ADC Weapons Manager Discusses Carry Law
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THE A DVOCATE A publication for employees of the Arkansas Department of Correction April 2015 Inside this issue : Down on the farm, things are egg-cellent! Greetings from Kelley 2 It’s been a long time coming, but finally this 2 Calendar of Events month we are seeing the Eggs continued 3 fruits of ADC’s labor. SSMFT 4 The first group of pullets, which were raised at the Conceal carry continued 5 Cummins Unit, was trans- ERT training 6 ferred recently to one of Ball & Chain set 7 the three new layer hous- es. 7 Torch Run set Davey Farabough, Service awards 7 Head Farm Manager II, Pinnings 8,9 Around ADC 8 Gleaning thanks 9 Agri Production Supervisor Greg Stephens shows off Health Matters 10 the first eggs. PIO 11 said another house was old pullets every 20 Self-defense class, pinnings 12 filled with hens which weeks. Each will spend were already laying, and approximately 80 weeks Job duty changes 13 the third house will be on the farm, with 60 of Policy Spotlight 13 Twenty-week old hens are ready late this fall. those being in full produc- Training Academy, finds 14 being placed in the layer He said the plan is to house at the Cummins Unit. receive 49,000 one-day- Continued on page 3 Promotions & New Hires 15 Parting shots 16 ADC Weapons Manager discusses carry law By Robert Hutcheson Based on Arkansas Stat- SB492 Concealed Carry Instructor ute 5-73-120, you are not #96-299 allowed to carry a gun in Because of all the pro- your vehicle unless at least posed changes to the Ar- you must have a license to one of the following is kansas Concealed Carry legally carry a concealed true: Law, I've been asked to handgun. Not everyone • You have a license to clarify a few things that qualifies for a license, carry a concealed handgun apply in regards to carrying however. And even if you • You are on your own a weapon on ADC proper- do have a license, you are property ty. not allowed to carry a gun Currently in Arkansas, wherever you like. Continued on page 5 Page 2 ADC Advocate Cost per day deliberated If you have been following arti- (rent charged to inmates), inmate wel- the Regional Maintenance service cles concerning fare funds (from profits on commis- provided to Arkansas communities the ADC's cost sary items), telephone money (490,314 hours at minimum wage) per day, you (commissions from inmate phone sys- bringing cost per day to $60.85. know there are tem), Federal Revenues (programs With all of this information, we other entities that cost are reimbursed through fed- all have an obligation to spend tax and people as- eral grants) and Miscellaneous In- dollars as efficiently as possible when serting how come (payments for items received it comes to employees work assign- they can house from Social Security, utility reim- ments, utilities, maintaining state inmates cheaper bursements, employee shuttle fees property, etc. than the $63.26 and such). ADC Management Team has Wendy Kelley plus dollar a day Director That would bring the cost per day been asked to review positions as that ADC to $63.08. well as look for other ways to cut ex- spends. Then, if you reduce that by the penses. Please let us know if you To put this in perspective, that state income tax withheld from our have any ideas or suggestions. We all rate includes income ADC generates employees and submitted to the State, want to carry out our mission in a in addition to what is provided from the cost per day is $61.71. safe and efficient manner. the state's general revenue. Next if you reduce this by sales I'm honored to work with profes- I have asked Assistant Director tax paid by the Agency to the State, sionals within ADC to improve public Mike Carraway to determine the cost the cost per day is $61.53. safety. per day excluding work release funds We could further reduce this by Stay safe! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Special Events? April 2015 Unit Functions? May 2015 5 — Easter Announcements? 7—National Day of Prayer 17—Phenomenal Women 10—Mothers Day 22—Earth Day Conference Dates? 