • Covered Parking Ann Arbor Tr & Warren Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom New kitchen w/appliances .■RLGDMnaD: Furnished Apts • Fitness Center Pool Nov! Wattles Rd (17 Mile) CALL FOR SPECIALS apts rn small quet com carpoit central air pool VI^ON THE GREEN ' • Extra Storage Affordable Luxury ★ Between Crooks & FREE HEAT plex next to park Includes Available now at $650 Orchard Lake & Middlebelt Available HURRY Livernois dishes linens etc Cleaning FARMINGTON HILLS 3 yr $199 Sec Dep • Park like setting services available Rents W o o d r id g e I N T O D A Y old 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath • Small Pets Welcome from $800 Heat & water contemporary condo Great X S l A p a r t m e n t s WWW apts com/ included room w/fireplace all FOUNTAIN PARK $1 Moves You In hawthorneclub 248-682-2950 248 581 8309 appliances 1 car attached (248)477-6448 P lu s ‘ FR 8AT9am5pn‘8UN 125pm OF NOVI ’ Limited time offer (888) 221-2978 Available now at S1150 WWW woodrldoeapartments com FREE RENT* paragonapartments com Call For Details EHO DETROIT LUXURY APT GOODE 248 647 1898 t S i T (Up to 2 months) Lease furnished 2 bedroom 2 REAL ESTATE ’ For a very limited time Limited Time Special bath luxury unit m Downtown on select units Call Large Dogs & Cats W ALLEO U K E A R EA Hawk Detroit high rise Excellent $300 OFF Westland CANTON 3 bedrooms 1 5 CANTON leasing office for details lake Apts 1 2 bedrooms and location Secure underground Welcome townhouses Lake privileges baths all appliances C/A 1st Mo. RENT' HUNTINGTON parking Al utilities included close to shopping ’ New residents only ★ Ftness Center Pool fishing balconies central air $1295/mo Call Shirley at SP A C IO U S 1 H V O N IA free storage cable ready Ask ON THE HILL $1250/mo 734 981 6592 ★ Close to Freeways 313 2S9 3131 14950 Fairfield about our month!' On Ann Arbor Trail W • Washer/Dryer provided FARMINGTON HILLS between Farmington ★ Mature Landscaping 248 624 of Inkster FARM INDTOH H ILLS Park • Washer/Dryer hook • Private Entrance Hampshire House 14 Mile & Mernman • Pool/Tennis court Motel Furnished rooms effi • Self cleaning oven $300 OFF 1ST clency aptsfrom $150/week and orchard Lake 2570 sq ft 1 bedroom at $615 TWIN ARBORS & 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath appli • Vertical Blinds Heat & Water WESTLAND MONTH'S RENT No deposit 248 474 1324 On Grand River between APARTMENTS Call for details ances underground garage • Swimming Pool Private patio/balcony Meadowbrook & Novi PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom liv clubhouse pool Condo fee CALL TOLL FREE! ASK ABOUT OUR AUGUST 1 & 2 bedrooms from • New Fitness Center 734-728-4800 ing room kitchen & utensils and water included Available 42101 Fountain Park Dr TSMSC-Seoo SPECIALS 1 BEDROOM $585 washer/dryer wsher/dryer Sept 1st At least one of the • Pets Welcome FROM $515 F R E E HEAT 248-348-0626 hrinariiorsapartmmts com utilities included $11Q0/mo occupants must be 55 years •Furnished Apts A u t u m n Livonia s Finest • individually controlled 3mo min 734 416 5100 or older Two year lease •For a very limited time on Central Heat & A'C Available A P A R I M E W _T._8 Location select inits Call Leasing Completely renovated 1 $220C/mo (248) 585 0800 bedroom apartments at a • Dishwasher ceiling ROYAL OAK Cherry Hill at! 275 M ER R IM A N OAK PARK offce for details t S O great price in a wonderful fans Walk in Closets DOWNTOWN FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bed Great location 2 bedroom fully furnished W O O D S APTS community! stop by our Pool & More room 2 bath cathedral ceil Cherry Hil! 734-397-1080 apts & townhomes Studio $500/mo office for a tour • Located next to scenic mgs Upper end unit Carport Mernman Rd corner of spacious floor plans PLYM OUTH 1 bedroom Hines Park Unfurnished 1 bedroom Open 7 Days Wayne/Ford Rd Area $1245/mo 248 866 2228 7 Mile Near Livonia Mall Call 248 967 0515 $500/mo -i-sec deposit addi WWW apts com/ $800/mo Mon Thur 9am-9pm • Ftl 9am 7pm ASK ABOUT OUR tional $25/mo for pets Close 5995 N W ILDW OOD 8at8am’^pm*Sun12 5pm huniingtonwestland Plus security deposit FARMINGTON Updated 2 n to downtown 734 453 2990 734 721 0500 LIMITED TIME (888) 221-2584 In quiet secured complex bedroom all appliances SPECIAL One of Livonia s You pay electric we pay PLYMOUTH Spacious 1 bed M F 9 6 Sat 10 2 washer/dryer $790/mo 2 bedroom bath finest apaitments heat Laundry & Off street 2 room Apt Heat & water includ Sun 1 2 3 EHO Option to buy 248 735 5471 Immediate Occupancy at competitive prices parking available No pets ed all appliances 1 year lease Gainfully employed FREE LOCATOR SERVICE! From $ 7 9 5 CANTERBURY LIVONIA 1 bedroom 1st $590/mo Available Sept No W ES T U N D Barclay House w/mmimum Includes Patio or balcony smoking 734 513-4839 floor ranch condo completely PARK APTS Apts 1 & 2 bedroom unts income $30 000/yr carpeting vertical blinds Westland Park Apts remodeled private laundry A S P E C T R U M available Quiet clean Air (248) 258 6200 deluxe appliances pool 19400 Mayfield off Seven PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom Close Across from room $700/mo Option to / Apartment Search heat appi ances included 248 477 9377 Mile Rd between to Hines Park Large size Garden City Park W BLOOM FIELD furnished buy Great location Call Abe Farmington & Merriman $550 $675 (734) 326 9008 734 524 6124 Century 21 585 775 8206 Laundry facilities wndow 2 bedroom home lakefront You Call We Find behind Joe s Produce treatments Includes heat & Spacious 2 bedroom 1 1/2 new appliances Sept June Hartford North 1 & 2 Bedroom water Call about our rent spe Westland Open Sunday bath 936 sq ft From $630 $1000/mo 248 661 5651 Bath NORTHVILLE TOWNHOME 3 WE SEARCH YOU MOVE' Madison Heights 2 Units cials $605/mo 734 459 9507 STARTING AT $715 $ L O W $ Spacious 2 bedroom bedroom 2 bath heat water Condos* Townhouses Assoc at on included $1400 The largest se ect on of apartments • Property Immedate Occupancy ROYAL OAK (North) large 1 2 full baths $650 QUIET Ask about ojr iim ted bedroom Reserved parkng $ P R IC E S $ (810)231 1116 photos & f oorplans • Current vacancy A/C qu et no pets com iaun BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom 1 Almost soundproof 1& time special As Low As Large 1 bedroom 700 sq nformat on • Corporate relocation cpt ons dry Heat & water provided bath new ktchen hardwood NORTHViLLE New 2 bed 2 bedroom apts Across includes full washer & ft From $555 $580/mo ong/short term floors fin shed basement room 2 5 bath 1764 sqtt 2 from Oakland Mali at I dryer in each apartment leases Immediate occupancy $1150/month (248) 395 2710 car air pondvew $1750/mo Call (800) 235-1357 75 and 14 Mile Rd Community room pato $465* $200 Security Deposit with D&H Propertes248 73 7 4002 or balcony deluxe appli 248 740 9836 approved credit Canton Spectrum Apartment Search ances optional carport For 1st 4 months' Very clean apartments R OYAL OAK Between 12 & Take a NOVI 42711 Ford Road Canton CONCORD 248 473 3983 • Supersize Closets Appliances include dish 13 Mile off Coolidge 1 bed Brand New Condo For Rent 586 775 8206 • Breakfast Bar washer Intercom/central chance... WWW room apt newly redecorated 3 bedroom with 1st floor TOWERS • Intercoms air heat veilical binds No carpet $555/mo Heat & water master 2 car private attached 32600 Concord Dr PLYMOUTH • Cable Ready pets (1 year lease) garage Full unfinished base included [248) 488 2251 • Central Heating & A/C (next to the SHELDON PARK APTS (734) 729 6636 ment $2195 per month Livonia Schools Micro Center Store) Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom S LYON 2 bedroom newly For nformaton call Westland’s Best Value... 1 bedroom from $555 central air Carport $555 CALL TODAYi 248 659 5900 renovated 2 story apts Westland 2 bedroom from $615 $655 (734) 453 8811 w/individual front & back (734) 422-5411 Carports • Dishwasher doors Starling $725/mo SUMMER SAVINGS BLUE GARDEN Disposal • Central air PLYM OUTH 1&2 bedrooms On Warren Rd between Southfeld stove refrigerator carpeting {248)486 8900 Wayne & Newburgh $ 1 9 9 M O V E S YO U IN drapes walk to town 1 yr ’ on select units 2 bedroom $699 •Ws all about results’' COUNTRY CORNER APARTMENTS 248-589-3 lease $520&$525/mo -<■$550 SIZZLING HOT for limited time 1 bedroom $530 © bsm rer^ Scccnlrit Apartments & Town Homes security (734) 453 8194 SAVINGS paragonapartments com WESTERN HILLS 1 2 & 3 Bedroom NORTH ViLLE PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN 1 bedroom from $499 APARTMENTS 800-579-SELU7355) F r o m $ 7 9 5 • Close to Work! 1 bedroom private balcony 2 bedroom from $675 Westland School System TREE TOP wnw flbserveiandeccenttlc com •Heat water carport included large storage area Laundry $199 moves you in new rest? Westland 734 729 6520 • Convenient to Shoppini’ APARTMENTS facilities Air blinds Includes dents only Central air pool Affordable Luxury •Free health c ub Hurry limited availability of heat & water No pets dishwasher our contemporary one bed $199 Sec Dep membership Our Value Package Includes: $575/mo 313 682 7225 734 326 7800 Limited Time Special room and our expanded one WAYNE FOREST •Forma dining room • Fashionable updated • Heat and Water A v a ila b le bedroom featuring a den with PLYMOUTH Park Manor Apt 1 Mo. FREE •Night gatekeeper apartments • Balconies • Cable TV 1 bedroom Sept Special french doors Ail feature open Southfield • Dishwashers • A r Condit oner • Spec al Pet floor plan individual wash $530 includes heat 1 parking •Heated pool RENT • Mini Blinds • Laundry facilities Units er/dryers carports oversized space per apt 734 454 9274 ’ New residents only on •Prvate balcony * much more balconies Our small commu • Large secure private in each building select units •Short tern leases available nity offers a private park in a Plymouth 31 A storage room with each apartment wooded stream side setting H1LLCREST * Washer/Dryer provided Located close to From only $775 HEAT SPECIAL * Private Entrance Birmingham shopping • Pool and Clubhouse INCLUDED EHO * Pool/Tenms court CLUB restaurants and freeways Call (248) 347 1690 for your personal appointment A p a r t m e n t s PLACE 30300 SoutMiald Road RENTS FOUNTAIN PARK FROM.. Call for Specials OF WESTLAND South of 13 Mile Road F R E E H E A T to TL 248-647-8100 Wo re proud to offer the most value Earn extra $$ WWW apts com/ 734-459-1711 F r o m * l,9 7 5 for your money In Westland advertise with 0 & E hillcrestclub Call Home Let us fax you Cherry Hill near Merriman Newburgh between I • 3 & 3 Bedroom , 8 1/3 Baths our brochure “ J 1-800-579-SELL (888) 221-2898 Joy/Warren 1750 sq; ft • 2000 sq ft 734^7292242 M F 9 7 Park Lane Apts. in Westland Ranches & Townhomes Sat & Sun 10-4 EHO 248-355-0770 Tw o Car Attached Garage ★ ♦(iIlF \I * * Fu ll Basement paragonapartmenfs com A word to the wise Senior Livinn Ju st G ‘ when looking for a FARMINGTON HILLS LUXURY great deal check the \ l * * ObsenrsrA Eccentric

Rent Includes Heat and Vertical Blinds 6 month or 1 year lease Well maintained Nevf^y decorated f ' W ^ " t ... iwest/aKe Featam y Apartments ★ Air conditioning ★ Refrigerator and range \ ★ Smoke detectors ★ Laundry facilities ASK ABOUT OUR GREAT SPECIALS ★ Extra storage ★ Swimming pool 1 &2BEDROOMUK^ONT APARTMENTS ★ Cable avail^le l&2Bcdroonii)^8. FEATURING: FROM • Washer & Dryer in Every Apt $670 Distinctive rental residences offering unsurpassed luxuries found in only the finest C a l l o r V isit T o d a y ! LEXINGTON • Cathedral Ceilings custom built homes combined with the professional services of a world dass resort VILLAGE Small Pet Section • Private Balcony or Patio H e a f • Residencesfroml738sq ft to 2262 sq ft > Resort style pool with waterfall From $540 • Kitchen with Bar Counter Included > Attached two or three car garages and sundeck 175 and 14 Mile opposite > Courmet eat in kitchens with state of the > 2H hour fttness center and whirlpool spa ShULERb Oakland Mall HOURS O w S Z Z - G N t art appliances including trash compactors • Concierge services D 248-585-4010 M F 8-6 > Professional on site management and OP ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ . Conan countertops, custom cabinetry 1 3 SAT 9 5 ceramic tile and crown moldiing maintenance P R E S ID E N T A ^ SUN. 12 5 » Intrusion alarm systems • Excellent location close to the M 5 I 734/122-115! MADISON APTS. > Exquisitely appointed clubhouse rannector shopping and entertainment sfanoscRAF so From $595 28811 Jamison 1 block east of John R just soioacRArRO south of Oaldand Mall Livonia, Ml 48154 248-585-0580 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

HARLO APTS. LOCATED ON BELLEVIUERD 1/2 MILE NORTH OF 1-94 From $555 Warren Ml 1204 Westlake Circle West side of Mound Rd |ust (248) 668-9400 S m . | The Meadows north of 13 Mile Opposite Van Buren Twp. WWW SlnghWeb com • email brandywine@slnghmail com ° Senior Ap^cnnent QM Tech Center Of Livonia Communl^ 586-939-2340 (734) 699-8699 Located east of Hag^jorty Rd., jusi soulh of Mopic Rd, E10 (*) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerandeccentric com Living Ouarters To Homes For Rfiitl Homes For Ren! HomRS For Rent Homes For Reiil Homes For Rent Homes For Ren! G ! Condos & Towntioiises Flats 1 Cli Share W

W ESTLAND 3 Bedroom REDFORD/LIVONIA AREA 2 BIRMINGHAM remodeled 3 DEARBORN HGT8 • 3 bed LIVONIA 3 bedrooms 1 5 PONTIAC 3 bedroom 2 W E S T U N D Updated 3 bed BLOOMFIELD ESTATE condo Include appliances bedroom lower fiat refrigera bedroom hardwood floors & room brick ranch utility room baths all appliances c/a no bath finished basement 1 car UP NORTH room brick ranch 1 5 bath Spacious home & grounds swimming pool garage tor stove garage $595/mo fireplace $1550/mo fenced ysmd $750/mo Fee smoking no pets Great loca a e $700/mo Fee SEniNG C/A hardwood floors al! new Young professional Lake Westland schools Non smok No pets (313) 686 1168 ! ShareNet (248)642 1620 RENTAL PROS 734-513 RENT tIon $1265 (248) 755 3125 AL PROS 248 373 RENT Three bedroom 2 5 bath appliances Sec 8 OK poo! All utilities $365/mo ers no pets $925/mo Canton ranch The backyard $995/mo (734) 326 1924 248 855 5087 W E S T U N D 1 bedroom flat BIRMINGHAM Downtown 2 FARMINGTON HILLS LIVONIA • N Cute 3 bed R EO FO R D 3 bedroom car 734 495 3541 W IS deep private will all 3lean carpeting ^pliances bedroom stucco cottage c/a Farmington schools great room c/a appliances updated pet fenced yard pets nego CANTON 5 acre wooded lot evergreens Updated vinyl No pets References & securl 272 Ravine $1200/month family home clean 3 bedroom kitchen/bath New c s ^ & tiable $675/mo Fee large room $325/mo windows roof furnace & ty deposit 734 459 8268 (248) 646 8150 1 bath large fenced yard paint $1395 313 550 5544 RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT WESTLAND Includes utilities cable & appliances Att 2 car garage C/A large master bath and Immediate occupancy 2 laundry (734) 544 4638 B ED FO R D TWP -4 bedroom BIRMINGHAM 1487 $975 + security 248 980 9677 LIVONIA 36432 VaitCourt walk in closet sprinklers bedrooms carpeting Cape Cod Appliances family room and very well LIVONIA Male w/nice room in BERKLEY Nice 2 bedroom Homes For Rent ^ ^ 1 Emmons 6 month lease brick bungalow Plymouth/ formal dmmg room den available 3 bedrooms 1 5 FARMINGTON & ALL CITIES Levan area 3 4 bedrooms 2 basement & garage maintained $218 900 appliances stay full base home kitchen bath & laundry w/3rd fioor attic or spare $1085/mo 313 255 5678 Prefer conservative nonsmok bath 2+ car garage neutral RENT A HOME baths appliances basement ment $850/mo+ security room basement & C/A $825/ ALL CITIES SINCE 1975 Ing male or female $350/mo $1600/mo (248) 310 7667 21/i car garage fenced RENT TO OWN CANTON COLONIAL CENTURY 21 mo ShareNet (248)642 1 620 QUALIFIED" TENANTS & UNDLORDS 1/3 utilities Bill 248 471 7486 Livonia schools REDUCED to One of my houses! Could be 4 bedrooms totally new 248 642 1620 JOHN COLE REALTY CANTON 3 bedroom 1 1/2 ROOMMATES BLOOM FIELD HILLS no cred $995 Shown Wed Sat & Zero Down For more info kitchen cabinets counter it checks 3 bedroom 2 (313) 937-0804 N O R TH V ILLE - Refurbished Sun 5pm or by appt leave message 734 713 0020 tops and floor pull out pan bath appliances c a base FREE PREVIEW baths car garage FARMINGTON HILLS • 3 bed home Walk to town Laundry ment deck $900 No pets 2 Office 248 593 0064 drawers newer vinyl & garage Shared utilities SHARE REFERRALS Immediate occupancy room 1 bath ranch garage R O YA L OAK updated 3 bed 734 667 3544 Mobile 313 920 5966 windows roof C/A and $550/mo (734) 748 2786 248 642 1 620 $3000/mo (248) 354 0030 deck no basement $1200/mo room house Air hardwood Lake i Waterfront + security 248-613 3564 water heater family room 725 S Adams Birmingham LIVONIA Basement 2 car floors appliances No pets Homes NOVI Share furnished CANTON Tri level duplex Bloomfield Twp Birmingham living room fireplace and FARMINGTON HILLS 3 bed garage air appliances fenced $1200/mtfnth 1 5 month s condo Washer & dryer 3 bedroom living & family B ER K LEY Spacious 2 bed schools 5 bedroom 3 5 back to open field for pets $850/mo Fee security deposit Call Pam Smoker ok $100Avk plus 1/2 rooms all appliances room ranch w/fireplace fami baths basement garage room dining room fenced Asking $209 900 COMMERCE shed $750/mo Fee RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENT 248 443 8920 for Info utilities (248) 4 77 9859 $950/mo 248 855 4953 ly room & washer/dryer $3 000/mo (248) 868 7000 CALL BOB MERRY Lakefront RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT $750/mo (248) 360 2095 LIVONIA Brick colonial quad R O YA L OAK 2 bedroom (734) 4S3-8700 2bedroom 1 bath $900/mo Plymouth Walk to downtown ShareNet (248)642 1 620 BRIGHTON level 4 bedroom 15x21 family lawn care snow removal (248) 224 3393 2 bedroom newly decorated FARMINGTON HILLS LOVely Re/Max Crossroads Realty Rooms For Ren! All sports Crooked Lake 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath brick rooms 2 5 bath 2 fireplaces included $750/mo Fee full basement No pets BEVERLY HILLS 3 bedroom waterfront home 2 bed hardwood & carpeting 2 5 car ranch attached garage fire RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT W BLOOMFIELD Mobile Homes For $750/mo 734 455 8599 1 full 2 half baths new rooms open floor plan next FERNDALE & REOFORD Air place All new paint carpet Sl695/mo + $1695 3 bedroom ranch 1 1/2 bath Ren! kitchen C/A attached garage to Oak Pointe Golf Course All S R O Y A L OAK remodeled 2 Jacuzzi in rooms maid serv flooring Large deck No : 248-478 9778 or fireplace very clean Royal Oak 2 bedroom base $1 750/mo 248 855 4411 appliances & dockage 248 909 5357 bedroom w/sto\'e & fridge No ice HBO Low daily/wkly rates smoking/pets $1650/mo 248 851 0817 734 326 4017 ment all appliances fenced $1200/mo 248 643 9099 basement 2 car garage FARMINGTON HILLS 1 bed Tel 96 Inn 313 535-4100 oak floors very clean Birmingham Near town plus security deposit Call Kessierandcompany com LIVONIA 3 Bedroom Colonial $850/mo 248 475 9772 W BLOOMFIELD Lakefront room $85/wk & up No pets Royal Inn 248 544 1575 $875/mo (248) 601 6754 3 bedroom 1 bath hardwood after 6pm 734 641 7774 bath fireplace central air 2 4966 Lockhart Family room deposit require MIddlebelt/ $l400/mo plus utilities B R IGHTON 2 bedroom pool access Snow remova! R O YA L OAK 3 bedroom 1 Grand River 248 473 5535 Livonia area • Big room W ALLED U K E 169 Halifax 2 (800) 249 1663 Farmington Hills bath close to Beaumont fireplace 4 bedroom base appliances new carpet lake 3 bedroom 2/6 bath many and lawn maintenartce incfud w/Jacuzzi 8 Mile & Merriman bedroom 1 5 bath basement garage finished basement ment$139Smo 248 360 1616 FARMINGTON HILLS 1 & 2 $420/mo includes utilities BIRMINGHAM 3 bedroom privileges $750/mo Fee extras $1375/mo + security ed No pets $1100/mo linmedlate occupancy $1050/mo (248) 645 9620 bedroom appliances window (313) 363 2724 2 full bath Living dining & RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT Call Chris (248)705 2189 Please call 248 489-4227 met W B LO O M FIELD A great $875/mo after 6pm Available now' treatments air No dogs family rooms hardwood 211 or 219 place Fully furnished 2 bed MeadowManagement Inc CANTON Over 1600 sqft FER ND ALE Newly remod room on the lake Sept June Call (248-474 2131 floors deck 2 car garage large bedrooms New cabi M ILFORD 4 bedroom ranch Lease & Option lo Buy 248 348 5400 eled 2 bedroom pets neg $1000 248 661 5651 $1800/mo 177 1 Henrietta nets/paint/ceramic/carpet/appl Great room with fireplace 2 5 Available now 248 226 2829 available now $750/mo Fee W ESTLAND 2 Becfroom full lances Fireplace 2 car RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT baths Finished basement 2 F o r T h e W BLOOMFIELD SCHOOLS basement New fumace/air FOR LEASE BIRMINGHAM Brick ranch attached garage fenced patio car garage Nonsmoking 1400 sqft 3 bedroom hard LEASE Ultra clean move right in FRANKLIN Hidden Gem on I 275 exposure Offices from 3 bedrooms 1 1/ 2 baths car Plymouth/Canton Schools $2 000/mo wood lloors new kitchen FromS645/mo Ask about our almost an acre Redone peting appliances c a fin $1575/mo 734 516 1107 Max Broock Realtors M o s t open floor plan central air 168 270 0 sqft mo to mo special 734 721 8111 ranch wood floors thru out (248) 625 9300 deck & 2 5 car garage In desir TO leases available ished basement 2 car garage CANTON 2 bedroom large white kitchen granite coun able sub Pets welcome $1200 J A Bloch & Co/Gach Realty no pets $1475/mo yard new appliances washer ters 3 bedrooms 2 baths 2 Northville 3 4 bedroom + utilities 248 414 9444 (248) 559 7430 1557 Bowers 248 642 5494 dryer stove & refrigerator fireplaces lower level has 2250 sq ft ranch basement C o m p l e t e OWN W BLOOMFIELD 3 Bedroom BIRMINGHAM 1400 sq ft New carpet & windows 2 gorgeous family room large deck etc Ready to move In GARDEN CITY WHY RENT? miles from high school 2 bath dual level 3200 sq ft 1509 Penistone 3 bedroom playroom plus computer exer $1500/mo (248)7551408 FROM Own your own home 0 to 3% FERNDALE Beautiful 2 bed $1000/mo sec includes walk out ranch All appliances full garage & basement + cise room $2400/mo R e n t a l down Short term employment room lower in pristine condi lawn service (734) 451 0184 Open Sun 2 5 NORTHVILLE COMMONS 4 C/A beach privileges extras $395 MO. $1400/mo (248) 644 3262 bedrooms 2 5 btfths swim OK credit problems OK; bank tion with fireplace central air 32620 W Haverford W of $2200/mo 248 210 5274 CANTON 43652 Applewood ming pool beautiful setting • 3 bedroom / 2 bath ruotcy OK Call Randy Lesson garage washer & dryer sun Telegraph S of 14 Mile Listing In :4cBIRMINGHAM’k 3 bedroom 1 bath 1600 with park directly outback W DEARBORN 3 Bedroom • over 900 sq ft .Metro Finance 248 709-2244 room lots of storage nice Cali Helene Rothenberg ^BLOOMFIELD* sq ft immediate occupancy $2700/mo (248)3801724 Newly decorated 2 car yard Walk to downtown Cranbrook Realtors SUN HOMES LIVONIA WHY RENT? Own Many special features A Homes for rent 5 bedroom basement & garage' $1350/ garage No pets $950/mo + your own home 0 to 3% 248 626 8700 NOVI 3 bedroom 2 bath the Detroit MUST SEEI $915 plus utili 4 bath & 3 bedroom 2 mo Meadov/Management Inc security 313 562 0349 734-397-0400 down Short term employment ranch 1400 sq ft garage 10 ties (248)548 5946 bath W Bloomfield schools 248 348 5400 GARDEN CITY 3 bedroom OK credit problems OK bank Mile Rd $1150/mo 1 5 mo WATERFORD 2 bedroom Ask for Cheryl and Birmingham schools brick ranch basement large basement deck garage ruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson Ferndale Charming bright 1 (248) 563 2727 CANTON Plymouth schools security (407) 6 77 7753 Area...Look corner lot Fenced yard fenced for pets $750/mo Fee Metro Finance 248 709 2244 bedroom upper m nice area Spacious 3 bedroom ranch CANTON $875+ security 248 661 9062 OAK PARK • 3 bedroom bun RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENT Berber carpet c/a BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN on quiet court Family room LOW COST TO MOVE IN fireplace basement 2 car galow basement fenced & washer/dryer garage Walk to ranch 2 bedroom 1 5 bath GARDEN CITY 3 BEDROOM HO Further! WEST BLOOMFIELD LOCK IN PRICES garage large deck all appll shaded yard $985 /mo downtown S695tutilities den 488 Harmon $3000/mo 2 baths fenced in yard fin Luxurious 3 750 sq ft exec Vacation & Resort BEFORE THEY INCREASEl ances 1295/mo security 734 665 2151 (248)548 5946 (313) 680 8898 + ished basement all appli utive home for rent on 1 acre Rentals 734 981 0187 ances S1200/month + secun OXFO RD 3 bedroom ranch $ LYO N 2 bedroom newly Spacious country kitchen 2 B LO O M FIELD 4 bedroom ty deposit (734) 844 8620 Ferndale Exceptional largp 3 BIRMINGHAM & ALL CITIES appliances large yard nice renovated 2 story apts cozy fireplaces family & dm BAY HARBOR New 3300 colonial 2 car attached garage bedroom upper with wood RENTALS SINGE 1976 CANTON finished basement Bloomfield GARDEN CITY Absolutely area $760/mo Fee w/indiv)duai front & back ing rooms porch 3 car square foot condo 3 bed floors C/A washer & dryer OWNER & REALTOR ® 8621 Sandpiper Schools Pets OK $2100/mo affordable near school RENTAL PROS 248-373 RENT doors Starting at $685/mo attached garage & many other rooms 3 1/2 baths leaded glass great storage & LISTINGS W of Sheldon & S of Joy 248 486 8900 unique features Community Beautifully decorated Call fenced for pets $650/mo Fee ROCHESTER HILLS 3 bed balcony Too many features to HOUSES CONDOS APTS Beautiful Forest Trails sub 3 PLYM OUTH 3 bedroom air swimming pool & other privi Frank Century 21 Hartford RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENT S O U T H FIELD -3 bedroom fin room townhouse offers over mention A MUST S EE! $950 bedrooms 2000 sq ft ranch garage washer/dryer no pets leges Ground & building South 1 800 523 5740 (248)548 5946 ShareNet Realty family room fireplace GOOD CREDIT OK $1290/mo includes water ished basement fenced yard 1700 sq ft + basement & 2 Leasing Management Sales option to buy $850/mo Fee maintenance Included This Is basement Z baths attached • OKAY CREDIT OK • BAD Call Michael 734-416 1395 HOM ESTEAD Fall Get Away'! car garage Quiet location con Lovely 2 bedroom RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT truly a one of a kind Ferndale 248-642-1620 garage & fenced yard CREDIT OK Zero down Luxury 1 bedroom Lake Mi venient to tennis pool & club lower w/lots of 1920 s charm PLYMOUTH in Town opportunity Call for more 725 S Adams #19 Birmingham Excellent condition Pets 100% financing Cali Joe now condo w/ fireplace house Pets O K $1825/mo including wood floors air Completely updated 3 bed S O U T H FIELD Beautiful information 248-661 6890 considered Prepped for 734 713 0021 brick 3 bedroom 2 5 bath Sleeps 2 6 248 475 0654 washer/dryer new bath many BIRM INGHAM Beautiful room 2 bath new carpet & WEST BLOOMFIELD wheelchair access All basement on an acre $1800 updates A must see' centrally located Birmingham HIGHLAND 2 bedroom paint All appliances mclud Executive quality colonial on 1 appliances C/A Available Call 888 633 7126 TR AV ER SE CITY North $815+utilltie$ (248)548 5946 area 3 bedroom ranch c/a & ranch appliances ceiling fans Ing dishwasher WEST BLOOMFIELD Lake 1/2 acres 4 bedrooms over finished basement 11/2 bath Oct 1st $1500/mo Shore Inn Luxury 1 2 bed new floors tool $700/mo Fee washer/dryer Fenced yard SOUTHFIELD/Oak Park Sharp front 3 bedroom 2 c»- garage room beachfront condos 3000 sq ft privacy in a family PLYMOUTH Charming 1 bed $1600/mo (734) 459 3053 ASK FOR NORMA PETERSON RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENT $1200/mo 6 mo lease avail bnck 3 or 4 bedroom homes pets neg! $850/mo Fee Heated pool Nightiy/wkly friendly neighborhood Pets room den C A appliances ^ (734) 453 8700 able Ask tor Gloria from $850 up (Broker) Call RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENT rates 1 800 968 2365 OK $2975/mo washer/dryer garage No pets BIRMINGHAM Clean 3 (734)451 2290 INKSTER Attractive 3 bed 734-455 5566 bedroom brick on Windemere Mon Fn 9-5 248 557 4970 $700 $750 (248) 345 2552 Qfoisroads Realty room ranch basement dining W ESTLAND 2 Bedroom full TR O Y 4 bedroom colonial 2 near Maple & Eaton Full base TRAVERSE CITY room option to buy available PLYMOUTH SYLVAN LAKEFRONT Luxury basement New furnace/air 1/2 baths 2 car garage Fresh PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom ment 2 car garage c/a deck in CLARKSTON 3 bedroom $750/mo 248 788 1823 5 bedroom newly decorated Ultra clean move right In Schoolhouse Cottage B&8 9067 Tavistock Quaint & cozy 2 bedrooms decor hardwood floors Ail flat c/a Completely redone back for only $1200 Carpenter ranch on 5 acres 1 5 bath large house Boat dockage From S645/mo Ask about our KEEGO HARBOR West N of Joy & E of I 275 4 fireplace air You need nothing appliances Award winning Walk to downtown All ai^ll Mgmt LLC 248 588 8900 pets neg $1000/mo Fee Immediate occupancy special 734 721 8111 Bloomfield Schools 4 bed bedroom 1 5 bath family but your suitcase Beautiful Troy Schools Pets OK ances Including dishwasher RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENT 248 521 1978 BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom room dming room fireplace W ESTLA ND Immaculate 2 area Close to everything city $1775/mo washer/dryer New carpet room 2 bath c/a $1400/mo w/remodeled kitchen & hard DEARBORN (W) Updated basement 2 car attached bedroom spacious home Nice or country Renting for Fall $650/mo 6 mo lease avail & security 248 882 6519 TR O Y Built 1993 3 bed wood floors $13O0/mo redecorated 3 bedroom home garage & large fenced yard room 2 bath attached neighborhood Full floors $85 per night 231 946 1828 Call for details' able Ask for Gloria PeteBeightol 248 988 2212 ShareNet (248)642 1620 Appliances garage no pets LAKEVILLE LAKEFRONT Ecellent condition & beautiful garage deck fireplace basement garage fenced 734-455 5566 Coldwell Banker Schweitzer $g00/mo Call 313 584 9380 Furnished 3 bedrooms 2 neighborhood Approx 1800 $1700/mo (248) 542 6522 yard $875/mo 734 306 5160 BIRMINGHAM 3 bedroom baths garage $1 450/mo til sq ft $1600/mo 15 sec 4120 500 S Old Woodward Ave PLYMOUTH Lower 3 bed near downtown skylights fire DEARBORN Finished base June 2003 248 628 3134 iroy 3 bedroom fireplace WESTLAND 3 bedroom bun dep Pets considered REOFORD WHY RENT? Own room home $750/mo sec place iacuzzi bath $2500/mo ment garage fenced yard garage fenced Furnishings galow air dishwasher fenced Available Immediately All your own home 0 to 3% deposit Credit check No pets ShareNet (248)642 1620 carpeted $750/mo Fee LIVONIA 7 Mile & 275 3 available No smoking/pels yard pets ok Fee AAA RATED t year lease (734) 453 4679 bedroom ranch attached appliances & C/A down Short term employment RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENT $1095/mo 586 598 5127 RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENT All Ages Tastes Occupat-ons BIRMINGHAM Cha ming 3 garage NO PETS $950/mo ASK FOR NORMA PETERSON OK credit problems OK bank PLYMOUTH Attractive 1 2 bedroom b ight & airy w/fire DEARBORN HEIGHTS 330 875 2231 734 464 4119 ^ (734) 453-8700 TR O Y 4 bedroom colonial on WESTLAND Affordable Backgrounds & Ifestyies ruptcy OK Cali Randy Lesson bedroom upper Available place basement & garage 3 bedroom $900/mo Rent or (734)451 2299 wooded lot w/spacious rooms ranch fenced yard for pets Our 20th Year Metro Finance 248 709 2244 soon $625/mo $1200/mo (248) 433 5434 rent to own Leave daytime LIVONIA AAA 3 bedroom Crossroads Realty & jacuzzi $2495/mo option to buy $675/mo Fee HOME-MATE 734 591 6530/ 455 7653 ShareNet (248)642 1620 number 734 713 0020 brick 116 bath attached ShareNet [248)642 1620 RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENT WESTLANO~ WHY RENT’ garage air finished basement PLYMOUTH in-town charm 1 SPECIALISTS Own your own home 0 to 3% REOFORD TWP 2 or 3 bed BIRMINGHAM Cute 2 bed Dearborn Heigiiis Remodeled immaculate excellent neigh bedroom full basement TROY- Updated 3 bedroom W E8 T U N D Half a duplex 2 (fown Short term employment room tower Finished base room updated kitchen/ bath 3 bedroom ranch Immediate borhood 5/Levan $1250/mo appliances include wtsher & ranch w/Florida room A/C & bedroom brick ranch w/base 248-644-6845 OK credit problems OK bank ment Air heat water No pets ok Lease flexible occupancy Option available (neg) Immediate occupancy dryer gardeners delight basement $1400/mo ment $750/mo No smoking/ ruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson pets $795 (313) 533-0317 $1200/mo (248)645 0425 $700/mo 248 788 1823 734-462 1408 313 550 8119 $750/month (313) 796-1436 ShareNet (248)642 1 620 pets (734) 522 6429 30115 Greenfield Southfield Metro Finance 248 709 2244

