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Nutr Hosp. 2014;29(1):215-220 ISSN 0212-1611 • CODEN NUHOEQ S.V.R. 318

Caso clínico Use of a symbiotic supplement in a child with short bowel Syndrome; a case report Rosana Tumas, Patrícia Zamberlan and Ary Lopes Cardoso

Instituto da Criança – Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Brazil.

Abstract USO DE SUPLEMENTO SIMBIÓTICO EN UN NIÑO CON SÍNDROME DEL INTESTINO CORTO; CASO The short bowel syndrome (SBS) is due to loss of bowel CLÍNICO after surgery. Characterized by generalized nutrients malabsorption, its signs and symptoms include elec- trolyte imbalance, deficiency of vitamins, minerals and Resumen nutrients that can lead to death. Parenteral and enteral El síndrome del intestino corto (SIC) se debe a una pér- nutrition have a key role in its treatment. dida intestinal tras cirugía. Caracterizado por una Objective: To describe the clinical course of a patient malabsorción generalizada de nutrientes, sus signos y sín- with SBS during continuous use of enteral nutrition tomas incluyen el desequilibrio electrolítico y la deficien- supplemented with symbiotic. cia de vitaminas, minerales y nutrientes que pueden aca- Case report: A seven-year-old male underwent an rrear la muerte. La nutrición parenteral y enteral tiene emergency laparotomy at 18 months old with a massive un papel clave en su tratamiento. bowel resection, remaining about 20 cm of the small intes- Objetivo: Describir el curso clínico de un paciente con tine and the entire colon. He was dependent of exclusive SIC durante el uso continuo de nutrición enteral suple- parenteral nutrition for over a year, leading to the occu- mentada con un simbiótico. rrence of numerous infectious complications. Due to Caso clínico: Un chico de siete años fue sometido a una complications caused by prolonged use of central venous laparotomía urgente a los 18 meses de edad con una resec- access, was unable to continue to receive the parenteral ción intestinal masiva, quedando sólo 20 cm de intestino nutrition. Enteral nutrition by a nasogastric tube and delgado y el colon al completo. Dependió de nutrición supplemental symbiotic was the nutritional therapy parenteral exclusiva durante más de un año, lo que le pro- option for him. The assessment of the volume of losses by dujo numerosas complicaciones infecciosas. Debido a las the colostomy was measured daily. complicaciones causadas por el uso prolongado de un Results: There was a significant reduction of losses by acceso venoso central, no pudo continuar recibiendo la colostomy, especially in the first days after introduction nutrición parenteral. La opción terapéutica para él fue la of the enteral nutrition plus symbiotic supplementation, nutrición enteral a través de una sonda nasogástrica y un as well as significant decrease in gas production. suplemento simbiótico. Se evaluaron a diario las pérdidas Conclusion: Despite the lack of evidence for a formal de volumen a través de la colostomía. recommendation on the use of symbiotic for SBS patients, Resultados: Hubo una reducción significativa de las its use in the nutritional therapy of this patient resulted in pérdidas por la colostomía, especialmente en los primeros reduced electrolyte loss electrolyte and consequent días de la introducción de la nutrición enteral y la suple- improvement of his clinical and nutritional condition. mentación simbiótica, así como un descenso significativo (Nutr Hosp. 2014;29:215-220) de la producción de gas. Conclusión: A pesar de la falta de evidencia de una DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.29.1.6888 recomendación formal para el uso de simbiótico en Key words: Short bowel syndrome. Nutritional therapy. pacientes con SIC, su empleo en la terapia nutricional de Symbiotics. este paciente produjo una reducción de la pérdida de elec- trolitos y la consiguiente mejoría de su situación clínica y nutricional. (Nutr Hosp. 2014;29:215-220) DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.29.1.6888 Palabras clave: Síndrome del intestino corto. Terapia Correspondence: Rosana Tumas. nutricional. Simbióticos. Instituto da Criança - HC/FMUSP. Av. Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, 647. 05403000 São Paulo. Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Recibido: 8-VIII-2013. Aceptado: 2-X-2013.

