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GAS , Volume 4, a quarterly journal of Th 19, Number HYDRATES or other means reposting, is only photocopy machine, permitted IN MARINE SEDIMENTS

LESSONS FROM SCIENTIFIC OCEAN DRILLING Copyright 2006 by Th Society. e Oceanography

BY ANNE M. TRÉHU, CAROLYN RUPPEL, MELANIE HOLLAND, GERALD R. DICKENS, MARTA E. TORRES, TIMOTHY S. COLLETT, with the approval of Th of approval the with DAVID GOLDBERG, MICHAEL RIEDEL, AND PETER SCHULTHEISS e Oceanography Society. All rights reserved. Permission reserved. Society. All rights e Oceanography is gran e Oceanography Society. Send all correspondence to: Society. Send [email protected] e Oceanography or Th

Certain low-molecular-weight gases, naturally in sediment beneath the Arc- Ocean drilling has proven to be an such as , ethane, and carbon tic and in the sediments of important tool for the study of marine dioxide, can combine with water to the continental slope. A decomposing gas hydrate systems, which have been form ice-like substances at high pres- piece of gas hydrate can be ignited and increasingly recognized as important to sure or low temperature. These com- will sustain a fl ame as the methane is society. In some places, methane hydrate pounds, commonly called gas hydrates, released, producing the phenomenon of may be concentrated enough to be an concentrate gas in solid form and occur “burning ice.” economically viable fossil fuel resource. However, geohazards may be associated ted in teaching to and research. copy this for use Repu article Anne M. Tréhu ([email protected]) is Professor, Marine Geology and Geophysics, with gas hydrates as well, through large- College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. scale slope destabilization (e.g., Maslin Carolyn Ruppel is Associate Professor of Geophysics, School of Earth and Atmospheric et al., 2004) and release of methane, a MD 20849-1931, USA. 1931, Rockville, Box PO Society, e Oceanography Sciences, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, now at U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA, potent greenhouse gas. Indeed, evidence USA. Melanie Holland is Research Scientist, GEOTEK, Daventry, UK. Gerald R. Dickens collected from deep-sea sediments sug- is Associate Professor, Department of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. gests that major global warming episodes Marta E. Torres is Associate Professor of Chemical Oceanography, College of Oceanic and in the past were associated with massive Atmospheric Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, USA. Timothy S. Collett is methane releases from gas hydrate de- Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA. David Goldberg is Doherty posits (e.g., Dickens et al., 1995; Hesslebo Senior Scientist and Director, Borehole Research Group, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observa- et al., 2000), although this hypothesis blication, systemmatic reproduction, tory, Palisades, NY, USA. Michael Riedel is Associate Professor, Department of Earth and remains controversial (e.g., Bowen et Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Peter Schultheiss is Managing al., 2006). Climate changes over the late Director, GEOTEK, Daventry, UK. Quaternary have also been linked to re-

124 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 A. B. Ocean Surface 100 10 0 Water Ice + Gas Stability boundary Ice Hydrate Methane hydrate temperature

200 Hydrostatic Pressure (atm) 1000

Water stabilit W ater + Gas GHSZ

2000 y boundar 500 50 CO2, H2S, higher HC Depth (m) salt, Water Ice Seafloor N Geotherm 2 y + Hydrate 3000 1000 100 SeaDepth Surface Below (m)

Water + Free Gas Hydrate 2000 200 4000 -10 0 10 20 30 40 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Figure 1. (A) Th e methane hydrate stability boundary compared to water ice stability for fresh water. Th e stability boundary moves to the right if

gas contains CO2, H2S, or higher-order hydrocarbons and to the left as pore-water salinity increases or if the gas contains N2. For quantitative analy- sis of the eff ects of these parameters on gas hydrate stability, see Sloan (1998). (B) Gas hydrate stability in the marine environment. Th e gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) extends from the depth within the ocean at which gas hydrate becomes stable (which depends on local water temperature) to a depth beneath the seafl oor that is determined by the local geothermal gradient. Much of the seafl oor is within the GHSZ. Th e thickness of the GHSZ below the seafl oor increases as water depth increases if the geothermal gradient is constant.

lease of methane from submarine gas the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/ west coast is an accretionary complex hydrates (Kennett et al., 2003). However, ChevronTexaco Joint Industry Program drilled during ODP Legs 146 (1992) and isotopic studies of methane in ice cores (JIP). Gas-hydrate-bearing marine sedi- 204 (2002), and IODP Expedition 311 (e.g. Sowers, 2006) and budget calcula- ments were fi rst cored during Leg 11 of (2005). The Gulf of Mexico represents a tions for the global carbon cycle suggest the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) passive margin petroleum province that that the impact of gas hydrates must in 1970 at Blake Ridge (southeast U.S. has been strongly affected by salt tecton- have been minor (Maslin and Thomas, continental margin), and the fi rst deep- ics and has been the subject of IODP 2003). Methane hydrate deposits and the sea gas hydrate specimens were observed site surveys and drilling by the DOE/ associated sediments have also become in sediments recovered from the accre- ChevronTexaco JIP. an important focus for biogeochemical tionary complex of the Middle America studies of the deep biosphere to elucidate trench during DSDP Legs 66 and 67 in GAS HYDRATES IN MARINE the function and community structure 1979. Since that time, gas hydrates have SEDIMENTS of microbes that produce and consume been inferred or observed in numer- The stability of gas hydrate depends methane (e.g., Wellsbury et al., 2000). ous scientifi c boreholes. Here we focus most fundamentally on temperature, In this paper, we summarize the prin- on examples from recent expeditions pressure, gas composition and satura- cipal lessons learned about marine gas in three major gas hydrate provinces. tion, and pore-water composition (Fig- hydrate deposits through scientifi c ocean Blake Ridge is a passive margin sediment ure 1A). Gas hydrate nucleation and drilling, focusing on results of recent drift deposit located on the southeastern growth also depend on sediment grain expeditions conducted by the Ocean United States margin, which was drilled size, shape, and composition (Clennell Drilling Program (ODP), the Integrated during ODP Leg 164 (1995). The Casca- et al., 1999). These parameters, which Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), and dia maring offshore the Pacifi c North- control gas hydrate formation and per-

