"I(indle all thrrt is uithin you Volume 2 lssue l With arvarm antl cheerfrrl FebruoryiMorth 2005 spirit" I{utiliet, Pre- Ortleal CeretnorrY

Lodqe Chief 's Wiswqm Rvqn Eiteliorse Dear Fellow Arrowmen, I rvelcome you to a new year and many new opporrunities that I hope many of you will take advantage_of. As rve Promotions, Crossover Cerernonies and Unit nro.,,e inlo rhe ,r,ear i hope ail chapters are working on Cub Camp you Elections. The next month will be very busy making sure all packs and units have been visited because the work are doing rrakes a difference in the outcome of . wnen I tlecided to take this opporrunity as Lodge Cliief, I knew there rvere going to be many obstacles, but many rnore chances. I rvent to quickly iake advantage ofthese chances arrd got information out to all chapters on Team./ Troop Representative and Mentoring. At the recer.rt Council Board Meeting, Craig Cochran made a presentation about Scoutreach Mentoring and where the Lodge would like to go with it. Craig is leading the way to making this a reality. Inside this newsletier you r.vilt see his progress. I hope everyone supports this rvorthwhile effort. I want to remind all chapters about the Section Conclave, April l6-18. The Lodge has committed to having 100 Arrowmen present. I am asking each chapter to bring ten Arrorvmen to the weekend that rvill offer a great mix of service and fellowship. I also hope alt chapters are hosting Chapter Ordeals. As dates corne in, the Lodge rvill attenrpt to sencl an officer or advisor around to offer assistance from the Lodge. Scoulreoch Mentorship Please be invoh,ed in Lodge activities. Never forget that you rvere chosen by your volunteers like you . Feel free troop to lead Scouting. Scouting can not survive r.vithout MentorshipApplicotion 3,4 to cali or email me anytime ifyou have questions oryou are ready to honoryour commitment to Scouting and the and would like to become active as an advisor, cornmittee chair, or to help in any way. Ionclove Registrotion Yours in the Wirnachtendienk, Lodge [olendor 6 ?^rw"7 [email protected] Ryan Eitetjorge Phone (h) 812877-3792 Unit Elections 6 2005 Jaccos Towne Lodge Chief Cell 812240-5178

Advisor's Minule Kim Wickizer Oro The Jaccos Towle Lodge has hit the road ruru-ring rvith the new Lodge Chief Ryan Eiteljorge. the members that attended. Training was presented by J The Gathering held in January *i, u sr...ss with the officers und udrlt advisers and was well received. Two new sessions on costuming creation were held U E z with Jay Copra teaching beading and David Largent teaching medicine bag/leather working. Both were f an outstanding success with the Arrowmen. o o for the most part complete as Eleciions, Crossovers, and Arrow of Light ceremonies should be u a you read this. (- The Chapters will be preparing for the Ordeals that will be held in April, May and June. If you II-I : are already au Arrorvrren please contact your Chapter to see how you can help make the Ordeals a suc- UE you are an Ordeal menber please consider sealing your membership by completing the Brother- oq cess. If oE o Irood program.- o< Srr13.. Camp plans will be in the work for the OA Coordinators at Camp Krietenstein, Camp J C free to contact these young men if you need any assis- L Or Kikthawenund, and Carnp Ransburg. Please feel EO your unit is at carnP. z tance when Criig Cochran, the Vice Chief of Central, is working on developing the Scoutreach Mentorship =-o V program. Yorir knowledge and experience is needed to make this happen for the council. By having F up to help teach youth that do not have the skills needed we can o knowledgeable Scouts and Scouters sign pass on *hrt *ur given to us. Please consider signing up when the opportunity is presented to you. Oo Have a great sLtmmer with whatever prograln or activities you choose to do. Scouting is a year Uo uO long program with lots of opportunities along the way.

PUrpOSe: A way for Order of the Arrow and Firecrafter members to help out struggling troops whose camping and advancement program are below stantlard, and provide a positive guide for Scouting.

WhV: As an older experienced you need to help other Scouts experience the same joys and learn skills they otherwise wouldn't have much access to. An obligation to give service to other Scouts is a key point in both the Firecrafter and Order of the Arrow organizations.

IIow lone will this take?: Varies on the troop and how much help is needed with their program, including meeting and possibly campouts

What will I do?: You will teach Scouts from struggling troops around your aree the skills needed to advance in rank and to have a great Scouting experience similar to the one you have had.

