A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1950–1959
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A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1950{1959 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference [190, 575, 812, 343, 33, 289, 143]. 1950 [69, 39, 678, 758, 186, 449, 533, 756, 347]. 1951 [650, 786, 344, 349]. 1952 [902, 736, 490, 554, 342]. 1953 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 [396]. 100 [447]. 2 × 2 [728, 465]. [527, 484, 705]. 1954 [843, 983, 818]. 1955 50 [447]. x [448]. C (x) [396]. K (x) [396]. n 0 [809]. 1956 [683]. 1957 [763, 779, 954]. K1(x) [396]. n = 26 [204]. Sn(x) [396]. − p 1959 [1023]. 19th [803]. sinh 1 x [24]. t [256, 872]. X [371]. x =10 [672, 673]. x = 2 [672]. x =2:5 [673]. Y (x) 0 2 [525]. 20th [697]. 21st [763, 70, 69]. 22nd [396]. Y (x) [396]. 1 [590, 39]. 23rd [483]. 24th [386]. 25 [207]. 25-Arsmeldinger˚ [207]. 26th [279]. 27th -Distribution [872]. -Tests [256]. [178, 177, 229]. 28th [413]. 1 [69, 177, 160]. 125th [1020]. 13 [237]. 31st [69, 177]. 17th [1023]. 1869 [734]. 18th [915, 967]. 1900 [496]. 1919 [530]. 1930's [451]. 1938 41 [431, 162]. 42 [452]. 43 [211]. 49 [627]. [346, 114]. 1939 [83]. 1941 [679]. 1945 [8]. 1946 [553]. 1947 [119]. 1948 [190, 49, 86]. 50 [532]. 51 [576]. 52 [757, 529]. 54 1948/1949 [190]. 1949 1 2 [903, 571]. 57 [813]. Analyses [664]. Analysis [247, 876, 772, 1044, 1007, 443, 281, 515, 563, 6th [763]. 795, 418, 1033, 369, 949, 83, 640, 388, 842, 102, 302, 484, 485, 614, 512, 562, 931, 847, 75 [30]. 797, 1006, 991, 520, 727, 231, 585, 395, 834, 423, 252, 916, 944, 945, 314, 917, 918, 671, 182, A. [502]. Ar˚ [207]. Arsmeldinger˚ [207]. 556, 337, 201, 430, 868, 647, 750, 102, 853]. Abdel [569]. Abdel-Aty [569]. Abel [649]. Analytical [833]. Anderson [918]. Abel-Smith [649]. Abilities [81, 80, 799]. Andrew [550]. Anne [453]. Anniversary Ability [80]. Abraham [134, 596]. [1020]. Annotated [345]. Annual Abramovitz [815]. Abramowitz [145]. [1022, 575, 70, 69, 178, 177, 279, 386, 483, Abrams [235, 87]. Abstract [115]. 590, 697, 803, 915, 1023, 705, 843, 143]. Acceptance [742, 140]. Accident [247]. Antilogarithms [448]. Appleyard [753]. Accidents [247, 692]. Account [492]. Applicable [598]. Applicances [190]. Accountants [752]. Accounting Application [800, 399, 189]. Accounts [255, 809, 768, 638, 591, 318, 974, 668, 285]. [736, 450, 782, 784]. Accuracy [164]. Applications Acheson [284, 1027]. Ackoff [778]. Action [1021, 1025, 259, 309, 797, 157, 333, 1030, [235]. Active [290, 285]. Activity [496]. 889, 593, 308, 133, 46, 520, 486, 77]. Actuaries [683, 342]. Adams Applied [1007, 399, 727, 946]. Appraisal [530, 645, 711]. Addendum [571]. Adding [980]. Approach [640, 699]. Approaches [801, 722]. Adding-Up [801, 722]. Addison [319]. April [349, 344]. Archives [344]. [702]. Additions [16, 37, 59, 91, 125, 152, Arctan [371]. Area [745, 904, 430, 292]. 170, 194, 219, 243, 268, 297, 325, 354, 376, Areas [50]. Arguments [952, 448, 569, 521]. 