IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages

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IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages Document Number 007-2159-005 CONTRIBUTORS Edited by Susan Ellis Production by Lorrie Williams Cover design and illustration by Rob Aguilar, Rikk Carey, Dean Hodgkinson, Erik Lindholm, and Kay Maitz © 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc.— All Rights Reserved This document contains proprietary and confidential information of Silicon Graphics, Inc. The contents of this document may not be disclosed to third parties, copied, or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or in the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043-1389. Silicon Graphics, Silicon Graphics logo, and Indigo are registered2 trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIX, XFS, Extent File System, Indy, Indigo , CHALLENGE, and Onyx are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems. IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages Document Number 007-2159-005 About This Guide This volume contains selected reference pages on IRIX system administration topics. The reference pages included are those that may be useful when a system is down and online reference pages are unavailable. The reference pages are organized by section and appear alphabetically within each section. Pages that discuss more than one topic are sorted by the first topic on the page. The tables below list each reference page: • Table i lists section 1 and 1M reference pages for commands and system maintenance utilities. • Table ii lists section 4 reference pages for file formats. • Table iii lists one section 5 reference page for a special facility, availmon. • Table iv lists section 7 and 7M reference pages for protocols and special files. Table i Commands and System Maintenance Reference Page Function Page Add_disk(1) add an optional disk to the system 1 amreport(1M) produce statistical and availability reports from 2 availmon log file autoconfig(1M) configure kernel 4 Backup(1) backup the specified file or directory 6 bcheckrc(1M) system initialization procedures 12 bootp(1M) server for Internet Bootstrap Protocol 7 brc(1M) system initialization procedures 12 chkconfig(1M) configuration state checker 13 chroot(1M) change root directory for a command 17 iii About This Guide Table i (continued) Commands and System Maintenance Reference Page Function Page csh(1) shell command interpreter with a C-like syntax 18 devnm(1M) device name 44 dvhtool(1M) modify and obtain disk volume header information 45 ecc(1) dump memory ECC log 47 ed(1) text editor 48 find(1) find files 59 fsck(1M) check and repair filesystems for EFS 62 fsdb(1M) filesystem debugger for EFS 66 fsstat(1M) report filesystem status 75 ftp(1C) Internet file transfer program 76 fx(1M) disk utility 87 growfs(1M) expand a filesystem 102 hinv(1M) hardware inventory command 104 icrash(1M) IRIX system crash analysis utility 105 ifconfig(1M) configure network interface parameters 113 init(1M) process control initialization 115 inst(1M) software installation tool 120 jsh(1) shell, the standard/job control/restricted command 243 programming language killall(1M) kill named processes 155 lboot(1M) configure bootable kernel 157 login(1) sign on 160 lvck (1M) check and restore consistency of logical volumes 167 lvinfo(1M) print information about active logical volumes 171 iv About This Guide Table i (continued) Commands and System Maintenance Reference Page Function Page lvinit(1M) initialize logical volume devices 173 MAKEDEV(1M) create device special files 174 mkfs(1M) construct a filesystem 177 mkfs_efs(1M) construct an EFS filesystem 178 mkfs_xfs(1M) construct an XFS filesystem 182 mklv(1M) construct or extend a logical volume 187 ml(1M) load dynamic kernel modules 190 mount(1M) mount and unmount filesystems 193 network(1M) network initialization and shutdown script 198 nvram(1M) get or set non-volatile RAM variables 202 prom(1M) PROM monitor 204 prtvtoc(1M) print disk volume header information 214 ps(1) report process status 217 pwck(1M) password file checker 223 pwconv(1M) install and update /etc/shadow with information from 225 /etc/passwd rcp(1C) remote file copy 227 red(1) text editor 48 Restore(1) restore the specified file or directory from tape 229 restore(1M) incremental filesystem restore 230 rlogin(1C) remote login 236 rsh(1) shell, the standard/job control/restricted command 243 programming language rsh(1C) remote shell 238 rrestore(1M) incremental filesystem restore 230 v About This Guide Table i (continued) Commands and System Maintenance Reference Page Function Page savecore(1M) save a crash vmcore dump of the operating system 240 setmnt(1M) establish mount table 242 sgikopt(1M) get or set non-volatile RAM variables 202 sh(1) shell, the