Will I be teaching alone?: No, there will be at least 1, most likely 2 other Scouts in your mentor group, and an adult advisor. There will be training on how to handle teaching and on situations that you may face.

Js there recognition and a cool patch?: Yes there is after you complete your first action plan with a certificate and a triangle patch with bronze border first, then silver, and then gold.

How can I get involved?: Fill out the attached application, and send it to: Craig Cochran 9214 Selkirk Court or online at: [email protected], Indianapolis, IN 46260

There will be someone contacting you by email or phone in a couple of months if your help is needed. Hard work from people like you will help lift up these struggling troops and create opportunities and help for scouts who need more help. VVV vvvvvvvvv- - - - - ^-. ^^. ^^. ^A.. ^4. ./l. ^^. ^A. ,a, ^a. ^^. ^A. Volunte 2, Issue I Page 3

Scoutreach Mentoring Application

I hereby submit my application for consideration as a Crossroads of America Scoutreach Mentor. I am a registered member of the of America.

Please check one: I Scout under 18 D Adult 18 - 21 D Adult over 21

I am also applying for the Order of the Arrow Scoutreach Mentoring Program and recognition' I am also applying for the Firecrafter Scoutreach Mentoring Program and recognition.

Scout Rank

Address Firecrafter Year Ordeal Year

City Minisino Year Brotherhood Year

Vigil Honor Year

Zip Code Occupation

Home Telephone number E-Mail Address Cell Phone number

Lodge Number Lodge Name Council & Number Section Region

Ernber Name I Council & Number

Cub Basic raining Summer Camp Woodbadge Boy Scout Basic Leader Training Summer Camp Staff Woodbadge Staff Basic Leader Training White Stag Participant Second Mentor Assig nment Scout Skills Training White Stag Staff Third Mentor Assignment Safety Afloat NJLIC Long Term Canoeing Red Cross CPR NJLIC Staff Long Term Hiking Red Cross First Aid Philmont SCUBA Voyager Training Philmont Staff Other Water Sports Safe Climb Training Nature of Leadership Trek Powder Horn Training Nature of Leadership Staff Powder Horn Staff Page 4 APPROVAL FOR MENTOR ASSIGNMENT

Lodge/Ember Chief Lodge/Ember Advisor Committee Chair District Executive Lodge/Ember Service


Unit Number Unit Leader Name Chartered Organiza- District tion

I can help/have expertise in these areas (check all that apply):

D Animal Studies Carpentry D Fine Art ! Organizational skills D Water Skiing [l Archery PIant Studies n Firebuilding/Safety ! Orienteering D Web Site management I Astronomy n First Aid ! Outdoor Living History D Wilderness Survival tr Auto Mechanics tl Fish/Reptile Studies ! Patch Design ! Wind lnstrument n Baseball ! Fishing ! Percussion I Woodworking/Carving ! Basketball [J Photography D Word Processing ! Beadwork D Foreign Language tl Physical Fitness I Bicycling Radio/TV D Genealogy t! Plumbing ! Boating D Golf f Promotion ! Bookkeeping/Accounting ! Gourmet Cooking ! Public Speaking ! Bowling tr Gun Safety ! Puppetry ! Cake Decorating U Hiking ! Sailing tr Shooting Sports I Canoeing ! Huntlng E SCUBA ! Catering ! lce Flshing X Sewing I I UlE55 'J Jewelry Making I Small Group Games ! Climbing Training ! Kayaking ! Snow Boarding x Creative writing E Knot tying ! Snow Skiing ! Cooking ! Large Group Games ! Softball ! Crafts I Leatherwork ! Song Leader n Dance ll Mammal Studies n Sound Systems D Drafting/Architecture - t\4ountain Biking ! Spelunking n Drama/Skiis t; lv4ountaineering ! Stringed lnstrument ! Electricity i, l.lative American Culture E Storytelling ! Equestrian i-r Newsletters O Swimming tr Other

Special Proqram Assistance:

! lhavea! Van ! Truck I Stationwagon ! lcanhelpwithLeadershipSkills ! I have a workshop tr I have access to a cottage ! I have family camping gear I I have access to camping property ! RV D Pop-up Camper ! I have access to a boat (type). D I can make arrangements for trips/activities ! I have access to an airplane ! I can help with conrmunity service D I can help with fund-raising projects ! Other