406, 436, 458, 474, 504, 539, 560, 580, 608, Arithmetic [973]. Arley [45]. Armsen 635, 658, 686, 714, 740, 765, 792, 824, 858, [728]. Army [462]. Arne [598, 107, 108]. 883, 909, 935, 961, 989, 1016, 1041]. Adler Arnoff [778]. Arrow [997, 1033, 948, 283]. [760]. Administration [382, 809, 275]. Art [260]. Arthur Admissions [679]. Advanced [942, 307]. [763, 310, 470, 731, 206, 987, 711]. Articles Advances [176, 84]. Advertising [227, 490]. [15, 36, 58, 90, 124, 151, 169, 193, 218, 242, Affairs [186, 262]. Africa [410]. Agatha 267, 296, 324, 353, 375, 405, 435, 457, 473, [346]. Age [755]. Aggregate [468]. 503, 538, 559, 579, 607, 634, 657, 685, 713, Aggregation [566]. Aging [879]. Agrarian 739, 764, 791, 823, 857, 882, 908, 934, 960, [319]. Agr´egation [920]. Agricultural 988, 1015, 1040]. Asia [117]. Asking [260]. [787, 564, 99, 332, 693, 870]. Agriculture Aspects [613, 844, 917, 638, 258]. Assay [532, 98, 744, 118, 366]. Air [383]. Airy [306]. Assess [1035]. Assessment [586]. [951]. Aitchison [805]. Alan [927, 264]. Asset [812]. Assets [719, 541]. Associate Albert [758, 147, 368]. Alder [318]. [808]. Associated [886, 363]. Assumption Alexander [79]. Algebra [391]. Allais [694]. Assurance [372]. Astronomy [648]. Allan [627, 1000]. Allen [836, 364]. Atkinson [812]. Atlantic [493]. [699, 1030, 774]. Allocation [975]. Atmospheric [796, 797]. Attempts [1035]. Alternative [800]. Alva [852]. America Aty [569]. Audience [662]. Auditing [188]. [117, 52]. Americaine [648]. American Auditors [752]. Augustus [322]. Australia [628, 734, 655, 51, 262, 430, 846, 817]. [532]. Authorities [450]. Authors [770]. 3 Automatic [923, 807, 397]. Automation 903, 927, 1008, 1025, 417, 772, 866, 916, 944, [1031]. Available [545, 449]. Avery [711]. 997, 113, 233, 286, 287, 290, 350, 571, 572, 649, Axiomes [648]. 782, 845, 873, 877, 923, 978, 1037, 953, 954, 400, 784, 848, 203, 338, 420, 547, 670, 730, 929, B [109, 442, 202, 876, 997, 81, 421, 464, 976, 346, 530, 981, 666, 1009, 487, 921, 969, 239, 469, 13, 204, 788, 102, 232, 213, 549, 616, 573, 255, 280, 284, 310, 370, 623, 211, 238, 52]. 853, 533, 209, 567, 419, 395, 838, 336, 629]. Book B. [537]. Back [18, 60, 93, 221, 244, 269, [73, 81, 364, 757, 816, 846, 875, 880, 983, 184, 299, 327, 355, 378, 407, 659, 688, 716, 860]. 189, 523, 646, 849, 425, 427, 628, 682, 815, Backwardness [900]. Bailey 1007, 264, 754, 491, 318, 443, 698, 752, 928, [866, 783, 1024]. Balance [184, 3, 85]. 1002, 897, 984, 185, 234, 281, 319, 421, 428, Balanced [808]. Balances [497]. 464, 467, 488, 515, 517, 553, 625, 755, 758, Balances-of-Payments [497]. Bancroft 867, 879, 889, 891, 900, 947, 956, 976, 1026, [548]. Band [795]. Banking [643]. Barger 1034, 893, 971, 398, 190, 210, 147, 316, 528, [734]. Barker [706]. Bartlett [591]. Base 101, 180, 181, 621, 138, 148, 469, 575, 627, [448]. Based [247]. Basic [645]. Basis 704, 706, 812, 813, 819, 898, 925, 930, 401, [644, 819]. Batchelor [345]. Battin [807]. 492, 974, 805, 972, 53, 345, 418, 945, 116, 372, Bauer [931]. Beach [897]. Bearing [514]. 