Who Read the Romances of Chivalry? 211 the Immediate Sources of These Observations Need Not Concern As Here
l lVH0 READ THE ROMANCES OF CHIVALRY? By Dimiel Eisenberg jgE ROMANCES OF CHIVALRY WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT of the nresent discussion are those which were written in Castilian in jjje sixteenth century. The conclusions should also be valid for Tirante el Blanco, Amadís de Gaula, and the Sergas de Esplandián, gil of which were probably considered to be sixteenth-century Castilian works by the readers of the period. Specifically excluded are those short works, of the fifteenth century or earlier, translated into Spanish, such as Oliveros de Castilla, Partinuplés de Bles, or Enrique fi de Oliva; they are quite different works, and to a degree were translated and published for a different public. (They are scarcely mentioned in the Quijote.) In any event, they do not form parí of Spanish literature.2 i Tbis article was read in the Spanish 2 section of the December, 1972 meeting of the Modera Language Association of America. Its researcfa was greatly facilitated by the Smith Fund and the University Research Council of the University of North Carolina, and by the Brown University Library. 1 would like to express my appreciation to Keith Whinnom, Merritt Cox, and James Burke for reading this paper and making helpful suggestions; to Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce for his assistance with sections of the Appendix; and to Ricardo Arias for permitting the Hispanic Society of America to make o copy of Rosián de Castilla for my examination. 2 These works, printed in large quantities at modest pnces, are lumped together as "menudencias" in the book order reproduced by Irving Leonard, "Best Sellers of the Lima Book Trade, 1583," HÁHR, 22 (1942), 30-31, and elsewhere; it is, of course, to them that Julio Caro Baroja, Ensayo sobre la literatura de cordel (Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1969), pp.
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