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 125 sistence, are affected by a wide range deep-ocean drilling, gas hydrate is lost as depth following the regional geothermal of processes in the ocean, leading to the core experiences decreased pressure gradient, which can be overprinted by multiple possible dynamic feedbacks and increased temperature during recov- local thermal perturbations caused by on various timescales (e.g., Kvenvolden, ery. Sampling gas hydrate, preserving it fl uid fl ow and heat focusing (e.g., near 1988; Paull et al., 1991; Dickens et al., for further study, and using observations salt diapirs). At a depth of a few to sev- 1995; Kennett et al., 2003; Buffett and in recovered cores to infer its concen- eral hundred meters below the seafl oor, Archer, 2004). tration and distribution in situ present the temperature profi le in the sediments Because methane is the dominant gas unique challenges to the ocean drill- crosses the pressure-temperature curve contained in submarine gas hydrates ing community. that defi nes methane stability conditions (Kvenvolden, 1993), we use the stabil- Temperature and pressure condi- (Figure 1B). Based on these criteria, gas ity curve calculated for pure methane tions consistent with methane hydrate hydrate could potentially form almost Structure-I hydrate in this discussion. At stability are found at the seafl oor nearly everywhere beneath the continental atmospheric pressure, methane hydrate everywhere at water depths exceeding slope and ocean basins. In most of the is stable only at temperatures below 300–800 m, depending on regional sea- deep ocean basin, however, methane ~ -80°C. Thus, when a sample contain- water temperature (Figure 1B). Temper- concentrations in pore water are below ing gas hydrate is recovered through atures below the seafl oor increase with saturation (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974).

Figure 2. World map with documented and inferred gas hydrate occurrences. Inferred gas hydrate occurrences are based primarily on the presence of a seismic refl ection known as the Bottom-Simulating Refl ection (BSR), velocity amplitude peculiarities on seismic re- cords, well-log signatures indicative of the presence of gas hydrate, and freshening of pore waters in cores. Samples were recovered us- ing research submersibles, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), grab samplers, dredges, piston coring, and coring during DSDP, ODP, and IODP operations. Data from Kvenvolden and Lorenson (2001) and updated by Milkov (2005). Reprinted from Doyle et al. (2004).

126 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 This condition means that gas hydrate Short-term changes in bottom water settings. The thickness of this meth- is, generally, restricted to continental temperature and pressure due to tides, ane-depleted zone, the base of which margins and enclosed seas (Figure 2), currents, or deep eddies can also affect coincides with depletion in sulfate, is a where organic matter accumulates rap- gas hydrate deposits (e.g., Ruppel, 2000; valuable proxy for methane fl ux in diffu- idly enough to support methane produc- MacDonald et al., 1994, 2005). sion-dominated systems (e.g., Borowski tion by bacteria or where existing free or Both biogenic and thermogenic et al., 1996). However, gas hydrate de- dissolved gas is transported into the gas sources produce hydrocarbons that posits have been observed at and near hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). are incorporated into gas hydrate de- the seafl oor (e.g., Brooks et al., 1984; Temperature and pressure are not posits. Biogenic methane can originate Suess et al., 2001; Chapman et al., 2004). static parameters. They are affected by wherever organic matter occurs in the Formation and maintenance of these tectonic activity, sedimentation, chang- presence of a suitable microbial consor- deposits require rapid methane fl ux and es in sea level, and changes in ocean tium (Davie and Buffett, 2001). Offset- many of these deposits show geochemi- temperature. As one example, Figure 3 ting methane production are microbial cal indicators of thermogenic gas that demonstrates how uplift or changes in processes that consume methane (e.g., has migrated from subseafl oor depths sea level will affect the GHSZ (Pecher et Boetius et al., 2000; Orphan et al., 2001a, greater than 2 km. al., 1998, 2001). Similarly, an increase in 2001b; Luff et al., 2005). Within marine A critical factor in formation of gas the temperature of deep-ocean water will sediments, anaerobic oxidation of meth- hydrates is the concentration of meth- thin the GHSZ, although such tempera- ane (AOM) by sulfate is largely respon- ane with respect to methane solubility ture changes require thousands of years sible for the methane-free zone found in the sediment pore water, which is a to propagate into sediments (Xu, 2004; from the seafl oor to subseafl oor depths function of temperature and pressure Mienert et al., 2005; Bangs et al., 2005). as great as hundreds of meters in some (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974). Methane



Seawater Hydrate BSR Depth Stability Free Gas BSR BSRP

Hydrate & Sediment BSR Sediment

Initial Condition Tectonic Uplift or Thermodynamic Sea Level Fall Re-equilibration Figure 3. Eff ect on gas hydrate stability of tectonic uplift or sea level fall. Th e resultant decrease in pressure will, in either case, result in destabilization of any gas hydrate present near the base of the former gas hydrate stability zone. If the gas hydrate content in this zone is high enough, this may re- sult in large pore pressures and induce slope instability or initiation of “gas chimneys.” In some cases, this gas hydrate dissociation leaves a “paleoBSR”

(BSRp) in the geologic record. After Bangs et al. (2005).

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 127 solubility varies with depth as shown in ment to a more shallow depth. (Tréhu et al., 2004a; Claypool et al., in Figure 4. Methane hydrate will form only Pore fl uid composition is another dy- press). These feedbacks—between pore- where the concentration of methane in namic parameter that affects gas hydrate water composition and availability, and the pore water exceeds solubility. In most (Handa, 1990). Briny fl uids originating gas hydrate formation and stability—are environments, no gas hydrate is present with salt deposits inhibit gas hydrate most important where methane fl ux is near the top of the GHSZ because the stability in some settings (e.g., Gulf of rapid and probably do not signifi cantly concentration of methane is low, due to Mexico, Ruppel et al., 2005). In other affect gas hydrate dynamics on a global AOM and to diffusion of methane into cases, the process of forming gas hydrate, scale. Locally, though, these factors may the ocean, where the concentration of whose clathrate structure excludes salts, be important in permitting the migra- dissolved methane is very low (Claypool may increase the salinity of pore wa- tion of free gas through the GHSZ (Liu and Kaplan, 1974). Because solubility ters (Milkov et al., 2004a; Torres et al., and Flemings, 2006). generally decreases as water depth de- 2004a, 2005; Milkov and Xu, 2005; Liu Ocean drilling results have highlighted creases (Figure 4B), gas hydrate forma- and Flemings, 2006). Another complica- the importance of lithology (the composi- tion can result from tectonic uplift of tion may arise in low-permeability sedi- tion, grain size, and shape of sediment sediment and depressurization of pore ments, where gas hydrate formation may particles) in controlling where and how water as it migrates through the sedi- stall as all available water is consumed gas hydrate precipitates (e.g., Ginsberg et