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OPERATIONS • Benefit Plan BUYING? For new construction Top pay M ANAGER ■ For Ann Arbor Ice • 401K Suburban Collection P O Box 0320 Observer & 52n He^Wanied-Couples 5729 Tax Services with benefits 248 348 4800 Cube a 3 rink sports facility 734 425-4300 P O Box 8065 Eccentric Newspapers 38251 SELLING? Novi Ml 48376 8065 5300 Entertanment 5740 Business Opportunites Knowledge m all areas of rink 32000 Ford Rd Schoolcraft Rd Livonia M! operations is preferred Send Garden Citv Attn Joan Kowalski 48150 resume by fax (734) 213 7614 (248) 427 7977 1 -800-57S-SEI.L or email a2ice3@a2ice3 com CABINET CO Auto Mechanics Experienced Cabinet Installer Immediate openings available Its All About Result AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN Custom Cabinet Maker & for certified Mechanics Sales needed 313 561 7101 Observer & Eccentric CRESTWQOD DODGE Benefits bonus & retirement (734) 421-5700 packages included Please CABLE TV & Classifieds JACK 1-800-579-SELL apply in person at 30250 Grand River Farmington Hills M ODEM IN STA LLER Start 248 474 0500 today MUST HAVE TRUCK W o rk ! Earn up to $1000/wk Currently Accepting Its All About Results Call 248 399-6985 CAKIUER Observer & Eccentric Caqienters COMMERCIAL Applications For 1-800-579-SELL P a r t - T i m e NEEDED Benefits (248)427 1400 Make a change to Customer Care Associates Auto porter Apply m person CARPENTERS NEEDED accommodate your L iv o n ia to Used Car Dept Full time At least 1 year exp Canton/ Are you Friendly and like working with Must have good driving Ypsilanti area Excellent pay busy life oustomeref Can you work record Fox Hills Chrysler 111 and benefits (313) 590 1643 L-437 W Ann Arbor Road at Lilley Independently, with llWe supervision? CARPET CLEAN ER S with own • Fairway from Schoolcraft to Grennada Plymouth Light industrial equipment Part or full time ® b e c n » c r Apply in person at any • Grennada from Fairway to Park AUTO PORTER Must be reliable Exc com brk, collating newspaper Farmer Jack Store • Park from Perth to Lyndon Large Westside Ford dealer pensation (734) 591 9009 insertions Weal for students or looking for the right individual & L-449______1 We oner excellent pay plan CASHIER Or at our new Employment Centers: and benefit package Blue l E c t c n f r i t retirees Monday throuqlh Saturday • Yale from Scone to Lyndon Large Wayne hardware store 10 M ile and Hoover, Warren Cross dental prescription Full or part time Competitive afternoon and evening snifts available Mon, Thurs 9-6 vision matching 401K life and Contact Hom e Delivery Manager wage 734 721 7244 & 7 Mile and MIddlebelt, Livonia disability insurance paid vaca $8.05 per hour tion and a five day work week Mon, Thurs 9-6 Please apply in person at GidlSiiianey Great driving record a must CHILD CARE " I t ' S a l l Apply in person only to Steve PROFESSIONALS NEEDED The Observer & Eccentric 734-9SS4241 Snipley at Pat Mitliken Ford Learn While You Earn! Join fAe NufflAer 1 Supefiiiaiket Teanif 9600 Telegraph Bedford The Learning Tree offers a b o u t Newspapers • Competitive Wages or AUTO REPOSSESSOR employees an Education reimbursement program ‘ " 1 Schoolcraft Road • Great Afternoon Shifts NEEDED linda English Self motivated responsible on site training along with r e s u l t s " Livonia. Ml 48150 • Promotional Opportunities good driving record able to 401K Retirement Plan • Clean Friendly Work Environment 734-9S3-M39 woh( days or nights No exp Medical/Dental Benefits nec Commission and benefits Paid Vacation/Holidays SsrAms^ HomeniaAefS A Students MWcome available 734 595 0220 and Personal Days 80Q-S79^SEU Raise Reviews BiYearly (7355) An bqucil Opportiini y Einpkiyct AUTO TECHNICIANS Bonus Program Obsnuer^Xttentiic CRESTWOOD DODGE Call 734 525 5767 or apply In person WWW riwmmMleoeMibic eem *W9 Ail About Besulte” 800-579-SELl (7355)1 rw w vvuvyvvvuv (734) 421-5700 WWW observerandeccentric com Observer & Eccentric i Thursday August 29 2002 ( • )

CLEANERS NEEDED EDUCATION INSIDE HELP for commer LINCARE INC MANAGER CUSTOMER FU LL TIME PAINTERB/PAINTERS Production Supervisor Part time evenings in the Sylvan Learning Centers the cial laundry Part time Good Full service car wash Up to H ELP ER S must have trans Wayne Beileviiie Romuius SERVICE Rental Consultant Growing light production facil nation s leader in supplemen pay Will train right person A national leader In respirato $15 per hour Paid vacation & portation Call Todd at area Call 734 479 4733 or tal educational services is Some evemngs & weetends Call 734-729 4740 ry and medical equipment in personal days health benefits ity needs supervisor for after REPRESENTATIVES (734) 261 0493 noon shift wlllmg to give the 800 278 1884 seeking a Director of Education required No real estate Insur the home is seeking Right pay for right person Are you looking for an JANITORIAL SUPPLIES right hands on individual an employment opportunity that for our center in BELLEVILLE aitce necessary $ 170 0 734 775 2370 248 347 6199 SALES REP PART TIM E opportunity to succeed Strong offers a sense of reward? One Responsibilities include month training guaranteed for CUSTOMER TRUCK DRIVER WANTED administering a positive first 4 months Commissions Full time/part time High com SERVICE communication skills a must where you can truly help missions Fax resume to Rent A Center Products Excellent benefit package people make a difference? If instructional environment and typically S25K 30K In first REPRESENTATIVE MANAGERS/ Service is seeking someone conduct parent conferences In 586 323 3514 Position requires exceptional Send resume to Box 0341 you enjoy handling busy year $3SK $40K possible in who would be available on call addition excellent organiza phone and order processing ASSISTANT Observer & Eccentric News phones can work a flexible 2nd year E mail resume to during vacations absences tion communication and man skills MANAGERS papers 36251 Schoolcraft schedule and have outstanding LJenmngs Dembny@apart ect Must have chauffeurs agement skills are required Highly motivated friendly Rd Livoma Ml 48150 communication skills this mentsearch com or fax 734 license or be able to obtain Certified only 734 699-6800 F o r T h e SERVICE or fax 248 926 9001 may be just for you' We offer 981 4384 or apply in person individuals w/ integriy & one Some heavy lifting REPRESENTATIVE paid training health benefit at 42711 Ford Rd Canton organizational skills want required Good driving record Apartment Search Position requires delivery of ed for Clark Retail Stores required 24 cube truck paid holiday personal and equipment to patients homes Electrical M o s t 1 800 292 9404 ext 3927 Cali (734) 591 7500 Ask for vacation days life insurance GATEHOUSE ATTENDANT as well as warehouse repson PROPERTY Tom or Fax (734) 591 9905 long term disability and 401k Maintenance Tech Part time afternoons/nights sibilities Medical background MANAGERS & Previous experience in a high 3rd Shift for Dearborn Heights area C o m p l e t e and delivery exp helpful Must MANUFACTUING LABOR LEASING volume call center is a must apartment community Great have good driving record with indoor precast construction PARTS DRIVER We offer a base plus com An established and well rec opportunity for right person CDL Hazmat endorsement some heavy lifting $8 50/hr CONSULTANTS mission compensation struc WANTED ognized bottler and distribu Please call (313)562 3988 to start Health Insurance Also learn to work a busy CNC LATHE ture allowing an earning R e n t a l tor of water products is cur Lincare provides competitive Wixom (248)669 9886 parts counter Excellent pay Join an industry leader' potential up to $24k in your Midwests leading prop OPERATORS rently recruiting for an GENERAL salary & benefits and benefits for right person first year If interested forward Electrical Maintenance Tech MARKETING/ erty management firm is resume to Department CSOE ACCOUNTING CLERK OPERATIONS MANAGER Apply v/ithm Moran After 25 years in the same for Its 3rd Shift Operations Listing In Please apply in person to seeking motivated self Weight Watchers Farmington for elderly assisted living Mitsubishi 29310 Telegraph location Loc Performance PO Box 9072 Farmington in Plymouth Ml Ideal candi starters to fill several Hills Headquarters has an Expenenced only Take charge Road Southfield has moved to our Beautiful Hills Mi 48333 9072 or fax to date will have years expe LINCARE INC positions at our apart 2+ exciting opportunity for a yp e person Fax resume & New Facility' We have 248 324 1502 EOE rience running and maintain the Detroit 36943 Schoolcraft Livoma ment communities in immediate openings for sev general accounting clerk or fax 734-432 0159 salary history 248 569 1310 Parts Shipping & Receiving Oakland County ing high speed packaging & Candidate must have a at Lawn Equipment Distnbu era! CNC Lathe Operators filling equipment A/8 PLC Managerial candidates As always our shop runs For the best auto minimum ot 3 years torship Full/part time Apply should have property Experience Required Tech MECHANIC TRAINEE two 12 hour shifts day shift classifications check experience In the following Area...Look Machinist at 739 S Mill St Plymouth management experience meal certification or degree For light service work starts at 6 AM and the night areas bank reconciliations CIRCULAR FORM GRINDER 734 453 6258 or Sales hospitality or out the Observer & preferred Additional week shift starts at 6 PM We financial statements sales tax Experience with the following Pay neg (734) 261 9150 Fax 734 453 5320 leasing experience pre Eccentric Newspaper end overtime will be offer a very competitive computations account NO Further! helpful B & S 13 Royal Oak ferred but not required It s all about required to support the benefit package Send your reconciliation and receivables 0 D & ID Grinder MECHANICS WANTED PAYROLL ADMIN for Leasing candidates resume or apply in person RESULTS' needs of the business Position requires an excellent Please send resume to 0350 Signing Bonus after 90 days Needed for utility contracting All applicants should Submit resume to Attn math aptitude with 10 Key and JANITORIAL Observer Newspapers GB Sales & Service Inc has firm with 200 employees have excellent communi LOC PERFORMANCE Electrical Maintenance Tech computer proficiency BA in We want the besti 36251 Schoolcraft immediate openings for expe Must be reliable responsible cation & problem solv rienced mechanics to repair PRODUCTS INC 3rd Shift P O Box 701248 Accounting or equivalent Transportation & motivation a Livoma Ml 48150 and proficient at MS Excel ing skills as well as an 13505 Haggerty Road Customer Service/ Plymouth Ml 48170 Or tax degree is necessary We offer must Troy Southgate & foridifts We have openings and MS Access Friendly eye for detail and com for on the road mechanics at Plymouth Ml 48170 Dispatch resume to (734) 416 3810 competitive wages and a Wixom Mon Fri part time Maintenance Assistant energetic working environ mitment to excellence In E mail hr_manufacturing bothourWarren and Plymouth menu Salary/ benefits based Phone 734 453 2300 Fast paced time sensitive comprehensive benefit eves Soutfield part time am Reliable person with return we offer top com ©hotmail com E O E package If qualified forward locations We offer competi on exp Fax resume with Fax (new) 734-453 2070 courier company looking for Call 313 831 9179 ext 222 transportation full time pensatlon including per your resume with salary five wages paid vacation and salary requirements to Cheryl Pkabel@locpercom flexible person who can multi formance based bonus requirements to Dept AGON JA N ITO R IA L 7 Mile/ New beneftts no exp needed holidays We pav 100% of @(313) 491 1482 EOE M/F/V/D task with good computer ELECTRICIAN JOURNEYMAN es full medicai/dental The WW Group Inc P O Box burgh & Northwestern area Livoma area 734 2614887 your medical and dental insur benefits 401k & excel skills Call Debbie @ Experienced in fire repairs 9072 or fax to 248-324 1502 Experienced in floor care ance premiums * floating PETUND lent growth potential 73 4728 2020 Benefits 248 789 6793 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR EOE $850$9/hr 734-434 8218 holiday 401k matching life TWELVE OAKS MALL For immediate consider­ ^ CNC MILL Experienced for Canton apt and disabiiiy insurance DELIVERY PERSON Looking for animal lovers ation please mail/fax GENERAL HELPER communiy Great opportuniy To apply call Ron at OPERATOR For office equipment bust LANDSCAPE Job openings in part/full time resume or stop in at Full time for Farmington Hills for right person Please call 734-455 5150 or apply Must be familiar with 3 D ' ness Heavy lifting required LABORERS NEEDED animal care Apply in person VILLAGE GREEN Apartment 248-851 0111 (248) 474 9500 or fax in person or by mail to contour mold milling Good driving record and cus We are looking for seif moti resume to (248) 473 5480 (248) 4497340 MANAGEMENT Days/nights Benefits Medical Prescription 401k 39550 Schoolcraft Rd /Vtn Lee Ann Varner tomer skills essential GENERAL UBOR vated hardworking tandscap Apply 13050 Inkster Rd Plymouth Ml 48170 30833 Northwostern (248) 967 1000 etc Must have good driving Growing production facility is ers for year round worir Redford S of 96 Don t think you have enough PHARMACIST Hwy record Call/fax 734 207 8368 looking for Individuals to fill Benefits good wages based MAINTENANCE experience? We will tram' DIRECT CARE STAFF well established neighbor Suite 300 all shifts Entry level training on experience If you are Looking for qualified persons SUPERVISORS hood pharmacy with loyal Farmington Hilfs Ml FITNESS positions available Excellent interested in this opportunity CNC M ILL to work in the carecar please call for an interview MOLD SET UP customers is seeking a pro 48334 INSTRUCTOR benefit package Send resume Leading Midwest property fessionat who is patient/cus Prototype/detailrimuiype/uewii workwuin t Areas field $7 70 $8 20 hourly today (248) 347 5970 POSITION Fax (248) 538 2739 to Box #0342 Observer & management Company premier prototype shop look wage benefits Cali programs Plastic Blow Molding Company tomer oriented for full & part wwwvillagegreen com Eccentric Newspapers 3 6 ^ 1 seeking experienced ing for highly skill ed marhachm listed below Canton Township is accepting LANDSCAPE ESTIMATOR, Peeking individual for mold time employment Closed Schoolcraft Rd Livonia Ml Maintenance Supervisors major holiday & Sundays ist Air conditioned IDays ROMULUS applications for the position Design Salesperson Needed Set Up position Experience 48150 or fax 248 926 9001 to join our expanding Overtime Delta Research 734 942 1959 of Fitness Instructor (Land) immediately Full or part time Come practice where you will teams in Oakland couny preferred but not required (will Livonia Ml Call for interview H S Graduate or equivalent Commission sales plus Must be appreciated Fax or e mail WAYNE GENERAL LABOR & Minimum requirements train) Strong mechanical fbill 734 261 6400 or fax 734 261 and interest in physical fitness be expenenced Flexible hrs resume to Mills Pharmacy PUBLIC WORKS 734 721 8419 include basic knowledge y and trouble shooting skills Birmingham 248 647 3294 0909 WWW deirecorp com and exercise promotion Must MAINTENANCE Apply in person only Cnmboti required Abiliy to work m a LIVONIA of plumbing electrical & andrew@mlllsphamacy com FOREMAN possess current IDEA ACE or Immediate openings Top dol Landscape Contractors Inc 734 591 0272 HVAC E)«:ellent comnen team oriented environment Canton Township is accepting CNC PROGRAM- A FA certification Ability to lar paid Benefits available 50145 Foi^ Rd Canton Ml Competitive salary and bene applications for the position Trained on call staff $9/hr sation plus bonuses bene PUNT ENGINEERING & work days evenings (248) 477 7727 fits send resume to of Public Works Foreman MERS/SET-UP For further information call or fits and opportunities for MAINTENANCE MANAGER weekends and holidays or LAWN CARE HR Considerable Knowledge of VMC experience required leave message 313 255 6295 advancement Sign on A fast growing multi state flexible schedule $18 $21 per G EN ER A L LABORER / the materials methods and Clean shop w/air conditioning $8/hr to start bonuses available For 1236 Watson Ave bottle water company current DIRECT CARE STAFF for hr Applications can be picked MACHINE OPERATOR Ypsilanti Ml 48198 9114 techniques commonly used in inWixom (248) 735 2428 (734) 595 7348 consideration please for ly has an opening for a Plant Canton or Northvllle Valid up at the Canton Township Wixom Full time or fax to (734) 481 8790 public works activities ward resume to Engineering & Maintenance drivers license, high school Personnel Division 1150 S 248 735 2428 Considerable experience in a COLLECTIONS LAW K CREW - Experienced Manager who would directly diploma or G tD S8/hr to Canton Center Rd Canton for lawn maintenance & land MORTGAGE CLOSER variety of public works Sterling Heights Co seeks GRANITE DISTRIBUTOR Village Green manage and supervise all start + benefits Mon Fri 9am Ml 48188 An application scaping Great pay Please call Birmingham Mortgage construction and maintenance Collections exp with some looking tor energetic workers Management engineering and maintenance 3pm In canton Cali Sheryl form IS also available on the (313) 541 6824 Broker/lender is looking for a activities with some automotive background a for shop work & Installation Attn Sharisse Myren activities across a multi shift 734-397 6939 In Redford call Canton Township website at 30833 Northwestern Hwy highly motivated individual to supervisory experience plus Great benefits' Good measuring & tool skills a prepare closing documents operation A technical degree Vivian 313 541 1740 WWW canton mi org All LEASING Suite 300 preferred Associates Degree must Non-smoker preferred confirm and schedule clos with five years of experience applicants must complete a Farmington Hills Ml in Management Business Care Positions avail 734-453 5263 CONSULTANT mgs discuss with borrower or a minimum of ten years of Canton Township application 48334 Administration Public }344^m*Fn344-67l» able working with people in AIMCO the nation s largest funds needed to close and to proven/documented expert form in its entire^ and be Fax (248) 538 2758 Administration or any Sitiaii iote itre@|ireiligy net their homes competitive pay Grounds Keeper needed for property management com handle post closing issues as ence is required We offer received by Canton Township Equal Opportunity combination of experience & benefits all shifts paid private residence In Ann pany has an opening for a they arise Must be willing to Medical Dental and 401 (k) and training which provides COMMUNITY RELATIONS Personnel Services prior to Arbor Full time position with Employer Please send resume to training great peoiide mean Leasing Consultant at its work overtime Salary based the required knowledge MANAGER 4pm September 13 2002 Attn Maintenance Mgr #14 ingful WOlK 734 728 4382 benefits available Farmington Hills location on experience Please fax your abilities and skills S 1 Water Part Tims Resurttes wilt not be accepted PO Box 701248 Please call (734) 623 8588 Indbpendence Green resume to 734 468 0668 License or the ability to obtain College degree or equivalent DISPATCHER without completed written Plymouth M! 48170 Apartment Homes is a 981 Attn Human Resources license within 12 mos work exp in business com Full service transportation co application form No faxed GROUNDSMEN unit premier community MAINTENANCE TECH Fax (734) 416 3810 Property management com Salary $43 400 $54 000/yr munications and/or public IS looking for a Dispatcher with applications vrill be accepted Part/full time Licensed located in Farmington Hills Mortgage Closing Analyst E mail hr.manufactunng® pany has full time openings Applications can be picked up relations The manager will knowledge of the area The Charter Township of (734) 522 0484 Ml The successful candidate Washington Mortgage hotmail com EO E for various locations Must at the Canton Township create manage and supervise Customer service/dnver skills Canton does not discriminate must have proven previous Company m Southfield is look HAIR STYLIST SARANOA S have 2 yrs experience in Personnel Division 1150 S public relations for a must Hours 10am 6pm Fax on the basis of race color leasing expenence be cus ing Tor a full time individual PLUMBER is now under new ownership heating electrical & gas fur Canton Center Rd Canton Clarenceville School District resume with salary require national origin sex religion tomer service oriented and for our closing department Experience helpful but & looking for exp motivated naces plumbing carpentry Ml 48188 or send a self and other tasks as assigned ments to 734 261 4401 age or disability in have a dynamic personality If Experience and great commu not necessary Full time professional stylist Clientele etc Benefits Fax resume to addressed stamped business Salary is commensurate with employment or the provision you feel you are the right nication skills required Duties (734) 398 6971 OODR TO DOOR waiting Westland LIvoma (248)352 2837 size envelope to above education and exp with a of services An Equal person for this job then fax include preparing closing doc APPOINTMENT SEHERS area Call Mary 734 728 4834 address to request a Public range of $15 000 to $20 000 Opportunity Employer a resume to Brenda Norts uments woriiing directly with PLYMOUTH Apply in wrting to Home Improvement Co is ir MAlHTENANCEHr Works Foreman application seeking full time canvassers F IH E R / W E L D E R Needed for HALLMARK STORE Community Manager at 248 clients title companies SUPERCENTER form An application form is Pamela J Swert Executive Mature person Experienced Detailers & Porters Wanted to )o n our crew Job involves Detroit Meta! Fabrication MANAGER 476 0860 or email processors and nvestors also available on the Canton D rector 20210 Mddlebelt Exp helpful Full time days & door to door appt setting tor shop Must be experienced at our Livonia location Call 041514@aimco com Tools live on site Suburban Senef ts include Med cal den Townsh p website at Rd Lvoma Mi 48152 afternoons Retirees welcome estimates Mon Sat $10/hr and able to read blueprnts 248 865 9962 Or fax resume apartment complex Good pay tai 401 (k) and a pleasant WWW canton mi org Job working environment Ask for Martin or Bob COOKS wanted full or part plus weekly bonuses 313 653 4220 to 248 865 9963 LEASING References 248 352 2220 description will be posted at time Days & nights Apply Transportation provided CONSULTANT Please fax your resume and 734 459 9100 the Township Administration HQURSE FARM NEEDS MANAGER salary requirements to within Dunleavys in Call Karen or Kevin N o what It la. Needed for Westland and Novi Building All applicants must matter BARN HELP Experienced licensed Real Heather M Sanders Plymouth 340 N Mam 248-478 8600 apartment communities Must PRESS OPERATOR complete a Canton Township know! will finrf it In my Northvllle area 10161 6 Mile Estate Professional needed for (248) 827 4124 734 455 3700 have an outgoing personally needed for metal stamping co application form in its entire^ DRIVE NEW CARS O&E Claasifiedd' 248 867 4586 248 349-3430 large Franchise Realty Co and be received by Canton and excellent closing skills NAIL TECH Birmingham busy Must have highschool dipto COUNSELOR ONTO RAILCARS Responsibilities include office Township Personnel Services Full time with benefits inciud ma or GEO We offer compet for Alternative Education Full time good pay + benefits HOUSEKEEPERS management training & dayspa No acrylics prior to 4pm September 6 needed Must possess NT High school graduate with ing 401 (k) Please fax resume recruiting Good career Clientele waiting Good pay' itive wages & benefits Mail or Fax resume to 2002 Resumes will not be endorsement Part time Call clean driving record Apply RESIDENTIAL to Danielle at (248) 569 1508 opportuniy for qualified indi C A LL NOW')W' (24 81629 )...... 4976.. accepted without completed Advance Engineering Co Jack Pelon at 734 762-8430 Caliber Auto Transfer of Detroit NEEDED vioual Send resume in confi written application form NO 1461 Schaefer Hwy LEASING AGENT dence to Attn Susan Hecter COUNTER & OFFICE NEW PIZZERIA faxed applications will be Melvmdale Ml Seeking a reliable individual Box #0325 12025 Dixie Ave Part & Full Time Steve s Deli •Full or Part Time ts willing to pay top dollar for accepted The Charter Bring current driving record FLOORING INSTALLERS who like to work with people Observer & Eccentric Redford Ml 48239 Bloomfield Hills •Mon thru Fri full time EXPERIENCED Township of Canton does not for immediate consideration Must have exp own tools to jom our team You will Fax 313 537 4240 248 932 0800 •No nights holidays wkends PIZZA MAKER Please call discri.minate on the basis of truck & Insurance lease apartments at two 3 6 2 5 fS o lc r a ft Rd race color national origin •$10/1ir while cleaning (313) 587 3812 Counter Clerk & DRIVER (734) 762 0030 locations Livonia & Dearborn Livonia Ml 43150 PRINTING sex religion age or disability Cleaners Royal Oak area Paid •Paid Mileage for local food service FLORAL DESIGNER •Paid Weekly This IS a full time position with MANAGER 2 positions Graphic in employment or the vacation and holidays Call NO EXPERIENCE provision of services An company 313 925 1975 Full time Must have 2 years •Health Insurance competitive compensation & Experienced licensed Real Designer/Pre Press for count 248 280 1840 Equal Opportunity Employer shop experience Plymouth •Wori( in teams of 2 benefits Call 313 2 77 1280 or Estate Professional needed for NECESSARY!! er sales Experienced neces COUNTER HELP WANTED DRIVER area Call Pat (734) 507 0487 Apply in person fax resume to 313 563 7251 large Franchise Realty Co Entry Level Training sary email 1 yr experience & CDL Responsibilities include office Tues thru Sat or part time SWEEPING BEAUTIES LEASING CONSULTANT Welding Truck Driving Heavy buy orders@comcast net PURCHASING Apply at U Take The Cake w/Hazmat For dedicated over FOOD WHOLESALER management training & 8528 Canton Center Rd Part time for Dearborn Equipment Operation Tuition Sterling Heights Co seeks 42865 5 Mile Rd Plymouth the road lane (313)268 7234 MANUFACTURER recruiting Good career Canton Just S of Joy Rd Heights area apartment com Financing/Job Placement individual for P O Tracking 734 420 0317 is looking for qualified person opportuniy for qualified indi PRODUCTION DRIVER munity Great opportunity for Assistance available and interfacing with sales with basic computer & math HVAC viaual Send resume in confi ASSISTANT COUNTER POSITION C D L Thactor Trailer right person Please call CALL TODAY" personnel Top Benefits' skills who Is mechanically EXp Installers for residential dence to Entry level mdividuat to assist Dry Cleaners Livonia area Competitive salary & inclined to operate candy (313) 562 3988 construction full time Box #0325 1 800 673 1741 in the testing and purification part time afternoons for inter benefits Steel & building packaging machine benefits w/benefits (248)698-9700 LEASING CONSULTANT Observer & Eccentric of refrigerant gases Training cview call 734 425 0840 supply deliveries m tn coun^ Westland location Fax OFFICE MANAGER Part time ]• Fax 344 6704 Part flme for West Bloomfield certification and benefits area Apply at Smede Son resumes to 734 641 6095 or afternoons & evenings Com jobs dreSprodigy set Steel 12584 Inkster Rd HVAC apartment commumy Great 3 6 2 5 ^ *S o lc fa ft Rd provided 734 414 8800 COUNTER TOP call Shirley 734-641 3353 Livoma Ml 43150 puter experience necessary Redford Ml 48239 Duct installers New construe opportuniy for right person FABRICATOR tion Steady wori( Benefits Please call (248) 682 2950 Friendly & organized is a Custom laminator and solid DRIVER FOREMAN WANTED 734 655 1360 MANAGER COUPLE must (248) 4 77 5190 surface experience only Office supplies and furniture Highly self motivated for For mid size upscale Livoma LEASING apartment community This Pontiac area Medical dental Co in Livonia Must know tri landscape company Must HVAC INSTALLER OPTOMETRiC OFFICE team position requires previ CARRIER and vacation benefits Call county area Call Mr Sanford have at least one year of Spiro exp own tools and CONSULTANT/ Needs Assistant ous maintenance admimstra (248) 338 1238 734 525 8268 crew leadership and land transporation part time flexi with Optical experience Good ble hours evenings CLERICAL tive and Leasing experience as scape experience We offer hours pay & benefits NEEDED CPA Local financial services Part time Mon Fri 9 well as a professional appear DRiVER/EQUiPMENT competitive wages and bene References (248) 797 0674 firm in Plymouth 1 2 yrs exp 2 30pm Downtown Birming ance and attitude Current O 734 284 2020 O in bookkeeping & tax prepara OPERATOR fits Cal! (248) 347 5970 INDEPENQENT CQNTRAC ham high rise apartments drivers license drug & back Farm ington tion Exc benefits & pleasant Local $10 $12/hr entry TORS Home every night Ail Call Ltbby 248 645-1191 ground check required working environment For Call 313 937 8913 Redford FRANKLIN CIDER shifts available Need late Benefits include private he bps teaiTil Work In a immediate consideration MILL model van for dedicated van LEASING home utilities salary & professional environ F-105 please fax resume with salary Drivers Carriers needed for $6 12 an hour Full and part routes Al Cox 800 589 2150 BC/BS Call (734) 981 4917 or at Southeastern early morning newspaper CONSULTANTS history to 734 354 6603 time No exp needed ' 5ume to (734) 981 4924 ' Middlebelt from 14 Mile to Gilcrest delivery 7/dayswk. $140/wk Seasonal Sept Oct Nov INK MIXER Full and part time for brand > Shewsbury from Northwestern to Lochmoor guaranteed NW suburbs new Hartland apt communiy Apply at 14 Mile and Franklin Exp for screen printing shop CREDIT CLERK Call 248 4 77 1290 Great opportuniy for right ' Tareyton from Gilcrest to Lochmoor Rd (248] 626 2968 Medium size company in no textiles full time people Please call • Queensboro from Tareyton to Lochmoor DRIVERS / W AREHOUSE C irculation Farmington Hitls is seek Plymouth area 734-453 7850 With C D L B license to dnve (810) 632 4800 ' Gilcrest from Shrewsbury to Middlebelt ing a credit cledi w/2 3 FRONT DESK STAFF/ full time for local deliveries yrs experience Candid RE8ERVATI0NIST D i r e c t o r =-106______Full benefits Apply in person ate must have Excel Island House Hotel Mackinac or call 248 347 6290 51740 ' Friar Ct from Northwestern to Briarcrest Account Analysis and Heres a chance to grow circulation for one Grand River Wixom Ml Island Ml Housing available CARRIER • Balmoral from Nottingham to Briarcrest payment reconciliation discounted meals and dollar of1he nations newest daily newspapsis • Nottingham from Friar Ct to Balmoral skills Full time position DRIVERS/WAREHOUSE an hour bonus 45 hours per located tn the heart of the states fastest NEEDED • Briarcrest from Friar CL to 1 Mile Rd includes benefits & 401K Full time benefits Chauffeurs week $650 per hour Must growing and most affluent counties Our two 1 Call HR Manager 248 license & lumber knowledge be available tc work until late • Lochmoor from Briarcrest to Middlebelt 476 7850 X2264 or fax Timberlane Lumber 42780 W October Call Ryan at Redford year old daily The Livingston Couny Press resume 248 476 3828 10 Mile N ovi 248 349 2300 & ^gus (ftie first paper in Michigan to go =-45______1 (800) 626 6304 ■ Hawthorne from Shiawassee to Fink ir DUCT CLEANERS it dally in more than 50 years) has a paid CUSTOM DECK BUILDER wwwtheislandhouse com R-17 ' Cora from Shiawassee to Fmk Looking for Carpenter and $11/hr to start circulation of 13 000 daily and 15 000 Laborer Own transporation N o experience necessary FULL TIME HOMESERIVCE • Seven Mile Road from Norborneto Kinloch Sunday We are looking for the pereon who ' Shiawassee from Hawthrone to Cora (248) 471 1543 Will tram Paid vacations SALES POSITION • Wakenden from Seven Mile Road to Grand River ' Versailles PL Apartments Paid Only Uniforms Benefits Great Amencan National Insurance can take us to 20 000 paid We ^so have CUSTOMER SERVICE REP opportunity for advancement Co mm training salary is R-124 four paid weekly newspapers in an adjoining F- 19 6 Insurance agency in Redford All trucks & equisment $500 per week plus benefits couny and our carrier force delivers a highly • Mayfair from 13 M ile to High Valley Exp preferred supplied N o v iVENTCORP Local office (734) 427 7854 • Garfield from Schoolcraft to Giendale Call Dave 734-459 9600 248-347 9300 successful 50 000 piece shopper Join us • Northwick from Mayfair to Ravenscroft EOE/ M /F/H • Brady from Schoolcraft to Glendale and you are joining an established solid • Mayfair Ct from Mayfair to W to Dead End R-125______C{»npany that expects to produce flie best • Northwick Ct from Mayfair to S to Dead End • Schoolcraft from Dixie to Bradv daily newspaper in Michigan F-244______Fall Internships • Sarasota from Schoolcraft to Glendale • Lon Dr from Scott to End Our ideal candidate has strong circulation • Salem from Schoolcraft to Glendale • Scott from 10 Mile to Marc ecperience vrith particular strengths in the • Ryan from Scott to End The award winning Observer & Eccentric Newspaper is offering D-147 areas of team leadership and marketing • Susan from Ryan to End paid fait internships in journalism To qualify you m ust be a junior • Fordson from Rockland to Kmloch He/she should be innovative and motivated • Lorraine from Scott to Marc or senior college student majoring in journalism or • West Chicago from Rockland to Kinloch by the opportuniy to make an important and • Marc from Scott to Lorraine communications, with at least a 3 0 uPA You can experience • Rockland from Plymouth to Elmira immediate impact This position is based in first hand what it s like working in a newsroom' Flexible schedule • Kinloch from Fordson to West Chicago Howell and offers a complete beneflts Contact Hom e Delivery Manager of 16 24 hours per week, afternoons and evenings, with some Contact pad^ge and excellent earnings potential N ikki Sm ith weekends Student photographers and reporters with sports Home Defivery Manager writing experience preferred If interested please fax your resume to 734-953-2242 517 548 5545 Interviews will begin soon If you qualify, please send resume with wntmg/photography .nm H ertford or sa m p le s to as we hope to fill the position by October 1 734-9534238 or U nda English The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Internship Program UndaEngUsh H ^ j e T o w n 734-953-2239 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, Mi 48150 734-9534239 323 E Grand River Ave Howell Ml 48843 E-rn aii: [email protected] EOE O bserver ^ SteenW e Fax (734) 953-2057 (Obsm rer^ Eccentric NEWSMPERS Observer S Eccentric I Thursday August 29 2002 wwwQbserverandeccentric com