Urban or Rural Troop Scoutmaster/ Date District Commissioner Date

Lodge Chief Date Chair, Lodge Service Committee Date

Lodge Adviser Date .,.w @ffiffiffiffi OT SERUICE .,rrw* *U CEXTRAIET,fi'OH W SERVANT LEADERS ult lN acrroN C O O a a a 3 a a e a t a f a i a O a C a O a t a a a O a a aW a o a a a a Ga o . a a a o a e 3 o Section C-2C Conclave a Apr'tns'l: : a 3005 3 Camp Belzer, lndianaPolis, lN : a o Cefebrating 3{oosier I{ysteria ; a e Get training, compete against other lodges (games & ceremonies) and above all have fun.,, : a with other members of our Order from throughout the Section. At Section Conclave you will o a have the opportunity to gain further knowledge of the Order. e { Participate in a unique Day of Service with 300 fellow Arrowmen. 3 a @ o a o' Additional information is available from the lodge by e-mailing: C ? Chief Ryan Eiteljorge: [email protected] a e Lodge Advlsor Kim Wickizer: [email protected] Staff Advisor Dou g Brown: dbrown@crossroadsbsa'org a e Earlv-bird o c dead I ine: a Received by a Send registration to: o Fri, Nllar 25 a OA - Conclave o a 1900 North Meridian Street 3 I P. O. Box 1966 a a lndianapolis, in 46206 c a 3 a a a o tD Lodge No. 21 Conclave Registration Form e a Jaccos Towne c Name a a a Street Address: a a a a City, State, Zip code: a C a a Home phone: E-mail: o a a Chapter/District o o a _ Youth registration @ $25 a a a _ Adult registration @ $SS a a e late fee (if received on or after March 26) @ $t O o a -Total fees enclosed $ a a a a Please check if interested in basketball, volleyball or ceremony competition a a - - - Cam Code: a 3 You must attach a Class '1 health form to registration 6OADP c a o ALL Adults must complete (30 minutes) youth protection training found at: I C http://rrvww.crossroadsbsa.org/training/youth-protection-and-adult-leadership-in _scouting.htm a 3 a a aalaeata aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaoaaaaaalaaoaot"" 13 Non Profit Org. Joccos Towne Lodge U.S.Postage Crossroods of Americo Council PAID Indianapolis, IN P.O. Box 1966 PERMIT # 633 lndionopolis, lN 46206 Phone,3l7 925-1900 Websiter www.crossroodsbso.org

If the year adjacent to your name on the rnailing label is 2004 or earlier, you are not currently registered with the Lodge. Please download a registration fortn from the below link and mail to the Scout Service Center by April 15,2005.

http ://www. crossroadsbsa. org/)'outh/in fo/OA%o20Dues%o20Porm'pdf i,,,r1,i,1,i,,1i,,,ii,,,,1i,11,,,,,'il,i,i,,ii,,,ii,,i

Unit Elections 2OO5 LODGE CALENDAR It is time to begin conducting our 2005 unit elections. Your chapters should hold an election prior to March 31, 2005 3120 OA Lodge Exec Com Mtg Each unit must be contacted and the chapter should plan to attend a meeting at every unit, even if the troop does not 4fi5-17 OA Section Conclave have eligible scouts. It is a great oppor-hrnity to answer ques- tions and plan for the next year. The election rlLlst be run by 5/15 OA Lodge Exec Com Mtg an Arrowman that is not a member of the unit having the election and elections mtrst be cornpleted by the deadline' 8128 OA Lodge Exec Com Mtg Only units with youth elected may petition for an adult norni- naricn, rvhich rrl.rst be approved by tlre Lodge at the March 9n6-18 OA Lodge Fall FellowshiP I-odge meeting. Please feel j'ree to contact the lodge rvith any at Camp Kikthawenund questions. To be eligible for nomination the scout must be at least a First Class Scout, have l5 nights of carnping-7 of t0/14-16 OA Lodge Fall Ordeal which included a long term cantping experience, and have the approval ofthe Scoutmaster. tt/18-20 OA Lodge LeadershiP DeveloPment at Camp Belzer

ATTENTION: 12nt OA Lodge Winter Banquet Remember that Vigil Nominations are at Camp Belzer due at the March 20 Lodge Meeting.

The Vigil Selection Committee will meet following the Lodge Executive Meeting' Revised start time for Lodge is 1:00 PM