standard/job control/restricted command 243 programming language statd(1M) network status monitor daemon 260 su(1M) become superuser or another user 261 symmon(1M) kernel symbolic debugger 264 systune(1M) display and set tunable parameters 269 telinit(1M) process control initialization 115 telnet(1C) user interface to the TELNET protocol 272 tftpd(1M) internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server 281 umount(1M) mount and unmount filesystems 193 versions(1M) software versions tool 283 xfsrestore(1M) XFS filesystem incremental restore utility 289 xfs_check(1M) check XFS filesystem consistency 296 xfs_growfs(1M) expand an XFS filesystem 299 xlv_make(1M) create logical volume objects 301 xlv_mgr(1M) 312 Table ii File Formats Reference Page Function Page core(4) format of core image file efs(4) layout of the Extent File System fstab(4) static information about filesystems vi About This Guide Table ii (continued) File Formats Reference Page Function Page gettydefs(4) speed and terminal settings used by getty hosts(4) hostname-address database inittab(4) script for the init process inode(4) format of an Extent File System inode lvtab(4) information about logical volumes master(4) master configuration database mload(4) dynamically loadable kernel modules mtune(4) default system tunable parameters passwd(4) password file profile(4) setting up an environment at login time shadow(4) shadow password file stune(4) local settings for system tunable parameters system(4) system configuration information directory sys_id(4) system identification (hostname) file ttytype(4) data base of terminal types by port xfs(4) layout of the XFS filesystem Table iii Miscellaneous Facilities Reference Page Function Page availmon(5) overview of system availability monitoring facilities Table iv Protocols and Special Files Reference Page Function Page dks(7M) dksc (SCSI) disk driver intro(7) introduction to special files vii About This Guide Table iv (continued) Protocols and Special Files Reference Page Function Page jag(7M) dksc (SCSI) disk driver jagtape(7M) SCSI tape interface keyboard(7) keyboard specifications mouse(7) mouse specifications mtio(7) magnetic tape interface pcmouse(7) mouse specifications root(7) partition names rroot(7) partition names rswap(7) partition names rusr(7) partition names serial(7) serial communication ports swap(7) partition names tps(7M) SCSI tape interface tpsc(7M) SCSI tape interface usr(7) partition names viii hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAdd_disk(1) NAME Add_disk − add an optional disk to the system SYNOPSIS Add_disk [ controller_number ][disk_number ][lun_number ] DESCRIPTION Add_disk enables you to add an extra SCSI disk to a system if the disk is on an integral SCSI controller (i.e., it can not be used for disks attached to VME SCSI controllers). The disk_number option must be specified if you are not adding the default ID of 2; similarly the controller and lun must be specified if other than 0. The Add_disk command creates the required directory, makes the appropriate device file links, makes a new filesystem, does the required mount operation, and adds the appropriate entry to /etc/fstab. Appropriate checks are made for filesystems already existing on the common partitions (0, 6, and 7). If they are present, you are asked if you want to proceed before a filesystem is made. If the answer is no, Add_disk exits. NOTE Older versions of this command worked only with controller 0, and used a default mount point of /disk#, where # was the SCSI ID. This version uses /disk##, where the first # is the controller and the second is the SCSI ID. Add_disk is a shell script and can be used as a template to determine what is necessary. The volume header on the disk must already have been initialized with the fx(1M) program. SEE ALSO fx(1M), mkfs(1M), fstab(4). IRIX Release 6.2 1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhamreport(1M) NAME amreport − produce statistical and availability reports from availmon logfile SYNOPSIS /var/adm/avail/amreport [{−1 |−−l local_logfile |−−s site_logfile }] [ −c ][−p ] DESCRIPTION amreport produces reports from the information gathered by the availmon(5) facility. The source of the information can be either a local logfile, specified by −l, or a site aggregate logfile, specified by −s. Without any argument, the command is equivalent to amreport -l /var/adm/avail/availlog. The options are: −l locallogfile Specify local logfile. −s sitelogfile Specify site logfile. −1 Take one availability report as input from stdin and print it out in a more readable format. −c Exclude current epoch in the reports. −p Print the reports without using curses (for piping output or redirecting to a file). amreport uses curses for screen control (unless −p is specified).
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