FARMINGTON HILLS - Charm CANTON - Fabulous Condo 2 BR 2 LIVONIA - Dont Miss This On©' 4 BR NOVI - Must See Its like buying a new NOVI - Waded Lake Lakefront Home INKSTER - Lovely brick ranch 3 bed BR 2 BA Bungalow is Extremely BA End Unit Condo backs to Nature 2 BA Brick Cape Cod Located on a home 3 BR 1 5 BA ranch w/oversized Wowl Stop Look' Buy! This home s room brick ranch with large finished Mainta ned Fam Rm Addition remod Preserve White Merillat Kit Lrg Mstr Large Lot in L vonia w/Livonia Schools' FR w/frpic & woodsy views Doorwall to prred to sell move n ready dollhouse basement & ful; bath Updated kitchen eled in 2001 w/Gorgeous French Doors w/Jacuzzi Tub & Skylight Gas FPL FR w/FPL Lbrar> & Loft Oversized deck Finished Basement newer on Walled Lake is ready for your enter w/oak cabinets & tile floor Newer win Leading to Deck Newer GAR Roof & w/Marble Surround Hrdwd Firs LL is Laundry Room Newer Baths Windows kitchen w/spacous eating space 6 taming Private lake lot w/seawall and dows baths garage & deck $99 900 Windows $144 900 (1OAL0) 734 455 ready for bath $209 000 (61 MEA) 734 Electrical Siding & Roof $184 900(97 panel wood door Crown molding & dock Bring your fishing rods & sun (52BIR) 248 349-5600 5600 455 5600 SUN) 734 455 5600 newer windows 2 car garage & more to screen $259 900 (05EAS) 248 349

WESTLAND - Great Curb Appeall 3 ROMULUS - Cozy & Updated Ranch' 3 CANTON - Woods Pord & Peaceful! 3 NOVi - Cut Above Amenities abound BR 2 BA Brick Ranch w/over 1300 SF Br 2 C Garage Newer Roof Shingles BR 2BA Don t Miss This Updated and Taking a Look At' 3 BR 2 BA ranch on Luxury living in this 4 BR 4 5 BA 3 in 4 bedroom colonial w/soaring ceil of Living Area Enpy the Recent Vinyl Siding Gutters & Nice New Bath' Exquisite Ranch' Newer Roof Central approx 1 acre of total privacy Home frpics & finished w/o LL w/full kitchen & mgs 2 staircases granite counters Addition of an Oversized FR Great Oak Kitchen Family Room w/Fpi Air Siding & Water Heater All of this on does need a major Face lift but does sauna Healed ceramic flooring Backs plantation shutters brick patio/wrought w/Doorwall Updated Country KIT & Newer Berber Carpet Updated a 13 Acre Lot overiootng Pond Stream have great potential Priced well below to the 3rd Fairway of Tanglewood Golf iron cul de sac location Prof land Updated BA w/Jet Tub Newer Carpet Windows Freshly Painted $121 900 & Woods' $284 900 {34THO) 734 455 homes in area Bring all offers Community Too many Features to list A scaped w/Northville Schools $567 000 WIN FUR&C/A$69 500(29BEE)734 (15MIC) 734 455 5600 5600 Immediate occupancy $214 900 must see $649 900 (79STG) 248 349 (97AUT) 248 349 5600 455 5600 (25SHA) 248 349 5600 5600 O m u K

REDFORD - Beautifully Updated MILFORD - Step Up & Take A Look 3 W ALLED LAKE - Fabulous 3 bedroom Ranchi 3 BR 1 5 Ba Gorgeous & Totally BR 2 BA Newer Raised Ranch Home' I 3 Sellers have outgrown this very well ranch with 2 car garage Huge deck & updated Country Citcben Open Floor Beautiful Hrdwd Firs in Entry GR Hall maintained condo Neutral carpet fresh paint Beautifully updated bath All Plan Spacious Living room Vinyl & DR Freshly Painted & Newer ceramic kitchen & bath Walk in closet in kitchen & laundry appliances included Windows New Roof Baths Updated Carpeting Appis Stay' Oak Trim T/O & Master Built in microwave Doorwall Large kitchen & deck $459 900 Partially Finished Basement 2C gar Overs zed 2 C Garage' $199 900 Town & Country leads to large deck Finished basement (70EDD) 248 349 5600 » $144 900 (90 COL) 734 455 5600 (55MIL) 734 455 5600 $131 900 (25EAS) 248 349 5600

PLYMOUTH NORTHVILLE 705 South Mam St. 175 CadyCentre

734-455-5600 248-349-5600

PLYMOUTH - Begs to Entertain' 2 BR PLYMOUTH - Ultimate Pnvacyl 4 BR SOUTH LYON - Lake Angela Co Op A NORTHVILLE - Unique 1947 built farm 25 BA Condo w/Large Living Room 3 5 BA Located on a Cul de Sac & Michigan’s #1 $200 monthly fee includes taxes nsur house with addition built in 1974 all sit Kitchn & Dining Room fit for the Backs to Dense Woods' Bay WINDs ance heat water and all maintenance uated on an approx 59 acres right in Entertaining Type! Lower Level Family CROWN MOLDING & CATH CEIL FR Newer kitchen Great view Private Northville Loads of storage sprawling Room w/Outside Entrance to Garage W/FPL 1st FLR Laundry Fm W/O Basement Move in condition $65 000 sq ftg fin LL w/frp!c Large GR $162 900 (65DRA) 734 455 5600 w/RECRM KIT & Full Bath Lush Century 21 Firm! (94SAN) 248 349 5600 w/addn I frpic newer windows updated Grounds $394 500 (20 NOR) 734 455 kit w/all appliances $279 906 (75BEC) 5600 248 349 5600

— i

DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Fabulous' DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Fantastic' 3 WESTLAND - Lots to offer' 3 BR 2 5 W BLOOMFIELD - Pride of Ownership W BLOOMFIELD - 4 Year New Ranch NORTHVILLE ~ Spac home on 2BR 2 5 BA Ranch on Nearly an Acre' BR 1 5 BA Brick Ranch w/Rec Room & BA Brick Ranch on a Tree Lined Street Original owners have taken loving care Open airy 3 BR 2 BA GR w/gas approx 2 acres Loads of extras custom Upgraded Custom Kit w/appis & cer fir Florida Room' Country Ktichen Private Updates incl Roof Furnace C/A Water of this 4 BR colonial w/country kitchen & frpic/skylights vaulted ceiling in GR & built home inci eat in kit butler pantry form dr fpl in LR & Woodstove in FR & Wooded Backyard 2 car Detached Heater V nyl Windows Bth & Large Eat many updats Lovely landscaping with MBR Jetted tub & tile shower in master wet bar skylights ceramic floor/ 1st fl Jacuzzi Tub in BA & Sky lights 8 car Garage Walk to Private & Public In ITif i.//nol/ r.Qhc PIM B Q fiiM T /Cull i»;alVinn nothe tn narke I arno tiloH miiH hath Cnil haeomant nailinn fane nan M P O M/hni tii+ ^ In RP full A 0.1/9 garage! $359 900 (17EVA) 734 455 Schools $134 900 (19PAR) 734 455 BA Fm w/o bsmt Finally w/o FR to pri 5600 5600 vate gazebo in the woods $674 OOO (94VAL) 248 349-5600

REDFORD - Move In Condition' 3 BR NORTHVILLE - Northville Twp SOUTH LYON - Many Updates! Dont TAYLOR - Updated 3 BR 1 BA ranch 2 BA Brick Front Ranch w/Finished Farmhouse Approx 100 year id home M iss this Beauty w/Many Updates Vinyl Privileges 3 BR 1 BA w/fuli basement Charmer with all the updates 3 BR 2 Full 1 5 car detached garage w/220 Basement includes Bath & Fireplace on 1 5 acres' 3 BR 2 BA & Room to Wir in 88 Lanscaped in 96 Updated & 2 5 car attached garage Very large BA colonial w/beautiful mainterance service & workshop Roof 00 & copper Large Country Kitchen hardwood floor Roam' Newer Vinyl Siding A/C & KIT & ELECT w/Breakers in 99 BSMNT fenced lot Doorwall to pleasant deck free exterior w/newer siding & shutters piumbing/circuit breakers All appli­ 2 car garage Many Improvements' Copper Plumbing FPL in LR w/Parlor w/GLS BLKWIN & Ready to Be Beautifully landscaped C/A beach & Large first floor laundry & tons of stor ances Low maintenance & low utility $139 900 (27GAY) 734 455 5600 Mud Rm $329 900 (00 SEV) 734-455 Finshedl 2 C Garage $172 873 (15 boat association Walled Lake Schools age An easy walk to downtown bills $89 500 (48ELM) 248 349-5600 5600 VAS) 734 455 5600 Lovely setting $176 000(16HAV) 248 Plymouth & fishing in Hines park 349 5600 $179 900 (51STA) 248 349 5600

LIVONIA - Attractive & Updated' 4 BR PLYMOUTH - Home Tour Candidate' 4 CANTON - Many Updates' 3 BR 1 5 PLYMOUTH - Classic Plymouth Walk SOUTH LYON - Custom Tanglewood WHITMORE LAKE - Enjoy sunsets 2 BA Well Maintained Home in BR 2 BA 1910 Bit & Recently BA Newer HRDWD Foyer Berber to & enjoy downtown from this 3 BR 1 5 Home Gold community Private lot with over Whitemore Lake from the balcony Desirable W Livonia 2 C Att GAR Renovated & Restored w/Ortginai Carpet in LR Stairs & BDRM Newer BA colonial w/hrdwd floors 9 5 ceilings walk out basement 4 BR 3 BA 2 1/2 of this 3 BR 2 BA 2 story condo Urge Remodeled Oak Kit hrdwd firs Fam Charm & Character' LR w/new Cozy Fpl Roof Siding C/A & Windows KIT wood moldings Beveled glass entry baths 3 car garage 2 story great room rooms ceramic foyer & batos end unit Rm w/fpi Roof Vinyl Siding & Walking & 3 Season FIN Porch for Added w/Updated CABs Counters FR w/FPL library overlooking garden & 2 car & foyer Bonus room off master bath backing to woods Neutral ddcor & 2 car Distance to Schools $227 000 (40LAD) Square Footage This is a MUST SEEI w/Brick Hearth Deck $205 000 (16 garage $299 900 (32BLU) 248 349 best of the best Unsurpassed level of garage $215000 (46LAK) 248-349- 734 455 5600 $259 400 (81 STA) 734 455 5600 WIN) 734 455 5600 5600 quality $850 000 (27P01) 248 349 5600

WESTLAND - Beautiful Livng Spaces' WESTLAND - WOW" 4 BR 2 5 BA REDFORD - White Picket Fence' SOUTH LYON - Walk Out Ranch 55+ CANTON - Sweet Townhouse Condo NOVI - Sharp End Unit Stop yoir 3 BR 1 5 BA Gorgeous Newer Kitchen Colon ai w/Over 2000sf m Cherry Oak Updated Bungalow in Great community Great location & view 2 BR All re done condo in Canton w/private search This 3 BR 1 5 BA unit is very FR w/Stone FPL & Skylights Lovely Estates LR FR & Forma! DR w/Soaring Neighborhood Custom Decorating 2 ceramic baths C/A & fan Large FR entrance Updates include carpet nice Ful! basement attached garage & Spacous LR w/Dining Area Pretty & Ceilings & FPL MSTR S w/WIC & Full Touches thru out make this Hoe Truly and Florida room Enjoy Summer & win kitchen bath appliances and HWH to more Newer carpet hardwood floor Private Rear Yard w/Arbored Deck Bath w/Garden Tub & Sep Shower FFL Unique Updates Windows Copper ter on Crooked Lake $142 000 (15 name a few Nicely decorated w/patio & paint & ded< Walk to the clubhouse Livonia Schools $174 900 (34 LON) BSMNT $239 800 (24 STE) 734 455 Plumbing Tear Off Roof GL BLK Win SHE) 248 349 5600 flowers Close to Freeways Plymouth w/pool and tennis courts You will not 734 455 5600 5600 $122 250 (24 WOO) 734 455 5600 Canton schools $120 415 (60ORC) find a nicer home $154900 (16 ROC) 248 349 5600 248 349 5600

294 E. Brown, Birmingham 4820 Rochester Road, Troy 26C0 Union Lake, Commerce Twp. 722 W. University, Rochester 7125 Orchard Lake, V/esI Bloomfield 705 S. Main St,, Plymouth 175 Cady Centre, Northville (248)642-8100 (248) 524-1600 (248)363-1200 (248)652-8000 (248)626-8800 (734)455-5600 (248)349-5600

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NORTHVILLE $829,900 NORTHVILLE $629,900 SOUTH LYON $449,900 NORTHVILLE $449,900 CANTON $399,900 PRESTIGIOUS GOLF COURSE GORGEOUS NEW HOME On the GOLFERS DREAM HOME backs to 1st TURN KEY CONDITION] IMMEDIATE LUXURY LIVING! Spacious col in a golf COMMUNITY! Spectacular home w/nearly prestigious Arnold Palmer golf course First fairway of Tanglewoodi LR w/vaulted ceiling OCCUPANCYI Lg home on ig lot with community 4 bdrms 2 5 baths 2 story foyer 4 200 SFl G R w/soaring ceiling gourmet floor mstr suite w/co:w frpl Designer kit w/ library lovely FR 4 B R 2 5 baths dramatic circular dirveway 4 BR 2 5 baths brand new w/hrdwd Light filled kit w/island Forma! LR/ kitchen w/granite counters dual staircase grahite counter tops Deep walk out bsmt w/ mstr ste w/glamour bath & more! (06SPY2) furnace & hwh Built in microwave & over D R FR w/frplc Brick paver patio 3 car gar butlers pantry & custom upgrades t/o extra windows (23B15444) Near downtown Northville! (OONOR2) (23M46491) (87MER2) 248-348-6430 734-455-7000 248-348-6430 248-348-6430 734-455-7000

NORTHVILLE $339,900 SUPER 5 BR NORTHVILLE COLONY H O M E* Updts Inci win roof furn AC/siding Prof fin bsmt 2 phone lines beautiful yard brick paver patio close to shopping/x way Highly rated Nthville schls' (4i POR2)


CANTON $289,975 LIVONIA $284,990 LIVONIA $239,900 CANTON $229,900 CANTON $224,900 APPLE PIE CONDITION/CANTON! Only GREAT COLONIAL IN COVENTRY COVENTRY GARDENS! Private court YOUR SEARCH IS OVERI This custom OUTSTANDING LOCATION! Great 6 yrs young! 4 bdrm colonial that has all GARDENS WEST! 4 B R 3 full baths setting on a huge lot Park In site distance colonial offers hardwood firs throughout 1 st neighborhood & curb appeall 4 BR 2 5 your dream amenities 2 5 baths 2 car att beautiful ^dtd kit w/oak cabinets Large FR w/fieldstone hearth Awesome fin fir laundry light bright kit updates baths 1 814 S F & updated oak kitchen gar Istfirlaundry brick paver patio backs overlooking FR w/fuil brick FP & doorwall to bsmnt w/fuil bath Great kit w/oak cabs and throughout & more'Fin bsmnt warranty & Newer furnace roof a/c & hdwd floor in to small park (23D1675) patio Nicely decorated t/o new windows much morel (033469) appliances! (D44300) foyer (26CAR2) roof & flooring (67ASH2) 734-455-7000 248-348-6430 734-591-9200 734-591-9200 248-348-6430

WESTLAND $204,900 WESTLAND $199,900 WESTLAND $189,900 LIVONIA $176,900 GARDEN CITY $174,900 HARD TO FIND 4 BR 2 5 BA home In HARDTO FIND RANCH HOME on popular GRACIOUSLY COMFORTABLE C H A R A C T E R & S T Y L E ' Home offers kit WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO! This Westland w/Livonia schools' Appreciate the private road Almost an acre lot with trees C O L O N IA L IS this Westland 3 B R 1 1/2 v//honey hickory ebs vaulted ceilings thru lovely traditional ranch sits on a large open well lit kit & dining area LRw/natural & privacy Tons & tons of updates wndws bath with full BSM T & att d 2 1/2 car gar out sunken FR dominated by handsome Country lot featuring 3 bedrooms 2 full baths FP & bay wndw spacious fenced yd fin entry drs vinyl siding & gutters deck & Deck air&built 1996 (S471) FP fin bsmnt and loads of updates You II dining room library breakfast nook and full bsmnt (H7836) much more' Come see! (035775) call it homel (09930) basement (V153)

734-591-9200 734-326-2000

GARDEN CITY $169,900 WESTLAND $163,500 REDFORD $159,900 WESTLAND $155,000 WESTLAND $154,900 COMPLETELY REMODELED & L IV O N IA S C H O O L S ! Updated 3 BR brick WELCOME TO THIS GREAT LOCATION! WANTED BUYER WHO APPRECIATES GOODBYE TENSION! Come home w th U P D A T E D New shingles vinyl siding & ranch fin bsmnt w/wet bar 2 5 car garage Views of a treed valley This ranch has 3 br V A L U E for this 3 or 4 bedroom Colonial on nothing to do but relax' You can m this windows Updated electrical panel & new & 1 5 baths Move right in! (F7661) 2 5 ba bsmt 2 car attd gar nd 1418 sq ft large lot with family room fireplace 2 full dramatic 2 br 1 5 ba condo Built with quality forced airfurnace 2 brand new baths New Also includes updates wndws rf siding baths newer roof and furnace and more and cared for with pride 1335 sq ft of kitchen w/ceramic floor (B286) kit &more' (LI 6742) (P359) gracious living' (P35577)

734-326-2000 734-591-9200

. t > . . Vi' . * r

REDFORD $153,900 WESTLAND $149,900 DEARBORN $149,900 LIVONIA $142,900 GARDEN CITY $139,900 3 BR, BRICK BUNGALOW, PRICED TO BEAUTIFUL ALL BRICK RANCH w/3 bed DEARBORN BUNGALOW' Brick 980 SF PAINT BRUSH SPECIALI Price under GET READYTO MOVE Into this 3 bedroom S E L L ! Come ready to roll up your sleeves & 2 bath Full finished basement w/workout/ 3 B R many updates including windows roof market this 1700 sq ft ranch on a huge lot 2 bath brick ranch Part finished basement discover the charm of this solid brick home office 2 car gar Lovely landscaped covered electric & AC Professionally landscaped has an updated kitchen huge family rm 4 2 car garage Home also offers a 16x20 New roof & gutters in 2000 Lg fenced yard patio & gardener's shed Updated kitchen w/ garage bsmt fenced yard & immediate BR Do some cosmetics and watch your and a 12x12 deck and a 15x30 above w/deck (94BEE2) custom cabinets (B343) occupancy (00MAD2) equity grow' (PI 9614) ground pool (L284)

248-348-6430 2200S2 734-326-2000 248-348-6430 PC 0/05U2 734-591-9200 734-326-2000

DEARBORN HEIGHTS $139,900 WAYNE $137,900 GARDENCITY $134,500 REDFORD $131,500 CANTON $128,800 HOME SHOWS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! 27 X 14 FAMILY ROOM!! Almost totally GORGEOUS GARDEN CITY LOOK NO FURTHER! UpdatesI Wallside MUCH DESIRED! Ground floor end unit Immaculate 3 BR 2 bth bnek Ranch Full updated this home has lots to offer 3 B U N G A L O W 3 bed 2 bath Fabulous windows furnace & c/a 01 Roof 99 glass Open floor plan featuring 2 bdrms 2 full bsmt 2 car garage updts incI roof CA bedrooms 11/2 baths new carpet/floonng professionally finished basement new block windows 02 hrdwdfirs 3 bdrm ranch ceramic baths Kitchen appliances are hwh plumb sprinklers security sys E of and windows refurbished hardwood floors windows new furn/AC new roof and super lg Ir dr full bsmt & 2 car gar (23R10000) staying Excellent condition! (23L42578) Telegraph S oft Joy (51VIR2) FL basement & morel (C345) sharp refinished hardwood floors (E294)

248-348-6430 734-326-2000 PC 2MAC2 734-326-2000 PC 230232 734-455-7000 734-455-7000

WAYNE $124,900 LIVONIA $124,900 REDFORD $122,900 REDFORD $114,900 FARM INGTON HILLS $111,900 OLD WORLD CHARM ON A DEAD END NO TIM E TO WAIT! This cute 1276 sq ft 3 SPOTLESS RANCH! Cozy 3 BR home w/ ACT QUICKLY ON THIS CUTE RANCH! A R A R E F IN D I2 br 2 ba one story ranch STREETTons of updates Newer roof PVC BR ranch is located on a Ig lot Offering lots of updates Fresh paint updated bath Nice neighborhood & quiet street close to condo Freshly painted all appliances stay privacy fence shed furnace water heater updates including a new furnace hwh vinyl newer roof furnace hawd floors & security elementary school Clean well maintined a private entrance & end unit quick A/C and service panel Clean and ready to wndws bath & more' (L20435) system Beautiful yardi (816EE2) has newer neutral carpet paint & linoleum possession (M24060) move in (B348) c/a basement w/glass block (K20114)

734-326-2000 734-591-9200 248-348-6430 734-591-9200 734-591-9200

BRIGHTON NOVI REDFORD REDFORD ENJOY PRIVACYYET SPACIOUS WOODED country FABULOUS UPDATED FARMHOUSE IN NOVII Novi G R E A T V A L U E O N T H IS full brick bungalow in South l o v e l y 3 b r 1 5 b a REDFORD BUNGALOW Hrdwd lot' Room to add on 4 B R 2 5 baths updated kitcherv schools 3 B R Istfim str 1 5bths hdwd firs Country Bedford! Full bsmnt some newer wndws 2 5 car floors new pergo floor in DR & kit neutral carpet bath new furnace & AC In 99 Easy x way access kit gasFPinLR Istfllaun bsmt 2 car gar ig porches je c/a upstairs BR w/adjacent 9x6 study area fresh paint - new pic wind poss 4th BR in part fin Great packageiV(70SPE2) on front & side of home Lg lot' (150LD2) inished 2 yrs ago Much more' (N11416) bsmnt - 2 car garage a must see' Warranty (FI 8507) $229,000 248-348-6430 $184,500 248-348-6430 $129,900 734-591-9200 $119,900 PC 0/0042 734-591-9200

Call Info Line at 888-REO -LIST, punch in the code #, get inform ation!

