The Law Commission Consultation Paper No 187 ADMINISTRATIVE REDRESS: PUBLIC BODIES AND THE CITIZEN A Consultation Paper ii THE LAW COMMISSION The Law Commission was set up by section 1 of the Law Commissions Act 1965 for the purpose of promoting the reform of the law. The Law Commissioners are: The Honourable Mr Justice Etherton, Chairman Professor Elizabeth Cooke1 Mr David Hertzell Professor Jeremy Horder Kenneth Parker QC The Chief Executive of the Law Commission is William Arnold and its offices are at Conquest House, 37-38 John Street, Theobalds Road, London WC1N 2BQ. This consultation paper, completed on 17 June 2008, is circulated for comment and criticism only. It does not represent the final views of the Law Commission. The Law Commission would be grateful for comments on its proposals before 7 November 2008. Comments may be sent either – By post to: Keith Vincent Law Commission Conquest House 37-38 John Street Theobalds Road London WC1N 2BQ Tel: 020-7453-1293 Fax: 020-7453-1297 By email to:
[email protected] It would be helpful if, where possible, comments sent by post could also be sent on disk, or by email to the above address, in any commonly used format. We will treat all responses as public documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and we may attribute comments and include a list of all respondents' names in any final report we publish. Those who wish to submit a confidential response should contact the Commission before sending the response. We will disregard automatic confidentiality disclaimers generated by an IT system.