683, 76, 551, 1033, 598, 576, 30, 550, 306, 369]. Beer [137]. before [701, 39]. Beginnings Book [399, 453, 452, 470, 557, 574, 489, 527, [969]. Behavior [785, 702]. Behavioral 111, 230, 546, 648, 725, 869, 753, 1010, 315, [547, 748]. Behaviour [530]. Bell [466]. 566, 707, 343, 431, 532, 445, 896, 949, 112, Belonging [863]. Benjamin [679, 876, 976]. 786, 11, 13, 31, 79, 83, 84, 957, 552, 568, 726, Berkeley [280, 836]. Bernard [618]. 204, 257, 259, 314, 341, 342, 924, 680, 878, Bernardo [234]. Berry [1030]. Bessel 253, 388, 620, 747, 737, 776, 778, 842, 895, [341, 521, 396, 465]. Bethlem [650, 903]. 1000, 788, 102, 104, 183, 498, 78, 970, 922, Between [832, 769, 479, 448, 906, 952, 331]. 144, 232, 394, 592, 593, 645, 700, 773, 809, Bibliography 836, 890, 892, 917, 918, 213, 308, 8, 9, 71, [176, 165, 954, 157, 333, 345, 781]. Bickley 119, 208, 235, 260, 107, 108, 133, 393, 484, [465]. Bill [360]. Binomial 485, 749, 188, 734, 142, 288, 920, 187]. Book [521, 674, 139, 447]. Bioassay [392]. [282, 902, 736, 363, 466, 134, 251, 307, 339, Biological 389, 415, 549, 596, 616, 699, 746, 804, 835, [137, 1025, 464, 306, 1010, 104, 870, 103]. 943, 841, 853, 979, 450, 526, 1004, 655, 677, Biologique [76]. Biology 10, 28, 33, 45, 46, 72, 77, 451, 996, 1005, 931, [836, 839, 548, 1024]. Biomathematics. 619, 701, 705, 806, 843, 901, 904, 905, 977, [464]. Biometric [307]. Biometrika [518]. 1036, 490, 760, 236, 667, 669, 735, 837, 852, Biometry [583, 522]. Bizley [806]. Blacker 946, 973, 531, 820, 600, 671, 807, 100, 182, [650, 903, 350]. Blackwell [516]. Blank 283, 444, 106, 347, 1043, 48, 49, 50, 51, 668, [814]. Bliss [522, 392]. Block [808]. Board 140, 309, 311, 289, 468, 847, 117, 143, 160, [783]. Boddington [255]. Bond [984]. 186, 261, 262, 285, 449, 493, 495, 555, 556, Book 681, 624, 47, 82, 214, 595, 337, 54]. Book [75, 109, 759, 554, 653, 678, 529, 785, 787, 814, [74, 397, 980, 906, 162, 781, 201, 703, 263, 982, 136, 442, 594, 212, 137, 141, 165, 202, 654, 340, 366, 533, 114, 601, 149, 402, 207, 252, 256, 365, 392, 522, 597, 968, 27, 32, 103, 429, 783, 626, 733, 209, 292, 146, 258, 426, 591, 644, 724, 811, 650, 679, 810, 844, 851, 876, 164, 237, 291, 317, 494, 702, 774, 899, 817, 4 12, 80, 85, 86, 548, 1024, 497, 163, 430, 496, Cairncross [492]. Calcolo [78]. Calcul 731, 850, 161, 348, 349, 1003, 105, 567, 839, [77, 181]. Calculating [111]. Calculation 840, 865, 868, 894, 1035, 926, 732, 1006, 312, [735]. Calculations [156, 370]. Calculator 524, 367, 115, 651, 652, 756, 955, 1011, 118, [923]. Calculators [397]. Calculus [567]. 779, 368, 390, 391, 419, 519, 520, 521, 647, Calhoun [522]. Callbacks [477]. Calvin 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 727, 728, 750, 777, [487]. Cambridge [424]. Campion [39]. 808, 870, 871, 872, 950, 951, 952, 998, 999]. Canada [86]. Canadian [652]. Cancer Book [1030, 1031, 874, 29, 135, 179, 205, [1035, 927]. Canning [777]. Cans [272]. 206, 231, 416, 516, 525, 617, 751, 775, 888, Capital [529, 238, 52, 508, 402, 704]. 948, 975, 1028, 1029, 1032, 422, 87, 518, 942, Caradog [928].