©Real Estate One, Inc., 2002 [ 0 s f l o P 2 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday August 29 2002 wwwobserverandeccentriccom

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Food/Beverage/ Restaurant MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST BARTENDERS EXPERIENCED FORD TELEMARKETING F U LL T IM E Immediate open Futl/part time days A CAREER IN SALES PERSONNEL REPRESENTATIVES ing for front desk at Livonia Apply in person ask for Rita REAL ESTATEI WANTED Family Practice office Sox Bar & Grill TMC a leading supplier of computer hardware Is looking Market Place Experience required Please 777 W Ann Arbor Tr Plymouth One of the area s fastest fax resume to 248 661 5374 A L L R E A L for telemarketing reps to gen CAKE DECORATOR growing dealerships is erate new business leads 1 2 Medical Receptionist ESTATE searching for self NEEDED yrs business to business tele Child Care 1 Needed Fuli time for busy COMPANIES ARE motivated responsible marketing and/or Inside sales pediatric office Experience Full or Part time Flexible salespersons experience required Typing Bahysilting Services helpful (734) 459 9260 hours In Westland area NOT THE SAME skills and pror computer 7 0 0 0 ’s (734) 261 3680 If you are serious about Great Location experience required We offer STAY AT HOME MOM has 3 U of M / Western Michigan MEDICAL RECORDS 8PE enter ng the business Great Benefits/401K flexible work schedules excel openings for infant thru pre Sept 7th Football Tickets CIALIST Large volume COOK and profession of Real school Great rates meals & Section 43 Row 66 $80 cash Great Pay Plan lent base pay+ incentives Mercliaiiilisii Southfield cardiology practice Temp to Perm Estate Sales you owe it To apply send resume to snacks Westland/Livonla for two (248)647 6717 seeking part time person for to yourself to investigate miche!et@temark com Call Pam 734 422 7214 office support Medical exp a 32 40 hrs for independent why we are #1 in the Please forward resume to U of M Football Tickets living center in Livoma 15'31 or fax 734 953 9705 plus but will tram Seniors & market place and best Box 0339 Aug 31 Washington Sept 7 7000 Absoutelyrtee (Iday) 7300 Commercial/lndustnal stay at home Moms welcome Newburgh Behind St Edith s suited to insure your c/o The Livingston County Child Care Needed Western Midhigan 4 each 7020 Antques/C^lsctibss Restaurant Equipment Call Susie (248) 357 1003 Church 734 464 9494 x24 success Daily Press & Argus WELLER TRUCK game 20yd Iine248 642 73731 323 E Grand River 7040 Ai1s&Craf:s 7320 Cwnputers j j y n S j j j Q COOKS & DISHWASHERS •#1 Rated franchise PARTS Day Care needed in my wanted for upscale public golf System Howell Ml 48843 the leading manufacturer of Garden City home for 2 chil Transportation I 7000 Aucton Sales 7340 Electron cs/AudoMdeo ASSISTANTS course Pleaseant work envi •Continuous heavy du^ drive train com dren ages 6 & 3 References Travel 7080 Rummage Salef lea 7360 M o Games Tapies Individualized Training ponents up to $9 50 hrly or $95/day ronment competfive pay and HOST/HOSTESS PART TIME is seeking an inOi required (734) 421 0451 Market Movies for live in + medical golf privileges Call 248 360 •100% Commission vidual to work outside Plan Needed in nev/ upscale con sales in the Detroit area DAYCARE NEEDED Fulltime DISNEY A R EA 6 nights at m Estate Sales 7380 Farm Equpment Transportation provided for 9595 or apply in person at domin urn community Ramada good for 1 yr Paid •Group Health Truck parts experience pre in Plymouth for baby and after live ms KIZANN MOMECARE THE LINKS OF NOVI Flexible schedules opportuni $599 sell $199 734 769 1443 7110 Qaage Saes Oakland 7408 Farm Produce Ftowers (734) 783 9372 Coverage ferred Excellent earning school for 7 & 10 year old COOKS Full & Part time ty for advancement Resume potential 401K plan insur 734-453 1267 248 540 7042 7120 GaageSaes-Wayne Plants •Free Pre Licensing i references required Please NEED RIDE to/from work Grill Saute & Deli help •Latest Technical ance pa d vacations plus 7130 MovngSaes 7410 UPek OFFICE CLERICAL Medical call 734 254 0781 to arrange Days Mon Fri Joy/Newburgh Apply in person many other benefits If you LATCH KEY HELPER exp a must Full time typing Computer Programs for Interview to Telegraph/VanBorn 7140 Cotting 7450 Hobbes Coirs Stamps Box Bar & Grill are a motivated individual For 3 kids ages 9 7 & 4 Exc filing scheduling etc Salary Enable You To Have The $50/wk 734 542 1114 7160 Household Goods 7460 Hospital Equipment depending on exp Great bene 777 W Ann Arbor TrI Plymouth Competitive Advantage JANITORIAL SUPPLIES with a great desire to sue pay flexible hours Farmington ceed & are looking for a Hills (248) 471 3246 7180 App anoes 7470 Jeweliy fits Call Pete 734 513 8210 COUNTER & OFFICE •Unsurpassed Local and SALES REP high growth company we or Fax resume 734 513 8219 Part & Full Time Steve s Deli National Advertising Full tme/part time Hghcom 7190 Pools Spas Hot Tubs 7480 Lawn Q^en & Snow want to talk with you Mail Men Wed & FrI 7am Bloomfield Hills Exposure missions Fax resume to 6pm References required 72HI BarganBuys Equipment resume to Amy Hurley OPTICIAN 248 932 0800 DISCOVER THE 586 323 3514 (248) 348 9817 7210 B cycles 7500 iscelaneous For Sale DISPENSER DIFFERENCE Weller Truck Reman Center \ HILTON GARDEN INN Join 93 AGENTS at Century 1500 Gezon Parkway 7220 BuifdingMatenas 7S10 Musical Instniments Experienced private practice Call Jim Stevens NANHY MATURE exp full PLYMOUTH & THE GREAT 21 Town & Country s Grand Rapids Ml 49509 time caring for our school 7240 Bus ness & Office 7520 Spoling Goods rated top 100 optical retailer or Birmingham office or one of AMERICAN GRILL aged son m our Plymouth Equpment 7530 Trade Or Sell far 20/20 magazine Top (located inside the hotel) Alissa Nead the 1000 sales agents at one -REAL ESTATE SALES- home References & good salary and excellent benefits A wonderful place to workl of our other offices Enioy 7260 Ofee Supplies 7540 Wanted To Buy THINKING OF CHANGING drivers record a must Great No flights or Sundays Full or Now hiring many company & agent bene 7280 Cameras & Supplies CAREERS? LOOKING FOR benefits 734 454 4575 after 6 part time Excellent career Maintenance cOLOuueu. fits Training being our most opportunity Call Bob (313) Security BANKCRQ important is just one of INDEPENDENCE AND NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER look 565 5744 Restaurant Manager many Call Ken Kernen CONTROL OVER YOUR ing for an amazing woman for (248) 642 8100 FINANCIAL FUTURE? livHn position Help w/home 7 8 0 0 - 7 9 3 0 PHYSICAL THERAPY TECH Servers Absolutely Free ^ Cooks PREFERRED Real Estate just may be & 3 kids 3 yrs 2 yrs & new Full Time Needed for White LEASING AGENT/ATENDANT Please apply in person at your answer Comprehen born Must love kids be car Lake office Call Kris Part time for Southfield Apt 14600 Sheldon Road REALTORS sive training and support mg energetic neat organ COUCH & LOVESEAT tra (248) 698 1277 248 353 0586 Located at M 14/Sheldon Rd (734)459-6000 provided so you can reach Ized speak English have exp dtonal In good cond You 734 354 0001 MANUFACTURERS REP your goals & References 248 865 0717 pick up 248 548 3586 PRN THERAPY Established precsion gauge JW SPORTS CLUB is now CO in Livonia New & estab Call (734) 455 6000 S iH E R NEED ED In my DESKS bedroom furniture 7800 Anmal Seivces/Supp es 7870 Ho^e Boarding POSITIONS hiring experienced full & part lished Ford & GM accounts m Weir Manuel Snyder & home Toddler boy & Infant computer tables wooden pal 7810 Breeder Directory Commercial time wait staff & dishwashers A CAREER IN girl I 275 & 6 Mile area 4 5 • Therapist Assistants the metro area Retirees/Early Ranke lets Free free free 7820 Bds im Household Pets Apply in person 24555 Novi REAL ESTATE' buy outs welcome 500 S Mam St days/week 734-432 9824 Waterbed Gallery closing • Certified Occupational Rd Novi (248) 349 7038 Plymouth store 419 15 Ford Rd 7830 Cats 7890 PetGiooming/Boardng LOOK NO 734 261 8250 S IH E R N EED ED in Wayne Therapist Assistants Canton Fri Sat Sun 12 4 7840 Dogs 7000 Pet Services KITCHEN MANAGER PART TIME HOSTESS (M/F) Ideal for retirees or students • Speech Languarge Apply in person ask for Rita FURTHER For upscale condominium start Oct 1st 2 3 days per FREE GRAVEL You haul 7850 FarmAnimas/Livesfock 7010 Pet Supplies Box Bar & Grill week 3pm 7 30 p m Pathologists If you desire to work community Flexible sched (248) 548 4727 7860 Horses & Equipment 7920 Pat Wanted 777 W Ann A bor TrI Pymouth ules Opportunity for advance 734 326 5434 • in western Wayne 7930 Lost S Found NOW HIRING ment Resume & references Fax or mail resume to county be with ASSISTANT MANAGER •Wait Staff required Please call 734 394 Eldery Care & FR EEW A S H TU B Very heavy 1-800-579-SELL April Steele OTR MSA num ber 1 see our needed for Plymouth Self • line Cooks 0442 to arrange an interview Assistance you haul (248) 548 4727 Farmington Health Care other ad for details storagefecilify Sats 95&4 • Pi a Cooks 34225 Grand River 22 REAL ESTATE Office Is seek hrs during the week Strong 7100 Estate Sales Full/Paittime Apply after 3pm Call Sherry Hetkowski CHOOSE YOUR CAREGIVER Auction Sales Farmington Ml 48335 ing licensed and unlicensed customer service skills & ANGELO BROS RESTAURANT 734 392 6000 From our exp staff Bonded FR EE Couch green good Fax 248 4 77 2888 persons Please call ERA work ethic required Call Lisa cond Microwave working 33550 Ford Rd Westland Country Ridge Realty for a at 734 451 3200 or apply in Insured background checks SALA ESTATE & C O L D U i e i X condition (248) 443 2435 A BIG ESTATE SALE Ask for Kathy 734-427 1872 confidential nterv ew ask for person Storage Unlimited Visiting Angels 248 350 8700 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED B A N K e l t □ REAL ESTATE NOW HIRiNGI manager (248) 474 3303 15176 Beck Rd MATURE CARE GIVERS Ful FR EE Clothing some good PALMER For busy medical practice just S of 5 Mile AUCTION Experience and references Wait Staff & SupervisM's time & part time all shfts for rags Some shoes RESIDENT MANAGER 3 bedroom country home on WOODS required Competitive wages for Halsted Place for Senior References requred (734) 729 1234 PREFERRED Energetic self motivated per REMINDER CALLERS 1 45+ acres 2 1 7 acre Fri Aug 30 10 5 Fax resume to 248 548 0819 Living Call 248 489 8988 (248)471 2898 REALTORS son needed to join our team Needed part time to help building sites 9+ acre build Sat Aug 31 10 5 We have an immediate open organize fail & winter Antiques A mg site w/beaut ful woods Sun Sept 1 10 2 RECEPTIONIST/ ing for this full time position Ediicalion t promotons Please call Collectibles We will have a public auction Living Room Sectional D ermatologist o f f i c e OLIVE GARDEN in a fast paced rental commu Super Bowl at 734 459 6070 Instruction at 22695 Bohn Rd Belleville sofa loveseat coffee Exp desired References & mty under construction The LIVONIA CIRCUMSTANCE REQUIRE Ml Take Judd Rd 1 bik E of table & fountain resume required Fax to For the best auto right candidate will demon Now Hiring ALGEBRA/MATH TUTORING liquidation of our collection of Sumpter Rd or i 94 to Kitchen Glass top 248 655 0372 or cali classifications check strate strong leasing and • Servers By ex NASA Engineer Grades 19th century antique Chinese Rawsonville Rd 1 mile S of wrought iron table & 24B 655 0370 for information out the Observers managerial skills as well as a • NO EXPERIENCE 3 9 $21/hr in your home furniture wedding cabinets chairs good knowledge of Microsoft Willis Rd to Judd then E to NECESSARY Eccentric Newspaper DAY & NIGHT SHIFT 313 581 2259 hand carved and in laid bone Bohn Bedroom Full size bed receptionist/ Office Must be experienced dresser chest » & Please apply within It s all about NURSES AIDE Needed beds tables 810 231 7676 for THURS SEPT 12 11 AM 2 multi task capable and pos nightstands OPTOMETRIC between 2 & 4pm RESULTS' Northvilie (248) 349 0580 ema I photo s/ descriptions PreSate inspection sess strong people skills Bedroom King size braes PRACTICE Mon Thur ; Opportunities Sunday Aug 25 3 4 PM & Position includes weekend Housekeeper Bloomfield headboard & frame Full time office exp a must 14000 Middlebelt Clawfoot Bathtubs Need Mon Sept 2 5 6 pm hours Send resume to area Fuli time 5 days per bench chaise lounge Call Carol 313 565 5600 734 458 5100 refinlsh ng $325 / best offer Owner Emma Sala ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Human Resources week Must drive Non smok EAT COOKIES FOR CASH Accessories Include (734) 395 0455 You can view ard print our RN AVON IS looking for you with PO Box 821 er Like dogs (248) 851 3128 in Southfield! Call to register Estate jewelry All ages welcome other auctions from our web FU LL TIME PASTRY CHEF Creative & exciting products services Northvilie Ml 48167 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Imported crystal 866 814 5601 (toll free) site listed below Rochester pediatric office knowledgeable Upscale pro and benefits e mail us at chandelier SALES ASSISTANTS HOUSEKEEPER/COOK S A LE Now thru Sept 30 BRAUN & HELMER 248 651 8197 x 125 duction Send resume 8175 thomas6nterprises@com Must be good wth children Custom designed Farm ngton Hills based resi GOURMET COFFEE HOUSE Kaliks Antiques 198 W AUCTION SERVICE Commerce Rd Commerce Ml cast net 734 397 5050 In my Birm ngham home with Liberty Plymouth Open Mon decorative wall pictures 48382 Fax 248 360 6481 dential builder is seeking New /Dell very successful turn 734 9969135 734 994 6309 Home Sales Assistants for area great references Live posi key opperation Qualified Sat 11am 5pm 734 455 5595 Leather recimer tables & WWW braunandhelmercom lamps RN LPN M A AUTO SALES commumtes Position asssts lion must dr ve buyers only (248)486 8705 REAKFAST LINE COOK China crystal mirrors With exp needed In MANAGER CASHIER CAREER New Home Salesperson so KANES (248) 593 0964 TOWN HALL ANTIQUES Desks credenza & GROWING dermatology & OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR NO EXPER ENCE NECESSARY cand dates must possess LEGITIMATE 7100 Estate Sales office chair pract ce in Ann Experienced The New Metro (Excel ent Opportunity) excellent people skils com $1 380 W EEKLY E 50 Qual ty Dealers on 2 floors Lades designer clothing Arbor/Piymouth area Pay We are n need of additona outer knowledge and must be GUARANTEED A rport Restaurant Northwest Located in downtown hstore size 6 8 accessories Terminal Exc Opportuntv Sa es People to staff our brand dependable Weekends a must Stuff envelopes at home Full commensurate wth exp Full Romeo on 0 d Van Dyke at 32 Furs linens & books LPs Call 734 216 1918 new modern facility Five peo Qua! tied candidates p ease fax or part t me $690 bonus for a time exc benefts Fax mile Rd Patio fumture & BBQ s pie are needed to start work resume to 248 324 2066 LOOKING FOR $2 070 total week y pay check ANOTHER QUALITY resume today 734 996 8767 Open 7 days 10 6 Fireplace fixtures UPSCALE ROYAL immediately Our preference s A HOUSEKEEPER? No ski Is education exp Ail ESTATE SALE BY to tra n al our Salespeople HERE I AM ' quaified Legitimate henest WE BUY ANTQUES Fridge v/asher/dryer VETERINARY TECHNi- OAK RESTAURANT 586 752 5422 freezer with no car sales background (246) 767 1792 home employment $50 cash DECORATIVE in need of General Manager Lots & lots of misc CIAN/ASSISTANT All of our new car franchses hiring bonus Guaranteed in IV s AH About STAY AT HOME Mom will VICTROLA Brunswick up ANTIQUES exp required For interview are experiencing outstanding writing 248 358 7328 WANTED Stuff envelopes any amount right self stopping mint 1538 Strathcona call (248) 541 5679 growth All of our Managers Full time desired but part time R esults” will pick up & deliver reason HEED FAST CASH? $350/offer 313 563 5407 W off Woodward possible Fun learning envi WAIT STAFF & BARTENDER come from these positions able rates 734 727 4636 We will assist you with small just N of 7 Mile ronment dogs cats birds needed must be flexible We offer five day work week business mortgage & vehicle salary commissions training WWW obsenersnileeeenttK com S A L E B Y exotics Cali (248) 478 5400 experience preferred apply in Child Care Services- loans Guaranteed 24 hr Arts t Crafts person at Wheat & Rye 7291 life & health insurance paid approval Give us a cal! vacations new car demo Licensed V Foori/Beverage/ Middlebelt Westland 1 877 851 4384 Lilly M. 401K pension security and F A IL CRAFT SHOW Grafters Restaurant W SALES PEOPLE 24 hours / 7 days All shifts WAIT STAFF Days & nights management opportunity NEW VENDING MACHINES Wanted Sat Oct 19 10 & C O M P A N Y MASTERS G R EEN Of Canton Preschool program No exp necessary Great pay' Apply for this learning posi 6 candy & 3 beverage Must 5pm Wqyne Senior Activity has openings Base salary + Gym music Al! meals AH'MOOREATFORD Farmington Hills/Livoma Call tions at sacrifice Paid $16 000 Maks Center (734) 721 7460 NE commissions/bonus Sales & 734 459 9566 kellycare com PIELD 9am 5pm 248 474 3533 LIVONIA AUTOPLEX offer 586 752 7632 corner or Wayne Rd & Sims horticulture experience helpful An opportunity to work in 34501 Plymouth Rd F R E E W EEKS (2)1 Childcare Livonia or call but not necessary Paid VENDING BIZ this suite level cafe at Ford WAIT STAFF preschool kindergarten M/F (734) 425 5400 health 401k & advancement Must Sell 72 Selling F l ^ Now hfrng for all post 6a 6p Aiiclion Sales • Stage Deh - for appointment possible Fun upbeat people 2 1/2 yrs & older $24 Units Only $9630 tons full and part time daily Livoma 734 525 3730 Michigan s premier looking for chance to perform Investment 800 253 8922 Open 7 days Coffee/Bakery Deli/Restaurant is now hiring AUTO SALES NEW & USED experience helpful Fax S ILL 734 451 8500 LOVING CHILDCARE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Excellent compensation CRESTWOOD DODGE resume to James at 246 853 In my licensed home Art Pursuant of State Law work environment SALES REPS needed expert A sale will be held at 3945 Or call 248 853-4013 (734) 421-5700 songs etc Infant/toddler enced for rapidly expanding preschool 3 open ngs Leave for more information Apply in person local branch of national icb COPIER/FAX SALES REPS name & number on machine John 8 Mini Storage 6873 Orchard Lake Rd cream distributor Company AMOCO/DUNKIN DONUTS Looking for self motivated for return call Bloomfield 12801 Inkster Rd car established & new Hiring mature adult for part people with strong sales back (248) 855 1973 Livoma Ml 48150 WAITSTAFF accounts Please be familiar time afternoons midnights ground Experience m industry Date 9 1 7 02 Time 12 00pm with the metro Detroit area Sam 1pm S8 00/hr BENE Western Golf and Country preferred Salary exc com ST GENEVIEVE PRESCHOOL Tenant Unit# Cali 313 838 7277 FITS available Apply 39500 Club is accepting applications missions bonuses & benefits has openings for 3 4 & 5 year Gloria Bowen F290 olds Livoma area Complete Computer Services Ann Arbor Rd @ i 275 in for experienced Waiters to Call Jason at 734-455 5780 SALES/SUPERINTENDENT 734 422 3308 B110 Plymouth 734 459 5944 work in the Mens grill Please EXPERIENCED for estab contact Mr Joe Flood at CUSTOMER D/az Service F315 lished home improvement Gene & Robert Esse ASSISTANT TO COOK (313) 531 1240 Child C aret / P IK RELATIONS/SALES company Excellent leads & F297 F407 ...and “ft’s All About & DISHWASHER financing available Benefits Bahysitling Services > S ir W AITSTAFF Days or Nights JOIN OUR TEAM AND THE Henry Fench A225 A248 Resultsr Male/femaie 35 40 hours a NEWEST MEDICAL Contact Mr D 248 353 9174 Full or Part time Apply in CARING MOTHER of 2 to Charles Grimsiey E212 1-800-579-8EI.L week for a group of 35 40 James Interprizes G387 pesos KONEY ISLAND INN TECHNOLOGY TELEMARKETER provide Childcare in my CLASSIFIED ADS WORK pec )le Farmington Hills area David Jett F432 4 Livonia Mall 7 Mils & Full time position available Part time late afternoons Westland home Exc refer Call for an interview 9 11am Call Today Vincent Kent A223 Middlebelt In Southfield office Seeking $7 50/hour + bonuses 24 ences (734) 728 8269 & 2 4pm (248) 626 8253 Michael McClure F442 A TOTAL organized individual with exc hours per week 313 543 2595 1 800 579 S ELL W AITSTAFF RECEDED CHILDCARE PROVIDED Louise Murdock E221 F426 LIQUIDATION SALE telephone sales & communi BARTENDER (M/F) Apply in person at 8120 N TELEMARKETERS Westland Area Meals provid F455 G536 Dinners/ Tuesday Saturday cation skills Ideal candidate Leyals t Accepting By Everything Goes Telegraph Rd (Dearborn Experienced in telemarketing ed Call Mary 734 261 8396 Scott 0 Hearen G552 Thur Sat Aug 29 31 10 4 OCEAN GRILLE 248 646 7001 Heights Wheat & Rye) will possess general office Bids Marc Salah F279 R452 skills good computer knowl and telecommunications $10 30507 Woodward Ave EDUCATED MOTHER OF TWO Summit Roofing F416 R161 Royal Oak W side of 13 Mi edge and have the ability to per hour plus bonuses Offering to provide Childcare Farmington Hills Subdivision Tom s Roofing G555 G556 across from Blockbuster multi task Fax resume to Please email resume to services n my home Livonia/ accepting bids for Landscape G557 R352 Ar-A A A 4 A *U4 A p|/A AAf ENTIRE INVENTORY! Maintenance contract Call R398 R399 WWW everything goes com \d \y rti§ini 248 865 7743 for details Clarissa Woods E263


I Winning Observer & Eccentrc :ing for an enthusiastic results isional with strong presentational Vayne County team If you are f like to work in a fast paced iviroment we d like to speak with a bachelor s degree or equivalent vith at least two years of prior nee (media experience preferred) ide g local retail business clientele lopment of new business accounts les presentation and development

;ping of advertising accounts and

ary plus commission excellent lus time off po! cy If you are a Everything ^ e y’re looking for individual with excellent send your resume to

h-m jil. ol>iliik@oe homecomm net I S i n Must include job code ASR The Observer & f o V K «'nti ic Newspapers T u cr^ IHfcenlnr I Schoolcraft Road inia,M I 48150 h a \ : (734) 953-2057 5 observeraiHlecccMitric.c