A.Temperature (°C) B. CH4 (mM) 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 100 150 200 seafloor 0 BGHS Methane solubility GHSZ 3000 GHOZ Methane 500 concentration

1000 BGHS geother Water 3500 stability Depth (m below sea level) Depth (m below depth m seafloor) Depth (m below 1500 3000 m free gas 1500 m 800 m 2000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 Mass fraction of methane (kg/kg)

Figure 4. (A) Th e relationship among the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), the zone in which gas hydrate actually occurs (GHOZ), the free gas zone, and the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHS) calculated for a case in which methane is supplied from below in sediments of uniform permeability (after Xu and Ruppel, 1999). Methane concentration depends on the model and will be diff erent for models with local biogenic generation of methane (Davie and Buff ett, 2001). Th e geotherm (dashed red line) intersects the theoretical methane hydrate stability curve (black line) at the BGHS. In the case shown here, the methane concentration is below solubility at the base of the stability zone, where solubility is largest, and near the seafl oor, where methane is typically consumed through sulfate reduction and AOM. As the methane fl ux in- creases to a critical value, the gas hydrate and free gas zones will expand downward and upward, respectively. (B) Eff ect of water depth on meth- ane solubility. As a parcel of sediment is uplifted from 3000 to 800 meters below seafl oor in an accretionary complex, methane solubility de- creases by a factor of two (G. Claypool, U.S. Geological Survey, retired, personal communication, 2000). Similarly, solubility will decrease as pore water is expelled upwards as a result of sediment compaction.

128 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 al., 2000; Weinberger et al., 2005; Expedi- aqueous fl uids through the GHSZ (Fig- essential precursor for drilling expedi- tion 311 Scientists, 2005), as predicted ure 6). The geologic setting controls rates tions. The geophysical data are used to based on models of capillary forces (e.g., of fl uid fl ow and the amount of methane identify suitable drill sites and provide Clennell et al., 1999; Henry et al., 1999) available for gas hydrate formation. Rich, the supporting geological context for the and laboratory studies of gas hydrate for- shallow gas hydrate deposits form near sites. Drilling data, in turn, are used to mation in different sediments (Santama- the seafl oor only where geologic struc- calibrate and validate models for gas hy- rina et al., 2004). In natural systems, gas ture focuses methane. Lithology, fracture drate distribution derived from remote- hydrate preferentially forms in coarse- distribution and pore-space geometry sensing data. grained sediments (Figure 5A). In fi ne- also impact fl uid fl ow and gas hydrate The most widely used geophysical grained sediments, gas hydrate tends to nucleation and growth, and thus control indicator for gas hydrate is a distinctive form discrete veins and lenses (Figure 5B) the fi ne-scale gas hydrate distribution. seismic refl ection known as the Bottom- and often concentrates in zones with Simulating Reflection (BSR) because it slightly enhanced permeability (e.g., dia- REMOTE SENSING roughly follows the shape of the seafl oor tom-rich layers; Kraemer et al., 2000). Geophysical surveys are a primary tool and cross-cuts refl ections from dipping In summary, it is clear that many pro- for detecting the presence of gas hydrate sedimentary strata (Figure 7). This re- cesses affect migration of free gas and in marine sediments and represent an fl ection occurs close to the predicted


Figure 5. Examples of gas hydrate recovered by ODP and IODP drilling. (A) Gas hydrate recov- ered during Expedition 311, cementing sand adjacent to hydrate-free clay from 44.85 mbsf. (B) A 1-cm-thick gas hydrate lens with thin gas hydrate veins recovered during Leg 204, Site 1248, from 7.37 mbsf. Th is sample contained an anoma- lous amount of propane (Shipboard Scientifi c Par- ty, 2003). (C) Massive gas hydrate from Leg 204, from 1.20 mbsf. B. C.

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 129 A. i ii iii iv v vi vii seeps chemosynthetic community seep ar sediment pond slide sc slump

faults SALT high permeability strata free gas BSR fluid migration pathways

B. seep 1 2 3 BSR Accreted, underthrust, Accr Accreting se 4 eting sediment duplexed sediment. 5 diment Fluid expulsion vertically

Depth (km) 6 and seaward. Subducted sediment 7 8 Dup Subducted oceanic crust lexing? 9

6.25 0 6.25 12.5 18.75 25 Distance from deformation front (km)

Figure 6. (A) Schematic of gas hydrate dynamics on continental margins; particular features at diff erent locations in the cross section are keyed to the letters at the top of the diagram (Figure after Ge et al. [2002] and Nimblett and Ruppel [2003]). (i) Lack of BSR due to subcritical methane fl ux (Xu and Ruppel, 1999). (ii) Focused fl ow in high-permeability layers and trapping of gas beneath the BSR at a bathymetric high. Th e BSR may trap underlying free gas due to permeabil- ity sealing by gas hydrate or free gas. (iii) Faults that cut the BSR and perturb fl uid fl ow enough to slightly aff ect the BSR or that are merely pervasive and located entirely within the GHSZ are often observed in marine gas hydrate provinces and serve as the loci of concentrated hydrate deposits, particularly when the sur- rounding sediments have very low permeability (e.g., Tréhu et al., 2004a; Wilson and Ruppel, 2005). (iv) Major faults that tap into deeper free gas deposits can produce seafl oor cold seeps and are sometimes associated with seafl oor chemosynthetic communities that are sustained by methane emission. Th e BSR can be upwarped (e.g., Zwart et al., 1996) or completely absent (e.g., Wood et al., 2002) immediately adjacent to these seeps, which are found on both active and pas- sive continental margins. (v) Very rapid sedimentation or erosion can alter the hydrate stability fi eld. In this example, very rapid sedimentation has stranded the BSR at anomalously great depth because thermal equilibration did not keep pace with sedimentation. (vi) Some submarine slides have a temporal associa- tion with sea-level variations and a spatial association with gas hydrates. (vii) Salt diapirs are often accommodated by large faults and typically perturb both sediment thermal structure and pore-water chemistry, which in turn aff ect gas hydrate stability and the position of the BSR. Chimneys tapping into deep levels within the sediments can feed chemosynthetic communities at these locations. (B) Schematic illustration of mechanisms for delivering methane to the GHSZ in an accretionary complex. Sediments that are deposited on the abyssal plain are tectonically thickened by sediment subduction and accretion, leading to dewa- tering in excess of the amount induced by normal sedimentation, increasing the volume of sediment available for generation of methane that an migrate into the GHSZ. Th is environment also results in many anticlines and faults that serve as gas traps and conduits, respectively. Slumping and rapid sedimentation in slope basins overlying the accretionary complex are also common in this tectonic setting.

