Regulation No. 337-2014 Simien Mountains Nations Park Designation

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Regulation No. 337-2014 Simien Mountains Nations Park Designation fh.+1P•A-51 11/4..R,4-1ge 4.40hG11.is4; 6T•flith 14.K4v1A "Mai FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETTE OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA If itl.RV 5°Di. 4'rC M.6 hail PC N4 •1 MA 5.I" (1h.+14'.? 4g4-49; 215' Year No. 27 4.9"17441..eq: GT•firth ADDIS ABABA,2"' February, 2015 rai•n -/-cotirq. ritC 11,4- tnfl4:5:1- raw) "707n CONTENTS 8111 tirC Eifsigdri.% 1.Y- Regulation No. 337/2014 Pt1°Z1. a'~~13 untlf"te Simien Mountains Nations Park Designation Councel of Pmath-C-1- Y°Ir1C Oh- R1•11 7W ;i:1•c:0 h(14 Ministers Regulation Page8034 ft71.11* Annex Page 8080 Yu}7C 11.4- X.1•11 •'PC kit (I-17AM% COUNCEL OF MINISTER REGULATION No. 337/2014 -pe-e-pT ildbe-ce rch, Atm/W90 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION TO PROVIDE rwai razkni-el- rhc K741 FOR THE DESIGNATION OF SIMIEN MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Pmath-CI. rbc Oh- This Regulation is issued by the Council of 4.R1,-/►t Y.9174.6.5"1: GT•f1A.ti -htid.riaZ M14+1 Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definitions of Aflow • -7 ficoaia• kitiik 4:11C %.P36/e7ti: Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the 71`; (Mc hlt1114- A°74-: ,p11,43c haP,Iir yilak Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia tqac e;xurei/In1".7U h1•'X' o (g) Milt" 44' Proclamation No. 691/2011 and Article 4 (2) of the ha)-fr;kA:: Development, Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation No. 541/2007. 1.h6PC COil 1.Short Title A3•11 :Pcit, This Regulation may be cited as the "Simien autir• .? voz%tpl•e:t. Phc .1:11C Mountains National Park Designation Council of ek:07:/" tt.maM Ministers Regulation No. 337/2014". ff.÷cqn 2.Definitions ko•ti 4.11 -1- C'hY" P"Zjlimai• tiAn In this Regulation unless the context otherwise (KU .e.3•11 (D-1111:- requires: fi/ "hark" "74-1- F.4-C r(1.4'5" 1/"Proclamation" means the Development, hm:P+51° 119'k -1=PC tif1.16//n.f.•in Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation No. 541/2007; g/ (lO% fl•rn• 4•:1'110:1• Alit) R1-117" 2/ definitions provided, for under Article 2 of the +4.X"11• AU'S& Proclamation shall also be applicable; riK. :Avg r ITO Unit Price 46.30 Negarit G. P.O.Box 80,001 X4,014 4fA Y.16+ :MI" *FIG VI 'PC Pa (it% 1 oderal ticsang ia.trmt- lr ,N.o 21, 2-4 f eltruar), 201 .S 3.3 "7.41.1.* 7Ai lim,114-it1 01:* 3/ "beacon" means a demarcation made up of 114.1.17114.1,1/ liT114.. 1'41'4 ny, 11'n: 45". solid materials and erected as a permanent delineator, following trigonometric points in demarcation method; of "ilAtuAterr 4:141: 41 "Authority" means Ethiopian Wildlife 19.**ilna3. 1'4X )111111.1• Al:Pc Tn.+ Development and Conservation Authority flAr'Airi7 v.. ; established in accordance with Proclamation No. 575/2008: l'Atia-r 11.7 k P;)- P•PlARtn- 171C (1.4.7r 5/ any expression in masculine gender includes the feminine. 1-4-6-24 11A4-T .'Cl. aiJ r 3. gnition qf SilnieP 19P110111.141112Mibr14 114.0 ?OM+ T(1.4'S' hm.+41" The park known as "Semien Mountains National 1"atalt.7*.f It+ R111 41Prc, tityristriti Park" pursuant to sub-article (1) of Article 4 of the h1411' 70.1) h74114 (6) im10/../. Development. Conservation and Utilization of .7)*Clr IflA 11.4n4. Wildlife Council of Ministers Regulation No. -40T) •te.4.#4. 41viv1 Ycti" +11fr 163/2008 is hereby designated as "Simien (halt flA4 Nftflet Plink) OKI, 1.741 Mountains National Park" (hereinafter called the "Park") TCh. J‘.t: tlijC 4.poundarjes *he Perk xclo. IAA 00'17 T-7.KC h4.144AC The Park is found in the Amhara State Gander ei•hr 11A41C4.1 rih.thcfrro Zone in Debarq. Janamoni. Adi'arqay. I3eyeda and we'AP4 in-tip 412,0885 114 ILA- nil: Tselemt wcredas covering 412.0885 square tyf.:1. 1'41314:1 ifT 047.h.114 ?1'( A:4.9' kilometers and located within the following tntrF 17:1VA:- demarcation points: 11:1*C1i. 111: limerial- At tio.- itn commencing from Beacon number one at 13 Ouvinal- (1.4. 