16—Armed Forces Day 22 — Administrative 18—Ball and Chain Professionals Day 21—Law Enforcement Torch Run 25—Memorial Day Send information to Kat at The Advocate kathlyn.atkinson April 2015 Page 3 Eggs . continued from page 1 tion. The freshly-laid eggs roll out onto Stephens said the last of the three The pullets are first placed in the a conveyor belt, where they are carried layer houses will be complete in Sep- old production house, which has been to a vertical belt with fingers which tember, exactly ready for the pullets revamped to take care of the new grab the eggs and transfer them onto which will have been received 20 chicks. At 16-17 weeks old, egg pro- the main conveyor which carries all weeks earlier. duction begins, slowly. At 20 weeks, eggs to the new production house. In When the first of the three layer that batch will be moved to a layer the production house, eggs are washed, houses was completed, ADC pur- house at full prodution. dried, sized, and placed in carton trays. chased 20-week-old chickens to popu- In the state-of-the-art layer house, The trays are then carried to the cooler. late that house in order to start up pro- the hens are fed for 12 hours, then Production from just one of the duction. However, this will not be the lights are out for 12 hours. Approxi- three layer houses will completely feed usual strategy as it is not cost effective. mately 70% of their feed mixture is the inmate population. Farabough said Stephens said each day-old pullet will grown by the ADC. the eggs from the other two layer cost the state 85 cents. houses will be sold to county jails or At this writing, the first received prisons in other states. pullets, now hens, were being moved Collected to be used as fertilizer, to their new layer house and 1,800 chicken litter is caught on a belt. The eggs were gathered the first day from belt carries it to a vat to be transferred this new batch. Eighteen-hundred is a to trucks and carried to the hay field. far cry from the full production line After the 80 weeks, the ‘spent that will be seen by September. hens’ will be sold to non-egg- However, as Stephens looked out production facilities. over the production line, he noted, The high performance hens are Hy “It’s a win-win. I am pleased. I hope, -Line W-36, a Leghorn hybrid. The in the end, we can all look back and houses are warmed completely in the winter by the animal’s own heat. That say this is a really good thing for the ‘benefit’ will, of course, be a ADC.” ‘problem’ in the summer. However, Greg Stephens, Agri Production Su- pervisor, said the louvers and fans lo- In photo above, Stephens deals with an cated on either end of the houses are ‘escapee.’ Conveyer belt, in photo on set to pull the heat out. right, moves eggs to the production The design of the houses comes house. In photo bottom left, inside from Facco, a company based in Italy. work is being done on the third of the Interestingly, that is also where the three layer houses. In photo bottom Leghorn chicken originated. right, eggs are being sorted and checked. Page 4 ADC Advocate ADC sweeps competition at SSMFT Another wintry mix of weather defined the Southern Third: Ouachita River Unit States Manhunt Field Trials this year as the 16th annual Fourth: East Arkansas Regional Unit event held March 3-7 at Camp Joseph T. Robinson in North Multi Leash Little Rock. First: Ouachita River Unit Teams from Arkansas, Florida, Missouri and Louisiana Second: Jackson Correctional Institute - Florida were involved in single-leash, multi-leash, narcotics, and Third: East Arkansas Regional Unit pack searches on the 33,000-acre camp, which serves as Fourth: Tucker Unit headquarters for the Arkansas National Guard. Pack The purpose has always been to allow the dog teams in First: Tucker Unit the region to meet, exchange information and participate in Second: Ouachita River Unit a competition among the most specialized segment of law Third: East Arkansas Regional Unit enforcement, said NCU Warden David White. Fourth: Cummins Unit “The Dog Trials are a means by which they can train Narcotics and learn without the pressure of real life and death situa- First: Rayburn Correctional Center - Louisiana tions,” said White. “Special thanks to the SSMFT staff, Second: Rayburn Correctional Center - Louisiana track layers who work for months before the actual event,” Third: Dixon Correctional Institute - Louisiana said White. Fourth: ADC - Central Office Kevin Glover The winners of divisions in the SSMFT are: Pistol Competition Single Leash First: Tucker Unit, John Maples First: Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Second: C. Crane Second: Cummins Unit Third: Tucker Unit, Jarrod Self 1st—Drug Detection Best Looking Dog 1st—Multi-Leash 1st—Single Leash 1st—Pack Dog The winner of the Southern States Manhunt Field Trial Fundraiser was Corporal Katherine Stone (Delta Unit), left, shown with Warden James “Hoot” Gibson (Delta Unit). SSMFT board members Time keepers Track layers April 2015 Page 5 Newport Complex achieves 100% on standards during ACA audit Congratulations are in order for Warden Jimmy Banks and the staff of the Newport Complex for completing their American Correctional Association audit recently with 100% scores on mandatory and non-mandatory standards.