130 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 base of the GHSZ and has characteristics ments over large regions include con- Gas hydrate is subject to rapid dis- consistent with layering of higher-ve- trolled-source electromagnetic sounding sociation when recovered from the locity over lower-velocity material. The (e.g., Edwards, 1997; Yuan and Edwards, seafl oor in conventional (non-pressur- BSR is thus interpreted to result from the 2000; Weitemeyer et al., 2005), seafl oor ized) cores. Estimates of gas hydrate velocity contrast between gas-hydrate- compliance (Willoughby and Edwards, abundance and distribution in the sub- bearing strata and strata containing free 1997; Willoughby et al., 2005), and surface must therefore often rely on gas (Tucholke et al., 1977; Shipley et al., ocean-bottom seismology, which permits proxies of varying accuracy and resolu- 1979). Gas hydrate has, however, been analysis of seismic shear waves as well as tion. Proxies for gas hydrate include: documented where no BSR is observed pressure waves (e.g., Hobro et al., 2005; total gas volumes from pressure-core (e.g., Mathews and von Huene, 1985; Spence et al., 1995; Westbrook et al., samples; geochemical measurements Paull et al., 1996), so although the pres- 2005; Backus et al., 2006). such as pore-water–dissolved chloride ence of a BSR is a strong indicator that Near-seafloor deposits of gas hydrate (Cl-) concentration; core temperatures at least a small amount of gas hydrate is present particular challenges for widely measured with scanning infrared (IR) present, the lack of a BSR does not imply spaced, regional geophysical survey tech- cameras; geophysical logs; and vertical that gas hydrate is absent. niques. These deposits require specifi c seismic profi les. The fi rst two techniques Although many attempts have been geologic structures to generate the re- provide accurate but incomplete esti- made to determine the amount of gas quired rapid methane fl ux and are often mates of the gas hydrate content of the hydrate and underlying free gas by mod- of limited spatial extent. An important subsurface because they represent only eling BSR waveforms (e.g., Singh et al., exploratory mapping tool for these de- a small fraction of the sediment within 1993; Korenaga et al., 1997; Yuan et al., posits, which appear as highly refl ective the GHSZ. The latter three approaches 1999; Tinivella and Accaino, 2000), these patches when they breach the seafl oor, is provide good spatial coverage, but algo- efforts contain large uncertainties. Even a surface or deep-towed side-scan reflec- rithms for quantifying gas hydrate from small amount of free gas has a large ef- tivity (e.g., Carson et al., 1994; Johnson the observations must be calibrated and fect on seismic velocity (e.g., Ostrander, et al., 2003; Roberts et al., 2006). This verifi ed by other techniques. Geophysi- 1984), whereas the effect of gas hydrate technique rapidly images large patches of cal logs provide the only means of ob- on seismic velocity depends strongly on seafl oor. Interpreting such data requires taining high-resolution data at in situ the microscale distribution of gas hy- distinguishing “brightness anomalies” conditions from the entire borehole, drate and its relationship to the sediment representing gas hydrate deposits from including those intervals for which sedi- grains (e.g., Dvorkin and Nur, 1993; Hel- those associated with seafl oor topogra- ment is not recovered. Moreover, many gerud, 1999). Calibration of estimates of phy, changes in sediment type, and sea- geophysical parameters (e.g., seismic gas hydrate and free gas amounts derived fl oor mineral deposits, features that may velocity, electrical resistivity, density) from seismic data is restricted to a few or may not be related to the presence of depend on the sediment fabric, which places where downhole logging data and gas hydrates (Roberts and Carney, 1997). changes as pressure is released. coincident samples constrain the het- erogeneity of gas distribution in marine LOGGING AND CORING Pressure Cores sediments. Laboratory studies of gas Direct information about the abundance Pressure cores provide the only means hydrate formation in marine sediments and distribution of gas hydrate in marine of recovering all of the gas present at in also provide important information for sediments can only be obtained by drill- situ conditions, including gas dissolved calibrating remote-sensing efforts (e.g., ing. Coring allows for recovery and anal- in the pore water, free gas bubbles, and Yun et al., 2005). ysis of subsurface samples, while logging gas trapped in gas hydrate. Assuming Other techniques that have the po- techniques permit measurement of in that various gas phases (gas hydrate, free tential to identify and quantify the gas situ geophysical and geochemical param- gas, and dissolved gas) are at equilibrium hydrate and free-gas content of sedi- eters along the length of the borehole. conditions prior to core recovery, the

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 131 A. 994 995 997 2700 1000 m 0


200 (mbsf) Depth 3000 300 Site 400 BSR 3300 500 Depth (mbsl) ReG 600

700 1400 1600 1800 Vp (m/s) 3600

B. Site 1250 1250 1249 (projected) 775 Vp (m/s)

bubbles 1200 1600 2000 pinnacle 250 m 800 0

Vp from VSP

850 Vp from sonic log (mbsf) Depth Vs from sonic log

100 BSR

Depth (mbsl) 925

A ReG BSRR 200 Horizon A 300 400 500 1000 vii

Vs (m/s)