1113 4.11 12 Rt.,+ 29 degree, 12 minutes 29 seconds latitude north Atilt 1tV 1137 4,476 58 Xt.+ and 37 degree 58 minutes 24 seconds longitude 24 atilt A•lvtft tr7.176)- 7A- east at a place called DejachHailu found on the 4C ?OK* II M.). gate of the Park; tax," wit ROA sr111,-+ h+alast ' thence, turning to south-eastward up to beacon At •7A6..? 111.,thlo (M. 013 number 2 at 13 degree 12 minutes 11 seconds 4.14 12 X4..4' 11 atilt (1011 44:tIrt latitude north and 37 degree 59 minutes 04 037 4.14 59 Mfr 04 atilt seconds longitude east at the place called Tefir A.71,-1:f.t. het 1er.170. 4vri: IrM• Malfiya; PIA i Federal Negarit Gazette No. 27, 2"d February, 2015 8036 1);" :Ayr) *PC .67., PC e&% tirtyr tag On, V"?14-4.' WP(1)64). flav;i-mc: 3/ thence, turning to north-eastward up to beacon (113 •.°16 11 Y...P..4' 57 en, number 3 at 13 degree 11 minutes 57 seconds it•-htt R'S (137 4.16 59 YAP 30 11,111Y: latitude north and 37 degree 59 minutes 30 A.°11-httY: Neiti"?.Tia)- .P.TC seconds longitude east at a place called Tefir K•4(1: Malfiya; W t1N,fP At= nap- WiT3 ktril (1uy.gAm• 1113 4/ thence, up to beacon number 4 at 13 degree 12 minutes 10 seconds latitude north and 37 A."16 12 .e.C' 10 ittilr: 11n1 degree 59 minutes 44 seconds longitude east at 037 4.°M 59 RAJ' 44 11,111.Ks I°(1,-+ It°1'1.-httts anti n1.17 ap 40- 41,pc a place called AmanAmba; tal.Plu f. ii+t11661 (lan.4-m4: 1113 5/ thence, turning to eastward up to beacon A.°M 12 Rt.+ 29 An" 4-k-htt•K'C' number 5 at 13 degree 12 minutes 29 seconds (138 4.16 00 f..k.4' 04 11,1)3 t' Jul11,43 latitude north and 38 degree 00 minutes 04 Viti"7:1'S a)• 1. A -I- C hr seconds longitude east; .e: u).K Y.11•11 h+a/obi. 11a0;i-mc: At= nap- 6/ thence, turning to southward up to beacon 11"7.0Acw 1113 4.°M 12 YAP 45 number 6 at 13 degree 12 minutes 45 seconds (1,111.K' An, it-h-hiK'S 1138 4.16 00 .K.h,4) latitude north and 38 degree 00 minutes 30 30 e't°17.-ktt.t• Nti1i"7.17a)- seconds longitude -ast at a place called q-A4- +PC 11-KsA÷ ,Ks4A: Michibign; (of. .Y.(1•11 1°AG-4, kt+fii6bi, 7/ thence, turning to southward up to beacon h110 tnlig AC (113 •.16 12 .K.P.4' 42 number 7 at 13 degree 12 minutes 42 seconds itte3r: ?MI itt-ht=K-S 038 4.16 00 YAP latitude north and 38 degree 00 minutes 47 47 11,113 1°eiG• tX°17,-k.Ks NAtiall.17 a)- seconds longitude east at the bank of Angoba 'I- A+ 4:pc h0 .e.-4O: River; X/ hit f r rete•4, )14,(11651 rian;Pnic: 8/ thence, turning to eastward up to beacon tiktuz ItAlir044- Itri.hCAt o)4 .,t‘ 41A° number 8 at 13 degree 11 minutes 08 seconds (113 441G 11 YAP 08 Mil An" latitude north and 38 degree 01 minutes 04 itt-h?..t•S" 038 •.°M 01 gA,43 04 11,113.K* seconds longitude east down stair at Adisge r(11,• A°17.-kft.e: Nttten7.17ar tfrPC Kidanemihret Church; (I 9'3+• 1.ti / htl.f/I) a).E. 1one-4, A43(116% 11e/D:Pmc: 9/ thence, turning to north-eastward at beacon At; Ciao- er.1:C a)•11 (1"7.(1AoP 1KA h4-y: 'Lt number 9 at 13 degree 11 minutes 51 seconds (113 4.16 11 f..P.4' 51 e1.111Y: On" latitude north and 38 degree 02 minutes 09 it•h•httYS (138 4."16 02 Y.C4' 09 (,ii'M seconds longitude east at the edge of trench of 71k. n.o% ML÷ .9tLal 411•C 51 PC n IAA i.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 27, rd February, 2015 page 8037 TWA, trIVkg.t- NA11"VriaP chlIC particular place called Tiqurwuha; HMI g'4(1: till..(Nr) Aft Oar'. c'D611. 3 anIK4-1 mga•oLb 10/ thence, up to beacon number 10 at 13 degree flan-t-a• (113 4.16 12 R4 .43 46 (Mi• .K• V% 12 minutes 46 seconds latitude north and 38 itttg.K.S. (138 4./6 03 Rt.,43 05 11117K• degree 03 minutes 05 seconds longitude east P1)44 (1°31.tgg• ValuV170)• 7-A÷ cfrPC leaving a village called Mecheka outside; hP'C 167 ti. .f) At co. an 611,4' WV] A w• P-IC 11/ thence, up to beacon number 11 at 13 degree (113 4.16 13 KC+ 06 (1111.K' An, 13 minutes 06 seconds latitude north and 38 ilttg,K*c (138 4.16 03 Rtr4' 05 11113.K• degree 03 minutes 05 seconds longitude east Sivit11.• 11°11,tg.,C• VIllaViTa• ETC at a place called Mecheka; 1/ hil..fNu AK or.
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