May 15, Day 42

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May 15, Day 42 Falconer Leopold OFFICIAL JOURNAL Foil Lyons Total - 103 OF THE The Speaker announced that there were 103 members present HOUSE OF and a quorum. REPRESENTATIVES Prayer OF THE Prayer was offered by Rep. Shadoin. STATE OF LOUISIANA Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Havard led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. FORTY-SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Destine and Zoie Britt sang "The National Anthem". Forty-fourth Regular Session of the Legislature Reading of the Journal Under the Adoption of the On motion of Rep. Hill, the reading of the Journal was Constitution of 1974 dispensed with. On motion of Rep. Hill, the Journal of May 14, 2018, was House of Representatives adopted. State Capitol Petitions, Memorials, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana Communications Tuesday, May 15, 2018 The following petitions, memorials, and communications were received and read: The House of Representatives was called to order at 2:28 P.M., by the Honorable Taylor Barras, Speaker of the House of LOUISIANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representatives. May 4, 2018 Morning Hour Honorable Taylor Barras, Speaker ROLL CALL Louisiana House of Representatives P. O. Box 44062 The roll being called, the following members answered to their Baton Rouge, LA 70804 names: Dear Speaker Barras: PRESENT I have been elected to serve as Mayor for the City of Sulphur. I will Mr. Speaker Franklin Mack take the oath of office as Mayor at Noon, May 15, 2018. I tender my Abraham Gaines Magee resignation from the Louisiana House of Representatives, District 33, Abramson Garofalo Marcelle effective 11:59 A.M., May 15, 2018. Amedee Gisclair Marino Anders Glover McFarland It has been an honor to have served the citizens of District 33 and of Armes Guinn Miguez the State of Louisiana as a member of the House of Representatives. Bacala Hall Miller, D. I have enjoyed working in the House and I hope that during my Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. tenure, I was able to make a positive difference for the State of Bagneris Harris, L. Morris, Jay Louisiana. Berthelot Havard Morris, Jim Billiot Hazel Muscarello Very truly yours, Bishop Henry Norton Bouie Hensgens Pearson MICHAEL E. DANAHAY Brass Hilferty Pierre Representative, District 33 Brown, C. Hill Pope Brown, T. Hodges Pugh Message from the Senate Carmody Hoffmann Pylant Carpenter Hollis Reynolds HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Carter, G. Horton Richard Carter, R. Howard Schexnayder May 15, 2018 Carter, S. Hunter Seabaugh Chaney Huval Shadoin To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Connick Ivey Simon Representatives: Coussan Jackson Smith Cox James Stagni I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Crews Jefferson Stefanski concurred in the following House Concurrent Resolutions: Cromer Jenkins Stokes Davis Johnson Talbot House Concurrent Resolution No. 77 DeVillier Jones Thibaut Returned without amendments Duplessis Jordan Thomas Dwight Landry, N. White House Concurrent Resolution No. 105 Edmonds Landry, T. Wright Returned without amendments Emerson LeBas Zeringue 1453 Page 2 HOUSE 42nd Day's Proceedings - May 15, 2018 House Concurrent Resolution No. 107 Message from the Senate Returned without amendments Respectfully submitted, DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL GLENN A. KOEPP May 15, 2018 Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Message from the Senate Representatives: HOUSE BILLS I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill May 15, 2018 No. 495 by Sen. Martiny, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Respectfully submitted, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has GLENN A. KOEPP finally passed the following House Bills: Secretary of the Senate House Bill No. 1 Returned with amendments Message from the Senate House Bill No. 379 DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL Returned with amendments May 15, 2018 House Bill No. 694 Returned without amendments To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House Bill No. 743 Representatives: Returned without amendments I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Respectfully submitted, refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill No. 559 by Sen. Morrish, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee GLENN A. KOEPP to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement. Secretary of the Senate Respectfully submitted, Message from the Senate GLENN A. KOEPP DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL Secretary of the Senate May 15, 2018 Message from the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of ASKING CONCURRENCE IN Representatives: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has May 15, 2018 refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill No. 408 by Sen. Appel, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement. Representatives: Respectfully submitted, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted and asks your concurrence in the following Senate GLENN A. KOEPP Concurrent Resolutions: Secretary of the Senate Senate Concurrent Resolution Nos. 101, 115, and 116 Message from the Senate Respectfully submitted, DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL GLENN A. KOEPP May 15, 2018 Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Senate Concurrent Resolutions Representatives: Lying Over I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions contained in the refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill message were taken up and acted upon as follows: No. 442 by Sen. Morrell, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101— BY SENATOR DONAHUE Respectfully submitted, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To present a budget plan that reflects the reduction of Louisiana's GLENN A. KOEPP sales taxes, includes the impact of federal tax policy, and Secretary of the Senate 1454 Page 3 HOUSE 42nd Day's Proceedings - May 15, 2018 provides funding established by a standstill budget and includes HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 217— priority programs. BY REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER A RESOLUTION Read by title. To commend the Scotlandville High School Hornets Alumni Association, Incorporated, upon its fourth annual Scotlandville Lies over, under the rules. High School Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Banquet. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 115— Read by title. BY SENATOR PEACOCK A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION On motion of Rep. Carpenter, and under a suspension of the To commend the Bossier Parish Community College Lady Cavaliers rules, the resolution was adopted. softball team on their outstanding season having set a new record for the best winning season in program history with 44 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 218— wins and 13 losses for 2018. BY REPRESENTATIVE PIERRE A RESOLUTION Read by title. To commend Marie Charmaine Ford for her outstanding leadership as head coach of Northside High School's volleyball team and On motion of Rep. Horton, and under a suspension of the rules, to commend her upon her retirement. the resolution was concurred in. Read by title. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 116— BY SENATOR PEACOCK On motion of Rep. Pierre, and under a suspension of the rules, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION the resolution was adopted. To commend Doug Pederson, Head Coach of the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League, on his many career HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 219— accomplishments and to congratulate him on the Eagles' 2018 BY REPRESENTATIVES JIM MORRIS, BISHOP, ARMES, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BILLIOT, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, Super Bowl LII (52) victory. CREWS, DEVILLIER, DWIGHT, FOIL, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, HORTON, JENKINS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MAGEE, MCFARLAND, Read by title. MIGUEZ, NORTON, REYNOLDS, STEFANSKI, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, CHABERT, GATTI, LAMBERT, LUNEAU, MILKOVICH, PEACOCK, TARVER, AND WARD On motion of Rep. Carmody, and under a suspension of the A RESOLUTION rules, the resolution was concurred in. To memorialize the United States Congress to take such actions as are necessary to adopt and enact the legislation to be proposed Suspension of the Rules in the 115th Congress, Second Session, that would establish the Caddo Lake National Heritage Area. On motion of Rep. Falconer, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Introduction of Resolutions, House and Read by title. House Concurrent at this time. On motion of Rep. Jim Morris, and under a suspension of the Introduction of Resolutions, rules, the resolution was adopted. House and House Concurrent HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 220— BY REPRESENTATIVES NORTON AND GLOVER The following members introduced the following entitled House A RESOLUTION and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by To commend the Reverend Lonnie Hamilton, Jr., upon his retirement their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: after thirty-eight years of pastoral service at New Boggy Baptist Church in Bethany, Louisiana. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 216— BY REPRESENTATIVES BARRAS, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BERTHELOT, Read by title.
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