Figure 7. (A) Single channel seismic profi le across the crest of the Blake Ridge showing locations of Sites 994, 995, and 997, drilled during ODP Leg 164. Seismic velocity profi les at the three sites from vertical seismic profi les are shown on the right (from Holbrook et al., 1996). Note the absence of a BSR at Site 994. Here, the methane fl ux is such that the base of gas hydrate and the top of free gas are separated by a depth range in which the methane concentration is too low to allow gas hydrate formation near the base of the GHSZ as defi ned by in situ temperature and pressure. ReG – refl ectivity enhanced by the presence of free gas; mbsl – meters below sea level; mbsf – meters below seafl oor; Vp – velocity of seismic P-waves. (B) Vertical slice extracted from a three-dimensional (3D) seis- mic survey of southern Hydrate Ridge in the Cascadia accretionary complex. Sites 1249 and 1250, near the summit of the structure, are shown on this slice. Th e velocity of seismic P and S waves determined by sonic logs (red and grey lines) and a vertical seismic profi le (blue line) at Site 1250 is shown on the right. A BSR is apparent on both seismic profi les at a depth of ~ 475 mbsf beneath Blake Ridge and ~ 120 mbsf beneath southern Hydrate Ridge. Th e light pink shading on both profi les delimits DLF deposits in which gas hydrate occupies 2–8 percent of the pore space, on average (Dickens et al., 1997; Holbrook et al., 1996; Tréhu et al., 2004b), with locally greater gas hydrate content controlled by lithology (e.g., Ginsberg et al., 2000; Kraemer et al., 2000; Tréhu et al., 2004b; Weinberger et al., 2005). At southern Hydrate Ridge, a FHF deposit is superimposed on the regional DLF deposit (dark pink shading). Th e gas hydrate content of this deposit appears to be ~ 25 percent of the total sediment volume (Tréhu et al., 2004b). Modeling suggests that an abundant supply of free gas is needed to form this deposit (Torres et al., 2004a). A decrease in P-wave velocity to ~ 1400 m/s below the BSR at all the sites shown in this fi gure indicates the presence of free gas (Holbrook et al., 1996; Tréhu et al., 2006). Extremely low P- and S-wave velocities associated with Horizon A support the conclusion that it contains enough free gas to result in high gas pressures, which can drive free gas into and through the GHSZ (Tréhu et al., 2004a).

132 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 BOX 1: RECENT ADVANCES IN PRESSURE CORING amount of gas hydrate present within the Pressure cores are critical for understanding the fi ne-scale structure of gas-hydrate- core can be determined by measuring bearing sediments and the physical and chemical conditions within these sediments. the total amount of gas released from the In the past few years, new pressure coring systems have been developed and fi eld tested to provide this information and to constrain the total amount of gas present in core as pressure is released and compar- situ. Th ese new systems include the HYACINTH pressure corers (HYACE rotary corer ing the in situ gas concentration to the in and Fugro pressure core) that have been used on several ODP and IODP expeditions situ gas saturation assuming that in situ (Shipboard Scientifi c Party, 2003; Expedition 311 Scientists, 2005; Schultheiss et al., porosity is known (Dickens et al., 1997). 2006) and during JIP Gulf of Mexico drilling, and the PTCS (Pressure-Temperature Cor- The fi rst in situ gas-concentration mea- ing System), a three-meter-long pressure corer developed by the Japanese National Oil surements were collected at Blake Ridge Corporation (JNOC) for use drilling gas hydrates in the Nankai accretionary complex during ODP Leg 164 (Dickens et al., off shore Japan (Takahashi and Tsuji, 2005). Th e HYACINTH pressure coring systems 1997) using the Pressure Core Sampler have the unique ability to transfer the core under pressure to shipboard or shore- (PCS) developed by ODP. Similar data based analysis equipment for further study at in situ hydrostatic pressure. have now been generated from boreholes A pressurized Multi-Sensor Core Logger has been developed specifi cally to make in other regions using the same fi rst- noninvasive, continuous measurements of physical properties (Shipboard Scientifi c generation tool (e.g., Milkov et al., 2003). Party, 2003) on cores recovered and maintained at in situ hydrostatic pressure. Cur-

As the only direct measurement of the rent instrument capabilities include acoustic velocity (Vp), gamma density, and X-ray amount of gas in a core, these measure- imaging (Expedition 311 Scientists, 2005). Th e addition of X-ray and gamma-density analysis to traditional pressure coring system (PCS) cores has improved quantitative ments provide critical information to estimates of gas hydrate in these cores by better constraining sediment volume and test estimates of gas hydrate content ob- sediment density, and by providing a temporal history of gas void creation during and tained by other means, but provide little after depressurization (Figure 8A). Combined with the X-rays, these analyses provide information on length scales shorter unique information on fi ne-scale gas hydrate structures (Abegg et al., in press; Expedi- than a core length (generally 1 m). Be- tion 311 Scientists, 2005). cause information on the fi ne-scale dis- Discrete point measurements, collected by placing sensors in direct contact with tribution is critical for development of the sediment through holes drilled into the core liner without ever releasing the pres- models to interpret downhole geophysi- sure on the cores were fi rst conducted on the JIP Gulf of Mexico drilling expedition cal logs and remote sensing data (e.g. in 2005 (Yun et al., 2006). Th e fi rst generation of measurements included seismic ve-

Dvorkin and Nur, 1993; Helgerud et al., locities (Vp and Vs), electrical properties, and shear strength. Mechanical properties 1999), considerable effort has been ex- in particular cannot be accurately measured on conventional cores at atmospheric pended in recent years to develop new pressure due to the substantial disruption of sediment fabric by the coring and de- pressure coring systems that permit de- pressurization process. Th is problem is exacerbated in hydrate-bearing sediments by tailed analysis of physical properties at in the release of gas and water during dissociation of the hydrate. Pressure cores main- tain the hydrostatic, but not eff ective, stress on the sediments, and future physical situ conditions (Box 1; Figure 8A). properties measurements on pressure cores will be most valuable if eff ective stress can Existing pressure coring tools con- be restored (Yun et al., 2006). In the meantime, even the data on cores held at in situ sume considerable time and labor to hydrostatic pressures are critically important for calibrating estimates of gas hydrate deploy and de-gas. Consequently, only a concentrations obtained from analysis of remote sensing data. small percentage of the sediment column While gas hydrate investigations are the primary driver for the development of can be sampled using these tools. these pressure coring and analysis techniques, other scientists can benefi t from tech- niques that preserve hydrostatic pressure and the geochemistry of the solid and fl uid Geochemical Proxies sediment phases. Microbial growth experiments are being conducted using deep sedi- Several geochemical proxies have been ments that have never been depressurized, but instead have been retrieved, subsam- developed to estimate the in situ gas pled, and transferred into enrichment vessels under in situ pressure (R.J. Parkes, Cardiff hydrate content of sediment cores. The University, personal communication, 2006). As pressure coring tools mature, more most widely used is based on measure- disciplines will be able to take advantage of samples returned at in situ conditions.

