DEXTER Cast "An Inconvenientlie" 203 Firstdraft - 5/N/A7 DEXTER
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DEXT6K Episode203 "AnInconvenient Lie" . Writtenby MelissaRosenberg Directedby TonyGoldwyn Firs_tDrafi 5pva7 DEXTER Cast "An InconvenientLie" 203 FirstDraft - 5/n/A7 DEXTER.. ,....MichaelC.Hall DEBRA... .......Jennifer Carpenter RITA.. ..,.JulieBenz LAGUERTA BAT|STA.. .......DavidZayas SGT.DOAKES.. .....ErikKino MASUKA. ...... C. S. Lei Gue$t$ast CaptainMatthews Pascal Lundy Astor Lila Bertrand Roger Allison Caroline Simms Gordon Grieving\Mdow Leader Man Mother Reporter AnxiousMan DEXTER Sets "An Inconvenient Liett 243 FirstDraft -5/23,/07 INTERIoRS: EXJERIORS: PoliceStation poticeStation (Day/Night) . Ground Floor(Day) parkingLot (Dav/Nighg . - CorridorBy Elevator(Day) . FieldMorgue (Day) . Bullpen(DayNight) . Task ForceWar Room(Day) Rita,sHouse (Night) 'Dexter's Lab (Night) . Dexter'slnner Lab (Day) Gu[ ShoresMotor Car Dealership 'Kitchen (Day) (Day/Night) . Pascal'sOffice (Day) church(Day) FietdMorgue (DaylNight) ChurchAnnex (Night) CoffeeShop (Night) Rita'sHouse (Day/Night) .LivingRoom (Night) Ann Cohen'sHouse . CrirneScene (Night) . LivingRoom (Night) Dexter'sMini-van (DayNight) Dexter'sApartmeni (Night) Gulf ShoresMotor Car Dealership . Rogels Cubicle(Day) DEXTER "An Inconvenient Li-e" . FADE IN: 1 TNT. CIIURCHANNEX - NIGHT 1 STARTCLOSE ON A HOUSEWIFE,CAROLINE, 4O'S. [In the b.g. we might see bulletin boarCs laden with cormnunity notices, anti-drug and abstj-nence posters, church announcements, children's art. The room typically houses Sunday school and choir practice. l CAROLINE f 'm Caroline, and I'm an addict. VOICES Hi, Caroline, - CAROLTNE r started taking pain piDs after mY back surgery. A DOZENRECO\IERING ADDICTS. of dj-verse race, class and age, Iisten with empathy from rows of metal- folding chairs. Ilard Iives and hard drugs have etched their faces. In the last chair in the back, FIND DEXTER. A fol-ded newspaper lies in his Iap. CAROLTNE I don't need them for the pain anymore. Now I just... need thern. DEXTER(V.O. ) I need duct tape, three or four roIls. Runnj-ng low on GIad Bags. , _:_ CAROLI\IE At first f thought, Narcotics Anonymous? I don't belong here. These people are "real" junkies, (chuckles from the group) Meanwhile, I was taking Lortabs, Percocets, Darvocet, anlrthing I could get my hands on... DEXTER(V.O. ) When's the last time f sharpened mv knives? DEXTER203 "An Inconvenient Lie" First Draft 5/23/A7 2' 1 CONTINUED' 1 CAROLINE And I was a nurse, so I had access. Until theY figured it out. (tearing up) I lost ury job, lost mY lj-cense... DEXTER(V.o.) Tears now? It's verY hard to coneentrate in here. How am f supposed to get any work done? Her voice DIPS as Dexter studies the newspaPer on his lap -- INSERT - IrHE NEWSPAPER It.s folded to an article. The headline reads "2nd woman Kilted In Home Invasions..." There's a smiling PHOTOof the victi:n, an attractive brunetter AIJN COIIENT30- BACK ON DEXTER -- studying the photo' . DEXTER(V.O.) I know, I need to lay 1ow, given the current climate. ft's raining bodies. But when the storm Passesr I want my next project researched and ready for plastic wrap... Dexter then gets a whiff of something unpleasant. Looks up. A CRUSTYHOMELESS GUY leans over his shoulder' trying to read the paper. Dexter rises and moves to the snack table. He peruses the donuts as CASOLfNE My husband says he'I1 leave rne if I don't stay sober. But I need to do this for me... DEXTER(V.O. ) =.;- ---:: No se1-f;--controli lost-' everythingt trying to stop. Same whinY storY, over and over for... /r^hantrq his watch) re" *i"itl=i Feels rilie ten hours. Dexter chooses a donut. It's as hard as a rock. He discreetly puts it back, then glances around hoping nobody noticed. But he's startled by the gaze of a striking young lroman -- LII,A -- dark, sultry. a provocative Bohemian-punk style. She's draped over two chairs with sensual ease. DEXTER203 "An Inconvenient Lie" First Draft 5/23/07 3' L CONTINUED:(2) 1 \ With a mischievous glint, she raises an eyebrow at Dexter, I as if to saY, "NaughtY boY. " Dexter finds himself holding her gaze a half-second too 1ong, then, realizing, he guickly looks away. CAROLINE Every day is a battle. Even now. This moment, I'd kill for a Vicodi-n. DEXTER (V.O . ) Light weight. Finally, unable to endure anymore, he grabs a pamphlet, heads for the door, But not before he steals another glance at Lila -- he catches her profile as she listens to the speaker; there's something intriguing about her -- and he leaves. 