FRANKLIN Sst only 9AM ecquarlum tank, 145 gal ANOTHER ESTATE SALE BIRMINGHAM Sat 9-5 CLARK8TON DETROIT JUNKERS Close ROCHESTER HILLS • multi WESTLAND • PRE-MOV COUCH LOVE SEAT, CHAIfTI Antiques collsctibles house 3PM 32920 Wing Leks Rd everything Included also 7 BY IRIS 3855 Oakland Dr (Lahser & out' Antiques shabby col fimlly sale Thurs only 9-2 ING SALE 32331 GRAND onOMANw/oak trim Priced FflI&SATAUQ 30 & 31 10-4 141/2 MlleRd) M B ig wares childrens clothing, lectiblis misc, Thurs Aug 29 (driveway on 14 Mils W of ofl Dutton E of Brewster, VIEW Aug 26 30 Time of exotic fish 8260 Sleeper to sell $500 (248) 345 70 1« couoh exc cond $150 19 26820 Wililngton in Ffsni<(l(i assortment of eollestlOlis toys, sports sculpment and Sep 1 9sm ? 16600 Warwick Tilagriph) Furnlturi & fools ivirytWng must go 1674 sale 9 6prr? dally Assortmant much more Ridge Crest Dr Zenith color TV good cond GRIB • Italian Crafted m FranKlln Rd bstwein 13 & antiques etc No pre sales S of 6 Mile W of Southfield GARDEN CITY Fri Sat 10 4 of Items available as cleaning 14 Mila fld to Wallington go Labor Day Country Fair & process moves forward $36 300 lb weight set yrs old Like new Paid S660 Birmlnghain • Aug 30 31. Classic Car Show 29015 Bsschwood Ford & Rochester Hills w/ixtras $200 734 261-664? asking S300 246-650*6384 wmto corner of Witlowgreer FARM INGTON 33676 Alta 10 3 ^ 8 Westchester (N off Mon Sept 2nd 9 4pm Middiebelt behind Krogers YARD SA LE W ESTLAND Fri & Sat 9-6 Lom i W off Farmington S Baby Items books housshold Air ConaiSDfleri, 2 # $26 1 CURIO CABINET lighted white Lincoln E of Crinbreok) Pliat Congregational■ Church 29256 Brody, Middiebelt & "GORQEOU8 HOME FILLED of Grand River Aug 29 31 9 Nursery Stock • Trees • @ $65 sola $30 chairs 4 @ octagonal 6 ft Figurines Inc WITH QREATSTUFF" Household goods kids Items 5449 C l a r U Rd (1 Mile E Ann Arbor Tr Toys girls 5 household LIVONIA 3 family sale Fr Shrubs* $16 each rower, $36 bike S600/best 313*56^6407 sporting goods clothing out­ of Sishabaw fid; Wsshsi/drysr clothes household (isms Antique iptril stelrcaee t Sat 9 4 10031 Areola Evergreens * Perennials* $55 stalrmaster $65 vacuum Baker io1a§ & chairs • door toddler playset & more Fun food crafts kids games Plymouth & Inkstsr TV VCR Cherry table with music classic cars ancf more FARMINGTON HILLS Garden Art • Firtitliers* WESTLAND Sat31st&Sun cleaner, $65 folding tables 2 Hsnredon wall unit • area BIRMINGHAM 293 Berwyn TWO family garage sale furniture housswares etc Yard Accessories @ $20 each desk, $26 leaf & 6 chairs never used rugs • cocktail & end tables (246) 394 0200 1st 9 5pm 416 N Llnvlile SS75 (248) 931*1127 Aug 30 8 2pm Baby Items Howard Rd Aug 30 & 31st LIVONIA Collectibles Fire Birmingham 246-645-3733 • games table with chairs • (Cherry Hill & Wayne) Living toys sports equipment etc I CLARK8TDN • Mom kept it 9 4pm S of 12 bitwsen Kirg toys & more 18806 HUGE CLEARANCE room furniture dining room DINING CHAIRS, 4 brand sideboard • antique desk • A LL BRAND 8 of Maple E of Cranbrook illl Antiques crafts & materi­ Draks & Halstead Melvin 7 Mile & Middiebelt Cash & Carry V Isa& M C sets, china cupboard bedroom new Light wood Beige cloth bookcases • mahogany 4 al Lots more Thuri Sun NEW MATTRESSES Aug 29 31 9 4 furniture counsel TV restau­ At wholesale price while sue sests $100 734*454*1014 poster bed • 2 armolres • 9 5pm 9801 Dartmouth FARM INGTON HILLS Fri & LABOR DAY WEEKEND rant misc items ifid more plies last 734 231 862 desks & chairs • sectional (between Indlanwood & Sat 8 30am 4 30pm 21897 LIVONIA large sals furni FRI & SAT BAM 5PM DINING ROOM cherry solid sofa & credsnaa • lots of ‘‘I t 's A ll A b o u t Whipple Lake) Sheffield (Green Valley ture clothes stereo home SUN &MON 10AM 5PM W ESTLAND Contractors table ALL QOEStll WON'T LAST wood double pedestal other dressers mirrors & Estates E/Halstead S/9 Mile) accsssorles toys etc Fri w/leaves, lighted hutch ( bu^ DEARBORN HEIGHTS 25690 saw toys clothes misc king bedroom kitchen&dining lamps# lots of art • plants • Sat 9-330 16()l5Nola Dr Auburn Oaks Garden Canter fit 8 Chlopendale R e s u lt s ” West hills (1 block N of Items lots of stuff Sat 7 rooms entertainment unit etc designer clothes • luggage# FE R N O A IE Fri Only 3820 W Auburn Rd server New In I Michigan Ave bstwssn Gulley 7m LIVONIA noon 1296 Po/tJind 248 683-9803 248-320-3899 3pm Everything must go' 2 bike E of Adame warranty Cost$1, lots of good mlso and Bieoh Oily) Tons of baby Thurs Men 9 4pm vimolismsmdsmitism 776 Allen off 9 M ill & ANNUAL $1960 248*514*8122 248 217 7161 Items furniture & clothes etc 32421 Hess (Joy & Hubbard) ROYAL OAK Fri & Sat 9am 248 626 7723 August 30th 31st Woodward Moving sale Awesome Garage Salel 2227 Elmhurst EANoodward HALF OFF SALE SAT AUQ,»3lBt DINING ROOM SET trench Appraiser & Liquidator W/Crooks bet Northwood & country lighted china cabinet, for 3s Years In Metro Area Webster Retired teacher Mahogany Interlora LIVONIA 12060 BLOOMFIELD TWP - 8 31 & server witn marble top. oval cleaning out Craftsman 10 Fine Furniture & BIRMINGHAM 248 South Cardwell Sat/Suft 1-5 9 1 9-5 N Pembarfoh table and 5 chairs $60o table saw 6 belt sander shop B70 Antique Shop Adams Rd West side of B 31 9 1 B a ^ clothes Rd N E Telegraph & Long (734) 416*6864 Place your Garage Sale ad and.. vae furniture antiques linens 506 South Washington Adams just South of Maple Rd Lake ilay pen etc (atrls junior household childrens books Royal Oak Michigan DINING ROOM S E T * Pecan Toys antlq^ues eollectiblis clothes sizes Household Doere Open Sam-Spm Oval tablele 2 leaves 6 chairs furniture 60 years aooumula DEARBORN HEIGHTS 707 Items Cross streets SOUTHFIELD Students desks tall ease hutch w/ : doors $1600 tiontoomuohto list! Thursday Sherbourne 8 of Ford E of Plymouth/Inkstir area Multi household garage sale clocks mahogany Chip­ (734) 469*3714 8/29 Monday 9/2 10am Spm 20709 Midway ((One 1/2 mile Inkster furniture household pendale dining room tables N of 8 Mile/W off Evergreen) Baldwin upright piano 40 yrs & ohaire with ball & claw Dining set* cherry w/blaok DEARBORN ESTATE salel H a u c o u l d LIVONIA - 8 29 8-30 10-5 6/30 & 8/31 830 5pm 100 8 worth Aug 29 31 9 4 feet & other traditional atyle trim 2 leaf s 6 chairs lighted September 5th 7th io10 4 Super toys kids clothes (6 of books tools clothes exer tables Oil paintings galore hutch $1200 (248) eSI-^aSS 3436 Pardee East of Telegraph 12) womans 3X books Home & otilse furniture for else equipment computer French Inlaid walnut twin West of Monroe between Beanies computer stuff & every room Great prices Dining 8et*kR0ttyplne* hutch equipment and much more bedroom set traditional Outer Drive and Carlysie Morel 32446 Hees W Bloomfield 734 748-5'3233 Bag sale 3 5pm on Sat mahogany bedroom sets drop leaf table 4 chalrs+ cot* Beautiful 1920 dining set b e a Jpy/Hufabard fee table $900734*458-4037 bedroom sets fine linens Southfield • Frt Sat Sun 9-4 LIVONIA - Movingl 8at-8un QaCnViOr Cn99i6 vPa Carr LIVONIA • Movingl Sat 9 5 glass crystal and collectibles 20079 Forestwood (3 houses 9-6 29671 Robert Dr 2 biks game table lots of Baker DINING TAB LE, Butterscotcfi Sin 12-4 Mon 9 1 16041 atanning 71 years of marriage off Evergreen between 12 Mile S/PlymouthRd off Middiebelt Co breakfronts buffete & finish solid maple, 2 chairs Swathmore between 6 Ml & & l3 M lie ) Some furniture household living room furniture $300 ^48*446*8935 GREENTREES Haggerty Quaker Town Sub antique iron bed (approx 140 camelbeck sofas w i n n e r ! Dreaier, flvedravr* ESTATE SALES LIVONIA - Moving to Senior SOUTHFIELD - Burg Pointe yr) Cedar Chest (52 yr) Wlllemsburg chandelier Sub Sale (E Of Telegraph N oandlastiek lamps curio er maple FrI Sat Aug 30 31 Houslngl All must gol Fri Sat cheitSlOO (248) S T t s S s " 10am 4pm &Sun 10-3 9290 Florida W of 10 Mile) Lots of every­ M OVING SA LE • Thomasvills cabinets silver tea sets thing Aug 29-31 e-S dining set oriental rugs sofa hand painted Bombe Chicago & Merrimin DREXEL DINING room table LIQUIDATION Of derry Earles chairs chest desk, end table mirrors lacquered cabinet LIVONIA GARAGE SALE! 80UTHPIELD Multi-household foot stools too much to list china cabinet 6 chairs $1600 Florist and Unique Party All exc cond (734) 4S5-4707 Bedroom set Triple dresser Fridays Saturday 9-4 Lotsef garage sale 20709 Midway MAHOGANY INTERIORS Rental 2244 Franklin Rd chest King size headboard Kid stuff & morel 17162 [half mile N of 8 Mile W on NOVI • Moving Sale Open Daily 11am-5pm Bloomfield H is 1/4 Ml N of nightetand $500 2 stage Bfookview off 6 Mile artel Evergreen) Aug 30 31 8 30 , OInser Or Closed Wed & Sun Square lake Road 24795 Aug 29 SO Craftsman professional 26 Middiebelt 6pm Books tools clothes Thur-Fri 8 6pm Oft 10 Mile (246)846-4110 snow thrower $260 Steelcass exercise equipment computer W of Beck______LARGE QUANTITIES of LIVONIA-5 FAMILY SALE! equipment & much more Baby Crib & mattress dress-, desk S50 (246) 477*1381 fabrics baskets vases glass September 4th 5th 6th & 7th Bag sale 3 5 on Saturday ONE DAY S ALE Fri Aug 3 ^ er w/mlrror exc cond $750 ware eilverplate & brass 9-5 14384 Fairway 2 blocks Emmaljunga stroller/pram ELEG A N T Drexel Esperanto TR O Y Assorted household 7AM 7PM No presales dining set 64x44 oval table 3 candlesticks candelabrss East of Levan Christmas & navy $150 Cream sectional Items furniture appllancee 3663 Oakteaf Dr West leaves 6 ladder-backs china glas! more cleaning housaf $300 Kitchen table & chairs 1580 Merriweather [Athens Bloomfield (S of Commerce cabinet $4500 734-421-8589 votive much misc rattan & glass (248) 868-9094 holders We will put the name of everyone* placing an ad NOVI - Garage & home Sale Meadows sub N oft Wattles between Unionunion Lake & Green Lake Rd-lookfor sign) Lots1 of Ajg 29 Sept 1 10 5 E o1 Rochester) Fri Sat 9 6 BED • A Cherry Sleigh Still ENTERTAINMENT UNIT - HUGE ESTATE SA LE - Thurs for a garage, yard, or porch sale into a drawing for lentlnciud Furniture tools clothing S tools & equipment! boxed never used $279 Custom white excellent Sat 9 5 7462 Lakepointe W downsizing shredder safe, light wood a gift card at Meijer! bunkbeds w/mattressee (248) 931-1127 cond $750 246-641-8253 Bloomfield 2 bike E of $50 furniture home decorjcor Sat 8 ee table/tab(e} sewings Haggerty off Richardson Comfort Air King mattress MAHOGANY CHINA CABINETS York 2 5 ton cental air condi 31 9 3 6787 High Ridge machine outdoor furniture B ED Brand new pillow top In exc cond as low as $300 tioner (W A coll) steel Bid Ridge Subdivision) Halloween decorations Lots of mattress set Queen size still Chandan s Collections There'll be a winner every week through shelves 24924 Glenda N 10 misc & decorative Items In plastic $269 WALLED LAKE Aug 3t 9AM ig S 6 0 W 1 2 M i Southfield Mile 1 blk E of Taft (248) 931 1127 September. Not only will you earn money from 3PM 1775 Decker N,'Pontiac W BLO O M FIELD House soldi 246-569'0482 0 PLYMOUTH Fri Sat & Sun TrI Electric stove computer Too much to move Great BED SET (twin) & sofa bed B EVERLY HILLS Saturday MOVINB SALE • Wrought trdn August 31st 9am 17141 your sale, you'll have a chance at our 9 4pm Dressers twin bed parts household Items & things at great prices Sat tv kitchen & dining room set kids toys and clothes mors Rain date Sept 1 Sun 104 4027 Fox Refrigerator $75 washer/ patio furniture $175 1 4 x ^ Dunblalne (South of 14 Mile Mon carpet w/paddlng $125 MlSe East of Southfield) household Bsannies and more' Canton Lake Dr (South Wabeek Sub dryer $75 chest freezer $75 ______(248) 554 0045 Items Mikasa Sante Fe dish Center Rd / N of Joy Its Ml About Results off Middiebelt between Lone (734) 394-0216 es romplete set of 8 in boxes MEIJEK. Pine & Long Lake take PLYMOUTH 4 family garage Observer & Eccentric BEDROOM SET 7 piece MOVING leather couch & Black 3 piece contemporary Regent to Lakerldge Lane to chairs entertainment center- sale Thursday & Friday 9 5 Fox Lake Dr) maple finished good cond entertainment unit computer Gift Card Give-Away 1-800-579-SELL $700 248 563 4006 basement furniture dining sit desk golf Items kids stuff 9095 & 9114 Tavistock eff Ann Arbor Rd & I 275 (from Pier One) All one yet? (248) 723 5021 WESTLAND 36220 Glen W WATERFORD Moving sale BEDROOM SET w/dressing So, grab a penal and make a list of all the things 8/31 9/2 9 5 2956 Loon old 248 737 0015 For furniture info REDFORD Aug 28 Sept 3 of Wayne S of Cherry Hill table white wicker 7 pieces Lake Shores Drive off you want to put in your sale Then place your ad 8am dark Moving 30 yrs of Thurs Sat 9 3 Appliances $550/best (248) 644 0407 RECLINER, $460 7 pc BEVERLY HILLS Sat Sun & Ilfs must goJ 24940 N Slybert furniture clothes etc Walton DVD videos books Dining $1100 Leather Mon 9 4pm Marble top end BEDROOM A 9 pc cherry in The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers fo r S/Piymouth W/Telegraph furniture & more Sectional $1100 734 6128284 tables matching Henderoon WESTLAND Moving Sleigh set includes 2 night couch & love seat desk & fil as lo w as $ 1 6 ,0 0 a n d who knows?. You could BEDPORD 15741 Thurs Fri Sat 9 5 1425 stands triple dresser tri fold R O LL T O P Desk $225 ing cabinets china cabinet & Woodbine W of Telegraph Crown N of Palmer Furnture mirror chest New In box Whirlpool electric stove 30' regular garage sale items be one of our weekly winners* N of 5 Aug 30 31 9am 4pm small appi ances & more w/factory warranty Cost self cleaning oven $100 Exc 30375 Vernon (S off 13 Mile $7000 must sell $1700 cond 734 454-4269 Between Evergreen & Lahser) REDFORD MULTI FAMILY W ESTLAND Moving/Garage ABSOLUTE BARGAIN a 248 939 0013 1 -800-579-SELL Woodbine St 5 Mile & Sale Aug 29 31 9 5 32923 brand new queen pillow top SOFA BED Beverly Hills Fri Sat 10 Telegraph Thurs Sat 9 4 Chief Lane Warren & Venoy mattress set $229 Cherry COM PLETE Cherry Bedroom Sealy queen size floral pat Sleigh Bed m box $249 Set boxed solid wood Made tern like new $300 4 32111 Auburn Dr W ___ "Some Restr ctions Apply Contest runs through September 2002______Collectibles antiques tools Furnture wood burning Greenfield S 14 taby Items M lltary Barbies heater bar stools safe etc (586) 463 9017 in USA $1395 586 4639017 (734) 261 7741

All Ads Run Online

and Service Guide A Value O f Up To $87.00

JOE & SONS CEMENT CO FINISH CARPENTRY ELECTRICIAN (master) Res CLEANING SCREENING ALL Types of Painting LEAK SPECIALIST Driveways Porches Garage Crowns Trim Doors & Comm small )obs & week REPAIRS interior • Exterior Flashings Valleys etc *VVarr Floors Brick/Block Water Railings Straight or Bent ends OK Lie & Ins Free Est 248 478 4140 Member Better Bus B . proofing Lie Ins Free Est LiC 30 yrs exp 734 455 3970 (734) 464 5813 248-471-2600 XS PAINTINGCO • 30 yrs exp Uc/lns f 313 561 9460 S ides S Sod 248 827 3233 t FAMILY ELEC TR IC AL City GUHER CLEANING Avallalile Forf i)p or Delivery, MIKE lAFRATE CEMENT CO cert Violations corrected Expert repairs SERVICES BEAT ANY ROOF DOCTORS •Drives 'Patios ‘ Sidewalks Service changes or any small reasonable rates Insured AFFORDABLE HOME REPAIRS Grading Sodding & Seed ng, WRITTEN ESTIMATE Residential Roofing Free estl •Footings ‘ Porches/Steps job Free est 734 422 8080 (248) 473 3931 Save money by using mates Licensed & Insured Floor Covering installations Brck Paver •Etc • Lie *lnc 734 73 7 0884 Americas largest handyman 248-476-0011 25 yrs exp (734) 721 6473 W HY PAY MORE Deal with LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC Patios Waks Drives service Insured bonded 313 835 8610 PAISANO CONSTR CO the installers direct We offer Resident laf/Commercial Rata nmg Wans SCOTT ADAMS ROOFING licensed HOUSE DOCTORS Painting Papering Plastering State Lie 25 yrs Exp Drive carpet • tile * linoleum Fully Lic/lns 23 years experience Bock Wood Boulder 12 yrs exp Licensed & (734) 762 5006 Repairs Wallwashing ways Porches Patios ins Call Mike 248 249 8100 734 748 5554 Dra nage problem solving woik insured Call Scott for free GMC FURNACES & C/A Basement Floors Bnck Block Absolutely Lic/lns DU IT ALL Swimmng Pool estimate (734) 422 6042 SOLD INSTALLED RESIDENTIAL / COMM Specials Ceramic tile Formica FINE FURNITURE REPAIR & HANSON PAINTING Specializing In residential RESTORATION Master crafts RemovadandFil ing Commercial Residential LICENSED (734) 433 9335 work Call 248 473 1161 WIRING / REPAIRS & Conan tops & kitchens We Dr veway Grad ng & Gravel Bed also do complete basements & man Dave Crofcheck Power Washing/Drywall Low Rates Free Estimate all other Interior work inciud (248) 879 1685 248 348 6622 248 894 6326 AAA BRICK CO Licensed Insured Debns Remova & Hauling Aspiialt/llack Topping ing electrical & plumbing etc K EVIN S HOM E Improvement • CHIMNEYS • PAINTING VIN YL & Alum aiding guttn^ 313 533 3800 248 521 2550 (248) 889 7667 Specializing in roofing & gut Brickk Repair Specialist HACKER SERVICES INTERIOR EXTERIOR trim awnings roofing etc AAA AMERICAN ASPHALT RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Affordable kitchens baths ters Free est Ins Ref Will 29 years exp Insured Ref Call Jeff 734 432 7878 (248)474-6914 Also EXPERT CLEANING Paving *Pafching ‘ Seat coating SAVE M ONEY Violations & Repairs Serv basements remodeled Doors beat anyones written bid' Sr FREE EST Residential • commercial Deal Direct 30 yrs exp ALL TYPES MASONARY change Free est Lic/lns fences gutters electrical discount available (734) Dual ty S nee Master Painter on the job 248-471-2600 FreeEst (248) 879 5900 Srassfleld Construction Co Brick Block Cement 734 689 7981 313 319 6553 plumbing 313 492 7109 261 5066 734 507 8080 1946 Call 734 354 6551 New Const Remodeling Roof Leaks Free Estimate DJ S BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS • Additions • Kitchens Call 810 229 8567 WHY PAY MORE? AL S DO IT ALL Deal directly wAhe installer AFFORDABLE QUALITY PAINTING Paving * Patching • Baths • Financing Call Oakwood Associates Inc Thorough Preparation Seal Coating Free Est Lic/lns 248 737 3378 •Carpentry ’ Elect ‘ Plumbing PROFESSIONAL C h im n e ys Your full service customer landscaping construction & Work Myself since 1967 ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES 800 724 8920 734 397 0811 Bulldozing Excavating Finish •Paint 248 4 7 7 4742 246 476 0011 Built nav & Repair oriented kitchen bathroom & lawn maintenance Old Neat Reasonable & insured JEM All 1Vpes Expert Wiring/ Grading Parking Lot Sewer THE JEFFERY CO 31S 836 86T0 Will beat any price! HIGHLAND HANDYMAN basement remodeling co larrdscaping removed & new 248 225 7165 reprs Res/Bus Uc/lns systms Commercial Blacktop Paving & Water Repair Ponds large small we do it all 30 734 591 9068 248 314 1455 Rec Room Kitchen & Bath Sr citizen dset Lie & Ins Office 734 254 9593 installed Irrigation grading (313)584 2430 Specalists All Remodeling Trencfimg Pool Removal yrs exp Lie & ins Ceil 734 634 4783 Lie & sodding fall clean up 27 yrs RICH THE PAINTER Plaster Demolition Lied & Ins d Formica & Laminate BEST CHIMNEY 734 658 4100 734 354 9569 Ins 30+ yrs exp Visa/MC exp free est 248 354 3213 drywali repair water damage 734 459 8268 Vsa/MC AMEX staining power washing 248-557-5595 J & J SERVICE Excavating Trenching CRIMBOLI NURSERY decks 734 728 0041 ADDITIONS PLUS A L L finish carpentry • BATHS • KITCHENS • or Footings sewer water Lines expertiy done Specializing in • Beautiful Additions Parking Lots Septic Tanks • IHTERfOR* EXTERfOfl K B and Sons Asphalt 313-292-7722 248 470 9532 248 471 1493 Relandscapmg Brick WALLS • FLOORS • Eft Maintenance for all your • Kitchens • Baths Drains 313 838 6731 EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN UDY Patios Trees, Stone Mulch PAINTING BY MICHAEL 20 Yrs Exp Free Est lie /Ins asphalt needs Family owned ♦ Lower Levels 4214 Woodward Oak Park Retired Handyman to clean your home 30 yrs exp Free Est 50145 • Res* Com!* Staining 248 474 1674 248 408 3353 operated 313 563 7436 Guaranteed quality workman Textured Ceilings* Faux & All types of work Trustworthy & exp References Ford Rd Canton ship Complete plan & design available 248 652 4173 734 495 1700 Fmisties *Deck/Alumlnum 313 835 8610 • CERAMIC TILES MORE* service available Lie & Ins Reflnishing *Plaster/Orywall House & Comm Cleaning Commercial * Residential 734-414 0448 PENCE SPECIALISTS LJ 248-471-3729 MR Repair •Wallpaper Removal Call For Free EsHmate ♦ CEMENT W ORK* SAVE $ WE INSTALL We get all the corners Bonded •Free Eslimates'References & Insured Reasonable rates HOBIECRAFTS 734-751 5317 VlfALKER WATERPROOFING BARRY'S CARPENTRY Porches & Chimneys Quality Treated & cedar Since 62 SHOVEL 248 349 7499 Call Deb at 248 320 2690 Small leaks entire basement Basements bathrooms addi work & Free est Lowest prices FREE EST 734-425-4842 •Resoddirig of Lawns 734 464 8147 Quality Affordable Lie Ins tions kitchens 19 Yrs exp in town 734 673 1001 HOUSE CLEANING free up •Brick Pavers Installed ♦ 734 675 1246 ♦ start to finish Lie & Ins your schedule Reasonable FRANK & SONS Sidewalks WE DO AMERICAS •Pool Removai/Fil! in 248 478 8559 Repairs rates Cali Beth at (248) 851 » Affordable Tree irim- HOMEWORK 9542 references available •Drainage/Low areas repaired I ming stumping re We II do the small stuff EXPERT FLOOR SANDING CARPENTRY BASEMENTS •Drywali Repair moval Fully Ins Lie 734 981 2165 Staining repairs Family •Concrete & Dirt Removal •*A1 PUSTER & DRYWALL* Repairs • Complete Home •Lighting Fixtures HOUSECLEANiNG : & Dago 248 926-2386 owned Insured Great ratesi PAUL (734) 326 6114 New & Repair W ork» Texture BRICK REPAIR improvements Lie & Ins •Weatherprooflng/Caulkmg Personalized qualify service 734 692 0040 guar Employee background • Coves • Dust free repairs * BUDGET TREE Small lobs welcome Builder geocities com/ •Leaking Faucets »Tile Repair Alt work guaranteed 32 years screening ins & bond pro PYRAMID Tree & shrub trim Tuck Pointing Brick Repair johns page2002 FLOOR SANDING staining & & much more Our expert exp Ireured (248) 478 7949 vided removal stump Insured *(248) 478 7949 Call John (734) 522 5401 finishing Free estimates Over enced Techmcfans are proper LANDSCAPING AFFORDABLE CUSTOM DECK Insured Free est 25 yrs experience Southfield ly bonded & insured Prompt OLD MAID SERVICE Free Design Service Wolmamzed or Cedar Lic/lns 248 478 3240 tree service 1 BOO AA SMALL JOB SPECIALIST FINISHED H Barsuhn (248)356 5762 Safe Reliable Ih the New Homes 32 yrs reputable quality FreeEst 18Yrs Exp Re Landscaping Plymouth/Canton/Livonia area RELIABLE H0USECLEANER8 work All cement brick & BASEMENTS 734 261 16*4 248 442 2744 LIVONIA FLOORS Irrigation Sod and Pavers CRIMBOLI TREE SERVICE cal! 734 981 0573 Exp Owner operated with ref block work Driveway replace Brad Carter SPRING SPECIAL Free Est 100% Warranty Ash trees tip to 6 caliper CUSTOM DECKS INC Supplies provided Call Lai 248 471-2600 ment Uc Ins 248 348 0066 (734)834 3463 Textured plush carpet 24 col Cal! 734 455 6733 removed & hauled away Michigan s #1 Deck Builders Plumbing Cleaning ors 8 lb padding installed 734 968 1324 248 668 1458 & Sewer Tree replacement available BRICK PAVING * SAVE MONEY4( Wood or Composites *AAA $2 22/sq Hardwoods tile THOMPSON & THOMPSON Repairs & Alterations 734 495 1 700 Pavers & all masonry work Deal Direct 30 yrs exp Lic/ins 19yrs exp Freeest linoleum laminates sales Brasstield Construction Co Toll Free (866) DECK SSS A 1 Hauling Move scrap metal We Don t Surface Clean Affordable Baths kitchens Brick repair specialist lic/lns installation Ins claims Free HIGH LINE T R E E Service New Const Remodeling clean basements garages We Deep Clean' dishwashers faucets show Call Jeff 734 432 7878 MICHIGAN DECK SYSTEMS est 734 458 2401 Hazardous & big tree special • Additions • Kitchens stores etc Lowest prices In Bonded Supplies Provided Shrub Trimming Landscape ers toilets Hot water tanks The Best Name In Decking ists Insured Free est A L L CONCRETE Drives • Baths • garages town Quick service Free est Owners Operated References Clean up Mulch Bed Shrub $250 total 313-492 7109 porches patios walks 8rick Design & Financing Wood or Composites Lie /Ins Wayne/Oakland Cfy Central 313 345 1628 248 966 1312 ______(248)766 8561 Building decks since 1985 Planting Feritlizing Mowing block foundation work Lie & Lic/ins 248 737 3376 location 547 2764/559 8138 Observer areas 734 421 7127 SPEARS TREE EXPERTS INC Ins Free Est Gail anytime 734 513 4999 fax 513 0999 GARAGE DOOR AFFORDABLE Landscaping Removal trimming and Todd Humecky 248 478 2602 stump grind Winter plowing Springs and door openers PERSONAL HAULING Repalred/replaced Avail Sun Lio/irsured (734) 844-8733 ALL TYPES RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 248-471-2600 CEM ENT WORK Fully insured 248 640 6298 C ELL 248 471 2600 We clean out homes aftes AAAA Beautiful Yard New S repair also rubber roof Free est mates Ray Vagnetli 313 835 8610 DRYWALl FINISHING basements garages offices SMILE ♦SHUTTLE SERVICE* Cement Co 734 464 1137 30 years experience ing carpentry insurance work Rec rooms Bsments KItchns warehouses & anything else GOD LOVES YOU ' to Motor City Casino and No Job Too Small AtINA CEMENT Baths New & Repairs Complete demoltion from MASTER GARDENER Lions home games $10 per ACCUSE ROOFING 248-471-2800 734 728 9599 person includes free ail you All types of cement work COMPLETE CARPENTRY A FLOW RITE start to finished Free est Design • Installation tearoffs re roofs repairs Papering Removal can eat buffet • Luxury Driveways garages patios • DRYWALL FINISHING • Seamless gutter Installed & Demolition 248 354 3213 Trees • Stumps • Odd Jobs I seamless gutters Res/Comm Painting Repairs Rough & Finish • Additons Motor Coach transportation Free Est Lie & Ins • TEXTURES • PATCHWORK • Low Cost' We Do It All Neighborhood Construction Exp Womenen Vfsa/MC • Basements ‘ Decks ‘ Garages repaired Cleaned & screened Over 20 pick up locations 734 513 2455 Free Est Reasonable Prices Lie Ins (734) 459 6280 D & J MOVING & HAULING Ins 100 Ref 24 Yrs Exp (246) 6445553 ______Free estimate 248 693 0169 & * WALLPAPERING* Visa MC Discover Amex Clean up nauling & disposal Wayne 734 525 3600 Seats are going fast b~& A C E M E N T ^ Please cal! 866 224 6586 ALL EXTERIOR & REPAIRS You take care in choosing your DON PARE S Finish Carpentry accepted John 734 427 6289 Affordable Gutters cleaned of misc itemsterns We haul any Oakland 248 855 5252 At! types of residential cement Specializing in Kitchens scre»ied repaired replaced thing 10 15yd dumpster trail Chimneys Flatroofs Gutters paper We take car in hsmging work Free est Ltc & Insured Baths Ceramic Tile S3 lower $4 upper per ft ers You load we load Visa/ Siding Tear offs * Uc 20 yrs rt Call Chris 248 349 7775 or 313 271 7371 734 468 4587 Seamless 313 492 7109 MC Westland 734 421 0111 experience CEQ 586 759 2566 Cathy 734 427 3749 Lic/lns 734 427 5552 * ACE LANDSCAPING « OOGOMSKI COMSTRUCTTON Cleanup shrub removal APEX ROOFING Brick Block & Cement Work ALL RESIDENTIAL EXPERT EXPERT MOVING COMPANY Quality work completed with eedmgArlmmlng/sod/plants Porches Chimenys Dr Ways Free Est Senior discount Available 7 days/week pride Family owned Lie Ins FreeEst 313 537 1833 Low prices 7 days 24 hrs Complete landscaping Fully bonded & insured For honesiy & integrity call lie & ins Call 800 253 1632 « 313 533 3967 « FR EE estimate 734 844 1658 248 476 6984 248 855 7223 wwwobserverandeccentrlc com Obsorver S Eccentric j Thursday August 29 2002 (*) fS