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Introduction or gall bladder stones, and weight loss7. Clinical mani- festations depend on the size of the remaining bowel Intestinal failure is characterized by the impairment (especially the jejunum and ileum), the presence of of functional capacity of the bowel, compromising the enterostomy, the presence of the ileocecal valve, and adequate digestion and absorption of nutrients, which functional size of the remaining colon, associated becomes insufficient to maintain a healthy nutritional diseases and possible complications2. state1,2. This condition can be caused by different disor- Several complications may occur during the ders of the gastrointestinal tract, categorized into three outcome of these patients. Watery diarrhea is usually main groups: anatomic, neuromuscular or mucosal the earliest complication, particularly when the disease1. progression of the enteral nutritional therapy is Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is one of the causes of possible7. Other complications such as , intestinal failure that leads to a state of malabsorption, cholestasis related to catheter infection, and accidents usually as a result of an bowel resection (at least 30% of from catheter obstruction also occur frequently. the small bowel)3. SBS is a functional definition of Hepatic disease related to parenteral nutrition occurs in intestinal failure, characterized by an inability to main- about 30 to 60% of these patients2. Other complications tain the balance of energy, protein, fluids, electrolytes such as gall bladder stones and ulcers at the site of and trace elements, under the intake of a conventional surgical anastomosis are also likely to occur7. diet, and often needs to be associated with parenteral Bacterial overgrowth, defined as the increase in the nutrition2,4. In most cases it results from a bowel resec- number and species of in the small bowel tion during early childhood due to necrotizing entero- leading to inflammation, is particularly problematic in colitis, intestinal congenital anomalies (atresia, patients with SBS. The excess of bacteria can exacer- gastroschisis), ischemia, volvo, thrombosis, or even bate the poor absorption through different mecha- later in life, due to Chron’s disease or abdominal nisms. Clinical manifestations of bacterial overgrowth trauma1,2,5. In addition to reducing the absorptive area, may be nonspecific, such as belching, flatulence, there is also a loss of the ability of the gastrointestinal abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. It may also immune function and of the secretion of intestinal present by an increase in energy expenditure, weight regulating peptides and trophic hormones3. The loss, colitis and ileitis, which simulate Crohn’s prolonged malabsorption leads to a pronounced Disease. Moreover, the weaning from parenteral nutri- micronutrient deficiency and growth delay2, which in tion often is difficult, and favors the occurrence of turn can lead to death by severe malnutrition, if not bacterial infections8. properly treated. The enteral nutritional therapy has proven to be SBS is the primary cause of intestinal failure in chil- effective in the treatment of these patients by inducing dren. In these cases, the preservation of the colon plays a most suitable process of intestinal adaptation, while a crucial role in the production of trophic factors and the introduction of an efficient oral feeding for patients water and electrolytes absorption6. The impairment of with SBS is difficult. The presence of nutrients in the the absorptive and digestive surface results in a remaining bowel contributes to the production of new decrease of the available digestive enzymes and trans- crypt enterocytes, promoting a gradual growth of the portation proteins2. villi, and resulting in an increased absorptive surface. Shortly after the bowel resection, the remaining This is crucial for improving the nutritional status of portion of the intestine starts a process attempting to patients with SBS9. Nevertheless, the recommenda- increase the absorption of water and nutrients. It tions about the type and duration of enteral nutritional includes muscle hypertrophy and mucosal hyperplasia. therapy are not a standard, and the patient‘s age is a key This is the point where enteral nutrition therapy plays a factor to make this decision. It is known, however, that key role, since the presence of intraluminal nutrients the parenteral nutritional therapy is essential to achieve has a stimulatory effect on epithelial cells and on the the nutritional needs of these patients right after the production of trophic hormones2,3. The success of surgical procedure2. intestinal adaptation is directly related to the ability of The goal and the main challenge of nutritional structural and functional changes in the remaining therapy in the SBS is to enable the patient to maintain bowel, allowing the child with SBS to have adequate adequate growth and development, as well as promote growth and development, while receiving oral and/or the adaptation of the remaining bowel9,10. Even today enteral nutritional therapy2. many controversies about what are the best nutritional The clinical presentation of SBS is highly variable. interventions for patients with SBS remain. In different The symptoms associated with the bowel resection centers of the world, most practices are still mainly depend on the functional ability of the remaining intes- based on personal experience and not on medical tine3. It may include electrolyte imbalance, clinical evidence, due to the large heterogeneity among symptoms of micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, patients with SBS11. zinc, iron, vitamin B12, fat-soluble vitamins) defi- The enteral nutritional therapy is the cornerstone for ciency, diarrhea (carbohydrates, protein and fat malab- the therapeutic management of patients with SBS. It sorption), gastric hyper secretion; generation of kidney promotes a combined stimulation of functional,