2 INT. RITA.S HOUSE- NTGHTL 2 ON TI|E PAMPELETas Dexter hands it to RITA who si-ts at CLOSE -She the dining room table. beams, excited, as Dexter unloads Chinese take-out containers from bags. CODY and ASTORare in the living roomr watehing "SpongeBob". RITA So how was the meetinq? Tell me everything. DEXTER It was... interesting, hearing the sarne story, over and over. R.ITA Knowing you're not alone. DEXTER ExactlY. .-.> :- -- .--i'-::- ASTOR (calling out) Did you get fortune cookies? DEXTER only the ones with good fortunes, RITA Did you share or just listen? DEXTER I wanted to take it all in, my first time out. (re: bag) (MORE) DEXTER203 "An rnconvenient Lie" First Draft 5/23/oi 4. 2 CONTINUED, ) DEXTER(CONT'D) Don't tell- me they forgot the -- here they are. Spring rolIs. RITA What about a sponsor? Did you find one? DEXIER I didn't want to rush into anything. ft,s an important relationship. RITA Absolutely. (excited ) So let's see your newcomer's chip. DEXTER (uh-oh) My newcomers chip, yeah,.. RITA You... dia stay tiII the end. Didn't you? DEXTER Of course I did. Inff 't]i"her look) Risht Jril "ra. A beat. Then Rita shakes her head, disappoj-nted, rises and heads to the kitchen. R TA You're a terrible liar. DEXTER (taken aback) No, actually, I'ttl not. .:,u :-- -j _-r:.-j- . R.ITA f know too much about twelve-sreo prograJns to be easily conned, Deiter, DEXTER(V.o.) Note to self, lle follows her to the kitchen where she pulrs out plates. DEXTER I didn't stay till the end end, if that's what you mean. f had some lmportant errands to run. she faces him. Dexter's unprepared for her directness. DEXTER203 "An rnconvenient r,ie" First Draft 5/23/07 5, 2 3}NTINUEDI (2) 2 R.ITA Am f imporLant? Are the kids? DEXTER I - yeah, Yes, Of course. R.ITA You'ie going to Lrave to d.ecide how important, because if you don,t work the program, really work it, f just... won't go through that agairr. She hands hj:n a stack of plates and heads into -- TIIE LfvrNG RooM -- where she turns off the T.v..4.v., herds the kids toward the tabIe. Dexter watches the little family as they gather for dinner. DEXTER(v.O. ) How important are they? One would have to have f eei_ings to answer that. But the snr-L1ej-n his eyes belies this asserti-on of indif f erence. Dexter comes up behind Ritar wraps his arms around her. DEXTER Tomorrow. I,1l go tomorrow. And I'Il stay. 3 rNT. PoLrcE srATroN - cRouND FLooR - MoRNTNG(DAy 2) : Dexter, carrying his l-atte, rushes for the elevator. DEXTER Hold the elevator! whoever's inside ignores him. The doors begin to cIose. Dexter manages to get a hand in, open the doors. He steps in to find himself alone with SGT. DoAIGS. --.> DEXTER (dry) Thanks. Thorr ri r{a F+ *ha rln^- j-ni €* --s=r >Lq.,-rlry-v.i -^ d.L-+ the door ^ front of thenr. SGT. DOAKES Niee dodge last night, flooring it through that yellow liqht, DEXTER Oh, were you behind me? Sgt. Doakes just smiles. As the doors slide open __ DEXTER203 "An Inconvenient Lie" First Draft 5/23/07 6. CONTINUED: SGI. DOAXES See ya tonight. Sgt. Doakes steps out. Dexter stares bone saws at his back, as he exits into -- INT. POLTCE STATION _ CORRTDORBY ELEVATOR.- CONTTNUOUS Dexter's latte is almost knoeked out of his hand by -- A CROWDOF CfVILIANS. The corridor is packed with them. UNIFORMEDCOPS herd them into a queue around the peri:neter of the bullpen. HEAR: "P1ease, form a liner" "A detectj-ve will be with your " and from the civilians , "As Greg Forster one of them?" "Sue McMillan, she dj-sappeared four years dgo," etc. Dexter pushes through the confusion into -- INT. POLICE STAT]ON - BIII,LPEN- CONTINUOUS MASUKA, BATISTA and LAGUERTAhuddle near a T.V. SET on which a news prograrn drones in the b.g. DerEer approaches. DEXTER (re: civilians) Who're they? BATISTA Every fani-Lly member of every missing person for the last ten years. MASUKA Including some sad, lonely and presumably single women. Courtesy of T.i orrf anrnt Daqaal LAGUERTA TJ-'q not her f ault. That reporter's an asshole. a:.> :r BATTSTA ts Pasr':aI irrst r':arroht in *"Ja rrrzcle of reaction. She's not co-creatinq her own reality. DEXTER You know those words don't actuallv mean anything, right? BATISTA Take a look around, bro, she's manif estj-ng negativity - DEXlER 203 "An Inconvenient Li-e" First Draft 5/23/07 7. 5 CONTTNUED: 5 MASUKA (re: TV) It's on again. LAGUERTA / e..srLlrrYch:ie'i na lrar hoad \ \ rfe! Every hour on the hour since last niqht They face the T.V. -- INTERCUTTHEM WrTH -- TITE T.V. SCREEN SEE a hand-held clip of LT. PASCALleaving the station for the night, disheveled, distracted, in an obvious hurry.