IHI Co. Confidential

IHI Corporation General Introduction

January 2019

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. Contents

1. IHI Overview

2. Solution and Service in Oil & Gas Business

3. LNG Tank Technology Trend

4. Project Profiles

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. 2 1. IHI Overview

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13 Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. LNG Storage Tank (Selection of Storage Concept)

Pre-stressed Concrete Type Double metal Underground Tank Tank Tank Inner & 9%Ni steel 9%Ni Steel Corrugated stainless steel Outer wall Carbon Steel Concrete wall RC wall

Merit & Merit in cost Merit in safety wise Merit in safety wise Demerit wise Dike Most popular type More civil work required required Maximum 140,000m3 230,000m3 250,000m3 size record Getting bigger volume

Location Global Global , Korea, Taiwan

Double Metal Tank PC Tank Underground Tank

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. IHI’s Approach for Large Size LNG Storage Tanks

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. IHI’s Approach for Large Size LNG Storage Tanks

Development of 9% Ni Steel for LNG Tanks

Year Topics Capacity Max. Plate Remarks Thick.

First LNG tank built in 1969 35,000 20 QT process Japan

1976 LNG tank size 60,000 to 75,000 25 to 30 Blast furnace steel

1978 Larger LNG tank size 80,000 to 100,000 28 to 32.5 Low C,P,S substance

1983 Larger LNG tank size 100,000 to 120,000 32.5 to 36.8 Continuous casting

Confirmation test performed for crack arrest 1987 55 property

1993 Maximum LNG tank size 140,000 40 QLT process

1998 Maximum LNG tank size 180,000 50 QLT process

2018 Maximum LNG tank size 230,000 50 QLT process

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. EFEG$ >/:.'%.(&$ H >$,.,%+I,1.6&#,+2,345,J%+#.(&,<.'6 H

50+-.0,$).#&,+2,345,%.'6,, KL&D,).#/,+2,345 <'.0M EFE,, NBO D O*+$')) !PN P!N F)) !IN

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I" JK$%&*9-,)-1)JLD)5&'$.0)7$$=9,/)*+$)($.9M$'0 =$'9-("

D-=0'9/+*)Q);R!S)BTB)D-'=-'6*9-,)@..)U9/+*5 U$5$'M$(" LNG Regasification Plant / LNG Tank - Small Satellite Scale -

We provide the solution for medium to small LNG satellite terminal and storage tanks.

Medium Size Terminal with Double Wall Tank Small Size Terminal with Vertical Perlite Insulation Tank Capacity : 5,000kl – 50,000kl Capacity : 200 (KL) – 2600 (KL) / 1 tank Insulation : Perlite Powder, Nitrogen Gas Insulation : Perlite Powder, Nitrogen Gas Inner Tank : SUS or 9%Ni Steel Inner Tank : Stainless Steel Outer Tank : Carbon Steel Outer Tank : Carbon Steel

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. 4. Project Profiles

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. 19 LNG Tank Projects Currently Under Construction

Year Owner Location Tank Type Capacity Unit (Completed)

Japan Above-Ground Gas Co., Ltd. 230,000m3 1 2021 (Ibaraki) (Full-Containment)

Japan Above-Ground Fukushima Gas Power Co.,Ltd. 230,000m3 1 2020 (Fukushima) (Full-Containment)

Japan In-Ground Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated 125,000m3 2 2019 (Chiba) (Membrane System)

Japan Petroleum Exploration Japan Above-Ground 230,000m3 1 2018 Co., Ltd (JAPEX) (Fukushima) (Full-Containment)

Japan Above-Ground JFE Engineering Corporation 180,000m3 1 2018 (Toyama) (Full-Containment)

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. LNG Tank Projects in global market 2008~2017 (Completed)

Year Owner Location Tank Type Capacity Unit (Completed)

Japan Above-Ground JFE Engineering Corporation 180,000m3 1 2018 (Toyama) (Full-Containment)

India Above-Ground GSPC LNG Limited 160,000m3 2 2017 (Mundra) (Full-Containment)

India Above-Ground Petronet LNG Limited 170,000m3 2 2017 (Dahej) (Full-Containment)

Thailand Above-Ground PTT LNG Company Limited 160,000m3 2 2017 (Rayong) (Full-Containment)

Japan Above-Ground Hokkaido Gas Co., Ltd. 200,000m3 1 2016 (Ishikari) (Full-Containment)

Tohoku Electric Power Co., Japan Above-Ground 160,000m3 2 2016 Inc. (Sendai) (Full-Containment)

Hainan Natural Gas Company China Above-Ground 160,000m3 2 2014 Ltd. (Hainan Island) (Full-Containment)

The Okinawa Electric Power Japan Above-Ground 140,000m3 2 2013 Co., Inc. (Yoshinoura) (Full-Containment)

Japan In-Ground 250,000m3 1 2013 (Ogishima) (Membrane-System)

India Above-Ground 155,000m3 Petronet LNG Ltd. 2 2012 (Kochi) (Full-Containment)

Japan Above-Ground 180,000m3 2 2012 (Joetsu) (Full-Containment)

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. 21 LNG Tank Projects in global market 2008~2017 (Completed)

Year Owner Location Tank Type Capacity Unit (Completed)

Above-Ground Gulf LNG Energy, LLC USA 160,000m3 2 2011 (Full-Containment)

Above-Ground CPC Corporation, Taiwan TAIWAN 160,000m3 3 2009 (Full-Containment)

Japan In-Ground Gas 200,000m3 1 2009 (Chita) (Membrane System)

Japan In-Ground SHIMIZU LNG 160,000m3 1 2009 (Sodeshi) (Membrane System)

India Above-Ground Petronet LNG 148,000m3 2 2009 (Dahej) (Full-Containment)

Above-Ground Shanghai LNG Company Ltd. CHINA 165,000m3 3 2009 (Full-Containment)

Above-Ground Cameron LNG LLC USA 160,000m3 3 2009 (Full-Containment)

Above-Ground Qatargas Qatar 140,000m3 5 2008 (Full-Containment)

SPAIN Above-Ground Enagas 150,000m3 1 2008 (Cartagena) (Full-Containment)

Copyright © 2019 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. 22 !"#$%&'($&#)*$"** 6(17#*%,3"(%4,3*&3** $+,*-,.,/"01,#$ "2 "(%*3&#)/,*1"3$ .7/(7'/, 3"4&,$5*$+%"()+ $,4+#"/")5 733,$

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