Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Cheat Sheet

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Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Cheat Sheet Ashtanga Yoga - Beginners Sun Salutations (Modified for Beginners) Surya Namaskara A (3 times) Surya Namaskara B (1-3 times) (Partial) Standing Sequence T T T Feet hip width Padangushtasana Pada Hastasana Utthita Trikonasana 5 breaths left side Utthita Parshvakonasana 5 breaths left side Prasarita Padottanasana A Prasarita Padottanasana B apart 5 breaths 5 breaths 5 breaths right side (Hand to outside of foot OR 5 breaths 5 breaths Drishti nose Drishti nose Drishti hand place forearm on thigh) Drishti nose Drishti nose 5 breaths right side Drishti hand T T Prasarita Padottanasana C Prasarita Padottanasana D Parshvottanasana 5 breaths left side Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale 5 breaths 5 breaths (Hands in reverse prayer OR Drishti nose Drishti nose hold elbows/wrists) 5 breaths right side Drishti nose T Top of mat V Vinyasa or alternative option R Roll up to sitting © Merchant City Yoga 2020 Suggested Seated Postures from Primary Series for Beginners (modify each posture as necessary) V V V V V V V Dandasana Pashimottanasana A Purvottanasana OR Ardha Baddha Padma Triang Mukha Ekapada Janushirshasana A Marichyasana A Marichyasana C 5 breaths (Hold big toes) Modified Purvottanasana Pashimottanasana Pashimottanasana (Foot to inner thigh) 5 breaths right side, 1 breath 5 breaths right side, 1 breath Drishti toes 5 breaths 5 breaths 5 breaths right side, 1 breath 5 breaths right side, 1 breath 5 breaths right side, 1 breath dandasana, 5 breaths left side, dandasana, 5 breaths left side, Drishti toes Drishti nose or 3rd eye dandasana, 5 breaths left side, dandasana, 5 breaths left side, dandasana, 5 breaths left side, then take a vinyasa then take a vinyasa then take a vinyasa then take a vinyasa then take a vinyasa Drishti toes Drishti over shoulder Drishti toes Drishti toes Drishti toes (Partial) Finishing Sequence V V R V R V Navasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Pashimottanasana Salamba Sarvangasana OR Halasana Modified Matsyasana Baddha Padmasana OR Padmasana (Jnana mudra) OR 1-3 times, 5 breaths 3 times, 5 breaths 10 breaths Half Shoulderstand 8-10 breaths 10 breaths Cross legged sitting position Cross legged sitting position Drishti toes Drishti nose Drishti toes 10-25 breaths Drishti nose Drishti nose (Hold elbows/wrists) 10-25 breaths Drishti nose 10 breaths Drishti nose Drishti 3rd eye V Modified Uthpluthi Take rest 10 breaths 7-10 minutes Drishti nose T Top of mat V Vinyasa or alternative option R Roll up to sitting © Merchant City Yoga 2020.
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