l'/liisii;;il Instiimii.'Hls

TABLES • Modern coffee and end table set $500 Modern custom dining table seats 3- » assortment of new & 10 $750 (248) 681 3020 band & orchestra Instru ments Buy/sell/trads/rent Thomasville China Cabinet & 248 334-5150 Server • Opaleseense finish New In 1994 & In exc cond STUDENT ALTO Sax w/case BKID Airplanes 8280 Spoil Ut ty Glass top/marble base table Selmer Bund|^ h _absqlutely 8020 Boets/Motors 8300 Sports & Imported w/6 chairs (243) 843-9928 mint cond 463-9012 8030 Boat Pens 8320 Anllque/ClassfcCi^ltctor No matter what It le. Equpmert/Seivlce Cars HONDA SHADOW AERO 1999 CHEVY 2002 Sllvarido pickup Aerostar 1667 Ext XLT 4 L ilOOco new cond wind half ton low miles like dual air. quad seats 60k : know I will find it in my 8040 BoalDocks/Uarlnas 8340 Acura 2600 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK shield 2020 mi $7100 (317) (248) 777-0484 new $17 000 (248) 625-4632 loaded $7260 or best offer kitchen appliances O&ECIaeelfiedel 8050 BoaWehcleSlorage 8360 Buick 346 9518 ______734-489 6648 JAYCO EAGLE CHEVY DUMPTRUCK 1986 • side X side 28 cu ft Call Today 8060 Inaurance Motor 8360 Cadillac HONDA SUPERHAW K 1999 1999 exc cond loaded C30 350 eng 3 yd bed 8 AERO STAR, 1992 - V6 runs self-cleaning electric 1-800-579-SELL 8070 Molorsycles/Mn bikes/ 8400 Chsvrolsl New in 2001 low mileage microwave built In dishwash­ $4900 (734) 722-6177 plow $3400 (313) 408-8884 a no rust 95K miles OoKans 8420 Chrysler $5 50D/be8t 734 995 5250 248-478-8342 er SOLD KEYSTONE 1999 travel trailer CHEVY 810,2000 30K miles 8080 Motorcycles Pads & 8440 Dodge I, 1964 - Exc oond G E P R O H L E 21 ecu ft refrig­ H ONDA 1998 V LX Custom w/slldeout loaded like new ZR2 Package extended cab New brakes tires 68K erator whits Ice maker exc Servos 8460 Eagle paint & parts must seel $13 000 firm 313-388-6688 loaded power sunroof exc STUDENT TR U M P ET w/cass cond 8380 248-932 ^603 Arrowglait 1977 17 6 ft 8080 on Road Veil eles 8488 Ford $3493/best 248 207 2616 oond $17 000 248-435-8077 S3600/best 734-963-8550 Rsvsre uasd only 2 yrs in LA S A LLE 1990 Champion -32 I/O exc oond trailer 8100 RecreatlonaiVehloes 8866 Geo KAWASAKI 1996 760 ZX7R ft Class A motorhome 454 CHEVY SILVERADO 2000 27K 1994 Eddie Bauer MAYTAG 20G1 washer & dryer good cond $26000 e|ulp^p^e^d S3000/best (246) oversized capacity plus white (734) 261-5838 8110 Snowmobllaa 8820 Honda only 4000 miles $3500 engine 26K mi sleeps 6 miles Sportside $14 500 4 OL V6 Loaded new tires, 566-530 0230 $ll000/best1977 Champion HONDA 1994 PiSSpoH 4x4 battery shocks 70K good 8300 total (734) 788-1382 8120 Gamperaiotor Homes/ 8540 Lexus VIOLINS Hoffman Etude 3/4 BAYLINER 1996 T-ophy Merc 24 ft Class A motorhome 360 low miles cond $6200 After 5pm Sears dorm refrigerator 830 size Nasoya-SuzukI 1/4 size Trailers 8880 Lincoln KAWASAKI 1898 Vulcan engine 44K ml sleeps 6 $7600 C114 248-431-3249 120 trailer depth nnder ex Classic 1600 - exc cond low QE microwave SlO Quassar exc cond (734) 432-5702 8140 Codstfuction Heavy $4000/best (734) 469-3047 tras $11900 313-669-7900 8888 Mazda miles extended we rrinty CHEVY, 1890 810 V6 auto ASTRO 1694 - Extended 12TV81S (734) 582-3311 Equipment 86ffl) Mercury extras $7000 (734) 981 LAYTON 1997 28 ft 5th wheel 105K new brakes/tlres BAYLINER 1996 -19 5 bow 1 3169 air white exc cond w/slldeout & many extras $3600/best 734-422-9362 Stove • Kenmors, Gas 826G rider w/traller anchors & cov 8150 AuloMIsc 8610 Mtsubsh $2200/best 248 370-9702 734-728-9653 KAWASAKI 2001 KDX 200 $13 500/best offer Tow vehi­ ers Pay off loan 8160 Auto/Truck Parts & Service 8820 Nissan S ; cond 83 000 cle available 246 477-5079 DODGE 1996 RAM extended Astro 1698 Van excellent PO O L TABLE 6 slate 248-377-1768 8170 AuloRentals/leasng 8840 Oldsmobis Patrick (248) 437 4490 cab 1500 S L I loaded tow condition low miles $4,686 White Q QE E potscrubber 1230 balls etc S450/best Excellent MALLARD 1989 Clast C 24' pkg 76K $8900 CRESTWOOD DODGE BAYLINER 261^ It 1967, 10 8180 AutoPteng 8680 Plymouth built-in dishwasher with start condition (734) 261-6736 Kawasaki 2802 Ninja 280 - 27K original Chevy Chassis 734-427-7283 (734) 421-6700 10 ft beam ail equipment quiet power plate 8190 Autos Wanted 8880 Pontiac low miles lots of extras $8995 734-819-1000 $14 600/best (734) 397-0846 C H EVY 1991 Astro ext warmer 4 wash & 3 dry 8200 Junk Cars Wanted 8700 Saturn $2900/best (734) 261 7494 DODGE 1996 Extended cab, NOMAO SKYLINE 1896 30 4W D every option small Showroom loaded 120k 1 options Exc cond 850 Bayllner Capri 1963 cuddy 8220 DucksForSae 8720 Toyota PRO -O NE 1993 Sottall bunk house w/elideout fully down $99/mo owner $2800 734-4S3-2522 ______(734) 397 2413 cabin I30hp Volvo Penta exc tangsrine show bike S&8 A D O R A B LE gray kitten 6 8240 Min Vane 8740 Volkswagen equipped like new $12 500 TYME AUTO 734-465-5588 While Kenmore 30 self­ shape $3900 734-693-1173 $23 500 248 318 7032 CHEVY 1883 Luffllltl Van weeks old litter trained to lov­ 8280 Vtms 8760 Autos Over 82 000 734 591 6292 734-306-5412 cleaning electric stove Good DODGE 1999 Dakota Sport loaded excellent condition ing home 248-478-3696 BAYLINER JAZZ 1994 90hp SUZUKI 2001 Intruder LC cond clean $100 BBO 4 Wheel Drive 8760 Autos Under $2000 PALOMINO 1999 pop-up club cab 24k ml 5 2 6speed $3400 734-981-0065 Jet modified for fishing iSOOcc black/chrome 7K sleeps 6 stove & awning CO, tow pack every option (734) 397 2413 CHEVY ASTRO CONVERSION (resembles a bass boat) Fun 1 -800-579 -SELI_ $7000/best 734-366 5573 mint cond $3200 $1^900 734-463-4719 & economical! $3996 VAN 1694 86 000 miles no TRIUMPH 760 TIGER 734-323-3407 I'onK 8- llol liit):: bit li 586 914 4500 rust exc cond $6500 or 1973 7K exc cond PALOMINO CAMPER 1997 • best offer (313) 537-6891 BAYLINER RENDEZVOUS S3600/best (734) 326-9234 Sleeps 5 3 burner stove ice CRESTWOOD DODGE 1996 23ft V6 Mercury cruis CHEVY ASTRO • 1995 YAMAHA 1899 Silverado, box very good cond Perfect (734) 421-6700 / er I/O stored Indoors like SEARAY 1094 370 express Harley 2002 Oyna Wide Glide for the beginning camper loaded new brakes exhaust HOMEOWNERSII $4000 in extras like new must new Toys Included ski e tub t454 new QMAP/canvas - $5000 In extras $19000 $1200/best (734) 394 5733 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT 1999 battery 88K exc cond WANTEOI! see $12000 734 981-3521 S5 800/best (248)642-0932 S i i i r t sport boat performance am/fm od generator ice must sell (248) 426-2644 V6 yellow, 50 000 miles exc KAYAK POOLS Is looking PR O W LER - 27 ft trailer A W FM cassette SI 6 000 extended swim platlorm heat YAMAHA 2002 Road Star cond $8 000 (313) 386-0641 for Demo Homesites to HARLEY 1200 SPORTSTERS sleeps 7 bunk beds very Chryaler 1898 Town i (248) 446 1628 air $106 500 Warrior 1700CO BRAND NEW s m a r t 1996 86600 1994-84750 DODGE RAM 19QB1600 Red Country -Green/leather 94 K display our New (248) 486 4290 $9 700 or best offer Serious nice $7500 313 884 8199 Maintenance Free Kayak BOSTON WHALER 1976 11 Call John (734) 721 7746 313 266 5236 2 dr good cond 80K miles 4 dr $6900 (248) 855-3607 Inquires only 734-634 8156 long bed with cover asking Pool SAVE thousands of 2Shp Johnson Trailer $2200 SEARAY 1996 Sundaiicer CHRYSLER, 1996 TOWN & 88$ with this unique 248-650 9746 33 btack/tan T-464 In HARLEY 1978 PROW LER 1997 30 ft front $6500/best 248-473-6630 1000 8Kml Stock rear per COUNTRY Exc cond loaded opportunity SiAi'f boards, loaded low hrs kitchen excellent condition BROWNING 1976 17 6 140 F-150Uflhtnino 1993 black tape & CO 92K mile $8900 C A LL NOW! 11 $104 9d0 313 319 7733 feet $4800 (734) 280 4793 many extras non smokers Merc Kicker Fish Finder VHF 351 Windsor 125 Km i runs 734-525 2967 246-926-4297 1-800 31 KAYAK $10 000 (248) 879 0373 Radio $3500 248 380 6479 SEARAY 270 Sundanear1906 HARLEY 1980 Low Rider HARLEY - 1200 8 Sportster good Good cond $6500/best Discount Code 106 C '3 T w i c e 16K miles excellent cond CHRYSLER, 1984 Town G twin 170 engines ac 603 hrs SK Chrome Red Looks new ROCKWOOO 1991 pop up (734) 968 6424______$9 000 734 953 9766 Country - Loaded 112K CARAVELLE 1979 17ft $16 500 734 595 8818 S9000/best 248 662 0634 sleeps 6 furnace screen open bow Hummingbird room $2600 (248) 661 1686 F-150 LlghtninD 19 9 3 -black miles showroom cond REMODELING SHOWROOM HARLEY 1996 Slack Bagger 734-495-1732 Selling to the bars wallsl e a c h extras 140 I/O Needs repair SEARAY SEVILLE 1986 165 351 Windsor 125K ml runs Shorelandsr trailer $900 open bow 170 I/O w/low hrs FLHTC $15 750 80UTHW IND 1995 32 454 good Good cond S6500/best Swimming Poole Slate Pool ______248 665 9300 Chevy 16K mi A/C genera O O DQE1992 CARAVAN Grand Tables Hot Tubs Accepting (248) 442 9674 $6200/b98t 734 453 7956 (734) 968-6424______tor $34 500 734 414 6497 LE good condition 114K offers up to 80% off 2 'days Harley 2001 Fatboy, black w eek, your CATALINA 1980 308 Sailboat SEARAY 8UNDANCER 1966 - CARRIAGE COMMANDER FORD 1995 F150 pick up miles $3000 734-459-8588 only Aug 31 & Sept 1 extras 3000 mi $17 900 $17 900 Ail offers considered 270 twin 205 s 10 beam Series 1988 32 ft 5th wheel SPORTSMAN TRAVEL Trailer w/cap $6000 after 1pm The Pool30l Store 734 676-7295 (248) 474 9274 Dodge 1997 Grand Caravan 11 hp diesel aux all 5 sails sleeps 6 refrigerator/stove Maks offer 734 422 7396 1997 24 ft air awning jacks 248-330 8978 sleeps 6 (734) 422 6238 SE green gray int 78k hv wheel steering full electronics full instrumentation lull can­ HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA h o m e t o w n COACHMAN, 19905th Wheel FORD 99 FI 50 X L Super ml $6900 248-788 ■■■ all equipment (248) 626-3699 vas 670 hrs Must sell Superglide FXO 1995 Sleeps 6 good cond w/ air STARCRAFT 1994 Sleeps 6 Cab sport pkg V6 new cporiker@aol com $25 000 246 709 3214 Maroon 7 700 miles extra DODGE CARAVAN 1992 ES cable hook up microwave stove fridge furnace & brakes $10 500 chrome support guard sad ve loaded 107 000 miles SPORTCRAFT 1060 23 shower/bath $S500/best awning like new $2700 734 464 7718 classifieds CC 1990 40 ft aft newly diebags luggage rack garage red $2495 (248) 4 77 2656 decorated many upgrades & cuddy Camp cvs Pump out With 1995 GM C Sierra ______(734) 420 3339 head $5500 734 421 8602 stored immaculate $12 000 FORD 1969 F-360 updates oak interior 456 ci $12 500/best 734 422 1995 STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRAIL DODGE CARAVAN 2000 Short ( i R ) SCHWINN or best offer Stake Truck S3000/best wheel base Exc cond 69k gas w/generator double STARCRAFT1976 22 cabin (248) 207 4131 ER 1997 24 FT full equip FITNESS EQUIPMENT b r i n g QQKART mint $700/best 2 Call 248 471 5071 ml $10 900 517 546 5086 RECONDITIONED SIKES cabln/double bath sleeps 8 90 HP Johnson outboard ment tike new low must see if you re looking for Go Peds good shape $475 LIVONIA SCHWINN (96) $4500 734 459 5768 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 miles $8000 (734) 464 0084 Ford 1995 F-250 XLT Super a large family boat w/all 1200 Sportster 2K miles S3K each/besi 248 680 1911 Dodge Grand Caravan 8E Bicycle & Fitness Center Cab 4x4 460 engine 50 870 1999 All power air cruise t o g e t h e r options Perfectly maintained Stingray 2001 18 with trail in extras Bags mint cond SUNLINE 1997 Travel Trailer 28860 W 7 Mlie Moped E Ton hight tech miles 1 owner 8 ft box cap tinted windows new tires 53k $119 900 At DYC Call (248) er exc cond low hours Plus $8 500 or best offer 24 Queen Island bed sleeps 248 476 1818 49cc high performance like hitch more $13 500/best miles $11 998 248 473 4154 851 8080 message 2002 slip In Pinckney (248) 524 1184 new 500 mi New $2600 Sell 6 full bath w/tub exc cond Westland 734 729 1108 Recreation $12 600 $1800 248 763 0686 Cole $10 500 (734) 326 8512 t h o u s a n d s CHAPPARAL 1830 SS Sow Davidson BLACK DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE 734 459 3693 a FORD 1996 F260 auto air 1995 115Kmi aIrVerygood rider (1998) 4 3 Mercrulser custom/chromed out 8UNNY8R00K 27FK8 Yamaha 1200 1998 Wave stereo looks & runs super cond $4000 248 932-0825 90 hrs mint cond stored SUNBIRD 1984 19ftbowrid 1996 7195 mi $14 500/best Runner like new only 26hrs 2002 12 ft Slide w/ awning $3299 er I/O must sell due to health offer Days 313 255 3100 21 ft awning rear bedroom w/ B EA U TIFU L white large o f s m a r t indoors yr round includes w/1999 Shorelander Trailer TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 Dodge Grand Caravan SE extension 288/John Eves 248 queen double fold out sofa formica kitchen cabinets exc trailer $15 500 248 360 6552 $2300/best 734 981 5364 $5500/best 734 762 6512 1697 good cond loaded 75K 377 0312 bed a/c T V antenna cable FORD 1998 F150 X LT pick up cond G E dishwasher oven $7 900 (248)471 0518 CITATION 1986 19ft w/cuddy SUN8IR0 1991 17 5 ft open and telephone hook ups 2 LP 2WD V 6 burgundy less than microwave We re remodel b u y e r s cabin inboard/outboard hull inboard motor exc H A R LEY DAVIDSON Road tanks w/ auto switch 2 doors 34k miles clean warranty DODGE Grand Caravan Sport mg everything must goi $6000/best (734) 453 4743 cond new cover $4500 King 2000 Stage 11 3ig bore exceptional storage Hensley good thru 6 30 03 or 62 670 SE 1994 3 3L V6 96k miles Eves 248 788 1289 (248) 3630498 fully chromed many extras hitch (I ves up to all expects miles $11 300(734)451 7261 Looks & runs good at! power C0MPAC 16 1983 Sailboat $18 000/best (248) 626 9568 POLARIS 2090 5SQ very WHITE PINE SELEC T & tions) $21 350 w/ hitch $4400/best 810 918 2766 an d sellers w/traiier Good condition SUPRA COMP 1998 SKI low miles exc cond FORD 1999 F 1 5 0 super Number 1 60 & $1 30 per (734) 462 0941 $1 $3600 (734) 459 3757 BOAT 19 low hrs exc cond Harley Davidson Softal! spe $3500/best (734) 456 7232 cab black bed liner loaded board ft $230 & $2 heater 4 blade prop radio & cia w/neon 1994 gray/whte SUNNYBROOK 1997 29 $14 900 734 455 2900 Ford 1995 Wlndslar U( S to S cash 734 673 9339 j u s t l i k e CREST II Pontoon 1986 25ft 6 cd changer many upgrades 12 894 miles $15 500/best Campers MlOtorH o m e s ^ trailer W/slldeout Front queen loaded new tires/brakes 60k w/30hp evinrude $3450/best $21 500/best 248 684 9750 offer Days 313 255 3100 FORD 1999 F250 XLT 4x4 *T ra ilers rear bunk sleeps 8 Ducted ml $6500/best 734 464 1488 Biisines:Si OH offer (248) 623 1835 extenson 288/John or eves C/A htch ncluded exc cond 5 4L auto ABS H D E electr SUPRA COMP 1986 19 248 377 0312 ca cool ng 8 ft bed f ber FORDW INDSTAR 1998 dark Equipirifml 14ft sef $12 800 248 608 8455 y o u . Y o u CRESTLINER 24 ft hardtop exc cond oaOed low hrs 1981 SUNLINE glass cap 26K $16 900 green all power very good Harley Davidson Superglide conta ned a'c frdge hoi OFFICE FURNITURE/WORK loaded w/tra ler Ready to fish' stored ndoors $9500/bes: TERRY LITE 1999 25 extras 734 462 3942 cond well maintained 57K 1999 extras clean original water we I kept must see STATIONS Excellent condi $10 000/besti 734 462 0177 (248) 762 1240 free camping to 2004 $14 500 $7300 (248)682 1049 $2000/best (734)1 728 7679 tion Like new (734) 422 4785 owner $14 000 must sell 734 427 6743 FORD 2002 Explorer XLT 3 c o n r e l y CRESTLINER 1980 15ft TARTAN 1981 37 cruise (734) 522 9366 mo old mint loaded $9k off Ford WIndstar 1995 LX 5TH WHEEL Carnage 1993 Sharp reddish stained desk 90 hp motor & trailer $1750 equipped N satis datamarme T R A IL LITE 2001 26 list price 734 507 0102 Loaded A real beautyl Must H A R LEY DAVIDSON Ultra 32ft slide out all electronic crezdenza bookcase & 313 565 1139 instruments new engine great optons hitch possible dehv see! $4400 (734) 425 6571 Classic 2001 Extra chrome all fiberglass $18 000 Also matching chairs $2000/best o n y o u r cond $79 500 810 329 9212 ery $13 500 734 981 1889 FO R D 2002 F I 50 Super CROW NLINE 180BR 2001 exc cond $ 17 500 Call after F 350 Dooley all set to go Crew Lariet F X 4 oK road FORD WINDSTAR 1996 U Lateral file table secretary THOMPSON 1990 31 11 6 only 55 hrs 190hp V6 4 (248) 437 9366 w/trailer $12 000/best TRAIL LITE 2002 30 slide 4x4 leather CD sunroof Red loaded clean Only desk/best (248) 646 9567 wide aftcabin refrigerator/ Sharp'$16 500 248 626 2430 (734) 595 0163 out AH the extras Must sell 15K $27 900 734 254 0560 $4950/best 248 547 0664 stove/microwave air Loran Davidson 1976 FLH O b s e r v e r $15000 734 427 6465 DONZI 1977 Ski Sportsr GPS twin 260 hp fishfinder 4 1200 original cond 9300 AIRSTREAM 2000 390XL FORD ESSO CUBE VAN 1987 FORD WINDSTAR GL1998 • 350 Chevy E Z loader trailer cannon electric downriggers $12 500 734 693 1173 All options Washer/Dryer TRAVEL TRAILER 1993 14 ft 170 K miles 68K fully loaded tow pkg low hrs $29 000/or best offer auto seek 330 CAT flawless Garaged $9000 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1997 Terry 24 ft exc cond $5300 $2600/best (734) 981 7883 roof rack 2nd row captain s TWO DISPLAY 8 e (248) 553 0886 MUST S E L L ' $149 900/best (734) 837 6411 chairs $8500 734-43^3355 248 553 4597 FLHTCI Eiectra Glide Classic REFRIGERATOR COOLERS 810 227 4130 FORD F ISO 2000 Harley call after 6pm Retractable doors 8 shelves in DYNATRAK 20 fish & ski THOMPSON 1991 1^ bow Exc $16 500 734 453 9133 VIKING 1998 sleeps 8 fur Davidson 16 500 ml Loaded rider 200hp Johnson power CAMPER 24 5th wheel Very clean $23 900 Livonia Ford WIndstar LX 1996 each unit w/ electric lighting trolling motor 225 OB trailer HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 nace refrigerator awmng E c c e n t r i c tilt camper top trailer like Sunline sleeps 4 very good area 734 748 1583 10a 7p loaded good cond highway Exc cond $500734 422-4616 Mint $11 900 248 647 6529 Fatboy Anniversary Edition stove $4 200 (248) 788 3038 new used little $9 500 cond $6000 (734) 427 8309 miles $4195 734 674-6502 mint cond $15 500/best Four Winns 1987 Candii 200 734 591 2019 W INNEBAG0 1998 Class A FORD F ISO 1968 Auto 6 Must sell (734) 751 3510 CHATEAU 1999 31 Class C classifieds exc cond Also Shorestation Warrior 14 800 GVW heavy cyl Ail new brake system FORDWINDSTAR 1996 GL TIGER SHARK Two 1999 low miles exc cond like new duty chassis sleeps 6 39k $1750/best 248 442 0629 Exc cond Rear air & radio hoist for sale Taking offers TS 770 w/ trailer and acces HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 extras M INT! Must sell' (248) 683 4999 like new $35 000/best controls towing package E MACHINE w/DVD ROM sories low hours $6500 Ultra Classic exc cond 13K $41 500 586 792 3648 FORD F 250 2000 Super $17 500/best 248 681 3465 734 591 2019 $5800 248 394 0761 printer scanner 1 7 monitor t o e a r n F0URWINN8 1992 19 (248) 608 9826 duty XLT pick up 8 ft bed COACHMAN MIRADA 1997 FORD WrNDSTAR 1996 GL $1000/best 248 9101306 Horizon bow rider V8 low HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 60 000 miles 4 door cd 1VaekerNitro1994 16 ft fiber 34 Class A 18K miles step up side rails brush 89K rear air power windows hrs $8500 810 343 7528 glass 60hp black $3 900 Road King black beautiful $34 000 313 538 0941 m o n e y loaded $18000 guard topper nnoliner tool $6 000/best 734 464 1562 Genesis 1994 21ft V6 (734) 981 4785 boxes $18 000 (734) 397 248 342 8400 Coachman 1979 32 ft DITCHWITCH 5110 430 hours GMC 1995 SAFARI SLT Merc outdrive $7500 9507 or 810 707 9106 TRI HULL 17ft 1968 good cond sleeps 8 $3500 like new AH the extras Over AWD seats 8 dual air all HOME GROWN SWEET CORN 734 722 7986 H A R LEY DAVIDSON 2001 65 hp motor runs but needs (313) 388 2842 $90 OOO new Sacrifice at FORD F100 XLT 1996 match deluxe Excellent U PICK BEANS'& PEPPERS a n d s a v e Ultra Classic Electragllde S some work Boat motor and $2990O/best (248)647 6529 Ing cap loaded air cruise & outi $5990 Brighton Rowes Produce Giastron 19 77 w/trailer 70 2400 miles State II kit siren COACHMAN TRUCK camper trailer $750 OBO duel gas tanks $6495 810 229 5468 (734)482-8538 horse Mercury Runs & looks alarm custom cover loaded Good condition $800 734 326 3994 (afer 6 00 PM) 248 240 3010 Girard s Produce good New stereo system fast rich red $25 500 (734) 416 8849 GRAND CARAVAN 2000 m o n e y ! trailer like new $2 500 or (734)697 1685 war eagle 2000 20 center ______734 397 8249 Ford F16 0 1998 X LT king cab exc cond 31K fullIII power best (313)9372295 Cell COLEM AN BAY8IDE pullout console 104 stroke Yamaha like new loaded 38K miles white $14 500 734 459 0389 Harley Davidson 2002 popup camper 1998 Like (313) 402 9628 Exc cond 734 207 8826 BLACK TURTLE $13 500 (734) 425 9042 Heritage Classic 0 miles new $7 000 or best offer Call GRAND CARAVAN 1996'' GOBOARO 2002 Windsurfer VHaverunner 2000 Yamaha $17 500 248 921 8208 from 9am 1 pm and 6 pm Top for pick up $500 FORD F160 2001 1 1 K 4x4 loaded V6 3 3 L $5700 sail harness used lx Steal GP 760 w/traller used 11 8 p m (313) 561 1608 JOHN DEERE 1200 1990 H A R LEY DAVIDSON 2001 (734) 459 4166 V 6 5 spd manual XLT 734 771 5747 at $2 000 517 242 6880 hrs $5600 (734) 595 4696 supercab air cruise $15 900 Rake and bunker with attach S i a r t WIDE G LID E 1140 Miles Daybreak 1996 31 ft BRAND NEW Tremec 5 speed Grand Caravan 1998 Sport 248 661 3144 ments Exc cond Call Glenn JET SK11998 Wellcraft 1993 Excel exc Black sxc cond extras motorhome loaded 25K transmission just gear box 30K moonroof loaded (734) 397 9757 BEAGLE PUPS AKC & NKC 2 person trailer good cond cond low hrs trailer lots of $17 500 734 844 7934 $32 500 (734) 3940965 fits ail Ford Mustang applica FORD F1S8, 1967, XLT 4110 QOI4 Champion parents 3 litters $2950/best 313 533 5405 extras $7 000 610 632 4703 HARLEY NIGHT TRAIN 1999 tions $600 (248)249 8100 w/cap 3rd dr/bedilner 49K CRESTWOOD DODGE POW ER W ASHER 1500 psi Shots wormed/ guaranteed DUTCHMAN 2001 pop up 7K two seats many extra s $13 800/b8St 734 416 9853 (734) 421-5700 brand new! Electric attach From $200 734 782 5127 KAWASAKI (2) 1990 & 1991 YAMAHA 2000 Waverunner sleeps 6 extras new $5200 Ford F ISO extededcab fiber $16 000/best (313) 999 7114 ments incl $99 734 462-6301 Jet Skis & Trailer $1800 SV 1200 like new used 10 Now $4200 734 981 6686 galass toneau cover Harvest FORD F350 1999 white Grand Caravan Old English Sheepdog (734) 425 4953 hours w/Shoreiander trailer gold $300 313 274 2125 lined bed storage box exc cond green 58k RIDING MTO LAWN MOWING HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 Dutchman Lite 1999 26FT Puppies males AKC OFA $8200 734 776 0466 $16 000/best$18 000w/p!ow $12 400 (734) 432 0835 lOhp 30’ long $260 KAWASAKI 1100XT8 $4000 (1999) approx 6500 ml bags semi loaded Clean $12 000 HARDTOP champion line 248 650 2397 248 8691313 (734) 455 1811 or best offer Beautiful cond 1994 16 Ski boat & windshield blue & silver like (734) 425 4275 for a Jeep Wrangler $900 Grand Voyager 1998 new $9000 734 522 6041 Top Quality small mixed Must sell 248 624 8942 trailer • like new 248 651 0090 FORD RANGER 1999 XTL well maintained 86k $7495 breed puppies shots wormed $7900/best 248 693 0149 FLEETWOOD 2000 Tioga 29 H EN DER SO N 1999 initial Sport Package 4 dr 4 0L (248) 471-2389 9wks 313 433 0346 KAWASAKI 1999 Ultra 150 13K mi gen 30 hrs Ford GT 2002 1 7 in Production #747 ExcellentI engine 5 speed auto air 145hp low hrs trailer cover YAMAHA 1999 XL 700 E450V10 Mint 734 464 6970 wheels & worn tires GRAND VOYAGER, 1996, SE Vl/i!h trailer low hrs $10 500 313 565 4170 power cap bedliner 60K CHRISTIAN MEMORIAL W ESTIESPU PS EIGHT weeks warranty $5400 $200/b88t offer 734 347 3223 3 3L 4 dr quad seats 1st shots AKC females $3100/best 248 705 4030 FO U R W INNS 2000 miles $8500 (734) 5 22176 2 Cultural Center 1 Musilium 248 471 5581 Honda 1983 V66 Magna $5 900 Eves 248 641 9818 $550 (734) 953 1793 Hurricane 30ft Class A motor FORD RANGER 1998 crypt 1 deluxe Heritage casket YAMAHA 2000 GP1200R J4t 20 000 ml Askmg $11500/best home 7 000 miles 10'f miles KAWASAKI 2000 Ultra 160 Jet Supercab 4x4 Off Road Auto HONDA ODYSSEY EX - 2000 Valued at $15 000/ asking Ski mint cond less than 30 788 7030 per gallon Asking $52 000 n w/ tan Interior $9000 Ask for Nancy (734) Ski under 30 hrs runs exc 2 liner loaded 52K $10 000 S hrs $6200/bsst734 516 6447 734 981 9047 ask for Ron DOO/best (734) 953-8974 life vests cover trailer HONDA 1988 Hawk 6T red ______734 453 0701 697 3996 The Credit Problem 1150CC $6000 734 320 4748 ZODIAC 1991FutUfaGT 13 9 polished wheels 11K beauti GULF STREAM El Capitan HONDA ODYSSEY EX 1988 - Clawfoot Bathtubs Need ful $3200 734 260 4793 Specialist at gmc 1996 Slarra King cab FOUND male Schnauzerat ft aluminum floor special 1987 27 36K miles very dark gray most options exc refinlshing S325 / best offer 8 Mile & Meadowbrook Aug KAYAK Wilderness Systems order limited edition like Bill Brown Ford w/she!l Must see $12 000 Honda 1996 Magna good condition $15 000/best condSOK $19 500 ______(734) 395 0455 20 About 1 1 / 2 to 2/yrs/old Manteo Werner paddle new accessories 30 hp It s Easy Log on to 734 729 0092 extras $675 246 681 1154 1 owner tons of chrome cus 734 '427 0478 734 284 4978 Missing his owner Yamaha precision blend WWW itsloantime com Dos Kennel- 12x8x6 S100 tom exhaust sharp bike w/lots GMC SONOMA 1996 SLE 248 471 5278 $3800 (248)477 9832 6 U LF8TR EAM 199 7 30 ft 5th or 24 hour approval line HONDA ODYSSEY LX 1965. (313) 533 5307 PONTOON 1999 party craft 24 extras $5100 (248)738 4868 ext cab V6 exc cond 90K wheel slide out front power (800) 680 6380 56K dealer maintain exc must FOUND Female dog Brown ft long with 50 HP Johnson Dingy ig97 8 6 fl $5500 firm (734) 397 2259 HONDA 2008 CR 250R jacks $ 17 OOO/make offer seel $9 700 734 5645673 w/ white paws Blue & white motor barely used tike new 1997 Nissan Shp out B IL L BROW N JUKE BOX Rowe JBM 200 exc cond extra parts 248 396 5145 GMC 1995 1500 SLT 5 7 flee collar Black faced puppy $9500 (517) 545 9518 $800 (313) 319 7733 HONDA 1986 Odessy EX holds 100 45 s needs some $3900 734-421 0848 auto extended cab long bed (248) 473 0255 HITCHHIKER II 1991 5th Great cond moonroof warran TLC $300 734 722 3778 REGAL VALANTi 1993 17 leather $9200 734 676 1317 HONDA 2080 Shadow wheel 27RK loaded exc ty 79K $9 900 734-513 7327 FOUND • ON 23rd Mercruiser 115 hp 3 0 Like Overbought 7 5 gal contain silver 8K 3 yr war cond $8000 734 459 2235 RANGER 1999 XLT 4x4 V6 SMALL BLACK DOG new Only 134 hrs Includes 600CC M AZDA MPV 1991 high ers exterior white paint $35 ranty garaged manual air CD 4 1K exc 9 & Beech (248) 356 3394 trailer cover safety gear $3800 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1994 miles dependable $1950 per 5 gal (734) 455 1811 Genesis 1994 21ft VS ______734 340 4363 cond $9975 248 685 7228 other supplies $6500/best imperial 37 5 36K great 248 888 7266 POUND DOG • F^malr black Merc outdrive $7500 TUB & W A LL fiberglass kit 1 248 761 6356 Honda 2000 Valkyrie Tourer cond $37 000 810 2208548 TOYOTA 1999 TACOMA 84K Lab mix 8/16 after storm on 734 722 7986 ALL AUTOS TOP$$ MERCURY VILUGER, 1997 piece $100 Car top carrier mint loaded extras $10 700 miles white regular cab exc Coolidge & Derby In RINKER1993 18 5 open bow JAYC 0199 7302FK exc cond Junked Wrecked or Running LS loaded white/tan exc $25 734 981 1477 248 709 7709 cond $6800 734 459 8939 Birmingham No tags (248) 4 31x V6 very low hrs $8000 non smoker lots of extras E & M 248 474 4425 cond $7900 734 420 2848 Loaded 248 693 3637 HONDA 2001 SHADOW Spirit power jack microwave etc Evenings 734 7 1 7 0428 VT750 Black 447 mi like $9300 734 981 0274 OLDS Slliioustte 1689 FOUND 5 kittens & mom SEA RAY 1976 hardtop 24 6 American Ironhcrse 2003 new $5499 After 6pm Premier LTD Edition 56K Flea collar 6 Mile & sleeps 4 loaded less than 400 JAYC 0199 6 314 BH power WWW huizinga com\bike htm 734 458 8749 hwy miles fully loaded includ hrs $4999 734 525 6430 OBOE FO R S A LE in great Farmington (734) 425 3333 $26 000 616 262 1800 slideout/power hitchjack AEROSTAR 1990 extv8 Ing rear air video player & condition $900 HONDA 2001 Shadow many extras exc cond loaded runs great CD hitch towing package Seats 7 indl FOUND 8 20 Young female SEA RAY 2001 182 bowrider ______(734) 667 3108 DUCAT1 1996 Monster -yel 600cc 750 miles windshield $11 500 (248)634 2691 Avatanclie 2002 2 W D 6 $2500/best 734 454 4660 go blue asking $15 000 or Bull Terrier tan/white purple 4 3L 190 hp Merc exc low 3K miles must sell saddle bag very nice $4500 passenger 266 package best, 734 516 9321 PIANO GRAND PLAYER High collar no tags Hanford & cond low hrs trailer bimln! 734 481 5053 734 944 0305 248 476 9734 JAYCO 1997 Popup 12 ft assume lease $324/mo AEROSTAR 1993 XLT Ext gloss black laquer perfect Morton Taylor Canton Calf top $19 900 (248)685 2656 King/Queen Awning screen $1000 down (248) 366 9830 4L 95K very good cond PLYMOUTH 1994 Voyager condition $14 500/best offer Huron Valley Humane Society FLHTP 1997 good shape HONDA G L 1200 Aspencade room & furnace $4200 $4000/best (734}'9819109 SE Sport 83K 3 3L V6 (734) 459 9403 734 662 5585 8EARAY 1978 21 8 trailer well maintained ready to go 1987 exc cond 117K miles (248) 366 9437 CHEVY 2001 S10 2 door $4200/best 248 569 0454 new 350 eng Boat slip In New $12 000 248 486 3571 $2750/best 734 421 4714 V6 5 speed 20 000 miles AEROSTAR 1992 92K miles RENT A PIANO $25/moiThis LOST West Highland Terrier Haven $5900 (248)478 1103 JAYCO 1997 Popup 12 ft tonneau cover $11 700 looks fine runs great PLYMOUTH 1898 Grand week s special Free Delivery! white 10 mo male named H A R LEY 1999 Heritage HONDA GOLDW ING 2002 Q L King/Queen Awning screen 248 486 4046 $2300/best 734 522 3515 Voyager SE V6 3 3L bur Call for details Michigan Dakota Canton area Reward SEARAY198S, 17 5 V8 350 Springer FLSTS 675 mile 1800 Illusion red less then room & furnace $4200 gundy auto 7 passenger Piano 248 548 2200 www (734) 844 2647 Please help $5500 (248) 363 7908 $19 000 Days 248 474 6565 90 miles C6 radio kit CB (248) 366 9437 CHEVY 1990" 4~54SS' '79'500 AEROSTAR 1993 Exc cruise full power dual/rear mpiano com us find our small loved one Eves 248 594 9232 antenna fog light & more mi loaded air extra wheels con low mi auto air $4500 air tilt CO 66K $9200 (734)728 3963 JAYCO 1SS7 Pop up (1406) $7000;best (248) 471 3297 734 464 1792 (248) 478 1638 SAX/VIOLIN Vito Sax 131 LO S T PAR R O T Green SEARAY 1990 310 H A R LEY 2091 K Heritage sleeps 6 loads of storage TK Yamaha like new $1200 Amazon answers to Mimi ID SundSncer twin 260 s low Softtail Pearl white 5K pipes HONDA PACIFIC COAST wardrobe overhead cabinet CHEVY 1991 S 10 V6 5 Aaroslar 1995 extended XLT Plymouth Gand Voyager LE 3/4 VIO LIN good working band/left foot large reward hours bristol cond jetted lots of extra chrome 1989 800CC under 6k miles awning screen house $4800 speed 60K miles Sr owned fair cond $3495/best 1994 114k all power good cond $300 (248) 645 5108 needs medicine 248 207 1 7 1 7 S57 900/best (248) 6562983 $18 500/best 734 425 2173 $3200 (734) 525 0794 Call Jeff at 734 453 1224 Mint $2700 (734) 721 1041 (248) 615 2920 cond $3100 (734)459 8271 F6 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday August 29 2002 WWW observerandeccentric com

