
Daniell Cell Battery

Isaac Favila - Professor Scarbrough - CHM152LL History

● Invented in 1836 by John Frederic Daniell ● Precursor was voltaic cell ○ Invented by in 1799 ● One of the first practical batteries ever invented

John Frederick Daniell History

● A great improvement to the voltaic cell ○ Longer lifespan due to the materials having a slower rate of corrosion ○ Voltaic cell was not reliable for long term use ● Was popular for powering telegram systems

A 19th century How does it work?

Two Versions:

Salt bridge separation Separation by porous barrier How does it work?

Salt Bridge:

placed in copper

sulfate (CuSO4) solution ● electrode placed in zinc sulfate

(ZnSO4) solution ● Bridged together by salt bridge made of

nitrate (KNO3) How does it work?

Porous barrier:

● This time zinc solution is placed inside the copper solution

● The copper electrode is instead a copper strip

● The barrier separating the copper and zinc is porous to allow

the solutions to interact How does it work?

● Zinc electrode oxidizes and releases

2+ - Oxidation Reaction: Zn(s) ⟶ Zn (aq) + 2e ● The copper electrode pulls the excess electrons through the conducting material, creating a circuit

2+ - Reduction reaction: Cu (aq) + 2e ⟶ Cu(s) ● The salt bridge releases to balance the loss of Cu2+ and increase in Zn2+

● Standard potential difference of 1.1 V ○ Copper reduction potential is +0.340V Solution ○ Zinc reduction potential is -0.762V Amount (Both Potential Solutions) Difference ● Table shows examples potential differences of 50ml 1.082V real-world Daniell Cells 20ml 0.92V 120ml 1.06V 250ml 1.053V 250ml 1.024V Works Cited

“Daniell Cell.” Daniell Cell - Engineering and Technology History Wiki, Engineering and Technology History,

19 Feb. 2020, ethw.org/Daniell_Cell.

“Daniell Cell.” MagLab, MagLab, 17 June 2019, nationalmaglab.org/education/magnet-academy/watch-

play/interactive/daniell-cell. da Rosa, Aldo. “Daniell Cell.” Daniell Cell - an Overview , ScienceDirect, 27 Mar. 2013,


Roberge, Pierre R. “Daniell Cell.” Daniell Cell, Kingston Technical Software, 18 Nov. 2007, corrosion-


.” MagLab, MagLab, 17 June 2019, nationalmaglab.org/education/magnet-academy/watch-