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 133 Concentration of CH (mM) RAB - Hole 1244D A. B. C.4 D. 47 100 150 200 Resistivity (m) 0 Low HIgh HYACINTH Hydrate Image orientation N S N Core 1244E-8Y 48 20 pore 66 30 water 49 Core 1244E-7H Core 40 100 67 BSR 50 50 Depth (mbsf) Depth Depth (mbsf) Depth Depth (mbsf) Depth 68 60 Dissolved 51 gas 70 69 200 80 Distance along the core (cm) along the core Distance 52 Free gas 70 90

71 100 53 1.5 1.7 1.9 Density (gm/cm3) pore water 300 72 Cl data from Hole 1244B; Run 1 54 Run 12 Pressure core data from Holes 1244B, C and E

Run 16 1244E-9H Core 55 460 500 540 Cl- (mM)

Figure 8. (A) Gamma density profi les of a HYACINTH pressure core for ODP Leg 204 as pressure was released (Shipboard Scientifi c Party, 2003). Layers of very low density develop with time as gas hydrate lenses decompose in response to decreasing pressure. (B) Infrared image of several m of core on either side of the HYACINTH pressure core. Dark horizontal lines represent cold anomalies (6–8°C) resulting from gas hydrate decomposition; yellow lines represent warm anom- alies (12–14°C) resulting from voids due to gas expansion. Th e approximate thickness and spacing of pore-water samples illustrates the relationship between the scale length of heterogeneities in the apparent gas hydrate distribution relative to pressure core and pore-water samples. (C) Cl- concentration measured in ODP Hole 1244C. If the envelope of the data is assumed to represent the background Cl- concentration (smooth black line), the low Cl- anomalies imply that the pore space contained up to 9 percent gas hydrate in the anomalous samples. Methane concentration from pressure-core data (red squares) is overlain on the Cl- data along with the hydrate phase diagram (red lines). Two pressure cores at this site likely contained gas hydrate. Th e amount of gas hydrate at this site, averaged over the thickness of the gas hydrate occurrence zone, is 2–8 percent (Tréhu et al., 2004b). (D) Resistivity-at-bit (RAB) data from LWD operations in ODP Hole 1244D. A detail from 66–73 mbsf is shown, as well as an image of the entire hole. Bright regions (high resistivity) are indicative of gas hydrate when they also correspond to low-density zones. Th e detail shows considerable azimuthal variation in gas hydrate distribution, suggesting that the gas hydrate forms in steeply dipping faults and fractures in this interval (Janik et al., 2003; Weinberger and Brown, 2006).

ment of dissolved Cl- in pore fl uids drate precipitation. When cores are re- intervals along the core (Figure 8B, C), squeezed from sediment (e.g., Hesse covered from depth, however, gas hydrate with fi ner sampling in regions of spe- and Harrison, 1981; Paull et al., 1996; will dissociate, adding fresh water to pore cial interest (e.g., Tréhu et al., 2004b; Shipboard Scientifi c Party, 2003; Expedi- space and diluting dissolved ions, includ- Expedition 311 Scientists, 2005). An- tion 311 Scientists, 2005). Like ice, gas ing Cl-. One limitation of this technique other limitation is uncertainty about the hydrate incorporates water but excludes is the time required to extract pore water background chloride content of the pore dissolved ions during formation. With from the sediment and accurately mea- water, which can be affected by many dif- time, excess dissolved ions will advect or sure pore water Cl- concentration, which ferent processes (e.g., Egeberg and Dick- diffuse away from the location of gas hy- has limited routine sampling to ~ 5-m ens, 1999; Davie and Buffett, 2001; Torres

134 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 et al., 2004b). For example, alteration of Weinberger et al., 2005; Expedition 311 and sediment grains (e.g., Helgerud et volcanogenic sediments may increase Scientists, 2005). The resulting thermal al., 1999; Yun et al., 2005) or the use of background chloride (Martin et al., 1995; images (e.g., Figure 8B) guide shipboard empirical Archie parameters (e.g., Col- Riedel et al., 2005), whereas clay dehydra- sampling of sediment intervals for de- lett and Ladd, 2000). Spatial resolution tion, opal formation, and dissociation of tailed studies of pore waters and litholo- of these techniques is such that they pro- gas hydrate left beneath the base of the gies associated with gas-hydrate-bearing vide unique information on the hetero- GHSZ during upward migration of the intervals or for storage in liquid nitrogen geneous distribution of hydrate through stability zone can freshen pore waters or in pressure vessels (for later analysis comparison of data obtained in closely (e.g., Egeberg and Dickens, 1999; Davie of gas hydrate structures). spaced, laterally offset holes (Collett et and Buffett, 2001; Ussler and Paull, 2001; al., 2004) and through acquisition of Torres et al., 2004b). Downhole Geophysical Logs 360-degree images of variation in physi- The methane-ethane ratio of gas ex- Downhole geophysical logs have been cal parameters around the circumfer- solved from pore water is another proxy used to record data on the ephemeral ence of single borehole (e.g., Collett and that shows some promise for quantify- properties of methane hydrates since Ladd, 2000; Janik et al., 2003). ing the amount of gas hydrate present in DSDP Leg 84 (Mathews, 1986) and have situ and for understanding gas hydrate been acquired at all sites where gas hy- Vertical Seismic Profiles dynamics (Milkov et al., 2004b). Ethane drates have been detected during ODP Vertical seismic profi les (VSPs) link data fractionation effects that distinguish and IODP. The use of logging-while- obtained by drilling to regional seismic ethane-enriched Structure-I gas hydrate drilling (LWD) technology, which ob- refl ection data, thus calibrating algo- solids from ethane-depleted dissolved tains logs immediately after drilling and rithms to quantify gas hydrate volume gas may also be useful to reconstruct before the sediments are affected by using remote-sensing techniques. VSP upward migration of the base of the gas thermal perturbations associated with data have been important for constrain- hydrate stability fi eld in the past (Clay- coring, is especially important for meth- ing the amount of free gas present be- pool et al., in press). ane hydrate and gas-bearing sediments neath the GHSZ (e.g., MacKay et al., (Goldberg, 1997) where core recovery 1994; Holbrook et al., 1996; Tréhu et al., Infrared Cameras may be poor. LWD has recently been in press) and for defi ning patterns of Infrared cameras were fi rst introduced used as a reconnaissance tool to identify velocity anisotropy that can be related during ODP Leg 201 (Ford et al., 2003) thin hydrate-bearing layers to be targeted to mechanisms for gas migration (e.g., and have been used since ODP Leg 204 by subsequent coring and sampling (e.g., Haacke, 2005). Seismic impedance in- to image all core recovered from within Shipboard Scientifi c Party, 2003, Expe- version based on core and logging data or near the GHSZ. Gas hydrate dissocia- dition 311 Scientists, 2005). The most has also been used to determine regional tion is strongly endothermic, produc- robust logging indicators of in situ meth- gas hydrate concentrations away from ing temperature anomalies in cores that ane hydrate are elevated electrical resis- boreholes (e.g., Dai et al., 2004; Belle- can be several degrees colder than adja- tivity (Figure 8D) and acoustic velocities fl eur et al., 2006). Although impedance cent sediments. These cold spots were (Figure 7) that coincide with low gamma inversion must be carefully calibrated, detected using individual temperature ray density values (e.g., Mathews, 1986; it is a powerful tool for regional gas hy- probes on ODP Leg 164 (e.g., Paull et Collett, 1993; Guerin et al., 1999; Guerin drate concentration estimates and re- al., 1996), but track-mounted infrared and Goldberg, 2002; Goldberg et al., source assessments. cameras now permit rapid, systematic 2004). As for other remote-sensing tech- scanning of all cores to identify gas-hy- niques, quantitative estimates of gas In Situ Temperature Measurements drate-bearing intervals and estimate gas hydrate concentrations from log data In situ temperature measurements ac- hydrate distribution and concentration require assumptions about the micro- quired with special downhole tools that (Tréhu et al., 2004b; Long et al., 2004; structural arrangement of gas hydrate measure equilibrium formation tem-