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hormonal, biliary and pancreatic secretions. As the A symbiotic supplementation was introduced at the enteral nutritional therapy starts, improvements of the dosage of 6 g/day (LACTOFOS®/SIMBIOFLORA®) intestinal flora and intestinal immunity are triggered. comprising fructooligosaccharide and four The incidence of bacterial translocation also decreases strains (Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 SD 5275, with its beginning3. Topics still in debate among Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 SD 5675, Lacto- experts include: administration mode (continuous bacillus acidophilus N CFM SD 5221 10,9 UFC each versus intermittent), timing for the introduction of strain bifidum), aiming to reduce fecal enteral feeding, diet composition (polymeric, semi- volume, discourage overgrowth and bacterial transloca- elemental or elementary), timing for the introduction of tion and reduce the gas overproduction observed in the oral diet and fiber supplementation2. colostomy bag. It is recommended to give frequent small volume The patient received a daily symbiotic supplementa- meals every two or three hours, with a balanced mix of tion for 43 days. During this period, the water balance proteins, carbohydrates, and at least 40% of the daily was assessed every day, through the calculation of the caloric intake from fats. Hypertonic drinks (juices) difference between the ingested liquid volume should be avoided, as much as carbohydrate-rich (oral/enteral diet and water) and the volume repre- foods, because they may cause major fecal losses, sented by diuresis and fecal losses. Also, the accumula- osmotic dehydration, and promote bacterial over- tion of gases in the colostomy bag was observed. growth3. It is interesting to select the nutrients so that they are simple, easy to digest and absorb, and are not harmful, especially regarding their osmolality. The Results introduction of enteral nutritional therapy and oral diet on the following, should be gradual, initially in small Significant reduction of fecal losses by colostomy, volumes, and always guided by the individual tole- especially in the early days after the introduction of the rance of the patient. symbiotic supplementation therapy and the enteral feeding occurred (Fig. 1). A significant decrease in gas production in the colostomy bag was also observed. Case description

On october 29th,2002, a male patient was born with Discussion anorectal malformations. A colostomy was performed during the neonatal period. At 18 months, he developed SBS is a very heterogeneous condition regarding its an acute abdomen, and underwent an emergency causes at different ages, length and anatomy of the laparotomy procedure, performed in another hospital. remaining bowel (presence of enterostomy, preserva- A massive small bowel resection was performed, with tion of the ileum, colon and ileocecal valve) and its only about 20 cm of the remaining small intestine and motor function. All these factors strongly influence the the entire colon, but there was no further information intestinal adaptation, and therefore its prognosis12. available from this surgical procedure. The removal of the ileum usually causes a much He developed parenteral nutrition dependence for more difficult outcome than when the jejunum is over a year, which led to the occurrence of numerous removed and the ileum is preserved. In addition to infectious complications, thrombosis of cava and iliac having a larger adaptive capacity than the other veins, chylothorax, incarceration and paquipleuris of left portions of the small bowel, the ileum has a major role lung, oxygen therapy dependence and hypogammaglo - in the reabsorption of bile salts and vitamin B12. It also bulinemia. During this period, the patient also received a plays a role regulating the intestinal transit velocity by diet with complete restriction of fibers, lactose and slowing down the bolus coming from the stomach and sucrose, in order to ensure an appropriate nutritional proximal small bowel, promoting a greater absorption intake, since he presented with large fecal volume gas of nutrients from the diet. formation in the colostomy bag. As most of the compli- The ileocecal valve works as a physiological cations were caused by prolonged use of central venous sphincter, controlling the velocity with which the chyme access, this patient became unable to continue receiving is released from the small bowel into the colon. It also parenteral nutritional therapy. At this point, exclusive avoids bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel, which enteral nutritional therapy by a nasogastric feed tube was could make it more difficult to deconjugate bile salts and the only option left to nourish this patient. cause fat and fat-soluble vitamins malabsorption. The chosen diet was a complete polymeric hyper- The presence of the colon, whose main function is caloric diet (1.5 kcal/mL) with fiber mix, administered the reabsorption of water and electrolytes, also slows by an infusion pump, with a total caloric amount of down the intestinal transit, due to its extension. The 1,200 mL/day. A restricted oral food supply (lactose fermentation of undigested complex carbohydrates by and sucrose-free diet) was associated in order to the colonic bacterial flora produces short chain fatty decrease the fecal volume and gas formation inside the acids (SCFA) which are an important source of energy colostomy bag. and trophic stimuli to the intestinal mucosa.