1 Antique i Classic 4 Wheel Drive C M Sporl Utility Sport Utility Sports Imported Sports Imported I 1 1 Collector Cars

PONTIAC 1999 Montana Cherokee 1993 Sport 2 dr Chevy Suburban 1994 JE E P CHEROKEE 1999 Classic BMW 5281 1999 sport pack MERCEDES 1998 SLSOQ BEETLE CONVERTIBLE 1970 INTEGRA 1995 GSR 167K Seville 2000 S TS , low miles extended 29k loaded exc 6 cyl rare 5 speed black Silverado 2Wd 160Khwy all 4x4 chill pepper red exc age sun roof black/ black Black/black 2 tops mint 39k new 1600 cc motor new top miles black loaded good silver gray leather chromes cond $16 000 248 625 9655 118Km i cold air $3700/best new parts including trans cond $6900 248 348 8698 78K $22 000 (734) 649 3270 miles $43 500 new floors $7500 cond $5300 734 459 8939 CD $25 900 248 358 2243 $6795 734 422 2460 (313) 561 8283 734 729 9440 John Rogin Buick PONTIAC Transport SE 1994 JEEFCHERDKEE SPORT BMW 52811997 4 dr 5 speed LEG EN D LS Coupe 1994 734 525 0900 3 8L 78K 1 owner loaded EXPLORER 1995 2 door full DODGE 2000 Durango SLTv8 2000 4x4 $12 500/best 47 5k mi whlte/tan leather all MERCEDES 1999 CLK430 BMW 1988 750 IL Dealer maintained exc cond exc cohd $5900 248 305 8224 power air custom garage 4x4 black ext grey interior (734) 369 2170 options new tires (Michelin) AMG black coupe winter white/camel 85K $5000 in (248) 477 7155 SEVILLE 8LS 1994 North kept New tires $6490/best exc cond 32 500 ml $17 400 Best offer 248 483 5400 wheels 44K warranty new parts exc cond $8 500 star leather 121K Exc cond SllhQUOtta 2000 GLS 36k 734 3971996 248 681 0151 248 770 2600 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT1995 $35 990 734 207 1767 (248) 816 9475 $6495/best (f34 368 5573 miles loaded $ 17 500 4x4 auto anti lock brakes BMW Z3 Roadster 1999 2 8L ^734) 397 1273 FO R D 2000 F 350 1 ton DODGE DURANGE SLT 2000 red mint 62 000 miles 5 speed black/tan loaded Cadillac 1955 great shape SEVILLE StS 1994 diesel dually club cab 4 dr 11K fuly loaded tow pkg $7800 (248) 877 1564 48K $24 000 (313) 6 17 9796 MERCEDES 300E 1989 char make offer on this steal! CENTURY 1993 4 door blue Black/black 98K $7700 WEI 4x4 5 speed Lariat leather Silhouette 2001 Extended leather 3rd seat exc cond coal black moonroof great $5700 (248) 394 1076 fully automatic doors win maintained (734 459 6348 interior a/c 20K Great cond JE E P CHEROKEE 1999 Sport CO R VETTE 2000 Red Van fully equipped only12K $20 750 (248) 737 8859 cond New air radio & tires dows & seat 89 000 + miles black/tan $29 000 248 344 Alloy wheels moonroof 46K coupe beige leather 6 speed CAOILUC 1960 Goodcondi priced to sell $7500 (248) 626 5514 $3600 (248) 592 9549 DON MASSEY CADILLAC 8600 Dodge Durango 1998 4x4 V8 miles exc $l3 000/best 13 000 miles never driven m tion $3 000/firm PLYMOUTH (734) 453 7500 SLT 62K black loaded auto Eves /weekends 248 569 8743 snow perfect $35 000 (248) MERCEDES 300E 1991 Sliver 734 416 8849 C ENTURY 2000 32 342 mi Ford 2000 FI 50 4x4 oft road start $13 900 313 534 6075 644 7900 130K miles exc cond JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 1 owner white gray interior CAMAflO 1996 Z28 SS ail TOYOTA 1991 Previa LE V 8 super cab loaded $7 600/best 248 305 8537 CADILLAC 1951 Convertible LIMITED 1999 4x4 loaded CD $9 900 248 370 0268 SLP options red 6 speed t Dependable Florida car hitch $ 17 995 Dodge Durango 1998 4x4 V8 Corvette 2001 Z06 sliver Concours Winner restored 48 000 miles $16 000 or best tops leather 43K Must sell 168K miles $2800 CRESTWOOD DODGE SLT 62K black loaded auto 5K Priced to sell' MERCEDES BENZ 2001 $30 900 248 685 0051 C ENTURY 2001 V6 29 500 offer Call Glenn $14 500 248 709 3214 734 616 3913 (734) 421 5700 start $14 500 313 534 6075 DON MASSEY CADILLAC Sl K320 6 Sp sport pkg mi factory warranty OnStar (734) 397 9757 PLYMOUTH (734) 453 7500 white w/black leather factory CADILLAC 1955 Fully full power stereo concert Camaro 2000 Z28 SS TRANS SPORT 1997 7 seats GMC 1993 Jimmy 4x4 4 3L EXPEDITION 1998 XLT warranty not driven in winter restored Everything new JE E P GRAND Cherokee 1999 sound Reduced to $12 995 100K $5 500 Call Mon Fn 8 88K loaded tow package 4x4 4 6 V8 3rd seat 62K CORVETTE 1977 98k runs mint cond 10 600 m $15 000/best offer Convertible red low miles 4x4 taupe Must sell mmedi 734 564-2390 5 (248) 471 1400 New t res CD $5200/best $14 500/best 248 4 77 7999 good needs brakes $6500 $41 500 248 760 3284 (734) 729 3711 $22 500 248 626 6218 ately $16000 734 674 3225 firm 734 595 7522 Century 2002 Custom 2 to Lou LaRIcha Chevrolet Voyager 1999 43K exccon EXPEDITION 1999 XLT MERCEDES BENZ 1980 450 CAMARD 1975 classic exc choose low miles maroon/sil JE E P GRAND Cherokee 1999 C O R V E n E 19 7 8 25th anniver CD air extended warranty GMC 2000 Sonoma 4x4 ZR2 package white 38K $18 700 SL convertible 83Kml beat cond low mi garage kept ver low miles $12 980 M77-S5 CHEVY ^ 4x4 taupe Must sell immedi sary 55k m les 4 speed per $9975 (734) 397 1735 29K club cab loaded (734) 591 0825 titui car $14 500 must see $5500 or best John Rogih Buick C4C QQC ately' $16 000 734 674 3225 feet $10 500 734 462 0929 Camara 2000 Z28 10k miles (248) 478 6646 (734) 525 4304 734 525 0900 WiNDSTAR 1996 aut^ CRESTWOOD DODGE Expedition 1999 Eddie Bauer red Ttops $19 500 JE E P 1994 Grand Cherokee C O R V E H E 1990 Black 6 front & rear air every option (734) 421 5700 2 WD green 60k loaded M ER C ED ES B EN Z 1981 CAMARO Z28 1982 Show CENTURY WAGON 1993 exc Ltd 107K miles loaded tow speed summer car clean LNURiche Chevrolet $3999 $17 000 (248) 871 1121 300SD Turbo diesel 143K car all original 23K Best cond top rails runs great ing package great cond $13 900/Trade 248 866 9207 T Y M E A U T O 734 455 5566 GMC SIERRA 1999 LSE Z71 exc $6500 248 478 7667 Offer 734 462 0334 $2300 (248) 356 8190 1-877-5S CHEVY extended cab dark blue very Expedition 2001 XLT 5 4 V 8 $8000 248 620 6423 leather moon 3rd seat only C O R V EH E 1991 convertible CHEVROLET 1967 Bel Air 4 CAMARO RS 1992 37K V6 ‘ WINDSTAR 1998 Duailir nice truck $15 900 JE E P 1996 Grand Cherokee M ER C ED ES B EN Z 2002 lesabre 1998 LTD loaded 9K! Priced to sell! black low mi auto newtires C230K 5 500 M ILES black Dr V8 $1500/best offer 500 watt amplifier $7500 AM/FM/CD 66 000 miles 734 266 1393 313 665 2983 Laredo CD loaded exc good cond 1 owner 135k DON MASSEY CADILLAC mint cond loaded $18000 exterior/lnterior 6 speed Paid 734 416 9485 after 6pm (734) 525 4879 $9000 734 453 1208 cond $9 900 734 953 5765 mi $5000 248 380 7829 GM C SIERRA 2002 ext cab PLYMOUTH (734) 453 7500 734 528 1745 $33 300 asking $27 500 CORVAIR 1963 blk/red con Caprice 1994 police car WINDSTAR 1998 W 4X4 5 3I auto Z71 8K miles JE E P Grand Cherokee Laredo (248) 670 5600 LES A B R E 1997 Limited Well EXPLORER 1993 SPORT CORVETTE 1991 convertible vertible 45k mi exc cond new paint & parts SS priced low must sell $6850 exttas $26 000 or best offer 20(50 4Wd 21K CD changer maintained 90K mi white 4x4 2 dr new tires runs great black low mi auto newtires MERCEDES BENZ 1999 E320 $5300 Chris 616 274 7870 tape CD autotemp new front options immaculate $9995 248 888 0395 734 883 7659 $19 900 248 589 7943 $4300/best 734 416 5543 mint cond loaded $18 000 AWD exc cond 29K loaded+ tires $8100 (248) 471 74 17 (734) 8448296 J E E P 1991 Cherokee Brier SOLD Bose sunroof phone heated C O R V EH E 1974 Stingray WINDSTAR 1999 SEL EXPLORER 1993 Sport 4x4 all Jimmy 1999 SLT 4 dr CAVALIER 1995 48K miles Loaded leather dual power wood Top of line 89K $4950 seats $36 000 248 486 6561 Gray 454 engine t top good Park Avenue 1994 dark power hwy miles good cond leather 4W0 low miles very CORVETTE 1998 convert Granny s car $4200 or best sliding dr s reverse sensing Southfield 248 354 3252 cond $15 000 248 701-4622 maroon/maroon leather $5200/best 248 626 4239 sharp only $16 995 ible auto 22k mi red/black 734 953 8574 systwn cd 48K $15 500 MERCEDES CONVERTIBLE loaded alloys must see J E E P 1996 Grand Cherokee top stored winters like new LOOKING FO R pale yellow w/ C O R V E n E 1979 white w/red $7 480 (734) 354 0462 EXPLORER 1994 Eddie Bauer JiedJhlM afL. CAVALIER 1997 4 door Laredo V8 exc cond 88K $33 900/best 248 614 9210 black top Parked at Beau interior low mileage garage John Rogih Buick leather a r exc cond many Westland (734) 721 1144 good cond air CD 73k ml side pipes tow pkg Jacks 8/11 248 909 8990 kept $8500 (734) 394 0016 734 525 0900 new parts 118K mi Asking CORVETTE 1999 coupe auto $4200 248 348 5404 $8500/best (248) 543 7682 Kla 2001 Spoilage Ltd 7K $5600 248 541 4232 pevrter 6 speed loaded war Cougar 1972 Convertible V PARK AVENUE 2 tone maroon moon leather M ERCEDES 1990 300SE Cavalier 2002 18k miles , JEEP tl999 Wrangler black ranty $29 000/best full power mint cond 8 auto classic dream cruis 1994 loaded 59K EXPLORER 1994 Limited Priced to Sell' extended warranty exc cond CHEVY 1995 GS 20 fully 2 5L 4 speed 3 1K miles 248 433 0821 $12 000/best 734 340 2036 er Exc cond $5 500 $6 500/best (246) 344 0822 4WO while leather 4 dr good John Rogin Buick $9990/besl (734) 427 0362 loaded w/wheet chair lift extras $10 500 Call ceil# 313 541 8042 cond $4300 (248) 615 4027 734 525 0900 C O R V En E2 0 D O red ragtop PARK AVENUE 1996 68K 103K $8500 (313) 533 1924 810 703 8586 Wixom MERCEDES 1998 sik Red Cavalier RS 1992 Convertible 6 speed ail options only 8200 miles loaded $35 000 FORD GALAXY 1964 500x1 exc cond $11500 EXPLORER 1996 SPORT LAND ROVER 1999 V6 5 speed air CD 94K runs J E E P C H ER O K EE Classic 3 600 miles mint $41 000 MERCDES 1989 300E original 427 car 410hp 0 (248) 626 0188 CHEVY 1998 Astro conversion 4WD red sunroof loaded Discovery Fully loaded good $3395 734 591 0803 1998 Exc cond $8950 firm 248 693 4407 Sliver moonroof leather 92K code exc cond Red on red fully loaded leather Dutch $7000/best 734 422 2231 $23 500 248 433 2588 PARK AVENUE 1999 41Kmi (248) 376 4691 Birmingham miles $9500 248 608 0718 $27 000/best (734) 464 3978 doors $8 500 734 427 4743 Corvette 2000 Convertible exc shape 1 owner leather CAVALIER Z24 1999 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE EXPLORER 1996 4x4 LANDROVER Discovery 1998 700 mi black 6 sp loaded Convertible fire engine red CHEVY 2000 ASTRO LS MINI COOPER 2002 FORD PIC K U P 1968 Very $16 000 (734)459 1474 Laredo 1994 6 cylinder immaculate condition $5999 perfect loaded $17 500/best 734 481 5053 734 944 0305 good cond 64K mi 1 owner black top low miles fully AW D 8 passenger loaded (248) 644 4444 Loaded perfect fun CD sun extended warranty exc cond TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 $2800 (248) 693 3985 Park Avenue 2001 black gray equipped $11 980 $17 500 734 421 7646 C O R VETTE 2001 COUpe roof heated seats 300 miles leather chrome wheels 17K John Rogin Buick $6900 (734) 729 3711 LEXUS LX470 2000 51Km i EXPLORER 1996 SPORT black/black 6 speed loaded best offer 248 644 4444 JE E P 1989 Grand Wagoneer $25 980 734 525 0900 CHEVY CONVERSION VAN mint cond loaded leather inte Ranger 1999 XLT Super Cab red 2 door auto 4 wheel dr 600 miles $41 000 blue exc cond $7500 John Rogin Buick 2000 Take over lease $595 ror $40 900 586 786 6094 Nissan 300ZX 1984 LOADED 4x4 auto 6 cylinder low $11 900 313 938 6030 (734) 459 9356 Gene 248 435 0662 734 525 0900 EURO LUMINA 1993 31 down $425/mo for 24 mos custom wheels mint cond engine less than 80K $4500 miles priced to sell OLDS 1997 BRAVADO 50 000 mi left on lease EXPLORER 1997 Eddie Bauer CORVETTE 2002 conv less 90Kmi $3700 734 453 3189 LINCOLN COUPE I960 Rare RIVERIA 1989 loaded mint (248) 391 3321 DON MASSEY CADILLAC 74K 4x4 w/ tow loaded Call (248) 652 4254 Exc con New brakes Moving than 3000 m red w/black Hot Rod Lincoln Mild cus condition low mis wife s car PLYMOUTH (734) 453 7500 belge/goid package NISSAN Maxima GLE 1999 must sell 734 397 7005 leather $45k 248 474 6239 tom original 337 cu m flat $9399/best 248 474 1831 IM PALA 2000 Black power CHEVY Express 2001 LS $10 900/best (734) 844 1824 exc cond loaded moonroof S 10 2000 Extended LS 4WD head & auto transmission windows it locks cruise cas seats 8 every option 14k EXPLORER 1997 XLT 4 dr Bose stereo leather $15 500 RIVERIA 1996 black chrome fully loaded tonneau cover & Corvette 2002 convertible Bubble skirts Lakes pipes sette 36K Non smoker leather auto 90K $8000 PORSCHE 944 1989 low (248) 625 6642 miles $20 000 734 453 1318 wheels low miles $15 995 yeilow/black auto 6K as new Recent new paint upholstery loaded highway miles exc $12 500 (313)937 2804 248 960 0548 miles exc cond $7500 $44 900 (248) 346 7997 cond $5800 (248)553 4645 CHEVY 1996 CONVERSION (248) 344 8600 PORSCHE 1997 C4 Carrera 4 St chrome Texas car no rust Impala 2000 LS 8K 5 7V8 57K miles limited war EXPLORER 1998 Eddie Bauer C O R V E H E Convertible 2000 cab black/black black interi Drives great Excellent show RIVIERA 1999 27K sunroof silver/gray leather loaded Westland (734) 721 1144 RANGE ROVER 1996 4 6 ranty TVA/CR very clean BIk loaded 92K '$13 900 pewter all options 6 speed or AM/FM CD 6 power seats car Mary parts Must see' chrome wheels CD light Call for Low Price! $16 980 HSE Black/black loaded stainless exhaust motor $15 500 (734) 455 5458 $12 000/best 734 231 1905 Toyota 4Runner SR5 2001 tax included 248 240 7204 polished wheels heads up dis beige metallic w/matchfng John Rogin Buick 89K perfect cond' $18 900 S3und pkg winter storage like new 34K hwy miles play $39 750 248 852 2436 leather $ 17 980 734 525 0900 Dodge 1992 Ram 250 Explorer 2001 Sport Trax (248) 593 0511 ext warranty 49 100 mi MERC 1971 MONTEGO MX $24 800 (240) 229 9872 John Rogin Buick Conversion orlginla owner black/gray 24K SAVE' CORVEHE 1987 Twin Turbo Great cond $49 000 302 auto rusted Irame solid LUMINA 1991 Loaded 98K RAV4 1995 AWD loaded parts car $1500/best 734 525 0900 35k + miles power cruise WRANGLER 1999 Sahara John Rogin Buick Callaway convertible Black 248 549 2550/Russ miles sharp great car auto 4 dr exe cond 56K mi 248 542 0932 alarm new tires $5500/best 4 O L man 5 Hardtop air 734 525 0900 top red exc cond Call RIVIERIA loaded 132K high $2250/best (734) 765 4081 $9800 (248) 789 3036 PORSCHE 1997 C4 Carrera 4 (313) 641 0159 more exc 13 700 mi Richard 734 692 6771 way miles $7k or offer Explorer Eddie Bauer 1996 cab black/black black inten MGB 1972 53 000 miles LUM INA 1993 4 Dr sedan $ 17 750 248 380 1815 Tahoe 2001 LT grey leather Private 248 363 0238 DODGE RAM 1936 V8 4x4 4 dr mint cd air 79k C O R V E H E 1971 Florida car or AM/FM CD 6 power seats looks & runs good $4300 loaded 19k ml Super clean 75K miles exc condition loaded 60K exc cond little miles $9500/best loaded new parts great driver stainless exhaust motor 734 522 3667 (Livonia) S K Y LA R K 1993 V6 air $2200 248 851 7768 $28 750 248 874 8299 sound pkg winter storage power 1 owner 119K hwy rust runs great $2 800 or Sport Utility ( J l 734 261 2475 $11 500/best 734 218 5988 MGB 1979 Brookland ext warranty 49 100 mi $3 650 /best 248 651 0371 LUM INA 1999 5 1K loaded best offer (734) 525 3498 TOYOTA RAV4 1997 74K Green tan interior new rub FORD BRONCO XLT 1989 5 L CORVETTE 1979 65K Great cond $49 000 green/gray very clean $6700 V8 auto very clean Florida silver w/gray interior loaded ber 16 500 original miles FORD 1997 Conversion Van 19R7 FORD EXPLORER XLT power wihdows/locks Mint miles Runs great exc cond 248 549 2550/Russ 248-477 7999 Loaded 107K highway miles truck new tires/bmkes $4900 showroom cond $10900 Loaded TV VCR exc cond $8 000 (313)283 4782 $8500 248 478 8342 $8800 586 755 1721 $8200 Call 586 612 9706 or best offer (313) 317-4284 PORSCHE 911 coupe 1987 734 455 7612 LUM INA 2^01 auto air CORVETTE 2000 coop red black leather spoilers pw/pl 24 000 miles Toyota 1997 RAV4 auto air Mustang 1966 convertible Allanie 1993 Northstar FORD 1998 EconolmeEISO Blazer 2000 LT 4 dr 4x4 FORD BRONCO II 1990 2 9L red/red leather fully loaded 16 fuchs sunroof loaded $10 9Q0/best (734) 572 3214 lowmies clean $10 995 straight 6 200cu 35k ongi engine low miles mint cond Custom Van by Giaval V8 4 6 leather GM certified Only loaded 4x4 mint cond under 1200 miles estate sale 89K miles $25 900 nal miles very good cond $25 000 248 646 9334 Dona MALIBU 2000 B5K grbat Itr Automatic air all power $3 950/best 248 478 0843 /IfidJh^A an- Never seen snow Preed to (248) 475 8831 29K Now only $14 995 $14 000 248 476 3989 cond $7 500 Call Mon Fri heavy duty trailer hitch ABS sell at $34 000 Trustee han Catera 1999 leather moon LoulaRIclie Chevrolet FORD EXPLO R ER XLT 2002 Westiand (734) 721 1144 PORSCHE 944S 1987 All 8 5 (248)471 1400 Power seat Color red w/goid dimg call 248 909 4960 for PLYMOUTH 1967 GTX 440 chrome wheels low pay 1-877-SS CHEVY 4x4 Cniy 8000 miles like details/viewmg records Very good cond trim & r/boards 42 000 miles TOYOTA RAV4 1998 60k 4 Super Commando Showroom ments Hurry on this one MALIBU 2000 LS full power van comes with 4 bucket new factory warranty loaded dr AWD 5 speed manual air Guards Red 130K New A/C $25 500 (248) 593 5221 cond nightwatch blue black moonroof leather spoiler seats one bay window for B LA ZER 1993 F10 Tahoe new tires excellent condition COUNTACK REPLICA 1984 clutch belt water pump / ie d / M * a n - V6 4x4 4 dr 125K white Fiaro many spare parts and interior ready for cruising $11 300/best (810)229 4086 extra loading capacity in back $12500 (248) 865 7447 $6500 (248) 646 0469 beauty w/ many warrantied FORD EXPLO R ER XLT 2002 molds 80% ccmplete $9000 $20 900 734 455 7612 Westland (734) 721 1144 Top notch condition $12 695 4x4 Only 8000 miles Ike Monte Carlo 2000 SS bright parts tires Runs sturdy or best offer (810) 227 6204 PORSCHE BOXSTER 19S7 DE VILLE 1994 4 door 248 353 0049 new factory warranty baded TRAIL BLAZER 2002 PONTIAC 1982 Sta Chief red/black leather loaded I ke Needs ABS modu e MINT SIver Sports package pearl/blue top loaded mint $25 500 (248) 593 5221 Fu iy equ pped 4x4 l t w/sun DAEW OO 2000 Lanos SX 4 a 0 g na restorab e new Freed to Sell FORD 2001 E150 Chateau S3300/best (734) 560 4035 5800 m ies Red leather high miles $7900 roof O n y 6800 m Avalable cyl auto oaded w/ai 24K $3500/best 248 356 0322 John Rogin Buick loaded 18K fu I warranty FORD EXPLORER 1994 XLT Garaged wnte s O n y asking 248 788 0853 BLAZER 1999 LS ZR2 off as a lease rransfer w/$500 S6400/best 734 355 1000 $29 500 Askfo Dan day 248 734 525 0900 $18 500/best 248 685 1809 4x4 very good cond clean PONTIAC 1978 FIREBIRD road package 60k mi power down or outright purchase 760 2722 eve 248 258 2669 DE V ILLE 1994 white tan 74K $6200 (734) 261 3255 HONDA S2000 2000 8200 Classic 35K original ml mint Monte Carlo 1999 Z34 FORD 1991 150 Conversion roof CD great shape 105K miles $4800 248 478 3424 248 478 7718 mi mint extras red black Porsche Boxtar 1999 like cond $6000 (248) 476 9329 leather moonroof low miles 63 000 ml Runs well $3800 $12 000 Eves 734 394 0580 FORD EXPLO R ER 1995 Eddie (248) 909 9533 leather 1 owner $25 900 new only 2800 miles GM Certified was $14 999 (248) 474 8645 Bauer loaded mint PONTIAC CATALINA 1974 Blazer 2000 L8 2 dr 4WD (586) 786 6094 O EV ILLE 1992 38K miles now $11 922 $6800/best (248) 249 6059 Sports I Imported (248) 737 0306 400 V8 70K $900 FORD 1993 £350 cargo van low miles Ready to roll only loaded quarter vinyl top gor HYUNDAI TI8UR0N 2000 5 PORSeSHE 944 (1988) 734 427 1441 LouLaRIchiCtjsvrolel Michlin tires newer exhaust & $15 395 FORD XLS EXPLO R ER 1999 geous only$9400/best 300 Z X 1984 LOADED cus speed moonroof leather inte brand new dutch dealer tune 1-8n-55 CHEVY brakes great shape black 4 dr 59 000 miles SEV1LLE1983 biackonblack (248) 6240967 /ied/fo^M U L. tom wheels mint cond 90K rior 41 500 miles up $5000 734 981 8119 $5000/best (734) 427 1330 $9 000 (734) 464 1690 show cond 39K original Monte Carlo 2000 SS this Is Westland (734) 721 1144 mi $3700 734 453 3189 $10 700/best (734)878 4155 DEViLLE 1999 D ELEGANCE PROW LER 1997 Vehicle #4 miles $6000 (248) 723 1652 the right one low miles and FORD 1996 Conversion Van GMC 1988 SUBURBAN all black beauty 18K BRAVADA 1998 Mocha low Audi 1995 90 Sport Ouattro KIA SEPHIA 2000 Auto A/C hand built at Connor assem leather {et black 73 000 ml V8 rear heat & air Silverado basic trans 2 WD SPITFIRE 1975 CD trans $16 999 shop TYM E & Save mis loaded new tires 71k original owner exc cond cassette white 40K Very bly 1400 miles show cond TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 blower $7700 734 427 9749 $2800 734 422 1109 Sharp $4900 (734) 320 2752 runs great all or parts best $14 999/080 (248) 357 5115 $11 900/best 248 761 7716 $32 900 248 646 6986 offer 734 421 1607 FORD 1999 Cube Van 62K GMC 1995 JIMMY 4x4 1 ELDORADO 1978 40K Westland (734) 721 1144 Bravada 1999 black/taupe AUDI TT 2001 Convertible LAN D ROVER 1995 Defender SAAB 1996 900 Turbo SE 248 390 3511 miles with bins $15 000 owner a title 1 yr warranty loaded baby blue, mint loaded power roof well kept all wheel drive black 12 900 37K excellent condition M ONTE CARLO 2002 SS Full 248 477 8507 w/Carfact only $99 down Exc cond 63K 6 CD sun Triumph 1972 TR6 $6500 (248) 682 1120 $15 900/best 248 797 4595 miles loaded Exc cond stored winters $29 500 power Ik mi brand new TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 rpof $9500 248 644 3222 Convertible Restored new Ford Club Wagon 1990 XLT $32 000 248 808 0000 248 379 6504 ELDORADO 1992 Dark blue SBest offer 248 506 7818 BRONCO 1991 II 4WD SAAB 1999 9 3 Auto black leather southern car S7795 w/grey leather sunroof 5 8L loaded seats 8 very GMC 1997 Yukon SLT green garage kept since new $2999 AUDI TT 2001 Convertible MAZDA MIATA 1999 Sport heated leather 40K exc (248) 723 8980 phone Pretty car New tires Monto Carlo 2002 SS silver clean $4200/best loaded 4x4 85K miles Make TYMEAUTO 734 455 5566 all wheel drive black 12 900 package air 5 speed 48K $13 700 (248) 642 8658 brakes & muffler $6800 low miles $20 995 or best 248 471 3313 offer (248) 645 2182 VW BUS 44K original mi miles loaded Exc cond $13 500 (734) 451 2618 (313) 582 4479 (734) 525 6794 Buick 2002 Rendezvous CXL TRIUMPH 1979 TR7 convert All mechanical completed FORD CLUB WAGON 1991 GMC JIM M Y S LE 2000 $32 000 248 808 0000 (313) 387 8172 AW D pewter leather sunroof M ERCEDES 1982 380 SEC ibie good cond many new $6300 Gene 248 435 0662 ESC A LA D E 2000 4WD Loaded power moonroof tow X LT Very clean Only 69K mi loaded save $10 000' Only BMW 1987 Convertible 7 7 000 miles $6450 32 000 miles white loaded SUBURBAN LS 1999 loaded package exc cond 35K parts $4300 248 442 7594 W ILLYS 1946 JE E P exc Trans replaced at 60K $4100 $24 480 runs & looks great $3250 Gene 248 435 0662 $30 990 248 723 6997 70K miles 2W D new tires & blue/pewter $18 000 cond no rust 4 cyl must Call (313) 336 7797 John Rogin Buick 248 366 7609 TRIUMPH 1974 TR6 over brakes$17 900 734-467 4932 (248) 656 0625 Rochester MERCEDES 1997 S320 drive exc cond many se e'$4900 248 634 5198 FLEETWOOD 1983 74K FORD CONVERSION VAN 734 525 0900 BMW 1991 Rare 850i black 55K leather sunroof Exc updates $7000 734 513 8368 original miles ex cond Tan Tracker 2000 4 dr 4 wd 1993 60K V8 wheel chair CHEROKEE SPORT HONDA CRV 1998 94K AM/ /tan leather 83K auto trans cond $34 500 248 334 8666 1 leather interior ompletely 25k exc cond auto air lift S6000 734 729 4586 1995 red 4 wh dr 116K FM CD player runs like new mission exc cond $22K/ VOLVO 1989 760 Turbo 89K lAcura ( g | mechanically restored $1500 $10 900 (734)604 2739 $6000 (734) 981 1796 $10 000/best 248 652 4254 best 248 935 0200 MERCEDES 1973 45L loaded to the max exc cond negotiable 313 399 4323 Ford E1S0 1995 Conversion 110 K miles very good cond $4500 Steve (248) 318 7770 Van 5 0 liter V8 engine Chevrolet Blazer 1995 2WD Isuzu 1998 Rodeo LS white BMW 1992 5261 $6200/best 248 788 3421 Acura 2000 3 2TL fully Fleetwood Brougham 1993 ChryslBr-°lymoiitti equippec 15K Priced to sell' 82K exc cond $7000/best exc cond loaded $6500 sunroof loaded low miles Mint loaded 63 000 miles VOLVO 2000 V40 Turbo loaded garaged non smoker DON MASSEY CADILLAC (248) 478 2825 (734) 425 8453 $13 980 $9000 248 865 9446 M ERCEDES 1980 450 SL Wagon loaded leather 23K $5500/best (734) 525 5383 John Rogin Buick white/blue AMG rims wood exc $19 500 248 875 3494 PLYMOUTH (734) 453 7500 300M1999 loaded sunroof FORD VAN 1994 Mark Hi CHEVY 2000 Blazer Red 734 525 0900 BMW 2000 323CI 5 Speed steering wheel new top 86K SED AN D EV ILLE 1990 light leather exc cond 84K miles Conversion 43 000 miles loaded exc cond low miles silver coupe sport pkg miles exc cond $13 000 ACURA 1999 C L 6 cyl blue white leather Exc Must $13 000/best 734-564 8369 lAntique $ Classic black leather loaded 67K $7900 (248) 4 77 2929 $ 1 7 900 313 531 8646 ISUZU 1999 Rodeo LS 6 moonroof xenon lights 21K (248) 644 9072 Seel $4900 248 476 0110 B R EEZE 1996 4 door runs Cy! 4 wheel drive silver $27 000/offer (248) 651 0588 iColieclorCars w | new tires/brakes nice car! FORD WINDSTAR GL 1995 CHEVY 2001 TAHOE LS cloth interior 49K $11 500 MERCEDES 1985 SL380 $16 000 810 321 8488 S EV ILLE 1990 Florida car great air CD 102K mi 91K loaded clean $3700/best 22 000 miles exc cond full 248 879 5150 248 703 3161 BMW 3281 1997 Loaded ROADSTER 2 tops 76K clas 1970 Imperial 4 dr hardtop 86k mi $4995/best 248 855 $3500/best 734 260 7952 offer (734) 421 6467 power charcoal gray mint 4 dr $21 000/best SIC ir showroom cond $2000 1971 Electra 4 dr INTEGRA GS 1991 loaded 0215 or 248 510 4743 BREEZE 1999 dark green $25 500 313 4 77 1164 Jeep 2001 Cherokee loaded (248) 249 6059 $21 500 (248) 320 3351 hardtop $1400 734 981 4140 exc cond original owner GMC 1995 Vandura 2500 and ready for fun $16 988 no accidents 4 door sunroof S EV ILLE 1994 58K every tan leather power moonroof Starcraft Conversion Van CHEVY Blazer 1993 rare 4x4 BMW 528 MERCEDES 1998 E320 avanti ll 1970 Looks & ABS 97000 miles blue book option only $4999 shop $99 down $116/mo No loaded 80K exc cond 5 speed 95K miles alloy Jied^oiM on-. 1998 dark green mint 121K 4matic Mint 19Km i Loaded runs great Many new parts $5 800 retail make offer TYM E & Save cosigner needed OAC $7 650 248 225 6723 wheels $3 400 734 422 5736 Westland (734) 721 1144 $23 900 (248) 366-8494 $33 000 248 594 0629 $7500 313 510 6947 (734) 453 4868 TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 TYM EA U TO 734-455 5566 IT PAYS TO GET MOVING