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 135 perature provide an important direct characteristics of FHF and DLF gas hy- Although many of these gas hydrate oc- constraint on the state of the gas hydrate drate systems based on lessons learned currences were originally identifi ed by reservoir (Ruppel, 2000). The fi rst com- from recent drilling expeditions to three seafl oor imaging, some have been found plete set of relatively closely spaced in contrasting continental margin environ- by serendipity. For example, massive gas situ temperature measurements within ments: (1) Blake Ridge, which is domi- hydrate mounds offshore Vancouver Is- a GHSZ was acquired to depths of nantly a DLF system with secondary land, Canada, were fi rst discovered when ~ 385 mbsf (meters below seafl oor) on salt and focused venting; (2) the Gulf of fi shermen trawling for ground fi sh ac- Blake Ridge (Ruppel, 1997). The results Mexico, which is dominated by FHF de- cidentally dredged up some in their nets revealed a thermal gradient up to 30 per- posits infl uenced by the presence of deep (Spence et al., 2001). cent lower than that predicted based on hydrocarbon and evaporite deposits; and Although these seafl oor gas hydrate conventional heat-fl ow data and a BSR (3) Cascadia, where both regimes coexist deposits may constitute only a small temperature lower than the theoreti- but evaporite deposits are absent, high- percentage of the total amount of gas cal base of gas hydrate stability by 0.5 lighting dynamic effects of ion accumu- hydrate present in marine sediments, to 2.9°C. In the Cascadia accretionary lation in the pore water during rapid gas they represent the most accessible and complex, the observed BSR depth is con- hydrate formation. best-studied deposits and are usually sistent with the base of GHSZ predicted accompanied by complex fauna (e.g., for methane in seawater at hydrostatic Focused, High-Flux Gas Hydrate Kulm et al., 1986; MacDonald et al., pressure within the uncertainty of in Deposits 1989; Fisher et al., 2000; Van Dover et al., situ temperature and BSR depth esti- Mounds of gas hydrates have been di- 2003) that depend on a food chain based mates (Tréhu, in press; Expedition 311 rectly observed at the seafl oor during on symbiotic microorganisms similar Scientists, 2005). submersible dives and by using deep- to those found at hydrothermal vents. towed cameras and remotely operated In most cases that have been studied in DISTRIBUTION AND DYNAMICS vehicles (ROV) at many sites around detail, the gas within these near-seafl oor Gas hydrate deposits can be classifi ed the world, including the Gulf of Mexico deposits contains a mixture of biogenic into end-member regimes based on the (e.g., MacDonald et al., 1994; Roberts and thermogenic gas, indicating that the mechanisms that control gas transport and Carney, 1997), Cascadia (e.g., Suess gas has been transported from depths into the GHSZ, although both regimes et al., 2001; Spence et al., 2001; Torres et of several kilometers below seafl oor operate simultaneously in many regions. al., 2002; Tryon et al., 2002; Chapman et through geological structures that focus In focused, high-flux (FHF) gas hydrate al., 2004), the Blake Ridge Diapir (Van gas from a large volume of deeply buried systems, methane from a large volume Dover et al., 2003), Central America sediments. The presence of longer-chain of sediment is concentrated through (e.g., Grevemeyer et al., 2004), the Black hydrocarbons, such as propane, can also focused fl uid fl ow in well-defi ned con- Sea (e.g., Klaucke et al., 2006), and the result in the formation of rare forms of duits. In distributed, low-flux (DLF) Arctic Ocean (Vogt et al., 1997). Vigor- Structure-II or even Structure-H gas hy- systems, most of the methane available ous expulsion of gas bubbles into the drate (e.g., Sassen et al., 2001; Pohlman for gas hydrate formation is generated ocean is often observed above the sea- et al., 2005) as well as the more common near where the gas hydrate is formed, fl oor hydrate mounds, even when the Structure-I hydrate (Sloan, 1998). and fl uid fl ow is pervasive. FHF systems mound lies within the thermodynamic FHF deposits that extend to tens are associated with rich, localized hy- gas hydrate stability fi eld (e.g., MacDon- of meters below the seafl oor have drate deposits near the seafl oor, whereas ald et al., 1994, 2005; Heeschen et al., been drilled at the Blake Ridge Diapir DLF systems result in the broadly dis- 2003). The gas discharge, which is often (Site 996 of ODP Leg 164), in Cascadia tributed gas hydrates that are widespread episodic, provides evidence for the dy- during ODP Legs 146 (Site 892 at North in marine sediments on continental namic processes that lead to the forma- Hydrate Ridge) and 204 (Sites 1248– margins. In this section, we discuss the tion of massive hydrate near the seafl oor. 1250 at South Hydrate Ridge), and IODP