Use of symbiotic supplement in a child Nutr Hosp. 2014;29(1):215-220 217 with short bowel syndrome; a case report 28. USE_01. Interacción 28/01/14 16:59 Página 218

Volume (mL) 8,000








-8,000 09/11 09/21 10/01 10/11 10/21

Colostomy Diuresis Water intake Enteral diet Oral intake Fig. 1.—Patient’s daily water balance.

In clinical practice, the nutritional management of tions in animal models, such as diarrhea, food allergies, SBS involves three stages. The first stage lasts from immune disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and immediately after resection until about three months prevention of intestinal tumors12. later. During this period, severe diarrhea and dehydra- Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers from the diet that tion may occur with loss of electrolytes and nutrients. stimulate growth and activity of a limited number of The main concern is the parenteral fluid replacement13, colon bacteria, providing benefits to the host. Prebio - with special attention to the proper adjustment of tics tend to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria serum potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magne- and increase the proliferation of Bifidobacteria and sium. Lactobacillus. Galactooligosaccharides, fructo - The second stage can last several weeks or months, oligosaccharides and lactulose are amongst the most corresponding to a stabilization period and intestinal common prebiotics12. adaptation, during which usually occur the transition Combined treatment with probiotic and prebiotic is from parenteral to enteral nutritional therapy (oral or called symbiotic therapy, and it has attracted the atten- tube feeding). The introduction of enteral nutritional tion of many experts because of their possible effec- therapy should be initiated as soon as possible, since tiveness in the therapeutic management of patients the presence of nutrients in the remaining intestinal with SBS12. lumen plays a key role in adaptive bowel hyper- Our patient has undergone a massive resection of the plasia2. small bowel and despite the presence of the colon, The third stage corresponds to the time when the which is an important organ for water and electrolyte patient has already achieved an adequate enteral intake absorption and also for the production of trophic that meets his/her nutritional needs, and the gradual factors, still had large fluid losses after one year of weaning from the parenteral nutrition is possible. surgery, suggesting a failure in the adapting process of Recently, the efficacy of treatment with probiotic, the remaining intestine, which significantly compro- prebiotic and/or symbiotic supplements enhancing the mised his growth, weight gain and global nutritional balance of the intestinal bacterial flora, preventing status. bacterial translocation and improving the nutritional Despite the fact that the parenteral nutritional status of patients with SBS has been described. therapy is strictly necessary in this situation, its suspen- However, little is known about the effects of these sion was inevitable since the patient had superior cava products on the immune system of patients with SBS12. and iliac veins thrombosis, preventing the possibility of are live microorganisms that beneficially any central venous access and therefore the continuity affect its host by suppressing the proliferation of patho- of the parenteral nutritional therapy. The only alterna- genic bacteria and also by improving the balance of tive left was to focus on an effective enteral nutritional intestinal bacterial flora. Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli therapy, with the association of a polymeric hyper- and Gram-positive cocci are the most common caloric enteral diet with a mix of fibers and a symbiotic microorganisms found in the bowel. Their beneficial supplement for this patient. The goal was to reduce effects have been described in several clinical situa- fecal and electrolyte losses, improve the absorptive

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process (promoting a better intestinal adaptation) and nutrients to maintain adequate hydro-electrolytes decrease gas production, ensuring a more efficient stability; and maximizing the intestinal adaptation nutritional recovery. process. For this purpose, it seems that the wiser thera- The major complication secondary to the SBS seems peutic management is the adoption of an individual to be the bacterial overgrowth and bacterial transloca- strategy for each situation, always considering its tion, that contribute to many of the SBS symptoms effectiveness, the physiological principles of the (intestinal mucosal lesions and consequent malnutri- disease and the patient’s tolerance. tion)14,15. Experimental studies with animal models and Despite the lack of evidence for a formal recommen- clinical trials have shown promising results of oral dation on the use of symbiotic supplementation for the administration of symbiotic supplementation in modu- treatment of SBS, its use in the dietary treatment of our lating the severity of bacterial translocation. patient resulted in a significant reduction of water and The main positive effects of probiotics are assigned electrolyte fecal losses, with consequent improvement to promote these changes in intestinal bacterial flora, of their clinical and nutritional status. since they compete for nutrients and adhesion to the mucosa with pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the SCFA produced by probiotics stimulate the prolifera- References tion of epithelial cells and bowel motility, the produc- tion of intestinal mucin and pancreatic enzymes 1. Goulet O, Ruemmele F, Lacaille F, Colomb V. 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220 Nutr Hosp. 2014;29(1):215-220 Rosana Tumas et al.