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Cfirysier-Pfymoulli Volkswagen Autos Under 2000

CHEVY CAVALIER Z24 198B ESCORT 1999 SE 4 dr sedan TEMPO GL 1994 4 cyl 5 Mallenia S 1997 V6 black C UTLASS S 1971 exc GRAND PRIX 2000 SE 64K Camry 1999 LE tilt cruise JETTA 1999 new body Style MERCURY COUGAR 1988 Ccnvertbie black/grey nteri 38K cruise new brakes exc speed 2 dr runs great A/C w/tan leather all options transportation or restore new miles auto low track ABS power windows/iocks low silver loaded low miles LS model 5 0L auto 130K or looks great runs great cond $7000 734 453 8077 $2200 Steve 734 776-4302 loaded 10 disc CD changer engine many new parts must $9200 (734) 981 7381 miles nice car $13 938 $14 000 (586)939 6099 $1995 or best offer $2500/best (313) 336 3953 10 000/best (248) 213 1529 sell $3250 (248) 670 8228 (734) 771 4638 ESCORT 1999 ZX2 auto THUNBERBIRD 1998 LX Exc JETTA EOOrGLX 13K Silver Chrysler 1999 300M new air 29K 1 yr warranty 30 Grand Prix 2002 white POLICE IMPOUNDS cond 4 6 V8 ps/pb/pw/ps MAZDA 1983 RS 7 50K air CUTLASS SUPREME 1994 loaded low miles $13 930 Westland (734) 721 1144 w/ leather all options tires loaded moonrocf day money back guarantee cassette 75K miles $7000 Winter stored Fine condition' 39K all power 2 dr red exc John Rogin Buick $21 000 (248) 737 9894 Cars from $500 $13 995 only at TYM E $99 down CAMRY 2000 V6 25K power 734 722 0860 734 72 7 4012 $28 000 (248) 739 9475 cond $5700 (734) 454 9729 734 525 0900 CRESTOOOD DODGE TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 moonroof dual air bags alloy PASSAT 1990 new air tires Lists 800 319 3323 x7375 WINDSTAR 1999 LX dual air MIATA 1991 red auto 50k CUTLASS SUPREME 1970 (734) 421 5700 GRAND PRIX 1999 GT 2 wheels$17 200 248 819 8800 belts exhaust 166K good PONTIAC SUNBIRD 1988 FESTIVA 1992 79K 5 speed CD low miles clean mi stored winters very good Convertible 350 looks & runs dr power 40K exc cond cond $3000 248 910 7663 runs goods new tiores Chrysler 2001 300M 10k exc transportation reliable $9900/best Birmingham cond $6200 734 844 3722 great $5500 (734) 844 3694 CAM RY L E 1995 Station $13 500 734 637 1469 wagon 4 cyl 52 000 origi brakes struts $800 or best white like new black leather $3000 248 375 1847 after 5 248 642 3190 PAMAT”ig99 Silver" V6 ml $24 000 (248) 851 2876 MIATA 1991 red auto 50k INTRIGUE 1999 GLS nal miles loaded $11 900 (313) 532 7173 FOCUS 2000 SE Sport Pkg loaded exc cond 47 000 mi aored winters very good moonroof Bose chromes SUNBIRD 1999 Convertible (248) 541 2230 PORSCHE 1987 924S 4 CONCORDE 1997 LX [w like new loaded 12 500 mi mites $18 500or best offer cond $6700 734 844 3722 29K $14 750 248 505 3478 dark red 38K $8999 cyl auto most options needs m les oads of extras Ask ng $10 600 734 2073996 camry 1993 L E 64K miles (248) 360 1369 TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 starter $1995 248 538 7 17 1 $8100 313 937 2045 PROTEGE 1992 Exc cond OLDS 88 L$ 1998 Royaie lull power no rust Garaged FOCUS 2001 SE 4 Or auto PASSAT GLS 1998 manual PRISM 1997 4 dr auto air 5 speed 85K miles $3000 4 door leather 75k mi SUNFIRE 1997 2 dr 24 L kepted runs like new TOPAZ Lebaron 1992 Q IC convert CD 25K new tires $ 11100 blue/beige 49K near mmt low miles See savad com Cal! after 5pm 248 471 4274 $8200 810 343 7528 engine auto air conditioning $6000/best 248 396 9872 1987 looks & runs good ible white 115k spotless After 4pm 734 455 8162 $3 950/best (248) 79 7 6758 exc cond cd player 16 inch $13 500 Call John W 810 $700 (734) 261 4419 leather int Runs great no Corolla 1999 auto ps/pb 229 5335 H 810 220 8897 MUSTANG 1990 metallic custom aluminum wheels rust $3200 (734) 425 0849 PRIZM 1996 LSI 4 door immaculate like new 30K blue 4 cyl 76 000 original mi $7 975/best offer Earn extra $S Sedan $4500 248 552 9325 (248) 347 7744 $10 000;best (248) 414 5246 LEBARON 1994 Convertible Runs perfect Leaks no oil Autos Over 200B advertise with O & £ GTC new struts solid relf $3700/best 734 431 1300 80LARA 1999 S LE Silver COUGAR 1999 red 4 cyl BO NN EVILLE 1997 • clean SUNFIRE 2000 2 dr red able & very sharp $4900 164K highway mi sunroof 1-800-579-SELL MUSTANG 1996 5 Speed CD Zetex ail power exc cond loaded leather sunroof new a c am/fm cassette 39k exc 734 697 6144 52K $8900 (248) 642 0685 tires $8400 (586) 778 0495 mmt $9800 248 388 4980 PONTIAC 1994 Sunbird V6 player 8 1K great condition cond $8500 313 550 2 117 3 1 sunroof runs well $2700 VOLVO 740 G LE1986 Wagon NEW YORKER 1991 4 door $5200 (248) 344 1554 COUGAR 1999 V6 auto BO NN EVILLE 1998 8LE bur SOLARA 2000 S L E Gold 248 723 9053 after 4pm 190k Well maintained Extra SUNFIRE 2000 2 dr red 43K V6 black/black mint clean loaded V 6 3 2L 101k ACCORD 1999 LX 4 dr black 35k mi exc cond 1 gundy 50K miles exc cond set snow tires Sunroof A/C MUSTANG 1996 auto red a c am/fm cassette 39k exc miles $3300 (810) 220 8666 Alloys $12 950 owner $9500 248 960 3441 $11 500/best 248 305 5449 $18 500 Troy 313 506 5067 Sony AM/FM/CO $1600 fully loaded cd changer 88K cond $8900 313 550 2117 734 955 5996 Autos Uiitler 2B00 f M (248) 646 0469 PT 2001 Cruiser 20K limited $5400 (248) 375 1560 GRAND MARQUIS 1991 full BonRevilla 2000 SE 9K loaded $17 995 S U N FIR E 2000 GT Volkswagen ( 5 > MUSTANG 1996 GT red 5 ACCORD EX i9 9 9 ~ 4 ir power good condition Asking bronze mist leather loaded CRESTWOOD DODGE Convertible CD spoiler white CAVALIER 1992 Great speed air 78K CD rust 88K CD a/c auto Exc cond $2250 (734)668 3309 $ 17 980 (734) 421 5700 w/camel top/interior 12 500 cond runs great $1850/best proofed $9200/best $10 999/best (248) 334 8666 John Rogin Buick B EETLE 1999 loaded black mi $12 900 (248)335 9104 (734) 422 0517 GRAND MARQUIS 1996 734 525 0900 w/leather excellent condition 734 422 0406 PT CRUISER 5 speed ACCORD EX 1998 90k hwy 162K hwy miles loaded good bronze tape/CD air auto $13 250 734 420 9834 MUSTANG 1996 GT Boss miles loaded sunroof manu cond $5900 (248) 855 2981 B O N N EV IU E 2001 SE auto Sunfire 2000 auto air low CELEBRITY EUROSPORT 1988 doors/locks By owner Shipnoda purple Mach 460 al$8900/best (248)514 0034 air CD alloy wheels all power miles plus low payments Beetle 2002 G LS like new loaded 76K runs great very $14250 (248)388 5411 GRAND MARQUIS 1997 37K Bronze mist Great shape Special deal from GMAC dark blue 11k luxury pack clean $1900 734 422 3813 low miles $12 000 ACCORD LX 734 459 0854 leather 1 owner exc cond 56K $12 900 248 207 0807 age $16 150 (248) 349 5678 PT CRUISER 2001 Limited 1999 stiver perfect cond JiiidJhiM an- CONTINENTAL 1991 ^ Edition loaded leather sun $10 900 (734) 522 0345 MUSTANG 1997 COBRA SVT 12K Under warranty $14 900 BONNEVILLE SE 1996 69K Westland (734) 721 1144 BEETLE 1999 Loaded low 95k miles new suspension roof ^14 320 248 685 9300 red loaded 8K no ram/ (248) 661 2142 GRAND M ARQUIS 2000 38K mi excellent condition miles black exc cond $1400 best 248 229 3925 miles powder blue gray inte $6975 (734) 453 7373 SU N FIRE GT 1997 loaded $14 500 (734)398 5125 PT CRUISER 2001 Limited winters mint $19 900 CIVIC 1988 EX 2 door Edition Silver 28 750 miles 734 591 9311 nor $13 000 734 981 4785 exc cond 78k $5800 248 CORSICA 1989 V6 auto auto air black 1 owner sharp BO NN EVILLE SSE 1896 3800 CABRIO G LX 2001 auto sunroof nitch $16 300 593 5315 or 248 542 9598 good cond 67K $1800/best MUSTANG 1998 Convertible 70K mi $9600 248 926 0530 MARQUIS 1997 GS Blue engine runs great 110K leather CD black/belge 18K offer (734) 455 8464 248 645 8814 mint cond $18 500/best Immaculate condition 38K exc cond aluminum wheels miles $6500 586 786 9334 SU N FIRE SE 1990 2 dr CIVIC 1995 OX 2 dr 5 (313) 565 9853 PT CRUISER 2001 LTD Cheap! 114K $6300 248 347 7681 auto 47K a/c AM/FM cas DODGE 1993 Shadow SE 2 dr speed garage kept 1 owner FIERO 1984 Showroom Leather sunroof CD 7K TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 sette $6100/best pm 248 V6 turbo sunroof 96K exc air tape Kenwood speakers MYSTIC 1999 4 cyl auto cond 16K stored almost new G LS 2000 red exc cond miles $15 900 248 288 5180 375 1594 am 248 693 5200 Under 7600 miles $14 250 cond $1800 248 540 2713 MUSTANG 1899 GT 72K $5595 248 584 3198 air cassette tan 3 lK m i Like $6195/best (248) 967 1428 Convertible 35th Anniversary new $7450 248 4 77 0284 (248) 646 9552 MTRCURY197B^gar^^7 ...and SEBRING199$ loaded sun CIVIC 1997 2 dr silver SUNFIRE SE CONVERTIBLE Edition white black top fully Firebird 1997 Ttop leather gray good cond $2000 roof power CD good cond clean air CD must sell MYSTIQUE 1996 Good 1993 auto loaded 76K pam JET T A 1997 G LX 55 000 R e s u lt s !” will negotiate 734^27-4500 loaded auto 25Kmi $17 995 cd 74k original adult owner 313 272 3548 $5100 (248) 926 2124 cond clean 102K miles pered miles exceptional 1 miles black 5 speed war 1-800-579-SELL Must sell (248) 596 0864 $8800 (248) 650 2771 ranty $11 600 586 445 0563 XR778@aol com SEBRING 199B LXi white $3500/dest 734 354 6057 owner $7600 248 855 2349 CIVIC 1998 3 dr 5 Speed leather loaded 140000 hwy MUSTANG 2000 GT 43K GRAND AM 1998 loaded 44 000 miles $7600 Days SABLE 1989 GS was gram T^ANS A nT 1^94 White w / mi $4900 (248) 486 3887 bik leather 5 spd Flowmaster 70 000 miles exc cond blue exhaust traction control 248 347 3270 248 855 4387 m as car 24K actual exc book $6000 (248) 380 4358 white wheels tan leather t SEBRING LXi 1996 Black cond $3200 248 474 7977 tops loaded 59K $9 995 or $16 000/best 248 693 3503 Civic 1998 LX 5 speed 78K leather sunroof loaded pre GRAND AM GT 1999 White best Exc (248) 489 9009 loaded 1 owner new tires mlum & preferred options M USTANG 2000 GT SABLE 1993 4 dr loaded 48K moonroof cd loaded HAV/M G TROUBLE GETTIM G brakes alloy wheels very $7250/ best 248 647 3943 Convertible Lazer Red 5 spd good interior new brakes/tires good cond $10 500/best leather loaded 21K Reduced clean $8 500 100+K $3000 313 562 3914 (734)454 6083313 804 3405 to $18 350 734 464 9376 (313) 255 3094 CAR Fm /SfC/NGL SABLE 1996 LS Wagon dray GRAND AM SE 1999 white Mustang 2000 GT wheels CIVIC DX 1993 4 DOOR ABS keyless exc cond 35k 55K hwy fully loaded great 1997 SC 2 loaded clean great CD 27K spoiler $14 995 sedan 105 000 miles really $7900 248 6491353 cond $9995 248 471 1351 cond 63K new brakes AVENGER 1998 ES Loaded CRESTWOOD DODGE good cond Asking $4 000 or $6495/ best 248 867 6145 You need to call leather exc 72K sunroot (734) 421 57D0 best (248) 549 9482 Sable 1999 LS Wagon silver GRAND AM 1997 4 door $8000/best 810 348 4640 3rd seat great cond 53khwfy Saturn SL2 1997 T d T MUSTANG 2001 GT Mint CIVIC 1997 Lx 4 Dr auto air auto good rond 63K miles $10 900 734 455 4687 gold exc cond LAURIE IRONS| INTREPID 1994 4 dr cond Loaded 15 000 mi loaded 73K miles $8300 miles $5100 248 538 (734) 513-6916 62 000 miles V6 $4400 $21 900 810 220 1481 248 887 7540 SABLE LS 1999 57K miles 1454 (248) 203 9860 great cond all power $8000 $C 1 1999 3 dr extended MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE H ONDA 2001 750 Shadow 248 473 5473 AT STARK HICKEY W EST! INTREPID 1996 93 000 miles 1999 Exc cond 1 owner Ace Low miles Extras warranty air AM/FM cassette grand am 1996 GT red exc cond 3 5 V5 engine non smoker garaged winters $5000 (734) 667 2757 TRACER 1996 auto air exc cond $8900 $3800 (734) 420 0860 side exhaust light bar custom cute little white car $49 down immaculate cond hwry miles (734) 354 0063 She can show you how to get that new or wheels 6 cyl auto 35K 5 yr H ONDA CIVIC 1999 LX auto $106/mo Must be working $6200/best 248 840 1190 INTREPID 1996 Auto A/C red moonroof cd loaded SC I 1998 auto loaded 64K 60K warranty $16 500/best TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 GRAND AM 1999 SE 4 dr used vehicle you've been dreaming of! AM/FM tape all power 117K clean 43K miles $10 599 miles original adult owner 734 427 0052 purple great cond clean 36K $4300 248-437 3144 (734) 454 9768 TRACER 199S Auto 4 dr exc $6 500 (248) 855 2349 M USTANG GT 2000 air sports package runs ml $9000/best 248 224 1030 INTREPID 1996 black good PR ELU D E 1998 black sport Call 313-538-3163 Convertible Silver Fully great $2900 734-416 1653 Grand AM 2060 auto air SC2 1992 red manual condition all power 8 1K shift many performance parts 93 000 miles air cruise cd loaded 29K m $17000 power lock very sharp only $4 695 734 455 2124 $14 000 (313)255 5949 TRACER 1995 Auto 4 dr player exc cond (734) 261 5944 $10 695 Of 24 hr. Credit Line 1-800-936-5949 INTREPID 1999 under 10k air sports package runs $3000/best (248)476 6168 MUSTANG GT Coupe 1999 great $2900 734 416 1653 mi 2 yr factory warranty left 5 speed black/black exc most factory options $12500 SL1 1996 SOKauto air all cond new t res 45 OOO miles Westland (734) 721 1144 power CD exc cond gretcarl 248 618 6985 $12 900 ceil (734) 276 2800 8610] CONTINENTAL 1994 Very GRAND AM 2000 GT 4 door $5000/best (313) 541 0522 Stmrh Hickey INTREPID 1999 ES Large Ram a r sunroof chrome OPEN MON. A THURS. 9-9; MUSTANG GT 2002 5 speed clean head gasket & a r struts STATION WAGON SW2 2000 engine fully loaded new Eclipse 1992 riianua ar whee s 44K m les 313^538^6600 TUES., W bU.AFRI., 9-6 oaded CD eather red i 900 replaced $4495 under warranty low mileage ties $11 200 734 425 7734 runs/looks great $2800 $11 900/best 313 303 4606 m $18 500 734 266 1874 248 426 8458 leather air many options 1 Mile W. of Telearajih VISIT OUR W EISITE: (248) 4 77 8044 On 7 Mile at Grand River Intrepid 1999 ES slate MUSTANG 1983 Convertible CONTINENTAL 1997 One GRAND AM 2000 GT black priced under bluebook www.starldiicUey.Gom loaded dual power seat cli $ 17 000 (248) 646 6992 95K miles Florida car exc owner exc cond 103K sif ECLIPSE 2003 Spider GTS loaded new tires & brakes JL JRaMMLEUEMLaUk mate control $12 995 cond $2950 248 478 8342 ver grey leather $7500 Spolirotlic Convertible assume lease $335/mo 21K CRESTWOOD DODGE (248) 646 0469 triple black $430/mo miles left 734 451 0143 (734) 421 5700 Mu8tang1999 GT convertible 734 968 8354 734 453 2020 auto leather loaded 47k exc CONTINENTAL 1997 97K GRAND AM 2000 SE Silver 4 INTREPID ES cond $16 500 248 377 9250 highway miles garage kept 1 cycle 2 dr w/power sunroof/ 1996 loaded 56K $6300/best owner accident free black doors/windows AM/FM w/ MUSTANT 1995 2 dr coupe (734) 425 5428 $8500 (734)464 4417 CD low miles $10500 super clean exc cond 62K INTREPID 1999 51K miles (313) 724 8623 ^ H DEALER: $6795/best 313 720 2659 CONTINENTAL 1998 white SENTRA 1998 SE 2 0 loaded exc cond Charcoal taupe Interior great cond loaded runs & looks like new 6 H W JD A M G T 2002 silver Probe 1993 GT V6 stick cd gray $9900 734-459 1948 72k mi $10K 248 380 1788 high miles blue book $5600 2dr chrome wheels like new Changer moonroof runs great Neon 1998 60K dean great sell $4950 248 344 1976 only 100 miles auto $3000/best (734) 354 3344 Lincoln 1997 Town Signature condition $4 995 734 216 5990 white blue leather loaded Sentra 2002 blue 14K ^^BETTER DEALS! CRESTWOOD DODGE PROBE 1993 GT auto 56000 Must see! Call for low price' loaded $12 980 GRAND AM 1803 4 Dr University Chevrolet is now Carnahan Chevrolet! (734) 421 5700 miles clean ail power $4800 John Rogin Buick John Rogm Buick looks and runs excellent 734 525 4794 We are excited about the transformation and want NEON 1998 2 door automat 734 525-0900 734 525 0900 $4000 or best ic air very clean $4400/best PROBE 1994 SE red auto (734) 729 3711 to offer you the best deals in the area offer (313) 937 4676 CD 64K Exc cond $4500 Lincoln 2060 LS 734 454 1527 734-674 6451 metallic V 8 halfroof loaded GRAND AM 1999 SE Black NEON 1998 Green air rear low miles beautiful $22 980 54K moonroof loaded war window defog am/fm tape PROBE 1995 GT V6 exc John Rogin Buick rany $9 500 248 471 4504 ALER Q 2000 llack with camel good tires S4200/best cond auto CD power win 734 525-0900 Down Lease CMS GMSPurtHase. interior 60 000 miles Asking Grand Prix 1994 GTP pack 2003 Malibu Sedan V-6 734 458 2673 dows 111K mi $3000 734 812 4899 LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1987 $12000 (248)548 1445 age clean with all the extras NEON 2602 SE 4 door 80k miles 1 owner accident highway miles $5600 or best $ 1 6 , 1 2 2 under 3K mi 3 yr/36K mi PROBE 1996 Red 5 speed free $3000 (734) 207 0027 ALER Q 2000 G LS Leather Call Mike at (734) 591 0539 or49%APR interior 2 door coupe black warranty Must Seiff $12 300 excceilent condition $4000 URtoGOmonths 734 983 9028 734-421 6448 (734) 455 5060 L8 2001 V8 loaded heated 52 000 miles $12 500 or best G R AND PRIX GT 2001 seats due! memory power offer (734) 788 1382 sedan 23K On star CO exc ffEON 1997 4Dr auto air PROBE GT 1996 AR wheels mOon roof ^1 traction Alpine cond non smoker $15 000 m s r p AURORA 1995 90k mi Sac Dap + 1st Mo Pmt a Total Duo exc See Www savad com 94 500 miles $4700 5 speed sound $26900 734 425 6827 (734) 207 8720 $300 + $271 = ^ 7 1 ^ 9 ,2 6 5 $3900 red $4700 248 982 1938 runs well $5500 Call after M ARK VII 1990 89K miles 6pm 248 855 0591 Grand Prix 1995 2 door SPIRIT 1994 air cruise TAURUS 2002 must sell new tires exhaust exc coupe nice new tires/battery good condition $2000 loaded very low mileage $4000 734 425 1805 AURORA 1998 4 0 engine 61Km i $4500 248 348 8247 734 727 1853 mint cond (313) 531 0067 fully loaded new tires 75 000 C M S P u r c h a s e TOW N CAR 1979 Collector highway miles $12 500 GRAND PRIX 1996 SE 2 dr STEALTH 1992 white loaded TAURUS 1997 4 dr V6 Series 70K 1 owner clean (248) 471 3052 3 1 V6 loaded 134K hwy including sec system exc loaded excellent cond 60K runs good $4000 good cond runs good cond $5900 (313) 534 0898 highway $5800248 756 0955 248-478 2013 Aurora 1999 white diamond $4500/best (248) 620 1018 moon chromes CD 29K STEALTH 1995 auto Taurus 1993 LX Wagon V6 TOWN CAR 1989 loaded $18980 GRAND PRIX 1997 67K loaded 51 k miles like new loaded am/fm cassette 57k 10,346 exc cond 86K $3450 or John Rogin Buick Florida car extremely clean $10800 248 426 8082 $3600 (734) 591 7927 best 734 432 6611 734 525 0900 V6 $7500 (248) 393 6699 o r Q ^ / o APR up to 6o mo. Stratus 1997 ES 6 cyl 4 TAURUS 1996 SHO loaded T O W N C A R 1992 Signature AURORA 2001 4 0 Northstar GRAND PRIX 1997 GT Exc V8 74K red leather moon speed auto stick good cond Loaded leather exc cond engine moonroof loaded cond 46K miles $8 950 roof remote start exc cond $7500/best 248 225 4531 $5700/best 734 513 7545 garage kept asking $19 990 248 375 2189 248 474 1500 $7 900 734 722 4180 (313) 802 0751 CMS Purchase 2002tailli^er2WD TAURUS 1997 SHO main TOWN CAR 1999 (2000 GRAND PR IX199 7 GTP white tamed by Ford Dealer loaded Motfei y r ) Absolutely exc Cutlass 1978 2 dr 350 eng 2 dr tan leather Alloys CD cond 36K miles w/60K ext ps/pb auto 56k orginal mi power roof exc cond 83K sunroof CD burgundy tan warranty loaded $2500 734 981 5745 $10 600/best 734-455 5794 1995 Ford Explorer 88k leather alarm exc con F ^ Good condition Green w/ lots $17 900/best248 348 1819 $8700 734 658 7020 Cutlass 1996 69K miles 1 GRAND PRIX 1998 Black GTP of extras $8200734737 0702 ^ 2 2 , 1 0 2 Towncar 1996 Executive owner perfect cond $6 900 4 dr loaded gieat cond TAURUS 1997 SHO V8 m s r p 1998 Ford Contour 66k very loaded great cond 75k mi Series excellent cond 734 981 2152 248 203 2279 $10 900 (313) 506 0048 good condition Green $5500 $8900/best (734) 693 1173 '2 8 ,1 1 0 $8900 313 531 7829 CUTLASS 1898 Original Grand Prix 1999 GTP super 734 737 0702 or 0 % APR up to 6o mo. TAURUS 1997 SHO leather Towncar Cartier 2001 11K owner mint cond new charged 3 8L black 4 door tlres/hrakes $7300/best loaded excellent cond AER0STAR1993 Very clean moonroof A8S CO V8 auto $25 000/best 734 525 8954 m s r p $3000/best Call after 5pm $9800 (248) 478 4627 pager 313 260 7344 (248) 541 7979 $13 250/b68t (248) 320 0903 2002 S-10 Pickup CMS Purchase 734 458 7591 1 7 ,0 6 1 TAURUS 2000 SELVB loaded CONTOUR 1996 aiTste^ keyless CO 4 door exc cond 42K cheap! $10 500 248 486-4290 TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 TAURUS 2001 8 EL fully 1 CONTOUR 1998 SE 53 000 loaded black exc 12,451 miles 4 door new tires full cond 26 500K miles power $7300 or best offer $14 900 734 397 0591 HONDA ______(734) 591 9524 or 0*^0 APR up to 6o m o. TAURUS G L 1996 75 000 w e ' r e C loser Than vou T hink! CONTOUR 1998 Air power miles great condihon new everything 39K mi very tires $4 900 or best offer Call MHONDA YEAR END 2002 Blazer 2WD4dr. clean $6500 (248) 620 5037 eves (248) 348 7382 CMS Purchase C LEAR AN C E...YO U W IN! CROWN VICTORIA 1997 LX TAURUS LX 1997 exc loaded leather southern car cond fully loaded 67K exc cond $7990 $6250/best (248) 310 6833 (734) 453 7161 TAURUS SE 1998 Loaded CROWN VICTORIA 2002 4K dark green new trans & ‘1 9 , 3 8 4 S P e r F mi sports package bucket brakes $5500 313 822 3845 Mo ^ seats $21 500 734 459 9356 $499 Total due at f TAURUS SHO 1998 red signing plus plate ^ |or APR up to 6o mo. ESCORT 1998 autTTiT moonroof leather 73K must stereo This week only $2699 sell $9799/best 734 667 2287 Automatic four door power wri ^ TYM E AUTO 734 455 5566 TAURUS WAGON GL 1992 dows mirrors locdrs cruise tilt F ESCORT 1998 ZX2 hot pack power windows locks air AM/FM cass lease includes CD ^ maham age 5 speed manual many exc shape 101 000 miles 1 player keyless alarm power sunroof r SR options very clean $6800 owner white $3200 or best much more! #CG5672BW J U Be Tljcre or best offer (313) 317 4284 offer (734) 844 2407 lavrout "Offer encteasi ce W as Now ^ Pricing select to change without notice 770 James L Hart Parkway Wah approved credit 22,810 17,649< Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Add sales tax to pay ment Leases are 36 month06,000 mites. /llls ta te 734-481-0210 Exces^mteage charge of 20 cents per mileifalloviiabte -800-Allstate 800-481-7760 mileage IS exceeded All relates to dealer pDPoeoeot773S F 8 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday August 29 2002

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