136 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 Expedition 311 (Site 1328 at the “Bulls- transport-dominated hydrate deposits. occurrence of transport-dominated gas eye” vent; Expedition 311 Scientists, Overpressures due to topography and hydrate deposits at seafl oor mounds, the 2005), and in the Gulf of Mexico (Atwa- rapid sedimentation (Dugan and Flem- Gulf of Mexico also has elements that lie ter Valley vents, GoM-JIP; Kastner et al., ings, 2000) certainly also contribute to fi rmly within the DLF end member of 2005). At South Hydrate Ridge, gas that fl ow at many sites. gas hydrate deposits. supplies seafl oor vents is focused towards Models of DLF gas hydrate prov- the crest of an anticline by an anoma- Distributed Low-Flux Gas Hydrate inces predict that gas hydrate concen- lously coarse-grained, volcanic-ash-rich Deposits and Effects of Lithology trations are maximal near the base of stratigraphic horizon in which free gas Gas hydrate deposits generated by dis- the GHSZ (Hyndman and Davis, 1992; saturation reaches 90 percent, leading to tributed low-fl ux methane transport and Rempel and Buffett, 1998; Xu and Rup- high gas pressures immediately beneath in situ microbial methane production are pel, 1999). This result may in part refl ect the GHSZ (Tréhu et al., 2004a). Here, generally characterized by relatively low the assumption of upward fl uid advec- methane appears to migrate in the free concentrations (a few percent of pore tion in these models and the form of the gas phase, and the aqueous fl uid fl ux is space) of gas hydrate averaged over the methane solubility curve (Nimblett and low as constrained by in situ tempera- GHSZ (e.g., Lorenson et al., 2000; Tréhu Ruppel, 2003), which has an infl ection ture data (Torres et al., 2004a; Tréhu, in et al., 2004b). Even in regions dominated at the hydrate-free gas phase boundary press). In northern Cascadia (IODP Ex- by DLF, however, fl uid advection is still (Figure 4). Although logging and VSP pedition 311), localized vertical fl ow of critical for the delivery of methane-bear- results for Blake Ridge suggest higher warm aqueous pore fl uid has been sug- ing fl uids to the GHSZ. As demonstrated concentrations of gas hydrate near the gested (Wood et al., 2002). However, the by Xu and Ruppel (1999), the diffusion BSR, the inferred concentration of gas upwarping of the BSR predicted by this of such fl uids is simply too slow to per- hydrate within the stability zone is far model is not observed in seismic data mit the formation of substantial thick- from uniform. Even within the relatively and in situ temperature measurements nesses of gas hydrate over reasonable homogeneous sediments of Blake Ridge, do not reveal perturbation of the GHSZ geologic timescales unless rates of in situ small variations in permeability induced beneath the shallow hydrate deposit microbial methane production are high- by variations in grain size (Ginsberg (Riedel et al., 2002; Expedition 311 Sci- er than is generally thought to be likely et al., 2000) and local concentration of entists, 2005), suggesting that the near- (Davie and Buffett, 2001). diatom tests (Kraemer et al., 2000), lead seafl oor hydrate may be a relict of an Blake Ridge, with its relatively low- to greater gas hydrate concentrations in earlier episode of fl uid fl ow. In the Gulf permeability, homogeneous sediments some thin horizons at relatively shallow of Mexico and at the Blake Ridge Dia- and tectonically quiescent setting, rep- depths within the GHSZ. In addition to pir, lateral changes in thermal regimes resents an end-member DLF system for such lithologically induced permeabil- or pore-water salinity, particularly near homogeneous, fi ne-grained sediments. ity variations, the permeability regime dissolving, high-thermal-conductivity, The pervasive BSR observed in the Cas- is modulated by very fi ne scale, steeply buried salt structures, can lead to com- cadia accretionary complex also results dipping faults (e.g., Rowe and Gettrust, plex fl ow patterns (e.g., Ruppel et al., from distributed low-fl ux fl uid fl ow. In 1993), which appear to concentrate gas 2005) and focusing of fl uids in chimneys recent years, it has become clear that hydrate within this DLF hydrate prov- beneath near-seafl oor hydrate deposits some of the undisturbed sedimentary ince (Wood and Ruppel, 2000). (e.g., Hornbach et al., 2005). Numerical sections in salt-withdrawal basins of the In Cascadia, where the sediments modeling studies (Wilson and Ruppel, northern Gulf of Mexico probably also hosting gas hydrates include highly 2005) show that faults in such systems host low concentrations of gas hydrate deformed accretionary complex sedi- are the locus of very rapid fl ux relative to with methane of entirely biogenic origin ments and turbidite-fi lled slope basins, the surrounding sediment, precisely the (Hutchinson et al., 2004). Thus, despite lithologic variation is greater than on condition required to produce localized, its overall thermogenic character and the Blake Ridge and gas hydrate distribu-

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec. 2006 137 tion is strongly infl uenced by perme- • Gas hydrate occurs even in locations ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ability variations induced by lithologic where no BSR can be recognized. We acknowledge the opportunities that variations (Weinberger et al., 2005) and Remote-sensing techniques under ODP, IODP, and the JIP have provided fractures controlled by the local effective development may hold promise for for contributing to the knowledge of gas stress (Weinberger and Brown, 2006). identifying gas-hydrate-bearing sedi- hydrates through participation in ocean Infrared thermal imagery and high-reso- ments without relying exclusively on drilling. Support for these seagoing pro- lution chloride measurements document the presence of a BSR. grams and for shore-based research on many examples in which gas hydrate is • Multiple proxies are required to con- resulting samples has been provided by confi ned to sandy layers but absent from strain the distribution and concentra- the National Science Foundation, the the adjacent clay- and silt-rich sediments tion of gas hydrate in natural systems. U.S. Science Support Program admin- (Expedition 311 Scientists, 2005). Where New tools under development will istered by the Joint Oceanographic In- silty and sandy layers are absent, gas hy- continue to enhance our capacity to stitutions, Inc., the U.S. Department of drate forms discrete veins and lenses of study in situ gas hydrate deposits and Energy, and the many international part- nearly pure gas hydrate that are millime- recovered cores. Of particular note are ners who help to support ocean drilling. ters to centimeters thick, rather than oc- new advances in laboratory imaging C.R. was on appointment at and wholly cupying sediment pore space (Shipboard (infrared, computerized tomography supported by the National Science Foun- Scientifi c Party, 2003; Abegg et al., in and X-ray scanning), LWD, pressure dation during completion of this paper, press; Expedition 311 Scientists, 2005). coring, and the physical testing of re- and the ideas expressed here represent covered cores under in situ pressure. those of the authors, not the National SUMMARY • Fluid fl ow that focuses methane from Science Foundation. The last decade has seen tremendous a large volume of sediment and re- advances in understanding marine gas sults in transport of methane over REFERENCES hydrate reservoirs, due principally to large distances results in locally high Abegg, F., G. Bohrmann, and W. Kuhs. In press. 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